List of Abbreviations

AAOIFI: Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions
ABi: Accepted Bills-i
AHB: Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera
AITAB: Al-IjarahThumma Al-Bai
APA: asset purchase agreement
ASA: asset sales agreement
ASB: Amanah Saham Bumiputra
ATM: Automated teller machine
BB: business banking
BBA: Bai` bithaman ajil
BCBS: Basel Committee for Banking Supervision
BFR: base financing rate
BIA: basic indicator approach
BICC: building in construction cost
BIS: Bank for International Settlements
BNM: Bank Negara Malaysia
CA: capital arbitrage
CAMELS: capital, assets, management, earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity to risk
CAPM: capital asset pricing model
CDS: central repository system
CM: Commodity Murabahah
COF: cost of finance
DGAP: duration gap
EAD: exposure at default
EL: expected loss
FDR: fixed deposit rate
FIs: financial institutions
FTSE: Financial Times Stock Exchange
GDP: gross domestic product
GLC: government-linked company
GPP: grace profit period
HBT: home-building Takaful
IAIB: International Association of Islamic Banks
IAIS: International Association of Insurance Supervisors
IASC: International Accounting Standards Committee
IDB: Islamic Development Bank
IFD-i: Islamic Fixed Deposit-i
IFIs: Islamic financial institutions
IFSA: Islamic Financial Services Act
IFSB: Islamic Financial Service Board
IILM: International Islamic Liquidity Management
IMA: internal management approach
IMF: International Monetary Fund
IOSCO: International Organization of Securities Commissioners
IRB: internal rating based
ISDA: International Swaps and Derivatives Association
JFFC: Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates
LDA: loss distribution approach
LGD: loss given default
LIBOR: London Interbank Offered Rate
LLR: lender of last resort
LO: letter of offer
LPC: late payment charges
LR: leverage ratio
LTCM: Long Term Capital Management
MCM: Murabahah Clearing Market
MDB: Multilateral development banks
MIB: Maybank Islamic Berhad
M-M: Mudarabah–Musharakah
MM: Musharakah Mutanaqisah
MOF: maturity of facility
MRTA: mortgage-reducing term assurance
MRTT: mortgage-reducing term Takaful
OD: overdraft
ODS: object deferred sale
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OIC: Organization of Islamic Conference
OTC: over the counter
PA: personal accident
PD: probability of default
PLS: profit-and-loss sharing
PPFs: principal-protected funds
PSR: profit-sharing ratio
RAROC: risk-adjusted rate of return on capital
RSA: rate-sensitive assets
RSL: rate-sensitive liabilities
RWA: risk-weighted assets
SA: savings account
SA: standard approach
SAC: Sharī`ah advisory council
SC: Sharī`ah committee
SGF: Sharī`ah governance framework
SME: small and medium enterprise
SOA: simplified process of opening an account
SPV: special purpose vehicle
SSB: Sharī`ah supervisory board
STRC-i: short-term revolving credit-i
T&C: terms and conditions
TD: term deposit
TO: Takafal operator
TPD: total permanent disability
TR-i: Trust receipt-i
TT: telegraphic transfer
UL: unexpected loss
VaR: value at risk
VRF: variable-rate financing
WL: worst loss
ASIFI: Auditing Standard for Islamic Financial Institutions
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