
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate figures; those in bold indicate tables.


3-0 stereo 493, 495, 5289, 529

3-1 stereo 52931, 531

3-2 stereo see 5.1-channel surround

5.1-channel surround 5318, 533

international standards and configurations for 533, 5335

LFE channel and use of subwoofers in 5357

purpose of 5323

signal levels in 5378

track allocations in 534

7.1-channel surround 538, 539

8-to-14 modulation 267

10.2-channel surround 5389

100 volt lines 3724

principles of 372, 3723, 373

working with 3734

600 ohms 3746

principles of 3756

problems with 376, 377


‘A’ curve 20

‘A format’ for Ambisonic sound 548, 548

‘A format’ signals 60

‘A’ signal 505

AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) 256

High Definition 261

for iTunes 305, 3068

AAF (advanced authoring format) 3202, 321

AAX (Avid Audio eXtension) 388

A-B powering 67, 678

ABR (auxiliary bass radiator) 85

absolute phase reversal 12

absorption 22

absorption coefficient 22

absorption factor 22

ABX test 5901

AC (alternating current) 13

AC-3 encoding 2589

ACIP (Audio Contribution over IP) interoperability standard 33940

acoustic lens 867, 87

acoustical power 1718, 18

active loudspeakers 90, 901

active sensing messages 432

actuators 461

A/D conversion see analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion

ADAT (Alesis Digital Audio Tape) multichannel optical digital interface 3312, 332

Ader, Clement 519

ADL (Audio Decision List) 31920

Advanced Audio BIFS 257

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) 256

High Definition 261

for iTunes 305, 3068

Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) 3202, 321


diversity reception for 78, 78

helical 74

log-periodic 75

polarization of signal with 734

for radio microphones 689, 69, 735

simple dipole 73, 734, 74

siting and connection for 767, 77

three-element ‘Yagi’ 745, 75

two-element 74, 74

aerial distribution amplifier 76

AESX-192 project 339

AES-3 interface 3268, 327, 328

AES-5-1998 220

AES-31 format 31820, 319

AES-47 3445

AES55-2012 330

AES64-2012 4614, 462, 465

AES67-2013 standard 339

afclip 306

afconvert 3068

after fade listen (AFL) 138

aftertouch 4234, 429, 4367

‘A’-gauge jackplug 383

AGC (automatic gain control, radio microphone receivers) 76

AIFC (Audio Interchange File Format-Compressed) 312

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) 312, 313

AIFF-C (Audio Interchange File Format-Compressed) 312

air, how sound travels in 34

AKG C4141B-ULS double-diaphragm microphone 59

ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Coding) 389

Alesis Digital Audio Tape (ADAT) multichannel optical digital interface 3312, 332

aliasing 21318, 216, 217

alignment level 151

all notes off (ANO) command 427

Alnico magnets in loudspeakers 95

α (compliance ratio) 10910

alternating current (AC) 13

aluminum cone for loudspeaker 96

ambience 56671, 56871

Ambisonic panning laws 576, 5768, 577

Ambisonic system 54750, 54850

loudspeaker mounting for 550

principles of 5478

signal formats for 54850, 54850

signal source for 548

SoundField microphone in 573, 5734, 574

AMEI (Association of Musical Electronics Industry) 410


differential 371, 371

distribution 386

power 34757; see also power amplifiers

amplitude cues for sound source localization 378, 39, 40

amplitude of sound wave 2

amplitude shift keying (ASK) 71

analog information 205

analog mixer, six-channel 11723, 118, 122, 123

analog recording 17392

azimuth alignment for 187, 188, 189

bias adjustment for 187, 189

bias in 1779

block diagram of tape recorder for 177, 178

digital vs. 2046

head inspection and demagnetization for 186

history of 174, 1746

magnetic recording head for 178

magnetic recording levels for 184, 1845

magnetic recording process for 17780, 17781, 180

magnetic tape for 1767

mechanical transport functions for 190, 1902

multitrack machine for 1834

record alignment for 18990

replay alignment for 1867

replay equalization in 179, 17981, 180, 180

studio recorder for 182, 1823, 183

test tapes in 1856

useful websites on 192

analog white noise 229

analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion 21134

audio sampling in 21213, 213, 214, 215

basic example of 211, 211

filtering and aliasing in 21318, 216, 217

introduction to audio 212

noise shaping in 233, 234

oversampling in 231, 2313, 232

quantizing in 2201, 2213, 224

quantizing resolution and sound quality in 2218, 224, 225, 227

sampling frequency in 21820

and sound quality 21820, 6024

use of dither in 22831, 230

anchoring of segments 294

AND operation 209

anechoic chambers 19

loudspeaker response in 597

angle of incidence 35, 36

ANO (all notes off) command 427

anti-aliasing filter 217, 217

antinode 7, 7

anti-skating 611, 612

aperture effect 235

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) 286, 387

apparent source width (ASW) 41

Apple Core Audio Format (CAF) 306, 317

Apple Core Audio system

for audio processing 2856

MIDI interface of 419

plug-ins with 3889

synchronization in 4878

Apple Lossless Audio Coding (ALAC) 389

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) 286, 387

Applied Acoustic Systems Strum Acoustics GS-1 acoustic guitar synth 391, 398, 3989

