Several important topics have been presented in this chapter regarding the various features and options for an organization's accounting information systems. Most of these topics relate to business processes that are computerized, at least in part. The existence of computerized accounting information systems presents specific challenges for accountants in terms of the potential for unethical behavior.

Recall from Chapter 1 that the accounting information system is often the tool used to commit or cover up unethical behavior. This is true regardless of the extent of computerization. However, it can be especially difficult to detect instances of computer fraud within certain computerized environments, especially if there is only one person or a limited number of IT personnel within the organization with responsibility for maintaining these computer systems. For instance, if an organization's business processes involve the use of sophisticated software programs, the number of personnel with sufficient expertise to recognize wrongdoing within the system may be limited. Likewise, if an organization continues to maintain legacy systems and the number of personnel trained to administer the older computer system becomes limited, the company's ability to detect unethical conduct is compromised. Fraud could be perpetrated and go undetected for a long time if these systems are not carefully monitored.

Accountants should be aware of opportunities for unethical behaviors within the various business processes. If accountants are well informed about these risks, they can be better prepared to control such exposure. As a company chooses features and options for its accounting information systems, the importance of monitoring those systems should not be overlooked as a factor in decision making.

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