Chapter 30
Orchestrating the Environment

  • images Objective 5.3: Summarize orchestration processes and concepts

images Orchestration refers to the organization of a process that is balanced and coordinated and achieves consistency in the results. In music, an orchestra conductor helps to organize the process that the musicians must traverse to produce beautiful music. The conductor analyzes the musical score (music recipe), determines the desired sound, and orchestrates the various individual musicians to reach the desired and consistent results.

Orchestration in the computing world has great similarities to a music orchestra, except instead of musicians, the process involves technologies. For example, a few IT processes that need orchestration are as follows:

  • Application development
  • Configuration management
  • Disaster recovery
  • Server monitoring
  • Security

Notice in this list that many of these processes overlap. For example, security is an important item not just in server monitoring, but for the other list members as well. Thus, IT orchestration often involves multiple technology layers and tools. In this chapter, we’ll take a look at the IT process orchestration subsets covered by the certification.

Understanding Orchestration Concepts

One particular IT orchestration process, which is getting a lot of attention these days, is DevOps. This method improves software delivery operations. DevOps includes the following components:

  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous testing
  • Continuous delivery
  • Infrastructure as code
  • Infrastructure automation
  • Monitoring and logging

images The name DevOps comes from melding two job titles together. A software developer and a system administrator (also called tech ops) come together to work as a team in order to create a DevOps environment.

Probing Procedures

In DevOps, the idea is to quickly and continually provide new software features, bug fixes, and desired modifications to the customer. The focus is on continual small changes to the app as opposed to large monolithic updates.

Continual App Processing One DevOps layer involves software revision control (Chapter 27) that quickly integrates app changes into the main software branch (continuous integration). In addition, these changes undergo automated testing to avoid breaking the app when the branch merges (continuous testing). With the help of the two previous components, software is delivered to the customer on a continual basis (continuous delivery).

Controlling the App Environment To support this continuous app processing layer, it is critical in DevOps that the development and production environment match. This includes equivalent hardware, device drivers, operating system versions, software libraries, and so on. The requirement provides a software development environment that produces production code free from bugs and complications due to mismatched environments.

In addition, environment changes must be controlled and tested in a manner similar to how software revisions are orchestrated. For example, if a controlled update to the Linux kernel in the development environment introduces an unforeseen app bug, the environment can be rolled back to its previous version until the bug is addressed. Environment updates are typically done in small chunks, much like app revisions are handled, so that each environment modification can be properly and discretely managed. Tested new environments are added to a registry where older environments are also maintained in case a rollback to an earlier environment is needed.

Defining the App Environment In DevOps, the development and production environments (infrastructure) have predefined specifications, such as what hardware to employ, the essential operating system, and any needed software packages as well as critical code libraries. The non-hardware specifications are typically implemented into the environment via automated code (configuration management).

Besides an environment’s configuration, security measures, such as firewall ACLs (Chapter 18) and authentication policies (Chapter 16), must also be orchestrated. This too is implemented into the environment via automated code (policy as code).

Configuration management and policy as code fall under the umbrella term infrastructure as code. A benefit of using infrastructure as code is that the environments are repeatable. Also, they can be versioned, which is needed to implement revision control in the app environments for both policies and configuration. This DevOps component is covered more in depth later in this chapter.

Deploying the App Environment The app and its development environment are often moved to a production status (production environment) in a continual manner. The “continual manner” can be hourly, daily, weekly or whatever meets the app’s business requirements.

The benefit of employing infrastructure as code techniques is that the process of deploying the app and its environment can be easily automated (infrastructure automation). Red Hat’s Ansible product is one tool used for this DevOps deployment.

Monitoring the App Environment When the app is operating in its production environment, it needs to be monitored and logged. Software metrics, infrastructure resource usage, and performance statistics are just a few of the items to monitor and log. The goal is to track the app environment and ensure that it is meeting predetermined conditions (environment health). Often this monitoring is automated as well.

As business needs change, the logged data can be valuable for future desired environment states. It provides threshold and performance measurements that make much easier decisions as to what app or environment infrastructure modifications are needed.

