

  • academic references, 399
  • accelerated method, 340
  • Account column, in Chart of Accounts, 260
  • accountants, 187, 263
  • accounting cycle, 241–243
  • accounting equation, 288
  • accounting methods, 192–193, 283
  • accounting period, 240
  • accounts payable, 240, 254, 281–282, 303
  • accounts receivable, 240, 251, 278–279, 301, 318
  • accrual-basis accounting, 193, 244–245, 314
  • accrued expenses payable, on statement of cash flows, 281–282
  • accrued expenses payable liability account, 303, 305
  • Accrued Payroll Taxes account, 254
  • accumulated depreciation
    • about, 302–303
    • buildings account, 252
    • equipment account, 253
    • furniture and fixtures account, 253
    • leasehold improvements account, 252
    • on statement of cash flows, 320–321
    • vehicles account, 253
  • action plan, 106
  • activity trap, 414–415
  • actual budgeting, 357–360
  • adequate disclosure, 267
  • adjusting journal entries, as step in accounting cycle, 242, 243
  • adjustments, 242
  • Adobe Dreamweaver, 202–203, 215
  • advanced entrepreneurship, 46
  • advertising
    • analyzing costs of, 338–339
    • on Facebook, 548
    • finding customers with, 461
    • simple rules of, 532
    • timing, 537–538
  • Advertising account, 258
  • Advertising Age (magazine), 531
  • Adweek (magazine), 531
  • Affordable Care Act (2010), 185
  • Allen, Kathleen (author)
    • eBusiness Technology Kit For Dummies, 435
  • Amazon, 55, 61
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (website), 378
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, 2009), 185
  • American Taxpayer Relief Act (2012), 401
  • Americans with Disabilities Act, 163
  • Amgen, 60
  • amortization
    • on balance sheet, 304
    • defined, 341
    • organization costs account, 253
    • patents account, 253
  • analyzing
    • advertising costs, 338–339
    • employee cost, 338
    • influence points, 463–466
    • sales promotion cost, 338–339
    • shortfalls, 565
    • talents, 565
  • anatomy, of business plans, 105–107
  • angels, finding, 122–123
  • Angie's List, 73
  • annual reports, 240
  • answering phones, 496
  • anticipated upsell business model, 51
  • appearance of buildings/stores, finding customers with, 461
  • appendices, in business plan, 106
  • Apple, 55, 60, 65, 71
  • approvals, 151–152
  • approving plans, 127
  • area development agreement, 89–91
  • area representatives, 92–93
  • arrival, at your business, 498–499
  • The Art of War (Sun Tzu), 47
  • Ask (website), 19
  • asset investment, as liquidity trap, 301
  • asset-based lenders, 133
  • assets
    • about, 250
    • on balance sheet, 300–306
    • current, 249, 251
    • defined, 239
    • effect of revenues/expenses on, 273–274
    • fixed, 280–281
    • intangible, 253
    • long-term, 249, 252–254
  • Astro Events of America, 172
  • at-home sites, for franchises, 141
  • Attainable characteristic, of SMART goals, 409
  • attitude, good, as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • audiences, 110–111. See also target audiences
  • auditing business image, 500–503
  • Aussie Pet Mobile, 171
  • authority, delegation and, 443–444
  • automation, 430–431
  • average cost method, 347
  • awareness gap, 456–457


  • back of the house, 151, 161–162
  • backgrounds, 209–210
  • backing up email messages, 495
  • ”bad apple” franchises, 98
  • balance sheets
    • about, 193, 250, 287–288
    • accounting equation, 288
    • assets, 250–254, 300–306
    • comparing with P&L, 344–346
    • defined, 239
    • equity, 256
    • liabilities, 254–255, 300–306
    • presenting, 289–293
    • transactions on, 297–299
    • values reported on, 309–310
  • Ballroom jeans, 48
  • Bank Service Charge account, 259
  • bankers, consulting before starting home-based businesses, 187
  • Barron's (magazine), 67
  • base of the economic pyramid (BOP), 84
  • base sales, projecting improvements above, 468
  • benchmarking, 234, 342, 483–485
  • benefits
    • as a consideration before leaving day job, 184
    • of products, 526–527
    • of socially responsible practices, 421–422
    • of technology in the workplace, 430–433
  • Best Buy, 74
  • bestseller, 478–479
  • big base effect, 337
  • big idea, 529–530
  • big-bath strategy, 284
  • Bigbelly, 54
  • Bing (website), 19
  • Bird, Forrest M. (author)
    • Inventing For Dummies, 25
  • Bird, Pamela Riddle (author)
    • Inventing For Dummies, 25
  • Bissonnette, Zac (author)
    • The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute, 480
  • BlackBerry, 60
  • blogs, 217–218, 393
  • Bloomberg Businessweek (magazine), 67
  • Bloomberg Businessweek (website), 16
  • bonus money, as a consideration before leaving day job, 184
  • book value, 309, 347
  • bookkeepers, 238–239
  • bookkeeping
    • about, 237–238
    • accounting cycle, 241–243
    • accrual-basis accounting, 244–245
    • balance sheet accounts, 250–256
    • bookkeepers, 238–239
    • cash-basis accounting, 243–244
    • Chart of Accounts, 248–250, 260–261
    • credits, 246–248
    • debits, 246–248
    • double-entry, 192–193, 246–248
    • income statement accounts, 256–260
    • terminology for, 239–241
  • boosting posts, on Facebook, 548
  • bootstrap, 121
  • brainstorming, 32–36, 531
  • brand
    • about, 505
    • balancing personal and business, 514–516
    • building, 508–510
    • conveying through taglines, 513–514
    • determining positioning strategy, 511–513
    • in franchising, 81–82
    • maintaining, 516–519
    • managing, 509–510
    • market position, 510–513
    • online, 507–508
    • power of, 506–507
    • protecting, 516–519
    • reasons for, 506
    • value of, 506–507
  • brand loyalty, as threat to new entrants, 13
  • brand penetration, 87
  • branded location, 95
  • brand-new offerings, 511
  • bricks and clicks business model, 50
  • broadcast media, 533
  • budgeting. See also cost control
    • about, 331–332
    • actual, 357–360
    • as business-management tool, 364–365
    • external, 360–361
    • forecasting, 357–360
    • frame of mind for, 332
    • internal, 360–361
    • living budget, 361–363
    • for marketing communications, 528–529
    • other uses for, 365–366
    • process of, 351–353
    • tools for
      • CART (Complete, Accurate, Reliable, and Timely), 353–354
      • flash reports, 355–356
      • SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), 354–355
  • building brands, 508–510
  • buildings account, 252
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (website), 20
  • Burger King, 56–57
  • business. See also specific topics
    • about, 7–8
    • defining market niche, 21–24
    • feasibility analysis, 8–11
    • industry
      • about, 11–12
      • entry strategy, 15
      • framework of structure, 12–15
      • researching, 15–20
    • knowing your, 433
    • products, 24–25
    • selling the, 602
  • business associates, NDAs and, 135
  • business concept, 9
  • business consultants, consulting before starting home-based businesses, 188
  • business description, in business plan, 106
  • business environment, in business plan, 106
  • business format franchising, 82, 83–84
  • business growth
    • about, 585–586
    • choosing management tools, 593–596
    • human resource issues, 589–591
    • redefining your role during, 599–602
    • stages in, 586–589
    • time-management issues, 591–593
    • troubleshooting challenges, 596–598
  • business ideas
    • about, 27
    • brainstorming, 32–36
    • identifying business opportunities, 36–39
    • power of good, 28–31
    • reality checks, 40
    • testing, 39–44
  • business image
    • about, 491
    • auditing, 500–503
    • first impressions
      • about, 492
      • email, 494–495
      • online searches, 492–493
      • in person, 497–500
      • telephone, 495–497
      • website, 493–494
  • business interruption insurance, for home-based businesses, 192
  • business model
    • about, 45–46
    • common aspects of, 47–49
    • evolution of, 46
    • examples of, 50–52
    • finding success with, 52–62
    • importance of, 45–46
    • simple, 49
    • who needs a, 46–47
  • business names, choosing, 190
  • business networking group, as a resource, 114
  • business opportunity, 36–39, 171–172
  • business overview, in business plan, 106
  • business plan
    • developing, 186
    • writing
      • about, 103
      • anatomy of, 105–107
      • establishing time frame, 112–113
      • identifying key messages, 109–111
      • identifying target audiences, 109–111
      • planning, 103–105
      • planning objectives, 107–109
      • preparing for real world, 113–115
  • business school, as a resource, 114
  • business solvency, 293–296
  • business strategy, in business plan, 106
  • business-management tool, budgeting as, 364–365
  • buyer bargaining power, threats from, 14
  • buyer switching costs, as threat to new entrants, 13
  • buyers, NDAs and, 135
  • buying
    • competitor's products, 18–19
    • goods from franchisor, 154


