
Page numbers with the “S:” prefix are entries from the Digital Online Companion.

accelerated relaxation, 339

Gauss-Seidel method, 339

air resistance, 8589

linear, 91

quadratic, 103


ant raids, S:145

atomic collision, S:228

baseball, realistic flight, 110

bouncing ball, 40

dipole radiation field, 369

electric field hockey, 332

falling tablecloth

mechanical, 316

thermal, 596

game of life, S:138

Halley's comet, S:15

laser-driven coherent state, S:94

magnetic field, 368

Mandelbrot fractals, 254

N-body simulator, 604

oscillation of slinky, S:52

plane electromagnetic wave, 371

planetary motion

Earth, 136

Mercury, 144

precession of Mercury, 148

projectile motion, 84

quantum revival, 2D, 429

quantum scattering from a barrier, S:79

quantum wavepacket

in free fall, 418

in SHO, 408

relaxation of electric potential, 336

shooting for eigenenergies, 461

simple harmonic oscillator, 272

soccer, 117

spin flip, 589, 617

strange butterfly attractor, 246

thermal equilibrium, 626

Thomson problem, S:67

three-body motion

choreography, 168

collinear, 167

Trojan asteroids, 179

wave on a membrane, 313

ants raiding pattern, S:142, S:147

atomic form factor, S:214

elastic, S:220

atomic reaction, S:211–S:221

antiproton impact, S:247

capture, S:229, S:232

cross section, S:230, S:233

Thomas mechanism, S:234

excitation, S:162, S:214

cross section, S:215, S:216, S:230

electron impact, S:245

ionization, S:162, S:218

cross section, S:218, S:230

electron impact, S:248

free-particle model, S:220

positron impact, S:248

atomic structure, S:65, see also hydrogenic atom

atomic units, 402

attractor, 219, 236, 245

dimension, see fractal

band matrix, 416

representation, 416

solver, see SciPy

baseball, 107

animation, 110

curveball, 110

drag coefficient, 89

lift coefficient, 107

basis expansion method, 479

box basis, 480

half-open space, 484

SHO basis, 481

bifurcation, 222, see also chaos


coefficient, 610

distribution, 537

Bohr model, 490, S:225, S:232

Boltzmann distribution, 576, 587

Bose-Einstein condensation, S:170

chemical potential, S:171

critical temperature, S:172

scattering length, S:206

bound states, 459

central field potentials, 486

double square well, 466

gerade and ungerade, 479

Morse potential, 485

periodic multiple wells, 469

square well, 465

boundary value problem

Dirichlet boundary condition, 297, 335, 471, 493

mixed boundary conditions, S:135

Neumann boundary condition, 296, 335, 373, 374

Brownian motion, 405, 537, 540544, 554

simulator, 560

C/C++, 17, 37, 406, S:193

catenary, S:47

celestial mechanics, 136

central field approximation, 154, 486, S:165

central field motion, 139


force, 173, 177, 196

potential, 141, 173, 177, 489, S:127

chaos, 227

bifurcation, 225, 240

kicked rotor, S:19, S:27

Lorenz model, 242

Lyapunov exponent, 229

nonlinear driven oscillator, 232

Poincaré map, 237, 247, S:134

Poincaré surface of section, 239

stadium billiard, S:22, S:28

strange attractor, 245, 263

time scale, 236

weather system, 244

chemical potential, S:170


approximation of π, 554

midpoint drawing algorithm, S:71

quantum dot, S:118

classical scattering, see scattering

classical trajectory Monte Carlo, S:221–S:236

animation, S:228

microcanonical ensemble, S:225, S:260

straightline approximation, S:229, S:248

coherent state, 429, S:88

measurement problem, 429

comet, S:15–S:18

