access   A subject’s ability to view, modify, or communicate with an object. Access enables the flow of information between the subject and the object.

access control   Mechanisms, controls, and methods of limiting access to resources to authorized subjects only.

access control list (ACL)   A list of subjects that are authorized to access a particular object. Typically, the types of access are read, write, execute, append, modify, delete, and create.

access control mechanism   Administrative, physical, or technical control that is designed to detect and prevent unauthorized access to a resource or environment.

accountability   A security principle indicating that individuals must be identifiable and must be held responsible for their actions.

accredited   A computer system or network that has received official authorization and approval to process sensitive data in a specific operational environment. There must be a security evaluation of the system’s hardware, software, configurations, and controls by technical personnel.

acquisition   The act of acquiring an asset. In organizational processes, this can mean either acquiring infrastructure (e.g., hardware, software, services) or another organization.

administrative controls   Security mechanisms that are management’s responsibility and referred to as “soft” controls. These controls include the development and publication of policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines; the screening of personnel; security-awareness training; the monitoring of system activity; and change control procedures.

aggregation   The act of combining information from separate sources of a lower classification level that results in the creation of information of a higher classification level that the subject does not have the necessary rights to access.

Agile development   An umbrella term for several development methodologies that focus on incremental and iterative development methods and promote cross-functional teamwork and continuous feedback mechanisms.

annualized loss expectancy (ALE)   A dollar amount that estimates the loss potential from a risk in a span of a year.

single loss expectancy (SLE) × annualized rate of occurrence (ARO) = ALE

annualized rate of occurrence (ARO)   The value that represents the estimated possibility of a specific threat taking place within a one-year timeframe.

antimalware   Software whose principal functions include the identification and mitigation of malware; also known as antivirus, although this term could be specific to only one type of malware.

artificial intelligence (AI)   A multidisciplinary field concerned with how knowledge is organized, how inference proceeds to support decision-making, and how systems learn.

asset   Anything that is useful or valuable to an organization.

assurance   A measurement of confidence in the level of protection that a specific security control delivers and the degree to which it enforces the security policy.

asymmetric key cryptography   A cryptographic method that uses two different, or asymmetric, keys (also called public and private keys).

attribute-based access control (ABAC)   An access control model in which access decisions are based on attributes of any component of or action on the system.

audit   A systematic assessment of significant importance to the organization that determines whether the system or process being audited satisfies some external standards.

audit trail   A chronological set of logs and records used to provide evidence of a system’s performance or activity that took place on the system. These logs and records can be used to attempt to reconstruct past events and track the activities that took place, and possibly detect and identify intruders.

authentication   Verification of the identity of a subject requesting the use of a system and/or access to network resources. The steps to giving a subject access to an object should be identification, authentication, and authorization.

authorization   Granting a subject access to an object after the subject has been properly identified and authenticated.

availability   The reliability and accessibility of data and resources to authorized individuals in a timely manner.

back door   An undocumented way of gaining access to a computer system. After a system is compromised, an attacker may load a program that listens on a port (back door) so that the attacker can enter the system at any time. A back door is also referred to as a maintenance hook.

back up   Copy and move data to a medium so that it may be restored if the original data is corrupted or destroyed. A full backup copies all the data from the system to the backup medium. An incremental backup copies only the files that have been modified since the previous backup. A differential backup backs up all files since the last full backup.

baseline   The minimum level of security necessary to support and enforce a security policy.

Bell-LaPadula model   A formal security model for access control that enforces the confidentiality of data (but not its integrity) using three rules: simple security, star property (*-property), and strong star property.

Biba model   A formal security model for access control that enforces data integrity (but not confidentiality) using three rules: the *-integrity axiom (referred to as “no write up”), the simple integrity axiom (referred to as “no read down”), and the invocation property.

biometrics   When used within computer security, identifies individuals by physiological characteristics, such as a fingerprint, hand geometry, or pattern in the iris.

blacklist (or deny list)   A set of known-bad resources such as IP addresses, domain names, or applications.

breach attack simulation   An automated system that launches simulated attacks against a target environment and then generates reports on its findings.

brute-force attack   An attack that continually tries different inputs to achieve a predefined goal, which can be used to obtain credentials for unauthorized access.

business continuity (BC)   Practices intended to keep the organization in business after a major disruption takes place.

business impact analysis (BIA)   A functional analysis in which a team collects data through interviews and documentary sources; documents business functions, activities, and transactions; develops a hierarchy of business functions; and applies a classification scheme to indicate each individual function’s criticality level.