  • C Corporations
  • California Cedar Company, 56
  • calls, transferring, 496
  • Camp Bow Wow, 54
  • capital, sources of, 307–309
  • Capital account, 256
  • capital expenditures, 297–298
  • capital requirements, as threat to new entrants, 13
  • Career Builder (website), 393
  • career development, 562–563
  • carrying capacity, 12
  • cash, sources of, 307–309
  • cash accounting, 193
  • cash balance, 305
  • cash dividends, on balance sheet, 306
  • cash flow, free, 326–327
  • Cash Flow For Dummies (Tracy and Tracy), 294
  • cash flow from operating activities, 312
  • cash flow from profit, 312, 316–322
  • Cash in Checking account, 251
  • Cash in Savings account, 251
  • Cash on Hand account, 251
  • cash-basis accounting, 243–244
  • cash-flow projections, 193
  • category killers, 139
  • central business district (CBD), 140
  • certificates of occupancy, 152
  • certified public accountants (CPAs), 378
  • chamber of commerce, 31, 114, 194
  • Change in Accounting Method (Form 3115), 244–245
  • characteristics, of ideal job candidates, 388–390
  • Chart of Accounts, 248–250, 260–261
  • cheap chic business model, 50, 58
  • Cheat Sheet (website), 3
  • clip art, for websites, 211–212
  • Clip Art Universe (website), 211
  • (website), 211
  • Clorox Company, 70
  • ClosetMaid, 172
  • closing, as step in accounting cycle, 242, 243
  • cloud computing, 175
  • CNN Business (website), 67
  • Coach, 69, 74–75
  • coaching
    • about, 557–558
    • getting started, 560–564
    • identifying tools for, 566–567
    • incorporating into day-to-day interactions, 569–570
    • managing and, 564–566
    • show-and-tell, 568
    • successes of, 568–569
    • websites for, 570
  • The Coaching and Mentoring Network (website), 570
  • Coca-Cola, 82
  • code of ethics, creating, 425–426
  • collective business model, 51
  • color, for websites, 209–210
  • Comet, 70
  • comments, inviting from customers, 214–218
  • commercial banks, 133
  • commercial finance companies, 133
  • committing to schedules, 112
  • Common Stock account, 256
  • communication. See also marketing communications
    • evaluating, 500–501
    • of your vision, 412–413
  • Communication Arts (magazine), 531
  • community centers, for franchises, 139
  • company networks, 437
  • competition
    • business models and, 57–58
    • buying products from, 18–19
    • evaluating, 31
  • competitive advantage
    • considerations about, 58
    • enhancing, 60–62
    • obtaining your, 58–60
  • competitive benefits, of franchise ownership, 95–96
  • competitive edge, addressed in business model, 48
  • competitive intelligence, 18–20
  • competitive strategy, addressed in business model, 48
  • competitive threats, 573–574
  • complementary products, addressed in business model, 48
  • Complete, Accurate, Reliable, and Timely (CART), 353–354
  • complexity, 13
  • concentrated campaign, 537
  • conducting
    • multiple interviews, 400–401
    • self-appraisals, 42–44
  • confidential circumstances, delegating, 450
  • consideration, 135
  • consistency, in brand, 508–509, 516–517
  • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA, 1985), 185
  • construction, beginning for franchises, 152
  • consulting outside professionals, 187–188
  • content, creating to attract customers to websites, 199–208
  • context, provided by coaches, 567
  • continuity, for enhancing competitive advantage, 62
  • contra account, 320
  • contracts, 134
  • contribution, 350
  • control, loss of, after delegation, 442
  • control benchmarks, 300
  • controller, 289
  • conveying brand and position through taglines, 513–514
  • cooperatives, buying goods through, 156
  • copy guidelines, 519
  • copyright (©) symbol, 519
  • copyrights account, 254
  • Corel (website), 213
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
    • about, 419
    • benefits of, 421–422
    • developing strategy for implementation, 422–424
    • employing, 420–421
    • ethics, 424–427
    • socially responsible practices, 420–422
  • corporations
    • about, 189–190, 228–229
    • benefits of, 229–230
    • incorporating process, 230–231
    • risks of, 230
    • tax reporting for, 369–370
  • cost control. See also budgeting
    • about, 331–332, 332–333
    • analyzing advertising and sales promotion costs, 338–339
    • analyzing employee cost, 338
    • comparing P&L and balance sheet, 344–346
    • context of, 333–334
    • cost of goods sold, 336–337, 346–349
    • depreciation expense, 339–341
    • expenses, 342–343
    • facilities expense, 341–342
    • frame of mind for, 332
    • gross margin, 336–337
    • interest expense, 343–344
    • profit centers, 349–350
    • reducing costs, 351
    • sales revenue change, 335–336
  • cost leadership, 59
  • cost of goods sold
    • about, 272, 279
    • on balance sheet, 301–302
    • on Chart of Accounts, 249
    • cost control and, 336–337, 346–349
    • defined, 240
    • inventory shrinkage, 348–349
    • inventory write-downs, 348–349
    • selecting methods, 346–347
  • cost superiority, 15
  • costs
    • advertising, 338–339
    • employee, 338
    • with market expansion strategy, 478
    • reducing, 351
    • sales promotion, 338–339
  • counseling, delegating, 449
  • Courtyard by Marriott, 80
  • Craigslist (website), 393
  • creating
    • business model
      • about, 45–46
      • common aspects of, 47–49
      • evolution of, 46
      • examples of, 50–52
      • finding success with, 52–62
      • importance of, 45–46
      • simple, 49
      • who needs a, 46–47
    • career development plans, 562–563
    • code of ethics, 425–426
    • content to attract customers to websites, 199–208
    • deals, 128
    • impression inventory, 502
    • logos, 214
    • mass media schedule, 535–538
    • sustainable supply chain, 422
    • technology-competitive advantages, 434
    • websites
      • about, 195–196
      • attracting customers with content, 199–208
      • creating a web presence, 219
      • establishing visual identities, 208–214
      • Feng Shui, 196–198
      • inviting comments from customers, 214–218
  • creative brief, 523
  • creative strategy, 516–517
  • creativity, 34–36
  • Credit Cards Payable account, 255
  • credits, 246–248
  • cropping, 212–213
  • cross defaults, 89
  • crowdsourcing business model, 52
  •, 53
  • CSR. See corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • cultural fit, as job candidate characteristic, 390
  • current assets
    • about, 294–295
    • accounts, 251
    • on Chart of Accounts, 249
  • current liabilities
    • about, 294–295
    • accounts, 254–255
    • on Chart of Accounts, 249
  • current ratio, 295–296
  • customer base, retaining, 574–582
  • customer loyalty
    • about, 422, 573–574
    • dissatisfied customers, 582–584
    • retaining customer base, 574–582
  • customer perception, 464
  • customer segments
    • for enhancing competitive advantage, 60–61
    • evaluating attractiveness of, 64
    • market segmentation strategy and, 481–482
  • customer service, 578–581
  • customers
    • analysis of, 10
    • determining attractiveness of, 73–75
    • finding, 461–463
    • inviting comments from, 214–218
    • knowing your, 454–463
    • listening to, 36–37
    • prospective, talking to, 31
    • putting yourself in shoes of, 499–500
  • cut out the middle man business model, 51