arm of record player 60911, 611, 612, 616, 61617

ASCII files 312, 313, 318

ASIO (Audio Stream Input Output) 284, 419

ASK (amplitude shift keying) 71

assignable control surfaces of digital mixers 1634

assignment in AES64 466

Association of Musical Electronics Industry (AMEI) 410

ASW (apparent or auditory source width) 41

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 3445

ATA interfaces 280

ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) 280

atmo-cross 5701, 571

‘Atmokreuz’ configuration 566, 567

ATRAC data reduction system 259


digitally controlled 154, 162

for microphone 64

resistive 3512, 352

AU(s) (Audio Units) 286, 3889

for iTunes mastering 306

AU Lab 306

Audio and Music Data Transmission Protocol 342

Audio Beam 104

Audio BIFS 257

audio codecs, sound quality in 6058, 607

Audio Contribution over IP (ACIP) interoperability standard 33940

audio data reduction 25061

with digital radio microphones 72

interfacing with 329, 330

lossless and lossy coding in 252, 2523

MPEG for 2537, 254, 255, 255

need for 251

parametric audio coding for 257, 2578

Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) for 260

surround coding formats for 25860

Audio Decision List (ADL) 31920

audio file formats, digital see digital audio file formats and interchange

audio frequency range 3

audio groups and grouping for mixer 128, 129, 172

audio handling by digital mixers 1623

Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) 312, 313

Audio Interchange File Format-Compressed (AIFF-C, AIFC) 312

audio masking 251, 2534, 254

audio processing architectures 2856

audio processing for computer workstations 2837

audio processing latency 284

audio remote control

MIDI for 40759

useful websites on 469

using computer networks 45968, 462, 465

audio sampling 21213, 213, 214, 215

audio sampling rates and video frame rates 478, 479

audio signal, changing resolution of 23741, 239, 240

audio spectrum 3

Audio Spotlight 104

Audio Stream Input Output (ASIO) 284, 419

Audio to WAVE Droplet 306

Audio Units (AUs) 286, 3889

for iTunes mastering 306

Audio Video Bridging (AVB) 340

audio workstations, timecode and video synchronization for 4812, 482

AudioSuite 388

auditory canal 28, 28

auditory nerve fibers 2930, 30

auditory perception 2744

of frequency 29, 2930, 30, 31

hearing mechanism for 278, 28

of loudness 314

practical implications of equal-loudness contours in 345

spatial 3543

auditory source width (ASW) 41

Aural Exciter 403

Auro-3D system 5512

AURoundTripAAC 306

autolocate 183

automatic gain control (AGC, for radio microphone receivers) 76

automatic repeat function 183

automation 15462

background of 154

data storage with 15960, 160

dynamic and static systems of 162

fader 154, 1548, 155, 158

grouped fader 1589

for integrating machine control 160

of MIDI data 456, 4567

mute 159, 159

total systems of 161, 161

voltage controlled amplifier (VCA) 154

auxiliary bass radiator (ABR) 85

auxiliary level controls 140

auxiliary (aux) sends in mixers 139, 1712

AVB (Audio Video Bridging) 340

averaging 269

Avid Audio eXtension (AAX) 388

Avid Pro Tool systems 284

Avid Sync HD interface 482, 482

Avid/Digidesign plug-in formats 388, 388

AVnu Alliance 340

‘A’-weighted equivalent self-noise 62, 634

azimuth alignment 187, 188, 189

azimuth of head gap 188


‘B’ curve 20

‘B format’ for Ambisonic sound 548, 548

‘B format’ signals 60

‘B’ signal 505

back coating of open-reel tape 176

back electret technique 51

bad blocks 273

balance control in MIDI 4378, 438

balanced lines 367, 3678

electronic balancing for 371, 3712

star-quad cable as 370, 3701

working with 36870, 369

band splitting in Dolby A system 197

bandwidth limitation, coding artefacts due to 6067

bank select 441

banks 429

Bantam jack 386

baseband spectrum 215

basilar membrane 28, 28

in frequency perception 29, 29

bass attenuation 49

bass loading 85, 856, 86

bass management in 5.1-channel surround 5323, 5357

bass reflex systems

enclosure volume calculations for 11112

impedance of 923, 93

for loudspeakers 85, 85, 86

bass tip-up 49

bass-mid unit for two-way speaker system 88, 89

battery voltage indicator for radio microphone 70

Bauer, Benjamin B. 5023, 503

BBC-type peak programme meter 150, 150, 151, 153

BD (Blu-Ray Disc) 276

data-reduced formats for 2601

beat(s) 30

beat frequency 30

Beatnik Audio Engine 445

Bech, S. 583, 584

BELL 134

bell curve 143, 144

Berliner, Emile 174

Bessel Array 1023, 103

bext chunk 316

‘B’-gauge jackplug 383

bias 1779

bias adjustment 187, 189

bias trap 178

bidirectional microphone 535, 54

big-endian order 311

Binary Format for Scenes (BIFS) 257

binary information 205

binary number systems 2068, 2069, 210

binary word 206, 206

binaural delay 357, 36, 494

binaural localization 493, 494

binaural recording 5224, 523

binaural stereo

over loudspeaker 5025, 503

principles of 5001, 501

tackling problems of 5012

binaural techniques, pseudo- 518, 51819

bi-phase mark 267

in channel coding 328, 328

in timecoding 4734, 474

‘birdies’ artefact 607

Bishop, Michael 572

bit 206, 206

bit stream conversion 236

B&K (Bruel and Kjaer) head-and-torso simulator 523

B&K (Bruel and Kjaer) omni microphones 522, 522

Blauert, Jens 582, 583

blocks in OCA 461

Bluetooth 341

Blumlein, Alan 493

Blumlein stereo 4968, 498

Blu-Ray Disc (BD) 276

data-reduced formats for 2601

Bock, Stefan 303

boost/cut control 134, 1423

bounce mode 137, 138

boundary microphone 589

breath controller 4389

bridges (in networks) 336

bridging switch 350

brightness controller 441

British peak programme meter 150, 150, 151, 153

broad-band sounds, loudness of 323

broadcast connections 342

broadcast extension chunk 316

broadcast mode 136, 137

Broadcast WAVE format (BWF) 315, 316, 318

Broadcast WAVE format polyfiles (BWF-P) 316

Bruck, Jerry 571

Bruel and Kjaer (B&K) head-and-torso simulator 523

Bruel and Kjaer (B&K) omni microphones 522, 522

BS.1534 quality scale 590, 591

BS.1116 impairment scale 590, 591

buffering 436

burst errors 268, 268

bus 119

bus mode 136, 137, 137

bus trim 127, 133

bus-powered devices 343

bus/tape 136

butt joins 28990, 290

BWF (Broadcast WAVE format) 315, 316, 318

BWF-P (Broadcast WAVE format polyfiles) 316

byte 206, 206

byte ordering 311


‘C’curve 20


for MIDI 415

signal wavelength in 375

star-quad 370, 3701

cable capacitance 365, 3657, 366

cable inductance 365

cable number for MIDI over USB 4478, 448

