
Gerald G. Brown

Operations Research Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA

6.1 Introduction

This chapter recalls some of the most influential real-world operations research models in history. The organization is topical and introduces in context standard operations research modeling terminology. The presentation focuses on how each problem is stated, and how solutions are interpreted. Not all model solution methods are shown, but a path to access these methods is given. Neither calculus nor linear algebra is required.

Some acute modeling pitfalls are highlighted here. Most references provided herein are from widely available, approachable sources, such as Wikipedia, rather than from scholarly open literature or textbooks that a reader might not own or want to purchase. Illustrations are open source or original.

The goal here is showing, by example, how to build a model. Your model will not likely exactly match any of these examples, but will surely require necessary and reasonable simplifying assumptions.

Operations research is all about making things better, and this hopefully shows how this has been, and can be accomplished.

6.2 When Are Models Appropriate

A model is an abstraction that emphasizes certain aspects of reality to assess or understand the behavior of a system under study. The system may be physical, logical, mathematical, or some other representation of reality, such as an enterprise or some portion of one (Figures 6.16.4).


Figure 6.1 A map is a model. A map is an abstraction of reality emphasizing entities such as road networks, infrastructure, or natural features at the expense of others. : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World_Map_1689.JPG. Public Domain.


Figure 6.2 A physical model. This full-scale model of an aircraft in a wind tunnel excludes many important properties of the real system, including engines, flight instruments, and a pilot. However, the model is extremely useful for doing what it was designed to do: determining the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft.

Figure depicts a mathematical model. This model used to describe the state and behavior of an automobile in mathematical terms. The abstraction from the physical state to the mathematical state is described.

Figure 6.3 A mathematical model. This model can be used to describe the state and behavior of an automobile in mathematical terms. Here, we can see the abstraction from the physical state to the mathematical state.


Figure 6.4 Google Maps and the shortest path from Monterey to Lake Tahoe. Google Maps uses an algorithm to calculate the shortest path through a road network to minimize driving distance or time. Google invented neither maps nor the algorithm to determine the shortest path through a network (computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra conceived the method in 1956), but bundled these abstractions together with a clever graphical interface to produce something of great utility.

We concentrate on building mathematical models rather than physical ones, although much of our advice applies to those models as well. Some mathematical models can be solved analytically, algebraically in closed form, while most mathematical models can be solved on a computer, even if they are extremely complex. The value of a closed-form solution is that the entire domain of admissible inputs is accommodated and wholesale conclusions can be drawn; while a computer solution might be for a single instance of a problem and even after many such solutions with varied inputs, we only observe model behavior in the domain we have evaluated, and may need to make estimates of model behavior intermediate between those cases we have completely evaluated.

The system performs some function, and may be governed by a system operator. The system operator may be an executive or a managerial organization (e.g., a railroad), an automated control protocol (e.g., the Internet), an economic equilibrium or invisible hand1 (e.g., traffic flows), by government regulation (e.g., income taxation), or follow scientific laws (e.g., Newton's laws). For simplicity, let's view a modeler as someone trying to respond to a problem posed by a system operator client who may work for senior stakeholders who ultimately make decisions.

At its core, a model describes the performance of a system in a particular state, and a set of admissible actions by the system operator that can transform that state.

We may also turn to models to learn how to interact with a system to achieve improved function or to avoid undesirable states.

We will look at several examples. The idea is to present a diversity of models that have historically proven innovative and effective in dealing with certain types of problems. It is rare that a new problem will be solved verbatim by any of these historical models, although a new problem often resembles one already studied. The idea is to learn how each model has been crafted to solve each problem. What are the key ideas and important insights? Some of these models have had profound historical influence and many are works of peculiar genius that are still used to solve important problems and influence policy.

The notation used in these examples is as consistent as possible with the literature and should be viewed in isolation, because there is some reuse of terms between models.

Models are particularly valuable when one cannot directly interact with or influence a system, or when doing so would be prohibitively expensive and/or dangerous (operations research was born during World War II).

Before we investigate models further, please consider these five essential steps prior to building a model. We refer to the system operator in this hypothetical engagement as “the client.”

6.2.1 What Is the Problem with This System?

Establishing a problem definition understood by both modeler and client is key. This may be the hardest part of any modeling project. The modeler must establish a problem definition expressed in carefully crafted language, establishing a lexicon that is, at once, precise for the modeler and understood by the client. This may involve many clarifying iterations between modeler and client. The ideal outcome is when the client declares “Yes, that describes my problem exactly.”

6.2.2 Is This Problem Important?

Are we facing a problem that is, in fact, a minor annoyance, or one that is an existential threat to the system? Not all problems are worth solving with a model. Will dealing with this one be worth the cost of the modeling effort?

6.2.3 How Will This Problem Be Solved Without a New Model?

System operators have to be pretty clever, and modelers can learn a lot from the way they deal with problems. Find out how the problem is or will be solved without new modeling. And, you can bet it will be solved, with or without a modeler's help. Thumb rules, white boards, spreadsheets, and sticky notes can be very effective: The client and modeler need to collect as much of this tribal wisdom as possible. Observing anything that seems relevant but is not currently considered may reveal new insights and opportunities, and may also uncover organizational taboos.

6.2.4 What Modeling Technique Will Be Used?

For a modeler, this is the fun part. However, the modeler needs to involve the client as deeply and effectively as possible. At this point, any crippling simplifying assumption needs to be discovered. Here is when the modeler and client need to work out how and whether hypothetic model results are likely to be operationally useful.

6.2.5 How Will We Know When We Have Succeeded?

The modeler and client need to agree on objective criteria by which model success, or failure, will be judged. Nothing is more damaging than undefined and/or shifting modeling goals. Based on these criteria, the modeling effort might end up failing. The modeler and client need to be prepared for this outcome.

Who Are the System Operator Stakeholders?

Typically, there will be planners who have to deal with the problem at hand, and it is these personnel who are the immediate beneficiaries of a model. The system operator is usually managed by executives in a variety of areas. Each of these areas presents a distinct set of concerns, and executive evaluation and compensation may be aligned with these. Executives may have conflicting objectives, and this can complicate matters for a model attempting to solve some problem to the satisfaction of all. The client is the executive assigned to deal at once with the planners and executives. The degree to which a model is expressed in the system operator's language can help the client guide executives to mutual agreement on actions.

6.3 Types of Models

Once we pass all prior hurdles, we embark on a new modeling project.

Models can be categorized based on what they are intended to achieve.

6.3.1 Descriptive Models

Descriptive models explain relationships between observed states. Company operating statements are descriptive models relating, usually in monetized terms, the beginning states, intermediate actions, and ending states of an enterprise. Your annual income tax return is a descriptive model of your income and other monetized activities ultimately leading to some outcome, resulting in a tax bill due. You might view a descriptive model as an explanatory reconciliation of initial state, intermediate actions, and resulting state.

6.3.2 Predictive Models

Predictive models attempt to forecast future actions and resulting states, frequently employing forecast probabilities, seasonal trends, or even subject matter expert opinions (i.e., educated guesses). The goal is to forecast, envision, anticipate, or otherwise foretell future states. Weather forecasting models are predictive. Predictive analytics in data mining are currently fashionable.

6.3.3 Prescriptive Models

Prescriptive models seek admissible actions that, given initial state, lead to the best anticipated ending state.

6.4 Models Can Also Be Characterized by Whether They Are Deterministic or Stochastic (Random)

Deterministic models, such as the EOQ model here, are based on constant estimates of state and performance, while stochastic (random) models recognize the random nature of some states. Some stochastic simulation models generate states from random distributions, while others seek analytic characterizations of random processes.

“Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.”

G.E.P. Box

6.5 Counting

6.6 Probability

A probability2 is an assessment of the likelihood that a binary event (future state) will take place, numerically ranging from zero (impossibility) to one (certainty).

“With caution judge of probability. Things deemed unlikely, even impossible, experience oft hath proved to be true.”


6.7 Probability Perspectives and Subject Matter Experts3

There are at least three basic views of probability:

  1. 6.7.1 Classical (sometimes called a priori or theoretical) probability assumes each of n possible outcomes of an event is equally likely, and assigns a probability of 1/n to each. This is how most people think about probability: This is appropriate if each outcome is equally likely, but generally not true and so the classic view is naïve.
  2. 6.7.2 Empirical (sometimes called a posteriori or frequentist) probability uses the observed relative frequency of outcomes of repeated experiments or experiences to estimate the probability of each future outcome. Empirical probabilities will vary with different data, but their estimate will become more reliable as data from more experiments or experiences become available.
  3. 6.7.3 Subjective (sometimes called personal) probability is the result of neither repeated experiments nor long-term empirical historical experience, yet is necessary, for instance, to assess the likelihood of future events with which we may have had no past experience at all. In such cases, we are forced to employ qualitative rather than quantitative experience. Speaking plainly, we may need some guesswork.

6.8 Subject Matter Experts4

Subject matter experts (SMEs), also called domain experts, are those with substantial experience and expert judgment in the area of interest for which we need probabilities.

A subject matter expert sometimes comes with formal credentials, such as a professional engineering certification, advanced scholarly degrees, licenses, permits, and a long, impressive resume.

However, subject matter experts may also be self-declared; before employing them, you are well advised to carefully evaluate their credentials. There is no such thing as a subject matter novice, or apprentice, so the evolution and advancement of a subject matter expert is a matter of some debate.

If the subjective probability may have results of significant consequence, we may employ more than one subject matter expert, use methods of elicitation that let us compare subjective probabilities, and attempt to reassure ourselves that the probabilities are consistent among experts, and for each expert individually.

Discovering conflicting opinions among SMEs can be valuable for an organization.

Model results must be accompanied by documentation of the exact manner in which any subjective probabilities have been assessed. Results should also include parametric evaluations of response to a range of subjective probabilities.

In the end, subjective probabilities are guesses.

6.9 Statistics5

Statistics involves analysis of data. Statistics is generally descriptive or predictive. Statistics seeks relationships, perhaps hidden, between measured samples of sets of states, called data sets. Data on states are either gathered by sampling a subset of a population or recorded exhaustively from every member of the population.

6.9.1 A Random Sample

A random sample follows in Table 6.1 showing observations of height and weight for a set of American females, aged 30–39 [1].

Table 6.1 Observations of height and weight for a set of American females aged 30–39.

Observation Height (m) Weight (kg)
1 1.47 52.11
2 1.50 53.12
3 1.52 54.48
4 1.55 55.84
5 1.57 57.20
6 1.60 58.57
7 1.63 59.93
8 1.65 61.29
9 1.68 63.11
10 1.70 64.47
11 1.73 66.28
12 1.75 68.10
13 1.78 69.92
14 1.80 72.19
15 1.83 74.46
For observation 9, 1.68 m is about 66 in. (or 5′ 6″) and 63.11 kg is about 139 lb.