Halley's, S:15

ISON, S:15

commutator, S:76

Coriolis effect, 173, 178

coupled channel method, S:86, S:90, S:110

Crank-Nicolson method, 414

Curie's law, 613

Cython, 17, 406, 631, S:110, S:193

debugging, 20

deflection function, see scattering

density of states, S:171, S:258

differentiation operator, 362, see also radial basis function

dipole selection rule, S:93

Dirac δ atom, 476, 510

δ comb, S:129

δ molecule, 477, 506, S:128

cusp, 477

displacement of a string, 286

drag force, see also air resistance

Brownian motion, 540

coefficient, 88

empirical formula, 90

quadratic, 88

viscosity, 87

eccentric anomaly, 162, S:260

eccentricity, 141, 676

Ehrenfest theorem, 411, 438, S:96

eigenvalue problem, 283, 309, 471, 480

generalized, 281, 474, 494, 528

Jacobi transformation, 284

Einstein solid, 564576

energy distribution, 567

entropy, 571, 573, 614

interacting systems, 573, 614

temperature, 577

electric field hockey, 332

electric potentials and fields, 334

disk in a box, 364

parallel plates, 336

unit square, 356

electromagnetic waves

dipole radiation, 369

plane waves, 371

electrostatic equilibrium

on a sphere, S:65

plum-pudding model, S:65

electrostatic potential energy, 544, 553

energy band, 470

entropy, 570, 623

Einstein solid, 571

heat and temperature, 586

Ising model, 586

paramagnetic system, 613

envelope function, S:92, S:96

equipartition theorem, 555, 607

error, see numerical error

Euler method, 42

Euler rotation, S:261

Euler-Cromer method, 71, 273, 326

evolution operator, 413

approximate, S:77

exoplanets, 158164

HD 139357, 159

HD 3651, 163, 192

modeling RV datasets, 162

radial velocity method, 158

expectation value, 409, 474, S:90, S:96

F2Py, 17, 406, 631, S:110, S:191, S:193, S:247, S:266

falling tablecloth

mechanical, 315

thermal, 596

fast Fourier transform, 250, S:30–S:44

aliasing, S:40

iterative FFT, S:38

Nyquist frequency, 305, S:44

Parseval's relation, 250

positive and negative frequencies, S:42

recursive FFT, S:34

two-dimensional, 432

wave function, 421

fast multipole method, S:193

finite difference method

displacement of a string, 288

error, 359

Laplace equation, 335

quantum dot, 493

quantum eigenenergies, 470

standing waves, 309

waves on a membrane, 311

waves on a string, 303

finite element method

accuracy, 359

basis functions, 293, 342

building system matrix, 350

data structure, 353

Dirac δ atom, 476, 510

Dirac δ molecule, S:129

displacement of a string, 292

error, 499

FEM library, 495

Laplace equation, 341

mesh file format, 531

mesh generation, 347, 353, 387, 495

mixed boundary conditions, S:135

nodes and elements, 344

Schrödinger equation, 472

stiffness matrix, 298

tent functions, 342, 475

fitting, 163

fixed-point number, 23

floating point, 24

bit shifting, 26

byte string, 25

machine accuracy, 5, 26

mantissa, 4, 24

phantom bit, 25

round-off error, 26

football, 128

Fortran, 17, 285, 406, S:191

Fourier transform, 249, see also fast Fourier transform

fractals, 251

Cantor set, 258

correlation dimension, 254

Hausdorff dimension, 252

Julia set, 259

Koch curve, 252

Mandelbrot fractals, 254

Sierpinski carpet, 259

free fall, 42

animation, 40

Euler's method, 44

momentum profile, 423

quantum mechanical, 413, 418

Runge-Kutta methods, 51

game of life, S:137

Gauss elimination, S:55

Gauss-Jordan method, S:56