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)   A process model that captures the organization’s maturity and fosters continuous improvement.

certificate authority (CA)   A trusted third party that vouches for the identity of a subject, issues a certificate to that subject, and then digitally signs the certificate to assure its integrity.

certification   The technical evaluation of the security components and their compliance for the purpose of accreditation. A certification process can use safeguard evaluation, risk analysis, verification, testing, and auditing techniques to assess the appropriateness of a specific system processing a certain level of information within a particular environment. The certification is the testing of the security component or system, and the accreditation is the approval from management of the security component or system.

challenge/response method   A method used to verify the identity of a subject by sending the subject an unpredictable or random value. If the subject responds with the expected value in return, the subject is authenticated.

change management   A business process aimed at deliberately regulating the changing nature of business activities such as projects.

chosen-ciphertext attack   A cryptanalysis technique in which the attacker can choose the ciphertext to be decrypted and has access to the resulting decrypted plaintext, with the goal of determining the key that was used for decryption.

chosen-plaintext attack   A cryptanalysis technique in which the attacker has the plaintext and ciphertext, but can choose the plaintext that gets encrypted to see the corresponding ciphertext in an effort to determine the key being used.

CIA triad   The three primary security principles: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Sometimes also presented as AIC: availability, integrity, and confidentiality.

ciphertext   Data that has been encrypted and is unreadable until it has been converted into plaintext.

ciphertext-only attack   A cryptanalysis technique in which the attacker has the ciphertext of one or more messages, each of which has been encrypted using the same encryption algorithm and key, and attempts to discover the key used in the encryption process.

Clark-Wilson model   An integrity model that addresses all three integrity goals: prevent unauthorized users from making modifications, prevent authorized users from making improper modifications, and maintain internal and external consistency through auditing. A distinctive feature of this model is that it focuses on well-formed transactions and separation of duties.

classification   A systematic arrangement of objects into groups or categories according to a set of established criteria. Data and resources can be assigned a level of sensitivity as they are being created, amended, enhanced, stored, or transmitted. The classification level then determines the extent to which the resource needs to be controlled and secured and is indicative of its value in terms of information assets.

cleartext   In data communications, describes the form of a message or data that is transferred or stored without cryptographic protection.

cloud access security broker (CASB)   A system that provides visibility and security controls for cloud services, monitors user activity in the cloud, and enforces policies and controls that are applicable to that activity.

cloud computing   The use of shared, remote computing devices for the purpose of providing improved efficiencies, performance, reliability, scalability, and security.

code review   A systematic examination of the instructions that comprise a piece of software, performed by someone other than the author of that code.

collusion   Two or more people working together to carry out a fraudulent activity. More than one person would need to work together to cause some type of destruction or fraud; this drastically reduces its probability.

compensating controls   Alternative controls that provide similar protection as the original controls but have to be used because they are more affordable or allow specifically required business functionality.

compliance   Verifiable adherence to applicable laws, regulations, policies, and standards. The term is typically used to refer to compliance with governmental regulations.

compromise   A violation of the security policy of a system or an organization such that unauthorized disclosure or modification of sensitive information occurs.

confidentiality   A security principle that works to ensure that information is not disclosed to unauthorized subjects.

configuration management   An operational process aimed at ensuring that systems and controls are configured correctly and are responsive to the current threat and operational environments.

containerization   A type of virtualization in which individual applications run in their own isolated user space (called a container), which allows for more efficient use of computing resources.

content distribution network   Multiple servers distributed across a large region, each of which provides content that is optimized for users closest to it. These networks are used not only to improve the user experience but also to mitigate the risk of denial-of-service attacks.

continuous improvement   The practice of constantly measuring, analyzing, and improving processes.

continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)   Processes and technologies that allow source code to be integrated, tested, and prepared for delivery to production environments as soon as a change to the code is submitted.

continuous monitoring   Maintaining ongoing awareness of information security, vulnerabilities, and threats to support organizational risk management decisions.

control   A policy, method, technique, or procedure that is put into place to reduce the risk that a threat agent exploits a vulnerability. Also called a countermeasure or safeguard.

control zone   The space within a facility that is used to protect sensitive processing equipment. Controls are in place to protect equipment from physical or technical unauthorized entry or compromise. The zone can also be used to prevent electrical waves carrying sensitive data from leaving the area.

converged protocols   Protocols that started off independent and distinct from one another but over time converged to become one.

copyright   A legal right that protects the expression of ideas.

corrective controls   Controls that fix components or systems after an incident has occurred.

cost/benefit analysis   An assessment that is performed to ensure that the cost of a safeguard does not outweigh the benefit of the safeguard. Spending more to protect an asset than the asset is actually worth does not make good business sense. All possible safeguards must be evaluated to ensure that the most security-effective and cost-effective choice is made.

