Welcome to SSIS

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is one of the most powerful applications in your arsenal for moving data in and out of various databases and files. Like the rest of the business intelligence (BI) suite that comes with SQL Server, SSIS is already included in your SQL Server license when you pay for the Standard, BI, or Enterprise editions of SQL Server. Even though SSIS is included in SQL Server, you don’t even need to have SQL Server installed to make it function. Because of that, even if your environment is not using a lot of SQL Server, you can still use SSIS as a platform for data movement.

Though ultimately this book is more interactive in nature, this introduction first walks you through a high-level tour of SSIS so you have a life preserver on prior to jumping in the pool. Each topic touched on in this introduction is covered in much more depth throughout the book in lesson form and in the supporting videos on the DVD.

Import and Export Wizard

If you need to move data quickly from almost any data source to a destination, you can use the SSIS Import and Export Wizard (shown in Figure 1). The wizard is a quick way to move the data and perform very light transformations of data, such as casting of the data into new data types. You can quickly check any table you want to transfer, as well as write a query against the data to retrieve only a selective amount of data.

Figure 1


SQL Server Data Tools

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is the central tool that you’ll spend most of your time in as an SSIS developer (really as a SQL Server developer). Like the rest of SQL Server, the tool’s foundation is the Visual Studio 2010 interface (shown in Figure 2), and SSDT is installed when you install SQL Server 2012. The nicest thing about the tool is that it’s not bound to any particular SQL Server. In other words, you won’t have to connect to a SQL Server to design an SSIS package. You can design the package disconnected from your SQL Server environment and then deploy it to your target SQL Server or the filesystem on which you’d like it to run.


Although SSIS has been a major extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) platform for several releases of SQL Server, SQL Server 2012 has simplified the platform for developers and administrators. Because of its scalability and lower cost, SSIS is also a major player in the ETL market. What’s especially nice about SSIS is its price tag, which is free with the purchase of SQL Server. Other ETL tools can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars based on how you scale the software.

Figure 2


The SSIS architecture consists of five main components:

  • The SSIS service (there for legacy SSIS packages)
  • The SSIS runtime engine and the runtime executables
  • The SSIS catalog
  • The SSIS Data Flow engine and the Data Flow components
  • The SSIS clients

Let’s boil this down to the essentials that you need to know to do your job. The SSIS service (for packages running in legacy mode) and now the SSIS catalog handle the operational aspects of SSIS. The service is a Windows service that is installed when you install the SSIS component of SQL Server 2012, and it tracks the execution of packages (a collection of work items) and helps with the storage of the packages. You don’t need the SSIS service to run SSIS packages, but if the service is stopped, all the SSIS packages that are currently running will, in turn, stop by default.

This service is mainly used for packages stored in the older style of storing packages, the package deployment model. The new model, the project deployment model, uses something called the package catalog. The catalog is the newer way of storing packages that gives you many new options, like running packages with T-SQL. The catalog also stores basic operational information about your package.

The SSIS runtime engine and its complimentary programs actually run your SSIS packages. The engine saves the layout of your packages and manages the logging, debugging, configuration, connections, and transactions. Additionally, it manages handling your events to send you e-mails or log in to a database when an event is raised in your package. The runtime executables provide the following functionality to a package; these are discussed in more detail throughout this book:

  • Containers—Provide structure and scope to your package
  • Tasks—Provide the functionality to your package
  • Event handlers—Respond to raised events in your package
  • Precedence constraints—Provide an ordinal relationship between various items in your package


A core component of SSIS is the notion of a package. A package best parallels an executable program in Windows. Essentially, a package is a collection of tasks that execute in an orderly fashion. Precedence constraints help manage the order in which the tasks will execute. A package can be saved onto a SQL Server, which in actuality is saved in the msdb or package catalog database. It can also be saved as a .dtsx file, which is an XML structured file much like .rdl files are to Reporting Services. The end result of the package looks like what’s displayed in Figure 2, which was shown earlier.