cable resistance 3645

CAF (Core Audio Format) 306, 317

Calrec 1050C microphone 66

capacitance 14

cable 365, 3657, 366

capacitor(s) 14

capacitor microphone 48, 501

double-diaphragm 59, 59

capstan 190, 1901

capturing report 316

carbon fibre cone for loudspeaker 96

cardioid microphone 55, 556, 56

carriage return (CR) characters 318

cartridge of record player 61113, 61415

cascading 606

catchment area of parabolic microphone 58, 58

category codes 329

cathedral, digital delay in 4023

CD(s) (compact discs) 275

mastering of 303

CD-DA 275

CD-R 275

CD-ROM 275

CD-RW 277

CEDAR applications 298, 2989, 299

center frequency 142, 143, 144

center loudspeaker in surround sound 559, 560

center tap 65

center-track timecode 474, 475

ceramic magnets in loudspeakers 95

CF (Compact Flash) 277

‘C-format’ for Ambisonic sound 549, 549

changeover 1267


of equalizer 1356

in MIDI sequencing 451

channel aftertouch 429

channel coding for dedicated tape formats 2667, 267

channel controls for mixer 1369, 137

channel fader 127

channel grouping for mixer 128, 129, 130, 172

channel messages in MIDI 41921

channel mode messages in MIDI 427, 4278

channel pan 133

channel pan controller in MIDI 438

channel status bits 328, 328

channel strip in AES64 467

chunk-based file structure 312, 313

CIN (code index number) 4478, 448

Circle Surround 544

clapper boards 476

Clark, H.A.M. 493, 497

classical music, mixing approaches for 169

clip(s) 289, 289

clipping 148, 149

with digital audio system 2267, 227

mastering and 3002, 301

close mics 525

CMF (Cutting Master Format) 322

CMR (common mode rejection) 368

CMRR (common mode rejection ratio) 147, 368

cochlea 28, 28

code book 267

code index number (CIN) 4478, 448

coding artefacts 6057

coding noise 6056

Cohen, Elizabeth 226

Coherent Acoustics system 259

coincident pairs 50716

end-fire and side-fire configurations with 515

left-right reversal of rear quadrant pickup with 510

and near-coincident microphone configurations 517, 51718, 518

operational considerations with 516, 516

orientation of 508, 50811, 510, 511

out-of-phase signals and cancellation with 510

polar pattern of 508, 508, 509

principles of 50711, 508, 510, 511

stereo width issues with 508, 509

using MS processing on 51115, 51214

comb-filtering effects 401

Command Executive in AES64 4634

command in AES64 467

Command Qualifier in AES64 4634

common chunk 312, 313

common mode rejection (CMR) 368

common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 147, 368

common mode signal 368

common reference signal 3245

compact discs (CDs) 275

mastering of 303

Compact Flash (CF) 277

compansion process 194, 1946

compiling (‘comping’) of vocal tracks 288

complex sounds 46, 5

compliance ratio (α) 10910

composite video 479

compression(s) 1, 2

graphical representation of 3

and voltage 12, 12

compression driver for high-frequency horn 88

compressor/limiter 394, 3945

computer interconnects 3346 3346

computer workstations, audio processing for 2837

concealment 269

concha resonance 38

condenser microphone 48, 501

double-diaphragm 59, 59

cones for loudspeakers 957, 96

conference hall, digital delay in 4023

connecting leads for record players 61516


for microphones 68, 68

for MIDI 415

constant directivity horn 86

consumer interface 329, 32930, 331

container structure 312

control arrays in AES64 466

control change messages in MIDI 4247

control groups and grouping for mixer 128, 130

control(s) inAES64 466

control voltage (CV) and gate 409

controller messages, MIDI handling of 43741, 438, 439

controller thinning for MIDI 424

cooling fans for power amplifiers 348, 350

Core Audio Format (CAF) 306, 317

Core Audio system

for audio processing 2856

MIDI interface of 419

plug-ins with 3889

synchronization in 4878

core signal 257

cottage loaf microphone 57, 57

counter, real-time 183

coupled cavity systems for loudspeakers 85, 86

coupling of power amplifiers 357

cps (cycles per second) 2

CR (carriage return) characters 318

CRC (cyclic redundancy check) codes 268

CRC failure 269

critical bandwidth 30, 31


in mass storage-based editing 2902, 291, 292

in mixing 2423

in note assignment in synthesizers and samplers 4345, 435

crossover frequency 89

crossover network for two-way speaker system 89


with mixers 149

with power amplifiers 354

with two-channel stereo 507

crosstalk cancelling 504

crotchet 484

CSound 256

cue mixer 141

current 13, 13, 14

cut control 134, 138, 1423

cut-and-splice editing of digital tape recordings 271

Cutting Master Format (CMF) 322

CV (control voltage) and gate 409

cycles per second (cps) 2

cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes 268


‘D’ curve 20

D/A (digital-to-analog) conversion 235, 2356

and sound quality 6024

DA-88 format 271

DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) 251

damping 46

damping factor of power amplifiers 356

Dante 339

DASH (Digital Audio Stationary Head) format 265, 2701, 271

DAT format 26970, 270

data and sync separation 266

data buffers 436

data bytes in MIDI messages 420

DATA chunk 314, 314, 316

data files 31112

data fork 311

data networks 3346, 3346

data packets 334, 3345, 337

data recovery with digital tape recording 266

data reduction, audio see audio data reduction

data storage with mixer automation 15960, 160

dB (decibel) 1517

reference for 16

dB (decibel) ratios 16

dbx system 199

DC offsets 357

DCA (digitally controlled attenuator) 154, 162

DCLD (Downmix Channel Level Differences) 260

DCP (Digital Cinema Project) format 552

DDP (Disc Description Protocol) 303, 3223

DDP IP stream (DDPID) file 323

DDP Map stream (DDPMS) file 323

Decca Tree 5201, 521

decibel (dB) 1517

reference for 16

decibel (dB) ratios 16

declick 298, 299

decoder in Dolby A system 197

decrackle 298

dedicated audio interfaces 325, 326

dedicated monitor mixer 146

de-esser 403

delay 10, 10

binaural 357, 36, 494

digital 4013

with digital radio microphones 72

delay lines 525

delta-sigma converter 233, 234, 236

demagnetization of heads 186

denoise 298, 299

depth perception 423

desk items in AES64 465

dethump 298

device control message in MIDI 437

device ID in MIDI 432

‘D-format’ for Ambisonic sound 54950, 550

DI boxes see direct-injection (DI) boxes

dialog normalization (‘dialnorm’) 258, 259, 302

differential amplifiers 371, 371

differential component in Dolby A system 197, 197, 198

diffuse fields 201, 22, 23

Digico D5T mixer 164, 1646