We will assume this is a representative, random sample of all American females aged 30–39 at the time, and reuse these data in the following examples.

6.9.2 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics develops measures that can be used to characterize sets of state data. For instance, the mean, or average, observation of some state is representative of that state overall. Descriptive statistics also seeks distributions that can be used to represent data sets, either by theoretical observation or by empirical record keeping; recall that increasing numbers of trials for the binomial model above leads to a normal distribution.6

6.9.3 Parameter Estimation with a Confidence Interval

Parameter estimation with a confidence interval7 uses sample data to estimate population parameters. The random sample in Table 6.1 can be used to estimate the population mean (average) weight at the time. Because the sample exhibits mean weight 62.07 kg and sample standard deviation8 7.05 kg, and because this mean comes from a sum of weights we assume to be independent and identically distributed, the central limit theorem tells us this sample mean is normally distributed with these parameters. A normally distributed random variable falls within 1.960 standard deviations of its mean 95% of the time, and within 5.576 standard deviations 99% of the time. Thus, we can conclude from this sample with 95% confidence that the population mean lies within 48.25 and 75.89 kg.

To make this prediction more precise, we need to increase our random sample size. Unfortunately, to double our precision (i.e., halve the confidence interval width) we would expect to have to square our sample size.

6.9.4 Regression9,10

Regression estimates how some variable (measurement of state) is influenced by values of one or more other variables. The influenced variable is called dependent, and the other variables are independent or explanatory. Given a set of numerical observations, each with a value for the dependent variable and each independent one, and a candidate function relating the response of the dependent variable to the influence of the independent ones, coefficients for the function are estimated such that the function gives the best average prediction for the observations. Best is typically taken to mean that the squared difference between the function prediction at each observation and actual dependent variable value, summed over the observations, is minimized. Such estimation is called least squares regression.

Given some simple assumptions about the observations, such as that they are statistically independent, that the variability of the dependent variable is about the same over the range of the observations, and that such variability follows a normal distribution, a host of statistical techniques apply to help decide if a candidate, fitted regression function, is better than some other one, whether enough variability of the dependent variable is explained by the fitted function, and so forth. In this case, the fit is very good, indeed (i.e., the probability of such a fit occurring at random is quite small).

Although regression is a statistical technique, it might be listed later with optimization examples because of the minimization of squared errors, and because in practice constraints may be imposed on the fitted function due to other considerations, making this what will be called a constrained optimization problem.

6.10 Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistics11 assesses how much some state can be expected to vary, making statements in terms of probabilities of exceedance of a given threshold. Inferential statistics also uses probability to make decisions about whether or not some relationship exists between two types of state. A null hypothesis states there is no relationship. Based on probabilistic modeling, the null hypothesis may be accepted incorrectly, a Type I or false positive error, or the null hypothesis may be rejected incorrectly, a Type II or false negative error. Each type of error has its cost, and a test is designed to recognize these costs in setting the limits governing a decision. Reducing the risk of committing an error can be achieved by coarsening the decision rule, or gathering larger samples upon which to base statistics.

We have been told that in 2014 the average population weight of U.S. females over 20 years old was 76 kg (about 169 lb) [2]. We wonder, has this population significantly changed average weight since the 1975 random sample was collected?

Suppose the data in Table 6.1 have been hidden from us (more on this in a moment).

Now we open the data envelope. A sample mean of 62.07 kg is within our interval, so we fail to reject img.

“But, wait, obviously the average population weight has increased. Why didn't we reject the null hypothesis? We would have rejected it with a critical probability of 95% and a decision interval of 48.25–75.89 kg.”

We create the hypothesis test significance level12 before we see the test statistic—otherwise, the test statistic is not a statistic, but a known constant, and then we can rig our significance level to conclude whatever we please.

When you read about experimental results (especially, for some reason, in medical literature), you should be suspicious when you find statements such as “this result has 95.12% significance” (as might have been claimed with our example). This is a symptom of misuse: A likely explanation is that “this is as far as we could push our realized statistic to support our preferred hypothesis test conclusion.” If the scientific method is properly employed, a test is designed before the sample data are viewed. The potential costs of committing a Type I or Type II error are assessed, and the significance level is fixed. The decision and its potential risks of having made an error are known once the sample data are known. Otherwise, are you saying that the decision might be different if we change our prior estimates of the costs of making an error? That's an entirely different analysis. It is human nature to seek certainty, and scientists are human; there is continuing debate on the misuse of statistical methods [3].

We might also be criticized for unstated assumptions. For instance, the 1975 sample is from adult U.S. females aged 30–39, while the 2014 statistic applies to U.S. females aged 20 years and above. This may or may not be a serious problem, and should certainly be part of the documentation accompanying the statistical work.

6.11 A Stochastic Process

A stochastic process13 is a descriptive or predictive probability model yielding a location or time sequence representing the state of a system that is subject to random variation. We may want to examine the transient behavior14 of such a process, from some starting state to some limit of our interest, or from some signal state change, following system behavior afterward. Or, we may seek to examine the long-term equilibrium,15 or steady state,16 if such can be anticipated.

6.12 Digital Simulation17

Here is an abstract simulation model. This is akin to a computer procedure, written in primitive but unambiguous terms. This can be implemented in many computer languages.

When a simulation needs to represent a random event, such as the coin toss here, a pseudo-random number generator18 (an intrinsic function in almost all general-purpose and simulation computer languages) provides a stream of random numbers. Any statistical distribution can be generated this way.19 One handy feature of these generators is that they can be rigged to produce the same sequence of random numbers each time the simulation is run, the better to be able to exactly reproduce any experiment, or isolate some curious event, or bug, in the simulation behavior.

Simulations are attractive because they directly represent system operation and states, and are designed to directly exhibit symptoms of the problem being modeled.

Simulations, especially those employing random numbers, have the disadvantage, for instance, that one needs to decide how many replications are necessary to achieve a trustworthy estimate of long-term, or equilibrium (steady-state) system operation. How much “warm-up” time or distance is needed before a simulation can be trusted to be behaving as it would, essentially, forever? When we seek to discover some anticipated but rare state, how long must the system be simulated before we conclude whether or not this event should have been encountered? These are serious issues that have received substantial attention in the scholarly literature.

6.12.1 Static versus Dynamic Simulations20

The static and dynamic adjectives reveal whether the behavior of a system varies over time. Dynamic simulation frequently involves describing state relationships and constraints with systems of differential or partial differential equations, and solving these with numerical methods. Some refer to this branch of modeling as the study of system dynamics.

Whether using a simple static simulation or a dynamic one with more mathematical detail and advanced numerical solution tools, the analysis required to properly design, use, and interpret results from a simulation can be very sophisticated. Packages animating system operation with visual icons may be entertaining and instructive, but do not relieve the modeler from responsibility to explain results carefully and correctly.

6.13 Mathematical Optimization21

The economic order quantity (EOQ) introduced previously constitutes the solution of a model, rather than the model. Now let's actually state the optimization model leading to this policy, and solve it analytically in closed form.

This Economic Order Quantity model yields a stationary solution, is stated in terms of a continuous variable, and exhibits a convex objective function; so we are confident that our solution is valid and in this case unique.

Not all optimization models can be satisfactorily solved with advice from continuous variables. Some decisions are go, no-go (binary), others involve small numbers that need to be whole numbers (for instance, if our demand is just for a few items per planning period within our decision horizon). For example, our Economic Order Quantity model may present some trouble if a particular numerical solution turns out to be, say, img (in this single-variable model, we can discover the better whole number solution by evaluating the cost when we round down to one, and up to two—but we will see this strategy won't work in general).

6.14 Measurement Units

6.15 Critical Path Method24,25

This is an invention from military operations research.

A project, from industrial to software development, consists of a number of separable activities, such as clearing a production site, pouring concrete foundations, or framing a new building. Completing necessary activities is required to achieve milestone events, such as completing framing so that finishing can begin. Each activity defines a partial order between adjacent events, where the activity cannot be commenced until all its preceding events have been achieved, and its succeeding events cannot be commenced until the activity has been completed. Each milestone event may have multiple predecessor activities, and cannot be achieved until the last of these has been completed.

Figure 6.5 shows a simple directed graph representing a project consisting of 13 activities (directed arcs) and 9 milestones (nodes). Each activity has an adjacent predecessor and successor milestone, and time duration required for its completion. The project starts at milestone s. No activity can commence until its predecessor milestone has been achieved, and that only happens when all its predecessors are achieved. Thus, we are led to follow the directed paths (alternating directed arcs and their adjacent nodes) from s through this network, determining the longest path from s to each node, and ultimately to t. An s–t path with the longest additive duration is called a critical path.


Figure 6.5 Critical path method. This is an activity-on-arc directed graph representing a project. Each node (letter) represents a milestone, each directed arc (arrow) represents an activity separating two adjacent milestones, a predecessor and a successor, and each number labeling an arc represents the number of months to complete that activity. The project starts at milestone s and completes at t when the longest additive time path from s terminates there. By inspection, the longest directed s–t path here—the critical path—is s,a,d,f,g,t with duration 24 months. We see that the earliest we can achieve milestone f is 15 months via path s,a,d,f, so the 9 month path s,e,f can be delayed by 6 months without delaying the project at all.

This problem, which is a bit tedious to solve manually, can be solved by some relatively simple and very fast network algorithms. It is included with optimization examples because, like with a number of simple network problems (e.g., finding connected components, cycle detection, degree assessment, shortest path, assignment, transportation, transshipment, and maximum flow) when you add realistic complications, such as consumption rates for each activity for a number of key resources, and constraints on the amount of each resource available over time, you quickly complicate the network structure with these embellishments, and need to employ numerical methods designed for these more complicated problems.

Project schedules are traditionally displayed with Gantt Charts.26

6.16 Portfolio Optimization Case Study Solved By a Variety of Methods

Suppose we want to choose items from a number of item types, each with a per-item value, weight, and area. See Table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Data for a portfolio optimization.

Item type Value/item ($) Weight/item (kg) Area/item (m2)
A 120 12 22
B 79 8 16
C 55 6 11
D 34 3 10
Capacity 100 200
100 kg is about 220 lb and 200 m2 is about 2153 ft2.

Unfortunately, our weight and area capacities are finite, but we still want to choose a set of items with maximum value that will fit.

6.16.1 Linear Program

We can write a mathematical optimization, a linear program,27 for this problem as follows:

The labels in square brackets identify each row of this model. This reads, in English, select the number of items A, B, C, and D that together maximize total value, computed by [C0]. Constraint [C1] limits the total weight of selected items, [C2] their total area, and [C3] reminds that we must select whole numbers of items.

Solving this model with continuous variables, we get 7.41 A's and 3.70 D's. This is not admissible for restriction [C3]. We need whole numbers of item selections.