Gauss-Seidel method, S:56

Gaussian distribution, 551, S:140

golden mean, 8, 462

recursion, 8

golf, 112

drag and lift, 113

Green's function, S:199

Halton sequence, 364

heat capacity, 577

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, 305, 401, 422, 501, S:44

Hilda asteroids, see restricted three-body problem

Hooke's law, 145, 278, 320

hydrogen molecule, vibrational states, 486

hydrogenic atom, 486492

l degeneracy, 487

angular probability density, 491

Hulthén potential, 512

modified potential, 1/r1+, 487, 511

radial equation, 487

radial probability density, 490

radial wave function, 489, S:106, S:256

screened Coulomb potential, 511

shell structure, 490

ideal gas law, 609

importance sampling, 547

installation, 2628

integral equation, S:198

IPython, 4, 26, 29, 32

IVisual, 19

Matplotlib inline, 17

Ising model, 577588

1D, 578

2D, 588595, 618

3D, S:179

antiferromagnetism, 578, S:178, S:187

critical temperature, 591, 594

energy, 583, 591

entropy, 586, 613, 616, 618

computation, 616

exact solution in 2D, 624

ferromagnetism, 578

heat capacity, 585, 593

hysteresis, 618, S:181

magnetization, 583, 591

staggered, 626, S:178

mean field approximation, S:177, S:180, S:181, S:184

partition function, 613

phase transition, 591

spin domains, 589

toward equilibrium, 582

IVisual, 19, 26

Jupiter, see precession of Mercury, see also restricted three-body problem

pull on the Sun, 159

Kansa's method for PDEs, 363, see also radial basis function

Kepler orbit, 141, 160

Kepler's third law, 144

planets, 143

Kepler's equation, 162, S:260

Lagrange points, 175, S:233

Lambert W function, 98103, 506, S:129

approximate formulas, S:7

Bose-Einstein condensation, S:171

Dirac δ molecule, 478

evaluation, 100

projectile motion, linear drag, 101

laminar flow, 88

Langevin equation, 541, 554

Laplace equation, 335

additivity rule, 376

Laplace operator

nine-point discretization, 376

laser-electron interaction, S:92

strong fields, S:98

leapfrog method, 6269, 76

area-preserving, 64

space discretized, 403

time dependent, S:261

time transformation, 149

N-body system, S:222

least square fitting, 163, 204

Lennard-Jones potential, 599, S:132

Levinson theorem, 652, 663, 668, 673

lift force, 105, see also Magnus force

linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO), 467, 479, S:129

linear interpolation, 125, 510

Lippmann-Schwinger equation, S:200

logistic map, 214227

bifurcation, 225

Feigenbaum number, 225, 226

fixed points, 218

Lyapunov exponent, 230

period doubling, 222

renormalization, S:28

Lorenz flow, 240, see also chaos

Lyapunov exponent, 229, see also chaos

magnetic field, 366

closed loop, 368

long wire, 368

magnetization, 583, 591, 613

Magnus force, 106

lift coefficient, 107

Matlab, 17

Matplotlib, 17, 30

2D plots, plot, 12, 3031, 45

3D plots

Axes3D, plot_surface, 211, 384, 389, 395

scatter, 262, S:60

animation, 451, 561, 627, S:148

aspect ratio, 211, 395


label, 12

limit, 206, 269

off, 391

semilog scale, 265

width, 30

bitmap images, imshow, 269, 391, 455, 627, S:150

color, 30

colorbar, 391

configuration records, 31


filled, contourf, 672, S:96

lines, contour, 211, 384, 389

error bar, 206, 569

font size, 30


off, 391

spacing, 30

histogram, 627, S:136

IPython inline, 17

legend, 291, 327, S:114

frame off, S:136


style, 30

width, 30, 211

marker, 30

color, S:60

