Chapter 3
Managing Files, Directories, and Text

  • Objective 2.3: Given a scenario create, modify, and redirect files.

images In the original Linux years, to get anything done you had to work with the Gnu/Linux shell. The shell is a special interactive utility that allows users to run programs, manage files, handle processes, and so on. The shell provides a command-line interface, which furnishes a prompt at which you can enter text-based commands. These commands are actually programs. There are literally thousands of commands you can enter at the command line. However, you only need to use a few hundred commands on a regular basis in your daily job.

While it is highly likely that you have had multiple exposures to many of the commands in this chapter, you may not know all of them. In addition, there may be some shell commands you are using in an ineffective manner. Our purpose in this chapter is to improve your Linux command-line tool belt. We’ll cover the basics of managing files and directories, reviewing text files, and finding information. The simple and oft-used ls command is covered as well as the interesting diff utility. Commands and concepts in this chapter will be built upon and used in later chapters.

Handling Files and Directories

Files on a Linux system are stored within a single directory structure, called a virtual directory. The virtual directory contains files from all the computer’s storage devices and merges them into a single directory structure. This structure has a single base directory called the root directory that is often simply called root.

Often one of the first skills learned at the command line is how to navigate the virtual directory structure as well as how to create directories and remove them. Understanding how to view files, create them, and copy and move them as well as delete them are also important skills. The following sections describe how to use commands at the command line to accomplish these various tasks.

Viewing and Creating Files

The most basic command for viewing a file’s name and its various metadata is the list command. Metadata is information that describes and provides additional details about data.

To issue the list command, you use ls and any needed options or arguments. The basic syntax structure for the list command is as follows:

ls [OPTION]… [FILE]…

In the list command’s syntax structure, [OPTION] means there are various options (also called switches) you can add to display different file metadata. The brackets indicate that switches are optional. The [FILE] argument shows you can add a directory or file name to the command’s end to look at metadata for either specific files or files within other virtual directory structure locations. It too is optional as denoted by the brackets.

images Syntax structure is depicted for many command-line commands within the Linux system’s manual pages, which are also called the man pages. To find a particular command’s syntax structure, view its man page (e.g., man ls) and look in the Synopsis section.

When you issue the ls command with no additional arguments or options, it displays all the files’ and subdirectories’ names within the present working directory, as shown in Listing 3.1.

Listing 3.1: Using the ls and pwd commands

$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  Pictures       Public     Videos
Documents  Music      Project47.txt  Templates
$ pwd

Your present working directory is your login process’s current location within the virtual directory structure. You can determine this location’s directory name via issuing the pwd command, which is also shown in Listing 3.1.

To display more than file and directory name metadata, you need to add various options to the list command. Table 3.1 shows a few of the more commonly used options.

Table 3.1 The ls command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-a ––all Display all file and subdirectory names, including hidden files’ names.
-d ––directory Show a directory’s own metadata instead of its contents.
-F ––classify Classify each file’s type using an indicator code (*,/,=,>,@, or |).
-i ––inode Display all file and subdirectory names along with their associated index number.
-l N/A Display file and subdirectory metadata, which includes file type, file access permissions, hard link count, file owner, file’s group, modification date and time, and file name.
-R N/A Show a directory’s contents, and for any subdirectory within the original directory tree, consecutively show their contents as well (recursively).

Table 3.1 has the best ls command options to memorize, because you will use them often. However, it is worthwhile to try all the various ls command options and option combinations. Take time to peruse the ls command’s options in its man pages. You can, for example, try the -lh option combination, as shown in Listing 3.2, which makes the file size more human-readable. When you experiment with various command options, not only will you be better prepared for the Linux+ certification exam, you’ll find combinations that work well for your particular needs.

Listing 3.2: Exploring the ls -lh command

$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 32
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Everything
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Life
-rw-r--r--. 1 Christine Christine 29900 Aug 19 17:37 Project42.txt
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Universe
$ ls -lh
total 32K
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine   6 Aug 19 17:34 Everything
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine   6 Aug 19 17:34 Life
-rw-r––r––. 1 Christine Christine 30K Aug 19 17:37 Project42.txt
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine   6 Aug 19 17:34 Universe

Be aware that some distributions include, by default, an alias for the ls -l command. It is ll (two lowercase L characters) and is demonstrated on a CentOS distribution in Listing 3.3. An alias at the Linux command line is simply a short command that represents another, typically complicated, command. You can view all the current aliases your process has by typing alias at the command line.

Listing 3.3: Exploring the ll command

$ ls -l
total 32
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Everything
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Life
-rw-r––r––. 1 Christine Christine 29900 Aug 19 17:37 Project42.txt
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Universe
$ ll
total 32
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Everything
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Life
-rw-r––r––. 1 Christine Christine 29900 Aug 19 17:37 Project42.txt
drwxrwxr-x. 2 Christine Christine     6 Aug 19 17:34 Universe

The touch command will allow you to create empty files on the fly. This command’s primary purpose in life is to update a file’s timestamps—access and modification. However, for studying purposes, it is useful in that you can quickly create files with which to experiment, as shown in Listing 3.4.

Listing 3.4: Using the touch command

$ touch Project43.txt
$ ls
Everything  Life  Project42.txt  Project43.txt  Universe
$ touch Project44.txt Project45.txt Project46.txt
$ ls
Everything  Project42.txt  Project44.txt  Project46.txt
Life        Project43.txt  Project45.txt  Universe

Notice in Listing 3.4 that with the touch command you can create a single file or multiple files at a time. To create multiple files, just list the files’ names after the command separated by a space.

Directories are sometimes called folders. From a user perspective, a directory contains files, but in reality a directory is a special file used to locate other files. A file for which the directory is responsible has some of its metadata stored within the directory file. This metadata includes the file’s name along with the file’s associated index (inode) number. Therefore, a file can be located via its managing directory.

You can quickly create directories, but instead of using touch, use the mkdir command. The -F option on the ls command will help you in this endeavor. It displays any directories, including newly created ones, with a / indicator code following each directory’s name. Listing 3.5 provides a few examples.

Listing 3.5: Exploring the mkdir command

$ ls -F
Everything/  Project42.txt  Project44.txt  Project46.txt
Life/        Project43.txt  Project45.txt  Universe/
$ mkdir Galaxy
$ ls -F
Everything/  Life/          Project43.txt  Project45.txt  Universe/
Galaxy/      Project42.txt  Project44.txt  Project46.txt
$ pwd
$ mkdir /home/Christine/Answers/Galaxy/Saturn
$ ls -F Galaxy

To create a subdirectory in your present working directory, you simply enter the mkdir command followed by the subdirectory’s name, as shown in Listing 3.5. If you want to build a directory in a different location than your present working directory, you can use an absolute directory reference, as was done for creating the Saturn directory in Listing 3.5.

images If you are creating directories and moving into them from your present working directory, it is easy to become lost in the directory structure. Quickly move back to your previous present working directory using the cd - command or back to your home directory using just the cd command with no options.

Be aware when building directories that a few problems can occur. Specifically this can happen when attempting to create a directory tree, such as the example shown in Listing 3.6.

