Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Abercrombie & Fitch, 2, 4, 19

Adjacent businesses, 19

Advertising, 104

Advertising and point-of-sale promotion, 59–60

Advocacy score, 228. See also BCG Brand Advocacy Index

Air of excitement, 40

Airbnb, 143–149

business-model innovation, 144

dreams, 148–149

graphic designers/photographers, 149

hosts, 147

millennial generation, 145

operating model, 147–148

ransackgate, 146

trust, 146, 150

two-way conversation between hosts/guests, 146

typical host/guest (Dom and Peter), 146–147

Al-Waleed bin Talal, 127

Allen, Paul, 207

Allen, Woody, 138

Amazon rain forest, 155–157, 159, 161, 136–143

apostle customer, 141

apostle interview, 141–142

customer-obsessed culture, 140

Darwinian petri dish, 138

decentralized distribution of invention, 139

escalations, 140

everything store, 136, 137

Fire smartphone, 139–140

frugality, 143

fulfillment centers, 139

[email protected], 140

Kindle, 137

lessons learned, 142–143

operations team, 139

Prime/Prime Instant Video, 141

Quidsi, 138

razor-thin margins, 143

setbacks, 139–140

underlying characteristics, 136

video-streaming service, 137–138

Zappos, 108, 118

Amazonian woman, 158–159

Ambrosetti, Silvano, 184

American football. See National Football League (NFL)

