Chapter 3

Assets 101: Stocks, Bonds, Currencies, and Commodities


Bullet Finding good assets for day trading

Bullet Discovering the basics about stocks

Bullet Introducing bonds

Bullet Counting cash and currency

Bullet Making money from commodities

You have a myriad of choices of things to trade. From those, you want to find a few things that you can firmly understand. This chapter and the next go into details about the different assets that day traders use. Here, I cover the basics. I cover the more advanced assets in Chapter 4.

You can’t trade everything. A day has only so many hours, and your head can hold only so many ideas at any one time. Furthermore, some trading strategies lend themselves better to certain types of assets than others. By finding out more about all the various investment assets available to a day trader, you can make better decisions about what you want to trade and how you want to trade it.

Grasping the Different Things to Trade

In the financial markets, people buy and sell securities every day, but just what are they buying or selling? Securities are financial instruments. In the olden days, they were pieces of paper, but now in the digital age they’re electronic entries that represent a legal claim on some type of underlying asset. This asset may be a business, if the security is a stock, or it may be a loan to a government or a corporation, if the security is a bond. In this section, I explain different types of securities that day traders are likely to run across and tell you what you need to jump into the fray.

Remember In practice, asset and security are synonyms, and derivative is a type of asset or security. But to be precise, these three aren’t the same:

  • An asset is a physical item. Examples include a company, a house, gold bullion, or a loan.
  • A security is a contract that gives someone the right of ownership of the asset, such as a share of stock, a bond, or a promissory note.
  • A derivative is a contract that draws its value from the price of a security. Examples include options and futures.

Defining a Good Day Trading Asset

In academic terms, the universe of investable assets includes just about anything you can buy at one price and sell at another, potentially higher price. Artwork and collectibles, real estate, and private companies, for example, are all considered to be investable assets.

Day traders have a much smaller group of assets to work with. Expecting a quick, one-day profit on price changes in real estate isn’t realistic. Online auctions for collectible items take place over days, not minutes. If you’re going to day trade, you want to find assets that trade easily, several times a day, in recognized markets. In other words, you want liquidity. As an individual trading your own account, you want assets that you can purchase with relatively low capital commitments. And finally, you may want to use leverage — borrowed money — to improve your return, so you want to look for assets that can be purchased using other people’s money. The following sections outline the characteristics of good assets for day trading.

Looking for liquidity

Liquidity is the ability to buy or sell an asset in large quantity without affecting the price levels. Day traders look for liquid assets so they can move in and out of the market quickly without disrupting price levels. Otherwise, they may not be able to buy at a good price or sell when they want.

At the most basic level, financial markets are driven by supply and demand. The more of an asset supplied in the market, the lower the price; the more of an asset that people demand, the higher the price. In a perfect market, the amount of supply and demand is matched so that prices don’t change. This situation occurs if a high volume of people are trading such that the supply and demand are constantly matched or if the frequency of trades is very low, which keeps the price from changing.

Remember You may be thinking, “Wait, don’t I want big price changes so that I can make money quickly?” Yes, you want price changes in the market, but you don’t want to be the one causing them. The less liquid a market is, the more likely your buying and selling are to affect market prices, and the smaller your profit will be.


Volume is the total amount of a security that trades in a given time period. The greater the volume, the more buyers and sellers are interested in the security and the more easily you can get in there and buy and sell without affecting the price.

Day traders also look at the relationship between volume and price. This important technical indicator is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. Here’s the simple analysis:

  • High volume with no change in price levels means an equal match between buyers and sellers.
  • High volume with rising prices means that buyers outnumber sellers, so the price will continue going up.
  • High volume with falling prices means that sellers outnumber buyers, so the price will keep going down.


Another measure of liquidity is frequency, or how often a security trades. Some assets, like stock market futures, trade constantly, from the moment the market opens until the very last trade of the day, and then continue into overnight trading. Others, like agricultural commodities, trade only during market hours or only during certain times of the year. Other securities, like stocks, trade frequently, but the volume rises and falls at regular intervals related to such things as options expiration (the date at which options on the stock expire).