  • dafont (website), 211
  • data, looking for at government websites, 20
  • day job, leaving your, 184–186
  • daypart, 142
  • dealing with failure, 132
  • deals, crafting, 128
  • debenture, 132
  • debits, 246–248
  • debt, on balance sheet, 305
  • Debt Zero LLC, 172
  • deferred revenue, 274, 278–279
  • delegating
    • about, 439–441
    • appropriate tasks for, 446–448
    • appropriate tasks to keep, 448–450
    • myths about, 441–445
    • reasons for, 440–441
    • steps in, 445–446
  • deliveries, receiving, 159–160
  • dental insurance, as a consideration before leaving day job, 184
  • depreciation
    • about, 280–281
    • accumulated, 252–253
    • on balance sheet, 302–303
    • cost control and, 339–341
    • defined, 241
  • Description column, in Chart of Accounts, 260
  • detail work, delegating, 447
  • developing
    • business plan, 186
    • CSR strategy for implementation, 422–424
    • effective marketing communications, 529–532
    • employees. See employee development
    • marketing plans, 194
    • a niche strategy, 23–24
    • technology plans, 434–436
  • development, 562–563
  • differentiation, 15, 54, 59
  • digital media, 533, 534
  • direct method, statement of cash flows and, 313–315
  • direct sales business model, 51
  • direct selling, with home-based business, 171
  • direct variable expense, 336
  • direction, provided by goals, 407
  • directories, 534
  • direct-unit franchises, 88
  • discipline, delegating, 449
  • discussion areas, on websites, 218
  • disruptions, anticipating, 40–41
  • disruptive innovations, 40–41
  • distribution and delivery, as category of business possibilities, 33
  • distribution channels, access to, as threat to new entrants, 13
  • distribution strategies, 480
  • dividends, 239
  • doctrine of ostensible authority, 226
  •, 53
  • Domino's Pizza, 53
  • dots per inch (dpi), 199, 213
  • double underline, 269
  • double-entry bookkeeping, 192–193, 246–248
  • downsizing, 601
  • Drawing account, 256
  • Dreamweaver (Adobe), 202–203, 215
  • drive time, evaluating for franchises, 146–147
  • dry storage, 161–162
  • dual branding, 142
  • DuckDuckGo (website), 19
  • due diligence, doing, 127
  • Dues and Subscriptions account, 259
  • Duluth Trading Company, 48
  • Dummies (website), 3
  • Dunkin', 142
  • DuraFlame, 56


  • earnings. See profit
  • earnings before income tax, 265
  • earnings before interest and income tax. See operating expenses
  • earnings per share (EPS), 266
  • earnings statement. See income statement
  • eBay (website), 219
  • eBusiness Technology Kit For Dummies (Allen and Weisner), 435
  • e-commerce, funding for, 119–121
  • EcommerceBytes (website), 218
  • economies of scale, as threat to new entrants, 13
  • eCRATER (website), 219
  • efficiency, improving, 431–432
  • 80/20 rule, 414
  • elevator pitch, 9
  • e-mail
    • campaigns, for finding employees, 393
    • first impressions from, 494–495
  • email feedback, 215–216
  • employee development
    • about, 558–564
    • coaching, 564–566
    • reasons for, 558–560
  • employee ownership, 595
  • employees
  • employment agencies, for job candidates, 392
  • employment eligibility, checking, 401
  • enabling comments on web pages, 217–218
  • encouragement, from coaches, 565
  • encroachment, 147–149
  • end user, 23
  • enrolled agents (EAs), 377
  • entrants, threats to new, 13–14
  • Entrepreneur Media (website), 172
  • entry strategy, 15
  • envisioning your position, 486
  • equipment account, 253
  • Equipment Rental account, 259
  • equity
    • about, 250
    • accounts, 256
    • on Chart of Accounts, 249
    • defined, 239
    • sources of, 324
  • errors, in accounting records, 283–286
  • errors and omissions insurance, 192, 383–384
  • eSmart Tax (website), 374
  • ethics
    • about, 424
    • creating a code of, 425–426
    • daily choices, 427
    • on the job, 424–425
  • evaluating
    • communications, 500–501
    • competition, 31
    • drive times for franchises, 146–147
    • job candidates, 398–401
    • marketing materials, 500–501
    • mass media efforts, 538–539
    • target market, 63–64
  • eventual replacement costs, 340
  • E-Verify program (website), 401
  • evolution, of business models, 46
  • examples, of business models, 50–52
  • exclusive territory, 87
  • executive summary, 8–9, 105
  • expense accounts, 258–260
  • expenses
    • about, 256
    • on Chart of Accounts, 249
    • cost control and, 342–343
    • defined, 240
    • depreciation, 280–281
    • effect on assets/liabilities of, 273–274
    • prepaid, 280
    • recording, 278–282
  • experience, as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • expert advice, seeking, 114–115
  • extended coverage, for home-based businesses, 191
  • external balance sheet, 293
  • external budgets, 360–361
  • external image, 206
  • (website), 218


  • Facebook
    • about, 543
    • advertising, 548
    • determining metrics for, 544–545
    • developing a plan for, 543–548
    • interacting with customers on, 546
    • lead-generating on, 547–548
    • website, 19, 219, 393, 399
  • facilities expense, 333–334, 341–342
  • facings, 163
  • failures
    • dealing with, 132
    • preparing for, 468–469
  • family
    • funding from, 121–122
    • NDAs and, 135
  • FAQ, business plan, 106–107
  • feasibility analysis
    • about, 8
    • business concept, 9
    • executive summary, 8–9
    • feasibility decision, 11
    • financial analysis, 11
    • genesis or founding team analysis, 10
    • industry analysis, 10
    • market/customer analysis, 10
    • product/service development analysis, 10
    • timeline to launch, 11
  • features, of products, 526–527
  • Federal Business Opportunities (website), 194
  • Federation of Tax Administrators (website), 371
  • FedEx, 55
  • feedback
    • email, 215–216
    • provided by coaches, 566
  • Feng Shui, for your website, 196–198
  • field consultants, 96
  • financial analysis, 11
  • financial leverage, 308
  • financial review, in business plan, 106
  • financial statements, as step in accounting cycle, 242, 243
  • financing
    • for e-commerce, 119–121
    • a traditional business, 118–119
  • financing activities, 298, 324–325
  • Find a Mentor (website), 570
  • finding
    • angels, 122–123
    • assistance, 194
    • best industries, 67
    • changes leading to new opportunities, 37
    • customers, 461–463
    • expert advice, 114–115
    • good people as employees, 390–393
    • informative resources, 113–114
    • marketing formula, 463–466
    • mentors, 570–571
    • success with a business model, 52–62
    • suppliers, 157–158
    • target market
      • about, 63
      • customer attractiveness, 73–75
      • determining industry attractiveness, 64–68
      • gauging, 63–64
      • industry value chain, 75–77
      • niche attractiveness, 68–73
    • underserved markets, 72–73
    • unserved markets, 72–73
    • your place on industry value chain, 75–77
  • fire insurance, for home-based businesses, 191
  • Firehouse Subs, 83
  • first impressions
    • about, 492
    • email, 494–495
    • online searches, 492–493
    • in person, 497–500
    • telephone, 495–497
    • website, 493–494
  • first mover advantage, as way to gain differentiation, 59
  • first-in, first-out (FIFO) accounting method, 347
  • first-stage funding, 119
  • Fisher, Paul (inventor), 61
  • Five Guys, 69
  • five-minute appearance test, 597–598
  • fixed assets, 280–281, 302–303
  • flat fee business model, 53
  • flat market, 473–475
  • flexibility
    • delegation and, 444–445
    • as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • flighting, 537
  • floor plan, of location, 151
  • focus, 60
  • focusing on target customers, 457–460
  • Folgers, 75–76
  • follow through, 570
  • font, 518–519
  • Font Squirrel's Webfont Generator (website), 211
  • foot traffic, 498
  • footprint, 151
  • Ford Motor Company, 82
  • forecasting budgeting, 357–360
  • Form 1040 Schedule E Supplemental Income and Loss, 369
  • Form 1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income, 369
  • form fields, 216
  • Form I-9, 401
  • forming partnerships, 226–227
  • FormMail.To (website), 217
  • forms, 216–217
  • Forrester Research (website), 67, 473
  • founding team, analysis of, 10
  • franchise agreement, 99, 147–149
  • franchise business model, 50
  • franchise fee, 80
  • franchisee, 79–80, 85–88, 93–94
  • franchisee advisory councils (FACs), 93–94
  • franchising
    • about, 79–80, 137
    • beginning construction, 152
    • brands in, 81–82
    • encroachment, 147–149
    • franchise agreement, 99
    • franchisee/franchisor relationship, 93–94
    • franchisees, 79–80, 85–88
    • franchisors, 79–80, 85–88, 144–146, 154–155, 175
    • as a home-based business, 171
    • implementing franchisor designs, 151
    • location options, 138–142
    • maintaining inventory, 161–164
    • master, 92
    • meeting requirements for your franchise, 150–153
    • merchandise, 153–158
    • pros and cons of, 95–99
    • rebates, 155–157
    • receiving merchandise, 158–160
    • relationships, 88–93
    • researching locations for, 142–147
    • success of, 80–81
    • supplies, 153–158
    • training, 164–167
    • types of franchises, 82–84
    • upcharges, 155–157
  • franchisor
    • about, 79–80, 144–146, 175
    • buying goods from, 154
    • buying products approved by, 154–155
    • relationship with franchisee, 93–94
    • roles and goals of, 85–88
  • free cash flow, 326–327
  • Free Edgar (website), 19
  • FreeFind (website), 208
  • freemium business model, 52
  • Freight Charges account, 258
  • frequency, balancing with reach, 536–537
  • friends
    • funding from, 121–122
    • NDAs and, 135
  • front of the house, 162–164
  • front-loading, 537
  • Fuld + Company (website), 20
  • Fuller Brush Company, 171
  • full-time jobs, leaving for part-time business, 174–175
  • funding
    • about, 117
    • finding angels, 122–123
    • from friends and family, 121–122
    • growth, 132–134
    • guarding interests, 134–135
    • IPOs, 128–132
    • planning for, 118–121
    • venture capital, 124–128
  • furniture and fixtures account, 253
  • future duties, delegating, 448


