
A MCS51 Instruction Set



Rn Register R7–R0 of currently selected register bank
direct 8-bit internal data location’s address
@Ri Internal RAM location 0–255 addressed indirectly through R7–0
#data 8-bit constant included in instruction
#data16 16-bit constant included in instruction
addr16 16-bit destination address (used in LCALL & LJMP)
addr11 11-bit destination address (used in ACALL & AJMP)
rel Signed (2’s complement) 8-bit offset byte (SJMP)
bit Direct addressed bit in internal data RAM or Special Function Register

Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic Operations

ADD A,Rn Add register n to A
ADD A,direct Add direct byte to A
ADD A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to A
ADD A,#data Add immediate data to A
ADDC A,Rn Add with carry Register n to A
ADDC A,direct Add with carry direct byte to A
ADDC A,@Ri Add with carry indirect RAM to A
ADDC A,#data Add with carry immediate data to A
SUBB A,Rn Subtract with borrow Register n from A
SUBB A,direct Subtract with borrow direct byte from A
SUBB A,@Ri Subtract with borrow indirect RAM from A
SUBB A,#data Sub. with borrow immediate data from A
INC A Increment Accumulator
INC Rn Increment Register n
INC direct Increment direct byte
INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM
DEC A Decrement Accumulator
DEC Rn Decrement Register n
DEC direct Decrement direct byte
DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM
INC DPTR Increment Data Pointer
MUL AB Multiply A & B
DIV AB Divide A by B
DA A Decimal Adjust Accumulator

Logical Operations

Logical Operations

ANL A.Rn AND Register n to A
ANL A,direct AND direct byte to A
ANL A,@Ri AND indirect RAM to A
ANL A,#data AND immediate data to A
ANL direct,A AND A to direct byte
ANL direct,#data AND immediate data to direct byte
ORL A.Rn OR Register n to A
ORL A,direct OR direct byte to A
ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to A
ORL A,#data OR immediate data to A
ORL direct,A OR A to direct byte
ORL direct,#data OR immediate data to direct byte
XRL A.Rn Ex-OR Register n to A
XRL A,direct Ex-OR direct byte to A
XRL A,@Ri Ex-OR indirect RAM to A
XRL A,#data Ex-OR immediate data to A
XRL direct,A Ex-OR A to direct byte
XRL direct,#data Ex-OR imm. data to direct byte
CLR A Clear A
CPL A Complement A
RL A Rotate A Left
RLC A Rotate A Left through Carry
RR A Rotate A Right
RLC A Rotate A Right through Carry
SWAP A Swap nibbles within A

Data Transfer

Data Transfer

MOV A,Rn Move Register n to A
MOV A,direct Move direct byte to A
MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to A
MOV A,#data Move immediate data to A
MOV Rn,A Move A to Register n
MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to Register n
MOV Rn,#data Move immediate data to Register n
MOV direct,A Move A to direct byte
MOV direct,Rn Move Register n to direct byte
MOV direct,direct Move direct byte to direct byte
MOV direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte
MOV direct,#data Move immediate data to direct byte
MOV @Ri,A Move A to indirect RAM
MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM
MOV @Ri,#data Move immediate data to indirect RAM
MOV DPTR,#data16 Load data ptr with a 16-bit const
MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move code byte rel. to DPTR to A
MOVC A,@A+PC Move code byte relative to PC to A
MOVX A,@Ri Move external RAM (8-bit) to A
MOVX A,@DPTR Move external RAM (16-bit) to A
MOVX @Ri,A Move A to external RAM (8-bit)
MOVX @DPTR,A Move A to external RAM (16-bit)
PUSH direct Push direct byte onto the stack
POP direct Pop direct byte from stack
XCH A,Rn Exchange register n with A
XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with A
XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with A
XCHD A,@Ri Exch. low-order digit ind. RAM with A

Boolean Variable Manipulation

Boolean Variable Manipulation

CLR C Clear carry
CLR bit Clear direct bit
SETB C Set carry
SETB bit Set direct bit
CPL C Complement carry
CPL bit Complement direct bit
ANL C,bit AND direct bit to carry
ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit
ORL C,bit OR direct bit to carry
ORL C,/bit OR complement of direct bit
MOV C,bit Move direct bit to carry
MOV bit,C Move carry to direct bit
JC rel Jump if carry set
JNC rel Jump if carry not set
JB bit,rel Jump if direct bit set
JNB bit,rel Jump if direct bit not set
JBC bit,rel Jump if direct bit is set and clear bit