multiple plots, subplot, 267, 269, 455

polar plot, 668

pylab, 17

step plot, step, S:117

text label, 30

image math mode, 211

tick marks, 455, 683

triangular mesh plot, tripcolor, 379, 389, 529

triangular mesh surface, plot_trisurf, 528

vector fields, quiver, 211, 384, 392, 559

Maxwell distributions, 605

mean free path, S:161

energy dependent, S:183

Mercury, see precession of Mercury

meshfree method, 360, see also radial basis function

MeshPy, 388, 495

Metropolis algorithm, 579581, 587588

model building, 89

molecular dynamics, 598605, S:222

close-neighbor interaction, 602

equipartition theorem, 607

ideal gas law, 609

initial condition, 604, 631

Maxwell distributions, 606, 621

optimization, 631, S:191

periodic boundary condition, 601605

pressure, 608

second virial coefficient, 609, 621

units, 600

Monte Carlo integration, 450, 544, 553

error, 547

hit-or-miss method, 554

Monte Carlo simulation

ants, S:145

Einstein solid, 564

nuclear decay, 536

particle transport, S:160

simulated annealing, 596

falling tablecloth, 596

hanging chain, S:153

hanging tablecloth, 619

traveling salesman problem, S:157, S:181

Morse potential, 485, 599, S:131

Navier-Stokes equations, see Lorenz flow


second law, 39

third law, 105

nuclear decay, 535

Numba, 16, 17, 270, 406, S:110, S:193

numerical differentiation

first order, 43

midpoint method, 48

second order, 288

numerical error, 5

global error, 45

in energy, 68

round-off, 6

truncation, 7

numerical integration, 445, see also Monte Carlo integration

Gaussian, 448, S:107

abscissa and weight, 457

multiple integral, 450

Simpson's rule, 447

trapezoid rule, 446

Numerov's method, 468, 513

first derivative, 514

logarithmic scale, S:127

NumPy, 16, 3138

advanced indexing, 34

row or column swap, 36, 385, 530

with boolean array, 34, 205, 211, 604, 631

with integer array, 34, 388

argmin, 206

array creation, 31

broadcasting, 33, 111, 330, 604, 630

concatenate, 205, 389, 421, 519, 530, S:43

conversion to list, 531

copy, 33

data type, 31, 417

diagonal, 291, 327, 521, 522

dot product, 152, 388, 521

element insertion or deletion, 32, 291, 327, 388, 396, 523, 528

element-wise operations, 33, 37, 205, 306307, 312313, 330, 337, 391, 406, 455, 604, 621, 630, S:58, S:60

F2Py, 17

FFT, S:86

in 2D, 432

flatten, 388

gradient, 211, 384

histogram, 621, S:189

linspace, 205, 210

matrix multiplication, 521

maximum element, S:58

meshgrid, 210

nearest difference, 205

outer method, 205

outer product, 455, S:58

random distribution, 535, 560

reshape, 385, 387, 389

row and column convention, 211, 384

row and column insertion or deletion, 36, 388, S:130

shape, 35

slicing, 32, 211, 306307, 312313, 330, 337, 384, 388, 417, 518, S:60

sorting, 389

stacking, S:60

column, 392, 396, 530

depth, 330, 385

summing arrays, 329, 440, 475, 604, 621, 630

take, 389

transpose, 385

truth array, 34, 205, 211, 385, 530

universal functions (ufunc), 16, 36, 37, 210, 475

vector operations, 111

vectorizing functions, 37, 475, 517

object-oriented programming, 14, 560, 565

orbiting, S:195, see also scattering

ordinary differential equation, 39, see also Euler, leapfrog, Numerov, and Runge-Kutta methods

implicit method, 62


damping, 273

resonance, 275

RLC circuit, 273

paramagnetic system, 576, 612, 615

partial differential equation, 271, see also Laplace, Schrödinger, and wave equations