In addition, monitoring can provide alerts to potential failures or resource depletion events. If a particular preset limit is crossed, the monitoring software can issue an alert or even handle the event itself using predefined event rules.

Orchestration is the key to agile DevOps. Besides the methodology, various orchestration tools provide additional speed needed to succeed in the continual software delivery business setting.

images Keep in mind that we are only covering a few DevOps concepts here. There are several other interesting DevOps topics, including microservices. For a deep dive into DevOps, consider The DevOps Adoption Playbook by Sanjeev Sharma (Wiley, 2017).

Analyzing Attributes

Virtualization, and more specifically containers (covered in Chapter 28), greatly assist in the DevOps process. Containers in DevOps provide the following:

Static Environment Containers provide a predetermined app environment (also called a container image) that does not change through time (immutable). The container is created with preset library and operating system versions and security settings. All these settings are recorded. No software updates (such as via a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade command) are issued within the image.

Version Control After the software development process and prior to moving a modified app container image into production, the container and its recorded configuration are registered with a version control system. The version control system can contain previous app container images, including the one currently in production. Some companies use a manual version control system implemented via backups.

Replace Not Update After registration, the app container is ready to move into production. Instead of the production app container image being updated to match the development image, the production container is stopped. The development app container image then replaces the production container and starts as the production environment. Thus, an environment switch occurs.

High Availability Replication is the process of creating multiple copies of the production app container image and running them. This allows you to stop old currently unused production app containers and replace them with the new production app containers, which provides continual uptime for your app users. With containers and replication, the old method of shutting down your production environment to update it during a time period in the wee hours of the morning is gone.

To accomplish these tasks with container images, you need orchestration. Orchestration principles provide tools, utilities, and guidance for implementing app container images in a fast-paced environment, such as one that uses DevOps.


Moving to DevOps and Orchestration

Marty is a tech ops. He is in charge of managing the systems that support his company’s primary application, called Future.

Jennifer is lead programmer on the Future app. She and her team make desired enhancements and fix bugs in its software. When her team has completed its modifications and testing of the app, it is moved into production on Marty’s systems.

Unfortunately, in this environment, problems ensue. Jennifer’s development computers are not kept in sync with Marty’s production systems as far as server, operating system versions, and libraries are concerned. This introduces additional bugs into the Future app code and causes lots of extra work for both Jennifer and Marty. In addition, customer-desired modifications are very slow to move into production. Marty and Jennifer tend to blame each other.

A co-worker, Dr. Brown, has come back from DevOps training and proposes a radical (at least for them) way to shift their company’s development and production process. He suggests the following:

  1. The development team employs a container for their environment to create Future app changes.
  2. The production application environment is also moved to a container, and its image is put into a registry for container version control.
  3. The Future app production container is replicated, with each replication running to meet customer demand using a tool such as Kubernetes.
  4. The development container’s configuration and security policies are determined by Marty and Jennifer’s team and recorded (infrastructure as code) in a tool, such as Puppet or SaltStack.
  5. Instead of massive changes to the Future app, Jennifer’s team will create small incremental changes to the code and use a version control system, such as Git.
  6. These small software code changes are tested automatically via a tool, such as CircleCI or Jenkins.
  7. The tested modifications are released on a weekly basis.
  8. After the testing and development have been completed on the app development image, it is moved into the container registry for version control.
  9. The current Future app production container images are stopped and the development containers take their places. This is done so the Future app users experience no outages. If needed, Marty can roll back to the old production container image should problems arise.
  10. On the production containers, the Future app is monitored and data logged to track performance and other metrics, using a tool such as Splunk. Performance events or container outages may automatically trigger the replication of additional production containers.
  11. Jennifer and her development team create a new Future app development container image for more customer desired modifications, and the process is started all over again.

The result of this DevOps implementation greatly reduces the Future app’s software errors, increases the speed of desired customer modifications into production, and improves the communication between the tech ops and software development team. Overall, it is a win-win, as many companies are discovering today.

