• Abundance: as generative of more abundance, good farming as the practice of, neighborly belief and meaning of, reclaiming the common good with, the right use of money and,
  • Achan
  • Addition
  • Adult baptism
  • Affliction: Bread of Affliction, often associated with fallibility
  • Agri-business scarcity practice
  • Alexander, Christopher
  • Aliveness: grief as having an element of, market ideology as the end of, qualities of wholeness and
  • Allen, Woody
  • Amish community
  • Anabaptists
  • Anielski, Mark
  • Arrien, Angeles
  • Associations
  • AT&T humanizing training
  • Autonomy: kickback from market ideology as fueled by, as organizing principle of free market culture
  • Axiom News


  • Bank of North Dakota
  • Baseball: baseball park marriages, the Sunday baseball tradition
  • Beatitudes (New Testament)
  • Bell, Rob
  • Bellah, Robert
  • Benchmarking practice
  • Bergoglio, Cardinal Jorge
  • BerkShares currency
  • The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Marigold Hotel film)
  • Big-church growth movement
  • The Big Sort (Bishop)
  • Bishop, Bill
  • Block, Peter
  • The blue laws debate
  • Borsodi, Ralph
  • Bread of Affliction
  • British oppression. See Scotland
  • Broadway Ministry (Philadelphia)
  • “Broken person” (Scottish outcast)
  • Brown, Ellen Hodgson
  • Brueggemann, Walter: attendance at conference about justice, on being married in a ballpark, on friend's food stamp rant, working on program documenting movement toward exclusive communities
  • Buffet, Warren
  • Byrd, Robert C.


  • Cahn, Edgar
  • Cain
  • Capacity: the Amish's conscious approach to technology and its, digital solutions to increase, how convenience has displaced our
  • Carnegie, Andrew
  • Carson, Rachel
  • Catholic Church: the contemplative orders of the, seven sacraments of the
  • Cayley, David
  • Certainty: as pillar of free market consumer ideology, seeking predictability and safety through
  • Chan, Edgar
  • Change management
  • Charity: co-production that replaces, market culture mentality of
  • Children: isolated from the adults in a community, violent effects of mistrust of authority by
  • The Church: Anabaptists' belief in adult baptism, big-church growth movement of, the Catholic Church contemplative orders, the Eucharist of, Kairos Document of South African Churches against Apartheid, Last Supper tradition of, liturgy tradition of, Presbyterian churches celebrating their Scottish roots, problem with the “You are friends” statement by Jesus, seven sacraments of the Catholic Church
  • Churchill, Winston
  • Civil Rights Act (1964)
  • Civil Rights Movement
  • Class warfare: corporate interest in staying blind to the inequalities of, the cost of competition and underclass and, the distribution of wealth driving, schools as having moved to the frontline of the, violence as consequences of the empire and
  • Cleveland Foundation
  • Coffey, Michael
  • Commodification: embodied in food, fast food and supermarket, loss of the commons and creating relationships of
  • Common good: the desire for more leads to violation of, how abundance, mystery, fallibility, and grief help us reclaim the, a liturgy for the, privatization as overthrowing the
  • The commons: as alternative to the dominant market economy and reconstructing purpose, the ideology of individualism conflicting with, loss of memory in, market ideology as breakdown the culture and, Mennonites' Reba Place Fellowship example of, Neighborly Covenant as central to community
  • Community: aliveness of, the Amish, as constantly developing their own practices creating a memory of place, covenantal or distributive justice and distribution of wealth of the, documenting movement toward exclusive, holiness associated with building, how vernacular language sustains the covenant and keeps together a, liturgy and spirituality of a communal and neighborly, Mennonites' Reba Place Fellowship, mysteries within culture and spiritual life of every, neighborliness as welcoming strangers into the, Neighborly Covenant as central to the commons and, the shadow side of, spirit and meaning of the Cuernavaca community market, technology used to connect neighbors and, tracing over time the benefits of institutions to the, un-welcoming-ness of small, urbanization and the loss of
  • Community Connections group (Cleveland)
  • Competition: class warfare and the distribution of wealth, consequences of school-driven, free market belief in, how cooperative activities beat, scarcity constructing an economy of controlled quantities and, as trumping trust
  • Conboy, Edd
  • “Constant” currency initiative (1972)
  • Consumer market: believing in a consumption-driven economy and, believing in safety through economic growth of the, class warfare driven by the, disciplines of the, as the end of aliveness, loss of the local and communal memory in a, mobility and isolation outcomes of the, un-productive wealth of the, violence expression of the. See also Contract culture; Free market consumer ideology
  • Consumer market disciplines: competition and class, digital solutions, the meaning of money, predictability and control, speed and convenience, surplus
  • Contract culture: certainty and perfection value of, free market as core conviction of the, idea of needs, indifference to gifts and focus on autonomy by, institutional assumptions of the, memo commination of the, organized around systems, privatization value of, scarcity value of the. See also Consumer market; Culture; Free market consumer ideology
  • Control: consumer market need for predictability and, wishing for safety and believing in growth and
  • Convenience: consumer ideology on relationship of speed and, how it displaces capacity, neighborly discipline of time in place of speed and, technological support of speed and
  • Co-operative food movement
  • Cooperative movement: as alternative to productivity, the power of the
  • Corporations: the corporation of schools supporting, illusion of reforms by, interest in staying blind to social and economic inequality
  • Covenant: Cain's break with God's, as the expression of mystery, God stands as someone who would make a, how vernacular language keeps a community together and sustains, Judaism Shema (“Hear”) to be a listening people and faithful to the, the neighborly culture as based on relatedness and, retributive justice and, to see the gifts of the widow and orphan, traditionally with God or a high power, as a vow of freedom and faithfulness, wilderness as the Old Testament metaphor for social order of the. See also Neighborly Covenant
  • Crime-making justice systems
  • Culture: customs celebrating the resistance against the mother, description and function of, how food expresses a, as manifesting a way of being, market ideology as breakdown the commons and, the shadow side of, vernacular language importance to. See also Contract culture
  • Currency: BerkShares, “Constant,” counterfeiting of Federal. See also Money
  • Cynicism about future