Much of the market is dominated by high-frequency traders, which are proprietary computerized systems that enter, execute, or cancel buy and sell orders in the blink of an eye — or less. These traders have thrown a wrench into a few trading days, but they are only partially responsible for the type of frequency being discussed here. That’s because high-frequency traders look for securities that already trade frequently to make the programs work better.

Homing in on high volatility

The volatility of a security is how much the price of an asset varies over a period of time. It tells you how much prices fluctuate and thus how likely you are to be able to take advantage of that. For example, if a security has an average price of $5 but trades anywhere between $1 and $14, it is more volatile than one with an average price of $5 that trades between $4 and $6.

One standard measure of volatility and risk is standard deviation, which is how much any given price quote varies from a security’s average price. If you are dying to see it, the math is explained in the sidebar “Finding the standard deviation — the hard way,” but you can calculate it with most spreadsheet programs and many trading platforms.

Remember The higher the standard deviation, the higher the volatility; the higher the volatility, the more a security’s price is going to fluctuate, and the more profit — and loss — opportunities there are for a day trader.

Standard deviation is also a measure of risk that can be used to evaluate your trading performance. That use of the measure is discussed in Chapter 16.

Staying within your budget

You don’t necessarily need a lot of money to begin day trading, but you do need a lot of money to buy certain securities. Stocks generally trade in round lots, which are orders of at least 100 shares. If you want to buy a stock worth $40 per share, you need $4,000 in your account. Your broker will probably let you borrow half of that money, but you still need to come up with the other $2,000.

Options and futures trade by contract; one contract represents some unit of the underlying security. For example, in the options market, one contract is good for 100 shares of the stock. It’s possible to trade only one contract, but the most traders work in round lots of 100 contracts per order.

Warning No one will stop you from buying a smaller amount than the usual round lot in any given security, but you’ll probably pay a high commission and get worse execution for your order. Because the returns on each trade tend to be small anyway, don’t take up day trading until you have enough money to trade your target asset effectively. Otherwise, you’ll pay too much to your broker without getting much for yourself.

Bonds don’t trade in fractional amounts; they trade on a per-bond basis, and each bond has a face value of $1,000. Some trade for more or less than that, depending on how the bond’s interest rate differs from the market rate of interest, but the $1,000 figure is a good number to keep in mind when thinking about capital requirements. Many dealers have a minimum order of ten bonds, though, so a minimum order would be $10,000.

Making sure you can use margin

Most day traders make money through a large volume of small profits. One way to increase the profit per trade is to use borrowed money to buy more shares, more contracts, or more bonds. Margin is money in your account that you borrow against, and almost all brokers will be happy to arrange a margin loan for you, especially if you’re going to use the money to make more trades and generate more commissions for the brokerage firm. In Chapter 5, I discuss how margin is used within an investment strategy. Here, though, you want to think about how margin affects your choice of assets for day trading.

The following section gives you more information on how margin works and what you need to consider when selecting assets to trade, but here’s what you need to know now: Most stocks and bonds are marginable (able to be purchased on margin), and the Federal Reserve Board allows traders to borrow up to 50 percent of their value. But not all securities are marginable. Stocks priced below $3 per share, those traded on the OTC Bulletin Board or OTC Link (discussed later in this chapter), and those in newly public companies often cannot be borrowed against or purchased on margin. Your brokerage firm should have a list of securities that are not eligible for margin.

Remember If leverage is going to be part of your day trading strategy, be sure that the assets you plan to trade are marginable.

Generally, your stock or bond account must hold the greater of $2,000 or 50 percent of the purchase price of securities when you borrow the money. So, for example, if you want to buy $5,000 worth of something on margin, you need to have $2,500 in your account. The price of those securities can go down, but if they go down so much that the account now holds only 25 percent of the value of the loan, you’ll get a margin call. That means that you have to add cash or securities to your account right then and there. If not, your position will be liquidated.