  • gains, reporting, 282–284
  • garbage in, garbage out concept, 353
  • Gartner (website), 67, 473
  • General Ledger, 241
  • General Motors, 56
  • generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 285
  • genesis team, analysis of, 10
  • Getting, Ivan (physicist), 61
  • GIF format, 214
  • gigs, turning into businesses, 29–30
  • Global Coach Connect (website), 570
  • goal-setting
    • about, 405–406
    • by coaches, 565
    • communicating goals and vision, 412–413
    • directions for, 406–408
    • identifying SMART goals, 408–410
    • juggling priorities, 413–415
    • making goals reality, 415–417
    • number of goals, 410–411
  • goodwill account, 254
  • Google (website), 19
  • Google Images (website), 206, 210
  • Google Search, 487
  • gosmallbiz (website), 172
  • go-to-market (GTM) strategy, 475–477
  • government
    • legal requirements, for home-based businesses, 190–191
    • looking for data on websites, 20
    • regulations, as threat to new entrants, 14
  • GPS system, 61
  • The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute (Bissonnette), 480
  • Green Irene, 171
  • Greenfield, Jeff (author)
    • Negotiating Commercial Leases & Renewals For Dummies, 150
  • gross margin. See gross profit margin
  • gross profit, 265, 269
  • gross profit margin, 17, 265, 269, 279, 336–337
  • growth, funding, 132–134
  • growth hacking, 487–489
  • growth of business
    • about, 585–586
    • choosing management tools, 593–596
    • human resource issues, 589–591
    • redefining your role during, 599–602
    • stages in, 586–589
    • time-management issues, 591–593
    • troubleshooting challenges, 596–598
  • growth opportunity, planning to seize, 109
  • growth wave, 471
  • growth years, 587
  • guarding interests, 134–135
  • guestbook, 217
  • gut instinct, in hiring process, 402–403


  • Häagen Dazs, 69
  • hard working, as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • headings, for websites, 203
  • health insurance
    • as a consideration before leaving day job, 184
    • for home-based businesses, 173, 191
  • heavy-up scheduling, 538
  • height attribute, 206
  • help
    • finding, 194
    • with information technology (IT), 436
    • offered by coaches, 567
  • hiring process
    • about, 387
    • defining desirable characteristics, 388–390
    • evaluating candidates, 398–401
    • finding good people, 390–393
    • hiring the best, 401–403
    • interviewing, 394–398
    • job description, 387–388
    • for replacements, 602
  • hobbies, turning into businesses, 29–30
  • home page, 196–198
  • home-based business
    • about, 169–170
    • basics of, 170–175
    • benefits of, 175–176
    • disadvantages of, 177–178
    • quiz for, 178–180
    • starting from scratch, 181–182
    • transitioning into, 182–194
    • types of, 170–172
  • homeowner's policy, for home-based businesses, 192
  • Hoovers (website), 19
  • hosts, for websites, 199
  • hotel california business model, 52
  • The Huffington Post, 54
  • human resources, issues with, 589–591


  • icons, explained, 3
  • identifying
    • business opportunities, 36–39
    • coach's tools, 566–567
    • key messages, 109–111
    • SMART goals, 408–410
    • strengths, 460–461
    • target audiences, 109–111
  • The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By (Shane), 64
  • images
    • enhancing text on websites with, 206
    • sharing with Pinterest, 552–553
  • implementing
    • franchisor designs, 151
    • strategic changes, 600–602
  • impression inventory, 502
  • impressions, improving, 503
  • improving
    • competitive advantage, 60–62
    • efficiency, 431–432
    • impressions, 503
    • marketing strategy
      • about, 471–472
      • aligning positioning strategy with growth initiatives, 486–487
      • developing market share strategy, 483–485
      • growth wave, 471
      • market expansion, 475–481
      • market segmentation, 481–483
      • selling innovative products, 489
    • productivity, 431–432
    • website text with images, 206
  • in person, first impressions from, 497–500
  • Inc. (magazine), 67
  • Inc. (website), 16, 19
  • income expectations, with franchise ownership, 98
  • income statement
    • about, 256–257
    • accounts for, 240
    • defined, 240
    • expenses, 258–260
    • reading, 271–273
    • recording money, 257
    • reporting gains/losses, 282–284
    • reporting profit or loss in, 263–286
    • tracking cost of goods sold, 258
    • typical, 264–268
  • income tax expense, 306
  • income tax payable, 281–282, 306
  • incorporating coaching into day-to-day interactions, 569–570
  • Indeed (website), 393
  • independence, loss of, with franchise ownership, 97
  • indirect method, statement of cash flows and, 315–316
  • individual success, compared with team success, 565
  • industry
    • about, 11–12
    • analysis of, 10
    • compared with market, 66
    • determining attractiveness of, 64–68
    • differing business models in same, 56–57
    • evaluating attractiveness of, 64
    • finding best, 67
    • framework of structure, 12–15
    • hostility, as threat to new entrants, 14
    • researching
      • about, 15–16
      • checking status, 16–17
      • competitive intelligence, 18–20
      • defining market niche, 21–24
  • industry niche, evaluating attractiveness of, 64
  • industry symposium, as a resource, 114
  • industry trade associations, 20
  • industry trade journal, as a resource, 114
  • industry value chain, finding your place on, 75–77
  • inelasticity, with franchise ownership, 98–99
  • influence points, analyzing, 463–466
  • information gathering, delegating, 447
  • information technology (IT)
    • about, 429
    • automation, 430–431
    • company networks, 437
    • developing technology plans, 434–436
    • help with, 436
    • improving efficiency, 431–432
    • improving productivity, 431–432
    • neutralizing negatives, 432–433
    • using to your advantage, 433–436
  • informative resources, locating, 113–114
  • informed employee, 596
  • inline image, 206
  • innovation, for enhancing competitive advantage, 60
  • innovative products, 489
  • inserting images on websites, 212–214
  • Instagram
  • insurance, for home-based businesses, 191–192
  • Insurance account, 259
  • insurance agents/brokers, consulting before starting home-based businesses, 188
  • intangible assets, 253, 304, 341
  • intellectual property, as way to gain differentiation, 59
  • interest, 241
  • interest expenses
    • on balance sheet, 305
    • cost control and, 343–344
  • Interest Income account, 257
  • interests, 134–135
  • Interim Healthcare, 83
  • internal balance sheet, 293
  • internal budgets, 360–361
  • internal candidates, as job candidates, 391
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • International Business Innovation Association (website), 194
  • International Coach Federation (website), 570
  • International Council of Shopping Centers (website), 143
  • International Franchise Association (IFA), 80–81
  • Internet
    • for finding employees, 392–393
    • researching job candidates on, 399
    • as a resource, 113
    • tax resources, 373–375
  • interview outline, 388
  • interviewing
    • about, 94
    • dont's, 397–398
    • do's, 395–396
    • questions to ask, 394–395
  • Inventing For Dummies (Bird and Bird), 25
  • inventions, licensing, 25
  • inventor
    • becoming an, 24
    • teaming up with an, 24–25
  • inventory
    • about, 279
    • on balance sheet, 301–302
    • defined, 241
    • maintaining, 161–164
    • on statement of cash flows, 319
  • Inventory account, 251
  • inventory shrinkage, 348–349
  • inventory write-downs, 348–349
  • inverted razor and blades business model, 50
  • investing activities, 297–298, 323
  • investment businesses, 267–268
  • inviting comments from customers, 214–218
  • invoices, verifying, 160
  • iPad, 69
  • IPOs, 128–132
  • IT. See information technology (IT)
  • iTunes, 54