  • Davis, Walter T., Jr.
  • Death-defying wealthy man
  • Debt: belief in a consumption-driven economy and, Deuteronomy 15 on Jubilee Year release from
  • Denial
  • Developmentally disabled people movement
  • Día de los Muertos
  • Diet industry fraud
  • Dirksen, Everett
  • Distributive justice
  • Domino's Pizza
  • Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average


  • The Economics of Happiness (Anielski)
  • Ellul, Jacques
  • The empire: the co-operative movement as alternative to, forsaking the vernacular language for the language of the, illusion of reform in the context of, market control through the language of, resisting the, schools as the center of the strength of, violence as expression of the market culture and
  • Enclosure: the commons as stance for life and reversing, driving the Scots off the land to be replaced with sheep, fear as driving us to gather in tribal, how it drove people off the land and toward urbanization, as violation of community by the British
  • Environmental Movement
  • Episcopal House of Bishops
  • The Eucharist


  • Faithfulness and freedom covenant
  • Fallibility: failing to be God, grief due to reality of, neighborliness based on the knowledge of, parallels between mystery and, reclaiming the common good with
  • Family dinner ritual
  • Fast food commodification
  • Feast of San Gennaro
  • Fed Up (documentary)
  • Federal Reserve
  • The Feminine Mystique (Friedan)
  • Food: Christian Last Supper tradition of, the co-operative food movement, culture expressed through, Jewish Passover Seder tradition of, ritual of the family dinner and soul food made by mother, sacred occasion of sharing and consuming, as sacred re-performance, social order signpost of
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Food stamps rant
  • Free market consumer ideology: consumer market disciplines of the, as the end of aliveness, fast food and supermarket process food as foundational to, the four pillars of the, free market as core conviction of the, institutional assumptions of the, memo communication of the, monopoly as the unstated intention of, the myth of individualism in, neighborliness as alternative social order to, reliance on the idea of needs satisfied by buying and selling, the shrinking middle class as one consequence of the, on the “underserving” vulnerable. See also Consumer market; Contract culture
  • Free market consumer ideology pillars: certainty, perfection, privatization, scarcity
  • Freedom and faithfulness covenant
  • Friedan, Betty
  • Friendship. See Personal relationships


