Chapter 29

Altering Rows with the OLE DB Command Transform

The OLE DB Command Transform is used to run a SQL statement for each row in the Data Flow. It sounds innocent enough, doesn’t it? The reality is that the statement “for each row” should immediately make alarms go off in your head. This involves kicking off an update, insert, or delete statement for each row in an input stream.

To put this into perspective, imagine you are loading a product dimension table in your ETL process. Your predecessor decided it would be best to update and delete these rows using an OLE DB Command. The company you work for is a major department store, and the new spring clothing line is coming in. So, all the winter clothes are being marked down. This means you are going to get an update with a price reduction for all the winter clothes your company has in inventory at one time. Using the OLE DB Command Transform would mean that your package would be running several thousand update statements and your package would run for hours. A situation like that one is why we recommend you avoid using the OLE DB Command Transform.

NOTE So if we recommend not using the OLE DB Command Transform, what are your options? The best practice would be to insert all rows marked as updates into a staging table, and then in the Control Flow use an Execute SQL Task to update the destination table. Why is this better than using the OLE DB Command Transform? The Execute SQL Task performs this operation in bulk versus the several thousand update statements required in the OLE DB Command Transform. This method is explained in greater detail in Lesson 60, which covers loading a dimension table.

This doesn’t mean you should never use this transform, but it is important to understand its shortcomings when working with large amounts of data.

To use the OLE DB Command Transform, drag it from the Toolbox to the Data Flow design surface and double-click it. The configuration looks more complicated than it really is. From the Connection Managers tab, specify which OLE DB Connection you want to execute the SQL statement on. Figure 29-1 shows the AdventureWorks2012 database as the connection manager.

You set the SQL statement you plan to execute on the Component Properties tab. To enter your SQL statement, click the ellipsis next to the SqlCommand property. Remember that to tell SSIS that you are going to be using parameters in a SQL statement, you use a question mark (?).

You can also configure the amount of time before a timeout occurs in the CommandTimeout property, shown in Figure 29-2. This uses an interval of seconds where 0 denotes no timeout.

The Column Mappings tab in the Advanced Editor for OLE DB Command window is similar to the Mappings page in a destination editor. (Configuring destinations is discussed in more detail in Lesson 19.) It displays the input stream and destination columns, which are really the parameters indicated in the SqlCommand property. Any input column mapped to a parameter replaces the parameter with the value of that field. When you are mapping, remember that the order in which you place the parameters while writing the SQL statement is also the order in which they must be mapped. In Figure 29-3 you see how to map the following Update statement:

Update Production.TransactionHistory
Set ModifiedDate = ?
Where ProductID = ?

The last tab is the Input and Output Properties tab, which you will likely not ever have to change; it simply provides another place where you can add or remove columns that are used in the transform.

Try It

In this Try It, you work for a company that sells dartboard supplies. As new supplies are added to your inventory, some of the older products are being discounted. Use the flat file extract provided and update the price on all required products. After completing this lesson, you will know how to use the OLE DB Command Transform to alter data with a SQL statement inside the Data Flow.

NOTE The small package created in this example is meant only to show the capabilities of the OLE DB Command Transform. Our recommendations stated earlier in the lesson for why you might want to avoid using the OLE DB Command Transform for these sorts of situations still stand.

You can download the completed Lesson29.dtsx and sample files for this lesson from

Lesson Requirements

Create a table in the AdventureWorks2012 database named Product_OLEDBCommand. You can find the code to create this table in the download for this lesson available at

Download the flat file named OLEDBCommandExample.txt from to use as your source. Save this file to the C:ProjectsSSISPersonalTrainer directory.

Update the current flag and row end date columns in the Product_OLEDBCommand table and then create new rows in the table representing the new list price.


  • Use the OLE DB Command Transform to update only two columns.
  • After updating these fields, send the rest of the input stream to a regular OLE DB Destination to insert new records with the new list price.


1. Create a new package and name it Lesson29 or download the completed Lesson29.dtsx package from
2. Drag a Data Flow Task onto your designer and name it DFT - OLE DB Command.
3. Create a new Flat File Connection Manager, name it Product Price Change, and point it to C:ProjectsSSISPersonalTrainerOLEDBCommandExample.txt. Also, check the Column names in the first data row option. The editor should look like Figure 29-4.
4. In the Data Flow, bring a new Flat File Source over and name it Discounted Products. Open the editor and make the connection manager the newly created Product Price Change.
5. Open Management Studio, connect to the AdventureWorks2012 database, and run the following query to create a new table called Product_OLEDBCommand (you can download the query from
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product_OLEDBCommand](
    [ProductID] [smallint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [ProductBusinessKey] int,
    [ProductName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [ListPrice] [money],
    [CurrentFlag] [smallint],
    [RowStartDate] [datetime],
    [RowEndDate] [datetime]
        [ProductID] ASC

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Product_OLEDBCommand] Select 101,
'Professional Dartboard','49.99', '1', '1/1/2006',Null
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Product_OLEDBCommand] Select 102,
'Professional Darts',15.99,1, '1/1/2006',Null
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Product_OLEDBCommand] Select 103,
'Scoreboard',26.99,1, '1/1/2006',Null
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Product_OLEDBCommand] Select 104,
'Beginner Dartboard',45.99,1, '1/1/2006',Null
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Product_OLEDBCommand] Select 105,
'Dart Tips',1.99,1, '1/1/2006',Null
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Product_OLEDBCommand] Select 106,
'Dart Shafts',7.99,1, '1/1/2006',Null
6. Next, create another connection manager, this time an OLE DB Connection Manager, using the AdventureWorks2012 database.
7. Bring an OLE DB Command Transform onto the design surface, connect it to the source called Discounted Products, and after opening the transform’s editor, select AdventureWorks2012 as the connection manager on the Connection Managers tab.
8. Enter the following SQL statement in the SqlCommand property on the Component Properties tab, shown in Figure 29-5:
Update Product_OLEDBCommand
Set CurrentFlag = 0,
    RowEndDate = GETDATE()
Where ProductBusinessKey = ?
and RowEndDate is null
This statement means that for every ProductBusinessKey you have, the CurrentFlag will be set to 0, and the RowEndDate will be given today’s date.
9. Next, on the Column Mappings tab you need to connect ProductBusinessKey from the Available Input Columns to Param_0 in the destination. Figure 29-6 shows there is only one parameter in this statement, so there is only one destination column.
10. Now bring a Derived Column Transform to the Data Flow and connect the OLE DB Command to it. Open the Derived Column Transform Editor and add two new columns called RowStartDate and CurrentFlag. For the RowStartDate column, use the GETDATE() function in the Expression field, and CurrentFlag just needs a 1 in the Expression box. The Derived Column Transformation Editor should look like Figure 29-7. Click OK.
11. To finish this package, you need to load the new rows’ results into the Product_OLEDBCommand table. Bring an OLE DB Destination onto the design surface, and from within the editor, select Product_OLEDBCommand as the destination table.
12. Go to the Mappings page of the OLE DB Destination Editor; notice how all the columns are automatically mapped except for RowEndDate, which is set in the OLE DB Command Transform. Figure 29-8 shows how the final mapped columns should look.
13. A successful run of this package should look like Figure 29-9.
14. Take a look at the table in Figure 29-10 to see the results of a completed package. Notice that the package created a new row for each product with the new price. It also closed the old row by updating the row’s end date and the current flag. This is what’s known as a Type 2 change in a dimension table.

NOTE To learn more about data warehousing best practices, read Lessons 60 and 61.

Please select Lesson 29 on the DVD, or online at, to view the video that accompanies this lesson.

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