You can solve this model with whole numbers of items by trial-and-error inspection (well, with some patience), using complete, exhaustive enumeration, employing a simple local search heuristic,28 or with optimization.

6.16.2 Heuristic

Given the data in Table 6.2, we might try something simple like a greedy, nonbacktracking heuristic,29 a thumb rule. Suppose we proceed by choosing the most-valuable item that will still fit until we can fit no more. This leads to choosing 8 A's and 1 D, with a portfolio weight of 99 out of the 100 kg allowed, cube of 186 out of 200 m2 capacity, and value 994. Not bad.

But, could we improve things by systematically adding and dropping items? There are many ways to do this, ranging from slightly more complicated heuristics to outright exhaustive enumeration.

6.16.3 Assessing Our Progress

How many portfolios are possible? Well, we can select as many as 8 A's, reasoning that either weight or cube will limit our selection of all A's, and this gives us the largest whole number of A's: img. Using this reasoning, we get upper limits on the numbers of items (A,B,C,D) of (8,12,16,20). This means, remembering that we can select none of an item, we have no more than 9 × 13 × 17 × 21 possible portfolios. 41,769 is a modest number, but we'll likely need a computer program to grind through these. However, if this portfolio problem is merely a pilot model, and real portfolios have hundreds of items, or real weight and cube and other resource limits admit hundreds of each item, we can see we are facing a combinatorial explosion.

6.16.4 Relaxations and Bounds

Well, if we are unwilling to commit to enumerating all possible portfolios, how about we develop an upper bound on how valuable these portfolios might be, even though we haven't evaluated all of them? If we just focus on the weight constraint, ignoring the cube one and the requirement to select whole numbers of items, we see we would maximize portfolio value by selecting 33.33 D's, with a value of 1133.33. If we only consider the cube constraint, ignoring the weight limit and whole numbers, we would select 9.09 A's with value 1090.91. The values of these relaxations30 of our problem are each valid upper bounds on the as yet unknown true, optimal solution.

6.16.5 Are We Finished Yet?

So we have in hand a quick heuristic solution worth 994, and an upper bound on the best solution we may not have discovered yet of 1090.91. In many modeling situations, for instance, if the value units are U.S. dollars, this may be good enough. If the value units are billions of euros, we might want to do some additional analysis, as we will later in this chapter.

The optimal, whole-number selection is 6 A's, 2 B's, 1 C, and 2 D's (this does not much resemble the inadmissible continuous variable selection). This selection has total value $1001, uses our full 200 kg weight capacity and 195 of our 200 m2 area capacity. We are confident the total value of our selection is as good as it can be due to the solution method we employed. Some solution methods (such as trial-and-error) may yield advice that appears to be good, but solution methods that guarantee optimality provide a warranty that there is no better selection left undiscovered. Whether or not prospective methods yield such reassurance may influence the method you choose.

This simple optimization problem resembles many that arise in portfolio selection,31 cargo loading, target selection, satellite surveillance, capital budgeting,32 and so on. We frequently want to select the most-valuable affordable set of items. Sometimes, the expressions, such as [C0–C3] above, may be nonlinear, or maybe not even available in closed algebraic form.33 Sometimes, the data are not known exactly, or may vary randomly.34 For a vast domain of models to make things better, subject to constraints, we have methods available to do so.

“If the system exhibits a structure which can be represented by a mathematical equivalent, called a mathematical model, and if the objective can be also so quantified, then some computational method may be evolved for choosing the best schedule of actions among alternatives. Such use of mathematical models is termed mathematical programming.”

G. Dantzig

6.17 Game Theory35

Game theory prescribes actions for opponents in conflict. In the simplest two-person, zero sum36 case, each of the two opponents chooses an action in secret, and when these actions are taken, their joint consequence is some payoff from one player to the other. The following example from World War II illustrates.

In late February 1943, US-allied intelligence learned Japan would convoy troops from Rabaul, New Britain, to Lae, New Guinea, a 3-day passage (see Figure 6.6). But, allies did not know whether Japan would choose a northern route where poor visibility was forecast, or the southern route with clear weather. Allies had limited reconnaissance aircraft and fuel, and could only search either north, or south, but not both. Allied planners considered both Japanese courses of action, and both allied ones, estimating the time to detect and remaining time to attack a detected convoy (see Table 6.3). We can assume the Japanese planners did the same analysis, and came to essentially the same conclusions.


Figure 6.6 March 2, 1943, intelligence intercepts tell the US allies that Japan will convoy reinforcements from Rabaul to Lae, but not the three-day route they will use. Japan can choose to sail north or south of New Britain. With limited reconnaissance aircraft and fuel, the allies must either search north or south, but not both.

Table 6.3 Payoff matrix: The asterisk shows the “saddle point,” the optimal actions of both opponents, and resulting days for allied attacks.

Convoy sails north Convoy sails south Allied action
Allied air searches north 2 days* 2 days 1
Allied air searches south 1 day 3 days 0
Japanese action 1 0 2
attack days
For instance, if the allies search south, and the Japanese convoy sails south, the clear weather would lead to almost immediate discovery and 3 days of allied attacks.

Military planning considers the enemy's most damaging course of action. If each opponent here minimizes the worst outcome, the Japanese would sail north in poor visibility, facing at worst 2 days of attacks, rather than the possible 3 days if they sailed south. This is called a minimax strategy. The allies would search north expecting no worse than 2 days of attacks, rather than as little as 1 day if they searched south. This is called a maximin strategy. Because the minimax and maximin strategies identify a single, dominant action for each opponent, there is a saddle point in this game. And that is what happened.

The Japanese were located during their northern passage, and the Battle of the Bismark Sea,37 March 2–4, 1943, resulted in 13 allied casualties, and about 3000 Japanese lost.

The value of this game is 2 days of allied attacks.

Now, suppose Japan had advanced intelligence that the allies would search south. They would convoy north. The value of this intelligence to Japan is 2 − 1 = 1 attack day avoided. This is a symmetric measure of the value of intelligence to Japan, and the value of secrecy to the allies.

When one player must play first, and reveal his strategy before the other, this is known as Stackelberg Game.38 The first player is called the leader, and the second the follower. These have become newly fashionable with defender–attacker models of infrastructure defense [4]. The leader (the defender) moves first with measures to defend, harden, add redundancy, or otherwise invest to make some infrastructure (e.g., the electric grid, highways and bridges, and petroleum distribution) harder to damage. The follower (the attacker) observes these defensive preparations before deciding whether, where, and how to attempt to inflict maximum damage. Two-sided optimization models of this situation simultaneously minimize the defender's damage while at once maximizing the attacker's effects. The best worst-case solution is advised.

“Mother Nature rolls dice, terrorists do not.”

E. Kaplan

Now let's hypothesize a different weather forecast, resulting in a slightly modified payoff matrix shown in Table 6.4. Now there is no saddle point. Analysis here leads to discovering a mixed strategy, where each opponent will choose an action based on a probability.

Table 6.4 Payoff Matrix: A changed weather forecast slows the convoy on the northern route.

Convoy sails north Convoy sails south Allied action
Allied air searches north 5 days 1 day 0.2
Allied air searches south 2 days 3 days 0.8
Japanese action 0.4 0.6 2.6 expected attack days
Now the opponents should use a mixed strategy, choosing actions as shown. Allies should search north with probability 0.2, or south with probability 0.8. The convoy should sail north with probability 0.4, or south with probability 0.6.

This game has an expected value of 2.6 allied attack days. There are a number of ways to arrive at this mixed strategy solution, with perhaps the easiest via optimization. We can state a simple linear program as follows:

The optimal actions for Japan can be found with a symmetric optimization (or recovered from the dual solution39 of this linear program, a topic not pursued here).

Before we leave the game in Table 6.4, let's again wonder how Japan could have analyzed their prospects before deciding to convoy at all, but in anticipation of receiving intelligence before deciding to deploy. Their mixed strategy solution for the allies would have predicted a northern search with probability 0.2, and they would plan to convoy south in that case. With probability 0.8, allies could be anticipated to optimally search south, and Japan would convoy north. This expected loss of img attacked days is better than 2.6 expected attacked days with no intelligence, but still might have weighed on the desperation of Japan to mount the convoy at all.

Conditioned analysis like this leads to the next class of models.

6.18 Decision Theory

Decision theory40 offers two sorts of insight:

  1. It can advise how to make optimal decisions based on probabilities of achieving particular gains or losses as a consequence.
  2. It can explain why human decision makers choose other than such optimal decisions.

The amounts of potential gains or losses are typically weighed by some estimate of the probability they will occur, their expected value. Individuals have differing views of the utility, or value, of a gain or loss, and differing views of the risk, or probability that a decision will prove to be an incorrect one.

Home insurance has an expected payoff far less than the cost of the premium. Evidently, those buying home insurance are willing to pay more than its expected nominal monetary value because they have an even higher utility for such a loss than this nominal value. A lottery ticket has an expected payoff much less than its purchase price, but the utility of a large, if unlikely, payoff evidently overwhelms its comparably trivial cost.

Psychological study of decisions attempts to explain seemingly irrational choices by decision-makers. Preferences between paired alternatives may not be transitive, for instance, a shopper may prefer vehicle A over vehicle B, B over C, and C over A.

Decision theory typically applies to an individual decision-maker, unlike game theory that applies to decisions of opponents. Decision theory admits not just human choices, but those of Mother Nature too.

Mathematical models for sequences of decisions, some choices by the decision-maker, and some purely random events chosen by Mother Nature are often expressed as decision trees. The root node of such a tree is viewed as the beginning of the decisions, and weighed with a total initial probability of 1. Nodes in a decision tree are conventionally either rectangles, for decision nodes, or ovals, for random chance nodes. From each decision node, a branching set of successor arcs represents alternatives that may be chosen. From each chance node, a branching set of successor arcs represents random outcomes with the probability for each, and those probabilities summing to 1. Each arc may have a gain or loss associated with its traversal. Importantly, each probability may be conditioned on the entire preceding history of events and decisions. The ultimate states at the culmination of all decisions are represented by leaf nodes that have no successor.

Any directed path from root to leaf is a possible outcome of successive decisions and random events, and each leaf node is a possible ultimate outcome state.

The idea is to evaluate the expected value of every leaf node. This is done by backward induction, starting with the leaf nodes and backtracking toward the root, computing and accumulating expected values for successor arcs of each node.

If one maintains the decision tree as a sequence of decisions is made, and events are experienced, the tree is conditioned to have as its new root node the latest node in this set of experiences, with total conditional probability 1. All its leaf nodes have expected values conditioned by this influence.

Figure 6.7 shows a decision tree faced by a competing figure skater who must decide whether or not to attempt a very difficult “quadruple jump” during competition.


