

  1. Accelerated depreciation
  2. Acceptance period, for bids
  3. Accidents
    1. cost of
    2. records
    3. See also Project safety
  4. Accounting, for project costs. See Project cost management
  5. Accounting codes
  6. Accounting methods
  7. Accrual accounting method
  8. Activity times
  9. Addenda, contract documents
  10. Advertising, for bids
  11. AFL-CIO
    1. labor law and
    2. labor relations and
  12. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
  13. Agreements. See American Institute of Architects (AIA); Contract documents; Contract provisions
  14. All-risk builder's risk insurance
  15. Alternate materials/methods
  16. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
  17. American Arbitration Association (AAA)
  18. American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE)
  19. American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
  20. American Institute of Architects (AIA)
    1. Bid Bond (A310-2010)
    2. business methods and
    3. construction contract provisions of
    4. construction insurance and
    5. contract documents
    6. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction (A201-2007)
    7. Payment Bond (A312-2010)
    8. Performance Bond (A312-2010)
    9. project management and
    10. role of
    11. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document A401-2007)
    12. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect (B101-2007)
    13. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractors Where the Basis of Payment is a Stipulated Sum (A101-2007) (AIA)
    14. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor Where the Basis of Payment is the Cost of the Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (A102-2007)
  21. American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
  22. American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE)
  23. American Subcontractors Association (ASA)
  24. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  25. Apprenticeship programs
  26. Approximate estimates
  27. Arbitration
  28. Architect-engineers
    1. announcing project to contractors
    2. bid documents and
    3. communicating design in contracts
    4. contract documents prepared by
    5. contractor input into design
    6. contractual duties and authorities of
    7. defined
    8. designers' professional associations and
    9. fees for
    10. generally
    11. instructions to bidders and
    12. liability of, to third persons
    13. project manual assembled by
    14. responsibility of, to owners
    15. selection of
    16. services provided by
    17. statutes of limitations
    18. types of
  29. Arrow notation
  30. As-built drawings
  31. Assigned subcontracts
  32. Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
  33. Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
    1. cost estimating and bidding
    2. project cost management and
    3. project safety and
    4. role of
    5. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document)
  34. Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC)
  35. Automobile insurance


  1. Backcharges
  2. Balance sheets
  3. Ballard, Glen
  4. Bid Bond (A310-2010) (AIA)
  5. Bidding
    1. announcing project for
    2. bid changes
    3. bid depositories
    4. bidder qualification
    5. bidding decision
    6. bid rigging
    7. bid spread
    8. complimentary bids
    9. ethics and
    10. generally
    11. instructions to bidders
    12. period for
    13. prebid meetings
    14. preliminary considerations for
    15. procedures
    16. project manual of bid documents
    17. proposal, defined
    18. proposal rejection
    19. proposal submission
    20. responsive bid and technicalities
    21. Sample Lump-Sun Proposal Form, with Reference to Addenda, and Alternates
    22. scheduling bid dates
    23. scope bidding
    24. state preference statutes
    25. unbalanced bids
    26. unit-price proposals
    27. withdrawal of bid, by prime contractor
    28. withdrawal of bid, by subcontractor
    29. See also Contract documents; Cost estimating and bidding; Estimates
  6. Bodily injury and property damage liability insurance
  7. Builder's risk insurance
    1. all-risk builder's risk insurance
    2. generally
    3. named-peril builder's risk insurance
    4. policy premiums
    5. risk provision by owner
    6. termination of
  8. Building codes
  9. Building information modeling (BIM)
  10. Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT)
  11. Business agents
  12. Business methods
    1. accelerated depreciation
    2. accounting methods
    3. assignment of contracts
    4. backcharges
    5. balance sheets
    6. cash flow
    7. cash forecasts
    8. completed-contract method
    9. construction equipment acquisition
    10. contractor's right to check on project financing
    11. direct payment
    12. discounts by vendors and suppliers
    13. employee motivation
    14. employee training programs
    15. equipment depreciation
    16. equipment management
    17. final payment
    18. financial ratios, generally
    19. financial ratios, significance
    20. financial records
    21. financial statements
    22. generally
    23. income statements
    24. job site crime
    25. marketing
    26. mechanic's lien
    27. Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
    28. payment requests for cost-plus contracts
    29. payment requests for lump-sum contracts
    30. payment requests for unit-price contracts
    31. payment to general contractor
    32. payment to material suppliers
    33. payment to subcontractors
    34. percentage-of-completion capitalized cost method
    35. percentage-of-completion method
    36. procurement
    37. release of lien
    38. straight-line depreciation
    39. substance abuse programs
    40. title of purchases
    41. See also Project cost management; Project time management
  13. Business ownership
    1. alternative forms
    2. business failure and
    3. construction contracting firms
    4. corporate directors and officers
    5. corporation
    6. employee stock ownership plans (ESOP)
    7. foreign corporation
    8. generally
    9. general partnership
    10. general partnership, dissolving
    11. general partnership, establishing
    12. general partnership, liability
    13. individual proprietorship
    14. joint venture
    15. limited liability company (LLC)
    16. limited partnership
    17. S corporation
    18. stockholders
    19. subpartnership
    20. See also Business methods; Company organization