Amy’s Kitchen, 51

Analytics, 56

Ancestral Brazilian traditions, 160

Apostle consumers, 74, 102

Apostle model, 43

Apple, 140, 227–228

Apple Experience, The (Gallo), 122

Asian tsunami crisis, 119–120

Aurelius, Marcus, 89

Avalanche, 7

Avon, 162

Barreiros Passos, Pedro Luiz, 157

Bath & Body Works, 4

BCG Brand Advocacy Index, 168, 182, 226–299

BCG Consumer Sentiment Index, 135

BCG demand spaces survey, 223

“Bed-in for peace” protest (Lennon/Ono), 65

Benefit attributes, 222

Benefit layers, 13

Benetton, 85

“Best at,” 7, 14

Bezos, Jeff. See

Big brand revolution, 6

Bigger and better, 18

Blackstone, 64, 66, 76

Blair Motion Pictures, 211

Bold initiatives, 154, 186

Boone, Garrett, 37

Bowden, Bobby, 207

Brand Advocacy Index, 168, 182, 226–229

Brand core, 12

Brand funnel, 198

Brand instability, 188, 219

Brand “personality,” 71

Brazilian cosmetic company. See Natura Cosmetics

Bread and Circus, 25

Brunello Cucinelli, 83–93

advertising, 87

apostle interview, 90–92

artisan partners, 90

cashmere thread, 86

customer advocacy, 87

employees (salespeople), 88–90, 92

ethics committee, 89

headquarters (castle), 83

humanistic capitalism, 88–90

in-store presentations, 93

IPO (2012), 88

lessons learned, 92–93

Levitt’s four principles, 84

lifestyle Italian company, 93

pricing, 85

quality surveillance, 87

visual merchandising, 86

work hours, 90

Business-model innovation, 144

Business-speak, 49

Cadabra, 136

Campaini, Turiddo, 184

Cannibalization, 57

Car dealers, 201

Caramel Popcorn, 181

CARE (Create A Rewarding Experience), 74

Carey, Al, 53

Carlucci, Alessandro, 161, 163

Carrefour, 170, 174

Carter, Bob, 194, 198, 199, 201, 202

Carvajal, Gaspar, 158

Category expert, 42

Change mindset, 169

Change muscle, 4

Chesky, Brian, 143. See also Airbnb

Chief digital officer, 150

Chobani, 51, 52

Community meeting rooms, 28

Community nonprofit partnerships, 28

Company culture and company brand/two sides of same coin, 118

Competitors, 35, 45

Complaints, 43, 249

Complex adaptive system, 118

Compliment, 43

Conscious capitalism, 23

Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business (Mackey), 26

Consistency, 74

Consumer. See Customer

Consumer complaints, 43, 249

Consumer segments

families under siege, 230, 234

overview, 229–230

rich, happy, and balanced, 229–230, 230–232

rocket in the pocket, 230, 233

so cheap, shoes squeak, 230, 232

weight of the world, 230, 234–235

Consumers hang on your every word, 186

Container Store. See The Container Store

Continuous evolution/continuous investment, 4

“Cool and hip” space, 70, 78

Coop Italia (cooperative), 183–185

Core customer, 21–23, 44

Costa, Iguatemi, 159

Courage, 17

Crer para Ver program, 162–163

Crisis management, 188–189. See also National Football League (NFL); Toyota

Critics, 43

Cuban, Mark, 215

Cucinelli, Brunello, 84, 88, 89. See also Brunello Cucinelli

Curiosity, 5–6

Curious mind, 6

Custom manufacturing, 39


biggest/best, 22, 23

consistent, understandable, predictable, 53–54

core, 21–23, 44

loyalty, 4

wheel of consumer emotions, 3

Customer advocacy, 87

Customer-as-boss, 174, 178, 185, 251

Customer choice, 77

Customer education, 28, 36

Customer-obsessed culture, 140

Daring, 154

Darwinian petri dish, 138

D’Avenza, 92

Decentralized distribution of invention, 139

Decentralized print programs, 60

Deliplus Chica Fashion for Girls, 173

Deliplus olive oil body cream, 173

Delivering Happiness (Hsieh), 106

Demand-centric growth approach

BCG demand spaces survey, 223

benefit attributes, 222

encore (do it again), 226–227

goal/objective, 221, 226

integrated commercial plan, 225–226

MindDiscovery sessions, 222

overview, 221

pairwise comparison, 223

strategic review, 224–225

Demand-centric growth transformation, 53

Demand chain, 19

Demand space, 48, 49, 54–56, 67, 79, 249. See also Frito-Lay; Hilton Worldwide

Demand-space map, 54, 64, 80, 223

Demand spaces survey, 223

Demographics, 70

Despair, 220

Determination, 154

Dialogue, 18

Different outcome/different inputs, 18

Digital age, 150–151. See also Airbnb;