Excess margin is the amount of money in your account over and above the minimum. For example, if you have $100,000 in your account and need 30 percent as maintenance margin, then you can borrow against an additional $70,000, the amount in excess of the 30 percent used for maintenance.

For derivatives, the margin rules are a bit different. Each contract has its own requirement for the initial margin and maintenance levels that must be kept on account; in the argot of the derivatives markets, margin is also known as a performance bond. If you are trading the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s E-mini MSCI Emerging Markets index contracts, for example, your initial margin per contract is $10,000, and your maintenance margin is $8,000. You can find current margin requirements for Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade products at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s website,

Technical stuff Margin requirements aren’t set by the brokerage firms. Instead, the minimum amount in your account — and thus the maximum amount you can borrow — is set by the Federal Reserve Board under Regulation T. That’s because of concerns that if too much borrowing takes place, the borrowers will panic in a financial downturn and drag the market down even further. (Excessive trading on margin was a contributing factor to the stock market crash of 1929, in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 13 percent in one day, and the market did not fully recover until 1954. The financial crisis of 2008 wasn’t caused by leverage in the stock market but by excessive borrowing in the real estate market.)

Changing margin rules for pattern day traders

FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority that oversees the activities of member brokerage firms (which pretty much includes every brokerage firm in the United States), has rules about margin for day trading accounts to help brokerage firms manage their risks while accommodating the needs of active customers. Their rules complement those of the Federal Reserve Bank.

The FINRA regulations include a category of brokerage customer known as the pattern day trader. These are folks who day trade, which FINRA defines as buying, selling or selling short, and then buying the same security on the same day four or more times in five business days. Furthermore, pattern day traders, according to FINRA, make enough day trades that they constitute more than 6 percent of their total trading activity for that same five-day period. Brokerage firms can classify customers as pattern day traders before they make a single trade. For example, if the firm offers you special training or services designed for active traders, it may put you into that category.

Pattern day traders have to meet a different margin requirement. They need to start the trading day with at least $25,000 in cash and securities and maintain that amount throughout the trading day. The reason for these requirements is that margin requirements for other customers are based on the value of the account at the end of the day, but most day traders close out their positions overnight, which means that firms weren’t managing their intra-day risk. Having the minimums in place helps protect the broker, but it also limits how much you can borrow if you have less than $25,000 in your day trading account.

Being a pattern day trader under FINRA offers some advantages, the greatest one being that you can borrow more money during the day. Meet the standards, and you’re allowed to borrow four times your excess margin as long as you close your trades out at the close of the market or before. A regular customer can only borrow one times the excess. If you exceed your margin limit, you have five days to deposit more cash or securities in your account.

Obeying your brokerage firm’s margin policies

The Fed limits the amount that can be borrowed, and FINRA monitors how member brokerage firms comply. All brokerage firms have to meet those rules, but some set stricter limits for their customers.

The brokerage firms also set the interest rates for margin and the requirements for customers who want to borrow money to trade. The rates can be high; in 2018, brokerage firm Charles Schwab charged an annual rate of 8.825 percent on margin loans between $25,000 and $49,999. (This is one way that brokerage firms make money, so keep it in mind when you’re comparison shopping.)

Day traders have to pay margin interest, even though their loans are of short duration. Because it takes three days for a securities trade to settle, to the accountants, it looks as though you borrowed the money for three full days, not three hours. Some brokerage firms charge you interest for the full three days.

Remember You won’t pay the quoted interest rate each day, however; the quoted rate is almost always annualized. Divide it by 365 to find the daily rate. If the annual rate is 8.825 percent, then the daily rate will be 8.825 ÷ 365 = 0.024 percent. Check with your brokerage firm to find out the specifics of the margin interest calculation for day traders so that you understand what you’ll be charged before you start to trade.

Taking a Closer Look at Stocks

A stock, also called an equity, is a security that represents a fractional interest in the ownership of a company. Buy one share of Microsoft, and you are an owner of the company, just as Bill Gates is. He may own a much larger share of the total business, but you both have a stake in it. Stockholders elect a board of directors to represent their interests in how the company is managed. Each share is a vote, so good luck getting Bill Gates kicked off Microsoft’s board.

