

  • Abuse of self-care
  • Acceptance, for increasing happiness
  • Accountability, in creating happy, healthy culture
    • Actions, see Behaviors
  • Action plan, see Self-care plan
  • Activities
    • guidelines for
    • leadership support for
    • in workplace well-being initiatives, see WE-care
  • Adult coloring books
  • AfterSchool Works! New York
  • AHA (American Heart Association)
  • Air purification
  • Allen, Suzanne
  • Allen Soldati, Kara
  • Alliance for Nonprofit Management
  • Alternative desks
  • American Heart Association (AHA)
  • American Indian College Fund
  • American work ethic
  • America Walks
  • Annis, John
  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America
  • Aristotle
  • Aromatherapy
  • Artist-in-residence program
  • ArtPride NJ
  • ArtSpark
  • Assessments, see Self-assessments
  • Attendance, in self-care
  • Attention:
    • in mindfulness
    • in self-care
  • Attention span
  • Attitudes. See also Mind-sets
    • as cause of burnout
    • changing
  • Awareness:
    • in creating happy, healthy culture
    • for increasing happiness
    • in self-care
    • social


  • Baby Boomers
  • Baker, Aspen
  • Barsade, Sigal
  • Basford, Johanna
  • Bass, Sandra
  • Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management, Robert Morris University
  • Bea, Scott M.
  • Beaconfire RED
  • Beesley, Sara
  • Behaviors (actions):
    • changing
    • physical cues for
    • in self-care plan
    • that reflect organizational culture
  • Belmares, Mike
  • Benefits, employee
  • Bennett, Josh
  • Better Than Before (Gretchen Rubin)
  • Big Duck
  • Bloom, Karen
  • Blue Shield Against Violence
  • Blue Shield of California
  • Board of directors:
    • and culture change
    • and success of well-being activities
  • Bokoff, Jen
  • Bolton, Sally
  • Boundary setting
  • Bowie, Susie
  • Brain cycles
  • Breaks from work:
    • for mindfulness
    • for movement
    • for self-care
    • well-being processes for
  • Breathe for Change
  • Breathing
  • Bregman, Peter
  • Bridgforth, Sharon
  • Brigida, Danielle
  • Brown, Lynnae
  • Budget, establishing
  • Burge, Jacqui
  • Burnout
    • causes of
    • defined
    • moving out of
    • and need for self-care
    • Nonprofit Burnout Assessment
    • recipe for
    • and scarcity of self-care
    • stages of
    • and stress from work
    • symptoms of
  • Burnout and Self-Care in Social Work (SaraKay Smullens)


  • Calderon, Rachel
  • Calming technology
  • Campbell, Peter
  • Caplan, Carole
  • Cara Program
  • Carlman, Alison
  • Carter, Sherrie Bourg
  • Causes of burnout
    • lack of leadership development
    • nonprofit sector mind-sets
    • societal and generational attitudes
  • Cavanaugh, Anese
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Central Florida Foundation
  • Chaloult, Pamela
  • Champions, in-house
  • Changes
    • in attitude (mind-set)
    • in behavior (actions)
    • in habits (sustaining)
    • in organizational culture, see Culture change
  • Chase, Justin
  • Chesley, Noelle
  • Child Migrants Trust
  • Choices
  • Chronic stress
  • Chunking
  • Cigna
  • Circadian rhythms
  • CitiBike
  • Clutter
  • Coaching, in culture change
  • Code Lavender
  • Coggins, Shai
  • Colling, Bridgett
  • Coloring books
  • Commitment to culture change
  • Common Sense Media
  • Community, relationship to
  • Community Foundation of Sarasota County
  • Compassion
  • Compassion and Business Conference, Stanford University
  • Compassion fatigue
  • CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
  • Conscious computing
  • Contagious culture
  • Contagious Culture (Anese Cavanaugh)
  • Contee, Cheryl
  • Contemplative computing
  • Contillo, Caroline
  • Continuous partial attention (CPA)
  • Coutinho, Lester F.
  • Crawford, Teresa
  • Creating the Future
  • Creative Disruption (Deborah S. Linnell and Tim Wolfred)
  • Creativity:
    • practices for improving
    • workplace activities for
  • Crisis Response Network
  • Crisis Text Line, xxiii
  • Cues:
    • defined
    • physical
    • in workplace well-being initiatives, see WE-care
  • Culture change
    • committing to
    • defining
    • elements of
    • emotional side of
    • employee engagement in
    • initiating
    • leaders' role in
    • supporting employees for
  • Culture indicators
  • CultureLabX


