Champion Teams and
Individual Stars


How do you build team spirit in a climate of rapid change and intense competition? That challenge seems even greater when some or all of your team members are fiercely independent Generation Xers—accustomed to solving problems in their own way and at their own pace.

Xers are so fiercely independent because most grew up spending a lot of time alone, either because their parents didn’t stay married, or both parents worked, or because parents in the 1960s and 1970s just tended to be more permissive than parents in the past. This childhood of aloneness taught Xers to expect to fend for themselves. But the other side of being alone is loneliness, and most Xers also have a strong desire for connections, opportunities to build meaningful relationships around shared goals, and the chance to contribute to something of lasting value. That is why the right kind of team can be such a fantastic opportunity for Xers’ growth, learning, and achievement.

What Xers Look for in a Team

1. Teams focused on solving immediate needs and producing concrete results fast.

2. Teams in which each individual is brought in because he or she has unique skills and knowledge to offer.

3. Teams in which authority is fluid and facilitative, based on who has the most skill, knowledge, and experience to deal with the specific matters at hand.

4. Teams in which each individual gets credit for his or her individual contributions.

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