A share of stock has limited liability, which means that you can lose all of your investment but no more than that. If the company files for bankruptcy, the creditors cannot come after the shareholders for the money that they are owed.

Some companies pay their shareholders a dividend, which is a small cash payment made out of firm profits. Because day traders hold stock for really short periods of time, they don’t normally collect dividends.

How U.S. stocks trade

Stocks are priced based on a single share, but most brokerage firms charge commissions based on a 100-share basis because stocks are almost always traded in round lots of 100 shares. The supply and demand for a given stock is driven by the company’s expected performance.

A stock’s price is quoted with a bid and an ask.

  • The bid is the price that the broker pays to buy the stock from you if you are selling.
  • The ask is the price that the broker charges you if you are the one buying.

Tip You can remember the difference between the bid and the ask this way: The broker buys on the bid. Let alliteration be your friend! The difference between the bid and the ask is the spread, and that represents the dealer’s profit.

Here is an example of a price quote:

AMZN $1971.72 $1972.45

This quote is for Amazon (ticker symbol: AMZN). The bid, listed first, is $1971.72, and the ask is $1972.45. The spread is $0.73. (The smallest possible spread is just one penny.) The spread here is small as a percentage of the total price because Amazon is a liquid stock, and no big news events were happening at this time to change the balance of buyers and sellers.

Tip The brokerage firm makes money from the commission and from the spread. Many novice day traders focus on the amount of the commission and forget that some brokerage firms can execute the order better than others, thus keeping the spread narrower. You need to consider the total cost of trading when you design a trading strategy and choose a brokerage firm, and brokers must disclose data on trade execution quality if you request it.

Technical stuff I tend to use the words broker and dealer interchangeably, but there is a difference. A broker simply matches buyers and sellers of securities, whereas a dealer buys and sells securities out of its own account. Almost all brokerage firms are both brokers and dealers.

Where U.S. stocks trade

I provide detailed discussion of financial markets in Chapter 2. Here, I examine some specifics for the stock market. In particular, most U.S. stocks trade on organized exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, but they trade more and more on electronic communications networks, some of which are operated by the exchanges themselves.

The old-line exchanges are what you may think about when someone mentions stock exchanges: brick-and-mortar buildings with lots of people running around to execute trades in person. They are still major factors in the market, but they have competition from electronic communication networks, which were created with the theory being that more competition would make markets function even better. It hasn’t quite worked out that way. Spreads between bid and ask prices have narrowed, but volatility has increased since they became a factor in the market. On the other hand, volatility creates opportunity for day traders, so that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

When you place an order with your brokerage firm, the broker’s computer executes that order wherever it can get the best deal. But is that the best deal for you or the best deal for the brokerage firm? It’s tough to know the right answer. In general, firms that do more trading and participate in several exchanges and electronic communications networks can get you the best execution. (To find out more about choosing brokerage firms, turn to Chapter 15.)

Remember The financial markets are in a state of flux, with a lot of mergers and acquisitions among the exchanges. By the time you read the information here, things may have changed again, which I think is fascinating. It wasn’t so long ago that these exchanges were staid organizations run like private clubs.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the most famous of all stock exchanges. Most of the largest U.S. corporations trade on it, and they pay a fee for that privilege.

To be listed on the NYSE, a company generally needs to have at least 2,200 shareholders excluding insiders, trade at least 100,000 shares a month for the last six months, carry a market capitalization (number of shares outstanding multiplied by price per share) of at least $100 million, and post total pre-tax earnings of $10 million over the previous three years.

The NYSE is more than 200 years old, but it has been going through some big corporate changes in order to stay relevant. It’s a floor-based exchange. The trading area is a big open space in the building, known as the floor. The floor broker, who works for the member firm, receives the order electronically and then takes it over to the trading post, which is the area on the floor where the stock in question trades. At the trading post, the floor broker executes the order at the best available price.