Figure 6.7 Figure skating competition. During a competitive performance, a figure skater can decide to attempt one or two extremely difficult “quadruple jump” maneuvers or none at all. The probability of success on each trial is 0.5. Square nodes represent the skater's decisions, oval nodes the probability of each attempt outcome, and the numbers at the right the final payoff in terms of the probability the skater will win the competition. Each directed path from the root node at the left to some leaf node at the right represents a sequence of decisions and outcomes of each attempt, and of the competition. The numeric labels over the nodes represent the conditional expected payoff, computed right to left, given the skater reaches that point in the competition. Upon reaching a decision node, the skater chooses the larger expected payoff. The optimal strategy is to attempt the first quad, with expected payoff 0.6, and if that succeeds, pass on the second one. If the first quad attempt fails, the best conditional strategy is to attempt the second one, with expected payoff 0.35.

What if the probability of success is conditioned on prior experience? For example, suppose the probability of success of the first quad attempt is 0.5, and given a first success the second quad attempt will also succeed with probability 0.6, or given a first failure, the second quad will succeed with probability 0.4 (see Figure 6.8). In this case, the skater should attempt the first quad (with expected value 0.687) and attempt second quad even if the first has already succeeded (with conditioned expected value 0.854), and not attempt a second quad if the first one failed (with conditioned expected value 0.30), but attempt a quad if there was no first attempt (with conditioned expected value 0.575).


Figure 6.8 Figure skating competition with conditioned success probabilities: the first outcome influences the probability of success of a second attempt. The optimal strategy is to attempt the first quad, with expected payoff 0.577, and if that succeeds, attempt the second one too, with conditional expectation 0.854. If the first quad attempt fails, the best conditional strategy is to attempt the second one, with expected payoff 0.575.

A key disadvantage of decision trees is that the number of leaf nodes (or, equivalently, directed paths or alternate outcome states) grows exponentially with the degree of the nodes (the number of successor arcs from each) and the number of successive nodes in each directed path. One signal example [5] exhibits no less than 10,032,906,240 leaf nodes, each with directed-path-conditioned probabilities.

6.19 Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered (SEIR) Epidemiology41,42

Recent experience with the Ebola,43 Zika,44 and other infectious diseases sharpens our interest in modeling the establishment and spread of infectious diseases. Mathematical epidemiology has produced many models, among which SEIR is a good example. This is a compartmental model that divides a population into four states: susceptible, exposed, infectious, and recovered (or in the vernacular of this domain, “removed”).

Figure depicts a compartmental model that divides a population into four states: susceptible, exposed, infectious, and recovered.

Movement of individuals between adjacent states is governed by transition probabilities.

For some starting state img population recovery is img, if the disease abates, while a long term, steady state is called an endemic equilibrium.

Models such as SEIR are used to evaluate quarantine policies and vaccination regimes.

6.20 Search Theory45

Search theory was the invention of mathematicians and physicists during World War II. Today, it is not widely taught outside military circles, but remains useful for finding lost things, whether they are submarines, tethered undersea mines, or you lost at sea.

One of the simplest, most elegant results is the following, known as Koopman's area search equation:

This is a conservative estimate of the probability of search success, and we can do much better if we can afford to conduct an exhaustive search. Nonetheless, this is a useful descriptive model. One corollary insight is that the instantaneous probability of success stays the same over time (that memoryless property, again), so even if you haven't succeeded so far, the expected time until success is the same. You can view this in two ways. After some time without success, a pessimist wonders: “Why have I wasted so much effort?” While hope blooms eternal for an optimist. If you are lost, hope for optimistic searchers.

6.21 Lanchester Models of Warfare46

This is another military model developed by the British engineer F. W. Lanchester in 1914, and published 2 years later, to describe combat exchanges between opposing air forces. It has been more widely used to describe continued land combat between armies.

This is for what is called “aimed fire”: inflicted attrition is a function of the number of shooters and their accuracy, it is assumed every shooter has a target. This applies, for instance, to opposing infantry forces.

There is a parallel set of results for unaimed, “area fire” leading to Lanchester's linear law. In this case, every shooter has targets spread uniformly over a target area, so attrition is the product of the lethality of each shot, the number of shooters, and the number of dispersed targets. This applies to artillery fire.

These are descriptive models, but you can deduce it is good to have either a superior initial force or one with more lethal aiming soldiers and/or area-firing artillery.

These are also models of transient behavior rather than steady state. Annihilation of either opponent terminates combat.

You may wonder what use this has for other than military planners. There are many applications among competitors, biologic predator–prey models, and other systems whose operation involves continuous exchange rates of some sort, where the exchanges harm mutual competitors.

These closed-form, analytic solutions are derived by solving ordinary differential equations. Make modifications to the model, such as adding more constraints, and you may or may not be able to solve the result analytically. However, you can always evaluate the exchanges with simulation.

This deterministic, discrete time-increment simulation will approximate the Lanchester exchanges. To be more accurate, we can increase model fidelity by decreasing the time increment with the exchange rates img and img reduced proportionately to apply to these shorter epochs of combat. While a simulation like this can lend insight, quite a few replications with varied inputs would be required before you begin to suspect whether or not something like the square law still holds.

To simulate Lanchester's linear law, replace the attrition terms img and img by img and img, respectively.

6.22 Hughes' Salvo Model of Combat47

The classic Lanchester models are aimed [sic] at large-scale sustained combat involving large numbers of combatants, many shots fired by each, and continuous warfare. In fact, thousands of shots may be required to achieve a single kill.

In contrast, we anticipate modern naval missile exchanges to involve a single, signal engagement between a small number of adversaries, perhaps capital ships, with a small number of attacking missiles that are extremely accurate, highly lethal, and perhaps vulnerable to defensive missiles trying to nullify each attack [6]. This leads us to explicitly represent the lethality of each attacking shot, the effectiveness of each defending shot, and the number of “leakers” (attacking missiles not nullified) required to kill a discrete combatant unit.

These results are expressed as discrete difference equations, rather than differential equations, and can be solved with elementary algebra.

After a missile exchange, we can make a number of assessments analogous to the continuous Lanchester ones.

A charm of the Hughes Salvo equations is they admit embellishments such as scouting to locate targets and improve aim, decoys, evasion, distraction, surprise, and so on. The resulting difference equations are still trivial to solve numerically.

6.23 Single-Use Models

Single-use models can respond to an exigent question quickly and effectively, and don't necessarily need to employ advanced mathematics.

"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.

He who understands it, earns it…he who doesn't…pays it.”

A. Einstein

The following algebraic model has been used to illustrate to navy fleet commanders the impact of their policy for naval combatants to always maintain a certain level of fuel as safety stock against running out in case of unanticipated demand. Maintaining a safety stock, expressed as a percentage of fuel capacity, is a wise policy, but making minor adjustments to this percentage responding to changes in your estimate of threat level—the likelihood you will need to use a lot of unanticipated fuel right away—can have significant influence on the policy cost, born by the supply ships that must sortie to supply fuel to the combatant customers at sea.

6.24 The Principle of Optimality and Dynamic Programming

This terse statement by Richard Bellman has stood the challenge of time, and to this day nobody has found a way to expand, contract, or clarify this seminal version. What a compliment to this genius.

Rather than restating this, let's try to understand it, and exploit its implications.

Returning to our portfolio example, let's view solving this from Bellman's perspective. Let's start by choosing some number of A items, given we might have any amount of remaining weight and area capacity to fill. We would greedily and correctly (in fact, optimally) pack as many A's as we could fit. If we create a schedule of the number of A's that will fit in any particular remaining weight and area capacity, we could record this is a matrix for remaining weight img, and remaining area img.

Now, suppose we choose some number of B items, also for any remaining weight and area capacity. Now an optimal choice would account for the immediate value of the B items chosen, plus the value of A items for which we leave unused weight and area capacity. So, for example, if we have remaining (weight, area) capacity (21,40) and chose one B item with value 79, this would leave capacity (21−8 = 13, 40−16 = 24), and by lookup in the A item table, we could see that we still have capacity to choose one A item with value 120. We can continue similarly with C and then D items.

This works because the weight and area requirements for items are whole numbers, so there are a finite number of (weight, area) capacities in the state space of this problem. We refer to each sequential item-by-item enumeration of what will immediately fit in any available remaining capacity the stage of selection.

Expressing this more compactly, represent item types by index img and the remaining weight capacity img and area img. Let img be the value of img items selected through stage i.


Verbally, this tells us that for given available capacity img at stage i, we choose img that maximizes the immediate item i value img in addition to the optimal prior selections, if any, through stage i−1 of the capacity, our choice of img would leave img. In more detail, we would carefully control the maximization at each stage:


That is, we only search over whole numbers of items that can fit in remaining capacity (w,a).

We read out the final, optimal solution by tracing back through our stage matrices. img gives us the optimal portfolio value. This portfolio includes img items of type I. img gives us the number of items i−1, and so forth.

For our numeric example and stage sequence img we get


The optimal solution leaves five area units unused, which is revealed by img.

This systematic enumeration is called dynamic programming [7],48 and although it works just fine for our example, the total number of evaluations inside the maximization for all item stages and all states is 467,814, so we would have been better off enumerating by brute force the 41,769 item permutations. This is evidence of what is called the curse of dimensionality.49 However, for many problems, dynamic programming offers dramatic improvements in enumeration.

6.25 Stack-Based Enumeration

Directed graphs and networks (graphs with data attributes) frequently arise in modeling, and we end up seeking ways to maneuver through these with some goal in mind.

In order to enumerate all directed paths (alternating sequences of nodes and arcs) from a given source s to a given sink t in a directed graph G = (N,A), we must use an algorithm and data structures that ensure (1) completeness of the enumeration (we don't miss any paths) and (2) uniqueness (we don't want to report any path twice).

The basic concept behind path enumeration is the construction of a partial s–t path, and the enumeration of all possible completions of that path. A partial s–t path is a directed path between s and some other node, k (see Figure 6.9). The set of all completions of this partial path is the set of all k–t paths that do not use any nodes already in the partial path from s to k.


Figure 6.9 A partial k–t path in a directed s–t graph.

This is just a recursive description, and it seems circular, but note that the k–t path enumeration subproblem is solved on a smaller network than G. In fact, when the current partial path includes every node but t, there is at most one single completion of the current path: jump directly to t, if there's an arc.

To fully define an algorithm, then, we need a way of defining unambiguously a current partial path, and we need to know how to build all completions of the current partial path (avoiding nodes already on the path). This is accomplished with a mechanism to extend a current partial path by adding one arc.

The best way to understand a procedure like this is to define an instance precisely.

6.25.1 Data Structures

  1. Stack50 PATH (also known as a last in, first out, or LIFO queue) records the nodes visited, in an order, on the current partial path. The top of the stack PATH is the tip of the current partial path, k. PATH has n positions, and top gives current location of top of stack: PATH(top) = k.
  2. Array51 onPath(i) records the position of each node i on the current partial path, or is zero if a node is not on the current partial path.
  3. Adjacency list52 A(i) of traversable edges out of node i, represented in forward-star structure by point(i) and head(e) arrays.
  4. Current-arc structure next_arc(i) records the next arc to examine in A(i). Reset to first arc in A(i) every time i appears at tip of current partial path.