Listing 3.6: Avoiding problems with the mkdir command

$ ls -F
Everything/  Life/          Project43.txt  Project45.txt  Universe/
Galaxy/      Project42.txt  Project44.txt  Project46.txt
$ mkdir Projects/42/
mkdir: cannot create directory 'Projects/42/': No such file or directory
$ mkdir -p Projects/42/
$ ls -F
Everything/  Life/          Project43.txt  Project45.txt  Projects/
Galaxy/      Project42.txt  Project44.txt  Project46.txt  Universe/
$ ls -F Projects

Notice an error occurs when you attempt to use the mkdir command to build the directory Projects and its 42 subdirectory. A subdirectory (42) cannot be created without its parent directory (Projects) preexisting. The mkdir command’s -p option allows you to overwrite this behavior, as shown in Listing 3.6, and successfully create directory trees.

images It is tedious to enter the ls -F command after each time you issue the mkdir command to ensure that the directory was built. Instead, use the -v option on the mkdir command to receive verification that the directory was successfully constructed.

Copying and Moving Files

Copying, moving, and renaming files and directories are essential skills. They are several nuances between the commands to complete these tasks that are important to know.

To copy a file or directory locally, use the cp command. To issue this command, you use cp along with any needed options or arguments. The basic syntax structure for the command is as follows:


The command options, as shown in the structure, are not required. However, the source (SOURCE) and destination (DEST) are required, as shown in a basic cp command example within Listing 3.7.

Listing 3.7: Using the cp command

$ pwd
$ ls
$ cp melodrama.txt space-warfare.txt
$ ls
melodrama.txt  space-warfare.txt
$ cp melodrama.txt
cp: missing destination file operand after 'melodrama.txt'
Try 'cp ––help' for more information.

In Listing 3.7, the first time the cp command is used, both the source file and its destination are specified. Thus no problems occur. However, the second time the cp command is used the destination file name is missing. This causes the source file to not be copied and generates an error message.

There are several useful cp command options. Many will help protect you from making a grievous mistake, such as accidently overwriting a file or its permissions. Table 3.2 shows a few of the more commonly used options.

Table 3.2 The cp Command’s Commonly Used Options

Short Long Description
-a ––archive Perform a recursive copy and keep all the files’ original attributes, such as permissions, ownership, and timestamps.
-f ––force Overwrite any preexisting destination files with same name as DEST.
-i ––interactive Ask before overwriting any preexisting destination files with same name as DEST.
-n ––no-clobber Do not overwrite any preexisting destination files with same name as DEST.
-R, -r ––recursive Copy a directory’s contents, and for any subdirectory within the original directory tree, consecutively copy its contents as well (recursive).
-u ––update Only overwrite preexisting destination files with the same name as DEST, if the source file is newer.
-v ––verbose Provide detailed command action information as command executes.

To copy a directory, you need to add the -R (or -r) option to the cp command. This option enacts a recursive copy. A recursive copy will not only create a new directory (DEST), but it also copies any files the source directory manages, source directory subdirectories, and their files as well. Listing 3.8 shows an example of how to do a recursive copy as well as how not to do one.

Listing 3.8: Performing a recursive copy with the cp command

$ pwd
$ ls -F
$ cp Emphasis Story-Line
cp: omitting directory 'Emphasis'
$ ls -F
$ cp -R Emphasis Story-Line
$ ls -F
Emphasis/  Story-Line/
$ ls -R Emphasis
chivalric-romance.txt       melodrama.txt
interplanatary-battles.txt  space-warfare.txt
$ ls -R Story-Line/
chivalric-romance.txt       melodrama.txt
interplanatary-battles.txt  space-warfare.txt

Notice that the first time the cp command is used in Listing 3.8, the -R option is not used, and thus the source directory is not copied. The error message generated, cp: omitting directory, can be a little confusing, but essentially it is telling you that the copy will not take place. When the cp -R command is used to copy the source directory in Listing 3.8, it is successful. The recursive copy option is one of the few command options that can be uppercase, -R, or lowercase, -r.

To move or rename a file or directory locally, you use a single command. It is the mv command. The command’s basic syntax is nearly the same as the cp command as follows:


The commonly used mv command options are similar to cp command options. However, you’ll notice in Table 3.3 that there are fewer typical mv command options than common cp options. As always, be sure to view the mv utility’s man pages, using the man mv command, to review all the options for certification studying purposes and explore uncommon options, which may be useful to you.

Table 3.3 The mv command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-f ––force Overwrite any preexisting destination files with same name as DEST.
-i ––interactive Ask before overwriting any preexisting destination files with the same name as DEST.
-n ––no-clobber Do not overwrite any preexisting destination files with the same name as DEST.
-u ––update Only overwrite preexisting destination files with the same name as DEST if the source file is newer.
-v ––verbose Provide detailed command action information as command executes.

The move command is simple to use. A few examples of renaming a file as well as employing the -i option to avoid renaming a file to a preexisting file are shown in Listing 3.9.

Listing 3.9: Using the mv command

$ ls
chivalric-romance.txt       melodrama.txt
interplanatary-battles.txt  space-warfare.txt
$ mv space-warfare.txt risk-taking.txt
$ ls
chivalric-romance.txt       melodrama.txt
interplanatary-battles.txt  risk-taking.txt
$ mv -i risk-taking.txt melodrama.txt
mv: overwrite 'melodrama.txt'? n

When renaming an entire directory, there are no additional required command options. Just issue the mv command as you would for renaming a file, as shown in Listing 3.10.

Listing 3.10: Renaming a directory using the mv command

$ pwd
$ ls -F
Emphasis/  Story-Line/
$ mv -i Story-Line Story-Topics
$ ls -F
Emphasis/  Story-Topics/

You can move a file and rename it all in one simple mv command, as shown in Listing 3.11. The SOURCE uses the file’s current directory reference and current name. The DEST uses the file’s new location as well as its new name.

Listing 3.11: Moving and renaming a file using the mv command

$ pwd
$ ls
Emphasis  Story-Topics
$ ls Emphasis/
chivalric-romance.txt       melodrama.txt
interplanatary-battles.txt  risk-taking.txt
$ ls Story-Topics/
chivalric-romance.txt       melodrama.txt
interplanatary-battles.txt  space-warfare.txt
$ mv Emphasis/risk-taking.txt Story-Topics/risks.txt
$ ls Emphasis/
chivalric-romance.txt  interplanatary-battles.txt  melodrama.txt
$ ls Story-Topics/
chivalric-romance.txt       melodrama.txt  space-warfare.txt
interplanatary-battles.txt  risks.txt

In Listing 3.11, the file risk-taking.txt is located in the Emphasis directory. Employing a single mv command, it is moved to the Story-Topics directory and renamed to risks.txt at the same time.

For lightning-fast copies of big files or when you are copying large groups of files, the remote sync utility is rather useful. This tool is often used to create backups, can securely copy files over a network, and is accessed via the rsync command.

images When you’re copying files over a network to a remote host, the file transfer process typically needs protection via encryption methods. The rsync command can be tunneled through OpenSSH to provide data privacy. Also, the scp command can be employed to provide a secure file copy mechanism. Both of these methods are covered in Chapter 12.

To quickly copy a file locally, the rsync command syntax is similar to the mv command’s syntax. It is as follows:


Certain rsync options will assist you in making quick file copies. Certain switches are helpful for copying large files or creating backups locally, so it’s a good idea to review the more commonly used rsync options listed in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 The rsync command’s commonly used local copy options

Short Long Description
-a ––archive Use archive mode.
-D N/A Retain device and special files.
-g ––group Retain file’s group.
-h ––human-readable Display any numeric output in a human-readable format.
-l ––links Copy symbolic links as symbolic links.
-o ––owner Retain file’s owner.
-p ––perms Retain file’s permissions.
N/A ––progress Display progression of file copy process.
-r ––recursive Copy a directory’s contents, and for any subdirectory within the original directory tree, consecutively copy its contents as well (recursive).
N/A ––stats Display detailed file transfer statistics.
-t ––times Retain file’s modification time.
-v ––verbose Provide detailed command action information as command executes.

