
2G2nd Generation
3G3rd Generation
3GPP3rd Generation Partnership Program
AAAAuthentication, Authorization, and Accounting
ACBAccess Class Barring
ACBLAccess Class Barring List
ACBTAccess Class Barring Time
ACMAAustralian Communications and Media Authority
ADMFAdministration Function
AFApplication Function
AKAAuthentication and Key Agreement
ALUIDApplication Layer User ID
AMAcknowledged Mode
AMBRAggregate Maximum Bit Rate
ANAccess Network
ANDSFAccess Network Discovery and Selection Function
APApplication Protocol, Access Provider
APCOAssociation of Public Safety Communications Officials
APFAccess Probability Factor
APIApplication Programming Interface
APNAccess Point Name
APN-AMBRAPN Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate
ARIBAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses
ARIBAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol, Allocation and Retention Priority
ASAccess Stratum, Application Server
ATISAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
AuCAuthentication Center
AVPAttribute Value Pair
BCHBroadcast Channel
BCCHBroadcast Control Channel
BDBilling Domain
BM-SCBroadcast Multicast Service Center
BSCBase Station Controller
BSRBuffer Status Reports
BSSBase Station System
BTSBase Transceiver Station
CAPEXCapital Expenditure
CBCCell Broadcast Center
CBECell Broadcast Entity
CBSCell Broadcast Service
CCContent of Communication
CCSAChina Communication Standards Association
CDFCharging Data Function
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CDRCharging Data Record
CGFCharging Gateway Function
CICell Identity
CMASCommercial Mobile Alert System
CNCore Network
CPControl Plane
CSCircuit Switched
CSFBCircuit Switched Fall Back
CTFCharging Trigger Function
DFDelivery Function
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIAMETERPun on the name RADIUS (diameter is twice the circle radius)
DMDevice Management
DNSDomain Name System
DPIDeep Packet Inspection
DRXDiscontinuous Reception
DSCPDiffServ Code Point
DSMIPDual Stack Mobile IP
DTLSDatagram Transport Layer Security
ECRITEmergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies
EDGEEnhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
eHRPDEvolved High Rate Packet Data
EIREquipment Identity Register
EEAEPS Encryption Algorithm
EHPLMNEquivalent Home PLMN
eNB, eNodeBE-UTRAN NodeB, also referred to as Evolved NodeB
ePDGEvolved Packet Data Gateway
ECMEPS Connection Management
EPSEvolved Packet System
EMMEPS Mobility Management
EPUIDEPC-level User ID
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI TCCEETSI Technical Committee TETRA and Critical Communications Evolution
ETWSEarthquake and Tsunami Warning System
E-UTRANEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
EU-ALERTEuropean Public Warning System
FBCFlow-Based Charging
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FDDFrequency Division Duplex
GBAGeneric Bootstrapping Architecture
GBRGuaranteed Bit Rate
GCS ASGroup Call System Application Server
GCSEGroup Call System Enablers
GERANGSM/EDGE Radio Access Network
GGSNGateway GPRS Support Node
GMKGroup Master Key
GOGroup Owner
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GSAGlobal Mobile Suppliers Association
GSKGroup Session Key
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications
GSMAGSM Association
GSM-RGSM for Railways
GTPGPRS Tunneling Protocol
GUTIGlobally Unique Temporary Identity
GUMMEIGlobally Unique Mobile Management Entity Identifier
HARQHybrid Adaptive Repeat and Request
HIHandover Interface
HLRHome Location Register
HPLMNHome Public Land Mobile Network
HSDPAHigh-Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSPAHigh-Speed Packet Access (HSDPA+HSUPA)
HSUPAHigh-Speed Uplink Packet Access
HSSHome Subscriber Server
HTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol
ICIncident Commander
I-CSCFInterrogating Call Session Control Function
IECImmediate Event Charging
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSIP Multimedia Subsystem
IMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity
IOPSIsolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety
IPInternet Protocol
IP-CANIP Connectivity Access Network
IPSecIP Security
IRIIntercept-Related Information
KMSKey Management System
KPASKorean Public Alert System
L1Layer 1
L2Layer 2
L3Layer 3
LALocation Area
LAILocation Area Identity
LBILinked EPS Bearer Identity
LEALaw Enforcement Agency
LEMFLaw Enforcement Monitoring Facility