  1. Cash accounting method
  2. Cash flow
  3. Cash forecasts
  4. Categories, of construction
  5. Certificate of substantial completion
  6. Certificates of insurance
  7. Civil Rights Act of 1964
  8. Claims
    1. on construction insurance
    2. discharging/protecting against liens or claims
    3. disclaimers and waivers
    4. for payment
    5. project management and administration issues
    6. time delay claims
    7. See also Labor law; Labor relations; Legal issues
  9. Clauses, of contracts. See Contract documents; Contract provisions
  10. Closed competitive bid contracting
  11. Closed specifications
  12. Collective bargaining
  13. Commercial construction, defined
  14. Commercial general liability insurance
    1. exclusions
    2. generally
  15. Common-law surety bonds
  16. Common situs picketing
  17. Company organization
    1. communication and
    2. construction job definitions and
    3. decision making
    4. duties, division of
    5. duties of individuals
    6. employee handbooks
    7. generally
    8. motivation of personnel
    9. organizational structure and organization chart
    10. organization basics
    11. personnel development
    12. plan implementation and adjustment
    13. policy and procedure manuals
    14. principles of
    15. responsibility, authority, and delegation
    16. staff assignment
    17. training of replacements
    18. See also Labor law; Labor relations
  18. Company safety programs
  19. Competitive bid contracting. See also Architect-engineers
  20. Competitive negotiation process
  21. Competitive sealed proposals
  22. Completed-contract method
  23. Completed-operations liability insurance
  24. Complimentary bids
  25. Computer usage
    1. building information modeling (BIM)
    2. computer-based estimating
    3. job site computers
    4. See also Project cost management; Project time management
  26. Concealed defects
  27. Construction by force account
  28. Construction industry
    1. building codes
    2. business failure in
    3. competitive sealed proposals
    4. construction by force account
    5. construction categories
    6. construction company general ledger accounts (example)
    7. construction contracts, forms of awards
    8. construction contract types
    9. construction projects, generally
    10. contractor organizations
    11. contract system
    12. cost-plus contracts, elements of agreement
    13. economic importance of
    14. generally
    15. job descriptions (See also Personnel)
    16. job order contracting
    17. license bonds
    18. licensing
    19. management practices in
    20. negotiated contracts, forms
    21. project delivery methods
    22. project financing
    23. seasonality in construction
    24. small and disadvantaged business enterprises
    25. time and materials contracts
    26. See also Architect-engineers; Business methods; Business ownership; Company organization; Construction insurance; Contract documents; Contract provisions; Contract surety bonds; Cost estimating and bidding; Labor law; Labor relations; Personnel; Project cost management; Project management and administration; Project safety; Project time management
  29. Construction Industry Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures (American Arbitration Association)
  30. Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness (CICE)
  31. Construction Industry Institute (CII)
  32. Construction insurance
    1. all-risk builder's risk insurance
    2. analysis of insurable risks
    3. automobile insurance
    4. bodily injury and property damage liability insurance
    5. builder's risk, provision by owner
    6. builder's risk insurance
    7. builder's risk policy premiums
    8. certificates of
    9. checklist for
    10. claims
    11. commercial general liability insurance
    12. completed-operations liability insurance
    13. contractor's equipment floater policy
    14. contractor's protective public and property damage liability insurance
    15. contract requirements
    16. contractual liability insurance
    17. crime insurance
    18. employee benefit insurance
    19. employers' liability insurance
    20. exclusions from commercial general liability policy
    21. generally
    22. group insurance plans
    23. insurance policy contract, generally
    24. legal requirements
    25. liability insurance
    26. named-peril builder's risk insurance
    27. nonoccupational disability insurance
    28. owner's liability insurance
    29. personal injury
    30. professional liability insurance
    31. project property insurance
    32. property damage liability exclusions
    33. property insurance
    34. risk issues
    35. risk management
    36. Social Security
    37. subcontractors' insurance
    38. subrogation
    39. termination of builder's risk insurance
    40. third-party beneficiary clauses
    41. umbrella excess liability insurance
    42. unemployment insurance
    43. workers' compensation
    44. wrap-up insurance
  33. Construction management agency (CMA)
    1. defined
    2. project design process (See also Architect-engineers)
  34. Construction Management Association of America (CMAA)
  35. Construction management at risk (CMAR)
  36. Construction managers, defined
  37. Construction services-only project delivery
  38. Construction sites
    1. “differing site conditions”
    2. job site computers
    3. job site crime
    4. site visits for bidding process
    5. See also Project safety
  39. Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
  40. Construction workers, perception of
  41. Consultants, defined
  42. Contingency allowance