particle transport, S:160

angular scattering, S:182

energy deposition, S:161, S:169

energy-dependent mean free path, S:183

range distribution, S:164, S:168

partition function, 576

harmonic oscillator, 577

phase transition, 591

Ising model, 591

ping pong, 114

spin effects, 116

planetary motion, 136146

open orbits, 144

properties, 139

simulation, 136

units, 143

Pluto, see restricted three-body problem

Poincaré map, see chaos

Poisson distribution, 536, 557, S:122

Poisson equation, 335

power spectrum, 249, 279

precession of Mercury, 146158

by other planets, 154

oscillations, 153

relativistic, 147, 152

scaling law, 156

probability density, 412

profiling, 381, 407, S:109

program profiling, S:85

programs list, 685

projectile motion, 83

linear drag, 91

quadratic drag, 103

visualizing, 84

pseudospectral method, S:78

Python, 10

2.7x vs. 3.xx compatibility, 14

assignment and type, 12

complex number, 269, 451

conditional, 13

deep copy, S:148

eval function, 204

exception, 528

file I/O, 14, 204

formatting string, 202, 216

global variables, 13, 52, 465

IDLE, 29

indentation, 12

inline if, 13, 206, 216

input, 12

installation, 26

lambda function, 475, 530

list, 12

append, 12

concatenate, 391, 566

count, 627

delete element, S:148

nested, 387

slicing, 33

sorting, 388

vs. ndarray, 33, 566

online help, 15, 31

operator overloading, 566

pickle file handler, 527

profiling, S:109

random integer, 566

random number, 534

speed boost, 16, 270, 317

with-as statement, 204

quantum chaos, S:117–S:125

chaoticity, S:125

energy level statistics, S:121

nearest neighbor spacing, S:121

histogram, S:124

scars, S:125

spectrum unfolding, S:122

stadium billiard, S:117

quantum dot, 492503

circle, 512, S:128

degeneracy, 501

energy level distribution, S:117

hexagon, 499

isosceles right triangle, 496

stadium, S:118

triangle, 508

wave function, 498, 502, S:119, S:125

quantum mechanics, see Schrödinger equation

quantum quilt, 443

quantum revival, 432, 434

revival time, 435

semiclassical limit, 437

quantum scattering, 647

T-matrix, S:212

amplitude, 648, 654, S:200, S:211

atomic form factor, S:214

Born approximation, 663, 665, S:201, S:206, S:209, S:213

Buckingham potential, 673

cross section, 654, 658, 664, S:212

elastic, S:245

Fermi's golden rule, S:201

Gaussian potential, 673

hard sphere, 655

shadow effect, 659

Hulthén potential, 673

inelastic, S:211

optical theorem, S:238

partial wave expansion, 652655

phase shift, 649, 654, 661, 663, S:206, S:208, S:209

potential barrier, S:79

potential well, S:83

Ramsauer-Townsend effect, 674, S:205

resonance, 651, S:84

scattering length, S:203, S:242

square spherical barrier, 660, 668

square spherical well, 668

WKB approximation, S:207, S:209

Yukawa potential, 659, S:166, S:201, S:209

quantum transitions, S:86

amplitudes, S:88

dipole allowed, S:98, S:216

dipole forbidden, S:98, S:216

in hydrogen, S:105

in the SHO, S:104

laser driven, S:91

multiphoton transition, S:98

occupation probability, 425, S:88, S:96

Rabi flopping, 426

two-photon transition, S:98

two-state system, 424

Rabi flopping, 426

in hydrogen, S:106

Rabi frequency, 427

rotating wave approximation, 427

radial basis function, 361

collocation method, 362, S:71

differentiation operator, 363, 364

Gaussian and multiquadric RBF, 361

scattered data interpolation, 361

shape parameter, 361, 365

radial velocity method, see exoplanets

radial velocity transformation, 198

random number, 533

correlation and moment tests, 534

integer, 566

nonuniform distribution, 551, 556

Lorentzian, 551

rejection method, 557

transform method, 556

seed, 534

uniform range, 552

random walk, 537

binomial distribution, 537

in 2D, 538


stability, 9, 304, S:238

reflection coefficient, S:81, S:83

restricted three-body problem, 171178

Earth-Moon system, 175

Hilda asteroids, 181, 193

Lagrange points, 175

orbital resonance, 181

Pluto libration, 183, S:14

Pluto's motion, 181

Sun-Jupiter system, 178

Sun-Neptune system, 181

units, 173

Reynolds number, 87

root finding, 94

bisection, 94, 129, 465

false position, S:6

Newton's method, 95, 131, 259

SciPy equation solver, 94, 122, 505

secant method, S:5

rotating frame, 194

rotation matrix, 197

round-off error, see numerical error

Runge-Kutta methods, 46

characteristic time, 61

non-vectorized, 60

SciPy wrapper, 81

step size control, 61

Runge-Kutta-Felhberg method, 62, 514

Runge-Lenz vector, 147, 153

Rutherford scattering, 638, S:66

cross section, 639

Rydberg states, 490, S:236

scattering, 634, see also quantum scattering

cross section, 636, S:253

deflection function, 634, 675, S:208

Yukawa potential, 645

glory, 644, 646, 665

impact parameter, 634, S:197

orbiting, S:195, S:240