  • Dance walking
  • Dar, Ami
  • Daskal, Lolly
  • David and Lucile Packard Foundation
  • Degnan, Taryn
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Desks
  • Desk Yogi (app)
  • Digital detoxes
  • The Distraction Addiction (Alex Soojung-Kim Pang)
  • Dog-friendly policy
  • DonorsChoose
  • Doolittle, Shanon
  • Do Something
  • Downtime
  • Drawing
  • Drucker, Peter F.
  • Duhigg, Charles
  • Duke Endowment
  • Dunlap, Torrie
  • Duppins, Melanie
  • Durham, Sarah
  • Duvette, Peggy


  • Eat That Frog (Brian Tracy)
  • Education, in culture change
  • Edwards, Jennifer
  • Edwards, Susan
  • Egger, Christine
  • EI (emotional intelligence)
  • 18 Minutes a Day technique
  • E-mail apnea. See also Digital detoxes
  • Emotions, in happy, healthy cultures
  • Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
  • Emotional intelligence (EI)
  • Employee benefits, in Happy, Healthy Strategy
  • Employee engagement:
    • categories of
    • in culture change
    • feedback from employees for
    • with Happy, Healthy Strategy
    • in personal health
  • Employee engagement committee
  • Employee support:
    • for culture change
    • perceived
  • Enchanted Forest (Johanna Basford)
  • End Hunger CT!
  • Energy management:
    • for self-care
    • well-being processes for
  • Environment
    • relationship to
    • self-care efforts in
    • for WE-care
    • and work stress
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Essentialism (Greg McKeown)
  • Evaluating results of strategy
  • Evrard, Amanda
  • Exercise:
    • as element of simplicity
    • paid time off for
    • in Wellness Triad
    • workplace activities and cues for
  • Exhale


  • Fair Food Network
  • Families and Work Institute (FWI)
  • Family, relationship to
  • Feedback:
    • for buy-in to strategy
    • for employee engagement committee
    • learning from
  • Feelings Factor
  • Fenchel, Michael
  • Feng shui
  • Financial education programs/services
  • Fine, Allison, xxiii
  • Finger, Aria
  • Five Spheres of Happy Healthy Living
    • as framework for Happy, Healthy Strategy
    • relationship to environment (sphere 3)
    • relationship to others (sphere 2)
    • relationship to self (sphere 1)
    • relationship to tech (sphere 5)
    • relationship to work and money (sphere 4)
    • in self-care plan
    • in the workplace
  • Flexible work:
    • for self-care
    • well-being processes for
  • Flex space
  • Fogg, B.J.
  • The Fogg Behavior Model
  • Foraker Group
  • Forward Factor
  • Foundation Center
  • Four-day workweeks
  • Four Tendencies
  • Fouts, Janet
  • Fowler, Timothy
  • Fredrickson, Barbara
  • Freudenberger, Herbert
  • Friedman, Stewart
  • Friends, relationship to
  • Friendship Factor
  • Fulfillment Factor
  • Funders:
    • as catalysts for positive change
    • as driver of stress
    • unrealistic expectations of
  • FWI (Families and Work Institute)


