About the Authors

Jamie Crager is the founder and CEO of crowdshifter.com and Crowdshifter Media, a digital marketing company that helps businesses use digital and social media to expand their companies. Crowdshifter Media provides “done for you” digital services, consulting, training, and speaking. He is also launching blazefly, a new patent-pending mobile application that will be a social and digital ecosystem for consumers and businesses. You can sign up for the beta at blazefly.com. Jamie also teaches social networking and digital marketing classes in the Continuing Education Department of Iowa Western Community College and sits on the advisory board of several companies. Some of his most recent achievements are Voted Best Social Media Consultant 2011 by Omaha Businesses via B2B Magazine, Google AdWords Qualified Individual, 2011 Stevie Awards Finalist for National Accounts Manager of the Year, and Miller Heiman Certified. Jamie lives in Papillion, Nebraska, a suburb of Omaha, with his wife, Jen, son, Joshua, and daughter, Katelyn.

Scott Ayres is a professional blogger and social media consultant who currently blogs and heads up training for the Facebook scheduling app Post Planner (www.postplanner.com) as well as podcasts on the popular “Facebook Answerman” show (www.FacebookAnswerman.com). He became addicted to social media even before MySpace (the first time around). He's a horrible Internet marketer because he's more concerned about teaching than turning a quick buck. On any given day, he spends 20+ hours on Facebook! He's been married for 20 years and has three kids that are his world. Scott grew up in a tiny community of about 150 in Flat, Texas, far away from the hustle and bustle of big city life. He now lives in Gatesville, a small country town in Texas.


Jamie Crager: I dedicate this book to my mother, Ann, who would say this and previous versions were written just for her. Although she is no dummy, she, like many others, finds technology and the online digital world a challenge. I hope this book helps make that world a little easier. My mom is a true example of selflessness, strength, and love. She is a two-time cancer survivor and, at the time of this writing (December 2013), will defeat it one more time in the coming months. I would not be who I am today without her. I’m very grateful for her sacrifices through the years, including watching our kids for five years, and for her example of what a great mother is. Thank you mom and I love you always! I would also like to dedicate this to my dad, Guy, who has always supported me and given his time, resources, and love to make things better for our family — for that I will be always thankful.

Scott Ayres: I dedicate this book to my best friend and wife, Lisa. We've been together for over 23 years and I can't imagine doing life with anyone else. Who would have thought I'd be writing a book someday about my online addiction! This book also goes out to my three great kids, Madison, Macee, and Nathan, who are too young to be on Facebook yet! I love you guys. To my two brothers, Loney and Corey: We've been through a lot and the best is yet to come. Dad, even with your disabilities you inspire me every day, and I'm so proud of you. Mom, I miss you. You always pushed me to swim against the current; being a part of this book is testament to that. Thanks.

Authors' Acknowledgments

Jamie Crager: My contribution to this book would not have happened if it weren’t for the wonderful people in my life and those who helped me on this project. I’d like to thank Jen, my beautiful wife, for her support, love, and encouragement. Her dedication to our family — along with watching our kids while I worked on this book late into the night and on weekends — is one of the biggest reasons I could do this project. I love you and am so blessed to have you by my side. To my son, Joshua, and daughter, Katelyn: You inspire me to be a better person and to do more. But at the end of the day, regardless of who I am or what I do, I’m content just being your dad. Of all my titles, this is my favorite and the most important one to me. I love you both, and you’re always in my thoughts and prayers.

I’d like to thank my editor on this project, Susan Pink. Her encouragement, patience, and help were above and beyond the call of duty. I’d also like to thank my sister-in-law, Kate McCabe, and her husband, Tim. Thank you for the research and contributions that helped me on this project. I’d like to thank my wife’s parents, Al and Wendy McCabe, for their love and support and for all they have done for our family. I’d also like to note that the bulk of this project was done while visiting their home in Ontario. I have too many others to acknowledge, but I’d like to thank Ken Power, Chris and Jenn Carlson, Jason and Jen Crager, and the rest of my family and friends for being there and helping me in more ways than I could list. Also thank you to my coauthor, Scott, for his contributions on some of the figures and for moral support as we navigated this project together. To everyone else I know, personally and professionally, I'm grateful that you’re in my life.

Scott Ayres: I'd like to thank Andrea Vahl, author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, for recommending me to Wiley as a coauthor of this book. I'm forever in your debt. Thank you to Amy Fandrei, for allowing me to be involved in the project, and to Susan Pink, for keeping us on track and making sure we completed our work.

Big props to Josh Parkinson of Post Planner for allowing me to set aside some time from my responsibilities to write this book. Thanks bro! To Rosh Khan, thanks for being a quiet inspiration to me via Skype and always challenging me to think bigger of myself. Chris Brogan, what can I say? You inspire me through your public messages but hundreds of times more through your private e-mails and messages to me. Your persistent message of being brave and taking risks motivated me to accept the book deal, and I thank you for it.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Amy Fandrei

Project Editor: Susan Pink

Copy Editor: Susan Pink

Technical Editor: Michelle Krasniak

Editorial Assistant: Annie Sullivan

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Project Coordinator: Patrick Redmond

Cover Image: ©iStockphoto.com/YinYang

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