  • Gang violence
  • Gay Rights Movement
  • Generosity: the economy of a non-monetized, how monopoly and scarcity creates a context without, TimeBanking developing a measure for
  • Genuine Well-Being Index
  • George VI, King
  • Gettysburg Address
  • Gifts: contract culture vs. neighborly culture focus on, covenant to see the vulnerable and their, Mennonites' Reba Place Fellowship and their teachables
  • God: belief that kings and right to rule were commissioned by, Cain's broken covenant with, failing to be, Hebrew Bible's presentation as a mystery who comes with a narrative, neighborly covenant and mystery providing a place for, risk of public or civic space conversations about, as someone who would make a Covenant, Tree of Knowledge on the Holy Mystery of
  • Golding, William
  • Good questions
  • Gregorian calendar
  • Gregory, Pope
  • Grief: as element of fallibility, reclaiming the common good with
  • Gross Domestic Product


  • “Habits of the heart,”
  • Hallet, Stan
  • Hand of God speech (King George VI)
  • Haskins, Minnie Louise
  • Hezekiah, King
  • Holiday Inn
  • Holiness
  • Hopi Indians (Black Mesa area)
  • Huzekiah, King


  • Illich, Ivan: on Antonio Nebrija's Castilian language request, on institutions as being counter-productive, The Right to Useful Unemployment by, Shadow Work by, Tools for Conviviality by, on transforming experience of grief, on “vernacular” social life
  • Illusion of reform
  • Inchausti, Robert
  • Individualism: the commons as conflicting with the ideology of, contrasting between Sweden's commons approach and U.S., the myth of
  • Infant baptism
  • Institutional assumptions: better management/technology is the fix, competition trumps trust, interpersonal is a problem
  • Institutions: assumptions of the, Ivan Illich on tracing the community benefits received from, as structure of preference by the contract culture
  • Isabella (queen of Spain)
  • Isai
  • Isaiah
  • Israelites: Bread of Affliction (bread of Pharaoh), Judaism Shema (“Hear”) to be a listening people, in the wilderness, wishing for safety while in the wilderness. See also Old Testament


  • Jesus: healing lepers, introducing the Last Supper to his disciples, the problem the Church has had with the “You are friends” statement of
  • Joshua
  • Jubilee Year
  • Junior Achievement program
  • Justice: as beginning with a vow to freedom and fidelity, covenantal or distributive, Covenant and retributive, relationship between mystery and, young Evangelical Christians attending a conference about


  • Kairos,
  • Kairos Document (South African Churches)
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr.
  • “Kitsch” religion
  • Kohn, Alfie
  • Kundera, Milan


  • Language: cultural importance of vernacular, English attempt to stamp out Gaelic to control Scotland, market control through the language of empire, Mother Tongue, Nebrija's request to Queen Isabella on the Castilian, predictability and control through Business Perspective
  • Last Supper tradition
  • Law of Release
  • Lawrence, Howard
  • Lenin, Vladimir
  • Leprosy healing stories
  • Lincoln, Abraham
  • Lincoln at Gettysburg: Words That Remade America (Wills)
  • Listening: Judaism Shema (“Hear”) call to, the Quakers' use of time and, understanding the value of
  • Liturgy: the Church tradition of, for the common good, description of, holding the prophecy over time, the re-performance power of, story as re-performance and
  • Lord of the Flies (Golding)
  • Love
  • Love Wins (Bell)
  • Luddites
  • Lyons, Arthur