Provisioning the Data Center

When implemented correctly, container orchestration provides a way to increase the speed and agility of application deployment. Whether your company’s data center is local or in the cloud, you can use orchestration concepts to quickly set up your app’s required infrastructure. A few important infrastructure provisioning concepts are covered in the following sections.

Coding the Infrastructure

Much like a physical data center, a container infrastructure needs to be managed and controlled. In orchestration, the container’s configuration is treated in a manner similar to how software revisions are treated.

Determine the Infrastructure Along with the app requirements, the environment on which the app is executed must be preplanned. This activity is a mutual one between software development and tech ops. In this mutual activity, the container’s operating system, libraries, services, security configuration, and any other supporting software or networking utilities are chosen.

The determined infrastructure is frozen to provide a non-changing (immutable) environment for development and then production. Typically this app container infrastructure is only accessible via the app’s or developer’s API. Remote access services such as OpenSSH are not provided in order to protect its immutable environment.

Document the Infrastructure The preset app container infrastructure is typically documented through an orchestration tool. The configuration management and policy as code settings (covered earlier in this chapter) are loaded into the utility’s infrastructure as code portal, in a process called automated configuration management. The data is later used to deploy and replicate the app containers through build automation.

Provide Revision Control The infrastructure as code information is not just documented. It is also inserted into an orchestration tool registry, providing version control. Every time a change occurs in the container image infrastructure, its modifications are tracked.

Troubleshoot the Infrastructure If an app container is deployed into production and problems occur, tech ops, software developers, or both handle the troubleshooting process. One item to check is the production container’s documented configuration (as well as its revisions) to determine if any infrastructure items may be to blame.

This provides an easier method for tracking down that pesky new software library that caused all the problems. Various orchestration tools allow a quick determination of modified infrastructure components and quicker problem resolution.

Handling the application’s infrastructure in this manner increases the agility of your app container deployment. It also improves the time to production speed. The basic life cycle of an orchestrated app container image is shown in Figure 30.1.

The diagram shows the basic life cycle of an orchestrated app container. First circle is labeled as “Design app container configuration.” Second circle is labeled as “Document app container configuration.” Third circle is labeled as “Store container configuration in registry.” Fourth circle is labeled as “Remove production app container(s).” Fifth circle is labeled as “Monitor production app container(s).” Sixth circle is labeled as “Deploy/replicate production app container.”

Figure 30.1 Basic app container life cycle

Notice that at the end of container’s life cycle (typically when the new app container image is ready), the container image is removed. However, the old app container image’s configuration should be stored within a version control system (or backup storage) and thus redeployed if any problems occur with the new app container image.

Automating the Infrastructure

With automated configuration management, not only can you troubleshoot the infrastructure more easily and roll the environment back to an earlier version, the deployment is automated. Often more than one app container is needed for both performance and balance loading. Your environment may require hundreds of running production app containers.

Manually configuring this infrastructure is tedious and certainly not fast or cost effective. With orchestration tools, such as Chef and Puppet, and automated configuration management, you can easily replicate the production app container and don’t even have to be involved in the process (build automation). You simply let your orchestration tool know that you need X number of production app container images running at any one time.

Comparing Agent and Agentless

Orchestration monitoring, logging, and reporting tools let you track app containers’ health (how well they are performing, and if each one is still alive). Concerns over how these tools may adversely affect an app container’s health gave rise to the agent versus agentless dispute.

Agent monitoring tools are orchestration utilities that require software (an agent) to be installed in the app container being monitored. These agents collect the data and transmit it to another location, such as a monitor server. The monitor server manages the information, provides analysis reporting, and also sends alerts for events, such as a container crashing.

Agentless monitoring tools are also orchestration utilities. In this case, an agent is not installed in the app container being monitored. Instead, the tool uses preexisting and/or embedded software in the container or the container’s external environment to conduct its monitoring activity.

images Besides monitoring, logging, and reporting utilities, several high-level orchestration engines provide agentless orchestration too. One such example is Red Hat’s Ansible.