  • Jani-King, 171
  • Jazzercise, 171
  • Jell-O, 72
  • job candidates
    • evaluating, 398–401
    • revisiting pool of during hiring process, 403
  • job description, 387–388
  • John Deere, 82
  • joint employment, 165
  • journal entries, 242, 243
  • journals, 241
  • JPEG format, 214
  • juggling priorities, 413–415
  • Just Good Business: The Strategic Guide to Aligning Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand (McElhaney), 423


  • key messages, identifying, 109–111
  • KFC, 142
  • Kindle, 55
  • KISS principle, 200–201
  • Kleenex, 72
  • knowledge
    • as source of power, 416
    • transferring from coaches, 567
  • Komodo Edit, 209
  • Kroger, 76


  • land account, 252
  • landlords, 144
  • last-in, first-out accounting (LIFO) method, 347
  • lawsuits, 574
  • lawyers, consulting before starting home-based businesses, 187
  • layout, of location, 150
  • LCS system, 34–36
  • leading people to your business, 497
  • leasehold improvements account, 252
  • leases, signing, 149–150
  • Legal and Accounting account, 259
  • legal issues, 173, 397–398
  • legal structure
    • about, 221
    • benchmarking, 234
    • choosing, 188–190, 222–224
    • corporation, 228–231
    • limited liability company (LLC), 189, 223, 232–233
    • nonprofit, 233
    • partnership, 188–189, 226–228, 368–369
    • S corporation, 189–190, 228–229, 231–233, 369–370
    • sole proprietorship, 188, 223, 224–225, 367–368
  • LEXIS/NEXIS, 114
  • liabilities
    • about, 250
    • accounts, 254–255
    • on balance sheet, 300–306
    • current, 254–255
    • defined, 239
    • effect of revenues/expenses on, 273–274
    • long-term, 255
  • liability insurance
    • for home-based businesses, 191
    • for tax advisors, 383–384
  • library, as a resource, 113
  • license to operate, 422
  • licenses, 151–152, 422
  • licensing inventions, 25
  • lifestyle centers, for franchises, 139
  • Like button, on Facebook, 548
  • limited liability company (LLC)
    • about, 189, 223
    • compared with S Corporation, 232–233
    • tax reporting for, 370
  • limited partnership, 188–189, 227
  • LinkedIn
  • links
    • building, 488
    • for websites, 205
  • liquidity, 293–296
  • listening
    • to customers, 36–37
    • to employees, 569
  • lists, for websites, 204–205
  • living budget, 361–363
  • Living Goods (website), 84
  • Loans Payable account, 255
  • locations
    • options for franchises, 138–142
    • researching for franchises, 142–147
    • as way to gain differentiation, 59
  • logic, of niche markets, 71
  • logos
    • choosing, 190
    • creating, 214
    • managing presentation of, 518
    • typestyle for, 518–519
  • long tail business model, 51
  • long-term assets
    • accounts, 252–254
    • on Chart of Accounts, 249
  • long-term liabilities, 249, 255
  • long-term vision and goals, delegating, 449
  • looking for data at government websites, 20
  • losers, as job candidate category, 400
  • loss before income tax, 265
  • loss leader business model, 51
  • loss of control, after delegation, 442
  • losses, reporting, 263–286, 282–284
  • lower of cost or market test, 348


  • magazines, 534
  • mailto link, 215–216
  • maintaining
    • brands, 516–519
    • inventory, 161–164
  • malicious mischief coverage, for home-based businesses, 192
  • malls, for franchises, 138
  • management by objective, 595
  • management tools, choosing, 593–596
  • manager, transition to, 599–600
  • managing
    • brand presentation, 518
    • coaching and, 564–566
    • logo presentation, 518
    • marketing program, 466–467
    • money, 172–173
  • market exclusivity, 90
  • market expansion strategy
    • about, 475
    • bestseller, 478–479
    • go-to-market (GTM) strategy, 475–477
    • offering more products, 477–478
  • market niche, defining, 21–24
  • market position, brand and, 510–513
  • market segment, addressed in business model, 48
  • market segmentation strategy, 481
  • market share strategy
    • about, 483
    • defining metrics, 483
    • measuring in, 485
  • market value, 309
  • market value of real estate, 340
  • marketing
    • evaluating materials, 500–501
    • finding formula for, 463–466
    • refining expectations, 467–469
  • marketing communications
    • about, 521–522
    • creating mass media schedules, 535–538
    • developing effective, 529–532
    • evaluating efforts, 538–539
    • making media selections, 532–535
    • objectives for, 522–529
  • marketing plans
    • about, 463
    • in business plan, 106
    • developing, 194
  • marketing program
    • controlling, 466–467
    • finding marketing formula, 463–466
    • maximizing impact of, 469–470
    • refining marketing expectations, 467–469
  • marketing pyramid, 462
  • marketing strategy
    • about, 463, 471–472
    • aligning positioning strategy with growth initiatives, 486–487
    • developing market share strategy, 483–485
    • growth hacking, 487–489
    • growth wave, 471
    • market expansion, 475–481
    • market segmentation, 481–483
    • selling innovative products, 489
  • markets
    • analysis of, 10
    • compared with industries, 66
    • narrowing your, 21–23
    • splitting, 70–72
  • marquee box, 212
  • Mary Kay, 171
  • mass media
    • creating schedule for, 535–538
    • evaluating efforts, 538–539
  • mass media channels, 533
  • mass-gathering, 141
  • master franchise fee, 92
  • master franchising, 92
  • Matt's Script Archive (website), 218
  • maximizing impact of marketing program, 469–470
  • McDonald's, 56–57, 69
  • McElhaney, Kellie (author)
    • Just Good Business: The Strategic Guide to Aligning Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand, 423
  • Measurable characteristic, of SMART goals, 409
  • measuring
    • growth rate of market, 472–473
    • real cost of money, 125–126
    • success, 528
  • media selections, 532–535
  • medical insurance, as a consideration before leaving day job, 184
  • meeting, with employees, 569
  • mentoring
    • being a mentor, 570–571
    • finding mentors, 570–571
    • getting started, 560–564
  • merchandise
    • about, 153–154
    • receiving, 158–160
  • merchandisers, 163
  • message, 111
  • metes and bounds, 87
  • me-too business, 511
  • metrics
    • defining for market share strategy, 483
    • determining for Facebook, 544–545
  • Microloan program, 134
  • micromanager, 439
  • Microsoft Expression Web (website), 204
  • milestones, 112–113
  • Minority Business Development Agency (website), 194
  • minus signs, 268–269
  • Miscellaneous Expenses account, 259
  • mixed-use centers, 140
  • money, managing, 172–173
  • Monster (website), 393
  • Motorola, 61
  • multilevel marketing business model, 50, 171
  • multi-unit development agreement, 89–91
  • multiyear statements, 296
  • myths, delegation, 441–445