Archive mode, turned on by the -a (or ––archive) switch, is an interesting feature. Using this one switch is equivalent to using the option combination of -rlptgoD, which is a popular rsync command option set for creating directory tree backups.

An example of using the rsync utility to copy a large file is shown in Listing 3.12. Notice that when the copy is complete, the utility outputs useful information, such as the data transfer rate. If you want additional file transfer statistics, add the ––stats option to your command.

Listing 3.12: Moving and renaming a file using the rsync command

# ls -sh /media/USB/Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso
3.6G /media/USB/Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso
# rsync -v /media/USB/Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso /home/Christine/

sent 3,769,141,763 bytes  received 35 bytes  3,137,030.21 bytes/sec
total size is 3,768,221,696  speedup is 1.00
# ls -sh /home/Christine/Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso
3.6G /home/Christine/Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso

images The remote sync utility will often display a speedup rating in its output. This rating is related to conducting synchronized backups. If you are using the rsync command to conduct periodic backups of a particular directory to another directory location, the speedup rating lets you know how many files did not need to be copied because they had not been modified and were already backed up. For example, if 600 of 600 files had to be copied to the backup directory location, the speedup is 1.00. If only 300 of 600 files had to be copied, the speedup is 2.00. Thus, whenever you are using the rsync command to copy a single file to a new location, the speedup will always be 1.00.

Removing Files

Tidying up an entire filesystem or simply your own directory space often starts with deleting unneeded files and directories. Understanding the commands and their switches to do so is paramount to avoid mistakes in removing these items.

The most flexible and heavily used deletion utility is the remove tool. It is employed via the rm command, and the basic syntax is as follows:


There are many useful options for the rm utility, so be sure to view its man pages to see them all. However, the most commonly used options are listed in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 The rm command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-d ––dir Delete any empty directories.
-f ––force Continue on with the deletion process, even if some files designated by the command for removal do not exist, and do not ask prior to deleting any existing files.
-i ––interactive Ask before deleting any existing files.
-I N/A Ask before deleting more than three files, or when using the -r option.
-R, -r ––recursive Delete a directory’s contents, and for any subdirectory within the original directory tree, consecutively delete its contents and the subdirectory as well (recursive).
-v ––verbose Provide detailed command action information as command executes.

To simply delete a single file, you can use the rm command designating the file name to remove and not use any switches. However, it is always a good idea to use the -i (or ––interactive) option to ensure that you are not deleting the wrong file, as demonstrated in Listing 3.13.

Listing 3.13: Deleting a file using the rm command

$ ls Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso
$ rm -i Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso
rm: remove write-protected regular file 'Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso'? y
$ ls Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso
ls: cannot access Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso: No such file or directory
$ rm -i Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso
rm: cannot remove 'Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso': No such file or directory
$ rm -f Parrot-full-3.7_amd64.iso

Notice also in Listing 3.13 that when the file has been deleted, if you reissue the rm -i command, an error message is generated, but if you issue the rm -f command, it is silent concerning the missing file. The -f (or ––force) switch is useful when you are deleting many files and desire for no error messages to be displayed.

Removing a directory tree or a directory full of files can be tricky. If you just issue the rm -i command, you will get an error message, as shown in Listing 3.14. Instead, you need to add the -R or -r option in order for the directory and the files it is managing to be deleted.

Listing 3.14: Deleting a directory containing files using the rm command

$ cd SpaceOpera/
$ ls -F
Emphasis/  Story-Topics/
$ rm -i Emphasis/
rm: cannot remove 'Emphasis/': Is a directory
$ rm -ir Emphasis
rm: descend into directory 'Emphasis'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'Emphasis/melodrama.txt'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'Emphasis/interplanatary-battles.txt'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'Emphasis/chivalric-romance.txt'? y
rm: remove directory 'Emphasis'? y
$ ls -F

If you have lots of files to delete, want to ensure that you are deleting the correct files, and don’t want to have to answer y for every file to delete, employ the -I option instead of the -i switch. It will ask before deleting more than three files as well as when you are deleting a directory full of files and are using one of the recursive switches, as shown in Listing 3.15.

Listing 3.15: Employing the rm command’s -I option

$ ls -F
$ rm -Ir Story-Topics/
rm: remove 1 argument recursively? y
$ ls -F

Deleting an empty directory, a directory containing no files, is simple. Simply use the remove empty directories tool, using the rmdir command. You’ll find that adding the -v (or ––verbose) switch is helpful as well, as shown in Listing 3.16.

Listing 3.16: Using the rmdir command

$ mkdir -v EmptyDir
mkdir: created directory 'EmptyDir'
$ rmdir -v EmptyDir/
rmdir: removing directory, 'EmptyDir/'

If you want to remove a directory tree, which is free of files but contains empty subdirectories, you can also employ the rmdir utility. The -p (or ––parents) switch is required along with providing the entire directory tree name as an argument. An example is shown in Listing 3.17.

Listing 3.17: Using the rmdir command to delete an empty directory tree

$ mkdir -vp EmptyDir/EmptySubDir
mkdir: created directory 'EmptyDir'
mkdir: created directory 'EmptyDir/EmptySubDir'
$ rmdir -vp EmptyDir/EmptySubDir
rmdir: removing directory, 'EmptyDir/EmptySubDir'
rmdir: removing directory, 'EmptyDir'

You may have a situation where you need to remove only empty directories from a directory tree. In this case, you will need to use the rm command and add the -d (or ––dir) switch, as shown in Listing 3.18.

Listing 3.18: Using the rm command to delete empty directories in a tree

$ mkdir -v EmptyDir
mkdir: created directory 'EmptyDir'
$ mkdir -v NotEmptyDir
mkdir: created directory 'NotEmptyDir'
$ touch NotEmptyDir/File42.txt
$ rm -id EmptyDir NotEmptyDir
rm: remove directory 'EmptyDir'? y
rm: cannot remove 'NotEmptyDir': Directory not empty

Understanding the commands used to create and remove directories along with the various commands to view, create, copy, move, rename, and delete files are important skills. Also having a firm grasp on the commonly used command options is vital knowledge. This expertise is a valuable tool in your Linux command-line tool belt.

Linking Files and Directories

Understanding file and directory links is a vital part of your Linux journey. While many quickly pick up how to link files, they do not necessarily understand the underlying link structure. And that can be a problem. In this section, we’ll explore linking files as well as their implications.

There are two types of links. One is a symbolic link, which is also called a soft link. The other is a hard link, and we’ll take a look at it first.

Establishing a Hard Link

A hard link is a file or directory that has one index (inode) number but at least two different file names. Having a single inode number means that it is a single data file on the filesystem. Having two or more names means the file can be accessed in multiple ways. Figure 3.1 shows this relationship. In this diagram, a hard link has been created. The hard link has two file names, one inode number, and therefore one filesystem location residing on a disk partition. Thus, the file has two names but is physically one file.

The figure shows the hard link file relationship.

Figure 3.1 Hard link file relationship

A hard link allows you to have a pseudo-copy of a file without truly copying its data. This is often used in file backups where not enough filesystem space exists to back up the file’s data. If someone deletes one of the file’s names, you still have another file name that links to its data.

To create a hard link, use the ln command. For hard links, the original file must exist prior to issuing the ln command. The linked file must not exist. It is created when the command is issued. Listing 3.19 shows this command in action.