    1. for price estimate
    2. for time estimate
  43. Contract Disputes Act of 1978
  44. Contract documents
    1. accounting for long-term contracts
    2. addenda
    3. agreement
    4. alternate materials/methods
    5. assignment of contracts
    6. changes to, and contract surety bonds
    7. conditions of contract
    8. contractor-designated alternatives
    9. contract system
    10. cost-plus contracts, elements of agreement
    11. drawings
    12. forms of awards
    13. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction (A201-2007)
    14. instructions to bidders
    15. job order contracting
    16. labor contracts (See Labor relations)
    17. modifications to
    18. negotiated contracts
    19. Performance Bond (A312-2010) (AIA)
    20. preparation of
    21. specifications
    22. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document)
    23. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document A401-2007)
    24. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect (B101-2007)
    25. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractors Where the Basis of Payment is a Stipulated Sum (A101-2007) (AIA)
    26. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor Where the Basis of Payment is the Cost of the Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (A102-2007)
    27. time and materials contracts
    28. types of
    29. types of, and contract surety bonds
    30. See also Contract provisions; Contract surety bonds
  45. Contractor organizations
  46. Contractors
    1. bid withdrawal by
    2. bonding capacity of
    3. contractual rights and responsibilities of
    4. default by
    5. equipment floater insurance policy (See also Construction insurance)
    6. independent contractors, defined
    7. payment to
    8. prime (general) contractors, defined
    9. protective public and property damage liability insurance
    10. right of, to check on project financing
    11. subcontractors and
    12. See also Architect-engineers; Labor law; Labor relations; Personnel; Subcontractors
  47. Contractor's Equipment Cost Guide (Associated General Contractors of America; Dataquest, Inc.)
  48. Contract provisions
    1. acceleration
    2. acceptance and final payment
    3. agreement
    4. clauses
    5. construction insurance contract requirements (See also Construction insurance)
    6. contract time
    7. differing site conditions
    8. duties and authorities of architect-engineers
    9. generally
    10. indemnification
    11. letter of intent
    12. liquidated damages
    13. notice to proceed
    14. owner-caused delay
    15. rights and responsibilities of contractors
    16. rights and responsibilities of owners
    17. safety requirements
    18. subcontract agreements
    19. supplementary conditions
    20. termination of contract
    21. time extensions
    22. warranty period
    23. See also Bidding; Contract documents
  49. Contract surety bonds
    1. bid bonds
    2. bonding capacity of contractors
    3. bond premiums
    4. claims for payment
    5. contract bond alternatives
    6. contract bonds and type of contract
    7. contract changes
    8. default by contractors
    9. discharging/protecting against liens or claims
    10. fidelity bonds
    11. forms of
    12. generally
    13. indemnity of surety
    14. investigation by surety
    15. judicial/court bonds
    16. license bonds
    17. maintenance bonds
    18. Miller Act
    19. Payment Bond (A312-2010) (AIA)
    20. payment bonds
    21. performance bonds
    22. to protect owners of rented equipment and leased property
    23. rationale for requiring construction bonds
    24. to release retainage
    25. self-insurers' workers' compensation bonds
    26. statutory and common-law bonds
    27. subcontract bonds
    28. subdivision bonds
    29. surety agents
    30. surety companies
    31. termite bonds
    32. union wage bonds
  50. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
  51. Copeland Act
  52. Corporate directors and officers
  53. Corporation, as ownership form
  54. Cost estimating and bidding
    1. acceptance period
    2. bid changes
    3. bid depositories
    4. bidder qualification
    5. bidding decision
    6. bidding period
    7. bidding procedures
    8. bid ethics
    9. bid rigging
    10. bid spread
    11. bid withdrawal, by prime contractor
    12. bid withdrawal, by subcontractor
    13. complimentary bids
    14. computer-based estimating
    15. disclaimers and waivers
    16. estimating equipment cost
    17. estimating indirect costs
    18. estimating labor cost
    19. finalizing the estimate
    20. generally
    21. introducing probabilistic determinations into estimate
    22. lump-sum recap sheet
    23. markup
    24. “out of the money”
    25. prebid meetings
    26. preliminary considerations
    27. preparing estimate
    28. project time schedule
    29. proposal, defined
    30. proposal rejection
    31. proposal submission
    32. range estimating
    33. responsive bid and technicalities
    34. scheduling bid dates
    35. scope bidding
    36. site visit
    37. state preference statutes
    38. subcontractor allowance and contingency allowance
    39. subcontractor lists
    40. subcontractor proposals
    41. types of estimates
    42. unbalanced bids
    43. unit-price recap sheet
    44. work to be self-performed and work to be subcontracted
    45. See also Bidding; Estimates; Project cost management
  55. Cost-plus contracts
    1. elements of
    2. generally
    3. payment requests
  56. Court bonds
  57. Crime
    1. crime insurance
    2. job site crime
  58. Critical path method (CPM)