Discounters, 5

Disney, Walt, 93, 94. See also Walt Disney Company

Disney Institute, 95

Disruption, 8

Do Us a Flavor contest, 59

Domestic violence, 216, 217

Doritos Loaded, 58

Doritos taco (Taco Bell), 62

Double markups, 13

DoubleTree, 72–74, 78

Downmarket, 80

Dramatic market-share shifts, 154

Dropbox, 143

E-commerce, 6

eBay, 136

Economic anomaly, 19

Eight-word story, 20

Eisner, Michael, 94

Elizabeth II, 65

Embassy Suites, 66

Emotional intelligence, 31

Employees, 23, 44

Mercadona, 175–176

passionate, 105. See also Four Seasons; Zappos

The Container Store, 38–39, 40

Whole Foods Market, 31–32

Endnotes, 253–268

Engine 2 Diet philosophy, 29

Enrico, Roger, 50

Entrepreneurs, 250

Ethics committee, 89

Everything store, 136, 137. See also

Expand relentlessly, 44, 102, 131

“Experience your brand” category, 100–101

Experiences worth sharing, 76

Experiential innovation, 94

Express, 4

Facebook, 59

Fair pricing, 71–72

Families under siege, 230, 234

Fay, Bill, 199

Featured companies. See also individual company names

Airbnb, 143–149, 136–143

Brunello Cucinelli, 83–93

Four Seasons, 119–129

Frito-Lay, 49–64

Hilton Worldwide, 64–78

Mercadona, 168–183

National Football League, 204–218

Natura Cosmetics, 155–168

The Container Store, 36–43

Toyota, 189–204

Victoria’s Secret. See Victoria’s Secret

Walt Disney Company, 93–101

Whole Foods Market, 24–36

Zappos, 105–119

Fire smartphone, 139–140

First impressions, 82

Fixed-cost promotions, 19

Floor mat problem, 201

Ford, Martha, 207

Four Seasons, 119–128

apostle interview, 126–127

Golden Rule, 123

hotel managers, 125

lessons learned, 127–128

loyalty program (recognition program), 127–128

Maldives tsunami crisis, 119–120

on-site mentor, 124

on-the-job training, 124

proximity management, 125

Reagan, Ronald and Nancy, 125–126

recruitment, 123–124

sanctity of the brand, 128

Fragmentation of taste, 51

Fresh Fields, 25

Friction, 225

Friedman, Thomas, 150

Frito-Lay, 49–64

10 different demand spaces, 57

advertising and point-of-sale promotion, 59–60

decentralized print programs, 60

demand-centric approach, 55–56

demand-space map, 54, 64

Do Us a Flavor contest, 59

Doritos Loaded, 58

Doritos taco (Taco Bell), 62

“Fun Times Together” demand space, 57, 58, 63

“I’d Eat That” button (Facebook), 59

Lay’s potato chips, 58–59

macro snack market, 56–57

Mukherjee interview, 61–63

new map, new battle plan, 57–59

Nooyi, Indra, 63

overlapping brands/cannibalization, 57

store-distribution system, 50

survey of consumer in different regions, 56

Tostitos Cantina, 58

“Young & Hungry” demand space, 62

Frugality, 143

“Fun Times Together” demand space, 57, 58, 63

Functional and technical cues (little details), 73, 78

Gates, Bill, 127

Gebbia, Joe, 143. See also Airbnb

Genchi genbutsu, 192

General Motors (GM), 202

Giant leaps, 153, 157, 186

Golden Rule, 113, 123, 130, 249

Goodell, Roger, 217

Greco, Tom, 50, 53. See also Frito-Lay

Hampton Inn, 66

Hashiba, Luciana, 163

Head injuries (concussions), 205, 216, 217

Health-conscious grocery store. See Whole Foods Market

Heat map, 223

Hilton, Conrad, 64

Hilton Worldwide, 64–78

apostles, 74

brand “personality,” 71

CARE (Create A Rewarding Experience), 74

connectivity station, 71

“cool and hip” space, 70, 78

demand spaces, 67

DoubleTree, 72–74, 78

experiences worth sharing, 76

fair pricing, 71–72

forecasted future growth, 77

founder’s motto, 71

Hilton McLean, 68, 72

IPO (2013), 77

lessons learned, 78

loyalty program (HHonors), 74–76, 78

market research (interviews, etc.), 67, 70, 75

overlapping brands/cannibalization, 66

“personal connection” space, 68, 72

positioning, 68

“recharge and refresh” space, 68, 70–71

sacred cows, 71

signature cookie, 72–74

swim lanes, 67, 68, 76

technical cues (little details), 73, 78

unique delighters, 71

values, 71

Hollis, Jack, 202

Holmes, Santonio, 207–208

Holthouser, Jim, 67, 70, 74, 76

HomeAway, 144

Hsieh, Tony, 105–106, 111–112. See also Zappos

Humanistic capitalism, 88–90

Humanity, 226

Hydrogen vehicle, 203

“I’d Eat That” button (Facebook), 59

Iger, Bob, 94, 96

Implement, implement, implement, 79

In-store “laboratories,” 181

In-store presentations, 93, 102