  • narrowing your market, 21–23
  • NASA, 61
  • NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation), 130–131
  • National Association of Enrolled Agents (website), 377
  • National Market System, 131
  • navigation, for websites, 202–203
  • negative cash flow, 322
  • negative word-of-mouth, 574
  • negatives, neutralizing in IT, 432–433
  • Negotiating Commercial Leases & Renewals For Dummies (Willerton and Greenfield), 150
  • negotiation, rules of, 124
  • neighborhood centers, for franchises, 138–139
  • net earnings. See profit
  • net income. See profit
  • network effect business model, 49, 52
  • networking, 20
  • networks, company, 437
  • neutralizing negatives of IT, 432–433
  • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 130–131
  • New York Times (newspaper), 114
  • newspapers, 114, 534
  • Ng, Deborah (author)
    • Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 4th Edition, 542
  • niche markets, 71
  • niche strategy, 15, 23–24, 482–483
  • niches
    • determining attractiveness, 68–73
    • power of, 68
    • unlimited, 69
  • nickel and dime business model, 53
  • Nike, 48, 65
  • NoChar, 56
  • noncompete agreements, 32
  • non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), 135
  • nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 84
  • nonprofit organization, 233
  • notes payable, on statement of cash flows, 294
  • Notes Payable account, 255


  • objectives
    • management by, 595
    • of marketing communications, 522–529
  • objectivity, in hiring process, 402
  • obtaining your competitive advantage, 58–60
  • offer ads, on Facebook, 548
  • Office Expenses account, 259
  • off-street sites, for franchises, 140–141
  • one-to-one marketing, 533
  • ongoing benefits, of franchise ownership, 96–97
  • online auctions business model, 52
  • online branding, 507–508
  • online media, using for researching industries, 19–20
  • online searches, first impressions though, 492–493
  • open-book management, 596
  • operating activities, 297
  • operating costs, reducing, 422
  • operating earnings. See operating expenses
  • operating expenses, 266, 303
  • operating liabilities, 321–322
  • operating system. See income statement
  • organization costs account, 253
  • Other Income account, 257
  • Other Sales Costs account, 258
  • our-parcels, 139
  • outdoor media, 533
  • outlet centers, 140
  • outside professionals, consulting, 187–188
  • outsourcing, 175
  • over-dependence, with franchise ownership, 97


  • Pampered Chef, 171
  • Panera Bread, 69
  • parking, 497
  • participatory management, 595
  • partners
    • about, 223
    • addressed in business model, 48
    • attracting, 422
    • retaining, 422
  • partnerships
    • about, 188–189, 226
    • forming, 226–227
    • partnership agreement, 227–228
    • tax reporting for, 368–369
  • passion, compared with profitability, 28–29
  • pass-through entity, 333
  • Patel, Neil (blogger), 489
  • patents account, 253
  • payroll, 241
  • Payroll Taxes account, 259
  • performance appraisals, delegating, 449
  • permits, 151–152
  • personal brands, balancing with business brands, 514–516
  • personal inventory, 601–602
  • personal management functions, automating, 430
  • personal power, as source of power, 416
  • personal referrals, for job candidates, 391
  • perspective, transferring from coaches, 567
  • Peter Principle, 600
  • phishing, 488
  • Pinterest, 19, 552–553
  • pixels, 213
  • Pizza Hut, 142
  • placement of buildings/stores
    • finding customers with, 461
    • as influence point, 465
  • planning
    • to address changing conditions, 108–109
    • with business plan, 103–105
    • for businesses, 30–31
    • for funding, 118–121
    • to seize growth opportunity, 109
    • for solo business, 108
    • for startup, 108
  • planning objectives, established with business plan, 107–109
  • plans, approving, 127
  • playing up strengths, 460–461
  • plugins, 217
  • politically sensitive situations, delegating, 449–450
  • position
    • conveying through taglines, 513–514
    • in market, 510–513
  • position power, as source of power, 417
  • positioning strategy
    • about, 485–486
    • determining, 511–513
    • envisioning your position, 486
  • positive, reinforcing, 570
  • positive performance feedback, delegating, 449
  • Postage account, 259
  • posting, as step in accounting cycle, 242, 243
  • PostNet, 83
  • potential winners, as job candidate category, 400
  • power, of brands, 506–507
  • power centers, 139–140
  • premium business model, 53
  • pre-opening benefits, of franchise ownership, 96
  • prepaid expenses, 280, 319
  • prepaid expenses asset account, 303
  • presence, 195
  • pricing, 61, 464
  • pricing trap, 466
  • primary offering, 129
  • print media, 533
  • priorities, juggling, 413–415
  • privacy rights, 398
  • problems, addressed in business model, 47, 48
  • processes, automating, 430
  • product category, 484
  • product demonstrations, finding customers with, 461
  • product development
    • analysis of, 10
    • becoming an inventor, 24
    • teaming up with an inventor, 24–25
  • product distribution franchising, 82–83
  • product liability coverage, for home-based businesses, 191
  • product life cycle, 489
  • productivity, improving, 431–432
  • productization of services business model, 51
  • product-oriented business, 264
  • products
    • buying from competitors, 18–19
    • as influence point, 464
    • offering more, 477–478
    • selling, 489
  • products for sale, as category of business possibilities, 33
  • professional associations
    • finding customers with, 461
    • for job candidates, 392
    • as resources, 114
  • professional liability insurance, for home-based businesses, 192
  • professional service corporation, 190
  • profit
    • about, 265, 272, 273
    • on balance sheet, 306
    • cash flow from, 316–322
    • effect of revenues/expenses on assets and liabilities, 273–274
    • reporting in income statement, 263–286
    • retained earnings and, 276–277
    • scenarios of, 274–276
  • Profit and Loss (P&L) statement
    • about, 193
    • comparing with balance sheet, 344–346
  • profit centers, 334, 349–350
  • profit sharing, as a consideration before leaving day job, 184
  • profitability, compared with passion, 28–29
  • ProfNet (website), 20
  • projecting improvements above base sales, 468
  • promotion, as influence point, 464–465
  • proof of concept, 9
  • property, plant, and equipment (fixed assets), 302–303, 320–321
  • proprietary factors
    • of business models, 53–56
    • as threat to new entrants, 13
    • as way to gain cost leadership, 59
  • ProQuest eLibrary (website), 20
  • prospective customers, talking to, 31
  • protected market, 87
  • protected territory, 87
  • protecting brands, 516–519
  • public companies
    • checking information on, 19
    • selling stock to the, 128–132
  • Publication 17: “Your Federal Income Tax, 372
  • Publication 334: “Tax Guide for Small Business, 372
  • Publication 583: “Starting a Business and Keeping Records, 372
  • Publication 946, How To Depreciate Property, 340
  • pulsing, 538
  • Purchase Discount account, 258
  • Purchase Returns account, 258
  • Purchases account, 258
  • PuroClean, 83


  • quality circles, 596
  • quick ratio, 295–296


  • radio, 534
  • Rally's, 60, 69
  • razor and blades business model, 50
  • reach, balancing with frequency, 536–537
  • real cost of money, calculating, 125–126
  • real world, preparing for, 113–115
  • reality, of goals, 415–417
  • reality checks, carrying out, 40
  • rebates, 155–157
  • recasts, 363
  • recording
    • expenses, 278–282
    • revenue, 278–282
  • recruiting channels, traditional, 391–392
  • red herring, 130
  • Red Robin, 69
  • reducing
    • costs, 351
    • operating costs, 422
  • references, checking, 398–399
  • referrals
    • finding customers with, 461
    • personal, for job candidates, 391
  • refining marketing expectations, 467–469
  • refrigerated storage, 162
  • registered trademark (®) symbol, 519
  • reinforcing positive, 570
  • relationship power, as source of power, 416
  • relationships, franchise, 88–93
  • Relevant characteristic, of SMART goals, 409
  • Remember icon, 3
  • rent expense, 281
  • Rent Expense account, 260
  • Rent-A-Center, 74
  • repaid Insurance account, 251
  • repetitive assignments, delegating, 447
  • replacements, hiring, 602
  • reporting
    • gains, 282–284
    • losses, 282–284
    • on taxes for corporations, 369–370
    • on taxes for partnerships, 368–369
    • on taxes for sole proprietorships, 367–368
  • researching
    • businesses, 31
    • industry
      • about, 15–16
      • checking status, 16–17
      • competitive intelligence, 18–20
      • defining market niche, 21–24
    • locations for franchises, 142–147
  • resiliency, as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • resolution, for website images, 213
  • responding to email messages, 495
  • Response-O-Matic (website), 217
  • responsibility
    • of employees, 442
    • as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • retained earnings
  • retaining partners, 422
  • retirement, for home-based businesses, 173
  • revenue
    • account, 256
    • on Chart of Accounts, 249
    • deferred, 274, 278–279
    • defined, 240
    • effect on assets/liabilities of, 273–274
    • recording, 278–282
  • revenue model, addressed in business model, 48
  • reviewing notes about job candidates, 399–400
  • revisiting candidate pool in hiring process, 403
  • Rise, Al (author)
    • The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, 72
  • risks, with market expansion strategy, 478
  • rivalry, among existing firms, 15
  • road show, 131–132
  • rolling forecasts, 363
  • royalty, 80, 156