  • Gallup Five Elements of Wellbeing
  • Garry, Joan
  • Generational attitudes, as cause of burnout
  • Generation X
  • Get Up (James A. Levine)
  • Gislason, Michelle
  • GlobalGiving
  • Goals, in self-care plan
  • Goetzel, Ron Z.
  • Goleman, Daniel
  • Gomez, Luz
  • GoodWellness
  • Goodwill Home Buyers Club
  • Goodwill Manasota
  • Gottlieb, Hildy
  • Grant, Maddie
  • Gratitude
  • Gray, Peter
  • Greer, Sheena
  • Grey, Anne-Marie
  • Group support
  • GuideStar
  • Gwinnette County, Georgia


  • Habits:
    • assessment of. See also Self-assessments
    • changing
    • as choices
    • formation of
  • Habit Loop
  • Hacker, Amber
  • Happier (app)
  • Happiness and well-being practices
    • creativity
    • gratitude
    • mindfulness
    • relaxation
  • Happiness Workout™
  • Happy, Healthy Champions
  • Happy, Healthy Committee
  • Happy, Healthy Nonprofits
  • Happy, Healthy Strategy
    • benefits of
    • employee engagement with
    • evaluating your
    • policies and employee benefits in
    • rolling out your
    • steps in
    • and wellness vs. well-being programs
    • writing your
  • Harman, Wendy
  • Harris, Trista
  • Hazon
  • Health and wellness practices, see Wellness Triad
  • Health indicators
  • Health problems:
    • from overwork
    • from sitting
    • from tech use
  • Healthy Workplace Food and Beverage Toolkit (AHA)
  • Hedges, Alan
  • Heyning, Evonne
  • Hirschfield, Ira
  • Hirsh-Pasek, Kathryn
  • The Hive
  • Hoffman, Michael
  • Home life support
  • Horvath, Mark
  • Howie the Harp Advocacy Center
  • HSUS (The Humane Society of the United States)
  • Huffington, Arianna
  • The Humane Society
  • The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
  • Humphreys, Mervyn


  • Idealist
  • IDEX (International Development Exchange)
  • iDisorder (Larry Rosen)
  • “The Impact of Overtime and Long Work Hours on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses”
  • Incentives
  • Indispensability, myth of
  • Individual Self-Care Assessment and Checklists
  • Information overload
  • Infotention skills
  • In-house champions
  • Initiating culture change
  • Interfaith Youth Core
  • International Development Exchange (IDEX)
  • iPhone Separation Anxiety


  • Jackson, Anita
  • Jankowski, Kaitlyn
  • Jewish Family & Children's Service of the Suncoast
  • “Job Burnout” (Mayo Clinic)
  • Johnson, Jo
  • Jones Joni L.
  • Journaling


  • Kabat-Zinn, Jon
  • KaBOOM!
  • Kaiser Family Foundation
  • Kaiser Permanente Healthy Meetings Guide
  • Kane, Kenny
  • Kapin, Allyson
  • Keane, Megan
  • Kelly, Erin
  • Kenyon, John
  • Kenyon, Tina
  • Kids Included Together
  • Kim, Maria
  • Kindness
  • “Kindness as Workplace Policy” (Hildy Gottlieb)
  • Klein, Gene
  • Knight Foundation
  • Knitting
  • Kogan, Nataly
  • Koger Center Rhodes Building
  • Kondo, Marie
  • Kopernik
  • Kramer, Kirk
  • Kuraishi, Mari


  • Le, Vu
  • Leaders:
    • burnout in
    • buy-in from
    • culture change role of
    • personal contact with employees by
    • self-care for
    • self-sacrifice of
    • and success of well-being activities
  • Leadership development, lack of
  • Learning:
    • in creating happy, healthy culture
    • in culture change
  • Lee-Ibarra, Joyce
  • Legal Services Corporation
  • Leonard, Cindy
  • Leroux Miller, Kivi
  • Levine, James A.
  • Levitin, Dan
  • Lewis Carlson, Carie
  • Lidie, Alli
  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Marie Kondo)
  • Linnell, Deborah S.
  • Lord, Clayton
  • Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • Lublin, Nancy, xxiii
  • Ludovisi, Rochelle
  • Lynn, Gina C.