Whether to use an agent-based or an agentless orchestration utility is hotly debated. Some people feel that an agent is detrimental to an app container’s performance, while others see only minor effects. Some tech ops insist that agentless tools are inflexible, while others believe installing and maintaining an agent in their containers is an unnecessary hassle. Whatever side you choose, realize that most companies use a combination of agent and agentless orchestration tools.

Investigating the Inventory

Orchestration monitoring utilities can automatically deal with an app container’s untimely demise. When an app container shuts down, this triggers an event, and the desired state is no longer met. A desired state is a predetermined setting that declares how many containers should be deployed and running.

For example, imagine that your software application needs to have 10 production app containers running to efficiently handle the workload. If one of those containers crashes, the container inventory now switches to 9. This triggers an event in the monitoring utility that the desired state is no longer being met.

Many orchestration utilities employ self-healing. With self-healing, if the desired state is not currently being achieved, the orchestration tool can automatically deploy additional production app containers. In the previous example, this means that the orchestration tool would immediately start up an additional production app container using the container’s stored configuration settings (build automation). No human involvement is needed.

When a new production app container is first deployed, the self-healing orchestration property will cause containers to be deployed automatically until the desired state is met. That’s handy.

Looking at Container Orchestration Engines

Orchestration of containers, whether the containers are on your local servers or in the cloud, requires various orchestration engines (also called orchestration systems). No one system can do it all. The best combination is a set of general and specialized orchestration tools.

Embracing Kubernetes

Originally designed and used by Google, Kubernetes is an open-source orchestration system that is considered by many to be the de facto standard. Not only is Kubernetes very popular and free, it also is highly scalable, fault tolerant, and easy to learn.

images In some documentation, you will see the word k8s in reference to Kubernetes. The 8 replaces the “ubernete” portion of the Kubernetes name.

This system contains years of Google’s orchestration experience, and because it is open source, additional community-desired features have been added. This is one reason so many companies have adopted its use for container orchestration.

Each Kubernetes managed service or application has the following primary components:

  • Cluster service: Uses a YAML file to deploy and manage app pods
  • Pod: Contains one or more running app containers
  • Worker: Pod host system that uses a kubelet (agent) to communicate with cluster services
  • YAML file: Contains a particular app container’s automated configuration management and desired state settings

This distributed component configuration allows high scalability and great flexibility. It also works very well for continuous software delivery desired by companies employing the DevOps model.

Inspecting Docker Swarm

Docker, the popular app container management utility, created its own orchestration system, called Docker Swarm (also called Swarm). A group of Docker containers is referred to as a cluster, which appears to a user as a single container. To orchestrate a Docker cluster, you can employ Swarm.

With the Swarm system, you can monitor the cluster’s health and return the cluster to the desired state should a container within the cluster fail. You can also deploy additional Docker containers if the desired app performance is not currently being met. Swarm is typically faster than Kubernetes when it comes to deploying additional containers.

While not as popular as the Kubernetes orchestration system, Docker Swarm has its place. It is often used by those who are new to orchestration and already familiar with Docker tools.

Surveying Mesos

Mesos (also called Apache Mesos) is not a container orchestration system. Instead, Apache Mesos, created at the University of California, Berkeley, is a distributed systems kernel. It is similar to the Linux kernel, except it operates at a higher construct level. One of its features is the ability to create containers. The bottom line is that Apache Mesos combined with another product, Marathon, does provide a type of container orchestration system framework. You could loosely compare Mesos with Marathon to Docker with Swarm.

Mesos with Marathon provides high availability and health monitoring integration and can support both Mesos and Docker containers. This orchestration framework has a solid history for large container deployment environments.

If you desire to find out more about Mesos with Marathon, don’t use search engine terms like Mesos orchestration. Instead, go straight to the source at


Orchestration can involve processes in and out of the computing world, since many systems require harmonious, balanced, and coordinated procedures that achieve consistency in the results. DevOps is an IT method that benefits greatly from orchestration, including app container orchestration. The gains from these items allow such things as continuous delivery of software. Even outside of DevOps, app container orchestration is beneficial for many corporate environments.