Listing 3.19: Using the ln command to create a hard link

$ touch OriginalFile.txt
$ ls
$ ln OriginalFile.txt HardLinkFile.txt
$ ls
HardLinkFile.txt  OriginalFile.txt
$ ls -i
2101459 HardLinkFile.txt  2101459 OriginalFile.txt
$ touch NewFile.txt
$ ls -og
total 0
-rw-rw-r––. 2 0 Aug 24 18:09 HardLinkFile.txt
-rw-rw-r––. 1 0 Aug 24 18:17 NewFile.txt
-rw-rw-r––. 2 0 Aug 24 18:09 OriginalFile.txt

In Listing 3.19, a new blank and empty file, OriginalFile.txt, is created via the touch command. It is then hard linked to the HardLinkFile.txt via the ln command. Notice that OriginalFile.txt was created prior to issuing the ln command, and HardLinkFile.txt was created by issuing the ln command. The inode numbers for these files are checked using the ls -i command, and you can see the numbers are the same for both files.

Also in Listing 3.19, after the hard link is created and the inode numbers are checked, a new empty file is created, called NewFile.txt. This was done to compare link counts. Using the ls -og command, the file’s metadata is displayed, which includes file type, permissions, link counts, file size, creation dates, and file names. This command is similar to ls -l but omits file owners and groups. You can quickly find the link counts in the command output. They are right next to the files’ sizes, which are all 0 since the files are empty. Notice that both OriginalFile.txt and HardLinkFile.txt have a link count of 2. This is because they are both hard linked to one other file. NewFile.txt has a link count of 1 because it is not hard linked to another file.

images If you want to remove a linked file, but not the original file, use the unlink command. Just type unlink at the command line and include the linked file name as an argument.

When creating and using hard links, there are a few important items to remember:

  • The original file must exist before you issue the ln command.
  • The second file name listed in the ln command must not exist prior to issuing the command.
  • An original file and its hard links share the same inode number.
  • An original file and its hard links share the same data.
  • An original file and any of its hard links can exist in different directories.
  • An original file and its hard links must exist on the same filesystem.

Constructing a Soft Link

Typically, a soft link file provides a pointer to a file that may reside on another filesystem. The two files do not share inode numbers because they do not point to the same data. Figure 3.2 illustrates the soft link relationship.

The figure shows the soft link relationship.

Figure 3.2 Soft link file relationship

To create a symbolic link, the ln command is used with the -s (or ––symbolic) option. An example is shown in Listing 3.20.

Listing 3.20: Using the ln command to create a soft link

$ touch OriginalSFile.txt
$ ls
$ ln -s OriginalSFile.txt SoftLinkFile.txt
$ ls -i
2101456 OriginalSFile.txt  2101468 SoftLinkFile.txt
$ ls -og
total 0
-rw-rw-r––. 1  0 Aug 24 19:04 OriginalSFile.txt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 17 Aug 24 19:04 SoftLinkFile.txt -> OriginalSFile.txt

Similar to a hard link, the original file must exist prior to issuing the ln -s command. The soft linked file must not exist. It is created when the command is issued. In Listing 3.20, you can see via the ls -i command that soft linked files do not share the same inode number, unlike hard linked files. Also, soft linked files do not experience a link count increase. The ls -og command shows this, and it also displays the soft linked file’s pointer to the original file.

images Sometimes you have a soft linked file that points to another soft linked file. If you want to quickly find the final file, use the readlink -f command and pass one of the soft linked file names as an argument to it. The readlink utility will display the final file’s name and directory location.

When creating and using soft links, there are a few important items to remember:

  • The original file must exist before you issue the ln -s command.
  • The second file name listed in the ln -s command must not exist prior to issuing the command.
  • An original file and its soft links do not share the same inode number.
  • An original file and its soft links do not share the same data.
  • An original file and any of its soft links can exist in different directories.
  • An original file and its softs links can exist in different filesystems.

images Stale links can be a serious security problem. A stale link, sometimes called a dead link, is when a soft link points to a file that was deleted or moved. The soft link file itself is not removed or updated. If a file with the original file’s name and location is created, the soft link now points to that new file. If a malicious file is put in the original file’s place, your server’s security could be compromised. Use symbolic links with caution and employ the unlink command if you need to remove a linked file.

File and directory links are easy to create. However, it is important that you understand the underlying structure of these links in order to use them properly.

Reading Files

Linux systems contain many text files. They include configuration files, log files, data files, and so on. Understanding how to view these files is a basic but important skill. In the following sections, we’ll explore several utilities you can use to read text files.

Reading Entire Text Files

The basic utility for viewing entire text files is the concatenate command. Though this tool’s primary purpose in life is to join together text files and display them, it is often used just to display a single small text file. To view a small text file, use the cat command with the basic syntax that follows:

cat [OPTION]… [FILE]…

The cat command is simple to use. You just enter the command followed by any text file you want to read, such as shown in Listing 3.21.

Listing 3.21: Using the cat command to display a file

$ cat numbers.txt
0010 1010

The cat command simply spits out the entire text file to your screen. When you get your prompt back (shown as the $ in Listing 3.21), you know that the line above the prompt is the file’s last line.

images There is a handy new clone of the cat command, called bat. Its developer calls it “cat with wings” because of the bat utility’s many additional features. You can read about its features at

One cat command option that is useful is the -n (or ––number) switch. Using this option will display line numbers along with the file text, as shown in Listing 3.22.

Listing 3.22: Employing the cat -n command to display a file

$ cat -n numbers.txt
     1  42
     2  2A
     3  52
     4  0010 1010
     5  *

Another useful command to view entire text files is the pr command. Its original use was to format text files for printing. However, nowadays it is far more useful for displaying a file, when you need some special formatting. To view a small text file, use the pr command with the basic syntax that follows:

pr [OPTION]... [FILE]...

The special formatting options are what set this command apart from simply using the cat command. Table 3.6 shows some useful pr utility options for displaying a file.

Table 3.6 The pr command’s useful file display options

Short Long Description
-n ––columns=n Display the file(s) in column format, using n columns.
-l n ––length=n Change the default 66-line page length to n lines long.
-m ––merge When displaying multiple files, display them in parallel, with one file in each column, and truncate the files’ lines.
-s c ––separator=c Change the default column separator from tab to c.
-t ––omit-header Do not display any file header or trailers.
-w n ––width=n Change the default 72-character page width to n characters wide. The -s option overrides this setting.

To display one file, you need to use the page length option, -l (or ––length), to shorten the page length. If you do not use this switch and have a very short file, the text will scroll off the screen. Also the -t (or ––omit-header) option is useful, if you only want to see what text is in the file. Listing 3.23 shows the pr command in action.

Listing 3.23: Employing the pr command to display a file

$ pr -tl 15 numbers.txt
0010 1010

Where the pr utility really shines is displaying two short text files at the same time. You can quickly view the files side by side. In this case, it is useful to employ the -m (or ––merge) option, as shown in Listing 3.24.

Listing 3.24: Using the pr command to display two files

$ pr -mtl 15 numbers.txt random.txt
42                                  42
2A                                  Flat Land
52                                  Schrodinger's Cat
0010 1010                           0010 1010
*                                   0000 0010

images If you want to display two files side by side and you do not care how sloppy the output is, you can use the paste command. Just like school paste, it will glue them together but not necessarily be pretty.

When a text file is larger than your output screen, if you use commands such as the cat and pr commands, text may scroll off the screen. This can be annoying. Fortunately, there are several utilities that allow you to read portions of a text file, which are covered next.

