Chapter 28

Separating Data with the Conditional Split Transform

Sometimes you deal with source data that may require different treatments applied to it. For example, you want to generate a mailing list for a direct mail campaign, but you want to target only customers with children. You want to make sure to separate the customers without kids before preparing the list. You would also like anyone who has more than five kids to receive a buy-two-get-one-free coupon with the mailer.

The best way to separate data within a package to apply different types of actions is with the Conditional Split Transform. With this transform, you can send data from a single data path to multiple outputs based on conditions set in the Conditional Split Transformation Editor, shown in Figure 28-1. To open the editor, drag the transform in the design surface and double-click it.

The Conditional Split Transform uses the SSIS expression language to determine how the data pipeline should be split. For this example, all you need to know is that the Conditional Split Transform is checking to see if customers have more than five kids so they can receive the extra coupon.

NOTE If you need a reminder on how the SSIS expression language works, refer back to Lesson 21 where it is covered in more detail.

This check produces three possible outputs:

  • For customers with more than five children
  • For customers with between one and four children
  • For customers with no children

It may look like you have only two outputs, but if you look on the bottom of the Conditional Split Transformation Editor, the Default Output Name provides an output for data that doesn’t apply to the conditions declared. In the case of this package, you need only those customers with at least one child; you will see only these outputs in the final package (shown in Figure 28-2). You do not need to use the output for customers with no children.

Try It

In this Try It, your company needs a list of customers for a direct mail campaign that is only going to be sent regionally. You need to create an SSIS package that generates two different mailing lists because one region is going to receive a different promotion than the other. After completing this Try It, you will know how to split data within a package based on set conditions using the Conditional Split Transform.

You can download the completed Lesson28.dtsx from

Lesson Requirements

Create a new package named Lesson28 and make the following changes. (Again, you can also find the completed Lesson28.dtsx package at

  • Use the following tables from the AdventureWorksDW2012 database:
  • DimCustomer
  • DimGeography
  • Bring back the following columns from DimCustomer:
  • Title
  • FirstName
  • MiddleName
  • LastName
  • EmailAddress
  • AddressLine1
  • AddressLine2
  • Phone
  • Using the GeographyKey, use any method to join the DimCustomer and DimGeography tables together and bring back the following columns from DimGeography:
  • StateProvinceCode
  • PostalCode
  • Create a Conditional Split with these conditions:
  • Campaign 1—StateProvinceCode == “FL” || StateProvinceCode == “GA”
  • Campaign 2—StateProvinceCode == “CA” || StateProvinceCode == “WA”
  • Send these two outputs to two separate flat files to create the regional mailing lists.


  • In the Data Flow, you need only one OLE DB Source to bring in customer data.
  • You need a Lookup Transform to join geography data to each customer.
  • Use a Conditional Split Transform to separate the different state codes.
  • You need two separate Flat File Destinations for the results.


1. Create an SSIS package named Lesson28 or download Lesson28.dtsx from Add a Data Flow Task named DFT - Regional Mailing List to the Control Flow design surface.
2. Create a new OLE DB Connection Manager using the AdventureWorksDW2012 database as the source. Then drag an OLE DB Source on the designer and rename it Customer Source.
3. In Customer Source, select AdventureWorksDW2012 as the connection manager and SQL Command as the Data access mode.
4. Enter the following query in the Data access mode window:
Select FirstName,
From DimCustomer
5. Drag a Lookup Transform on to the design pane and name it LKP - Geography. Open the Lookup Transformation Editor and select AdventureWorksDW2012 as the connection manager.
6. Next, select Use results of an SQL query and use the following query:
SELECT GeographyKey, StateProvinceCode
FROM DimGeography
7. Go to the Columns tab to add the StateProvinceCode to the data stream, shown in Figure 28-3.
8. Now bring a Conditional Split Transform to the design surface and connect it to the Lookup Transform. When prompted, select Lookup Match Output for the Output of the Lookup Transform.
9. Open the Conditional Split Transformation Editor. Add a new output in the Conditional Split Transformation Editor called Campaign1, and then add the following condition:
StateProvinceCode == "FL" || StateProvinceCode == "GA"
10. Add a second output named Campaign2 with the following condition:
StateProvinceCode == "CA" || StateProvinceCode == "WA"
11. Make No Ad Campaign the Default Output Name and click OK. After making these changes, the editor should look like Figure 28-4.
12. Bring two Flat File Destinations into the Data Flow and name them Campaign1 Mailing List and Campaign2 Mailing List. Create separate connection managers for them pointing to the file location of your choice.
13. The Conditional Split will have three blue output arrows. When you connect the first blue arrow to one of the two destinations, a dialog box opens asking which output you want. Connect each output to the destination that has the name associated with it. This action leaves one output unused: No Ad Campaign.
14. Open each Flat File Destination to make sure the mapping is set correctly.
15. The package is now complete. When the package is executed, your results will look like Figure 28-5.

Please select Lesson 28 on the DVD, or online at, to view the video that accompanies this lesson.

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