  • McDaniel, Brandon T.
  • MacKenzie, Kimberley
  • Maloney, Laura
  • Maltrud, Kristine
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Maslach, Christina
  • Maslach Burnout Inventory
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • Massages
  • Mayo Clinic
  • MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction)
  • MCF (Minnesota Council on Foundations)
  • McKeown, Greg
  • McMillan, Dennis
  • McNamara, Carter
  • Means, Andrew
  • Measuring results of strategy
  • Meditation
  • Meditative art forms
  • Meetings:
    • for nonprofits
    • standing
    • walking
  • Mehta, Neil
  • Merchant, Nilofer
  • Millennials (Gen Y)
  • Miller, Anne Marie
  • Mindfulness
    • defined
    • in downtime activities
    • workplace opportunities for
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
  • Mindful tech
  • Mind-sets:
    • changing
    • as cultural norms
    • in nonprofit sector
    • in organizational culture
  • Minnesota Council on Foundations (MCF)
  • Mission
  • Mobile phones
  • Modeling self-care
  • MomsRising
  • Money:
    • relationship to
    • and self-care
  • Montermoso, Kara
  • Moore, Aisha
    • and Bill of Rights for self-care
    • on downtime
    • on nutrition
  • Morgan, Kat
  • Morino, Mario
  • Motivation
  • Murthy, Vivek
  • Music
  • Myrick, Keris Jän
  • The Myth of Indispensability


  • Napping, at work
  • National Day of Unplugging
  • National Eating Healthy Day
  • National Sleep Foundation
  • Nature walks
  • Needs, gauging
  • Neff, David
  • Nesbitt, Susan
  • Newark Museum
  • NHCH (North Hawaii Community Hospital)
  • 92nd Street Y
  • Noise
  • Nolan, Lucy
  • Nonprofit Burnout Assessment
  • Nonprofit Passion Continuum
  • Nonprofit sector mind-sets
  • Nonprofit Starvation Cycle
  • North Hawaii Community Hospital (NHCH)
  • Not-to-do list
  • NTEN
  • Nutrition:
    • in Wellness Triad
    • workplace activities and cues for


  • Obligers
  • O'Neill, Olivia “Mandy”
  • Organizational culture. See also WE-care
    • changing, see Culture change
    • defining
    • of “do without” thinking
    • happy and healthy, defined
    • as nonprofit's personality
    • power of
    • responsibility for
    • of self-sacrifice
    • vacation time in
  • The Organized Mind (Daniel Levitin)
  • Others, relationship to
  • Outside resources, identifying
  • Overwork, stressful


  • Paine, Katie Delahaye (KD)
  • Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim
  • Panthera
  • Parenting, balancing work and
  • Parkinson, Sharon
  • Partners Global
  • Passion:
    • burnout and
    • and downtime
    • in Happy, Healthy Strategy
    • Nonprofit Passion Continuum
  • Pathways to Education Canada
  • Peer support, in culture change
  • Penalties, for non- or poor participation
  • Performance Imperative, The, xviii
  • Peripatetic school of philosophy
  • Personal ecology
  • Personal time
  • Philanthropy Ohio
  • Phones. See also Digital detoxes
  • Physical work environments, see Environment
  • Pink, Daniel
  • Piontak, Rachel
  • Play at work:
    • for self-care
    • well-being processes for
  • Policies, in Happy, Healthy Strategy
  • Popova, Maria
  • The Power of Habit (Charles Duhigg)
  • Practice, in creating happy, healthy culture
  • Practices for self-care. See also Self-care plan
    • individual self-care
    • to support happiness and well-being
    • to support health and wellness
  • Processes for workplace well-being, see Well-being workplace processes
  • Procrastination
  • Productivity indicators
  • Project Harmony
  • Project Harmony Child Protection Center
  • Project Kesher
  • “Promoting Healthy Workplaces by Building Cultures of Health and Applying Strategic Communications” (Ron Z. Goetzel)
  • Putnam, Laura