  1. Daily job log
  2. Dataquest, Inc.
  3. Davis-Bacon Act
  4. Days Away from Work (DART) incidence rate calculation
  5. Decision making, company organization and
  6. Default, by contractors
  7. Deliveries
  8. Denver Building and Construction Trades Council case
  9. Depreciation methods
  10. Design-bid-build project delivery
  11. Design-build project delivery
  12. Designers. See Architect-engineers
  13. Design-manage project delivery
  14. Detailed estimates
  15. Developers, project financing by
  16. “Differing site conditions”
  17. Direct payment
  18. Disability insurance, nonoccupational
  19. Disbursement controls
  20. Disclaimers, cost estimating and bidding
  21. Dispute review boards
  22. Disputes. See Claims; Labor law; Labor relations; Legal issues
  23. Dodge Reports
  24. Drawings
    1. bidding process and
    2. contract documents
    3. record drawings
    4. shop drawings
  25. Drug-Free Workplace Act
  26. Dual-shop operation


  1. Employee benefit insurance
  2. Employee handbooks
  3. Employees. See Company organization; Labor law; Labor relations; Personnel
  4. Employee stock ownership plans (ESOP)
  5. Employers' liability insurance
  6. Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
  7. Engineering consultants, defined
  8. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  9. Equipment
    1. construction equipment acquisition
    2. contractor's equipment floater insurance policy
    3. contract surety bonds for rented equipment
    4. depreciation
    5. estimating cost of
    6. management of
    7. project cost management
    8. resource scheduling
  10. Estimates
    1. computer-based estimating
    2. of equipment cost
    3. finalizing
    4. generally
    5. of indirect costs
    6. introducing probabilistic determinations into
    7. of labor cost
    8. lump-sum recap sheet
    9. markup
    10. preliminary considerations for
    11. preparing
    12. project time schedule and
    13. range estimating
    14. site visit for
    15. types of
    16. unit-price recap sheet
    17. See also Cost estimating and bidding
  11. Ethics
    1. bid ethics
    2. construction management (CM) and
    3. ethics codes of professional associations
  12. Executive Order 11246
  13. Expediting, project management and
  14. Experience modifier ratings (EMRs)