Reading Text File Portions

If you just want to read a single file line or a small portion of a file, it makes no sense to use the cat command. This is especially true if you are dealing with a large text file.

The grep utility can help you find a file line (or lines) that contain certain text strings. While this utility, covered in more detail later, is primarily used to search for text patterns within a file, it is also very useful in searching for a single string. The basic syntax for the grep command is as follows:


When searching for a particular text string, you use the string for the PATTERN in the commands’ syntax and the file you are searching as the FILE. Listing 3.25 shows an example of using the grep command.

Listing 3.25: Using the grep command to find a file line

$ grep christine /etc/passwd
$ grep -i christine /etc/passwd

Be aware that the grep utility pays attention to case. If the string you enter does not match a string exactly (including case) within the file, the grep command will return nothing, as happened for the first command in Listing 3.25. By employing the -i (or ––ignore-case) switch, grep will search for any instance of the string disregarding case, as shown in Listing 3.25’s second command.

Another handy tool for displaying portions of a text file is the head utility. The head command’s syntax is shown as follows:

head [OPTION]... [FILE]...

By default, the head command displays the first 10 lines of a text file. An example is shown in Listing 3.26.

Listing 3.26: Employing the head command

$ head /etc/passwd

A good command option to try allows you to override the default behavior of only displaying a file’s first 10 lines. The switch to use is either -n (or ––lines=), followed by an argument. The argument determines the number of file lines to display, as shown in Listing 3.27.

Listing 3.27: Using the head command to display fewer lines

$ head -n 2 /etc/passwd
$ head -2 /etc/passwd

Notice in Listing 3.27 that the -n 2 switch and argument used with the head command display only the file’s first two lines. However, the second command eliminates the n portion of the switch, and the command behaves just the same as the first command.

You can also eliminate the file’s bottom lines by using a negative argument with the -n (or ––lines=) switch. This is demonstrated in Listing 3.28.

Listing 3.28: Using the head command to not display bottom lines

$ head -n -40 /etc/passwd
$ head ––40 /etc/passwd
head: unrecognized option '––40'
Try 'head ––help' for more information.

Notice in Listing 3.28, the -n switch’s argument is negative this time (-40). This tells the head command to display all the file’s lines except the last 40 lines. If you try to use a negative argument without using the -n switch, as you can do with a positive argument, you’ll get an error message, as shown in Listing 3.28.

If you want to display the file’s last lines instead of its first lines, employ the tail utility. Its general syntax is similar to the head command’s syntax and is shown as follows:

tail [OPTION]... [FILE]...

By default, the tail command will show a file’s last 10 text lines. However, you can override that behavior by using the -n (or ––lines=) switch with an argument. The argument tells tail how many lines from the file’s bottom to display. If you add a plus sign (+) in front of the argument, the tail utility will start displaying the file’s text lines starting at the designated line number to the file’s end. There are three examples of using tail in these ways shown in Listing 3.29.

Listing 3.29: Employing the tail command

$ tail /etc/passwd
saslauth:x:992:76:Saslauthd user:/run/saslauthd:/sbin/nologin
pulse:x:171:171:PulseAudio System Daemon:/var/run/pulse:/sbin/nologin
rpcuser:x:29:29:RPC Service User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin
nfsnobody:x:65534:65534:Anonymous NFS User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin
sssd:x:990:984:User for sssd:/:/sbin/nologin
avahi:x:70:70:Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack:/var/run/avahi-daemon:/sbin/nologin
$ tail -n 2 /etc/passwd
avahi:x:70:70:Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack:/var/run/avahi-daemon:/sbin/nologin
$ tail -n +42 /etc/passwd
avahi:x:70:70:Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack:/var/run/avahi-daemon:/sbin/nologin

One of the most useful tail utility features is its ability to watch log files. Log files typically have new messages appended to the file’s bottom. Watching new messages as they are added is handy. Use the -f (or ––follow) switch on the tail command and provide the log file name to watch as the command’s argument. You will see a few recent log file entries immediately. As you keep watching, additional messages will display as they are being added to the log file.

images Some log files have been replaced on various Linux distributions, and now the messages are kept in a journal file managed by journald. To watch messages being added to the journal file, use the journalctl ––follow command.

To end your monitoring session using tail, you must use the Ctrl+C key combination. An example of watching a log file using the tail utility is shown snipped in Listing 3.30.

Listing 3.30: Watching a log file with the tail command

$ sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log
[sudo] password for Christine:
Aug 27 10:15:14 Ubuntu1804 sshd[15662]: Accepted password […]
Aug 27 10:15:14 Ubuntu1804 sshd[15662]: pam_unix(sshd:sess[…]
Aug 27 10:15:14 Ubuntu1804 systemd-logind[588]: New sessio[…]
Aug 27 10:15:50 Ubuntu1804 sudo: Christine : TTY=pts/1 ; P[…]
Aug 27 10:15:50 Ubuntu1804 sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): s[…]
Aug 27 10:16:21 Ubuntu1804 login[10703]: pam_unix(login:se[…]
Aug 27 10:16:21 Ubuntu1804 systemd-logind[588]: Removed se[…]

images If you are following along on your own system with the commands in your book, your Linux distribution may not have the /var/log/auth.log file. Try the /var/log/secure file instead.

Reading Text File Pages

One way to read through a large file’s text is by using a pager. A pager utility allows you to view one text page at a time and move through the text at your own pace. The two commonly used pagers are the more and less utilities.

Though rather simple, the more utility is a nice little pager utility. You can move forward through a text file via pressing the spacebar (one page down) or the Enter key (one line down). However, you cannot move backward through a file. An example of using the more command is shown in Figure 3.3.

“The figure shows a syntax output by issuing the command more /etc/nsswitch.conf at the command line.
# ietc/nsswitch.conf 
# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file should be 
# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning. 
# The entry “[NOTFOUND=return]” means that the search for an 
# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry turned 
# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some other reason 
# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the 
# next entry. 
# Valid entries include: 
nisplus Use NIS+ (NIS version 3) 
nis Use NIS (NiS version 2), also called YP 
dns Use DNS (Domain Name Service) 
files Use the local files 
db Use the local database (.db) files 
compat Use NIS on compat mode 
hesiod Use Hesiod for user lookups [NOTFOUND=return] Stop searching if not found so far 
# To use db, put the “db” in front of “files” for entries you want to be 
# looked up first in the databases 
#passwd: db files nisplus nis 
#shadow: db files nisplus nis 
#group: db files nisplus nis 
passwd: files sss 
shadow: files sss

Figure 3.3 Using the more pager

The output displayed in Figure 3.3 was reached by issuing the command more /etc/nsswitch.conf at the command line. Notice that the more pager utility displays at the screen’s bottom how far along you are in the file. At any time you wish to exit from the more pager, you must press the q key. This is true even if you have reached the file’s last line.

A more flexible pager is the less utility. While similar to the more utility in that you can move through a file a page (or line) at a time, this pager utility also allows you to move backward. Yet the less utility has far more capabilities than just that, which leads to the famous description of this pager, “less is more.”

Figure 3.4 shows using the less utility on the /etc/nsswitch.conf text file. Notice that the display does not look that dissimilar from Figure 3.3, but don’t let that fool you.