LIFLocation Interoperability Forum
LIPALocal IP Access
LMALocal Mobility Anchor
LMRLand Mobile Radio
LTELong-Term Evolution
MACMedium Access Control
MAGMobile Access Gateway
MBMSMultimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service
MBRMaximum Bit Rate
MBSFNMBMS Single Frequency Network
MCHMulticast Channel
MCCHMulticast Control Channel
MCEMulti-cell Coordination Entity
MCPTTMission Critical Push To Talk
MEMobile Equipment
MGCFMedia Gateway Control Function
MIBMaster Information Block
MICMessage Integrity Check
MIPMobile IP
MLPMobile Location Protocol
MMEMobility Management Entity
MOMobile-Originated, Management Object
MSCMobile Switching Center
MSIMCH Scheduling Information
MSISDNMobile Subscriber ISDN Number
MSPMCH Scheduling Period
MTMobile Terminated
MTCHMulticast Traffic Channel
NASNetwork Access Server (DIAMETER application)
NASNon Access Stratum
NPSBNNational Public Safety Broadband Network
OA&MOperation, Administration, and Maintenance
OCSOnline Charging System
OFCSOffline Charging System
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OMAOpen Mobile Alliance
OMA DMOMA Device Management
OPEXOperational Expenditure
P.25Project 25
PAMPriority Alarm Message
PCCPolicy and Charging Control
PCEFPolicy Charging Enforcement Function
PCIPhysical Cell ID
PCRFPolicy and Charging Rules Function
P-CSCFProxy Call Session Control Function
PD2DSSPrimary D2D Synchronization Signal
PDCPPacket Data Convergence Protocol
PDNPacket Data Network
PDPPacket Data Protocol
PDUProtocol Data Unit
PEKProSe Encryption Key
PFIDProSe Function ID
P-GWPacket Data Network Gateway (PDN-GW)
PGKProSe Group Key
PLMNPublic Land Mobile Network
PMCHPhysical Multicast Channel
PMIPProxy Mobile IP
PMKPairwise Master Key
PoAPoint of Attachment
PoCPush To Talk over Cellular
ProSeProximity Services
PSPacket Switched, Public Safety
PSAPPublic Safety Answering Point
PSSPrimary Synchronization Signal
PSSIDPhysical Layer Identity
PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
PSCHProSe Communication Shared Channel
PTCHProSe Communication Traffic Channel
PTKProSe Traffic Key
PubSPublic Safety
PWSPublic Warning System
QCIQoS Class Identifier
QoSQuality of Service
RARouting Area
RABRadio Access Bearer
RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RANRadio Access Network
RATRadio Access Type
RLCRadio Link Control
RNCRadio Network Controller
RRCRadio Resource Control
RTCPReal-Time Control Protocol
RTPReal-Time Transport Protocol
SAScheduling Assignment
SAESystem Architecture Evolution
S-CSCFServing Call Session Control Function
SCTPStream Control Transmission Protocol
SD2DSSSecondary D2D Synchronization Signal
SDFService Data Flow
SDPSession Description Protocol, Service Delivery Platform
SGSNServing GPRS Support Node
S-GWServing Gateway
SIBSystem Information Broadcast
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SIPTOSelective IP Offload
SMSShort Message Service
SMSCShort Message Service Center
SLAService Level Agreement
SLPSUPL Location Platform
SRScheduling Request
SSIDService Set Identifier
SSSSecondary Synchronization Signal
TATracking Area, Timing Advance
TAITracking Area Identity
TAUTracking Area Update
TC MSGTechnical Committee Mobile Standards Group
TCOTotal Cost of Ownership
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TDDTime Division Duplex
TETerminal Equipment
TEIDTunnel Endpoint Identifier
TETRATerrestrial Trunked Radio
TFTTraffic Flow Template
TIATelecommunications Industry Association
TMTransparent Mode
TMGITemporary Mobile Group Identity
TMSITemporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TRTechnical Report
TSTechnical Specification
TTATelecommunications Technology Association
TTCTelecommunication Technology Committee
TWAGTrusted WLAN Access Gateway
TWANTrusted WLAN Access Network
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UEUser Equipment
UICCUniversal Integrated Circuit Card
UMUnacknowledged Mode
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
UPUser Plane
URIUniform Resource Identifier
USAUnited States of America
USIMUniversal Subscriber Identity Module
UTCUniversal Time, Coordinated
UTRANUniversal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
v4Version 4
v6Version 6
VPLMNVisited Public Land Mobile Network
WCDMAWideband Code Division Multiple Access
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WLCPWLAN Control Protocol
WRCWorld Radio Conference
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