Digidesign ICON series workstation-integrated mixer 167

Digidesign plug-in formats 388, 388

digital audio

MIDI vs. 41113, 412

storage requirements of 2778

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) 251

digital audio file formats and interchange 31023

advanced authoring format (AAF) 3202, 321

AES-31 31820, 319

AIFF and AIFF-C 312, 313

Broadcast WAVE format (BWF) 315, 316

Core Audio Format (CAF) 317

disk pre-mastering 3223


edit decision list (EDL) 31718

in general 31112

media exchange format (MXF) 320

MPEG 317

and project interchange 31718

RIFF WAVE (WAV) 31215, 314, 315

digital audio interfaces 32434

AES/EBU (AES-3) 3268, 327, 328

basics of 3246

for carrying data-reduced audio 329, 330

dedicated formats for 325, 326

MADI 3301

vs. networked data interchange 324, 325

proprietary 3314, 332, 333

standard consumer (IEC 609583) 329, 32930, 331

digital audio principles 20362

analog-to-digital conversion 21134

audio data reduction 25061

binary for beginners 2068, 2069, 210

changing resolution of audio signal (requantization) 23741, 239, 240

digital audio signal chain 210, 210

digital vs. analog recording 2046

digital-to-analog conversion 235, 2356

Direct Stream Digital (DSD) 236, 237

introduction to digital signal processing 2419, 242, 2447

pitch shifting and time stretching 24950

digital audio signal chain 210, 210

Digital Audio Stationary Head (DASH) format 265, 2701, 271

digital audio synchronization 47781

requirements for 4778

sample clock jitter and effects on sound quality in 4801

signal synchronization in 47880, 480

digital audio workstations, integrated control of 167, 1678, 168

Digital Cinema Project (DCP) format 552

digital decimation filter 232, 2323

digital delay 4013

digital filters 2436, 2446

digital information 205

digital mixers 1626, 164

assignable control surfaces of 1634

audio handling by 1623

case study of 164, 1646

with scene memories 148

digital noise extraction 202

Digital Radio 251

digital radio microphones 713

digital recording, analog vs. 2046

digital reverberation 246, 2467, 397, 3978

digital signal chain, sound quality in 6025, 604

digital signal processing (DSP) 2419

digital filters and equalization in 2436, 2446

digital reverberation and other effects in 246, 2467

dynamics processing in 247, 2478

gain changing (level control) in 2412, 242

in loudspeakers 113

mixing in 2423

sample rate conversion in 2489

digital signal processing (DSP) cards 283, 2845

digital surround sound formats 547

digital tape recording 26471

background to 2645

channel coding for 2667, 267

data recovery with 266

editing of 271, 272

error correction with 2679, 268

formats for 26971, 26971

rotary vs. stationary heads in 264, 265

tape for 2645

Digital Theater Systems (DTS)

Coherent Acoustics system of 259

high-resolution data reduction by 261

digital video, synchronized 4589

digitally controlled analog mixers 166, 166

digitally controlled attenuator (DCA) 154, 162

digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion 235, 2356

and sound quality 6024

DIM 140

DIN level 185

DIN pair 517

DIN peak program meter 153


direct coupling of power amplifiers 357

Direct Stream Digital (DSD) 236, 237, 276

Direct Stream Digital raw (DSD-raw) format 3323, 333

Direct Stream Digital-Interchange File Format (DSD-IFF) 315

Direct Stream Transfer (DST) 253, 276

direct-injection (DI) boxes 37780

active 37980

overview of 3778

passive 378, 3789

directional responses of microphones 517, 52, 547

directivity factor 19

directivity index 19

directivity of loudspeaker 1016, 103

DirectMusic 419

DirectSound 419

DirectX audio plug-ins 389

Disc Description Protocol (DDP) 303, 3223

disk drives

hard 2724, 273

optical 2747

disk fragmentation 282, 282

disk pre-mastering formats 3223

dispersion of loudspeaker 1016, 103

display of MIDI information 4535, 454

distance perception 423

distorted sounds, loudness of 33


in loudspeaker systems 99

in mixers 148, 149

in power amplifiers 354, 355

distributed mode loudspeaker (DML) 834, 84, 106

distribution amplifiers 386

dither 22831, 230

in requantization 240, 240

diversity reception 78, 78

DLL (dynamic link library) 389

DLS (Downloadable Sounds) 446

DML (distributed mode loudspeaker) 834, 84, 106

Dolby A system 1967, 197, 198, 200

Dolby Atmos 552, 5523

Dolby B noise reduction system 196

Dolby C system 196

Dolby Digital encoding 2589, 303, 304

Dolby Digital Plus 261, 276

Dolby EX 535, 546, 546

Dolby level 196, 200, 200

Dolby Noise 200

Dolby noise reduction systems 1968, 197, 198

line-up of 199200, 200

Dolby ProLogic 542, 543

Dolby SR system 1978, 200

Dolby Stereo 5402, 541

Dolby Surround 5402, 542

Dolby tone 200

Dolby TrueHD 253, 260, 276

dome tweeter 88, 88

domestic power amplifiers 3478

Dooley, Wesley L. 522, 522

double MS technique 571, 571, 572, 572

Double Play tape 176

double-diaphragm capacitor microphone 59, 59

double-ribbon principle 50

double-tracking 247

download(s), mastering and preparing material for 305

Downloadable Sounds (DLS) 446

Downmix Channel Level Differences (DCLD) 260

downward pitch shift 400, 400

drive unit 802, 81


for loudspeaker 802, 81

for MIDI 41819

drop-frame timecode 473

drop-in facilities 169

DSD (Direct Stream Digital) 236, 237, 276

DSD-IFF (Direct Stream Digital-Interchange File Format) 315

DSD-raw (Direct Stream Digital raw) format 3323, 333

DSP see digital signal processing (DSP)

DSP Farms 284

DST (Direct Stream Transfer) 253, 276

DTS (Digital Theater Systems)

Coherent Acoustics system of 259

high-resolution data reduction by 261

DTS-HD High Resolution Audio 261, 276

DTS-HD Master Audio 261, 276

dummy head techniques 5224, 523

dump mode 137, 138

Dutton, G.F. 493, 497

DVD(s) 2756

mastering of 303

DVD+RW 275

DVD-Audio 276, 303

DVD-R 275


DVD-RW 275

DVD-Video 2756, 303

dynamic automation systems 162

dynamic crosstalk with power amplifiers 354

dynamic link library (DLL) 389

dynamic microphone 47, 489

dynamic range

analogue vs. digital 300, 301

of digital audio system 2267, 227

enhancement during requantization of 237, 238

and sound quality 600, 6001

dynamic voice allocation in general MIDI 443

dynamics processing, digital 247, 2478

dynamics section of mixer 1334


ear drum 28, 28

ear inserts 523

ear mechanism 278, 28

early reflections 25

earth loops

with balanced lines 368, 369

with unbalanced lines 363

earth-lift facility 350

EBU (European Broadcasting Union)

