

  • academia, careers in
  • accounting degree, options for
  • admission exams
    • for law school
    • predicting academic success and
    • sending test scores to colleges
  • admissions officers, meeting
  • adult children, financial support for
  • adult students, at community colleges
  • Advance CTE
  • Advanced Placement (AP) courses/tests
  • affordability of college
    • alternative ways to pay for college
    • applying for financial aid
    • for art education
    • balancing issues of
    • college fit and
    • community colleges
    • “dream team” for financial aid process
    • economic issues of
    • evaluating real price of college
    • evaluating worth of college cost
    • Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
    • FAFSA4caster
    • family discussions about financial issues
    • grants
    • increase in
    • Net Price Calculators
    • return on investment (ROI)
    • true costs
    • tuition, fees, other costs
  • alumni, interviewing
  • American Bar Association
  • Apple
  • applications for college
    • attendance decision
    • building college application list
    • deadlines
    • follow up to
    • planning for
  • aptitude for college
  • artificial intelligence, employment outlook and
  • artistic careers
    • art education and
    • artistic fields, defined
    • commercial potential of
    • disagreement between parents and children about
    • hobbies versus
    • sample earnings outlook for
    • working for others in
    • working independently in
  • associates degree
  • Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU)
  • attitude toward college
  • automation, business careers and


  • bachelor's degree. See affordability of college; college attendance decision; college fit
  • background checks, for police/investigative work
  • Barker, Travis
  • Billboard
  • Blink
  • blogs
  • books, for college research
  • boundaries, of profession
  • bricklayer example
  • business careers
    • automation and
    • diversity of
    • early experience for business careers
    • educational preparation for
    • entrepreneurship and
    • overview
    • sample earnings outlook
  • Busteed, Brandon


  • campus life
    • community college lifestyle versus
    • touring campuses and
  • “Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education” (Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education)
  • career choice
    • assessing interests for
    • assessing strengths for
    • balancing with interests and strengths
    • career clusters
    • college exposure to
    • community college and
    • early experience for business careers
    • field of study and
    • finding meaning in work and
    • future-proofing
    • informational interviewing for
    • Internet research about
    • internships and part-time jobs for
    • job shadowing for
    • for liberal arts majors
    • online communities for
    • passion and
    • researching
    • for STEM majors
    • trade-offs for
    • work experience for helping professions
    • See also college attendance decision; earnings outlook; employment outlook; goal assessment
  • CareerOneStop
  • certification, for helping professions
  • Chihuly, Dale
  • civil law fields
  • class size
  • CLEP
  • code of ethics
  • college admissions counselors
  • college attendance decision
  • College Board
  • college cost. See affordability of college
  • college fit
    • applying to colleges
    • building college application list and
    • decision-making for
    • defined
    • maximizing college experience
    • overview
    • questions for determining
  • college selection. See college fit
  • Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education
  • Committee of Ten (National Education Association)
  • Common Application
  • communication
    • business careers and
    • as superskill
  • community colleges
    • advantages of
    • as alternative to four-year colleges
    • disadvantages of
    • evaluating
    • overview
    • 2+2 programs
  • “connecting learning to life” approach
  • contingency plans, making
  • Cornell University
  • corrections
  • cost of college. See affordability of college
  • creativity, business careers and
  • crime scene investigation (CSI)
  • criminal justice careers. See law and criminal justice careers
  • criminal law
  • critical thinking skills
  • customers, knowledge about


  • “day jobs,” for artists
  • debt, college
  • dental hygiene
  • detectives
  • Development Dimensions International
  • dining halls
  • Direct Subsidized Loans/Unsubsidized Loans
  • diversity of students
  • “Do Jobs Run in Families?” (Facebook)
  • “dream team”
  • dual-degree programs
  • dual enrollment


  • earnings outlook
    • artistic careers
    • business careers
    • college employment statistics and earnings
    • cost of living and
    • earnings gap between college and high school graduates
    • helping professions
    • high-earning professions
    • law and criminal justice careers
    • liberal arts majors
    • STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) careers
    • See also self-employment
  • Economic Policy Institute
  • economy, college cost and, See also affordability of college; financial aid; financial issues
  • Eliot, Charles W.
  • e-mail introductions, for informational interviewing
  • emotional risk, of helping professions
  • employee engagement
  • employment outlook
    • automation and
    • college placement statistics
    • community college and job placement
    • entrepreneurship for business careers
    • helping professions and long-term career growth
    • on-the-job learning
    • self-employment versus staff employment
    • value of college degree
  • engineering. See STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) majors
  • Engineering Multimedia Research Lab (EMRL; Cornell University)
  • engineering technology
  • entrance exams. See admission exams
  • entrepreneurship
    • business careers and
    • freelance work for artistic careers
    • private practice for helping professions
    • self-employment versus staff employment
  • essays
  • ethical codes
  • Etsy
  • expectations. See goal assessment
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC)


  • Facebook
  • FAFSA4caster
  • fallback plans, making
  • fame
    • artistic careers and
    • famous liberal arts majors
  • families
    • careers as “inherited”
    • disagreement in, about artistic careers
    • discussing finances with children,(See also affordability of college; financial aid)
  • federal grants
  • financial aid
    • alternative ways to pay for college
    • applying for
    • college financial aid offices
    • Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
    • FAFSA4caster
    • loans
    • scholarships
    • See also affordability of college
  • financial issues
  • first-generation college students
    • at community colleges
    • diversity of students and
  • fit. See college fit
  • 529 plans
  • forensic science (criminal justice)
  • freelance work. See self-employment


