More than a record of its authors' thoughts, a book is also a record of its authors' affiliations. We have been honored to know, and hope our book honors, the following:

The entire Montclair Kimberley Academy community. MKA is a generous, life-affirming school filled with curious, kind, creative, and supportive people. We defy anyone to join the school—as a teacher, student, or parent—and not be transformed for the better.

Kate Bradford, our editor at Wiley Jossey-Bass. She had faith in this project—and in us—from the start.

Elisha Benjamin, also from Wiley Jossey-Bass, who helped clean up those moments in the text when our exuberance outpaced our syntax.

Brad Ovenell-Carter, illustrator and instigator. He provides a kind of funhouse mirror for our thinking, extending it in delightful and inspiring ways.

Zach Yanes, our research assistant. He was thoughtful, thorough, and even-keeled throughout the writing of this book—exactly what we needed. He has a very bright future, as does any school / company / program with which he is associated.

We also thank everyone who agreed to be interviewed and who contributed ideas to this project. We asked … and you answered.

Steve also thanks:

Hunter and Chloe, who cheered for Dad as the pages of this book piled up in the living room and laughed with him when he needed to forget about writing. I write in the morning so you will find me there.

Pearl Rock Kane and the Klingbrief editorial team, who push my thinking and inspire me every month.

Michael Brosnan, champion of teacher-writers everywhere, clear thinker, and editor of distinction. He may love the em dash as much as—if not more than—I do.

The Coach and the Gardener (i.e., Jim and Judy Valentine).

Reshan, master learner, masterful teacher, and thoughtful friend. I'll see your five and raise you ten.

And Amy, for whom there are no words except love and gratitude.

Reshan also thanks:

Grayson, Finley, Jennifer, and Riley, who was still unnamed (and unborn!) at the time of manuscript submission, for being a great family of nice people.

The Town School, who took a risk on an inexperienced hire and allowed him to begin his teaching and educational technology career.

The entire Explain Everything team for making the ideas and dreams of many people, including his, come to reality.

Steve, for writing this book. Twice.

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