Innovation centers, 180–181

Integrated commercial plan, 225–226

International expansion, 102

Interproveedores, 172, 176–177

Inventiveness, 18

iPhone, 227–228

Jackson, Michael, 65

Jones, Jerry, 207

Just-in-time, 139

Kaizen, 139, 192, 202

Kan, Justin, 143

Key points. See Takeaways

Kim, Jenny, 14–15

KIND, 51

Kindle, 137

Know when to get out, 19

Know your consumer, 251

Knowledge advantage, 251

Lavernia & Cienfuegos, 173

Lay, Herman, 50

Lay’s potato chips, 58–59


characteristics, 17

continuous evolution/continuous investment, 4

first giant leap, 186

meeting of leaders (questions to answer), 219

references in history, 17

strength of character, 138

successful entrepreneurs, 250

talking and engaging, 39

Leal, Guilherme, 157

Lennon, John, 65

Leslie’s Limited, 5

Lessons learned, 142–143

Brunello Cucinelli, 92–93

Frito-Lay, 64

Hilton Worldwide, 78

Natura Cosmetics, 167–168

NFL, 218

The Container Store, 42–43

Toyota, 203–204

Victoria’s Secret, 17–18

Walt Disney Company, 100–101

Whole Food Market, 35–36

Zappos, 117–119

Levitt, Ted, 84

Li, Jet, 120

Life cycle, 47

Lifestyle Italian company, 93

Limited, 2, 4, 11, 19

Limited Too, 4, 19

Lingerie. See Victoria’s Secret

List of featured companies. See Featured companies

Locational disadvantage, 239–240

Low-prices strategy, 170

Loyalty program (HHonors), 74–76, 78

Luxury fashions. See Brunello Cucinelli

Luxury hotel chain. See Four Seasons

MacArthur, Douglas, 16

Mackey, John, 23, 28–29, 31. See also Whole Foods Market

Maldives tsunami crisis, 119–120

Market research, 8, 67

Marrero, Ramon “Monchito,” 65

Marx, Karl, 88

Materiality matrix, 163

Mature business, 79

McCain’s, 58

Mercadona, 168–183

advocacy, 174

apostle interview, 182–183

change mindset, 169

customer-as-boss, 174, 178, 185

digital transformation plan (2012-2018), 178

distribution, 177–178

employees, 175–176

family-owned business, 171

“fresh” initiative, 181–182

in-store demonstrations (5,000 women), 183

in-store “laboratories,” 181

innovation centers, 180–181

interproveedores, 172, 176–177

low-prices strategy, 170

monitors, 179–180

“pinching pennies,” 177

product line, 174–175

radical innovation, 179

reciprocity, 173–174

Roig interview, 178–179

suppliers, 171–172

supply chain automation, 177–178

“surprise” the consumer, 172, 180

training, 176

underlying activities, 168–169

virtual integration, 169, 172

Meritocracy, 31

Millennial generation

25-year-old male living just outside Manhattan (Mark), 237–242

25-year-old male raised in Raleigh, North Carolina (Erik), 244–247

27-year-old female with $90,000 income (Andrea), 242–244

Airbnb, 145

in-depth interviews, 236–247

overview, 235–236

MindDiscovery, 222

Modell, Art, 209

Moehringer, J. R., 206

Moms Clinics, 217

Monitors, 179–180

Monroe doctrine, 151

Monster, 51

Mrs. Gooch’s, 25

Muck City, 207–208

Mukherjee, Ann, 60, 61–63

Nassetta, Chris, 64, 66, 70. See also Hilton Worldwide

National Football League (NFL), 204–218

beleaguered league, 215–216

common mission, 209–210

crossroads, 216–217

customer emotional spaces, 208–209

domestic violence, 216, 217

female fans, 214

head injuries (concussions), 205, 216, 217

league think, 209

lessons learned, 218

Madison Avenue, 207

Moms Clinics, 217

moral issue, 205

Muck City, 207–208

NFL Films, 211–212

NFL FLAG Football, 214

NFL Properties, 210

NFL RedZone, 213

Pahokee, Florida, 207–208

popularity of NFL, 204, 206

Punt, Pass & Kick program, 214

revenues, 210

stakeholder equilibrium, 215, 218

superfans, 212–214

National stocking policies, 45

Natura Cosmetics, 155–168

Amazon rain forest, 155–157, 159, 161

ancestral Brazilian traditions, 160

apostle interview, 163–164

Crer para Ver program, 162–163

education initiative, 162

employee wages, 167

founding triumvirate, 157

giant leaps, 157

guiding principles, 165–166, 168

internal checklist, 164–165

lessons learned, 167–168

materiality matrix, 163

product lines, 159

sales consultants, 161–162, 185

sustainable development, 163

triple bottom line, 158

“well-being, being well” philosophy, 158

Negative advocacy, 229

Never rest on your laurels, 43

NFL. See National Football League (NFL)