Of course, the percentage of trading that has been done by actual people standing on the floor of an actual building has fallen steadily over the years. Most trading is done electronically by small day traders and big institutions alike, with computer algorithms representing a growing share of the trading activity.

To give you a clue about the importance of computerized trading, the NYSE allows brokerage firms to place their servers on the floor of the exchange — for a fee, of course. For some, the millisecond advantage is worth it.


Nasdaq used to stand for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System, but now it’s just a name, not an acronym, pronounced just like it’s spelled. When Nasdaq was founded, it was an electronic communication network (more on those shortly) that handled companies that were too small or too speculative to meet NYSE listing requirements. What happened was that brokers liked using the Nasdaq network, and technology companies on the exchange (Microsoft, Intel, Apple) that were once small and speculative became huge international behemoths.

When a customer places an order, the brokerage firm’s computer looks to see whether a matching order is on the network. Sometimes, the order can be executed electronically; in other cases, the brokerage firm’s trader needs to call other traders at other firms to see whether the price is still good. A key feature of Nasdaq is its market makers, who are employees of member brokerage firms who agree to buy and sell minimum levels of specific stocks in order to ensure that some basic level of trading is taking place.

Nasdaq divides its listed companies into three categories:

  • The Nasdaq Global Select Market includes the 1,000 largest companies on the exchange. Companies that make the list have a minimum average market capitalization of $550 million and total earnings of at least $11 million in the prior three fiscal years.
  • The Nasdaq Global Market includes companies that are too small for the Global Select Market but that aren’t exactly small. To make the Global Market, companies generally need to have a market capitalization of at least $75 million, at least 1.1 million shares outstanding, at least 400 shareholders, and a minimum price per share of $4.
  • The Nasdaq Capital Market is for companies that do not qualify for the Nasdaq Global Market. To qualify here, companies need a market capitalization of at least $50 million, at least 1 million shares outstanding, about 300 shareholders, and a minimum price per share of $4.

Tip As a day trader, you’ll find that Nasdaq Global Select Market companies are the most liquid. You may also notice changes in trading patterns when a company is close to being moved between categories. An upgrade is a sign of good news to come and increased market interest. A downgrade means that the company most likely isn’t doing well and will be of less interest to investors.

Alternative exchanges

Nasdaq was the first electronic stock exchange, but it’s now an institution. Several new exchanges have emerged to compete with the NYSE and Nasdaq. These often started as electronic communications networks (also known as ECNs). These are groups of brokerage firms and investing companies that agree to trade among each other before putting the order out to another exchange, but they’ve grown enough to become something else. They have created new trading opportunities and reduced costs, but they’ve also added to the volatility in the market.

As a result, you may see that your trade has been executed through ARCA, BYX, BZX, Edgx, IntercontinentalExchange, or any of the other exchanges that have cropped up over the years. Many of these exchanges are designed to match one order with another automatically. If you have 100 shares of something to sell and someone else wants to buy 100 shares, your orders are matched and cleared. Trades that take place on these exchanges generally do so at smaller spreads and lower fees than trades on traditional exchanges, but fewer trades take place on them.

In any event, a broker that works closely with ECNs and alternative exchanges may be able to get you a better deal, which is important because in trading very small price differences add up.

The high-risk over-the-counter exchanges

When the traditional floor-based exchanges were the primary game, a few companies emerged to trade stocks that were not eligible for exchange listing. These businesses are still around, and many traders like them because they can find stocks that have good volatility that are too small to attract the attention of the big guys with their big computers. However, the risk level is a lot higher: Some of these stocks don’t trade enough for a day trader, and a few of these stocks aren’t issued by legitimate companies.

Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTC BB)

The Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board is the market for companies that are reporting their financials to the SEC but that don’t qualify for listing in any Nasdaq category. It also includes some foreign issuers that have not received listing in a U.S. market. American Bulletin Board companies have four-letter ticker symbols followed by .OB. For example, Sanborn Resources ticker symbol is SANB.OB. Foreign issuers trade with five-letter symbols, four letters followed by an F. ACS Motion Control, based in Israel, trades as ACSEF.

