Part III

Winning Brand Fans and Followers

Website Search-Engine Optimization Tips



DO develop website content around keywords that people are likely to use to find information on you, your business, and your offerings.

DON’T cram your content with keywords to manipulate your search ranking. Search engines warn against keyword stuffing and placing hidden text or links

DO build each page of your site around specific keywords that define the page focus so users are linked straight to the web page that fulfills their interest.

DON’T forget that keyword searches may send users to internal pages of your website, so include your brand ID and a link to your home page on every page.

DO place keywords into each page’s <meta> tags, code commands, titles, navigation links, photo or graphics labels or tags, and also in imbedded text links.

DON’T use default photo file names, non-descript captions (like, “Buy Now”), non-descriptive labels for in-content hot links, or navigation icons that feature only graphics, which search engines don’t read.

DO devote a page to site map with page links if your site has more than 50 pages.

DON’T use splash pages that feature a graphic while the site loads. Search engines index content and keywords from your site’s first page, and splash pages usually contain neither.

DO choose and register domain names with words that describe your site’s business and brand.

DON’T forget that site visitors will leave if they don’t think your site will solve their problem or address their interests quickly on an easy-to-see, easy-to-scan screen.

DO build a network of incoming links from high-traffic sites.

DON’T miss the opportunity to develop links to your website from online business and industry registers, publicity featuring your business, mentions on review and rating sites, referrals from other sites, and, especially from your social-media profiles, online content, and blog posts and comments.

webextras.eps Check out for advice on developing brand communications that are targeted, consistent, and effective.

In this part …

  • Launch your brand, following the right rules and sequence: Script a great brand story, develop knowledge and support inside your business, preview your brand with priority customers, and, finally, move your brand into the spotlight with a public launch capable of achieving awareness, affection, distinction, and success.
  • Leverage digital communication to level the playing field between your brand and its big-budget competitors. Seize your online opportunity and reach your branding objectives by staking claim to one name across all online channels; developing and optimizing a fast-loading, great-looking, findable, usable website; and attracting brand attention that pulls interest to your business and its online home base.
  • Build brand engagement and interaction by accelerating your social-media activity on the major networks where your customers hang out and expect to meet up with the brands they love. Use online comments, posts, video, blogging, news, and brand-generated content to spark clicks, sharing, lead generation, and valuable expansion of your brand’s online footprint and reputation.
  • Follow best principles to capitalize on every brand communication opportunity, including print and broadcast ads, packaging, promotions and co-promotions and — the triple-win of brand communicators — publicity that spreads news, builds credibility, and provides trustworthy content to share far and wide through digital and other communication channels.
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