Appendix A

Incomplete Dopant Ionization in 4H-SiC

Dopants atoms in silicon carbide are incorporated substitutionally in place of either a silicon or carbon atom in the hexagonal crystal lattice. Due to the stacking sequence of the polytype, not all silicon or carbon sites are equivalent in terms of their surroundings, and each donor or acceptor can exhibit multiple site-dependent energy levels. Dopants on cubic sites typically have higher ionization energies than dopants on hexagonal sites.

Aluminum is the principal p-type dopant in 4H-SiC, and occupies either a hexagonal or a cubic silicon site, having ionization energies of 197.9 and 201.3 meV respectively [1]. The primary n-type dopants are nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen substitutes for carbon, and on a hexagonal C-site it has an ionization energy of 61.4 meV. Phosphorus substitutes for silicon, and on a cubic Si-site it has an ionization energy of 60.7 meV [1].

Because of its high ionization energy, aluminum acceptors in neutral regions of 4H-SiC are not fully ionized at room temperature. The density of ionized acceptors (and donors) is denoted by b01-math-0001 (and b01-math-0002), respectively. Incomplete ionization has a profound effect on device performance, and must be taken into consideration in our equations. Nitrogen and phosphorus donors have lower ionization energies and tend to be fully ionized at room temperature, so in most cases b01-math-0003. However, it is important to include the correct expression for the ionized acceptor density in all equations.

In depletion regions, the band bending moves the donor and acceptor energy levels far enough from the Fermi energy that even deep aluminum acceptors are fully ionized (occupied by electrons) at room temperature. In determining whether to use the ionized concentration b01-math-0004 or the total concentration b01-math-0005 in an equation, we must decide whether the expression refers to the charge density in a depletion region (use b01-math-0006), or to the carrier density in a neutral region (use b01-math-0007). In all equations developed in this book, care has been taken to distinguish these two situations and include the correct representations.

We now consider numerical values typical of 4H-SiC. The equilibrium hole and electron concentrations in extrinsic material (b01-math-0008 or b01-math-0009) at moderate temperatures b01-math-0010 are given by b01-math-0011 (p-type material) or b01-math-0012 (n-type material). The ionized dopant concentrations b01-math-0013 or b01-math-0014 in a neutral region can be calculated from the charge neutrality condition, and the equilibrium density of holes in p-type material can be written [2]

where b01-math-0016 is given by

A2 equation

Here b01-math-0018 is the energy level of the acceptor impurity, b01-math-0019 is the degeneracy factor for acceptors (typically taken as 4), and b01-math-0020 is the effective density of states in the valence band, given by

A3 equation

where b01-math-0022 is the density-of-states effective mass for holes and b01-math-0023 is Planck's constant. Similarly, the equilibrium density of electrons in n-type material is given by


A5 equation

Here b01-math-0026 is the donor energy level, b01-math-0027 is the degeneracy factor for donors (typically taken as 2), and b01-math-0028 is the effective density of states in the conduction band, given by

A6 equation

where b01-math-0030 is the density-of-states effective mass for electrons.

Figure A.1 shows the ionization fraction for aluminum acceptors in neutral regions of 4H-SiC, computed using an ionization energy of 200 meV. Room temperature is indicated by the dashed line. At a doping of b01-math-0031, only about 15% of the acceptors are ionized at room temperature, and the equilibrium hole concentration is only about b01-math-0032. The ionization fraction increases with temperature, reaching about 75% at 300 °C.


Figure A.1 Ionization fraction for aluminum acceptors in 4H-SiC, computed using an ionization energy of 200 meV. Room temperature is indicated by the dashed line.

Figure A.2 shows the ionization fraction for nitrogen or phosphorus donors in 4H-SiC, computed using an ionization energy of 61 meV. At a doping of b01-math-0033, approximately 90% of the donor atoms are ionized at room temperature.


Figure A.2 Ionization fraction for nitrogen or phosphorus donors in 4H-SiC, computed using an ionization energy of 61 meV. Room temperature is indicated by the dashed line.

Figure A.3 shows the Fermi potential b01-math-0034 for aluminum-doped 4H-SiC calculated using Equations 8.21 and A1, including the dependence of b01-math-0035 on temperature. As temperature increases, the Fermi level moves closer to the midgap, and the change is more dramatic for lighter dopings. The reduction in b01-math-0036 is caused by the rapid increase of b01-math-0037 with temperature, as shown in Figure A.4. Figure A.5 shows similar calculations for the Fermi potential in nitrogen or phosphorus-doped 4H-SiC.


Figure A.3 Fermi potential in aluminum-doped 4H-SiC as a function of doping and temperature.


Figure A.4 Intrinsic carrier concentration in 4H-SiC as a function of temperature. Room temperature is indicated by the dashed line.


Figure A.5 Fermi potential in nitrogen or phosphorus-doped 4H-SiC as a function of doping and temperature.

The above equations assume that the doping is not so high as to create an impurity band. However, at doping levels above b01-math-0038 the mean spacing between dopant atoms is less than 5 nm, and electron wavefunctions from adjacent atoms overlap, giving rise to an impurity band that reduces the effective bandgap. This reduces the dopant ionization energies b01-math-0039, leading to more complete ionization than predicted by Equations A1 and A4.


  1. [1] Ivanov, I.G., Henry, A. and Janzen, E. (2005) Ionization energies of phosphorus and nitrogen donors and aluminum acceptors in 4H silicon carbide from the donor-acceptor pair emission. Phys. Rev. B, 71 (24), 241201-1–241201-4.
  2. [2] Pierret, R.F. (2003) Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
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