A task can best be described as an individual unit of work. Tasks provide functionality to your package, much like a method does in a programming language. A task can move a file, load a file into a database, send an e-mail, or write a set of .NET code for you, to name just a few of the things it can do. A small subset of the common tasks available to you comprises the following:

  • Bulk Insert Task—Loads data into a table by using the BULK INSERT SQL command.
  • Data Flow Task—This is the most important task that loads and transforms data into an OLE DB Destination.
  • Execute Package Task—Enables you to execute a package from within a package, making your SSIS packages modular.
  • Execute Process Task—Executes a program external to your package, like one to split your extract file into many files before processing the individual files.
  • Execute SQL Task—Executes a SQL statement or stored procedure.
  • File System Task—This task can handle directory operations like creating, renaming, or deleting a directory. It can also manage file operations like moving, copying, or deleting files.
  • FTP Task—Sends or receives files from an FTP site.
  • Script Task—Runs a set of VB.NET or C# coding inside a Visual Studio environment.
  • Send Mail Task—Sends a mail message through SMTP.
  • Analysis Services Processing Task—This task processes a SQL Server Analysis Services cube, dimension, or mining model.
  • Web Service Task—Executes a method on a web service.
  • WMI Data Reader Task—This task can run WQL queries against the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). This enables you to read the event log, get a list of applications that are installed, or determine hardware that is installed, to name a few examples.
  • WMI Event Watcher Task—This task empowers SSIS to wait for and respond to certain WMI events that occur in the operating system.
  • XML Task—Parses or processes an XML file. It can merge, split, or reformat an XML file.

These are only a few of the many tasks you have available to you. You can also write your own task or download a task from the web that does something else. Writing such a task only requires that you learn the SSIS object model and know VB.NET or C#. You can also use the Script Task to do things that the native tasks can’t do.

Data Flow Elements

Once you create a Data Flow Task, the Data Flow tab in SSDT is available to you for design. Just as the Control Flow tab handles the main workflow of the package, the Data Flow tab handles the transformation of data. Every package has a single Control Flow, but can have many Data Flows. Almost anything that manipulates data falls into the Data Flow category. You can see an example of a Data Flow in Figure 3, where data is pulled from an OLE DB Source and transformed before being written to a Flat File Destination. As data moves through each step of the Data Flow, the data changes based on what the transform does. For example, in Figure 3, a new column is derived using the Derived Column Transform and that new column is then available to subsequent transformations or to the destination.

Figure 3


You can add multiple Data Flow Tasks onto the Control Flow tab. You’ll notice that after you click on each one, it jumps to the Data Flow tab with the Data Flow Task name you selected in the drop-down box right under the tab. You can toggle between Data Flow Tasks easily by selecting the next Data Flow Task from that drop-down box.


A source is where you specify the location of your source data to pull from in the data flow. Sources will generally point to a connection manager in SSIS. By pointing them to the connection manager, you can reuse connections throughout your package because you need only change the connection in one place. Here are some of the common sources you’ll be using in SSIS:

  • OLE DB Source—Connects to nearly any OLE DB Data Source like SQL Server, Access, Oracle, or DB2, to name just a few.
  • Excel Source—Source that specializes in receiving data from Excel spreadsheets. This source also makes it easy to run SQL queries against your Excel spreadsheet to narrow the scope of the data that you want to pass through the flow.
  • Flat File Source—Connects to a delimited or fixed-width file.
  • XML Source—Can retrieve data from an XML document.
  • ODBC Source—The ODBC Source enables you to connect to common data sources that don’t use OLE DB.


Inside the Data Flow, destinations accept the data from the data sources and from the transformations. The flexible architecture can send the data to nearly any OLE DB–compliant data source or to a flat file. Like sources, destinations are managed through the connection manager. Some of the more common destinations in SSIS and available to you are as follows:

  • Excel Destination—Outputs data from the Data Flow to an Excel spreadsheet that must already exist.
  • Flat File Destination—Enables you to write data to a comma-delimited or fixed-width file.
  • OLE DB Destination—Outputs data to an OLE DB data connection like SQL Server, Oracle, or Access.
  • SQL Server Destination—The destination that you use to write data to SQL Server most efficiently. To use this, you must run the package from the destination.


