
As a team, we would like to thank all of the people at Wrox for making this book a possibility. First, to Jim Minatel, our first contact into Wrox and for hearing our idea and putting us in contact with the right people. To Katie Mohr for being the right people. Besides signing off on the idea and walking it through the official approval process, she provided a wealth of understanding and guidance when we needed it. To Kelly Talbot, our development editor, for first and foremost making sure what we say makes sense (and is, in fact, what we meant to say). He also was there with us through the whole process and gave invaluable advice and was forgiving when we missed deadlines (more often than we should admit). He never gave up on us and kept us motivated (and provided the occasional shove when we needed that, too). To John Ross for stepping in at the last minute to write Appendix A for us, which really helps make this manuscript a complete work. To our technical editors, Doug Holland and Andrew Connell, for making sure what we say is factually sound and technologically correct. Without all of you guys, this book would not have happened, and we sincerely appreciate every one of your contributions.

I want to start off by thanking the writing team for their dedication and hard work at getting this book finished. There were many nights I was up writing at 2 and 3 a.m. (or even 4 and 5 a.m.) and could look in my IM client and see them up doing the same. And, in that same regard, I want to personally thank their families for letting them do what it took to get through it. I know how understanding my wife was and I know you guys couldn't have done it without the understanding and support of your families. So they deserve as much credit as anyone on this team.

I also need to thank all of the employers that have let me learn as much as I could when I was with them. Most recently, Malcolm Eaton and Jamie Story of Captaré, for throwing me into the SharePoint fire and letting me try to cook up something amazing. I have learned so much under you guys, and you will never know how much I appreciate it.

Finally, to my family for being there when I needed you and leaving me alone when I needed to write. I know you went through this just as much as I did and you don't even get your picture on the cover. I could never do the things I do in life without your support.

Oh, and to all of my friends and the GSS, let's try to eat some of the cake this time before we destroy it, okay?

—Jacob J. Sanford

There are so many people that I need to thank for helping me along my journey, not only through life but also along my most recent journey to the land of MOSS. The following is a list of a few people who come to mind, in no particular order: My parents (Pat and Tom Drisgill) for buying me a Commodore 64 and for encouraging me to reach for my goals. My in-laws, the Auerbachs, for helping me when I really needed it. My wife Jackie, for putting up with my Internet addiction and my new Macbook Pro. The entire team at CIBER Orlando “The Ocho,” in all of its iterations, for being there throughout this whole process even when I came in to work bleary eyed from writing. My co-authoring cohorts from Captaré for helping me sound semi-intelligent. A special thanks to both Andrew Connell and Heather Solomon for everything they do for the MOSS community, for being my mentors over the past year, for patiently answering my questions at all hours of the night, for all of their help on this book, and ultimately for being good friends despite hardly knowing me in person. Lastly, thanks to The Mossman for being the Incredible Hulk to my Bruce Banner.

Oh, and a shout out and hearty thank you to John Ross for picking up the pieces of my shattered mind when MOSS was completely killing me; I can think of no better person to learn MOSS with. Keep on moving those chains!

—Randy Drisgill

I'd like to thank Jacob for getting me involved in this project; Randy and Coskun for bailing me out time and time again; Jamie, Malcolm, and everyone at Captaré for their support; Bob Maybin from dragging me into this racket in the first place; And, last but not least, my wife, who has given me time, patience, and, at times, properly placed kicks in the pants.

—David Drinkwine

Nothing I have written would exist without the support of the many clients who gave me the opportunity to develop and revise SharePoint techniques and practices. My associates at Captaré, you have allowed me to practice the ideas I have believed for so long. Jamie Story and Malcolm Eaton, in particular, have provided me with guidance and flexibility while fueling my passion for technology, clients and business.

Jacob, you have not only helped make this book a reality but you have taught me wonderful lessons in the process. I'm extremely grateful to my co-authors for making this an experience that will serve me well for the rest of my life.

There remains one last group of people to acknowledge, and they stand at the center of almost anything I undertake: my parents, Nezahat and Nejat, who have given me what they could and sacrificed in the process; my daughter, Tuana, who has filled the missing piece in my life with more joy than she will ever know; and my wife, Kader, who I am eternally grateful for making the countless sacrifices and providing the day-to-day support that makes writing a book possible.

—Coskun Cavusoglu

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