Let's assume a directed graph has been created in adjacency list form. In particular, all the head nodes j adjacent to tail node i can be accessed by j=head[point[i]],,j=head[point[i+1]-1].

6.25.2 Discussion

The s–t path enumeration algorithm enumerates all directed paths from s to t; this can be proved by induction on the length of the partial path (n−1 is the first case, then n−2, etc.).

The only way that a path can be listed twice is if some partial path appears on the stack twice (that is, a node appearing on the stack recreates a partial path that has already appeared). Again, this can be proved by (forward) induction on the length of the partial path: no partial path with two nodes appears twice, because next_arc(s) is monotone increasing, and when s leaves the stack, we're done enumerating. If no partial path with p nodes appears twice, then clearly no partial path with p+1 nodes appears twice.

Therefore, the algorithm provides a complete enumeration, and does not repeat any s–t path.

There are more elegant recursive statements of pathfinding procedures, but these do not run as quickly on a computer, and speed is important, because there are a lot of paths to enumerate in directed graphs of interest—in fact there are an exponential number of these. To prove this to yourself, consider a dense directed graph with every node adjacent to all others. We can start a path from any node, and there are n of these. We can continue this path to the n−1 unvisited adjacent nodes, so now we have n(n−1) partial paths, and so forth, eventually enumerating n(n−1)…1 = n! paths.

6.25.3 Generating Permutations and Combinations

Many problems arise involving sequences, such as the order in which successive operations are carried out, cities are visited, and tests are conducted. How do you generate all permutations53 of a set of objects? Suppose we have a set of n objects img and we are interested in looking at all permuted sequences of k of these at a time. The number of such permutations can be denoted img

One of the most straightforward ways to generate permutation sequences on a computer is, surprisingly, by designing a directed graph with the n objects used as node labels and the subset size k as the number of echelons (Figure 6.10).


Figure 6.10 A directed s–t subset graph. Each node has an object (letter) label and an echelon number. There is a row of nodes for each of n = 3 objects, and each row has k = 3 echelons. Nodes adjacent to node b2 include a3, b3, and c3. One s–t path is s,b1,a2,c3,t. Every s–t path in the graph is a distinct subset of the nodes, and there is a path for every such subset.

For the directed graph in Figure 6.10, there is a path for every subset of labels (a,b,c), lexicographically ranging from s,a1,a2,a3,t to s,c1,c2,c3,t.

To restrict our program to produce permutations of the labels a, b, and c, we arrange the test OK_to_add(j) in our stack-based enumeration procedure to be false if a label j already appears in the stack. This is as simple as associating with each node j a single bit representing stack occupancy.

If we want permutations of all subsets of size k, we just eliminate graph echelons beyond the kth one, and run the same procedure. We can also condition the permutations and filter out undesirable ones by either editing the directed graph to eliminate unwanted adjacencies in any permutation, or adjusting the test OK_to_add(j) to sense any undesirable permutation as soon as the top-1 contents of the stack appear so. This admits adding numerical attributes to the nodes and/or adjacency arcs, creating from our graph a network, and computing fitness of partial orders in the logic of OK_to_add(j).

We can also alter the directed graph to produce other results with path enumeration. For instance, the directed paths in Figure 6.11 select all combinations54 (unordered) subsets of the labels a, b and c, in alphabetic order. If we again employ our handy filter OK_to_add(j) to be false when top equals k−1, we will enumerate all img combinations of k out of n.

Figure depicts a directed s–t combination graph. Each s–t path includes a combination of the labels a, b, and c in alphabetic order.

Figure 6.11 A directed s–t combination graph. Each s–t path includes a combination of the labels a, b, and c in alphabetic order.

6.26 Traveling Salesman Problem: Another Case Study in Alternate Solution Methods

The traveling salesman problem55 has been known since antiquity by, well, traveling salesmen. How do you start from your home city and visit n−1 other cities exactly once and return home while having traveled the minimum possible distance? Such a tour is called Hamiltonian56 (after a nineteenth century Irish mathematician who first stated it carefully), or traceable path (because you can connect dots on a map on such a tour without touching a dot twice or lifting your stylus before returning to your home city).

Table 6.5 shows a 10-city example that is symmetric and fully dense.

Table 6.5 Distances (km) between some major European cities.191

Barcelona Belgrade Berlin Brussels Bucharest Budapest Copenhagen Dublin Hamburg Istanbul
Barcelona 0 1528 1498 1063 1968 1499 1758 1469 1472 2230
Belgrade 1528 0 999 1373 447 316 1327 2145 1230 809
Berlin 1498 999 0 652 1293 689 354 1315 255 1735
Brussels 1063 1373 652 0 1770 1132 767 773 490 2179
Bucharest 1968 447 1293 1770 0 640 1572 2535 1544 446
Budapest 1499 316 689 1132 640 0 1011 1895 928 1065
Copenhagen 1758 1327 354 767 1572 1011 0 1238 288 2017
Dublin 1469 2145 1315 773 2535 1895 1238 0 1073 2950
Hamburg 1472 1230 255 490 1544 928 288 1073 0 1984
Istanbul 2230 809 1735 2179 446 1065 2017 2950 1984 0
This matrix is symmetric and fully dense (that is, each city is adjacent to all others).

Getting an admissible solution to this problem is as easy as selecting n cells in this table, one per row (even though these distances are symmetric, let's say a row is an origin), and one per column (destination). Although any such selection would work, the one with minimum total travel time has length 5726 km. This selection is shown in Table 6.6.

Table 6.6 An optimal selection of travel legs with each city appearing just once as an origin and once as a destination.

Subtour 1
Barcelona Dublin 691
Dublin Brussels 773
Brussels Barcelona 1063
Subtour 2
Belgrade Budapest 316
Budapest Belgrade 316
Subtour 3
Berlin Hamburg 255
Hamburg Copenhagen 288
Copenhagen Berlin 354
Subtour 4
Bucharest Istanbul 446
Istanbul Bucharest 446
This results in four subtours and a total travel length of 5726 km. Because this is a relaxation of the traveling salesman problem, it provides a lower bound on the minimum travel distance for a single tour of all cities.

This relaxed solution consists of subtours, each separated in the table. The value of this relaxation provides a lower bound on the value of an as-yet unknown optimal solution.

Now just visit these cities in alphabetic order, which in this full-dense problem will surely be admissible as a tour (see Table 6.7).

Table 6.7 An alphabetical tour of 10 European cities with tour length 13,125 km, an upper bound on an optimal traveling salesman tour.

Barcelona Belgrade 1528
Belgrade Berlin 999
Berlin Brussels 652
Brussels Bucharest 1770
Bucharest Budapest 640
Budapest Copenhagen 1011
Copenhagen Dublin 1238
Dublin Hamburg 1073
Hamburg Istanbul 1984
Istanbul Barcelona 2230

This is a Hamiltonian tour with total distance 13,125 km. This is an admissible solution with no subtour, so its value provides an upper bound on an as-yet unknown optimal solution.

There are img possible tours in this full-dense problem.

Why not enumerate with our directed graph enumeration procedure? We could do so here. But with a full-dense problem with 60 cities, there are on the order of img admissible solutions. This is more than the cosmologists' estimate of the number of atoms in the universe.

There is a huge literature on how to get better solutions faster for this problem, and more realistic ones with side constraints on, for instance, time windows when we can visit each city.

Nevertheless, even simple heuristics and some elementary computer procedures can have beneficial effect. For instance, here we start with the alphabetic tour of our full-dense problem and select a random city in this tour. We evaluate moving it from its present position in the tour to some other random one. If this decreases our total tour length, we make the change. Otherwise, we randomly try again. Figure 6.12 shows the progress of our Monte Carlo simulation.57

A graphical representation of the progress of our Monte Carlo simulation, where distance (km) is plotted on the y-axis on a scale of 7000–13000 and random-exchange trial on the x-axis on a scale of 0–160.

Figure 6.12 A Monte Carlo sequence of random-exchange trials. Starting with a tour in alphabetic order by city name, each random-exchange trial chooses a city to remove from a candidate sequence and randomly inserts it elsewhere in the sequence. If the tour distance is decreased by this, we record a new incumbent sequence. After less than 150 trials, we have discovered an optimal solution, although we would not know this without knowledge of the true global optimal tour distance.

In this relatively simple instance, an optimal solution with length 7,486 km is shown in Table 6.8.

Table 6.8 An optimal traveling salesman tour of 10 European cities with length 7486 km.

Barcelona Dublin 1469
Dublin Brussels 773
Brussels Hamburg 490
Hamburg Copenhagen 288
Copenhagen Berlin 354
Berlin Budapest 689
Budapest Bucharest 640
Bucharest Istanbul 446
Istanbul Belgrade 809
Belgrade Barcelona 1528

Now, let's move to a just slightly larger problem, with all of the 24 European cities in our reference database. Now we have 23! solutions or somewhat less than img of these. (The 23 coincidence is just that.) A minimal length selection with each city an origin once and a destination once has length 10,194 km (a lower bound on the solution we seek, an alphabetic tour has length 33,117 km (an upper bound), and an optimal tour has length 12,288 km (see Table 6.9).

Table 6.9 An optimal traveling salesman tour of 24 European cities with length 12,288 km.

Barcelona Rome 857
Rome Milan 476
Milan Munich 349
Munich Prague 300
Prague Berlin 280
Berlin Warsaw 516
Warsaw Vienna 557
Vienna Budapest 217
Budapest Belgrade 316
Belgrade Sofia 329
Sofia Istanbul 503
Istanbul Bucharest 446
Bucharest Kiev 744
Kiev Moscow 757
Moscow Saint Petersburg 633
Saint Petersburg Stockholm 688
Stockholm Copenhagen 522
Copenhagen Hamburg 288
Hamburg Brussels 490
Brussels Paris 261
Paris London 341
London Dublin 463
Dublin Madrid 1450
Madrid Barcelona 505

Starting with the alphabetic tour, our Monte Carlo method eventually discovers a tour with length 12,965 km at random-exchange trial 1545, and discovers no further improvement over an additional ten million random-exchange trials (see Figure 6.13).

A graphical representation of a Monte Carlo sequence of random-exchange trials, where distance (km) is plotted on the y-axis on a scale of 10000–35000 and random-exchange trial on the x-axis on a scale of 0–1800.

Figure 6.13 A Monte Carlo sequence of random-exchange trials. Each random trial chooses a city to remove from a candidate sequence and randomly inserts it elsewhere in the sequence. If the tour distance is decreased by this, we record a new incumbent. Trial 1545 discovers an improved tour with length 12,965 km. After 10,000,000 trials, we discover no further improvement.