countermeasure   A policy, method, technique, or procedure that is put into place to reduce the risk that a threat agent exploits a vulnerability. Also called a safeguard or control.

covert channel   A communications path that enables a process to transmit information in a way that violates the system’s security policy.

covert storage channel   A covert channel that involves writing to a storage location by one process and the direct or indirect reading of the storage location by another process. Covert storage channels typically involve a resource (for example, sectors on a disk) that is shared by two subjects at different security levels.

covert timing channel   A covert channel in which one process modulates its system resource (for example, CPU cycles), which is interpreted by a second process as some type of communication.

cryptanalysis   The practice of breaking cryptosystems and algorithms used in encryption and decryption processes.

cryptography   The science of secret writing that enables storage and transmission of data in a form that is available only to the intended individuals.

cryptology   The study of cryptography and cryptanalysis.

cryptosystem   The hardware or software implementation of cryptography.

data at rest   Data that resides in external or auxiliary storage devices such as hard disk drives, solid-state drives, or optical discs.

data classification   Assignments to data that indicate the level of availability, integrity, and confidentiality that is required for each type of information.

data controller   A senior leader that sets policies with regard to the management of the data life cycle, particularly with regard to sensitive data such as personal data.

data custodian   An individual who is responsible for the maintenance and protection of the data. This role is usually filled by the IT department (usually the network administrator). The duties include performing regular backups of the data; implementing and maintaining security controls; periodically validating the integrity of the data; restoring data from backup media; retaining records of activity; and fulfilling the requirements specified in the organization’s security policy, standards, and guidelines that pertain to information security and data protection.

data in transit (or data in motion)   Data that is moving between computing nodes over a data network such as the Internet.

data in use   Data that temporarily resides in primary storage such as registers, caches, or RAM while the CPU is using it.

data loss (or leak) prevention (DLP)   The actions that organizations take to prevent unauthorized external parties from gaining access to sensitive data.

data mining   The analysis of the data held in data warehouses in order to produce new and useful information.

data owner   The person who has final responsibility of data protection and would be the one held liable for any negligence when it comes to protecting the organization’s information assets. The person who holds this role—usually a senior executive within the management group—is responsible for assigning a classification to the information and dictating how the information should be protected.

data processor   Any person who carries out operations (e.g., querying, modifying, analyzing) on data under the authority of the data controller.

data remanence   A measure of the magnetic flux density remaining after removal of the applied magnetic force, which is used to erase data. Refers to any data remaining on magnetic storage media.

data subject   The person about whom the data is concerned.

data warehousing   The process of combining data from multiple databases or data sources into a large data store for the purpose of providing more extensive information retrieval and data analysis.

declassification   An administrative decision or procedure to remove or reduce the security classification of information.

defense in depth   A secure design principle that entails the coordinated use of multiple security controls in a layered approach.

degauss   Process that demagnetizes magnetic media so that a very low residue of magnetic induction is left on the media. Used to effectively erase data from media.

Delphi technique   A group decision method used to ensure that each member of a group gives an honest and anonymous opinion pertaining to what the result of a particular threat will be.

denial of service (DoS)   Any action, or series of actions, that prevents a system, or its resources, from functioning in accordance with its intended purpose.

detective controls   Controls that help identify an incident’s activities and potentially an intruder.

DevOps   The practice of incorporating development, IT, and quality assurance (QA) staff into software development projects to align their incentives and enable frequent, efficient, and reliable releases of software products.

DevSecOps   The integration of development, security, and operations professionals into a software development team. It’s DevOps with the security team added in.

dial-up   The service whereby a computer terminal can use telephone lines, usually via a modem, to initiate and continue communication with another computer system.

dictionary attack   A form of attack in which an attacker uses a large set of likely combinations to guess a secret, usually a password.

digital certificate   A mechanism used to associate a public key with a collection of components in a manner that is sufficient to uniquely identify the claimed owner. The most commonly used standard for digital certificates is the International Telecommunications Union’s X.509.

Digital Rights Management (DRM)   A set of technologies that is applied to controlling access to copyrighted data.

digital signature   A hash value that has been encrypted with the sender’s private key.

disaster recovery (DR)   The set of practices that enables an organization to minimize loss of, and restore, mission-critical technology infrastructure after a catastrophic incident.

disaster recovery plan (DRP)   A plan developed to help an organization recover from a disaster. It provides procedures for emergency response, extended backup operations, and post-disaster recovery when an organization suffers a loss of computer processing capability or resources and physical facilities.

discretionary access control (DAC)   An access control model and policy that restricts access to objects based on the identity of the subjects and the groups to which those subjects belong. The data owner has the discretion of allowing or denying others access to the resources it owns.

Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3)   A communications protocol designed for use in SCADA systems, particularly those within the power sector, that does not include routing functionality.

domain   The set of objects that a subject is allowed to access. Within this domain, all subjects and objects share a common security policy, procedures, and rules, and they are managed by the same management system.

due care   The precautions that a reasonable and competent person would take in a given situation.

due diligence   The process of systematically evaluating information to identify vulnerabilities, threats, and issues relating to an organization’s overall risk.

duress   The use of threats or violence against someone in order to force them to do something they don’t want to do.

dynamic application security testing (DAST)   Also known as dynamic analysis, the evaluation of a program in real time, while it is running.

edge computing   A distributed system in which some computational and data storage assets are deployed close to where they are needed in order to reduce latency and network traffic.

egress monitoring   Maintaining awareness of the information that is flowing out of a network, whether it appears to be malicious or not.

electronic discovery (e-discovery)   The process of producing for a court or external attorney all electronically stored information pertinent to a legal proceeding.

electronic vaulting   The transfer of backup data to an offsite location. This process is primarily a batch process of transmitting data through communications lines to a server at an alternative location.

elliptic curve cryptography   A cryptographic method that uses complex mathematical equations (plotted as elliptic curves) that are more efficient than traditional asymmetric key cryptography but also much more difficult to cryptanalyze.

emanations   Electrical and electromagnetic signals emitted from electrical equipment that can transmit through the airwaves. These signals carry information that can be captured and deciphered, which can cause a security breach. These are also called emissions.

embedded system   A self-contained, typically ruggedized, computer system with its own processor, memory, and input/output devices that is designed for a very specific purpose.

encryption   The transformation of plaintext into unreadable ciphertext.

end-of-life (EOL)   The point in time when a manufacturer ceases to manufacture or sustain a product.

end-of-support (EOS)   The point in time when a manufacturer is no longer patching bugs or vulnerabilities on a product, which is typically a few years after EOL.

endpoint   A networked computing device that initiates or responds to network communications.

endpoint detection and response (EDR)   An integrated security system that continuously monitors endpoints for security violations and uses rules-based automated response and analysis capabilities.

end-to-end encryption   A technology that encrypts the data payload of a packet.

ethical disclosure   The practice of informing anyone who might be affected by a discovered vulnerability as soon as feasible, so a patch can be developed before any threat actors become aware of the vulnerability.

exposure   An instance of being exposed to losses from a threat. A weakness or vulnerability can cause an organization to be exposed to possible damages.

exposure factor   The percentage of loss a realized threat could have on a certain asset.

failover   A backup operation that automatically switches to a standby system if the primary system fails or is taken offline. It is an important fault-tolerant function that provides system availability.

fail-safe   A functionality that ensures that when software or a system fails for any reason, it does not compromise anyone’s safety. After a failure, a fail-safe electronic lock might default to an unlocked state, which would prevent it from interfering with anyone trying to escape in an emergency.

fail-secure   A functionality that ensures that when software or a system fails for any reason, it does not end up in a vulnerable state. After a failure, a fail-secure lock might default to a locked state, which would ensure the security of whatever it is protecting.

federated identity management (FIM)   The management of portable identities, and their associated entitlements, that can be used across business boundaries.

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)   A converged protocol that allows Fibre Channel frames to ride over Ethernet networks.

firmware   Software instructions that have been written into read-only memory (ROM) or a programmable ROM (PROM) chip.

forensic artifact   Anything that has evidentiary value.

formal verification   Validating and testing of highly trusted systems. The tests are designed to show design verification, consistency between the formal specifications and the formal security policy model, implementation verification, consistency between the formal specifications, and the actual implementation of the product.

full-interruption test   A type of security test in which a live system or facility is shut down, forcing the recovery team to switch processing to an alternate system or facility.

gamification   The application of elements of game play to other activities such as security awareness training.

gateway   A system or device that connects two unlike environments or systems. The gateway is usually required to translate between different types of applications or protocols.

guidelines   Recommended actions and operational guides for users, IT staff, operations staff, and others when a specific standard does not apply.

handshaking procedure   A dialog between two entities for the purpose of identifying and authenticating the entities to one another. The dialog can take place between two computers or two applications residing on different computers. It is an activity that usually takes place within a protocol.

high-performance computing (HPC)   The aggregation of computing power in ways that exceed the capabilities of general-purpose computers for the specific purpose of solving large problems.

honeynet   A network of honeypots designed to keep adversaries engaged (and thus under observation) for longer than would be possible with a single honeypot.

honeypot   A network device that is intended to be exploited by attackers, with the administrator’s goal being to gain information on the attackers’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).

identification   A subject provides some type of data to an authentication service. Identification is the first step in the authentication process.