  1. Fair Labor Standards Act
  2. Family and Medical Leave Act
  3. Fast-track project delivery
  4. Federal Election Commission
  5. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
  6. Fees. See Payment
  7. Fidelity bonds
  8. Field productivity
  9. Field supervisors
  10. Financial ratios
  11. Financial records
  12. Financial statements
  13. Float
  14. Force account
  15. Foreign corporation
  16. Form of business. See Business ownership
  17. Free float
  18. “Free on board” (FOB) designation
  19. Friedman Model


  1. Gates Model
  2. General conditions construction, defined
  3. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction (A201-2007) (AIA)
  4. General contractors, defined
  5. General Electric case
  6. General overhead costs, estimating
  7. General partnership
  8. Group insurance plans


  1. Hazard Communication Standard (HAZCOM) (OSHA)
  2. Heavy/civil/highway construction, defined
  3. Hobbs Act
  4. “Hold-harmless” clauses
  5. “Hot-cargo” labor agreements
  6. Howell, Greg


  1. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
  2. Immigration Reform and Control Act
  3. Income statements
  4. Incorporation, as ownership form
  5. Indemnification
    1. as contract provision
    2. contract surety bonds
  6. Independent contractors, defined
  7. Indirect costs, estimating
  8. Indirect labor costs, estimating
  9. Industrial construction, defined
  10. Inspection, of materials
  11. Instructions to bidders
  12. Insurance. See Construction insurance
  13. International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  14. International Building Code (IBC)
  15. International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT)
  16. Investigation, by surety
  17. Invitation to bid


  1. Job cost accounts
  2. Job description
  3. Job logic
  4. Job order contracting
  5. Job records
  6. Joint venture
  7. Judicial bonds


  1. Labor. See Personnel; Project time management
  2. Labor cost, estimating
  3. Labor law
    1. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
    2. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    3. charges of unfair labor practices
    4. Civil Rights Act of 1964
    5. common situs picketing
    6. Construction Industry Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures (American Arbitration Association)
    7. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
    8. Copeland Act
    9. Davis-Bacon Act
    10. Drug-Free Workplace Act
    11. employer unfair labor practices
    12. Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
    13. Executive Order 11246
    14. Fair Labor Standards Act
    15. Family and Medical Leave Act
    16. generally
    17. history of law of labor relations
    18. Hobbs Act
    19. Immigration Reform and Control Act
    20. jurisdictional disputes
    21. Labor Management Relations Act
    22. Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
    23. National Apprenticeship Act
    24. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
    25. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and
    26. Norris-LaGuardia Act
    27. payment to employee representatives
    28. political contributions
    29. prefabrication clauses
    30. prehire agreements
    31. remedies
    32. representation elections
    33. secondary boycotts
    34. Sherman Antitrust Act
    35. subcontractor agreements
    36. Taft-Hartley Act
    37. union hiring halls
    38. union-shop agreements
    39. union unfair labor practices
    40. voluntary jurisdictional settlement plans
    41. Wagner Act
  4. Labor Management Relations Act
  5. Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
  6. Labor relations
    1. apprenticeship programs
    2. bargaining patterns
    3. bargaining process
    4. business agents
    5. collective bargaining
    6. construction unions
    7. damage suits
    8. dual-shop operation
    9. employee benefits
    10. employer lockouts
    11. employment in construction industry and
    12. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
    13. generally
    14. history of law of labor relations
    15. labor agreements
    16. labor agreements, geographical coverage
    17. labor contract administration
    18. “local” union
    19. merit-shop contractors
    20. national agreements
    21. nonapprenticeship training programs
    22. open-shop labor, sources
    23. perception of construction workers and
    24. prejob conferences
    25. present construction industry status
    26. project agreements
    27. supervisory training
    28. union contractors and
    29. union history and
    30. union reaction to open shop
    31. unions' role and
    32. union work rules
    33. wages and hours
    34. Wagner Act
    35. withdrawal from bargaining unit
    36. See also Labor law
  7. Lean construction
  8. Lean Construction Institute
  9. Leased property, contract surety bonds for
  10. Least-cost project shortening
  11. Ledger accounts (example)
  12. Legal issues
    1. building codes
    2. claims/disputes and project management
    3. construction insurance legal requirements (See also Construction insurance)
    4. federal health and safety acts (See also Project safety)
    5. license bonds
    6. licensing
    7. liens
    8. promissory estoppel
    9. safety legislation
    10. statutes of limitations for damages
    11. See also Contract surety bonds; Labor law; Labor relations; Project safety
  13. Less-than-carload (LCL) shipments
  14. Letter of intent
  15. Liability
    1. of architect-engineer, to third persons
    2. of general partners
    3. insurance (See Construction insurance)
    4. See also Business ownership
  16. License bonds
  17. Licensing
  18. Liens
    1. contract surety bonds
    2. mechanic's lien
    3. release of
  19. Limited liability company (LLC)
  20. Limited partnership
  21. Liquidated damages, as contract provision
  22. Lockouts
  23. Lump-sum competitive bid contracting
  24. Lump-sum contracts
  25. Lump-sum estimates
  26. Lump-sum recap sheet