  • Questioners
  • Quiet rooms


  • Rad Campaign
  • Ramsey, Heather
  • Rand Corporation
  • Rasmuson Foundation
  • Rebels
  • Reboot
  • Reflective practice
  • Reich, Brian
  • Reich, Kathy
  • Reid, Erin
  • Relationship(s):
    • to environment
    • to others
    • to self
    • to tech
    • and technoference
    • to work and money
    • in the workplace
  • Relaxation
  • Remote work
  • Renewal
  • Resource materials, developing
  • Ressler, Cali
  • Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE)
  • Rewards, for participation
  • Rheingold, Howard
  • Rinehart, Bobi
  • Roberts, Rick
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Rockwood Leadership Institute
  • Rolling out Happy, Healthy Strategy
  • Rosen, Larry
  • Routine
  • ROWE (Results-Only Work Environment)
  • Royal, Cecilia
  • Rubey, Joy
  • Rubin, Gretchen
  • Rubinstein, Peter


  • The Sabbath Manifesto
  • Sabbaticals
  • Sales, Meka S.
  • Scarcity mind-set
  • Schmeling, Gina
  • Schwartz, Nancy
  • Schwartz, Tony
  • Scios, Brian
  • Screenless Saturdays
  • Secondary traumatic stress (STS)
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • “Sedentary Time and Its Association with Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults”
  • Sedentary work style
  • See3
  • Self, relationship to
  • Self-assessments
    • Individual Self-Care Assessment and Checklists
    • Nonprofit Burnout Assessment
    • Stress Triggers and Self-Care Behaviors Worksheet
    • Your Current Reactions to Stress
  • Self-care. See also specific topics, e.g.: Practices for self-care
    • abuse of
    • assessment of, see Self-assessments
    • dealing with stress
    • defined
    • and Five Spheres of Happy Healthy Living
    • as guilty pleasure or luxury
    • lack of belief or buy-in for
    • need for
    • organizational, see WE-care
    • scarcity of
    • Self-Care Bill of Rights
    • tips for
  • Self-Care Bill of Rights
  • Self-care plan
    • creating
    • templates for
    • writing down your
  • Self-sacrifice
  • Shepherd, Ash
  • Shim, Jason
  • SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)
  • Siegal, James
  • Simon, Eve
  • Simon, Heidi
  • Simplicity
  • Sitting
  • Sivers, Derek
  • Six Elements of Simplicity
  • Sleep:
    • in Wellness Triad
    • workplace activities and cues for
  • Sleep pods
  • SMAD (Social Media Anxiety Disorder)
  • Smith, Chari
  • Smith, Julia
  • Smullens, SaraKay
  • Smyth, Nancy
  • Social awareness
  • Social deviance
  • Social media
  • Social Media Anxiety Disorder (SMAD)
  • Social Media Anxiety Sundrome
  • Social Transformation Project
  • Societal attitudes, as cause of burnout
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  • Spark Joy (Marie Kondo)
  • Spire device
  • Spradley, James P.
  • Stack, Nina
  • StairWELL to Better Health
  • Standing desks
  • Standing meetings
  • “The State of the American Workplace”
  • Stephan, Anelisa
  • Stone, Linda
  • Strategies for workplace well-being, see Happy, Healthy Strategy
  • Stress:
    • chronic
    • as contagious
    • dealing with
    • dogs and
    • funders as driver of
    • in health care organizations
    • job-related
    • managing, see Self-care
    • Stress Triggers and Self-Care Behaviors Worksheet
    • of work
    • Your Current Reactions to Stress
  • Stressful overwork
  • Stressful work
  • Stress management, organizational culture and
  • Stress Management Society, United Kingdom
  • Stress Triggers and Self-Care Behaviors Worksheet
  • Stretching
  • STS (secondary traumatic stress)
  • Stupid Cancer
  • Success, professional vs. in life
  • “Success Is a Sunrise Away” (Lolly Daskal)
  • Surfrider Foundation
  • Sustaining habit change