Identity as a Service (IDaaS)   A type of Software as a Service (SaaS) offering that normally provides single sign-on (SSO), federated identity management (IdM), and password management services.

identity management (IdM)   A broad term that encompasses the use of different products to identify, authenticate, and authorize users through automated means. It usually includes user account management, access control, credential management, single sign-on (SSO) functionality, managing rights and permissions for user accounts, and auditing and monitoring all of these items.

industrial control system (ICS)   Information technology that is specifically designed to control physical devices in industrial processes. The two main types of ICS are distributed control systems (DCSs) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The main difference between them is that a DCS controls local processes while SCADA is used to control things remotely.

inference   The ability to derive information not explicitly available.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)   A cloud computing model that provides users unfettered access to a cloud device, such as an instance of a server, which includes both the operating system and the virtual machine on which it runs.

Integrated Product Team (IPT)   A multidisciplinary software development team with representatives from many or all the stakeholder populations.

integrity   A security principle that makes sure that information and systems are not modified maliciously or accidentally.

Internet of Things (IoT)   The global network of connected, uniquely addressable, embedded systems.

Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)   A converged protocol that encapsulates SCSI data in TCP segments in order to allow peripherals to be connected to computers across networks.

intrusion detection system (IDS)   Software employed to monitor and detect possible attacks and behaviors that vary from the normal and expected activity. The IDS can be network based, which monitors network traffic, or host based, which monitors activities of a specific system and protects system files and control mechanisms.

intrusion prevention system (IPS)   An intrusion detection system (IDS) that is also able to take actions to stop a detected intrusion.

IP Security (IPSec)   A suite of protocols that was developed to specifically protect IP traffic. It includes the Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocols.

isolation   The containment of processes in a system in such a way that they are separated from one another to ensure integrity and confidentiality.

job rotation   The practice of ensuring that, over time, more than one person fulfills the tasks of one position within the organization. This enables the organization to have staff backup and redundancy, and helps detect fraudulent activities.

just in time (JIT) access   A provisioning methodology that elevates users to the necessary privileged access to perform a specific task.

Kerberos   A client/server authentication protocol based on symmetric key cryptography that is the default authentication mechanism in Microsoft Active Directory environments.

kernel   The core of an operating system, manages the machine’s hardware resources (including the processor and the memory) and provides and controls the way any other software component accesses these resources.

key   A discrete data set that controls the operation of a cryptography algorithm. In encryption, a key specifies the particular transformation of plaintext into ciphertext, or vice versa, during decryption. Keys are also used in other cryptographic algorithms, such as digital signature schemes and keyed-hash functions (also known as HMACs), which are often used for authentication and integrity.

keystroke monitoring   A type of auditing that can review or record keystrokes entered by a user during an active session.

known-plaintext attack   A cryptanalysis technique in which the attacker has the plaintext and corresponding ciphertext of one or more messages and wants to discover the key used to encrypt the message(s).

least privilege   The secure design principle that requires each subject to be granted the most restrictive set of privileges needed for the performance of authorized tasks. The application of this principle limits the damage that can result from accident, error, or unauthorized use.

Li-Fi   A wireless networking technology that uses light rather than radio waves to transmit and receive data.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)   A directory service based on a subset of the X.500 standard that allows users and applications to interact with a directory.

link encryption   A type of encryption technology that encrypts packets’ headers, trailers, and the data payload. Each network communications node, or hop, must decrypt the packets to read their addresses and routing information and then re-encrypt the packets. This is different from end-to-end encryption.

machine learning (ML)   Systems that acquire their knowledge, in the form of numeric parameters (i.e., weights), through training with data sets consisting of millions of examples. In supervised learning, ML systems are told whether or not they made the right decision. In unsupervised training they learn by observing an environment. Finally, in reinforcement learning they get feedback on their decisions from the environment.

maintenance hook   Instructions within a program’s code that enable the developer or maintainer to enter the program without having to go through the usual access control and authentication processes. Maintenance hooks should be removed from the code before it is released to production; otherwise, they can cause serious security risks. Also called a back door.

malware   Malicious software. Code written to perform activities that circumvent the security policy of a system. Examples are viruses, malicious applets, Trojan horses, logic bombs, and worms.

mandatory access control (MAC)   An access policy that restricts subjects’ access to objects based on the security clearance of the subject and the classification of the object. The system enforces the security policy, and users cannot share their files with other users.

message authentication code (MAC)   In cryptography, a generated value used to authenticate a message. A MAC can be generated by HMAC or CBC-MAC methods. The MAC protects both a message’s integrity (by ensuring that a different MAC will be produced if the message has changed) and its authenticity, because only someone who knows the secret key could have modified the message.

microsegmentation   The practice of isolating individual assets (e.g., data servers) in their own protected network environment.

microservice   An architectural style that consists of small, decentralized, loosely coupled, individually deployable services built around business capabilities.

multifactor authentication (MFA)   Authentication mechanisms that employ more than one factor. Factors are something a person knows (e.g., password), something a person has (e.g., a hardware token), and something a person is (e.g., biometrics).

multilayer protocol   A protocol that works across multiple layers of the OSI model.

multilevel security   A class of systems containing information with different classifications. Access decisions are based on the subject’s security clearances, need to know, and formal approval.