NFL Films, 211–212

NFL Properties, 210

NFL RedZone, 213

Niche attack, 31

9 Ps of retail branding, 12

Nooyi, Indra, 48, 63

Notes (endnotes), 253–268

Obama, Barack, 205

Oliva, 172–173

Omni channel, 16

On-site mentor, 124

On-the-job training

Four Seasons, 124

The Container Store, 40

Zappos, 107

Online private lodgings business. See Airbnb

Online shoe and clothing retailer. See Zappos

Ono, Yoko, 65

Organizational tension, 118

Overlapping brands/cannibalization, 57, 66, 78

Own one idea, 20

Pahokee, Florida, 207–208

Pairwise comparison, 223

Palmer, Janay, 216

Passion, 226, 249

Patience, 154

Patterning, 12

Patterns, 5, 6

Pedroni, Marco, 185

Pegula, Terry, 207

Pei, I. M., 123

People, 12

Pepsi, 210

PepsiCo, 50. See also Frito-Lay

Persistence, 154

“Personal connection” space, 68, 72

Personal emotional connection (PEC), 106–107

Philanthropy, 11

Piña Colada, 65

“Pinching pennies,” 177

PINK, 4, 14

Pitanga bush, 159

Place, 12

Plank, Kevin, 222

Plato, 29, 158

Portfolio allocation, 79

Positioning, 12, 68

Positive advocacy, 228–229

Presley, Elvis, 65

Price, 12

Pricing premiums for superior products, 44

Prime/Prime Instant Video, 141

Prioritize your opportunities, 79

Private labels, 28

Product, 12

Profit performance, 12

Projection, 12

Promotion, 12

Promotional investments, 14

Promus Hotel Corporation, 65

Proximity management, 125

Punt, Pass & Kick program, 214

Quality surveillance, 87

Quidsi, 138

Radical innovation, 179

Razek, Ed, 14

Razor-thin margins, 143

Reagan, Ronald and Nancy, 125–126

“Recharge and refresh” space, 68, 70–71

Reciprocity, 173–174

Recruitment, 110–111, 123–124, 131

REI, 183

Reinvention, 5–8

Repeat customers, 115, 122, 129

Retail scale, 18

Rice, Ray, 205, 216

Rich, happy, and balanced, 229–230, 230–232

RNB Cosmetics, 172–173

Road to the Super Bowl (film), 211

Robb, Walter, 34

Rocket in the pocket, 230, 233

Roig, Juan, 169, 170, 178–179. See also Mercadona

Ruiz, Vicente, 172

Rules of ubiquity, 240

SaferWay, 25

Saint Benedict, 90

Salary cap, 31

Scale, 14, 18

Schismogenesis, 188, 218

Seabra, Antonio Luiz, 157, 158

Seau, Junior, 217

“Seeing around the corner,” 4, 250

Seibel, Michael, 143

Sequoia Capital, 144

Serial invention, 18

Servant leadership, 24, 31

Service-oriented brands, 229

Sexy, glamorous, and comfortable, 12, 15, 16

Shakespeare, William, 251

Share economy, 146

Sharp, Isadore, 119, 121. See also Four Seasons

Signature cookie, 72–74

Siro Group, 172

Small-company universe, 52

Snack foods. See Frito-Lay

Snapchat, 143

So cheap, shoes squeak, 230, 232

Social media, 28

Social responsibility, 33

Solution-based form of retail, 40

SpaceX, 143

Spanish grocery retailer. See Mercadona

Specialty knowledge, 45

Stakeholder equilibrium, 215, 218

Star Wars venture, 96

Status quo, 101

Stone, Brad, 135, 138

Storage and organization solutions. See The Container Store

Store design, 29

Strategic review, 224–225

Suggestions from the selling floor, 104

Suppliers, 39

Supply chain automation, 177–178

“Surprise” the consumer, 172, 180

Sustainable development, 163

Swim lanes, 67, 68, 76


apostle consumers, 102

bold investments, 186

brand instability, 219

consumers hang on your every word, 186

core consumer, 44

demand spaces, 79

despair, 220

digital age, 150–151

expand relentlessly, 44

Golden Rule, 130

implement, implement, implement, 79

inventiveness, 18

know when to get out, 19

leadership, 186, 219

passionate employees, 129–130

pricing premiums for superior products, 44

prioritize your opportunities, 79

scale, 18

visual merchandising, 102

visually stunning, 102

Target consumer, 186

Technical cues (little details), 73, 78

Telematics, 194

Tesla, 203

The Container Store, 36–43

air of excitement, 40

big-ticket initial sale, 42

closet price points, 41

“Contained Home” consultation, 41

custom manufacturing, 39

employees, 38–39, 40

on-the-job training, 40

origins, 37

seven foundation principles, 38–40

solution-based form of retail, 40

suppliers, 39

target customer, 42

turnkey solutions, 41

typical customer, 41

underlying principles, 43

value proposition, 42

Their culture drives their brand, 129

Theme parks. See Walt Disney Company

They Call It Pro Football (film), 211

“Think like an owner,” 45

365 Everyday Value, 28

Tindell, Kip, 23

Tindell, Sharon, 37

Tostitos Cantina, 58

Totaler, 169

Toyoda, Akio, 196–198

Toyoda Precepts, 191

Toyopet, 189

Toyota, 189–204

Akio Toyoda’s reaction to recall crisis, 196–198