  1. Maintenance bonds
  2. Management practices
    1. corporate directors and officers
    2. generally
    3. role of management and project safety
    4. stockholders
    5. See also Business methods; Business ownership; Ethics; Labor law; Owners; Project safety
  3. Marketing
  4. Markup
  5. Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA)
  6. MasterFormat® groups and subgroups
  7. Materials
    1. alternate materials
    2. cost reports
    3. delivery of
    4. estimating costs of
    5. inspection of
    6. materials management
    7. receiving
    8. resource scheduling
    9. suppliers (See Vendors)
  8. Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCA)
  9. Mechanic's lien
  10. Mediation
  11. Merit-shop contractors
  12. Miller Act
  13. Mini-trials
  14. Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
  15. Moore Dry Dock standards
  16. Motivation, of company personnel


  1. Named-peril builder's risk insurance
  2. National agreements
  3. National Apprenticeship Act
  4. National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
  5. National/Basic Building Code (NBC)
  6. National Construction Dispute Resolution Committee (NCDRC)
  7. National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA)
  8. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
  9. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
    1. labor law and
    2. labor relations and
    3. project safety and
  10. National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA)
  11. National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
  12. National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA)
  13. Negotiated contracts
  14. Neutral evaluation
  15. Nonoccupational disability insurance
  16. Norris-LaGuardia Act
  17. Notice to proceed


  1. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
    1. contract safety requirements
    2. generally
    3. Hazard Communication Standard (HAZCOM)
    4. multiemployer work sites
    5. penalties
    6. safety improvements and
    7. site inspections
    8. work injury and illness rates
    9. work injury and illness recording
  2. Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
  3. Open competitive bid contracting
  4. Open specifications
  5. Operating charts
  6. Organization charts
  7. “Out of the money”
  8. Overhead, for project
  9. Owners
    1. alternates in contracts by
    2. architect-engineer's responsibility to
    3. contractual rights and responsibilities of
    4. defined
    5. in-house design capability of
    6. liability insurance of
    7. owner-caused delay, as contract provision
    8. owner project representatives
    9. project financing by
    10. project safety requirements of