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)   A converged data communications protocol designed to improve the routing speed of high-performance networks.

need to know   A security principle stating that users should have access only to the information and resources necessary to complete their tasks that fulfill their roles within an organization. Need to know is commonly used in access control criteria by operating systems and applications.

network detection and response (NDR)   Systems that monitor network traffic for malicious actors and suspicious behavior, and react and respond to the detection of cyberthreats to the network.

nonrepudiation   A service that ensures the sender cannot later falsely deny sending a message or taking an action.

OAuth   An open standard for authorization (not authentication) to third parties that lets users authorize a web system to use something that they control at a different website.

object   A passive entity that contains or receives information. Access to an object potentially implies access to the information that it contains. Examples of objects include records, pages, memory segments, files, directories, directory trees, and programs.

onboarding   The process of turning a candidate into a trusted employee who is able to perform all assigned duties.

one-time pad   A method of encryption in which the plaintext is combined with a random “pad,” which should be the same length as the plaintext. This encryption process uses a nonrepeating set of random bits that are combined bitwise (XOR) with the message to produce ciphertext. A one-time pad is a perfect encryption scheme because it is unbreakable and each pad is used exactly once, but it is impractical because of all of the required overhead.

Open System Interconnection (OSI) model   A conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system along seven layers in which each layer relies on services provided by the layer below it and provides services to the layer above it.

OpenID Connect   A simple authentication layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol that allows transparent authentication and authorization of client resource requests.

password   A sequence of characters used to prove one’s identity. It is used during a logon process and should be highly protected.

patent   A grant of legal ownership given to an individual or organization to exclude others from using or copying the invention covered by the patent.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)   An information security standard for organizations that are involved in payment card transactions.

penetration testing   A method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by simulating an attack that a malicious hacker would carry out. Pen testing is performed to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

personnel security   The procedures that are established to ensure that all personnel who have access to sensitive information have the required authority as well as appropriate clearances. Procedures confirm a person’s background and provide assurance of necessary trustworthiness.

physical controls   Controls that pertain to controlling individual access into the facility and different departments, locking systems and removing unnecessary USB and optical drives, protecting the perimeter of the facility, monitoring for intrusion, and checking environmental controls.

physical security   Controls and procedures put into place to prevent intruders from physically accessing a system or facility. The controls enforce access control and authorized access.

piggyback   Unauthorized access to a facility or area by using another user’s legitimate credentials or access rights.

plaintext   In cryptography, the original readable text before it is encrypted.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)   A cloud computing model that provides users access to a computing platform but not to the operating system or to the virtual machine on which it runs.

preventive controls   Controls that are intended to keep an incident from occurring.

privacy   A security principle that protects an individual’s information and employs controls to ensure that this information is not disseminated or accessed in an unauthorized manner.

privacy by design   A secure design principle that ensures privacy of user data is an integral part of the design of an information system, not an afterthought or later-stage feature.

procedure   Detailed step-by-step instructions to achieve a certain task, which are used by users, IT staff, operations staff, security members, and others.

protocol   A set of rules and formats that enables the standardized exchange of information between different systems.

public key encryption   A type of encryption that uses two mathematically related keys to encrypt and decrypt messages. The private key is known only to the owner, and the public key is available to anyone.

public key infrastructure (PKI)   A framework of programs, procedures, communication protocols, and public key cryptography that enables a diverse group of individuals to communicate securely.

qualitative risk analysis   A risk analysis method that uses opinion and experience to judge an organization’s exposure to risks. It uses scenarios and ratings systems. Compare to quantitative risk analysis.

quantitative risk analysis   A risk analysis method that attempts to use percentages in damage estimations and assigns real numbers to the costs of countermeasures for particular risks and the amount of damage that could result from the risk. Compare to qualitative risk analysis.

quantum key distribution (QKD)   A system that generates and securely distributes encryption keys of any length between two parties.