  • S Corporations
    • about, 189–190, 223, 228–229, 231–232
    • compared with limited liability company (LLC), 232–233
    • tax reporting for, 369–370
  • SafeAuto, 55
  • Salaries and Wages account, 260
  • Sale of Fixed Assets account, 257
  • sales calls, finding customers with, 461
  • sales capacity, provided by operating expenses, 335
  • Sales Discounts account, 257
  • sales mix, 336
  • Sales of Goods or Services account, 257
  • sales promotion cost, analyzing, 338–339
  • Sales Returns account, 257
  • sales revenue
    • about, 269
    • on balance sheet, 301
    • changing, 335–336
  • sales tax, 370–371
  • Sales Tax Collected account, 254
  • sales volume, 335, 336–337
  • samples, free, finding customers with, 461
  • SBA 7(a) loans, 133
  • SBA Express, 133
  • scale, 59
  • scams, for home-based businesses, 173
  • Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business, 367
  • Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc., 369
  • Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax, 368
  • schedules, committing to, 112
  • search and research company, as a resource, 114
  • search boxes, 206–208
  • search engines, for researching industries, 19
  • searchability, of websites, 206–208
  • second opinion, 41–42
  • secondary distribution, 129
  • second-stage funding, 119
  • secret partners, 227
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 19, 129, 130–131
  • self-appraisals, conducting, 42–44
  • self-starter, as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • selling
    • ability to sell, for enhancing competitive advantage, 61
    • the business, 602
    • innovative products, 489
    • stock to the public, 128–132
  • selling, general, and administrative expenses, 270, 272
  • sensitive circumstances, delegating, 450
  • serif typefaces, 211, 518
  • Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) (website), 194
  • service development, analysis of, 10
  • ServiceMaster Clean, 171
  • service-oriented business, 266
  • services for hire, as category of business possibilities, 33
  • servitization of products business model, 51
  • setting goals
    • about, 405–406
    • communicating goals and vision, 412–413
    • directions for, 406–408
    • identifying SMART goals, 408–410
    • juggling priorities, 413–415
    • making goals reality, 415–417
    • number of goals, 410–411
  • Shaklee, 171
  • Shane, Scott A. (author)
    • The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By, 64
  • sharing images with Pinterest, 552–553
  • Sharper Image, 49
  • shopping areas, for franchises, 140
  • shortfalls, assessing, 565
  • show-and-tell coaching, teaching through, 568
  • shrinking market, 473–475
  • signage, 498
  • signature, email, 494
  • signing leases, 149–150
  • silent partners, 227
  • similar-but-different business, 511
  • Simply Hired (website), 393
  • single entry accounting, 192–193
  • single-level marketing, 171
  • single-unit franchises, 88
  • site criteria, 145
  • SiteMiner (website), 208
  • Skyliner, 512
  • slogan. See taglines
  • small business, 169, 270
  • Small Business Administration (SBA), 114, 133–134
  • Small Business Development Centers (website), 194
  • SMART goals, identifying, 408–410
  • smartness, as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • Snap-on Tools, 171
  • social franchising, 84
  • social marketing
    • about, 541–542
    • Facebook
      • about, 543
      • advertising, 548
      • determining metrics for, 544–545
      • developing a plan for, 543–548
      • interacting with customers on, 546
      • lead-generating on, 547–548
      • website, 19, 219, 393, 399
    • finding customers with, 461
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn, 550–552
    • Pinterest, 19, 552–553
    • Twitter
      • about, 548–549
      • for finding employees, 393
      • website, 19, 219
  • Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 4th Edition (Zimmerman and Ng), 542
  • social networking. See social marketing
  • socially responsible practices. See corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Soft Scrub, 70
  • software, for taxes, 373
  • sole proprietorships
    • about, 188, 223, 224
    • advantages of, 225
    • disadvantages of, 225
    • tax reporting for, 367–368
  • solo business, planning for, 108
  • solvency, 293–296
  • sounding boards, coaches as, 567
  • Southwest Airlines, 54, 55
  • Space Pen, 61
  • spam, 216
  • specialty centers, 140
  • Specific characteristic, of SMART goals, 409
  • splitting markets, 70–72
  • spontaneous liabilities, 307
  • Sport Clips, 83
  • stability, as job candidate characteristic, 390
  • Standard Industrial Classification Code (website), 16
  • standards, email, 495
  • Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing (website), 25
  • Starbucks, 58, 60, 69, 75, 76, 422
  • startup, planning for, 108
  • start-up years, as a growth stage, 586–587
  • statement of cash flows
    • about, 311–312
    • cash flow from profit, 316–322
    • direct method and, 313–315
    • indirect method and, 313–315
    • limitations of, 328–329
  • Statista (website), 473
  • status, of industry, 16–17
  • Steak 'n Shake, 69
  • stock, selling to the public, 128–132
  • stockholders, 228
  • straight-line method, 340
  • strengths, 460–461
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT), 354–355
  • stretch goal, 408
  • strikingly (website), 202
  • strong value proposition, 73
  • style, for email messages, 495
  • style guidelines, 517–518
  • Suasive, 131
  • subfranchisees, 92
  • subscription model, 51
  • substitute products/services, threats from, 14
  • success
    • of coaching, 568–569
    • finding with a business model, 52–62
    • measuring, 528
  • Sun Tzu (author)
    • The Art of War, 47
  • superior branding, as way to gain differentiation, 59
  • supervisors, checking references with, 399
  • supplier bargaining power, threats from, 14
  • suppliers, finding, 157–158
  • supplies, 153–154
  • Supplies account, 260
  • support, from coaches, 565
  • support services, for home-based businesses, 173
  • surrogate roles, delegating, 448
  • sustainable supply chain, creating, 422
  • Swartz, Eric (verbal branding professional), 513–514


  • table of contents, in business plan, 105
  • Taco Bell, 142
  • TagLine Guru (website), 513
  • taglines, conveying brand and position through, 513–514
  • Taiwan Semiconductor, 60
  • talents, assessing, 565
  • Talking Points Memo (website), 217
  • Target, 57–58
  • target audiences
    • current knowledge of, 524
    • focusing on, 457–460
    • identifying, 109–111
    • knowing who they are, 523–524
    • what you want them to know, 525–527
  • target market
    • about, 63
    • customer attractiveness, 73–75
    • determining industry attractiveness, 64–68
    • gauging, 63–64
    • industry value chain, 75–77
    • niche attractiveness, 68–73
  • Taser, 62
  • task power, as source of power, 417
  • tax advisors, 379–384
  • tax attorneys, 378–379
  • taxable income, 340
  • taxes
    • about, 367–368
    • keeping up with rules for, 371–375
    • paying for home-based businesses, 173
    • professional help for, 375–384
    • reporting for corporations, 369–370
    • reporting for partnerships, 368–369
    • reporting for sole proprietors, 367–368
    • sales tax, 370–371
    • software for, 373
  • (website), 375
  • teaching, through show-and-tell coaching, 568
  • team
    • coaches making time for, 566
    • communicating your vision to your, 412–413
    • inspiring creativity in, 34–36
  • team player, as job candidate characteristic, 389
  • team success, compared with individual success, 565
  • Technical Stuff icon, 3
  • technological leverage, as way to gain cost leadership, 59
  • technology. See information technology (IT)
  • The Tech Coast Angels, 123
  • telephone, first impressions from, 495–497
  • Telephone account, 260
  • temporary agencies, for job candidates, 391–392
  • term sheets, 120
  • terminology, bookkeeping, 239–241
  • testing business ideas, 39–44
  • text, enhancing on websites with images, 206
  • theft coverage, for home-based businesses, 192
  • theme/festival centers, 140
  • third-stage funding, 119
  • threats
    • from buyers' bargaining power, 14
    • to new entrants, 13–14
    • from substitute products/services, 14
    • from suppliers' bargaining power, 14
  • thumbnail, 206
  • tile images, in background, 210
  • time frame
    • establishing, 112–113
    • for marketing communications, 528–529
  • Time-bound characteristic, of SMART goals, 409
  • timeline to launch, 11
  • time-management, issues with, 591–593
  • timing ads, 537–538
  • Tip icon, 3
  • <title> tag, 204
  • titles, for web pages, 204
  • tombstone, 130
  • tone
    • for email messages, 495
    • for website, 201–202
  • tools, for budgeting
    • CART, 353–354
    • flash reports, 355–356
    • SWOT, 354–355
  • Toyota, 48, 53, 54
  • tracking venture capital process, 126–128
  • Tracy, John A. (author)
    • Cash Flow For Dummies, 294
  • Tracy, Tage C. (author)
    • Cash Flow For Dummies, 294
  • trade shows, 114
  • trade shows, finding customers with, 461
  • trademark (TM) symbol, 519
  • trading area, 147
  • traditional business, financing a, 118–119
  • traditional job-hunting sites, for finding employees, 393
  • traditional recruiting channels, 391–392
  • training, 164–167
  • transactions, 241–242, 243, 297–299
  • transferring calls, 496
  • transition stage, in growth, 587–589
  • transitioning, into home-based businesses, 182–194
  • Travel and Entertainment account, 260
  • Treetops, 512
  • trend analysis, 296
  • trial balance, 241, 242, 243
  • trial coupons, finding customers with, 461
  • tripwires, 488–489
  • Trout, Jack (author)
    • The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, 72
  • trust, for employees, 442
  • TV, 534
  • The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (Trout), 72
  • Twin Peaks, 83
  • Twitter
    • about, 548–549
    • for finding employees, 393
    • offering of, 49
    • website, 19, 219
  • Type column, in Chart of Accounts, 260
  • typefaces, for websites, 210–211
  • typestyle, for logo, 518–519