Exam Essentials

Describe orchestration procedures. An app container is first designed with a chosen operating system, libraries, and supporting software installed as security and authentication policies. After the image design is complete, it is documented and stored, typically in a version control registry. The app container is deployed and replicated as needed. At this point, the app container moves into the monitoring phase, where it continues until the container images are no longer needed.

Explain orchestrated app container attributes. App container images are static (immutable) and do not change after they have been designed and documented. For a development app container, only the app is modified, not the infrastructure or policies. A container image is registered with a version control system to assist in troubleshooting as well as rollbacks, if needed. When a new app container image is ready, the old production container image is stopped, not updated. The new app container is started in its place. App containers can be replicated. Thus, if additional app containers are needed, the new image is replicated to meet the needs.

Summarize container monitoring. Orchestration monitoring tools can have software installed on the app container (agent) or use already embedded or other preexisting container software (agentless). The monitoring utilities gather performance data and software metrics and watch the app containers’ health. If the container inventory should drop below the desired state, the orchestration tool can use automated configuration management and build automation to replicate the number of containers to bring the app container inventory back to the desired state.

Review Questions

  1. Which of the following can use orchestration? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Software development
    2. Music production
    3. Server monitoring
    4. DevOps
    5. Containers
  2. Connie, the tech ops lead, provides the development team with a development environment that currently matches the production environment. She insists that besides the app modifications, the environment should not change. What attribute should this development environment have to meet Connie’s requirement?

    1. Self-replicating
    2. Immutable
    3. Kubernetes
    4. Infrastructure as code
    5. Self-healing
  3. Bill, the software development team leader, understands Connie’s (tech ops lead) desire for a static and matching development environment. However, since they are employing containers, Bill suggests a better improvement. Which of the following should he suggest?

    1. Modify the production container so it matches the development container when the app is ready for production.
    2. Move the app from the development container to the production container when the app is ready for production.
    3. Stop any software updates on the development container from occurring before the app is ready for production.
    4. Replace the production container with the development container when the app is ready for production.
    5. Remove any updates on the development container that are not on the production container when the app is ready for production.
  4. Which of the following orchestrated container attributes best provides high availability to an app user?

    1. Immutability
    2. Version control
    3. Replication
    4. Automation
    5. Documentation
  5. In DevOps and container orchestration, non-hardware items such as the operating system and libraries and security policies are documented within the orchestration tool, implemented into the desired environment, and are called what?

    1. Marathon
    2. Build automation
    3. A development environment
    4. A container
    5. Infrastructure as code
  6. Ms. Ward needs to move an app container into production. She employs an orchestration tool, which uses the predefined infrastructure as code to deploy and replicate the needed production container images. What orchestration concept did Ms. Ward use?

    1. Monitoring
    2. Build automation
    3. Replication
    4. Version control
    5. Docker Swarm
  7. Which of the following is a benefit of automated configuration management in container orchestration? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Containers can be deployed automatically.
    2. Containers can be replicated automatically.
    3. Troubleshooting infrastructure issues is easier.
    4. Continuous software delivery is enabled.
    5. Infrastructure modifications are tracked.
  8. Mr. Abbot is recording requirements for the new orchestration tool. He needs the tool to automatically deploy and replicate any containers that have crashed. What is this called?

    1. Self-healing
    2. Build automation
    3. Continuous integration
    4. Infrastructure as code
    5. Pod builds
  9. Which of the following are items that may be collected, used, or watched by an orchestration monitoring tool? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Version control errors
    2. App container performance
    3. App metrics
    4. App container health
    5. Default states
  10. Connie has picked an agentless orchestration monitoring utility for her app containers. Which of the following reasons might she have used in reaching this decision? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Connie wanted monitoring software installed on each app container.
    2. She did not want monitoring software installed on each app container.
    3. Connie was concerned about container performance being adversely affected by the monitoring software.
    4. She was not concerned about container performance being adversely affected by the monitoring software.
    5. Connie wanted to use what most companies use for orchestration monitoring.
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