  1. Partnering
  2. Payment
    1. business methods for
    2. contract provision for acceptance and final payment
    3. disbursement controls
    4. fees of architect-engineer
    5. labor law and
    6. Payment Bond (A312-2010) (AIA)
    7. payment bonds, generally
    8. schedule of owner payments
    9. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document A401-2007) (AIA)
    10. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document 655) (AGC)
    11. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect (B101-2007) (AIA)
    12. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractors Where the Basis of Payment is a Stipulated Sum (A1017) (AIA)
    13. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor Where the Basis of Payment is the Cost of the Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (A1027) (AIA)
    14. surety bond claims
    15. union wages and hours
  3. Pension plans
    1. Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
    2. types of
    3. union reaction to open shops
  4. Percentage-of-completion capitalized cost method
  5. Percentage-of-completion method
  6. Performance Bond (A3120) (AIA)
  7. Performance bonds
  8. Personal injury insurance
  9. Personnel
    1. estimating labor cost for bids
    2. field supervisors
    3. labor budget
    4. labor cost reports, weekly
    5. labor costs
    6. labor reports, forms
    7. labor time cards
    8. merit-shop contractors
    9. owner project representatives
    10. project managers
    11. project superintendents
    12. quantity surveyors
    13. resource scheduling
    14. substance abuse programs for
    15. surety agents
    16. See also Company organization; Construction insurance; Labor law
  10. Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry
  11. Policy and procedure manuals
  12. Political contributions
  13. Prebid meetings
  14. Precedence notation/diagram
  15. Preengineered building
  16. Prefabrication clauses
  17. Preference statutes, of individual states
  18. Prehire agreements
  19. Prime contractors, defined
  20. Private owners, defined
  21. Probabilistic determinations, estimate and
  22. Procurement
  23. Production rates, for equipment costs
  24. Professional liability insurance
  25. Progress analysis/monitoring
  26. Project agreements (labor contracts)
  27. Project cost management
    1. accounting codes
    2. computer application
    3. cost accounting
    4. cost accounting reports
    5. cost control
    6. cost information and field supervisors
    7. data for estimating
    8. equipment charges (other than weekly costs)
    9. equipment cost
    10. equipment cost reports
    11. equipment time cards
    12. generally
    13. information for estimating
    14. job cost accounts
    15. labor and equipment budget
    16. labor and equipment costs
    17. labor cost reports, weekly
    18. labor reports, forms
    19. labor time cards
    20. measurement of work quantities
    21. monthly cost reports
    22. project cost control
    23. project overhead
  28. Project delivery methods
  29. Project design preparation. See Architect-engineers
  30. Project financing
    1. contractor's right to check on project financing
    2. generally
  31. Project management and administration
    1. alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
    2. arbitration
    3. aspects of project management
    4. claims and disputes
    5. claims in construction industry
    6. daily job log
    7. deliveries
    8. disbursement controls
    9. dispute review boards
    10. expediting
    11. field productivity
    12. field supervisors
    13. generally
    14. inspection of materials
    15. job records
    16. job site computers
    17. lean construction
    18. materials management
    19. mediation
    20. mini-trials
    21. National Construction Dispute Resolution Committee (NCDRC)
    22. neutral evaluation
    23. owner project representatives
    24. partnering
    25. project administration, defined
    26. project managers
    27. project meetings
    28. project organization
    29. project superintendents
    30. quality control
    31. receiving
    32. record drawings
    33. schedule of owner payments
    34. settlement conferences
    35. shop drawings
    36. subcontractor scheduling
    37. total quality management (TQM)
  32. Project manuals, of bid documents
  33. Project overhead costs
  34. Project safety
    1. accident records
    2. company safety programs
    3. cost of construction accidents
    4. cost of safety programs
    5. economic benefits of
    6. federal health and safety acts
    7. field supervisors and
    8. generally
    9. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
    10. owners' requirements for
    11. project safety plans
    12. protection of public and
    13. role of management in
    14. safety legislation
    15. safety services of contractor associations
    16. state safety codes
  35. Project time management
    1. activity duration
    2. bar charts
    3. bidding process and
    4. computers and time management
    5. critical path method (CPM)
    6. delay claims
    7. early activity times
    8. early-start schedule
    9. examples
    10. fast-tracking
    11. free float
    12. generally
    13. late activity times
    14. least-cost project shortening
    15. network computation
    16. network format
    17. precedence diagram
    18. precedence notation
    19. progress analysis
    20. progress monitoring
    21. project duration
    22. project planning
    23. project scheduling
    24. resource scheduling
    25. schedule updating
    26. significance of floats
    27. time contingency
    28. time-scaled networks
    29. total float
  36. Promissory estoppel
  37. Property insurance
    1. generally
    2. project property insurance
    3. property damage liability exclusions
    4. property damage liability insurance
  38. Proposals. See Bidding
  39. Public owners, defined
  40. “Punch list”