brand funnel, 198

car dealers, 201

crises (2008-2011), 192

crisis management, 194–200

floor mat problem, 201

genchi genbutsu, 192

General Motors, compared, 202

historical overview, 189–191

hydrogen vehicle, 203

kaizen, 192, 202

lessons learned, 203–204

one-page strategy answering four key questions, 200

QDR advantage (quality, dependability, reliability), 202

Toyoda Precepts, 191

Toyota Way (basic principles), 192

unintended acceleration problem (recall crisis), 192–194

U.S. headquarters (Plano, Texas), 203

value proposition, 220

Toyota Way, 192

Transparency, 114–115

Transparent, 137

Triple bottom line, 158

Trouble, telltale signs of, 222

Truman, Harry S., 203


Airbnb, 146, 150, 140

Whole Foods Market, 33, 36

Turnkey solutions, 41

Twitch, 143

Uber, 143

Ullman, Samuel, 16

Ulukaya, Hamdi, 52

Umbrella store, 19

Under Armour, 222

Unintended acceleration problem (recall crisis), 192–194

Upmarket, 80

Vacations Rentals By Owner, 144

Valentine, Don, 144

Value proposition, 110

Verizon, 210

Vick, Michael, 205

Victoria’s Secret. See also Wexner, Les

apostle interview, 14–15

benefit layers, 13

bras, 13

category growth, 13

customer wants, 9

double markups, 13

emotional position, 13

fashion show, 14

founder, 12

gross margins, 13

lessons learned, 17–18

manufacturing cycle, 13

Omni channel, 16

positioning, 12

pricing, 13

sexy, glamorous, and comfortable, 12, 15, 16

store openings in international markets, 16

Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, 14

Virtual integration, 169, 172

Virtual relationships. See Airbnb;

Visual merchandising, 86, 102

Visually stunning, 82–83, 102

Volkswagen, 203

Walmart, 31, 138, 174

Walt Disney Company, 93–101

apostle interview, 97–100

cast members, 94

Disney Institute, 95

“experience your brand” category, 100

experiential innovation, 94

financial factoids, 100

how consumers see Disney brand, 96–97

imagineers, 95–96

lessons learned, 100–101

Star Wars venture, 96

storytelling (escape from reality), 94

theme parks, 94–95

weddings, 98–99

Weight of the world, 230, 234–235

“Well-being, being well” philosophy, 158

Wellspring Grocery, 25

Wexner, Les, 1–20. See also Victoria’s Secret

advice giving, 17

background, 4, 6, 10–11

“best at,” 14

curiosity, 5–6

disruption, 8

e-commerce, 6

family, 11

foreign stores, 5

in-depth consumer profiles, 3

know when to get out, 19

leave a legacy, 17

Leslie’s Limited, 5

“long gun,” 8

market research, 8

patterns, 5, 6

philanthropy, 11

promotional investments, 14

refreshing his brands, 17

reinvention, 5–8

retail invention factory, 12

scale, 14

“seeing around the corner,” 4

serial retail entrepreneur, 2, 4, 10

tough, 17

vibrant/active hand in running business, 17

wheel of consumer emotions, 3

youthfulness of spirit, 17

Wheel of consumer emotions, 3

Whole Foods Market, 24–36

12-region structure, 25

acquisitions, 25

“beauty” of store design, 29

community meeting rooms, 28

competitors, 35

cooking schools, 28

core values, 25–26

customer education, 28, 36

employees, 31–32

flagship store, 29

“fresh” strategy, 30

healthy discount incentive program, 32

“holy foods” philosophy, 25, 27

lower-income communities, 34–35

meritocracy, 31

niche attack, 31

operating margin, 36

perishables, 30

prepared foods, 33, 36

private-label brand, 28, 36

relationships with customers, 25

salary cap, 31

sales per square foot, 36

same-store sales growth, 36

social responsibility, 33

trust, 33, 36

Twitter followers, 28

types of customers, 36

typical customer, 34

underlying principles, 43

Wild Oats Markets, 25

Winfrey, Oprah, 122

Witching hour, 54

Women’s underwear market. See Victoria’s Secret

Wonderful, 51

Xiaomi, 143

Y Combinator, 144

You don’t need to be first--just better, 17, 18

“Young & Hungry” demand space, 62

Zappos, 105–119

Amazon, 108, 118

apostle interview, 115–116

CEO (Hsieh), 111–112

company culture and company brand/two sides of same coin, 118

complex adaptive system, 118

corporate headquarters, 108–109

Culture Book, 109–110

employee values, 113–114

Golden Rule, 113

lessons learned, 117–119

motto, 111

on-the-job training, 107

organizational tension, 118

personal emotional connection (PEC), 106–107

price premium for premium service, 117

recruitment, 110–111

repeat customers, 115

transparency, 114–115

value proposition, 110

what customers really value, 112

word-of-mouth messaging, 117

Zappos family core values, 113

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