6.27 Model Documentation, Management, and Performance

A carefully crafted model formulation can help assess model performance as the model is scaled up to include either more elements, or more detail on each element.

6.27.1 Model Formulation

Model formulation deserves close attention, and no model is complete without such documentation. A careful formulation can substitute for long verbal descriptions exhibiting much less specificity.

The overarching principles here are “define before use,” and “give precise specifics before plain-language discussion.” We want to see the technical details before reading what is intended, the better to reconcile the two.

This form of model definition makes it a bit easier to predict, perhaps based on experiments with pilot models, how model performance (in particular, runtime and space requirements) will change with scale. We generally track in terms of the index set cardinalities, the anticipated volume of data, the time to process it, the storage to save it, the time and space to perform computations, and the volume of outputs.

6.27.2 Choice of Implementation Language

Choice of implementation language can have dramatic effect on model speed. Interpreted languages, such as Visual Basic for Applications58 or Python,59 run about two orders of magnitude slower than compiled, optimized languages such as C60 or FORTRAN.61 Before committing to use of special-purpose languages such as R,62 Pyomo,63 or a variety of simulation languages,64 a modeler needs to assure that model performance at full scale is affordable or even tolerable.

6.27.3 Supervised versus Automated Models

Some models are used as needed and supervised by a modeler, while others are completely unsupervised or automated.

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) models 65 are designed for continuous, unsupervised automated application.

Completely automated models require careful design to sense and interpret erroneous state data, as well as to choose constructive actions when such data are suspected. Sometimes this requires building a supervisory shell data model to detect and alarm suspected anomalies.

Automated power flow models are solved continuously by the independent system operator controlling an electric grid.66 These have alarms for overcapacitated generators, transformers, and conductors.

6.27.4 Model Fidelity

Model fidelity is a key choice of a modeler and is perhaps the most important decision in modeling. It is often assumed by lay people that additional fidelity is always good. This couldn't be further from the truth.

A model is not made better by including excess complexity, but this addition makes the model more complex. Excess complexity can be used as an elusive smoke screen, increasing the apparent validity of results without foundation.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

A. Einstein

For instance, we may use an EOQ model to set ordering policies, but when a variety of items can be bought and shipped in a batch, or when we have limited inventory space, or when we must pay possession tax on the value of items in stock on particular dates, we are led to building more accurate models with higher fidelity for individual item types, time periods, facility locations, and so on.

Fidelity too coarse may miss essential details, and too fine may require state data not available or trustworthy.

Appropriate fidelity may be suggested by how often states are assessed in an existing system, and how often actions are required to operate the system. A telltale of excessive fidelity is when existing state data must itself be subjected to modeling to produce data with synthetically enhanced fidelity. Asking for state data with fidelity exceeding than already existing may be a modeling mistake, or a valuable discovery of a flaw in system operation. Excessive fidelity can slow responsiveness of a model while adding no additional insight.

Conversely, a model may change the suggested actions of the system operator in a qualitative way that necessitates changing how the system's states are evaluated.

For instance, a seminal supply chain design model may turn out to be considerably easier to state and solve than estimating origin–destination shipping costs per hundred-weight (i.e., hundred pounds, or about 45 kg), where the configuration of the supply chain and the dispatching rules for shipments may be changed by the model.

The first model you build of any textbook supply chain will almost certainly lead to another one, likely much more complicated, for estimating consolidated freight shipment costs or forecast demands of multiple items.

6.27.5 Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis is essential in any model. The goal is assessing how changes to state data might influence model results. Some models are remarkably stable and robust. For example, the Central Limit Theorem67 states that the sum of independent numbers drawn from a distribution with finite mean and variance becomes normally distributed, regardless of the distribution. The means that an arithmetic sample mean (a sum divided by the number of its terms) coming from a sample of any suitable distribution will be normally distributed, so this sample mean offers a host of standard statistical results based on what we know about the normal distribution.

Conversely, some models exhibit extreme sensitivity, seemingly amplifying small changes to input state data into wholesale revisions of suggested actions and/or output states. Such a model may need additional features to calm it down [8].

For many models, we can observe a starting state (initial condition). If a model of a system has no means to represent a starting state, or if this state is inadmissible in the model, or if the model quickly and qualitatively diverges from what you know to be an admissible state, close inspection is a necessity.

6.27.6 With Different Methods

Descriptive and predictive models are typically easier to plan, formulate, and implement as simulations. Whether deterministic or stochastic, simulations define entities to represent states, and procedures to represent actions.

To lend some concreteness to this, consider a simple queueing simulation. The state of the system might be the number in the queue. An action would be an arrival to the queue, or a service completion and subsequent departure from it. Concurrent states might assess resident times in the queue.

For prescriptive models, there is some debate about mathematical optimization68 versus simulation optimization.69

Mathematical optimization requires that the initial and final states be specified, and actions be represented by decision variables governed by algebraic constraints on admissible actions. These actions influence intermediate and final states. The goal is to optimize some objective stated in terms of the achieved states and actions.

Both the starting and ending states must be represented and present an ambiguity. If the purpose of our model is to prescribe actions, how can we predict the ending state before we solve the model? We have encountered production–inventory models over some planning horizon that, lacking any ending state, simply advise an optimal policy to empty the system. This necessitates study of the end effects of a model applied over space or time, and specification of ending state can be a bit of an art form. What would be ideal? What is achievable? Resolving these problems may require a number of model runs and substantial analysis.

Models require us to make simplifying assumptions, and perhaps ignore some details that have consequence on our solutions. Model restrictions, such as adding constraints on admissible states to keep results reasonable, or to make the model easier to solve, will never improve the value of our model advice. Model relaxations, such as assuming continuity of actions that are, in fact, discrete, will never degrade the value of our model solutions, but may make the model advice unachievably optimistic.

Returning to our Bernoulli trial model, as the number of coin flips increases, our closed-form analytic solution becomes uncomputable, with a huge combinatoric number of outcomes,70 all counted to have some given number of heads, and each outcome with an infinitesimally small probability of occurring exactly. We have mentioned using a continuous normal distribution approximation with the same mean and variance. But, when do you make the transition from discrete to continuous modeling of actions and states? With this example, you are well advised to apply a continuous approximation at about 15 trials (15! is about a 12 decimal digit integer). Similar continuous approximations may be advisable in other models of large numbers of discrete actions, such as building automobiles or buying items.

If the constraints are linear functions of actions in terms of state assessments, we have a linear program. If some or all actions need to be discrete (e.g., yes or no), we may formulate a linear integer program. If the constraints are necessarily nonlinear, and/or some decisions need to be discrete, we have a complicated optimization that may or may not yield to conventional solution methods in reasonable computing time.

Simulation optimization fixes an initial state, and then randomly draws from admissible actions to induce a random set of subsequent states. Each random action and subsequent state offers a candidate solution. By performing many such random evaluations and keeping track of the best candidate, we discover the best incumbent set of actions. The complication here is with assessing how much better the objective could have been with even more experiments. The topology of objective functions may be benign, with better solutions being obvious, or pernicious, with optimal (vice optimum) solutions being hard to discover by random, even systematically random probes.

6.27.7 With Different Variables

A variable is any number, quantity, or characteristic that can be measured or counted. In a statistical model, variables may be data items. Statistics frequently seeks hidden relationships between variables, sometimes concluding that some dependent variables are influenced by other, independent ones. In optimization, decision variables represent actions by the operator that influence system state. In either case, we must choose the fidelity of our variables in consideration of the relationships or actions we want to discover. Sometimes, certain statistical variables may turn out to have substantial influence on others, and we may seek different sets of variables to isolate the strongest influence. In optimization, we might express a model in terms of variables giving the quantities of activities to pursue, then decide to change to variables expressing the time to achieve certain quantities. We fix some variables, essentially making them states, and release others. In any sort of model, we seek variables that effectively lead us to an insightful solution.

6.27.8 Stability

Some models and solution methods exhibit intrinsically unstable behavior. For instance, heuristics may reliably produce subjectively good-quality solutions, but without some bound on how good an undiscovered solution might be, caution is called for. We might test such a heuristic by trying alternate starting solutions, even random ones, to detect any unstable performance. Other models, such as nonlinear optimizations or systems of differential equations, depend on numerical solution techniques that may not always converge to an acceptable solution, a solution with nearly the best possible value, or a solution at all. You will read advice to “tune” such methods, as well as applying alternate starting solutions. Generally, you should be able to conclude with a little research whether or not a particular solution method is stable. If your candidate method is known to misbehave, you have to decide whether its simplicity or effectiveness makes it worth the risk.

6.27.9 Reliability

Some models are intrinsically unreliable and just cannot be trusted to behave reasonably for a number of reasons. For instance, a time-discretized set of difference equations used to represent continuous-time differential ones may require a fair amount of fiddling and tuning to produce acceptable approximate results. A piecewise linearization71 (an inner approximation always underestimating a function, or outer approximation overestimating) of a nonlinear model function may suffice, but may not solve reliably if the approximated nonlinear function is not approximated well, or the function has perverse structure. Why would you even risk an unreliable model? Perhaps because you have in hand a familiar solution method (say, linear numerical optimization) and wish to avoid tangling with more complex nonlinear numerical optimization.

6.27.10 Scalability

Generally, if your model is expressed in standard form, it should be straightforward to assess the impact of changing the cardinality of indices. It is frequently possible by analogy to estimate with some reliability the impact this will have on computation time or success.

6.27.11 Extensibility

Extensibility applies to adding new detail, functionality, or bolting together models into a unified federation. This is usually possible if the various components are of the same model class, and more of a challenge when they are not. For instance, combining an existing numerical optimization with another is often feasible, especially if this possibility has had influence on the model designs, but extending an optimization with a simulation, or a closed-form solution with a numerical one, may not be easy. Perhaps the most vexing problem with extending models is establishing some verifying certification that the unified solution addresses at once the concerns of all model components.

“A model should be able to produce an answer while we still remember the question, and care about the answer.”

G. Brown

6.28 Rules for Data Use

“What gets measured, gets managed.”

P. Drucker

The number and diversity of sources of data necessary to support a real-world model is surprising. A simple model of shipment planning can quickly call for road networks, freight rates from commercial sources, postal rates, state regulations, labor agreements, carrier policies, system operator policies, restrictions on mixed commodities, operating costs, and so on. Not only does a model need a lot of data from many sources, it will depend on the currency and accuracy of this data over all its life.

The following is a representative sample of common types of data sources, and the rules that govern data from each.

6.28.1 Proprietary Data

Proprietary data are routinely involved in modeling studies. It is best to establish model protocols early for storage, indexing, governance, and use of any data source. Remember that proprietary data are viewed by its owner as “property,” and that use of such property must be with permission of the owner in exactly and only the way the owner permits.