  • McKnight, John: on developmentally disabled son mediating father to God, on grieving what you cannot change, on No Contest: The Case Against Competition on power of cooperation, “On the Incredible Possibilities of Failing to Be God” hypothetical essay title by, spirit and meaning of the Cuernavaca community market, State Street Theater sit-in (1949) participation by
  • Mailliard, Ward
  • Management: change, institutional belief in solutions through better, the Mother Tongue in the language of
  • Mardi Gras
  • Marigold Hotel (film)
  • Market ideology. See Free market consumer ideology
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Mayan foodway
  • The Meaning of the City (Ellul)
  • Meaningful life
  • Mechanization
  • Mediterranean diet
  • Memo communication
  • Memory: the common as loss of, community practices that create a place of, consumer market as loss of local and communal, as a narrative in a place generating prophecy, story as liturgy and re-performance
  • Mennonites' Reba Place Fellowship
  • Mobility: consumer market outcome of, as modern vehicle for encouraging exclusive communities
  • Money: abundance and the right use of, examining the meaning of, how love of profit corrupts, Junior Achievement program's purpose to teach students about, making money on, mechanization and urbanization of, our affection for place and, student loans crisis, time as. See also Currency; Wealth
  • Monopoly: creating a context without generosity, as free market consumer intention
  • Mother Tongue language
  • Muste, Reverend A. J.
  • Mystery: as creating a space for surprise, as embodiment of spiritual life, holiness, how technology has eradicated, as opening the door to a neighborhood organized by covenant, parallels between fallibility and, providing a place for God, reclaiming the common good with, relationship between justice and, silence as a companion of listening and, wilderness, the work of
  • The myth of individualism


  • National People's Action
  • Navajo tribe
  • Nebrija, Antonio
  • Neighborhood: customs celebrating the resistance against the mother culture and keeping alive the, the modern disappearance of the, technology used to connect community and
  • Neighborliness: as alternative social order to market ideology, a cooperative movement constructing practices of, the disciplines of, found in the Old Testament wilderness, liturgy for the common good and, moving toward, off-modern possibilities of, welcoming strangers into the community. See also Personal relationships
  • Neighborliness disciplines: food as a, introduction to the, silence as a, time as a
  • Neighborly beliefs: abundance, the common good, fallibility, mystery
  • Neighborly Covenant: as central to the commons and community, description and implications of, neighborly beliefs of the, supporting neighborly disciplines. See also Covenant
  • Neighborly culture: based on covenant and relatedness, benefits of moving toward a, focus on possessions as having been a gift, liturgy and spirituality of a communal, privatization as overthrowing the common good and
  • New Testament: the Beatitudes of the, Ecclesiastes on time for all seasons idea, Kairos concept in the, off-market Moses movement in the
  • New Testament
    • Matthew
    • Luke
    • Acts
    • Romans
    • I Corinthians
  • See also Old Testament
  • Nimrod (the first city)
  • No Contest: The Case Against Competition (Kohn)
  • Northern vs. southern Italian economy


  • Obesity
  • O'Brien, Tom
  • Off-modern possibilities
  • Old Testament: on Jubilee Year release from debt, neighborliness found in the wilderness of, off-market Moses movement in the, Ten Commandments of the, Tree of Knowledge in the, wilderness as the metaphor for social order of the covenant in. See also Israelites
  • Old Testament
    • Leviticus
    • Deuteronomy
    • Psalms
    • Proverbs
    • Isaiah
    • Jeremiah
  • See also New Testament
  • Outsiders: Scottish “broken person” outcast or, un-welcoming-ness of small community to


  • Paley, William
  • Paper, Lewis J.
  • Parochialism
  • Passover Seder, Paul, Apostle
  • Pax Britannica
  • Perfection: “failure is not an option” belief of, as pillar of free market consumer ideology
  • Personal relationships: assumed to be an institutional “problem,” loss of the commons and loss of un-commodified friendship and, neighborly culture based on covenant and. See also Neighborliness
  • Pharaoh's reach: Israelites going into the wilderness to be beyond, modern analog of being
  • Place: community practices that create a memory of, of local economy and businesses
  • Poverty: anger against food stamps and those “poor people” in, duty to protect the vulnerable and those in, market ideology on the “undeserving” state of, the meaning and implications of. See also Wealth
  • Predictability: believing in growth and wishing for safety and, consumer market need for control and, how language supports control and. See also Uncertainty
  • Privatization: the co-operative movement as alternative to, as overthrowing the common good, as pillar of free market consumer ideology
  • Productivity: abundance of gifts related to, cooperative movement as the alternative to, Ivan Illich on institutions as being counter-productivity, to listen as a retreat from, observance of Sabbath as protest against
  • Prophecy: liturgy as holding prophecy over time, memory as a narrative in a place generates
  • Pula, Peter
  • Putnam, Robert D.