  • Gallup
    • on employee engagement
    • StrengthsFinder and StrengthsExplorer
    • Student Poll
  • gap year
  • Georgetown University Center for Education and the Workplace (GUCEW)
  • GI Bill
  • goal assessment
    • for career choice
    • changing goals
    • for college search
    • “connecting learning to life approach” for
    • determining college fit
    • elementary school and secondary school education choices
    • family discussions about financial issues
    • finding meaning in work
    • for interests and strengths,(See also self-assessment of interests and strengths)
    • for pursuing artistic careers
    • questions to ask for
  • graduate degrees
    • for helping professions
    • law school
    • medical school
  • graduation rate
  • graduation timetable
  • grants


  • Harvard University
  • helping professions
    • defined
    • educational preparation
    • emotional risks of
    • long-term career growth for
    • overview
    • practical challenges of
    • sample earnings outlook for
  • “High-Resolution Leadership” (Development Dimensions International)
  • high school courses, career choice connection to
  • hobbies, artistic careers versus
  • Holland, John L.
  • homicide detectives
  • How Liberal Arts and Sciences Majors Fare in Employment (Humphreys, Kelly)
  • “How will you get where you want to go?,”. See also affordability of college; career choice; college attendance decision; college fit; community colleges
  • Humphreys, Debra


  • IBM
  • independent work. See self-employment
  • informational interviewing
    • for aspiring artists
    • conducting interviews
    • contacting potential interviewees
    • e-mail introduction for
    • evaluating
    • to explore career options
    • finding people to interview
    • phone introduction for
    • post-interview follow-up
    • preparing for
    • questions for
  • information technology, law enforcement and
  • “inherited” careers
  • Internet searches, for career research
  • internships
  • interpersonal skills
  • investigative work (criminal justice)



  • Kelleher, Herb
  • Kelly, Patrick
  • Key Insights from the Extraordinary Leader (Zenger Folkman)
  • Khan Academy


  • language fluency, for detective work
  • law and criminal justice careers
    • crime scene investigation and forensics
    • criminal law
    • detectives
    • law school preparation
    • noncriminal law
    • overview
    • police and investigative work
    • sample earnings outlook
  • leadership, for business careers
  • letters of recommendation
  • liberal arts major
    • career pathways for
    • famous liberal arts majors
    • liberal arts, defined
    • liberal arts as practical choice
    • overview
    • sample earnings outlook
  • LinkedIn
  • loans
  • LSAT



  • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
  • National Center for Education Statistics (NCES; U.S. Department of Education)
  • National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
  • National Education Association (NEA)
  • Naviance
    • inception of
    • StrengthsExplorer (Gallup) used by
  • Net Price Calculators
  • networking
    • with college acquaintances
    • entrepreneurship and
  • “new-collar” jobs
  • noncriminal law fields
  • nontraditional students
    • adult students
    • at community colleges
  • nursing


  • Occupational Outlook Handbook (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • occupational themes (RIASEC)
  • O*NET Interest Profiler (U.S. Department of Labor)
  • online communities
    • for artistic professions
    • to explore career options


  • part-time jobs, to explore career options
  • Pell Grants
  • Peterson's
  • phone introductions, for informational interviewing
  • photography jobs
  • physical exams, for police/investigative work
  • PLUS Loans
  • policy, effect on career choice
  • postgraduation budget, building
  • private colleges
    • for-profit and nonprofit
    • scholarships by
  • private practice. See self-employment
  • problem-solving skills, importance of
  • project management
  • prospective student weekends


  • research about careers. See career choice
  • Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
  • residential life
    • community college lifestyle versus
    • touring campuses and
  • resources, for college research
  • return on investment (ROI)
  • RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional)
  • rigor, of community college courses


  • salaries. See earnings outlook; self-employment
  • scholarships
  • school counselors
  • science. See STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) majors
  • scientific pathways, to STEM careers
  • selection of college. See college fit
  • self-assessment of interests and strengths
    • assessing interests
    • assessing strengths
    • balancing ups and downs of
    • careers as “inherited”
    • for college and career exploration
    • future-proofing career choices
    • high school courses connected to
    • strengths versus weaknesses
    • trade-offs
  • self-care, for stressful careers
  • self-determination
  • self-directed/continuous learning, as superskill
  • self-employment
    • business careers and entrepreneurship
    • freelance work for artistic careers
    • private practice for helping professions
    • staff employment versus
  • selling
  • social skills
  • social work
  • software skills, as superskills
  • “start-up” businesses
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) majors
    • criminal justice careers and
    • for helping professions
    • high school conversations about
    • law careers with
    • middle school conversations about
    • overview
    • scientific and technical pathways to
    • superskills for
  • strengths
    • assessing
    • weaknesses versus
  • StrengthsExplorer (Gallup)
  • StrengthsFinder (Gallup)
  • stress, of helping professions
  • students, financial aid participation by
  • “success” at college, assessing
  • superskills, for STEM careers
  • support services, offered by colleges



  • unions
  • United States colleges, number of
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • U.S. Department of Education
  • U.S. Department of Labor



  • Y Combinator


  • Zenger Folkman
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