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)   A security service that authenticates and authorizes dial-up users and is a centralized access control mechanism.

recovery point objective (RPO)   The acceptable amount of data loss measured in time.

recovery time objective (RTO)   The maximum time period within which a mission-critical system must be restored to a designated service level after a disaster to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a break in business continuity.

reference monitor concept   An abstract machine that mediates all access subjects have to objects, both to ensure that the subjects have the necessary access rights and to protect the objects from unauthorized access and destructive modification.

registration authority (RA)   A trusted entity that establishes and confirms the identity of an individual, initiates the certification process with a CA on behalf of an end user, and performs certificate life-cycle management functions.

reliability   The assurance of a given system, or individual component, performing its mission adequately for a specified period of time under the expected operating conditions.

remote journaling   A method of transmitting changes to data to an offsite facility. This takes place as parallel processing of transactions, meaning that changes to the data are saved locally and to an offsite facility. These activities take place in real time and provide redundancy and fault tolerance.

repudiation   When the sender of a message denies sending the message. The countermeasure to this is to implement digital signatures.

residual risk   The remaining risk after the security controls have been applied. The conceptual formulas that explain the difference between total risk and residual risk are

threats × vulnerability × asset value = total risk

(threats × vulnerability × asset value) × controls gap = residual risk

risk   The likelihood of a threat agent taking advantage of a vulnerability and the resulting business impact. A risk is the loss potential, or probability, that a threat will exploit a vulnerability.

risk analysis   A detailed examination of the components of risk that is used to ensure that security is cost-effective, relevant, timely, and responsive to threats.

risk assessment   A method of identifying vulnerabilities and threats and assessing the possible impacts to determine where to implement security controls.

risk management   The process of identifying and assessing risk, reducing it to an acceptable level, and implementing the right mechanisms to maintain that level of risk.

risk-based access control   An authorization mechanism that estimates the risk associated with a particular request in real time and, if it doesn’t exceed a given threshold, grants the subject access to the requested resource.

role-based access control (RBAC)   Type of access control model that provides access to resources based on the role the user holds within the organization or the tasks that the user has been assigned.

rule-based access control (RB-RBAC)   Type of access control model that uses specific rules that indicate what can and cannot happen between a subject and an object; built on top of traditional RBAC and is thus commonly called RB-RBAC to disambiguate the otherwise overloaded RBAC acronym.

safeguard   A policy, method, technique, or procedure that is put into place to reduce the risk that a threat agent exploits a vulnerability. Also called a countermeasure or control.

sandboxing   A type of control that isolates processes from the operating system to prevent security violations.

scoping   The process of taking a broader standard and trimming out the irrelevant or otherwise unwanted parts.

secure defaults   A secure design principle that entails having every system start off in a state where security trumps user friendliness and functionality, and then has controls deliberately relaxed to enable additional features and generally make the system more user friendly.

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)   An XML standard that allows the exchange of authentication and authorization data to be shared between security domains.

security awareness   The knowledge and attitude of an individual concerning likely threats.

security control   Any measure taken by an organization to mitigate information security risks.

security evaluation   Assesses the degree of trust and assurance that can be placed in systems for the secure handling of sensitive information.

security information and event management (SIEM)   A software platform that aggregates security information and security events and presents them in a single, consistent, and cohesive manner.

security label   An identifier that represents the security level of an object.

security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR)   Integrated systems that enable more efficient security operations through automation of various workflows.

security testing   Testing all security mechanisms and features within a system to determine the level of protection they provide. Security testing can include penetration testing, formal design and implementation verification, and functional testing.

sensitive information   Information that would cause a negative effect on the organization if it were lost or compromised.

sensitivity label   A piece of information that represents the security level of an object. Sensitivity labels are used as the basis for mandatory access control (MAC) decisions.

separation of duties   A secure design principle that splits up a critical task among two or more individuals to ensure that one person cannot complete a risky task by himself.

serverless architecture   A computing architecture in which the services offered to end users, such as compute, storage, or messaging, along with their required configuration and management, can be performed without a requirement from the user to set up any server infrastructure.

service level agreement (SLA)   A contract between a service provider and a service user that specifies the minimum acceptable parameters of the services being provided.

shared responsibility   A secure design principle that addresses situations in which a service provider is responsible for certain security controls, while the customer is responsible for others.

shoulder surfing   When a person looks over another person’s shoulder and watches keystrokes or watches data as it appears on the screen in order to uncover information in an unauthorized manner.

simple security property   A Bell-LaPadula security model rule that stipulates that a subject cannot read data at a higher security level.

single loss expectancy (SLE)   A monetary value that is assigned to a single event that represents the organization’s potential loss amount if a specific threat were to take place.

asset value × exposure factor = SLE

single sign-on (SSO)   A technology that allows a user to authenticate one time and then access resources in the environment without needing to reauthenticate.

social engineering   The act of tricking another person into providing confidential information by posing as an individual who is authorized to receive that information.