6.28.2 Licensed Data

Licensed data from commercial sources usually comes with restrictions on how it can be used. For example, Graphical Information System (GIS) data on roads, rivers, railroads, undersea cables, and so on come with explicit limits on the permitted application domain. Ironically, a modeler may spend a lot of time filtering out what the data provider views as the most valuable data elements, such as appearance and shapes of features, because the modeler merely needs something as simple as the adjacent distance between one feature such as a road junction and another.

6.28.3 Personally Identifiable Information

Personally identifiable information (PII) contains, is as it sounds, data that may enable or ease identification of individuals, and this cannot be permitted without explicit, knowledgeable permission of the individuals involved. Many organizations additionally restrict dissemination and use of such data, and require special protocols for its storage and use [9].

6.28.4 Protected Critical Infrastructure Information System (PCIIMS)

Protected Critical Infrastructure Information System (PCIIMS) has been created by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to house and control access to information on our national critical infrastructure gathered from its owners (85% of this infrastructure is not owned by the government) and from many studies since 9/11 seeking to understand the function of these infrastructures, probing for weaknesses and opportunities to improve resilience [10].

6.28.5 Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Institutional review board (IRB) human subject research documentation requirements require submission and review of special study protocols to insure safety (e.g., Ref. [11]).

6.28.6 Department of Defense and Department of Energy Classification

Categories such as For Official Use Only (FOUO), Secret, Top Secret, etc., require personnel clearances, special storage facilities, and extensive rules for how such data can be used, and how results based on such data must be marked and treated.72

6.28.7 Law Enforcement Data

Law enforcement data are governed by its own set of rules for access and use [12].

6.28.8 Copyright and Trademark

Copyright and trademark laws may apply to data not otherwise encumbered [13].

6.28.9 Paraphrased and Plagiarized

Paraphrased and plagiarized data can present a vexing problem. Data, even obtained from otherwise open sources, may carry restrictions.73

6.28.10 Displays of Model Outputs

Displays of model outputs need to carry with them explicit notice if they are based on data governed by any of the above restrictions. Some call this “derivative classification,” and as a model is developed, each new display needs to be classified in some way. This classification may derive from how you used the data, rather than on its restricted nature.

6.28.11 Data Integrity

Data integrity can be enhanced by adding a digital signature to data fields, especially those that are not expected to change often or at all. A simple hash signature can reveal when a change may have occurred, necessitating refreshment.74

6.28.12 Multiple Data Evolutions

Multiple data evolutions result from model development based, for instance, on alternate predicted futures. This invites data set indexing and naming conventions that track the provenance of each of these forecasts, so planners can sort out whose ideas are expressed in each evolution, and what and how data have been applied.

6.29 Data Interpolation and Extrapolation

Data interpolation and extrapolation75 are predictions used to fill in gaps, especially in temporal or spatial data series where we have some observations of a dependent state value for some, but not enough associated values of independent states (see Figure 6.14). As the names imply, interpolation applies inside the range of observed independent state values, and extrapolation elsewhere.


Figure 6.14 Extrapolation and interpolation of a data series. The horizontal axis is in units of some independent state variable, and the vertical one in units of associated values of a dependent state. There is an assumed functional relationship here that is used to predict behavior of the dependent state. If the prediction is within independent state observations, we are interpolating, otherwise we are extrapolating.

A modeler needs to assure there are no reasons to suspect systematic misbehavior of the prediction function within independent state values, and especially outside them. Extrapolation requires more faith that the validity of the prediction function extends beyond the range of our observations, and for this we need as much supporting evidence as possible.

Referring back to our regression model of weight as a function of height for a group of American females aged 30–39, interpolation might be reasonable within the range of observed heights from 1.47 to 1.83 m (about 4′ 10″ to 6′). But an average newborn female has height 0.51 m (about 20″) and weighs 3.6 kg (about 7.7 lbs), and extrapolation yields 70 kg (about 154 lbs). Similarly, extrapolating to heights greater than the observed 1.83 m will soon yield results beyond those to be expected for human females.

6.30 Model Verification and Validation

“To get a large model to work you must start with a small model that works, not a large model that doesn't work,”

D. Knuth

Model verification and validation have long been a source of debate.76,77,78

6.30.1 Verifying

Verifying a model consists of providing a reasonable, representative set of starting states, and observing a responding set of actions consistent with known practice, or merely common sense, leading to a set of resulting states that can be reconciled with actions. Perhaps “debugging” a model is a better term, making sure it works as intended.

6.30.2 Validating

Validating a model establishes that it is in good alignment with reality. This is seldom possible. An experienced modeler will advise that to assert that a model is validated is, well, foolhardy. The goal is assurance that we have a reasonable representation of reality.

But, some models do lend themselves to validation.

For example, the physics of electricity and the performance of generators, conductors, and transformers is well enough known and we feel confident, to first order, that our power flow models validate well. Conversely, the effects of cascading failures in an electric grid are not at all well understood.

For example, water flow through systems of dams, reservoirs, channels, pumps, and pipes is physically well modeled, and assessments of leakage and evaporation are reasonably reliable.

Models of traffic flow seem to validate at large scale, and completely break down at fine scale: There is no perfect model explanation of traffic congestion and individual or group behavior of commuters.

While, say, an economic or military model may have been subjected to rigorous validation exercises, the result is inevitably that the model seems to be a good enough representation of reality to be useful.

6.30.3 Comparing Models

When comparing competing models, perhaps a legacy one with a new candidate, Occam's razor79 provides good, very general advice. Everything else being equal, the model based on fewer assumptions is probably superior.

6.30.4 Sample Data

Sample data for model verification is best derived with as much realism as possible. Randomly generated sample data80 are notorious for being nonrepresentative, slowing model operation, and obscuring insights.

6.30.5 Data Diagnostics

Data diagnostics are vital defenses of a model, especially if data sources are partially automated and not necessarily in control of the planner(s) using the model. There is no shame in testing for impossible conditions and issuing well-considered diagnostics.

6.30.6 Data Vintage and Provenance

Data vintage and provenance should be established for every instance a model uses, and should be displayed prominently and widely with model outputs.

6.31 Communicate with Stakeholders

“The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.”

R. Hamming

This is a continuous requirement from first client meeting to presentation of intermediate or final results. Model development inevitably encounters surprises. Anticipated, required data may not be available when needed, or trustworthy, or expressed in immediately useful form. The stakeholders may include not just the client, but also representatives of other interested groups (for instance consultants, domain experts, regulating agencies, and others). If the modeler has prepared well, successful presentations based on concrete model outcomes are the ideal outcome. There will likely be presentations for planners who deal with the problem and others for the executives who pay the bills. For each stakeholder, one must carefully adhere to the lexicon worked out in the five-step preparation (see prior definition of such) for the modeling project.

“Almost all senior analysts have similar stories about how they learned not to brief a senior executive.”

J. Kline

Managing relationships with multiple stakeholders, and following their multiple, possibly conflicting, objectives is beyond the scope of this introduction. But suffice to say, if you have scrupulously followed the five-step preparation above, you are as well situated as possible.

Most contemporary models are used via a graphical user interface (GUI), and in many cases the GUI consumes more development effort than the model. This is to be expected. However, the GUI developer(s) and modeler(s) are not necessarily the same individuals, and this calls for constant, careful coordination. There are wonderful models with poor GUI's, or none at all, and fantastic GUI interfaces to terrible models. Better to sort out which is which. Some of the most successful GUIs have appeared (though is has some vexing bugs traversing the International Dateline) for mobile applications on portable devices. Google Earth81 is a superb example.

Although there are a host of commercial GUI developer kits available, some particularly successful applications have been developed quickly, and on the cheap, by co-opting, for instance, the Microsoft Office suite of applications (Excel, Access, Project, etc.) These packages represent hundreds of millions of dollars of development, all aimed at the sort of system operator the modeler is likely to encounter. Despite all the criticisms of any particular software suite, such as this one in particular, it presents a huge opportunity to develop a model, supporting data base(s), and GUI, with the reasonable expectation that the planners will already be quite familiar with the tools employed.

6.31.1 Training

Training for model use can involve elaborate, formal courses, including not merely model options and controls, but material on any underlying theory, and interpretation of model behavior. Training materials can range from manuals to pop-up windows on screen displays. If the model is supported by an elaborate graphical user interface, videos with voice-over instruction can be very effective.

6.31.2 Report Writers

Report writers are designed not just to convey the “what” of a solution, but also to lead to recognition of the “whys.” These are not as attractive as a well-designed GUI, but offer much richer detail. They create detailed accounts, frequently in a tabular format. Alternatively, report writers can populate a database inviting ad hoc queries and planner-designed custom reports and graphics. Report writers typically get more sophisticated with model use, as successive questions arise inviting additional solution analysis and diagnosis. It is not uncommon for report writers to consume much more development time than the model they support.

One effective means to communicate strategic business results is by generating a set of forecast operating statements.82,83 Nothing grabs a senior executive's attention more than details that follow all the way to projected influence on shareholders' equity. Gordon Bradley [14] and Art Geoffrion [15] did this for General Telephone and Electric (GTE) Corporation in the early 1980s.

Sometimes, a model represents a problem well, but not the way the decision must be made.

6.31.3 Standard Form Model Statement

Returning to our optimization example, let's restate it in our standard form:

This is the exact portfolio selection model introduced before, but in a standard form that scales up and is amenable to algebraic modeling languages (not the topic here).

6.31.4 Persistence and Monotonicity: Examples of Realistic Model Restrictions

Now suppose we have briefed our solution, and the client admits that the maximum weight budget was an estimate, that there may be some variation in the true maximum weight, and asks us for a parametric sensitivity analysis of possible maximum weights ranging from 95 to 105 kg. The client wants to be ready to brief for these contingencies.

The 11 rows following “optimal” in Table 6.10 show optimal selections as we vary maximum weight from 95 to 105 kg. A reasonable client will hate these optimal results. How do you explain a selection portfolio that exhibits so much chaotic turbulence as one simple parameter, maximum weight, is gradually, systematically increased? Well, declaring “this is optimal” will not likely suffice.

Table 6.10 Parametric solutions to the numerical optimization portfolio selection model varying maximum weight budget.

max weight Sel wgt Sel area A B C D Total value Base portfolio
100 100 200 7.41 0.00 0.00 3.70 1014.8
95 95 198 6 1 0 5 969
96 96 194 7 0 0 4 976
97 97 194 6 2 0 3 980
98 98 199 6 1 1 4 990
99 99 195 7 0 1 3 997
100 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001 base
101 101 200 7 1 0 3 1021
102 102 196 8 0 0 2 1028
103 103 196 7 2 0 1 1032
104 104 192 8 1 0 0 1039
105 105 197 8 0 1 1 1049
The Continuous row shows the relaxed solution when we do not require whole numbers of items. Anticipating a possible change to the weight budget, we parametrically evaluate Optimal whole number solutions from 95 to 105 kg. The Optimal portfolios bear little resemblance to their adjacent neighbors. This would be a difficult set of solutions to brief. (Note that rounding the Continuous relaxation to nearest whole numbers would not discover the Optimal base portfolio solution.)