Brokerage firms carry quotations on OTC BB stocks through their Nasdaq workstations or other quotation services, enabling them to find current prices and locate buyers and sellers for any orders that they have. Quotes are also posted on the OTC BB website,

Tip In many cases, OTC BB companies are those that used to be on Nasdaq, but the stock prices have lost too much of their value to maintain their listing. A Bulletin Board listing is often a last hurrah before oblivion.

OTC Link

Once upon a time, few electronic networks existed, and they didn’t have enough room for many companies to trade on them. Smaller companies did not trade daily. To find current prices, brokerage firms subscribed to a price service that sent out a weekly newsletter listing the prices for those companies. The newsletter was printed on pink paper, so it became known as the Pink Sheets. In the more modern era, the newsletter has moved online and changed its name to OTC Link (

OTC Link does not have listing requirements for companies. Most of the companies don’t qualify for listing on the Nasdaq or OTC BB, usually because they aren’t current on their filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These companies have four- or five-letter ticker symbols and are sometimes shown with the suffix .PK after the ticker. Orders for OTC Link companies are placed through brokerage firms who use the service to find prices and match buyers and sellers.

Warning Not all OTC Link companies are legitimate. Because of the minimal listing requirements, it tends to be the hangout for penny stocks (those trading at less than $1.00 per share), fraudulent companies, and securities that are easily manipulated by boiler-room operators. It can be a tough crowd, and a lot of people get burned.

Penny stocks

Penny stocks are those stocks that trade below $1.00 per share, and they’re popular with day traders because the price is low and small changes in price levels are huge on a percentage basis. This is unfortunate, because penny stocks are frauds. Even when the company is legitimate, the market is so easy to manipulate that people can get ripped off. The most common type of penny stock fraud is the so-called pump and dump — a promoter buys shares of a penny stock at a low price, then gets on a message board and talks the company up. Other people jump in and bid up the price. The original promoter then sells to them, so they’re left holding the bag when it turns out the stock is grossly overvalued.

Warning The moral of the story is to tread very carefully in the penny stock market — if at all — and watch out for hot tips on message boards.

Dark pools

Don’t be put off by the word dark — dark pools, also known as dark liquidity, are good for traders. These exchanges allow people to place buy and sell orders that will be executed only if someone takes the other side. Of course, that’s how most markets operate, but dark pools don’t publish the prices or the sizes of the orders. Traders use them for low-cost execution, not price discovery. The downside is that price listings carry information about where the market is headed. If you’re interested in reading more, check out Dark Pools & High Frequency Trading For Dummies by Jay Vaananen (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) for more information.

Examining Bonds

Bonds are almost impossible to day trade, but there are two good reasons to know about them:

  • Day traders often use options, futures, and ETFs based on bonds (refer to Chapter 4).
  • The bond market has a huge effect on the rest of the financial markets.

A bond is a loan. The bond buyer gives the bond issuer money. The bond issuer promises to pay interest on a regular basis. The regular coupon payments are why bonds are often called fixed income investments. Bond issuers repay the money borrowed — the principal — on a predetermined date, known as the maturity. Bonds generally have a maturity of more than ten years; shorter-term bonds are usually referred to as notes, and bonds that mature within a year of issuance are usually referred to as bills. Most bonds in the United States are issued by corporations (corporate bonds) or by the Federal government (Treasury bonds). Some are issued by local governments (municipal bonds).

Over the years, enterprising financiers realized that some investors needed regular payments but others wanted to receive a single sum at a future date. So they separated the coupons, the interest payments on a bond, from the principal. The principal payment, known as a zero-coupon bond, is sold to one investor, while the coupons, called strips, are sold to another investor. The borrower makes the payments just like with a regular bond. (Regular bonds, by the way, are sometimes called plain vanilla.)