ACIP recommendations of 33940

interface of 3268, 327, 328

peak program meter of 150, 150, 151, 153

timecode of 4724, 474

echo(es) 25

flutter 25

echo chamber 396

echo devices 3967

echo plate 396

Edison, Thomas 174

edit controller in AES64 467

edit decision list (EDL) 288, 290

edit decision list (EDL) files and project interchange 31718

edit decision markup language (EDML) 31820, 319

edit point handling 28990, 290


of digital tape recording 271, 272

mass storage-based 28798

of MIDI information 4535, 454

non-linear 2878, 288, 294

tape-based 293, 2934, 294

editing modes 2924, 293, 294

EDL (edit decision list) 288, 290

EDL (edit decision list) files and project interchange 31718

EDML (edit decision markup language) 31820, 319

effective radiated power (ERP) 70

effects channel 530

effects controllers in MIDI 439

effects returns of mixer 141

eigentones 215, 23

EIN (equivalent input noise) 1467

electret designs 51

electrical form, sound in 12, 1214, 13

electrical recording, history of 175

electromagnetic transducers 46

electronic balancing 371, 3712

electronic bargraph metering for mixers 152, 152

electronic equalization in active loudspeakers 91

electronic tape copy editing 271, 272

electrostatic loudspeaker 82, 83

EMagic Unitor 8 interface 417, 417

enclosure for loudspeaker 80, 10813

encoder in Dolby A system 197

end-fire configuration of stereo pair 515

envelope controllers in MIDI 441

envelopment 41

environments in MIDI sequencing 4512, 452


in analog recording 179, 17981, 180, 180

in digital signal processing 2436, 2446

of dummy heads 523

headphone 502

RIAA 61314, 614

spatial 505

equalization (EQ) section 1346

explanation of 1425

filters in 136

high-frequency control in 142, 142, 143, 143

hi-mid control in 142, 1424, 1435

of in-line multitrack mixer 125, 126

lo-mid control in 142, 142, 145

low-frequency control in 142, 142

principal EQ bands in 1434, 1435

of six-channel analog mixer 119

typical layout of 142, 1423

equalizer section see equalization (EQ) section

equal-loudness contours 31, 32

practical implications of 345

equivalent air volume of suspension

compliance (VAS) 109

equivalent input noise (EIN) 1467

equivalent line spectra 5, 56

erase head on analog tape recorder 177, 177

ERP (effective radiated power) 70

error correction with digital tape recording 2679, 268

essence files 320

Ethernet, MIDI over 4489

EuCon 168, 4647

note objects in 466

processor types in 467

protocol for 466

EUI (Extended Unique Identifier) 462

European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

ACIP recommendations of 33940

interface of 3268, 327, 328

peak program meter of 150, 150, 151, 153

timecode of 4724, 474

European-style console 1245, 125

European-type peak program meter 150, 150, 151, 153

exclusive OR (XOR) operation 209

expander 3956

expander/gate 3956

exponent 209, 210

exponential crossfade 292, 292

Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) 462

eXtensible Music Format (XMF) files 4456

external MIDI controllers 458

external sync mode 324

externalization, sense of 38, 41


fader(s) 120

channel 127

electrical quality of 120

group 128, 129, 130

of in-line multitrack mixer 1267

input 119

law of 119, 120

linear 120

logarithmic (‘log’) 120

master 141

monitor 127

output 119, 122

voltage controlled amplifier (VCA) 1548, 155, 156, 158

fader automation 154, 1548, 155, 158

grouping with 1589

fader flip 1267, 136, 140

fader reverse 1267, 136, 140

fader swapping 1267, 136, 140

fast wind 191

FAT 32 (File Allocation Table) 282

FAT 32 (File Allocation Table) file system 318

Faulkner pair 518, 518

ferrite magnets in loudspeakers 95

fidelity 585, 585

field-effect transistor (FET) 48

field-effect transistor (FET) mute switch 159, 159

Fielder, Louis 226

figure-eight microphone 535, 54

file(s) 31112

File Allocation Table (FAT 32) 282

File Allocation Table (FAT 32) file system 318

file formats, digital audio see digital audio file formats and interchange

file frame indicator 318

file transfer protocol (FTP) 338

filing systems 282, 282

filter(s) and filtering

in A/D conversion 21318, 216, 217

digital 2436, 2446

in equalization 1434, 145

finite impulse response (FIR) 245, 245

infinite impulse response (IIR) 2456, 246

Finalizer products 2989, 299

finite impulse response (FIR) filter 245, 245

Firewire 280, 325, 3412

five-channel main microphone arrays 5636, 5657, 567

fixed media drives 272

fixed-point binary numbers 208

FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Encoding) 261

flanging 247

flash memory cards 277, 277

Fletcher-Munson curves 31, 32

practical implications of 345

floating point processing 2845

floating-point binary numbers 2089, 210

flown cluster 402

flutter and sound quality 6012

flutter echoes 25

in external timecode 4812

FM see frequency modulation (FM)