Clients expect parametric transitions that are intuitive. Here, the client might prefer a base portfolio, say the one we produced with maximum weight 100 kg. Then, each time we reduce the weight budget, we only permit deletion of a single item from this base portfolio when we must, retaining the rest. Conversely, as we increase weight budget from base, we only allow a new item to be selected in addition to those already in the portfolio. This is intuitive. Less weight budget, fewer item selections, more weight budget, more item selections, while always preserving all but one item in the portfolio. This is concise. These are called monotonic parametric solutions. In Table 6.11, you will find “monotonic” results for the base portfolio with maximum weight 100 kg.

Table 6.11 Monotonic and persistent solutions to the numerical optimization portfolio selection model.

max weight Sel wgt Sel area A B C D Total value Base portfolio
95 94 175 6 2 1 0 933
96 94 175 6 2 1 0 933
97 97 185 6 2 1 1 967
98 97 185 6 2 1 1 967
99 97 185 6 2 1 1 967
100 99 195 6 2 1 2 1,001 base
101 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001
102 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001
103 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001
104 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001
105 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001
95 95 189 6 1 1 3 956
96 95 189 6 1 1 3 956
97 97 194 6 2 0 3 980
98 97 194 6 2 0 3 980
99 97 194 6 2 0 3 980
100 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001 base
101 99 195 6 2 1 2 1001
102 102 200 6 3 0 2 1025
103 102 200 6 3 0 2 1025
104 102 200 6 3 0 2 1025
105 102 200 6 3 0 2 1025
The Monotonic solutions allow at most one item deletion per max weight reduction from the base portfolio, and at most one item addition for each budget increase from the base portfolio. These do not use all the weight budget, and may be too restrictive. The persistent solutions at the bottom allow at most one deletion and at most one addition. This intermediate restriction may be acceptable.

The client may be disappointed that from 100–105 kg maximum weight budget, no new monotonic item is selected. This is because the area constraint requires that we make room for a new selection by deleting some existing ones, and the client told us not to do this. The monotonic solution is a restriction of the optimal solutions that did make such substitutions (with excess gusto) and with respect to the base portfolio, this restriction reduces our maximum total value selected.

A reasonable client might then agree, “OK, you can make room for a new item selection by deleting an existing one, but never more than one of each to keep things simple to explain.” This is an example of persistent parametric solutions, here limiting the changes to at most two per adjustment of maximum weight budget. These results are shown in the “persistent” section of Table 6.11.

These persistent results are a restriction of optimal ones, but not as restricted as monotonic selections. Note the maximum total value selected is no better than optimal, and no worse than monotonic.

A reasonable client may ask for more variations like these, seeking insight, but more important seeking some way to understand results in order to persuasively convince others to change policy and follow our advice. Figure 6.15 shows portfolio values as we vary our maximum weight budget.

“A manager would rather live with a problem he cannot solve than accept a solution he cannot understand,”

G. Woolsey

A graphical representation where total volume [$] is plotted on the y-axis on a scale of 920–1060 and weight budget [kg] on the x-axis on a scale of 95–105. Blue, red, and green curves are denoting optimal, persistent, and monotonic, respectively.

Figure 6.15 The base portfolio here is for a weight budget of 100 kg. This shows the trajectory of optimal portfolio values compared with persistent and monotonic ones as weight budget is decreased, or increased from this base portfolio. (The connecting lines serve merely to highlight each discrete series of solutions.) Persistent solutions here permit at most one item to be deleted for each one added to the base portfolio as we decrease or increase weight budget by 1 kg. Monotonic solutions permit only one item to be added or dropped from the base portfolio as we, respectively, increase or decrease weight budget by 1 kg. These three trajectories diverge from the base portfolio weight budget as we decrease or increase this budget and eventually meet as the weight budget decreases so much that no item can be selected, or increases so much that all items are selected.

6.31.5 Model Solutions Require a Lot of Polish and Refinement Before They Can Directly Influence Policy

Solutions must have the following attributes:

  • Understandable. Is it clear what our item selection advice means?
  • Actionable. Do we have authority to select these items in these numbers?
  • Legal. Are we allowed to choose this portfolio of items?
  • Monotonic. See prior.
  • Persistent. See prior.
  • Robust. How good is our solution if our assumptions are wrong?
  • Resilient. How good is our solution if some selection is thwarted?

We don't have space here to develop all these points in depth, but each of them arises constantly in real-world practice. Be reassured they can and have been addressed successfully in many commercial, government, and military venues. Just be ready for surprises from your client, listen well, evaluate, and brief with clarity not just the restricted advice, but the costs these restrictions have inflicted. Some restrictions are laws of physics, others “email from God” policies, but many are flexible preferences, thumb rules, tribal wisdom, or conveniences that may inflict punitive penalties. With diplomatic caution, try to expose these penalties.

6.31.6 Model Obsolescence and Model-Advised Thumb Rules

It is time to retire a model when the problem it addresses is solved by other means or replaced by other concerns. However, it is premature to retire a model after it has lent so much insight to planners that they can solve the problem without model help. In such cases, continued model use can alarm when some condition has changed that the planners have misdiagnosed. Even for very successful models, looking back five years, you will see few of these are still in use. Creative destruction is a fact. Model obsolescence is the rule, not an exception.

A most impressive recent example of technical obsolescence has been replacement of legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems paid for by license fees based on possession and number of users, with equivalent functionality of applications residing and used in “the cloud,” some with merely per-use license fees. This is a modeling revolution that has ERP industry giants scrambling for leverage and dominance, new entrants suddenly thriving, and some of the best-known legacy ERP providers trying to buy contemporary technology and keep up.

“The lowest level of understanding is when you convince yourself you know the answer;

the next level is when you convince a colleague; and

the highest level is when you convince a computer.”

R. Hamming

6.32 Software

An analyst generally needs familiarity with and access to a number of software tools: text editor, presentation slide maker, spreadsheet, graphics, statistics, simulation, optimization, general-purpose programming, and geographic information system. If you are affiliated with an educational institution, you likely have free access to a wide variety of software packages that would normally cost a lot more than your portable workstation. This provides a great opportunity to try a variety of packages.

Even if you are not affiliated with an educational institution, there are a number of excellent, inexpensive, or free software packages. For instance, the Microsoft Office Suite84 includes the text editor Word, the presentation slide maker Powerpoint, and spreadsheet Excel, which includes graphics features. The statistics package R85 is free and well documented. Many simulation packages86 are freely available, offering libraries of random statistical generators and live animations. Some optimization software87 is available in Excel, and a large variety of other packages are available. General-purpose programming languages such as Python88 are available and well documented. Google Earth89 provides a globe, map, and a geographic information system; a user can mark points, draw objects, and create animations on the Earth's depicted surface, political and geographic features can be depicted as the viewer's perspective moves over, toward, or away from the surface, and these displays are portable between computers via simple email attachments. Some graphics software90 is embedded in the preceding suggestions, but more general utilities can be used to create still images and movies.

When choosing software, make sure each package can be added to your modeling federation as a compatible component. Look for examples of, for instance, a spreadsheet that can invoke a simulation as a subroutine. If you suspect you'll need some help, check for online blogs and a users' group that supports a package. Also, be mindful that the more existing users there are, the less likely the package is to exhibit annoying bugs. It is said that Microsoft Excel has more than a billion users worldwide: that's a lot of experienced potential users for anything you create with it.

6.33 Where to Go from Here

The INFORMS journal Interfaces is aggressively edited for clarity of exposition and includes many modeling examples explained with care; refreshingly, some recounting of false starts and lessons learned also appear. The INFORMS newsletter OR/MS Today features some articles about modeling, including the shared experiences of clients and modelers, some analysis puzzles, and entertaining features about the operations research (and modeling) craft. To access more of our huge open literature of articles and textbooks, some mathematical preparation will be necessary, including at least algebra, probability, statistics, and elementary modeling. An introductory modeling course with a lot of homework drills does wonders: the best way to learn how to model is to try modeling.

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

A. Einstein

6.34 Acknowledgments

The author is grateful for helpful comments (and suggested examples) from colleagues Dave Alderson (game theory), Matt Carlyle (enumeration), Rob Dell (palatable solutions), Jeff Kline (Hughes equations), Bob Koyak (regression), Kyle Lin (figure skating decision theory), Connor McLemore (example physical and mathematical models), and Al Washburn (EOQ); two anonymous reviewers (misuse of p-values, data analytics); and the editor (characterizing probability).



  1. 1 Delury G (1975) The World Almanac and Book of Facts. Sacramento Bee.
  2. 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017) Body Measurements. Available at https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/body-measurements.htm.
  3. 3 Baker M (2016) Statisticians issue warning on P values. Nature 531 (7593): 151.
  4. 4 Brown G, Carlyle M, Salmerón J, Wood K (2006) Defending critical infrastructure. Interfaces 36: 530–544.
  5. 5 National Research Council (2008) Department of Homeland Security Bioterrorism Risk Assessment: A Call for Change. Available at https://www.nap.edu/catalog/12206.
  6. 6 Hughes W (1995) A Salvo model of warships in missile combat used to evaluate their staying power. Naval Res. Logist. 42: 267–289.
  7. 7 Bellman R (1954) The theory of dynamic programming. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 60 (6): 503–516.
  8. 8 Brown G, Dell R, Wood R (1997) Optimization and persistence. Interfaces 27: 15–37.
  9. 9 General Services Administration. (2017) Rules and Policies – Protecting PII – Privacy Act. Available at http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104256.
  10. 10 Department of Homeland Security. (2017) The Protected Critical Infrastructure Information Management System (PCIIMS). Available at https://www.dhs.gov/pcii-management-system-pciims.
  11. 11 Office Of Naval Research. (2017) Human Subject Research Documentation Requirements. Available at https://www.onr.navy.mil/About-ONR/compliance-protections/Research-Protections/Human-Subject-Research.aspx.
  12. 12 Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2017) Security Clearances for Law Enforcement. Available at https://www.fbi.gov/resources/law-enforcement.
  13. 13 United States Patent and Trademark Office. (2017) Basic Facts Breakdown – Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights. Available at https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks-getting-started/trademark-basics/trademark-patent-or-copyright.
  14. 14 Bradley G (1986) Optimization of capital portfolios. Proc. Natl. Commun. Forum 40 (1): 11–17.
  15. 15 Geoffrion A (1986) Capital portfolio optimization: a managerial overview. Proc. Natl. Commun. Forum 40 (1): 6–10.
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