Program Branching

Program Branching

ACALL addr11 Absolute subroutine call
LCALL addr16 Long subroutine call
RET   Return from subroutine
RETI   Return from interrupt
AJMP addr11 Absolute jump
LJMP addr16 Long jump
SJMP rel Short jump (relative addr)
JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR
JZ rel Jump if A is zero
JNZ rel Jump if A is not zero
CJNE A,direct,rel Comp dir byte to A and jump if not eq.
CJNE A,#data,rel Comp imm to A and Jump if not eq.
CJNE Rn,#data,rel Comp imm to reg n and jump if not eq.
CJNE @Ri,#data,rel Comp imm to ind and jump if not eq.
DJNZ Rn,rel Dec register n and jump if not zero
DJNZ direct,rel Dec direct byte and jump if not zero
NOP   No operation

The Special Function Register

Table A.1

The Special Function Register


B register: This is mostly used in multiply and divide operations. If not required for these functions, the memory space is available.

PSW (Program Status Word): CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 0V – P

Table A.2

CY PSW.7 Carry Flag: set/cleared by hardware or software during certain arithmetic and logical instructions
AC PSW.6 Auxiliary Carry Flag: set/cleared by hardware during addition or subtraction instructions to indicate carry or borrow out of bit 3
F0 PSW.5 Flag0: set/cleared/tested by software as a user-defined status flag
RS1 PSW.4 Register bank select control bits
RS0 PSW.3  
0V PSW.2 Overflow flag: set/cleared by hardware during arithmetic instructions to indicate overflow conditions
PSW.1 (reserved)
P PSW.0 Parity Flag: set/cleared by hardware each instruction cycle to indicate an odd/even number of ‘one’ bits in the accumulator

IP (Interrupt Priority): These set the priority of the 5 interrupt sources. There are two priority levels: low and high. A 0 in the bit position is a low priority, while a 1 sets a high priority. Within each priority level, the order of evaluation of simultaneous interrupts is

IE0 IP.0 External interrupt 0
TF0 IP.1 Timer 0 interrupt
IE1 IP.2 External interrupt 1
TF1 IP.3 Timer 1 interrupt
RI + TI IP.4 Serial port interrupt

P3 (Port 3): A general-purpose Input/Output port. It has the following alternate functions shown in Table A.3.

Table A.3

RD P3.7 Read data control output. Active low pulse generated by hardware when external data memory is read
WR P3.6 Write data control output. Active low pulse generated by hardware when external data memory is writtten
T1 P3.5 Timer/Counter 1 external input or test pin
T0 P3.4 Timer/Counter 0 external input or test pin
INT1 P3.3 Interrupt 1 input pin. Low-level or falling edge trigger
INT0 P3.2 Interrupt 0 input pin. Low-level or falling edge trigger
TXD P3.1 Transmit Data pin for serial port in UART mode. Clock output in shift register mode
RXD P3.0 Receive Data pin for serial port in UART mode. Data I/O pin in shift register mode

IE Interrupt Enable register

Table A.4

EA IE.7 Enable All control bit: cleared by software to disable all interrupts, independent of the state of IE.4–IE.0
ES IE.4 Enable serial port control bit: set/cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from TI or RI flags
ET1 IE.3 Enable Timer 1 control bit: set/cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from Timer/Counter 1
EX1 IE.2 Enable External interrupt 1 control bit: set/cleared by software to enable/disable interrups from INT1
ET0 IE.1 Enable Timer 0 control bit: set/cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from Timer/Counter 0
EX0 IE.0 Enable External interrupt 0 control bit: set/cleared by software to enable/disable interrupts from INT0

P2 Port 2: SCON Serial Port Control/Status Register.

Table A.5

SM0 SCON. 7 Serial port mode control bit 0; set/cleared by software
SM1 SCON.6 Serial port mode control bit 1: set/cleared by software
SM2 SCON.5 Serial port mode control bit 2: set by software to disable reception of frames for which bit 8 is zero
REN SCON.4 Receiver Enable control bit: set/cleared by software to enable/disable serial data reception
TB8 SCON.3 Transmit bit 8: set/cleared by hardware to determine state of ninth data bit transmitted in 9-bit UART mode
RB8 SCON.2 Receive bit 6: set/cleared by hardware to indicate state of ninth data bit received
TI SCON.1 Transmit Interrupt flag: set by hardware when byte transmitted. Cleared by software after servicing
RI SCON.0 Receive interrupt flag: set by hardware when byte received. Cleared by software after servicing
0 0 Shift register I/O expansion
0 1 8-bit UART variable data rate
1 0 9-bit UART fixed data rate
1 1 9-bit UART variable data rate

