Able Health, 172

accomplishments, celebrating employees’, 85


of peers, 113–114

during rituals, 147

Adaptive Path, 36, 38, 107

Adobe, 11

advanced cues, 179

Airbnb, 6, 58, 195

Allen, Christopher, 136

Allen’s Number, 136

alumni, keeping in touch with, 193–194

Amazon, 168

AppDymanics, 120

aspirational cues, 165, 172–177

Autodesk, 11

avoiding confrontation, cost of, 73

baby boomers, perception of social community to, 189

basic cues, 178

behavioral immediate cues, 170–171

behaviors, 25, 73–103

as core of culture and key to business, 88

culture as result of, 79

cycle of poor, 74

defined, 24, 74

energy needed for good, 73–74

and Greenhouse plan, 84–86

growth mindset, 80–81

imitation of others’, 75–76

purpose and united, 86–88

Quick-Start for, 91–103

reassessing beliefs that inspire, 58

recognition of, fitting culture, 111

and recruitment/retention, 82

rewarding, 105–106, 114

and strategy, 76–79

substitute cultures in place of bad, 137

and values, 51

“Best Place to Work” (Forbes), 3

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 34

Brier, Noah, 54

Build-A-Bear Workshop, 12

Burning Man Project, 200

business objectives, 51

Capital One, 12

capitalism, 9, 16

Catalog Your Existing Recognition Programs (exercise), 125–131

The Chameleon Effect, 75

Cheese Club, 144–145


executive, 77

impact on DigitalOcean culture, 78

individual’s responsibility for, 189

command-and-control style of leadership, 15


as alternative to employees and customers, 195

culture design of, 198

culture’s role in, 196

guidance of organization vs. expression of, 201

Jewish, 170, 198, 200

questions for building, culture, 199

and relationships, 133

social, 189

company culture (see culture(s))

competition, 20

confrontation, cost of avoiding, 73

The Container Store, 12

continuous growth, 77

continuous improvement, 18

continuous learning, 76

corporate formalization, and informal P2P, 117

corporate ladder, personal branding and, 189

corporate values, 57

Credit Karma, 7, 143

cues, 27, 163–186

advanced, 179

aspirational, 165, 172–177

basic, 178

behavioral, 164, 170–174

defined, 24, 163

immediate, 165–166, 168–171

intermediate, 178

keeping track of, 180

physical, 164, 168–169, 175–177

Quick-Start for, 181–186

reinforcing organization’s purpose with, 165

rituals vs., 172–177

types of, 164–167

using platforms for, 172

culture(s) (See also future of culture)

