image Stephen J. Valentine is an educator, school leader, writer, and serial collaborator. He serves as the assistant head, Upper School, and director of Academic Leadership at Montclair Kimberley Academy and coordinating editor of Klingbrief, a publication of the Klingenstein Center at Columbia University. A frequent contributor to Independent School magazine, he also wrote Everything but Teaching (2009) and founded Refreshing Wednesday, a company that shapes and ships ideas. He holds degrees from the University of Virginia and Boston College.

image Dr. Reshan Richards is an educator, researcher, and entrepreneur. The cofounder and chief learning officer of Explain Everything, Reshan is also adjunct assistant professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. Reshan's scholarly work focuses on the intersection of mobile learning, assessment, and design. An Apple Distinguished Educator and member of Mensa, Reshan has an EdD in Instructional Technology & Media from Teachers College, Columbia University, an EdM in Learning and Teaching from Harvard University and a BA in Music from Columbia University.


image Brad Ovenell-Carter is the director of the Centre for Innovation at Mulgrave School in Vancouver, Canada. He never goes anywhere without two sketchbooks and a pencil.

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