P1 (State of Port 1): TCON Timer/Counter Control/Status Register

Table A.6

TF1 TCON.7 Timer 1 overflow flag: set by hardware on Timer/Counter overflow. Cleared when interrupt processed
TR1 TCON.6 Timer 1 run control bit: set/cleared by software to turn Timer/Counter on/off
TF0 TCON.5 Timer 0 overflow flag: set by hardware on Timer/Counter overflow. Cleared when interrupt processed
TR0 TCON.4 Timer 0 run control bit: set/cleared by software to turn Timer/Counter on/off
IE1 TCON.3 Interrupt 1 edge flag: set by hardware when external interrupt edge detected. Cleared when interrupt processed
IT1 TCON.2 Interrupt 1 type control bit: set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/low level triggered external interrupts
IE0 TCON.1 Interrupt 0 edge flag: set by hardware when external interrupt edge detected. Cleared when interrupt processed
IT0 TCON.0 Interrupt 0 type control bit: set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/low level triggered external interrupts

SP (Stack Pointer): At a reset, the stack pointer is set to 07. When data is pushed onto the stack, the stack is first incremented, then data is stored at that stack pointer address. A pop retrieves data from the current SP address and then decrements the stack pointer. Note that the default setting for the SP will cause it to overwrite the Register bank 1.

P0 (Port 0):  

B Number Systems

Computers deal in binary quantities, i.e. a ‘low’ voltage (0 V–0.8 V) is a logic ‘zero’ while a ‘high’ voltage (3.4 V–5.0 V) is a logic ‘one’. Humans work in a decimal system, and as such you probably learned your maths as Hundreds, Tens and Units (HTU). Mathematically, we could express this as 102, 101, 100, so a sum would be:


Note that adding 6 tens to 8 tens generates a ‘carry’, i.e. it overflows the capability of the tens column.

The same happens in the binary scale. We do not have Hundreds, Tens and Units, but we do have powers of 2:


A decimal system has 10 symbols (0123456789) while the binary system has 2 (01).

Conversion: Binary → Decimal

A binary number can simply be converted to decimal by noting the position and value of the 1s:


Conversion: Decimal → Binary

A common way of converting decimal numbers to binary is to use the ‘repeated division by 2 method’. For example, to convert 20710 into binary:


The initial number is repeatedly divided by 2 until either a ‘1’ or a ‘0’ is left. At each stage, the remainder is written down, i.e. 207 divided by 2 is 103 r 1 etc. The answer is then read from bottom to top, i.e. 20710 = 110011112.


1. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal:

(a) 10110

(b) 11000011

(c) 10100101

(d) 1000101

(e) 11010111

(f) 01111111

2. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary:

(a) 112

(b) 193

(c) 69

(d) 87

(e) 29

(f) 237

Hexadecimal Notation

Computers work in binary quantities, and also handle words of various sizes. These could be 4, 8, 16, 32 or even 64 bits wide. In this book, we are concerned mostly with 8-bit processors. 8 bits are known as a byte, while 4 bits are known as a nibble. 4 bits contain 16 possible binary numbers, so it has become convenient to use a numbering system called hexadecimal. In this system there are 16 single symbols: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F. Our ‘HTU’ sum has now become


Conversion: Decimal → Hexadecimal

Given a number such as 237, it will be found that 237 divided by 16 is 14 r 13. 14 has a hexadecimal value of E. 13 has a hexadecimal value of D. So, 23710 = ED16.

Conversion: Hexadecimal → Decimal

Conversion of a number such as 7A requires the use of both number systems, i.e. A has a decimal value of 10, 7 in the 161 column has a decimal value of 7 × 16 = 112. 7A16 = 11210 + 1010 = 12210.

Of course, the simple way to convert is to use the convert facility available on most calculators. But there is no reason for not knowing the mechanism behind the conversion principle.

This section is concerned with the manipulation of 8-bit binary and hexadecimal numbers. It deals with the various ways in which numbers can be combined.


1. convert into hexadecimal:

(a) 63

(b) 99

(c) 180

(d) 200

2. convert into decimal:

(a) 22

(b) C9

(c) 1B

(d) F3


There are four main logical fuctions: AND, OR, NOT, EXCLUSIVE OR. They are defined as follows:



The following examples show the effects of two 8-bit numbers being combined.