Transformations (or transforms) are a key component to the Data Flow that change the data to a format that you’d like. For example, you may want your data to be sorted and aggregated. Two transformations can accomplish this task for you. The nicest thing about transformations in SSIS is they are all done in-memory, and because of this they are extremely efficient. Memory handles data manipulation much faster than disk IO does, and you’ll find if disk paging occurs, your package that ran in 20 minutes will suddenly take hours. Here are some of the more common transforms you’ll use on a regular basis:

  • Aggregate—Aggregates data from a transform or source similar to a GROUP BY statement in T-SQL.
  • Conditional Split—Splits the data based on certain conditions being met. For example, if the State column is equal to Florida, send the data down a different path. This transform is similar to a CASE statement in T-SQL.
  • Data Conversion—Converts a column’s data type to another data type. This transform is similar to a CAST statement in T-SQL.
  • Derived Column—Performs an in-line update to the data or creates a new column from a formula. For example, you can use this to calculate a Profit column based on a Cost and SellPrice set of columns.
  • Fuzzy Grouping—Performs data cleansing by finding rows that are likely duplicates.
  • Fuzzy Lookup—Matches and standardizes data based on fuzzy logic. For example, this can transform the name Jon to John.
  • Lookup—Performs a lookup on data to be used later in a transformation. For example, you can use this transformation to look up a city based on the ZIP code.
  • Multicast—Sends a copy of the data to an additional path in the workflow and can be used to parallelize data. For example, you may want to send the same set of records to two tables.
  • OLE DB Command—Executes an OLE DB command for each row in the Data Flow. Can be used to run an UPDATE or DELETE statement inside the Data Flow.
  • Row Count—Stores the row count from the Data Flow into a variable for later use by, perhaps, an auditing solution.
  • Script Component—Uses a script to transform the data. For example, you can use this to apply specialized business logic to your Data Flow.
  • Slowly Changing Dimension—Coordinates the conditional insert or update of data in a slowly changing dimension during a data warehouse load.
  • Sort—Sorts the data in the Data Flow by a given column and removes exact duplicates.
  • Union All—Merges multiple data sets into a single data set.
  • Unpivot—Unpivots the data from a non-normalized format to a relational format.

SSIS Capabilities Available in Editions of SQL Server 2012

The features in SSIS and SQL Server that are available to you vary widely based on what edition of SQL Server you’re using. As you can imagine, the higher-end edition of SQL Server you purchase, the more features are available. As for SSIS, you’ll have to use at least the Standard Edition to receive the bulk of the SSIS features. In the Express and Workgroup Editions, only the Import and Export Wizard is available to you. You’ll have to upgrade to the Enterprise or Developer Editions to see some features in SSIS. The advanced transformations available only with the Enterprise Edition are as follows:

  • Data Mining Query Transformation
  • Fuzzy Lookup and Fuzzy Grouping Transformations
  • Term Extraction and Term Lookup Transformations
  • Data Mining Model Training Destination
  • Dimension Processing Destination
  • Partition Processing Destination
  • Change Data Capture components
  • Higher speed data connectivity components such as connectivity to SAP or Oracle


This introduction exposed you to the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) architecture and some of the different elements you’ll be dealing with in SSIS. Tasks are individual units of work that are chained together with precedence constraints. Packages are executable programs in SSIS that are a collection of tasks. Finally, transformations are the Data Flow items that change the data to the form you request, such as sorting the data the way you want. Now that the overview is out of the way, it’s time to start the first section and your first set of lessons, and time for you to get your hands on SSIS.

As mentioned earlier, the print book comes with an accompanying DVD containing hours of instructional supporting video. At the end of each lesson in the book, you will find a box like this one pointing you to a video on the DVD that accompanies that lesson. In that video, one of us will walk you through the content and examples contained in that lesson. So, if seeing something done and hearing it explained helps you understand a subject better than just reading about it does, this text and video combination provides exactly what you need. There’s even an Introduction to SSIS video that you can watch to get started. Simply select the Intro to SSIS lesson on the DVD. You can also view the instructional videos online at www.wrox.com/go/ssis2012video.

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