as asset vs. liability, 11–12

and behaviors, 77–79, 84, 86, 88, 89, 111

boundaries of, 58–59

building an external, 198–201

and business stability/lift, 201–202

changes in, over time, 14–16

characteristics of great, 9

and cues, 172

defining, 13

design of, 23, 198, 201

as everyone’s job, 18–19

at Greenhouse Software, 94

importance of, 3–4

leaders and, 18

mapping characteristics for, 168

misconceptions about, 18

prioritizing, 193

and recognition, 106, 111, 113, 122

and rituals, 135–137, 141–142, 151, 153

substituting, for bad behaviors, 137

and values fit, 188

in Whole-Self Workplace, 189–190

Culture All-Stars, 52, 63–65, 93

The Culture Code, 6

culture education modules, 84

culture fit, 188

Culture LabX, 5–6, 8

culture maps, 168

The Culture Summit, 12

Decide What You Will Stop, Start, and Continue (exercise), 93–103

Delivering Happiness, 117, 119

Deloitte, 21

Delta, 12

Dennard, Jen, 141

design, of culture, 22, 198, 201

Design Center, 176

The Design Gym, 142

Design Your Company’s Physical and Behavioral Cues (exercise), 183–186

DigitalOcean, 76–79, 88

Disney, Roy, on making decisions, 50

domino effect, of engagement, 111, 113–114

dress code, 75

Dunbar, Robin, 135

Dunbar’s Number, 135–136

Duppins, Melanie, 113–114

emergent big group rituals, 146–148

emergent small group rituals, 143–145

employee resource groups (ERG), 152


attracting, 21, 82, 190

celebrating accomplishments of, 85

as communicators of cues, 172

and culture fit, 188

embracing large-scale initiatives, 111

evolution of company culture through, 172

and expectations of leaders, 190

highly engaged, feeling supported, 189

leadership roles for, 195

life cycle of, 82, 86, 191–194

living work values, 84

onboarding process for new, 85

redesigning experience of, 85

and rituals, 151

as support network, 190

employment, loyalty toward, 16–17

ERG (employee resource groups), 152

Esslinger, Hartmut, 176

executive coaching, on reflections, 77


Catalog Your Existing Recognition Programs, 125–131

Decide What You Will Stop, Start, and Continue, 93–103

Design Your Company’s Physical and Behavioral Cues, 183–186

Identify and Improve Existing Rituals, 157–161

Spot Your Culture All-Star, 63–65

Write Your Company Obituary, 43–46

Write Your Company’s Purpose Statement, 47–49

expectations, of leaders and employees, 190

experience lifecycle, of employees, 82

explicit big group rituals, 138–140

explicit small group rituals, 141–143

external culture building, 201

Fan, Jessica, 147

feedback, in relationships, 142

Feingold, Ari, 175

Fika (Swedish tradition), 171

financial performance, of company, 3

FinTech, 144

5G, 17

flipped classroom model, 193

flipping your onboarding program, 192–193

Forbes, 3

formal recognition:

from leadership, 110–112

from peers, 113–116

Fortune, 11

Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates, 34

Frankl, Viktor, on meaning, 29

Friedman, Milton on purpose, 33

Frog, 175–176

FTSE Russell 100 and Russell 200, 4

future of culture, 187–202

attracting employees, 190–191

communities, 195–201

individual coaching in, 187–188

keel of business in, 201–202

values fit, 187

Whole-Self Workplace, 188–190

work cycles in, 191–194

work-life balance, 194–195

Gallup, 26

Gates, Bill and Melinda, Foundation, 34

Generation Y, 29

Generation Z, 194–195

GitHub, 172, 4, 21


moving business closer to, 73

setting and reviewing, 77–78

Goldenberg, Rikki, 170

Google, 189

Google Doc, 180

Google Sheets, 93

Gray, Dave, 168

Great Mondays, 6, 168, 178

Great Recession of 2008, 4

Greenhouse Software, 12, 82, 84–86, 88, 94

Gross, James, 54

group rituals:

emergent big, 146–148

emergent small, 143–145

explicit big, 138–140

explicit small, 141–143

growth mindset, 77, 80–81

Harvard Business Review, 22, 36

Henderson, Cal, 168

Hewlett-Packard, 110

hierarchy of needs, 33

Hoffman, Matt, 77

Hoffman, Reid, 191

Hughey, Cheryl, 18

Humana, 6

Identify and Improve Existing Rituals (exercise), 157–161

immediate cues, 165–166, 168–171

incidental exclusion, and rituals, 152

inclusive rituals, 152–153

individuals, recognition for, 107

informal recognition:

from leadership, 120–121

from peers, 116–119

as short-term morale boost, 120

Instacart, 3

Instagram, 121

intermediate cues, 178

Internet, 3, 14–15

The Internship Fund, 87, 88

Intuit, 11

Jeopardy, 146

Jewish community, 170, 198, 200

Josebachvili, Maia, 12, 82, 84, 88

Journey CX, 147

Kahn, David, 110, 111

Kim, Dave, 34

Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, 12

Kushner, Rabbi Noa, 170, 198, 200

Landor Associates, 138


behaviors from, 76, 77, 88

and changing role of business, 196

and company culture, 18

and company values, 59

and cues, 172

and culture design, 201

as drivers of recognition programs, 111

and employee expectations, 190

factors contributing to failure of, 22

and P2P recognition, 118

recognizing/rewarding value-driven choices by, 107

targeted job descriptions designed by, 190

and teams, 180

unhealthy rituals spotted by, 150

value alignment acknowledged by, 56


command-and-control style of, 15

formal recognition from, 110–112

informal recognition from, 120–121

strengthening relationships through, 136

Levi Strauss & Co., 58

LGBTQ, and social community, 189

life cycle, of employees, 82, 86, 191–194

lifetime employment, 16

linear thinking, 19

LinkedIn, 3, 16, 191

loyalty, toward employment, 16–17

Lyft, 17

Mackey, John on purpose, 33

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 29

market for talent, 82

Maslow, Abraham, 33

Mayer, Marissa, 194

McCord, Patty, 190–191

McNamara, Robert, on appreciation, 104

meaning, search for, 29–30, 141

military, U.S., 15

millennials, 29, 194

Mitchell, Victoria, 200–201

modular, making projects, 193

money, 21, 30


and effective informal P2P, 117

understanding of others’, 134

MTV, 111

National Public Radio (NPR), 36

Netflix, 191

networking, importance of, 188–189

Newson, Marc, on memories, 162

“no,” responding to, 192

Northrop Grumman, 146

NPR (National Public Radio), 36

onboarding program, flipping your, 192–193

“100 Best Companies to Work For” (Fortune), 11

the organization:

recognition for, 107

reinforcing purpose of, 165

organizational values, 56–58

ownership, leader vs. shared, 19

part-time work, 3


formal recognition from, 113–116

informal recognition from, 116–119

peer-to-peer (P2P) recognition, 113–114, 117–119

Percolate, 54, 58

personal brand, climbing corporate ladder with, 189

personal values, 56–58

physical aspirational cues, 175–177

physical immediate cues, 168–169

positive reinforcement, 105

Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility (McCord), 190

problems, throwing money at, 21

Proposition Chicken, 175

purpose, 25, 29–49

and cues, 165

defined, 24, 29

difficulty of getting to, 33–39

discovering your, 39–40

money and, 30

as powerful driver, 86

Quick-Start for, 41–49

and recognition, 107

and united behaviors, 86–88

purpose statements, 35, 47–49, 86, 180

questions, asking when creating rituals, 153


behaviors, 91–103

cues, 181–186

purpose, 41–49

recognition, 123–131

rituals, 155–161

values, 61–71

recognition, 26, 105–131

and behaviors, 111

celebrating accomplishments of employees, 85

and company culture, 111, 122

defined, 24, 106

digital tools for facilitating, 114

formal, from leadership, 110–112

formal, from peers, 113–116

for individuals vs. the organization, 107

informal, from leadership, 120–121

informal, from peers, 116–119

opportunities for, 108

purpose and, 107

Quick-Start for, 123–131

types of, 108–109

of value-driven choices, 106–107

recruiting scorecards, 84

Red Hat, 7


and building strength/trust, 113

and culture fit, 188

presenting feedback in, 142

prioritizing, 193

and rituals, 133–136

Rendina, 110, 111

reputation, behaviors damaging company’s, 106

rewards, 105–106, 114

Rider, Rachel, 78

Riordan, Kristi, 53


with culture, 106, 135

of failure at work, 75

mitigation of, 11

rituals, 26, 133–161

acknowledgments during, 147

challenges of, 149

characteristics of, 137

creating inclusive, 152–153

cues vs., 172–177

and cultural variation, 153

defined, 24, 133, 137

emergent big group, 146–148

emergent small group, 143–145

explicit big group, 138–140

explicit small group, 141–143

opportunities and exposure from, 140

Quick-Start for, 155–161

and relationships, 133

unhealthy, 149–151

vulnerability and daily, 141

Saffo, Paul, on the future, 192

Sagan, Carl on finding a goal, 28

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, on building a ship, 10

Salesforce, 173

San Francisco Opera, 58

Sartre, Jean-Paul, on choices, 72

Schauer, Brandon, 38

Schein, Ed, 13

senior executives, 22

shared beliefs, inspiring behaviors through, 58

shared histories, building relationships with, 134

sharing economy, 3

Silicon Valley, 21, 188

Slack, 116, 121, 168–169

Snapchat, 121

social communities:

as alternative to employees and customers, 195

and company culture, 189

culture design of, 198

culture’s role in, 196

guidance of organization vs. expression of, 201

questions for building, culture, 199

social grooming, and strengthening relationships, 135

Southwest Airlines, 18

Spicer, Maggie, 56, 58

Spot Your Culture All-Star (exercise), 63–65

Standard Poor’s 500, 3

Stockholm, 170

strategy, and behavior, 76–79

success, defining, 2–3, 9

TaskRabbit, 17

tchotchkes, 117

tech companies, 16–17

Terkel, Studs, on jobs, xii

texting, 121

The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age (Hoffman), 191

Thumbtack, 3

tiger teams, 193

T-Mobile, 12

Toyota Innovations, 6, 7

Trello, 93

Twitter, 36, 121

unhealthy rituals, 149–151

Upwork, 17

Uretsky, Ben, 76

USAA, 12

User Experience Design (UX Design), 36

values, 25, 51–71

and behavior, 56, 82, 84, 85, 88

characteristics of good, 68

culture fit vs., 188

defined, 24, 52

examples of, 69–71

identifying and codifying, of the organization, 200

importance of understanding, 54–55, 59

personal vs. organizational, 56–58

Quick-Start for, 61–71

and recognition, 111, 120, 122

recognition of choices based on, 106–107

and rituals, 147

values fit, 188

Vaynerchuk, Gary, on building relationships, 132

Veryday, 170–171

Vincent, Rich, 77

Volkswagen, 105

VUCA, 14–16

vulnerability, and daily rituals, 141

Wellness Council of America, 7

Wells Fargo, 105

WHISK, 56, 58

Whole Foods, 144

Whole-Self Workplace, 189–190

Wisdom, Jason, 142

work, part-time, 3

work cycles, 191–195

working from home, 3, 194

working hours, 195

work-life balance, 194–195

Write Your Company’s Obituary (exercise), 43–46

Write Your Company’s Purpose Statement (exercise), 47–49


Yahoo!, 194

Yale School of Management, 87, 88

YouEarnedIt, 113–114

YouTube, 3, 20

Zappos, 117, 138

Zesty, 144

Zynga, 176

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