fo (free-air resonance) 109

foldback 1401

form chunk 312, 313

formants 250

FORMAT chunk 314, 314, 315, 316

formatting of storage device 281, 2812, 282

four-channel surround 52931, 531

vs. Ambisonic sound 5478

Fourier analysis 5

Fourier, Joseph 5

fractional-ratio conversion 248

frame count indicator 318, 319

Fraunhofer-Sonnox plug-in 305

free fields 1923

Free Lossless Audio Encoding (FLAC) 261

free-air resonance (fo) 109

frequency balance, loudness and 34

frequency control 134

frequency domain plot 6

frequency domain response of digital filter 244, 244

frequency domain signal 1415, 15

frequency modulation (FM) 69

for channel coding 267, 267

frequency modulation (FM) receiver for radio microphone 69, 69, 70

frequency modulation (FM) transmitter for radio microphone 68, 69, 69, 70

frequency of sound wave 2, 3

frequency perception 29, 2930, 30, 31

frequency response

of loudspeakers 99101, 100

of mixers 148

of power amplifiers 3534

and sound quality 5937, 594, 598

stereo misalignment of 507

frequency selectivity 30, 31

frequency shift keying (FSK) 71

frequency shifter 399

frequency spectra

of non-repetitive sounds 78, 8

of repetitive sounds 67, 7

Fresnel, Augustin-Jean 554

front imaging in surround sound recording 56671, 56871

front loudspeakers in surround sound 558

FSK (frequency shift keying) 71

FTP (file transfer protocol) 338

Fukada Tree 568, 568

full normaling 384

fundamental frequency of oscillation 6

fused sound 37


gain control

in digital signal processing 2412, 242

level setting for 1701

gain profile in mass storage-based editing systems 292, 292

gapless, noiseless punch-in 1834

gate flapping 201

Gaussian noise 229

General MIDI (GM) 4424, 443

General MIDI Lite (GML) 444

genlock 479

German peak program meter 151, 153

Gerzon, Michael 575, 576, 576

GM (General MIDI) 4424, 443

GML (General MIDI Lite) 444

good localizers 502

gramophone 174

graphic equalizer 3904, 392

Griesinger, David 505, 520, 525, 5612

group codes 267

group faders 128, 129, 130

GROUP in fader automation 156, 1589

group outputs 119

grouping in AES64 465


Haas effect 37

hair cells 29

HALs (hardware abstraction layers) 286, 41819

Hamasaki 22.2 format 553

Hamasaki, surround sound recording by 569, 56970

hard clipping 2267, 227

hard disk drives 2724, 273

hardware abstraction layers (HALs) 286, 41819

hardware interface for MIDI 41315

harmonic(s) 5, 67, 7

first, second, and third 6, 7

harmonic distortion, and sound quality 596, 5979, 598, 599

harmonizer device 405

HATS (head-and-torso simulator) 523, 523

HD AAC (High Definition Advanced Audio Coding) 261

HD (high definition) audio, data-reduced formats for 2601

HDX system 284

HE-AAC 258

head bumps 181

head demagnetization 186

head inspection 186

head movements with binaural stereo 502

head-and-torso simulator (HATS) 523, 523

header 31112

headphone equalization 502

headphone(s), loudspeaker stereo over 5025, 503

headphone stereo

over loudspeaker 5025, 503

principles of 5001, 501

tackling problems of 5012

head-related panning 578

head-related transfer function (HRTF) 38, 39, 40

in binaural stereo 5012, 504, 5234

headroom 227

in mastering 300


interactions with other senses of 402

mechanism for 278, 28

heat sink area of power amplifiers 348

height of head 188

helical aerial 74

helical scanning 265

helicotrema 28, 28

hertz (Hz) 2

hexadecimal (hex) system 208, 208, 208

HF see high-frequency (HF)

HH:MM delimiter 318, 319

hi-com noise reduction system 199

Hierarchical Filing System (HFS) 282

High Definition Advanced Audio Coding (HD AAC) 261

high definition (HD) audio, data-reduced formats for 2601

high resolution data-reduced formats 2601

high-cut filters in equalization 145

high-frequency (HF) band 134

high-frequency (HF) control 142, 142, 143, 143

high-frequency (HF) shelf curve 143, 143

high-frequency splash 107

high-frequency (HF) time constant in replay equalization 180, 181

high-frequency unit 83

for two-way speaker system 88, 88, 89

high-pass filter (HPF) 1312, 135, 144

hi-mid control 142, 1424, 1435

hiss, loudness of 34

hold 269

hole-in-the-middle effect 493

Holman, Tomlinson 5389, 543

Horbach, Ulrich 578

horn loading for loudspeakers 868, 87, 88

host TDM (HTDM) plug-ins 388

host-based processing 285

HPF (high-pass filter) 1312, 135, 144

HRTF (head-related transfer function) 38, 39, 40

in binaural stereo 5012, 504, 5234

HTDM (host TDM) plug-ins 388

HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) 338

Hugonnet, Christian 496, 498, 498, 499

hum, loudness of 34

Huygens, Christiaan 498, 499, 554

Huygens-Fresnel principle 554

hybrid disc 276

hypercardioid microphone 57, 57

hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) 338

hysteresis 201

Hz (hertz) 2


IDE interfaces 280

Ideal Cardioid Array 566, 567, 567

Ideale Nieren Anordnung (INA) 566, 567, 567

IEC 60958–3 interface 329, 32930, 331

IEC level 185

IEEE 802.1 AVB 340

IEEE 1394 280, 3412

MIDI over 448

IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) 339, 340

IFF (Interchange File Format) 312, 313

IIR (infinite impulse response) filter 2456, 246

IM (intermodulation) distortion and sound quality 599, 600

impedance(s) 14

of loudspeakers 924, 93

of microphones 47, 62

of mixers 148

of power amplifiers 3556

transformers and 3602, 361, 362

impulse response of digital filter 244, 244

in point 320

in the box mixing 2867

INA (Ideale Nieren Anordnung) 566, 567, 567

inductance, cable and transformer 365

inductors 14

infinite baffle systems 84, 109

infinite impulse response (IIR) filter 2456, 246

inharmonic partials 7

in-line configuration 1259, 126, 128

in-line console 1259, 126, 128

inner ear 28, 28

in/out switch on equalizer 136

in-phase signals 810, 9

in-place solo 1389

input channels of six-channel analog mixer 119, 120, 121

input faders 119

input filters for MIDI 4523

input gain controls

for mixer 119, 1301

for radio microphone 70

input impedance of power amplifiers 3556

input level controls on power amplifiers 351

input noise of mixers 1467

input section of mixer 1302

input/output (I/O) software for MIDI 41819

instruments in MIDI sequencing 4512, 452

integrated machine control 160

integrated sound cards 286

intensity panning 6078, 608

interaural time difference (ITD) 357, 36

interchange see digital audio file formats and interchange

Interchange File Format (IFF) 312, 313

interconnection 32445, 35986

100 volt lines for 372, 3724, 373

600 ohms in 3746, 377

balanced lines for 367, 36772, 36971

data networks and computer interconnects for 3346, 33445, 338, 344

DI boxes for 37780, 378

digital audio interfaces for 32434, 32933

distribution amplifiers for 386

jackfields (patchbays) for 382, 3826, 384, 385

splitter boxes for 3802, 381

transformers for 3602, 361, 362

unbalanced lines for 3627, 3636


digital audio 32434, 32933

with MIDI 413, 41319, 41618

peripheral 280

interleaving 268, 268

intermodulation (IM) distortion and sound quality 599, 600

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) seven-layer model for open systems interconnection 336, 336