“The figure shows a syntax output by issuing the command the less utility on the /etc/nsswitch.conf text file.
# ietc/nsswitch.conf 
# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file should be 
# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning. 
# The entry “[NOTFOUND=return]” means that the search for an 
# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry turned 
# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some other reason 
# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the 
# next entry. 
# Valid entries include: 
nisplus Use NIS+ (NIS version 3) 
nis Use NIS (NiS version 2), also called YP 
dns Use DNS (Domain Name Service) 
files Use the local files 
db Use the local database (.db) files 
compat Use NIS on compat mode 
hesiod Use Hesiod for user lookups [NOTFOUND=return] Stop searching if not found so far 
# To use db, put the “db” in front of “files” for entries you want to be 
# looked up first in the databases 
#passwd: db files nisplus nis 
#shadow: db files nisplus nis 
#group: db files nisplus nis 
passwd: files sss 
shadow: files sss

Figure 3.4 Using the less pager

The less page utility allows faster file traversal because it does not read the entire file prior to displaying the file’s first page. You can also employ the up and down arrow keys to traverse the file as well as the spacebar to move forward a page and the Esc+V key combination to move backward a page. You can search for a particular word within the file, by pressing the ? key, typing in the word you want to find, and pressing Enter to search backward. Replace the ? key with the / key and you can search forward. Like the more pager, you do need to use the q key to exit.

images By default, the Linux man page utility uses less as its pager. Learning the less utility’s commands will allow you to search through various manual pages with ease.

The less utility has amazing capabilities. It would be well worth your time to peruse the less pager’s man pages and play around using its various file search and traversal commands on a large text file.

Finding Information

There are many ways to find various types of information on your Linux system. These methods are important to know so you can make good administrative decisions and/or solve problems quickly. They will save you time as you perform your administrative tasks, as well as help you pass the certification exam. In the following sections, we’ll explore several tools that assist in finding information.

Exploring File Differences

A handy command to explore text file differences is the diff command. It allows you to make comparisons between two files, line by line. The basic syntax for the command is shown as follows:

diff [OPTION]... FILES

With the diff utility you can perform a variety of comparisons. In addition, you can format the output to make the results easier for viewing. Table 3.7 shows a few of the more commonly used options.

Table 3.7 The diff command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-e ––ed Create an ed script, which can be used to make the first file compared the same as the second file compared.
-q ––brief If files are different, issue a simple message expressing this.
-r ––recursive Compare any subdirectories within the original directory tree, and consecutively compare their contents and the subdirectories as well (recursive).
-s ––report-identical-files If files are the same, issue a simple message expressing this.
-W n ––width n Display a width maximum of n characters for output.
-y ––side-by-side Display output in two columns.

To simply see if differences exist between two text files, you enter the diff command with the -q switch followed by the file names. An example is shown in Listing 3.31. To help you see the exact file differences, the pr command is employed first to display both files side by side in a column format.

Listing 3.31: Quickly comparing files using the diff -q command

$ pr -mtw 35 numbers.txt random.txt
42                42
2A                Flat Land
52                Schrodinger's Cat
0010 1010         0010 1010
*                 0000 0010
$ diff -q numbers.txt random.txt
Files numbers.txt and random.txt differ

For just a quick view of differences between files, modify the diff command’s output to display the files in a column format. Use the -y (or --side-by-side) option along with the -W (or --width) switch for an easier display to read, as shown in Listing 3.32. The pipe symbol (|) designates the second file’s lines, which are different from those in the first file.

Listing 3.32: Using the diff command for quick file differences

$ diff -yW 35 numbers.txt random.txt
42              42
2A            | Flat Land
52            | Schrodinger's
0010 1010       0010 1010
*             | 0000 0010

The diff utility provides more than just differences. It also denotes what needs to be appended, changed, or deleted to make the first file identical to the second file. To see the exact differences between the files and any needed modifications, remove the -q switch. An example is shown in Listing 3.33.

Listing 3.33: Employing the diff command

$ diff numbers.txt random.txt
< 2A
< 52
> Flat Land
> Schrodinger's Cat
< *
> 0000 0010

The diff command’s output can be a little confusing. In Listing 3.33, the first output line displays 2,3c2,3. This output tells you that to make the first file, numbers.txt, just like the second file, random.txt, you will need to change the numbers.txt file’s lines 2 through 3 to match the random.txt file’s lines 2 through 3. The output’s next six lines show each file’s text content that does not match, separated by a dashed line. Next, the 5c5 designates that line 5 in numbers.txt needs to be changed to match line 5 in the random.txt file.

images The diff command is rather powerful. Not only can it tell you the differences between text file lines, but it can create a script for you to use. The script allows you to modify the first compared text file and turn it into a twin of the second text file. This function is demonstrated later in the next chapter.

The letter c in the diff utility’s output denotes that changes are needed. You may also see an a for any needed additions or d for any needed deletions.

Using Simple Pinpoint Commands

Commands that quickly locate (pinpoint) files are very useful. They allow you to determine if a particular utility is installed on your system, locate a needed configuration file, find helpful documentation, and so on. The beauty of the commands covered here is that they are simple to use.

The which command shows you the full path name of a shell command passed as an argument. Listing 3.34 shows examples of using this utility.

Listing 3.34: Using the which command

$ which diff
$ which shutdown
$ which line
/usr/bin/which: no line in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:
$ echo $PATH

In the first example in Listing 3.34, the which command is used to find the diff command’s program location. The command displays the full path name of /usr/bin/diff. The shutdown utility is located in a sbin directory. However, the line program is not installed on this system, and the which utility displays all the directories it searched to find the program. It uses the PATH environment variable, whose contents are also displayed in Listing 3.34, to determine which directories to search.

images Environment variables are configuration settings that modify your process’s environment. When you type in a command (program) name, the PATH variable sets the directories Linux will search for the program binary. It is also used by other commands, such as the which utility. Note that directory names are separated by a colon (:) in the PATH list.

The which command is also handy for quickly determining if a command is using an alias. Listing 3.35 shows an example of this.

Listing 3.35: Using the which command to see a command alias

$ which ls
alias ls='ls ––color=auto'
$ unalias ls
$ which ls

When the which utility is used on the ls command in Listing 3.35, it shows that currently the ls command has an alias. Thus, when you type in ls, it is as if you have typed in the ls ––color=auto command. After employing the unalias command on ls, the which utility only shows the ls program’s location.

Another simple pinpoint command is the whereis utility. This utility allows you to not only locate any command’s program binaries but also locate source code files as well as any manual pages. Examples of using the whereis utility are shown in Listing 3.36.

Listing 3.36: Employing the whereis command

$ whereis diff
diff: /usr/bin/diff /usr/share/man/man1/diff.1.gz
$ whereis line

The first command issued in Listing 3.36 searches for program binaries, source code files, and manual pages for the diff utility. In this case, the whereis command finds a binary file as well as two manual page files. However, when whereis is used to locate files for the line utility, nothing is found on the system.

A handy and simple utility to use in finding files is the locate program. This utility searches a database, mlocate.db, which is located in the /var/lib/mlocate/ directory, to determine if a particular file exists on the local system. The basic syntax for the locate command is as follows:

locate [OPTION]... PATTERN...

Notice in the syntax that the locate utility uses a pattern list to find files. Thus, you can employ partial file names and regular expressions and, with the command options, ignore case. Table 3.8 shows a few of the more commonly used locate command options.

Table 3.8 The locate command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-A ––all Display file names that match all the patterns, instead of displaying files that match only one pattern in the pattern list.
-b ––basename Display only file names that match the pattern and do not include any directory names that match the pattern.
-c ––count Display only the number of files whose name matches the pattern instead of displaying file names.
-i ––ignore-case Ignore case in the pattern for matching file names.
-q ––quiet Do not display any error messages, such as permission denied, when processing.
-r ––regexp R Use the regular expression, R, instead of the pattern list to match file names.
-w ––wholename Display file names that match the pattern and include any directory names that match the pattern. This is default behavior.