  1. Qualification, of bidders
  2. Quality control
  3. Quantity surveys
  4. Quantity takeoff, for materials


  1. Range estimating
  2. Receiving
  3. Record drawings
  4. Release, of lien
  5. Reporting services, for bidding information
  6. Requests for information (RFIs)
  7. Residential construction, defined
  8. Resource scheduling
  9. Responsive bid
  10. Risk management, insurance and


  1. Safety issues. See Project safety
  2. Sample Lump-Sun Proposal Form, with Reference to Addenda, and Alternates
  3. Scheduling. See Project management and administration; Project time management
  4. Scope bidding
  5. S corporation
  6. Seasonality, in construction
  7. Secondary boycotts
  8. Separate-contracts system project delivery
  9. Set-asides
  10. Settlement conferences
  11. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)
  12. Sherman Antitrust Act
  13. Shop drawings
  14. Single-contract system project delivery
  15. Site visits, for bidding process
  16. Small and disadvantaged business enterprises
  17. Social Security
  18. Specifications, contract documents
  19. Standard Building Code (SBC)
  20. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document A4017) (AIA)
  21. Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Subcontractor (Document 655) (AGC)
  22. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect (B1017) (AIA)
  23. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractors Where the Basis of Payment is a Stipulated Sum (A1017) (AIA)
  24. Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor Where the Basis of Payment is the Cost of the Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (A1027) (AIA)
  25. Statutes of limitations, for damages
  26. Statutory bonds
  27. Stockholders
  28. Straight-line depreciation
  29. Subcontractors
    1. bid withdrawal by
    2. construction insurance
    3. defined
    4. estimating work to be subcontracted
    5. labor law and subcontractor agreements
    6. payment to
    7. project organization and
    8. proposals
    9. resource scheduling
    10. scheduling of
    11. subcontract agreements, generally
    12. subcontract provisions
    13. subcontract surety bonds
    14. sub-subcontractors and
  30. Subdivision surety bonds
  31. Subpartnership
  32. Subrogation
  33. Substance abuse programs
  34. Supervisory Training Program (STP)
  35. Supplementary conditions
  36. Surety bonds. See Contract surety bonds
  37. Systems building


  1. Taft-Hartley Act
    1. labor law and
    2. labor relations and
  2. Team approach project delivery
  3. Termination, of builder's risk insurance
  4. Termination, of contracts
  5. Termite bonds
  6. Third-party beneficiary clauses, construction insurance
  7. Time and materials contracts
    1. acceleration as provision of construction contract
    2. duration of project as provision of construction contract
    3. extension time of project as provision of construction contract
    4. generally
    5. owner-caused delay as contract provision
  8. Time cards
    1. for equipment
    2. for labor
  9. Time management. See Project time management
  10. Time-scaled networks
  11. Title of purchases
  12. Total float
  13. Total quality management (TQM)
  14. Training
    1. of company employees
    2. of labor


  1. Umbrella excess liability insurance
  2. Unbalanced bids
  3. Unemployment insurance
  4. Uniform Building Code (UBC)
  5. Unions
    1. construction unions
    2. hiring halls
    3. history of
    4. “local” union
    5. role of
    6. unfair labor practices
    7. union-shop agreements
    8. union wage bonds
    9. See also Labor law; Labor relations
  6. United Partnership Act
  7. Unit-price competitive bid contracting
  8. Unit-price contracts
  9. Unit-price estimates
  10. Unit-price recap sheet
  11. U.S. Department of Labor
  12. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)


  1. Value engineering
  2. Vendors
    1. defined
    2. discounts by
    3. payment to
    4. project financing by
    5. See also Equipment; Materials
  3. Voluntary jurisdictional settlement plans


  1. Wagner Act
  2. Waivers, cost estimating and bidding
  3. Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act
  4. Warranty period
  5. Workers' compensation
    1. bonds
    2. generally
  6. Wrap-up insurance
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