Internet protocol(s) 3389

Internet Protocol (IP) address 338

Internet streaming 251

Inter-Object Cross Coherences (IOC) 260

interpolation 269

inverse-square law 18

inverter (NOT) gate 209

I/O (input/output) software for MIDI 41819

IOC (Inter-Object Cross Coherences) 260

IP (Internet Protocol) address 338

IRT cross 5701, 571

IRT/DIN peak program meter 153

iSCSI interfaces 280

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) seven-layer model for open systems interconnection 336, 336

ITD (interaural time difference) 357, 36

iTunes, mastering and preparing material for 3068

iTunes Producer 306

ITU-R listening tests 590, 591


jackfields 3826

electronically controlled 386

of mixer 142, 3845, 385

normaling of 3835, 384, 385

other facilities of 3856

overview of 382, 382

patch cords for 383

JFMG (Joint Frequency Management Group) 71, 72


in external timecode 481

sample clock 4801

and sound quality 602

jog action 297

Joint Frequency Management Group (JFMG) 71, 72


keygroups 433

kilobyte (Kbyte) 206

kilohertz (kHz) 2

Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral 554


L (left) signal 505

lambda ((λ) 2

LANs (local area networks) 335, 335

laser pickups for record players 617


audio processing 284

with digital radio microphones 72

with MIDI 436

lateral tracking with record players 60911, 611

layers for network communication 336, 336

LCRS surround 52931, 531

least significant bits (LSBs) 206

removing unwanted 239, 23940

Lectrosonics digital hybrid system 72

left (L) signal 505

Letowski, Tomasz 582

level control

in digital signal processing 2412, 242

in mastering 299302, 300, 301

level difference stereo 4968, 498

level maximizing 3002

level normalizing 3002

level setting for mixer 1701

level, stereo misalignment of 507

Lexicon Logic 7 5445, 545

LF see low-frequency (LF)