  • The Quakers
  • “Quality of aliveness,”
  • Questions and silence


  • Reba Place Fellowship
  • Reform: as illusion in the context of empire and scarcity, transformation required for genuine
  • Relationships. See Personal relationships
  • Religion: “kitsch” (religion that doesn't tell all the truth), mandra on spirituality without
  • Re-performance: food as sacred, power of liturgy as, story as liturgy and
  • Retributive justice
  • The Right to Useful Unemployment (Illich)
  • Risk management
  • Rotary Clubs
  • Russell, Cormac


  • Sabbath: to listen as a form of, observance of the
  • Sacraments of silence
  • Scarcity: agri-business as practice of, constructing economy of controlled quantities and competition, creating a context without generosity, illusion of reform in the context of, as pillar of free market consumer ideology, violence as expression of class distinctions and
  • School-driven competition
  • Schools: class warfare driving by the corporation of, consequences of the competition driven by, illusion of reform of
  • Schumacher, E. E.
  • Scotland: “broken person” outcast in, enclosure driving the Scots off the land to be replaced with sheep, English attempt to stamp out Gaelic to control, Presbyterian churches celebrating their Scottish roots
  • Second World War
  • Seel, Douglas Larsen
  • Shadow Work (Illich)
  • Shema (“Hear”)
  • Sickness-making medical systems
  • Silence: as a companion of mystery and listening, sacraments of, social order signpost of
  • The Silent Spring (Carson)
  • Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher)
  • Social change movements: examples of triggers for historic, signs of change driving
  • Soul food of home
  • Southern vs. northern Italian economy
  • Speed: consumer market disciplines of convenience and, neighborly discipline of time in place of modern
  • Spirituality: mantra on spirituality without religion, mystery as embodiment of a life of
  • Standing in line time
  • State Street Theater sit-in (1949)
  • Stonewall riots (Greenwich Village)
  • Story: community built on the power of, the eleven creation stories of the Hope Indians, as liturgy and re-performance, wealthy man who hates death
  • Student loans
  • Sunday baseball tradition
  • Sunday closing laws
  • Super Bowl mentality
  • Supermarket commodification
  • Surplus: consumer market, we have come to identify ourselves by our privilege and
  • Swedish communal-minded culture


  • Technology: the Amish's conscious approach to, expanding its influence into community space and capacity, institutional belief in solutions through, luddite argument against, speed and convenience as selling points of, un-measured burden as the hidden cost of
  • Ten Commandments: Moses movement and the, the Tenth Commandment of the
  • Time: for all things, anti-system nature of, Ecclesiastes on time for all seasons idea of, how the Quakers use listening and, modern social construction of, money as, social order signpost of, standing in line
  • TimeBanking
  • Tools for Conviviality (Illich)
  • Torah: collision between our free market narrative and the, on obligation of the community to protect the vulnerable, the way of the
  • Trappist monks
  • Tree of Knowledge
  • Trust


  • Uber
  • The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Kundera)
  • Uncertainty: free market consumer culture as hating, how mystery creates a space for surprise and. See also Predictability
  • Underclass
  • Universities: class warfare driven by the corporation of, consequences of the competition driven by schools and
  • University of Kansas
  • Urban life: Cain's broken covenant and establishment of first city, loss of the community due to nature of
  • Usury as good business


  • Vernacular language
  • Violence: as expression of empire and class distinctions, of parentless children
  • Visitation Order of nuns
  • Vulnerable: anger against food stamps and those “poor people,” corporate interest in staying blind to the needs of the, covenant to see the gifts of the, duty to protect the, market ideology on the “undeserving” state of the, the U.S. population of the


  • Waiting lines
  • Way of the Torah
  • Wealth: class warfare's relationship to distribution of, consumer market's un-productive, covenantal or distributive justice and distribution of the community, the emotional and spiritual question of how to use. See also Money; Poverty
  • Wealthy man story
  • Wholeness
  • Wilderness: grief as communal practice recognizing making the choice of, the Israelites' wish for safety while in the, neighborliness in the Old Testament, neighborhood and neighborliness as unexplored modern, Old Testament metaphor of
  • Williams, Roger
  • Wills, Garry
  • Winthrop, John
  • Women's Movement


  • Yousuf, Hibah
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