  • uncertainty, 12
  • underserved markets
    • finding, 72–73
    • working in, 67–68
  • underwriters, choosing, 130
  • unenrolled preparers, 376–377
  • unique supplier relationship, as way to gain differentiation, 59
  • unlimited niches, 69
  • unserved markets
    • finding, 72–73
    • working in, 67–68
  • upcharges, 155–157
  • U.S. Census Bureau (website), 20
  • U.S. Department of Commerce (website), 20
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (website), 194
  • U.S. Tax Code On-Line (website), 375
  • users as experts business model, 52
  • Utilities account, 260


  • value, of brands, 506–507
  • value chain, 48, 75–77
  • value proposition, addressed in business model, 48
  • vandalism coverage, for home-based businesses, 192
  • variance report, 364
  • variances, 152
  • vBulletin (website), 218
  • vehicle insurance, for home-based businesses, 192
  • vehicles account, 252, 260
  • venture capital, 119, 124–128
  • vertical integration, as way to gain cost leadership, 59
  • vision
    • communicating your, 412–413
    • provided by coaches, 567
  • vision insurance, as a consideration before leaving day job, 184
  • VisionSpring (website), 84
  • Vistaprint, 55, 65, 68
  • visual identities, establishing, 208–214
  • voicemail messages, 496
  • Volkswagen, 530


  • Walk-In Lab, 54
  • Wall Street Journal (newspaper), 114, 392
  • wallpaper, for websites, 209–210
  • Walmart, 53, 54, 57–58, 71
  • want ads, for job candidates, 392
  • Warning! icon, 3
  • Waste Management, 65
  • Web Marketing Today (website), 211
  • web pages, 204
  • WebAward Competition (website), 208
  • Webby Awards (website), 208
  • websites
    • Affordable Care Act (2010), 185
    • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 378
    • Ask, 19
    • Barron's (magazine), 67
    • Bing, 19
    • Bloomberg Businessweek, 16
    • Bloomberg Businessweek (magazine), 67
    • Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20
    • Career Builder, 393
    • Cheat Sheet, 3
    • clip art for, 211–212
    • Clip Art Universe, 211
    •, 211
    • CNN Business, 67
    • for coaching, 570
    • The Coaching and Mentoring Network, 570
    • color for, 209–210
    • Corel, 213
    • Craigslist, 393
    • creating
      • about, 195–196
      • attracting customers with content, 199–208
      • creating a web presence, 219
      • establishing visual identities, 208–214
      • Feng Shui, 196–198
      • inviting comments from customers, 214–218
    • dafont, 211
    • discussion areas on, 218
    • DuckDuckGo, 19
    • Dummies, 3
    • eBay, 219
    • EcommerceBytes, 218
    • eCRATER, 219
    • Entrepreneur Media, 172
    • eSmart Tax, 374
    • E-Verify program, 401
    •, 218
    • Facebook, 19, 219, 393, 399
    • Federal Business Opportunities, 194
    • Federation of Tax Administrators, 371
    • Find a Mentor, 570
    • for finding employees, 393
    • first impressions from, 493–494
    • Font Squirrel's Webfont Generator, 211
    • FormMail.To, 217
    • Forrester, 473
    • Forrester Research, 67
    • Free Edgar, 19
    • FreeFind, 208
    • Fuld + Company, 20
    • Gartner, 67, 473
    • Global Coach Connect, 570
    • Google, 19
    • Google Images, 206, 210
    • gosmallbiz, 172
    • headings for, 203
    • Hoovers, 19
    • Inc., 16, 19
    • Inc., 67
    • Indeed, 393
    • Instagram, 19
    • Internal Revenue Service, 340, 367, 372, 374, 401
    • International Business Innovation Association, 194
    • International Coach Federation, 570
    • International Council of Shopping Centers, 143
    • LinkedIn, 393, 399
    • links for, 205
    • lists for, 204–205
    • Living Goods, 84
    • Matt's Script Archive, 218
    • Microsoft Expression Web, 204
    • Minority Business Development Agency, 194
    • Monster, 393
    • National Association of Enrolled Agents, 377
    • Patel, Neil (blogger), 489
    • Pinterest, 19
    • privacy rights, 398
    • ProfNet, 20
    • ProQuest eLibrary, 20
    • Response-O-Matic, 217
    • SBA (Small Business Administration), 133
    • searchability of, 206–208
    • Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), 194
    • Simply Hired, 393
    • SiteMiner, 208
    • Small Business Development Centers, 194
    • Standard Industrial Classification Code, 16
    • Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing, 25
    • Statista, 473
    • strikingly, 202
    • TagLine Guru, 513
    • taglines, 513
    • Talking Points Memo, 217
    •, 375
    • Twitter, 19, 219, 393
    • typefaces for, 210–211
    • U.S. Census Bureau, 20
    • U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 194
    • U.S. Department of Commerce, 20
    • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 194
    • U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, 19
    • U.S. Tax Code On-Line, 375
    • vBulletin, 218
    • VisionSpring, 84
    • wallpaper for, 209–210
    • Web Marketing Today, 211
    • WebAward Competition, 208
    • Webby Awards, 208
    • Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting, 375
    • Yahoo, 19
    • Yelp, 19
  • Weisner, Jon (author)
    • eBusiness Technology Kit For Dummies, 435
  • Weissman, Jerry (management consultant), 131
  • Wendy's, 56–57, 69
  • what-if analysis, 361–363
  • White Castle, 69
  • width attribute, 206
  • Willerton, Dale (author)
    • Negotiating Commercial Leases & Renewals For Dummies, 150
  • WingStreet, 142
  • winners, as job candidate category, 400
  • Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting (website), 375
  • workers' compensation, for home-based businesses, 192
  • worksheet, as step in accounting cycle, 242, 243
  • write-downs of inventory, 348–349
  • writing
    • business plan
      • about, 103
      • anatomy of, 105–107
      • establishing time frame, 112–113
      • identifying key messages, 109–111
      • identifying target audiences, 109–111
      • planning, 103–105
      • planning objectives, 107–109
      • preparing for real world, 113–115
    • creative strategy, 516–517
  • writing off, 283


  • Xerox, 55–56, 72


  • Yahoo (website), 19
  • Yelp (website), 19
  • yourself, knowing, 454–463


  •, 53
  • Zimmerman, Jan (author)
    • Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 4th Edition, 542
  • Zipcar, 53
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