The borrower who wants to make a series of payments with no lump-sum principal repayment would issue an amortizing bond to return principal and interest on a regular basis. If you think about a typical mortgage, the borrower makes a regular payment of both principal and interest. This way, the amount owed gets smaller over time so that the borrower doesn’t have to come up with a large principal repayment at maturity.

Other borrowers prefer to make a single payment at maturity, so they issue discount bonds. The purchase price is the principal reduced by the amount of interest that otherwise would be paid.

Remember If a company goes bankrupt, the bondholders get paid before the shareholders do. In some bankruptcies, the bondholders take over the business, leaving the current shareholders with nothing.

How bonds trade

Bonds often trade as single bonds, with a face value of $1,000, although some brokers take on only minimum orders of ten bonds. Bonds do not trade as frequently as stocks do because most bond investors are looking for steady income, so they hold their bonds until maturity. Bonds have less risk than stocks, so they show less price volatility. The value of a bond is mostly determined by the level of interest rates in the economy. As rates go up, bond prices go down; when rates go down, bond prices go up. Bond prices are also affected by how likely the loan is to be repaid. If traders don’t think that the bond issuer will pay up, then the bond price will fall.

Remember Generally speaking, only corporate and municipal bonds have repayment risk. The U.S. government could default, but that scenario is unlikely as long as the government can print money. Most international government bonds have similarly low default risk, but some countries have defaulted. The most notable was Russia, which refused to print money to repay its debts in the summer of 1998 — a decision that caused huge turmoil in the world’s financial markets, including the collapse of a major hedge fund, Long-Term Capital Management.

Investment banks and the federal government sell new bonds directly to investors. After they are issued, bonds are said to trade in the secondary market; some are listed, and some trade over-the-counter, meaning dealers trade them among themselves rather than over an organized exchange.

A bond price quote looks like this:

2.250 4/30/2021 n 98:6016 98:6125

Translation: This bond is a U.S. Treasury note maturing in on April 30, 2021 and carrying an interest rate of 2.250 percent. Similar to stocks, the numbers right after the n (for note) list the bid and ask. The first number is the bid, the price that the dealer pays to buy the bond from you if you are selling. The second number is the ask, the price that the dealer charges you if you’re buying. The difference is the spread, and that’s the dealer’s profit.

Listed bonds

Some larger corporate bonds are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Those wanting to buy or sell them place an order through their brokerage firm, which sends an order to the floor broker. The process is almost identical to the trading of listed stocks.

Over-the-counter trading

Most corporate and municipal bonds trade over-the-counter, meaning no organized exchange exists. Instead, brokerage firms use electronic price services to find out where the buyers and sellers are for different issues. Over-the-counter bonds don’t trade much. Buyers often give their quality, interest rate, and maturity requirements to their broker, and the broker waits until a suitable bond comes to market.

Treasury dealers

Unlike the corporate and municipal bond market, the Treasury market is one of the most liquid in the world. The best way to buy a new Treasury bond is directly from the government because no commission is involved. You can get more information from the Treasury Department’s website,; it has information on all kinds of government bonds for all kinds of purchasers.

After the bonds are issued, they trade on a secondary market of Treasury dealers. These are large brokerage firms registered with the government who agree to buy and sell bonds and maintain a stable market for the bonds. If your brokerage firm is not a Treasury dealer, it has a relationship with one that it can send your order to.

Treasury dealers do quite a bit of day trading in Treasury bonds for the firm’s own account. After all, the market is liquid enough that day trading is possible. Few individual day traders work the Treasury market, though, because it requires a great deal of capital and leverage to make a high return.

Cashing In with Currency

Cash is king, as they say. It’s money that’s readily available in your day trading account to buy more securities. For the most part, the interest rate on cash is very low, but if you close out your positions every night, you’ll always have a cash balance in your brokerage account. The firm will probably pay you a little interest on it, so it will contribute to your total return, but not by much.