Only where both digits are a 1 will the output be a 1.



The output is a 1 if any of the inputs is a 1.


1. Complete the following AND sums:









2. Complete the following OR sums:





Applications of Logic Functions

Masking: It is sometimes necessary to SET (to 1) or RESET (to 0) a single bit of an 8-bit byte. This is done by a process called masking. For example, if it is necessary to set bit 3 of a byte, then that byte should be ORed with:

00001000 (note that bit 0 is the Least Significant Bit (LSB))

This is known as the mask byte. When any two numbers are ORed together, a 1 in any position causes a 1 in the output. This mask byte would cause bit 3 to be set to 1, i.e. if the byte was


If a bit needs to be RESET, the AND function is used. ANDing a number with 11110111 would cause bit 3 to be RESET and all others to be left unchanged. This is because 0 ANDed with 1 = 0, 1 ANDed with 1 = 1, while 0 ANDed with 0 = 0 and 1 ANDed with 0 = 0.

For example, to reset bit 7 – AND with 01111111.


If the supplied byte was 11000110 then the result would be 01000110, i.e. unchanged apart from bit 7.


Occasionally, it is necessary to change the state of one or more bits. The simplest way to do this is with the EXCLUSIVE-OR function.

The mask on the lower half of the sum modifies the original byte as shown. When the mask bit is ‘0’ the source bit is unchanged, and when the mask bit is ‘1’, the source bit is complemented.



1. What mask byte would be used to set

(a) bits 0 & 7

(b) bit 6

(c) bits 2 & 4

(d) the lower nibble

2. What mask would be used to clear

(a) the upper nibble

(b) the lower nibble

3. What mask would be used to change the states of

(a) bit 4

(b) bits 7 & 1



You have probably grasped the practicalities of decimal addition quite well by now. Adding 27 to 31 is easy, but given 89 added to 47, then you have to start using the concepts of ‘carries’. The same occurs in binary:


(In decimal 1 + 1 = 2, which is binary 10.)

If a carry is involved, then 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 carry 1 (in decimal, 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 which is binary 11).


Subtraction involves the concept and possibility of negative numbers. An integer byte as used so far does not deal in negative numbers, so the theory must be altered. The number system is altered so that the Most Significant Bit (MSB) – which is bit 7 in a byte – is used to indicate the sign of the number. 10000000 is the smallest number which is −128, while 01111111 is the largest number which is +127.

The process of converting a positive to a negative number is called ‘taking its 2’s complement’. The process of handling numbers which indicate positive and negative numbers is called ‘2’s complement arithmetic’.

The steps involved are:

1. Change all the 1s to 0s and all the 0s to 1s (this is called the 1’s complement).

2. Add 1.

For example, form the 2’s complement of → 01101001 105
1’s complement = 10010110  
add 1 = 00000001  
result 10010111 (−)23

The ‘–23’ refers to the fact that the negative version of ‘105’ is 23 up from the maximum negative number of −128. (Work it out and see!)

To subtract 105 from 123, the procedure is to convert 105 into its negative equivalent and then add the two numbers.

105 in binary 01101001  
2’s complement 10010111  
123 in binary 01111011  
addition 00010010 = 18

Binary Coded Decimal

Binary Coded Decimal (or BCD) is another binary encoding scheme which encodes each decimal digit into a 4-bit binary code. It is a somewhat inefficient method since only 10 of the possible 16 codes are used. However, it finds a very important use where numeric displays are involved. For example, calculators, tills etc. An 8-bit byte would be encoded as:


This could express numbers in the range 0010 to 9910.

For example, 5610 would be 010101102.

Gray Code

This is commonly used for mechanical shaft-angle encoders, among other things. It has the property that only one bit changes in going from one state to the next. This prevents errors, since with conventional binary, there is no way of guaranteeing that all bits will change simultaneously at the boundary between two encoded values. For example, in going from 7 (0111) to 8 (1000), as a mechanical shaft rotates, it could be possible to generate 15 (1111) for a very short period of time.

Gray code avoids this. A 4-bit Gray code would be:


American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

Whenever characters, numbers and other codes need to be send from one device to another, it is frequently encoded into ASCII. Originally, this was a 7-bit code, but now has been extended into an 8-bit code to cover a greater variety of symbols. Most of the codes are directly for symbols, but the first 32 are used as control characters. They control things like serial transmission of data, or printers, or file exchange (see page 189).

Table B.1



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