plum potential, 641, 680

rainbow, 640, 644, 645, 665, 666, 669

Snell's law, 666, 670

square spherical barrier, 670

square spherical well, 670

Yukawa potential, 645

scattering length, S:203, see also quantum scattering

Schrödinger equation, time dependent, 400, see also wavepacket

average position, 409, 436

boundary effects, 419

coupled channel method, S:86

direct simulation, 403

periodic boundary condition, 407

split evolution operator, S:78

split-operator method, 415

Schrödinger equation, time independent, 460, see also bound states

animated eigenstates, 461

basis expansion method, 479

discrete energies, 311, 463

integral equation, S:199

matching condition, 464

pseudo-continuum states, 471, 472, 481

shooting methods, 463

Schrödinger's cat, 429

SciPy, 16

Airy function and its zeros, 516, 523

band eigenvalue solver, 513, 521, 528

band matrix solver solve_banded, 416

Bessel function

spherical, 660

zeros, S:128

BLAS and LAPACK, 285

combination, 614

eigenvalue solver eigh, 285, 327, 521

elliptic integral, 625

gamma function, 612

Hermite polynomial, 522, S:131

integration, 457, S:243

Lambert W function, 100

least square fitting, 163, 204

Legendre polynomial, 683

linear system solver solve, 290, 291, 388

ODE solvers, 40, 61, 81

orthogonal polynomial, 457

root solver fsolve, 94, 122, 505

sparse eigenvalue solver eigsh, 471, 475, 521, 523, 528

Weave, 17

self-consistent methods, 335, S:48

relaxation error, 340

shooting methods, 118, 463, 465

simple harmonic oscillator

animation, 273

classical, 66

quantum mechanical, 408

Simpson's rule, 411

Snell's law, see scattering

snub cube, S:69

soccer, 116

space discretized leapfrog method, 403, 405

normalization error, 412

stability, 405

sparse matrix, 355

special function

Airy function, 483, 507, 515, S:130

zeros, 516

Bessel function, 500, S:128

modified spherical, 668

recurrence, 677

spherical, 652, 660, 677, S:251

zeros, S:128

elliptic integral, 592, 625

Hermite polynomial, 482, S:131

Laguerre polynomial, S:127

Lambert W function, 478

Legendre polynomial, 448, S:108

in plane waves, 652

spectral staircase, S:115

spherical harmonics, 486, S:105

addition, S:251

in plane waves, S:251

orthogonality, S:251

spinning balls, 105

spin parameter, 107

split evolution operator, S:75, S:78

split-operator method, first order, 413

error, 419

stiff differential equation, 62

Stirling's approximation, 612

Stoke's law, 87

stopping power, S:162

symplectic methods, 69, see also leapfrog method

first order, 71

SymPy, 18, 26, 29, 319

factorization, 257

integrate, 71, 666

Lambert W function, 100


hydrogen atom, S:106

quantum oscillator, 482

series, 186

solve, 123, 505, 506

table tennis, 114, see also ping pong


Curie, 592

Einstein solid, 576, 577

negative, 576, 616

thermodynamics, 564

second law, 572

third law, 585

Thomson model, S:65

three-body problem, 164171

choreography, 168

dynamics, S:228, see also classical trajectory Monte Carlo

Euler's collinear motion, 165

Euler's quintic equation, 167

planar motion, 164

traffic flow, S:139

fundamental diagram, S:140

hybrid model, S:146

transmission coefficient, S:81, S:83, S:103

tridiagonal matrix, see band matrix

Trojan asteroids, 178

truncation error, see numerical error

tunneling, S:82, S:234

turbulent flow, 88

unitarity, S:76

Verlet, see leapfrog method

vibration, 277

normal modes, 280

string, 300

triatomic molecules, 277

virial theorem, 489, 512

viscosity, 8687

air, 122

visualization, 3, 40, 110, 369

von Neumann stability, 304

VPython, 18

arrow, 134, 202, 208, 393

axis flip, 397

box, 19, 41, 133

camera angle, 20

curve, 133

faces, 377

helix, 273

in GlowScript, 30

IVisual, 19

key detection, 134, 187

label, 133, 187, 202, 382, 455

box, 396

light source, 138

make_trail, 138, 382

making movies, 30

opacity, 133, S:67

rate requirement, 19

retain, 85

ring, 212

rotate, 20, 134

sphere, 41

vector operations, 111, 202, 392, 394


VPython modules (VPM), 14, 139, 307, 328, 330, 377, 452, 455, S:52, S:61–S:64

wave function, 400

laser driven, S:96

momentum space, 420

normalization, 412

conservation, 405

plane wave, 401

scarring, S:125

scattering, 656

wavepacket, 408, 418

broadening, 418

in 2D, 432

momentum distribution, 421, 432

optical diffraction, 433

refocusing, 409

scattering from a barrier, S:79

scattering from a well, S:85

self interference, 419

waves, 300309

on a membrane, 311

standing, 303, 307, 309, S:85

traveling, 301, 307, 323

wave equation, 301, 311

Weave, 17, 406, 631, S:110, S:193

Weyl formula, S:116

Wigner distribution, S:122

WKB approximation, S:207, see also quantum scattering

Yukawa potential, 511, 645, 659, S:201

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