To find a file with the locate command, just simply enter locate followed by the file name. If the file is on your system and you have permission to view it, the locate utility will display the file’s directory path and name. An example of this is shown in Listing 3.37.

Listing 3.37: Using the locate command to find a file

$ locate Project42.txt

Using the locate command PATTERN can be a little tricky, due to default pattern file globbing. File globbing occurs when you use wildcards, such as an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) added to a file name argument in a command, and the file name is expanded into multiple names. For example, passw*d could be expanded into the file name password or passwrd.

If you don’t enter any wildcards into your pattern, the locate command, by default, adds wildcards to the pattern. So if you enter the pattern, passwd, it is automatically turned into *passwd*. Thus, if you just want to search for the base name passwd, with no file globbing, you must add quotation marks (single or double) around the pattern and precede the pattern with the character. A few examples of this are shown in Listing 3.38.

Listing 3.38: Using the locate command with no file globbing

$ locate -b passwd
$ locate -b 'passwd'

The first example in Listing 3.38 shows what would happen if you allow the default file globbing to occur. Many more files are displayed than those named passwd. So many files are displayed that the listing had to be snipped to fit. However, in the second example, file globbing is turned off with the use of quotation marks and the character. Using this pattern with the locate utility provides the desired results of displaying files named passwd.

images If you do not have permission to view a directory’s contents, the locate command cannot show files that match your PATTERN, which are located in that directory. Thus, you may have some files missing from your display.

Keep in mind that the locate command’s PATTERN is really a pattern list. So, you can add additional patterns. Just be sure to separate them with a space, as shown in Listing 3.39.

Listing 3.39: Using the locate command with a pattern list

$ locate -b 'passwd' 'group'

Another problem you can run into deals with newly created or downloaded files. The locate utility is really searching the mlocate.db database as opposed to searching the virtual directory structure. This database is typically updated only one time per day via a cron job. Therefore, if the file is newly created, locate won’t find it.

The mlocate.db database is updated via the updatedb utility. You can run it manually using super user privileges if you need to find a newly created or downloaded file. Be aware that it may take a while to run.

Using Intricate Pinpoint Commands

While using simple commands to locate files is useful, they don’t work in situations where you need to find files based on things such as metadata. Thankfully, there are more complex commands that can help.

The find command is flexible. It allows you to locate files based on data, such as who owns the file, when the file was last modified, permission set on the file, and so on. The basic command syntax is as follows:


The PATH argument is a starting point directory, because you designate a starting point in a directory tree and find will search through that directory and all its subdirectories (recursively) for the file or files you seek. You can use a single period (.) to designate your present working directory as the starting point directory.

images There are also options for the find command itself that handle such items as following or not following links and debugging. In addition, you can have a file deleted or a command executed if a particular file is located. See the find utility’s man page for more information on these features.

The EXPRESSION command argument and its preceding OPTION control what type of metadata filters are applied to the search as well as any settings that may limit the search. Table 3.9 shows the more commonly used OPTION and EXPRESSION combinations.

Table 3.9 The find command’s commonly used options and expressions

Option Expression Description
-cmin n Display names of files whose status changed n minutes ago.
-empty N/A Display names of files that are empty and are a regular text file or a directory.
-gid n Display names of files whose group id is equal to n.
-group name Display names of files whose group is name.
-inum n Display names of files whose inode number is equal to n.
-maxdepth n When searching for files, traverse down into the starting point directory’s tree only n levels.
-mmin n Display names of files whose data changed n minutes ago.
-name pattern Display names of files whose name matches pattern. Many regular expression arguments may be used in the pattern and need to be enclosed in quotation marks to avoid unpredictable results. Replace -name with -iname to ignore case.
-nogroup N/A Display names of files where no group name exists for the file’s group ID.
-nouser N/A Display names of files where no username exists for the file’s user ID.
-perm mode Display names of files whose permissions matches mode. Either octal or symbolic modes may be used.
-size n Display names of files whose size matches n. Suffixes can be used to make the size more human readable, such as G for gigabytes.
-user name Display names of files whose owner is name.

The find utility has many features. Examples help clarify the use of this command. Listing 3.40 provides a few.

Listing 3.40: Employing the find command

$ find . -name "*.txt"
$ find . -maxdepth 2 -name "*.txt"

The first example in Listing 3.40 is looking for files in the present working directory’s tree with a txt file extension. Notice that the -name option’s pattern uses quotation marks to avoid unpredictable results. In the second example, a -maxdepth option is added so that the find utility searches only two directories: the current directory and one subdirectory level down.

The find command is handy for auditing your system on a regular basis as well as when you are concerned that your server has been hacked. The -perm option is useful for one of these audit types, and an example is shown in Listing 3.41.

Listing 3.41: Using the find command to audit a server

$ find /usr/bin -perm /4000

In Listing 3.41, the /usr/bin directory is being audited for the potentially dangerous SUID permission by using the find utility and its -perm option. The expression used is /4000, which will ask the find utility to search for SUID settings (octal code 4) and, due to the forward slash (/) in front of the number, ignore the other file permissions (octal codes 000). The resulting file names all legitimately use SUID, and thus, nothing suspicious is going on here.

images On older Linux systems, to enact a search as shown in Listing 3.41, you would enter +4000 to designate the permission. The plus sign (+) is now deprecated for this use and has been replaced by the forward slash (/) symbol for the find command.

Earlier in this chapter we briefly covered the grep command for the purpose of reading a portion of a text file. You can also use this clever utility to search for files on your system.

As an example, suppose it has been a while since you last modified your /etc/nsswitch.conf configuration file. A problem arises that requires you to make a change to the hosts: setting within the file and you can’t remember its exact name. Instead of digging around using the ls command, just employ the grep command as shown in Listing 3.42 and quickly find the file’s name.

Listing 3.42: Using the grep command to find a file

$ sudo grep -d skip hosts: /etc/*
/etc/nsswitch.conf:hosts:          files […]

In Listing 3.42, the grep command is used to search all the files within the /etc/ directory for the hosts: setting. The -d skip option is used to skip any directory files in order to eliminate messages concerning them. The grep utility displays the configuration file name, followed by a colon (:) and the file’s line where the setting is located. If you are not sure where in the /etc/ directory tree the configuration file is placed, you can tack on the -R (or -r, or ––recursive) option to recursively search through the specified directory tree. If you don’t have permission to search through various files, the grep command will issue annoying error messages. You’ll learn in the next chapter how to redirect those error messages.

Quickly finding files as well as various types of information on your Linux server can help you be a more effective and efficient system administrator. It is a worthwhile investment to try any of this section’s commands or their options that are new to you.


Being able to effectively and swiftly use the right commands at the shell command line is important for your daily job. It allows you to solve problems, manage files, gather information, peruse text files, and so on.

This chapter’s purpose was to improve your Linux command-line tool belt. Not only will this help you in your day-to-day work life, but it will also help you successfully pass the CompTIA Linux+ certification exam.

Exam Essentials

Explain basic commands for handling files and directories. Typical basic file and directory management activities include viewing and creating files, copying and moving files, and deleting files. For viewing and creating files and directories, use the ls, touch, and mkdir commands. When needing to duplicate, rename, or move files, employ one of the mv, cp, or rsync commands. For local large file copies, the rsync utility is typically the fastest. You can quickly delete an empty directory using the rmdir utility, but for directories full of files, you will need to use the rm -r command. Also, if you need to ensure that you are removing the correct files, be sure to use the -i option on the rm utility.