Software as a Service (SaaS)   A cloud computing model that provides users access to a specific application that executes in the service provider’s environment.

Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM)   A maturity model that is specifically focused on secure software development and allows organizations of any size to decide their target maturity levels within each of five critical business functions.

software-defined networking (SDN)   An approach to networking that relies on distributed software to provide improved agility and efficiency by centralizing the configuration and control of networking devices.

software-defined security (SDS or SDsec)   A security model in which security functions such as firewalling, IDS/IPS, and network segmentation are implemented in software within an SDN environment.

spoofing   Presenting false information, usually within packets, to trick other systems and hide the origin of the message. This is usually done by hackers so that their identity cannot be successfully uncovered.

standards   Rules indicating how hardware and software should be implemented, used, and maintained. Standards provide a means to ensure that specific technologies, applications, parameters, and procedures are carried out in a uniform way across the organization. They are compulsory.

star property (*-property)   A Bell-LaPadula security model rule that stipulates that a subject cannot write data to an object at a lower security level.

static application security testing (SAST)   A technique, also called static analysis, that identifies certain software defects or security policy violations by examining the source code without executing the program.

subject   An active entity, generally in the form of a person, process, or device, that causes information to flow among objects or that changes the system state.

supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)   A system for remotely monitoring and controlling physical systems such as power and manufacturing plants.

supply chain   An interconnected network of interdependent suppliers and consumers involved in delivering some product or service.

symmetric key cryptography   A cryptographic method that uses instances of the same key (called the secret key) for encryption and decryption.

synthetic transaction   A transaction that is executed in real time by a software agent to test or monitor the performance of a distributed system.

tabletop exercise (TTX)   A type of exercise in which participants respond to notional events to test out procedures and ensure they actually do what they’re intended to and that everyone knows their role in responding to the events.

TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System)   A client/server authentication protocol that provides the same type of functionality as RADIUS and is used as a central access control mechanism mainly for remote users.

tailoring   The practice of making changes to specific provisions of a standard so they better address organizational requirements.

technical controls   Controls that work in software to provide availability, integrity, or confidentiality protection; also called logical access control mechanisms. Some examples are passwords, identification and authentication methods, security devices, auditing, and the configuration of the network.

test coverage   A measure of how much of a system is examined by a specific test (or group of tests), which is typically expressed as a percentage.

threat   A potential cause of an unwanted incident, which can result in harm to a system or organization.

threat intelligence   Evidence-based knowledge about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding responses to that menace or hazard.

threat modeling   The process of describing probable adverse effects on an organization’s assets caused by specific threat sources.

top-down approach   An approach in which the initiation, support, and direction for a project come from top management and work their way down through middle management and then to staff members.

topology   The physical construction of how nodes are connected to form a network.

total risk   The risk an organization faces if it chooses not to implement any type of safeguard.

trade secret   Something that is proprietary to a company and important for its survival and profitability.

trademark   A legal right that protects a word, name, product shape, symbol, color, or a combination of these used to identify a product or an organization.

transborder data flow (TDF)   The movement of machine-readable data across a political boundary such as a country’s border.

Trojan horse   A computer program that has an apparently or actually useful function, but that also contains hidden malicious capabilities to exploit a vulnerability and/or provide unauthorized access into a system.

trust but verify   A secure design principle that requires that even when an entity and its behaviors are trusted, they should be monitored and verified.

user   A person or process that is accessing a computer system.

user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)   Processes that determine normal patterns of behavior so that abnormalities can be detected and investigated.

user ID   A unique set of characters or code that is used to identify a specific user to a system.

validation   The act of performing tests and evaluations to test a system’s security level to see if it complies with security specifications and requirements.

Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VxLAN)   A network virtualization technology that encapsulates layer 2 frames onto UDP (layer 4) datagrams for distribution anywhere in the world.

virtualization   The practice of running a virtual computing system in an environment that is abstracted from the actual hardware.

virus   A small application, or string of code, that infects applications. The main function of a virus is to reproduce, and it requires a host application to do this. It can damage data directly or degrade system performance.

vulnerability   A weakness in a system that allows a threat source to compromise its security. It can be a software, hardware, procedural, or human weakness that can be exploited.

Waterfall methodology   A software development methodology that uses a strictly linear, sequential life-cycle approach in which each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next phase can begin.

whitelist (or allow list)   A set of known-good resources such as IP addresses, domain names, or applications.

work factor   The estimated time and effort required for an attacker to overcome a security control.

worm   An independent program that can reproduce by copying itself from one system to another. It may damage data directly or degrade system performance by tying up resources.

zero trust   A secure design principle that assumes that every entity is hostile until proven otherwise.

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