

Part One: General and Background Information

  1. Name and location of the Financial Institution:

  2. Respondent's Name:

  3. Position:


  4. Nature of the financial institution:

    (Please mark the appropriate boxes)

    Fully Fledged Islamic bank Conventional bank with Islamic activities/windows
    Conventional bank Other, please specify
  5. Nature of activities: (Please mark the appropriate boxes)
    Commercial banking Investment banking
    Retail banking Other, please specify
  6. The accounting standards used by your institution comply with:
    International standards AAOIFI standards
    Other, please specify Don't know

Part Two: Risk Perception

Section I Risk Issues in Islamic Banks

  1. Severity of risks facing Islamic banks

    Below are the main inherent risks in Islamic banking. Could you please identify the seriousness/importance of the following risks to Islamic banks according to your own personal view?

    Please mark the appropriate box.

    Risk Very Important Important Neutral Unimportant Very Unimportant
    Credit Risk
    Market Risk*
    Operational Risk
    Equity Investment Risk
    Liquidity Risk
    Asset–Liability Management Risk
    Displaced Commercial Risk **
    Shari'ah non-compliance Risk
    Concentration Risk
    Reputation Risk
    Fiduciary Risk
    Corporate Governance Risk
    Legal Risk

    * Market Risk encompasses Rate-of-Return Risk, Currency Risk, Commodity Risk, Benchmark Risk, and Mark-up; but excludes Equity Investment Risk.

    ** Displaced Commercial Risk is the risk of liquidity suddenly drying up as a consequence of massive withdrawals should the Islamic bank assets yield returns for Investment Account Holders lower than expected, or worse, negative rates of profits.

  2. Please list below any other risks (if applicable) that you think might affect Islamic banks, in order of their seriousness/importance.
  3. For institutions that use Islamic finance contracts, please rank the following Islamic finance contracts according to the intensity of use by your institution (the most used first):

    Please use a scale from 1 to 7, with 1 as the most used and 7 as the least used.

    Contract Rank
  4. According to your own view, please rank the following Islamic finance contracts according to their risk seriousness, starting by the most risky:

    Please use a scale from 1 to 7, with 1 as the most risky and 7 as the least risky.

    Contract Rank
  5. Please mark the appropriate boxes below
    Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
    1. Risks for Islamic banks should be managed using same techniques used in conventional banking.
    2. Islamic banking is more risky by nature than conventional banking.
    3. Risk management for Islamic banks is more challenging than it is for conventional banks.
    4. There is naturally inherent conservatism in the principles of Islamic finance.
    5. In an Islamic bank, a low rate of return on deposits will lead to withdrawal of funds.
    6. Depositors would hold the bank responsible for a lower rate of return on their deposits.
    7. Variation among Shari'ah scholars' opinions represents a major risk to Islamic banking.
    8. Non-Shari'ah compliance could severely damage the reputation of an Islamic bank.
    9. AAOIFI and IFSB standards should be made mandatory for Islamic banks.
    10. Corporate governance is generally weak in Islamic banks.
    11. Islamic banking in its current state is a safer option than conventional banking

Section II Capital Adequacy

  1. Which of the following does your bank use in calculating its minimum capital requirements?
    Basel II standards IFSB standards
    Other, please specify Don't know
  2. If your institution is using Basel II standards, please indicate the methodology used to calculate the minimum capital requirement for:

    Credit Risk

    Standardised approach Foundation IRB
    Advanced IRB

    Market Risk

    Standardised approach Internal models approach

    Operational Risk

    Basic indicator approach Advanced measurement approach
  3. Do you think that the capital requirements for Islamic banks as compared to conventional banks should be:
    Higher Same Lower Don't know
  4. Please mark the appropriate boxes in the table below
    Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
    1. Basel II standards should be equally applied to Islamic banks without modification.
    2. IFSB standard on Capital Adequacy should be used by Islamic banks rather than Basel II.
    3. Basel II standards should be reviewed after failing to prevent the current crisis.
    4. The proposed Basel III rules would be easily applicable to Islamic banks
    5. Stricter capital, leverage and liquidity rules, as proposed under Basel III, are likely to prevent another financial crisis.

Section III Credit Crisis and Islamic Finance

  1. Please mark the appropriate boxes in the table below
    Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
    1. Islamic banks are more resilient to economic shocks than their conventional peers.
    2. The recent crisis would not have happened under a true Islamic banking system.
    3. Islamic finance could have solved the global crisis.
    4. Risk management must be embedded institutionally.
    5. Banks in general used to rely heavily on rating agencies.
    6. Islamic banks rely less on rating agencies than conventional banks.
    7. Islamic finance industry should develop its own rating agencies.
    8. Islamic banks will emerge stronger from the current crisis.
    9. Consolidation is needed among smaller Islamic banks.

Part Three: Risk Management and Mitigation

  1. How often does your bank produce the following reports, if applicable?
    Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Never Don't know
    Capital requirement report
    Operational risk report
    Profit rate risk report
    Foreign exchange risk report
    Liquidity risk report
    Commodity risk report
    Country risk report
    Equity mark-to-market report
    Classified accounts report
    Industry concentration risk report
    Credit exposure report
    Large exposure report
    Other risk reports (please specify)

  2. Which of the following techniques does your organisation use to analyse risks, if applicable?
    Internal based ratings
    Credit ratings by rating agencies
    Gap analysis
    Duration analysis
    Maturity matching analysis
    Earnings at risk
    Value at risk
    Stress testing
    Simulation techniques
    Risk Adjusted Rate of Return on Capital (RAROC)
    Other (Please Specify)
  3. Risk mitigation techniques in Islamic banking compared to conventional banking are:
    More advanced Less advanced
    Similar Don't know
  4. For institutions that use Islamic finance contracts, which of the following techniques does your organisation use to mitigate risks?
    On balance sheet netting
    Islamic options
    Islamic swaps
    Islamic currency forwards
    Parallel contracts
    Collateral arrangements
    Other (please specify)

Part Four: Islamic Banking in Practice

  1. Please mark the appropriate boxes in the table below
    Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
    1. Islamic banks have been mimicking conventional models.
    2. Islamic finance provides an ethical banking alternative.
    3. There is difference between the current practice and principles of Islamic banking.
    4. Islamic banks need to reform to be successful.

Part Five: The Next Chapter in Islamic Banking

  1. According to your own view, which of the following strategies should Islamic banks focus on in order to thrive? Please rank the following strategies according to their importance, starting by the most important.

    Please use a scale from 1 to 8, with 1 as the most important and 8 as the least important.

Strategy Rank  
Improved risk management
Enhanced morality – back to roots
Mergers and acquisitions
Organic growth in home market
Better risk mitigation
Diversification – reduce concentration
Other (please specify)

Thank you for your cooperation.

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