  • “Talent Philanthropy”
  • Technoference
  • Technology:
    • in the bedroom
    • digital detoxes
    • policies for
    • relationship to
    • and self-care
    • turning off notifications
    • work stress from ubiquity of
  • Tech Wellness
  • Tenby, Susan
  • Third Sector New England
  • Thomas, Maria
  • Thompson, Jody
  • Tierney, Trish
  • Time boxing
  • Time for self-care
  • Timms, Henry
  • Tiny Habits method
  • Marissa M.
  • Today: Life: A Guided Journal on Everyday Moments (Shai Coggins)
  • Townsend-Gieg, Traci
  • Tracy, Brian
  • Treadmill desks


  • Ultradian rhythms
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • The United Way, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • University of Buffalo School of Social Work Self-Care Starter Kit
  • University of California Berkeley Public Service Center
  • Upholders
  • USA for UNHCR


  • Vacation time
  • Varidesk
  • Vassar College
  • Veninga, Robert L.
  • Virtual work/workplaces


  • WAKE (Women's Alliance for Knowledge Exchange)
  • Walking at work:
    • as stress antidote
    • workplace well-being processes for
  • Walking meetings
  • Walking routes
  • Ward, Amy Sample
  • The Way We're Working Isn't Working (Tony Schwartz)
  • WE-care. See also Happy, Healthy Strategy
    • creativity activities
  • definition
    • exercise activities and cues
    • goal of
    • Happy, Healthy Nonprofits
    • home life support
    • human interactions
    • mindfulness opportunities
    • nutrition activities and cues
    • physical office environment
    • sleep activities and cues
  • Well-being dashboard
  • Well-being practices, see Happiness and well-being practices
  • Well-being programs, wellness programs vs.
  • Well-being workplace processes. See also Happy, Healthy Strategy
    • breaks from work
    • energy management
    • flexible work
    • play at work
    • walking as work
    • workflows
  • Wellness practices, see Wellness Triad
  • Wellness programs:
    • defined
    • and organizational culture
    • well-being programs vs.
  • Wellness Triad
    • exercise
    • nutrition
    • sleep
  • When Millennials Take Over (Maddie Grant)
  • When Work Works (website)
  • Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It (Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson)
  • Williams, Bryce
  • Wishinsky, BJ
  • Wolfred, Tim
  • Women's Alliance for Knowledge Exchange (WAKE)
  • Wong, Norma
  • Work:
    • defining success in terms of
    • relationship to
    • stress of
  • Workflows:
    • for self-care
    • well-being processes for
  • “Work-Home Interference Contributes to Burnout”
  • Work-life balance:
    • home life support
    • for Millennials
    • modeling
    • for nonprofit leaders
    • work-life juggling vs.
  • Workplace Genome
  • Workplace self-care. See also Happy, Healthy Strategy; WE-care
    • bringing play to your work
    • and flexible work
    • in managing energy
    • in physical environment
    • processes for, see Well-being workplace processes
    • in relationships
    • taking breaks
    • tech wellness
    • in workflows
  • Workplace Walking Program Kit
  • Workplace Wellness Program Study (Rand Corporation)
  • Workplace Wellness that Works (Laura Putnam)
  • Work stress
    • physical work environments
    • stressful overwork
    • stressful work
    • technology ubiquity
  • World Wildlife Fund
  • Wright, Sarah Kinney


  • Yoga:
    • in digital detox
    • as mindfulness practice
  • Your Current Reactions to Stress (assessment)


  • Zavala, Alexandra
  • Zentangle
  • Zuckerberg, Randi
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