But one type of cash investment can be really exciting for a day trader, and that’s currency. Every day, trillions (yes, that’s trillions with a t) of dollars of currency are exchanged between governments, banks, travelers, businesses, and speculators. With every trade and every blip in exchange rates, you have new opportunities to make money. Currency is a bigger, more liquid market than the U.S. stock and bond markets combined. It’s often referred to as the forex market, short for foreign exchange. Foreign currency may be an attractive place to store some of your trading cash, and it can be a great asset to day trade.

Here’s another neat thing about the currency market: Some types of currency trades are tax-free. (I discuss taxes in more detail in Chapter 17.) These trades are usually longer-term, involving the currency itself, not day trades and not trades in the futures or forward market. But still — tax-free! In other words, don’t get suckered by ads for currency trading firms that promise tax-free income until you read the fine print.

How currency trades

The exchange rate is the price of money. It tells you how many dollars it takes to buy yen, pounds, or euros. The price that people are willing to pay for a currency depends on the investment opportunities, business opportunities, and perceived safety in each nation. If American businesses see great opportunities in Thailand, for example, they have to trade their dollars for baht in order to pay rent, buy supplies, and hire workers there. This situation increases the demand for baht relative to the dollar and causes the baht to go up in price relative to the dollar.

Exchange rates are quoted on a bid-ask basis, just as bonds and stocks are. A quote may look like this:

USDJPY= 111.98 111.99

This is the exchange rate for converting the U.S. dollar into Japanese yen. The bid price of 11.98 is the amount of yen that a dealer would give you if you wanted to sell a dollar and buy yen. The ask price of 111.99 is the amount of yen the dealer would charge you if you wanted to buy a dollar and sell yen. The difference is the dealer’s profit, and naturally, you’ll be charged a commission, too.

Remember Note that with currency, you’re a buyer and a seller at the same time, which can increase the profit opportunities, but it can also increase your risk.

Day traders can trade currencies directly at current exchange rates, which is known as trading in the spot market. When you exchange money to go on vacation in a foreign land, you are exchanging on the spot, and you are allowed to do it as a trader or as an investor. Day traders can also use currency exchange-traded funds (discussed earlier in this chapter) or currency futures (discussed later in this chapter) to profit from the changing prices of money.

Where currency trades

Spot currency — the real-time value of money — does not trade on an organized exchange. Instead, banks, brokerage firms, hedge funds, and currency dealers buy and sell amongst themselves all day, every day.

Tip Day traders can open dedicated forex accounts through their brokers or currency dealers and then trade as they see opportunities during the day.

If you are interested in trading currencies, be sure to check out the fees involved. Some banks and brokerages are really set up to do forex trades for businesses and travelers, so the fees will be too high for you to have a decent profit potential. You can learn more about different types of accounts that day traders may have in Chapter 15.

Considering Commodities and How They Trade

Commodities are basic, interchangeable goods sold in bulk and used to make other goods. Examples include oil, gold, wheat, and lumber. Commodities are popular with investors as a hedge against inflation and uncertainty. Stock prices can go to zero, but people still need to eat! Although commodity prices usually tend to increase at the same rate as in the overall economy, meaning they maintain their real (inflation-adjusted) value, they can also be susceptible to short-term changes in supply and demand. A cold winter increases demand for oil, a dry summer reduces production of wheat, and a civil war could disrupt access to platinum mines.

Day traders aren’t going to buy commodities outright. If you really want to haul bushels of grain around all day, you can do that without taking on the risks of day trading (you’d get more exercise, too). Instead, day traders who want to play with commodities can look to other investments. The most popular way is to buy futures contracts, which change in price with the underlying commodity. Increasingly, many people trade commodities through exchange-traded funds that are based on the value of an underlying basket of commodities.

So why do I mention commodities in this chapter? Because this chapter covers the basic stuff, and Chapter 4 gets into the derivatives and derivations.

Remember Commodity prices affect the broad economy, not just the prices of commodities contracts on the futures exchanges. If you day trade stocks in particular, you may find that changes in the price of oil or agricultural commodities affect many of the companies that you are involved with as well as the broader stock market indexes.

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