Describe both structures and commands involved in linking files. Linking files is rather easy to do with the ln command. However, it is important for you to describe the underlying link structure. Hard linked files share the same inode number, while soft linked files do not. Soft or symbolic links can be broken if the file they link to is removed. It is also useful to understand the readlink utility to help you explore files that have multiple links.

Summarize the various utilities that can be employed to read text files. To read entire text files, you can use the cat, bat, and pr utilities. Each utility has its own special features. If you only need to read the first or last lines of a text file, employ either the head or tail command. For a single text line out of a file, the grep utility is useful. For reviewing a file a page at a time, you can use either the less or the more pager utility.

Describe how to find information on your Linux system. To determine two text files’ differences, the diff utility is helpful. With this utility, you can also employ redirection and modify the files to make them identical. When you need to quickly find files on your system and want to use simple tools, the which, whereis, and locate commands will serve you well. Keep in mind that the locate utility uses a database that is typically updated only one time per day, so you may need to manually update it via the updatedb command. When simple file location tools are not enough, there are more complex searching utilities, such as find and grep. The grep command can employ regular expressions to assist in your search.

Review Questions

  1. You are looking at a directory that you have not viewed in a long time and need to determine which files are actually directories. Which command is the best one to use?

    1. mkdir -v
    2. ls
    3. ls -F
    4. ls -i
    5. ll
  2. You are using the ls command to look at a directory file’s metadata but keep seeing metadata for the files within it instead. What command option will rectify this situation?

    1. -a
    2. -d
    3. -F
    4. -l
    5. -R
  3. You have just created an empty directory called MyDir. Which command most likely did you use?

    1. mkdir -v MyDir
    2. touch MyDir
    3. cp -R TheDir MyDir
    4. mv -r TheDir MyDir
    5. rmdir MyDir
  4. You have a file that is over 10GB in size, and it needs to be backed up to a locally attached drive. What is the best utility to use in this situation?

    1. readlink -f
    2. mv
    3. cp
    4. scp
    5. rsync
  5. A long-time server administrator has left the company, and now you are in charge of her system. Her old user account directory tree, /home/Zoe/, has been backed up. Which command is the best one to use to quickly remove her files?

    1. cp -R /home/Zoe/ /dev/null/
    2. mv -R /home/zoe/ /dev/null/
    3. rm -Rf /home/Zoe/
    4. rm -ri /home/Zoe/
    5. rm -rI /home/Zoe
  6. There is a large directory structure that needs to be renamed. What mv command options should you consider employing? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. -f
    2. -i
    3. -n
    4. -r
    5. -v
  7. You are trying to decide whether to use a hard link or a symbolic link for a data file. The file is 5GB, has mission-critical data, and is accessed via the command line by three other people. What should you do?

    1. Create a hard link so the file can reside on a different filesystem for data protection.
    2. Create three hard links and provide the links to the three other people for data protection.
    3. Create three symbolic links and protect the links from the three other people for data protection.
    4. Create a symbolic link so the file can reside on a different filesystem.
    5. Create a symbolic link so the links can share an inode number.
  8. A short text-based control file is no longer working properly with the program that reads it. You suspect the file was accidentally corrupted by a control code update you performed recently, even though the file’s control codes are all correct. Which command should you use next on the file in your problem investigation?

    1. cat -v
    2. cat -z
    3. cat -n
    4. cat -s
    5. cat -E
  9. You have two short text files that have maximum record lengths of 15 characters. You want to review these files side by side. Which of the following commands would be the best to use?

    1. pr -m
    2. pr -tl 20
    3. cat
    4. pr -mtl 20
    5. pr -ml 20
  10. You have a lengthy file named, FileA.txt. What will the head -15 FileA.txt command do?

    1. Display all but the last 15 lines of the file.
    2. Display all but the first 15 lines of the file.
    3. Display the first 15 lines of the file.
    4. Display the last 15 lines of the file.
    5. Generate an error message.
  11. You have issued the command grep Hal on a text file you generated using information from a failed login attempts file. It returns nothing, but you just performed a test case, by purposely failing to log into the Hal account, prior to generating the text file. Which of the following is the best choice as your next step?

    1. Employ the tail command to peruse the text file.
    2. Employ the cat command to view the text file.
    3. Delete the text file and regenerated it using information from the failed login attempts file.
    4. Issue the grep -d skip Hal command on the text file.
    5. Issue the grep -i Hal command on the text file.
  12. You are trying to peruse a rather large text file. A coworker suggests you use a pager. Which of the following best describes what your coworker is recommending?

    1. Use a utility that allows you to view the first few lines of the file.
    2. Use a utility that allows you to view one text page at time.
    3. Use a utility that allows you to search through the file.
    4. Use a utility that allows you to filter out text in the file.
    5. Use a utility that allows you to view the last few lines of the file.
  13. Which of the following does not describe the less utility?

    1. It does not read the entire file prior to displaying the file’s first page.
    2. You can use the up and down arrow keys to move through the file.
    3. You press the spacebar to move forward a page.
    4. You can use the Esc+V key combination to move backward a page.
    5. You can press the X key to exit from the utility.
  14. Which diff option is the best option to allow you to quickly determine if two text files are different from one another?

    1. -e
    2. -q
    3. -s
    4. -W
    5. -y
  15. You are working on a Linux server at the command line, and you try to issue a diff command and receive a response stating that the command was not found. What is the next best step to take in order to start the troubleshooting process?

    1. Hit your up arrow key and press Enter.
    2. Log out, log back in, and retry the command.
    3. Enter the which diff command.
    4. Enter the whereis diff command.
    5. Reboot the server and retry the command.
  16. You are trying to find a file on your Linux server whose name is conf. Employing the locate conf command for your search shows many directories that contain the letters conf. What is the best description for why this is happening?

    1. The locate utility searches for only for directory names.
    2. You did not employ the -d skip switch.
    3. It is most likely because the locate database is corrupted.
    4. You did not employ the appropriate regular expression.
    5. It is due to file globbing on the pattern name.
  17. You downloaded a large important file, fortytwo.db, from your company’s local website to your Linux server but got interrupted by an emergency. Now you cannot remember where you stored the file. What is the best first step to fixing this problem?

    1. Issue the sudo updatedb command.
    2. Issue the locate -b fortytwo.db command.
    3. Issue the locate -b 'fortytwo.db' command.
    4. Download the file from the company’s local website again.
    5. Issue the locate fortytwo.db command.
  18. You want to search for a particular file, main.conf, using the find utility. This file most likely is located somewhere in the /etc/ directory tree. Which of the following commands is the best one to use in this situation?

    1. find -r /etc -name main.conf
    2. find / -name main.conf
    3. find /etc -maxdepth -name main.conf
    4. find /etc -name main.conf
    5. find main.conf /etc
  19. Yesterday a coworker, Michael, was fired for nefarious behavior. His account and home directory were immediately deleted. You need to audit the server to see if he left any files out in the virtual directory system. Which of the following commands is the best one to use in this situation?

    1. find / -name Michael
    2. find / -user Michael
    3. find / -mmin 1440
    4. find ∼ -user Michael
    5. find / -nouser
  20. You need to figure out what configuration file(s) hold a host name directive. Which of the following commands is the best one to use?

    1. which
    2. whereis
    3. grep
    4. locate
    5. find
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