LF (line-feed) characters 318

LFE (low-frequency effects) channel 5323, 5357, 553

licenses for radio microphones 701

light pipe interface 3312, 332

liking, sound quality and 5867

limiter 394, 3945


100 volt 372, 3724, 373

balanced 367, 36772, 36971

delay 525

unbalanced 3627, 3636

line level outputs 168

line mode 136, 140

line spectrum 5, 56

linear crossfade 2912, 292

linear law 120

line-feed (LF) characters 318

line/tape 136

line-up tone for radio microphone 70

listening tests 58791

blind 5889

listeners in 588

types of 58991, 591

little-endian order 311

Livewire 339

local area networks (LANs) 335, 335

local on/off message for MIDI 427, 427

localization see sound source localization

localizers, good vs. poor 502

lock to time icon 297

logarithmic frequency scale 29

logarithmic (‘log’) law 120

Logic 389, 487, 488

Logic 7 5445, 545

Logic audio bin 289

Logic automation data 456

logic control in open-reel machines 191

Logic editor displays 454

Logic environment window 452

logic gate 209

Logic Platinum 5 arrange window 451

logical operations 208, 209

log-periodic aerial 75

lo-mid control 142, 142, 145

Long Play tape 176

longitudinal waves 1, 2

long-throw horn 86

loop resistance 3645

lossless coding 252, 2523

lossy coding 252, 253


of broad-band vs. narrow-band sounds 323

of common sounds 32

doubling of perceived 34

in mastering 299302, 300, 301

measurement of 312

and perceived frequency balance 34

and perceived pitch 30

loudness control 34

loudness normalization 302

loudness perception 314

equal-loudness contours in 31, 32

masking in 33

practical implications of equal-loudness contours in 345

loudness units related to full scale (LUFS) 302

loudspeaker(s) 79113

acoustic lens for 867, 87

active 90, 901

bass reflex systems for 85, 85, 86

complete systems for 88, 8890

coupled cavity systems for 85, 86

defined 7980

digital signal processing in 113

directivity (dispersion) of 1016, 103

istortion with 99

distributed mode 834, 84

electrostatic 82, 83

enclosure for 80

frequency response of 99101, 100

headphone stereo over 5025, 503

horn loading for 868, 87, 88

impedance of 924, 93

infinite baffle systems for 84

limitations of 80

modulated ultrasound 1045

mounting and loading drive units for 848

moving-coil 802, 81

other types of 824, 83, 84

panel speaker dispersion for 1056

panel-type 823

passive 90

performance of 92106

phase of 106

positioning of 1078

power handling of 101

ribbon 83, 83

sensitivity of 949, 96, 98

setting up 1068

subwoofers for 912

surround 530, 531, 5345, 55961

Thiele-Small parameters and enclosure volume calculations for 10813

three-way systems for 90

transmission line system for 86

two-way systems for 88, 8890

useful websites on 113

loudspeaker stereo

binaural vs. stereophonic localization in 493, 494

creating phantom images in 495, 4959, 496, 498, 499

historical development of 4915, 492

level difference (Blumlein) 4968, 498

over headphones 5025, 503

principles of 4919

stereo vector summation in 496, 497

Williams curves in 499

low-cut filters in equalization 145

low-frequency (LF) band 134

low-frequency (LF) control 142, 142

low-frequency effects (LFE) channel 5323, 5357, 553

low-frequency (LF) shelf curve 143

low-frequency (LF) time constant in replay equalization 180, 181

low-pass filter (LPF) 1312, 135

LP record 175

LR format 506

LR pairs and MS pairs 51214, 51215

LSBs (least significant bits) 206

removing unwanted 239, 23940

LUFS (loudness units related to full scale) 302


M and S (middle and side) stereo microphone 60, 60, 61

‘M’ (main) signal 5057

MAC-DSD interface 333

machine control integration 160

machine synchronizers 471, 477, 477

McKinnie, Douglas 576, 576

MADI (Multichannel Audio Digital Interface) 331

magnet(s) in loudspeakers 956

magnetic field 178

magnetic flux 178

magnetic flux reference levels 184, 1845

magnetic hard disks 2724, 273

magnetic heads on tape recorder 177, 177, 178

magnetic recording equipment, history of 175

magnetic recording levels 184, 1845

magnetic recording process 17780, 17781, 180

magnetic reference levels 184, 185

magnetic tape 1767

magneto-optical (M-O) disc formats 275

main microphone arrays for surround sound recording 5636, 5657, 567

main (‘M’) signal 5057

main stream 323

mains hum 123

MAN(s) (metropolitan area networks) 335

Manchester codes 267

manipulation of MIDI information 4535, 454

mantissa 209, 210, 285

masking 31, 33

mass control 46

mass storage-based editing systems

crossfading in 2902, 291, 292

edit decision list in 288, 290

edit point handling in 28990, 290

editing modes in 2924, 293, 294

non-linear editing in 2878, 288, 294

principles of 28795

programming of gain profile in 292, 292

simulation of reel-rocking in 2945

software for 2958, 296

sound files and sound segments in 2889, 289

mass storage-based systems 27282

magnetic hard disks as 2724, 273

media formatting for 281, 2812, 282

memory cards as 277, 277

optical discs as 2747

recording audio onto 27781, 279

retrieval of information from 278, 279

master balance control in MIDI 437

master control section of mixer 1401

master faders 141

master volume control in MIDI 437

Mastered for iTunes (MFiT) 3068

Mastered for iTunes (MFiT) Droplet 306

mastering 298302

level control and loudness in 299302, 300, 301

specialized software for 298, 2989, 299

Material Exchange Format (MXF) 320

Material Exchange Format (MXF) wrapping 552

matrixed surround sound systems 5406

Circle Surround 544

Dolby EX 535, 546, 546

Dolby Stereo, Surround, and ProLogic as 5402, 5413

Lexicon Logic 7 5445, 545

maximum output level (MOL) 184, 185

mechanical metering for mixers 150, 1501

media formatting 281, 2812, 282

megabyte (Mbyte) 206

memory cards 277, 277

Memory Stick 277

memory stores, non-volatile and volatile sections of 398

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) 253, 260

metadata 310, 320

Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) in power amplifier 350

metering systems

electronic bargraph 152, 152

mechanical 150, 1501

for mixers 14954

standards for 1523, 153

take-off point for 1534

metropolitan area networks (MANs) 335

Meyer SB-1 loudspeaker 1034

MF (mid-frequency) peaking filter 143, 144

MFiT (Mastered for iTunes) 3068

MFiT (Mastered for iTunes) Droplet 306

MFM channel codes 267, 267

mic level trim 127

mic to mix mode 136, 137

MIC/LINE switch 131

microphone(s) 4578

A-B powering of 67, 678

boundary or pressure-zone 589

capacitor or condenser 48, 501

cardioid or unidirectional 55, 556, 56

close 525

coincident pairs of 50716

connectors for 68, 68

directional responses of 517, 52, 547

double-diaphragm capacitor 59, 59

as electromagnetic transducer 46

figure-eight or bidirectional 535, 54

hypercardioid (cottage loaf) 57, 57

impedance of 47, 62

moving-coil or dynamic 47, 489

near-coincident configurations of 517, 51718, 518

noise specifications for 62, 634

omnidirectional 52, 523

parabolic 58, 58

performance of 624

phantom powering of 646, 67

polar diagrams of 517, 52, 547

powering options for 648, 67, 68

pseudo-binaural 518, 51819

radio 6878

ribbon 47, 50

rifle 57, 578

sensitivity of 62, 63

spaced configurations of 519, 51922, 521, 522

specialized types of 57, 579, 58

spot 5245

stereo 60, 60, 61

for surround sound recording 56274

tie-clip 53

two-channel 50722

Midas Heritage 3000 mixer 166, 166

middle and side (M and S) stereo microphone 60, 60, 61

middle ear 28, 28

mid-frequency bands (MID 1 and MID 2) 134

mid-frequency (MF) peaking filter 143, 144

MIDI 40759

all notes off (ANO) command for 427

automation of non-note events on 456, 4567

background of 409, 40910

basic principles of 41316

cables and connectors for 415

channel aftertouch in 429

control of sound generators in 43341

controller functions in 425, 425, 426

controller numbers for 4245, 425, 426

controls for 41932

data buffers and latency in 436

defined 408, 411

device ID in 432

vs. digital audio 41113, 412

displaying, manipulating, and editing information from 4535, 454

drivers and I/O software for 41819

function of sound generators in 4356

general 4424, 443

handling of velocity and aftertouch data by 4367

hardware interface for 41315

nput and output filters for 4523

interfacing with 413, 41319, 41618

mixing and external control for 4578

multi-device system for 417, 418

note assignment in synthesizers and samplers on 4335, 434, 435

vs. Open Sound Control (OSC) 44950

with outboard devices 405

over Ethernet 4489

over IEEE 1394 448

over USB 4468, 447, 448

pitch bend wheel in 430

ports for 41617, 417, 418

quantization of rhythm on 4556

registered and non-registered parameter numbers in 440

RMID and XMF files on 4456

running status of 423

scalable polyphonic 4445

sequencing software for 4509, 451, 452

simple interconnection for 416, 416

standard files on 442

timing resolution with 453

useful websites on 469

velocity information in 4223

voice selection on 441

MIDI beat 4834, 484

MIDI beat clock 4834, 484

MIDI channel(s) 419

MIDI channel modes 427, 4278

MIDI channel numbers 421

MIDI Manager 419

MIDI Manufacturer’s Association (MMA) 410

MIDI messages 413, 413

active sensing 432

channel mode 427, 4278

channel vs. system 41921

control 413, 413

control change 4247

format for 419, 420

handling of controller 43741, 438, 439

note on and note off 4212, 422

pitch wheel 430

polyphonic key pressure (aftertouch) 4234

program change 4289

reset 432

system exclusive 4301

tune request 432

universal system exclusive 4312

MIDI note assignment in synthesizers and samplers 4335, 434, 435

MIDI note numbers 422, 422

MIDI sequencing 295

MIDI synchronization 458, 4826

with digital video 4589

introduction to 4823

MIDI timecode (MTC) for 4845

music-related timing data in 4835, 484

MIDI timecode (MTC) 481, 4845

MIDI timing clock 4834, 484

mid-range driver for three-way speaker systems 90

Miller-squared channel codes 267, 267

minim 484

mix controls for mixer 1369, 137

Mix Farms 284

mix routing switches 133

mix/channel 139

mixdown, master control for 140

mixdown phase, of music recording 123, 170

mixer(s) 11572

of audio editing system 2978

audio groups and grouping for 128, 129, 172

automation of 15462, 155, 156, 15861

auxiliary sends in 139, 1712

basic operational techniques for 1702

channel and mix controls for 1369, 137

channel grouping for 128, 129, 130, 172

clipping with 148, 149

crosstalk with 149

dedicated monitor 146

defined 11516

digital 1626, 164

digitally controlled analog 166, 166

distortion of 148, 149

dynamics section of 1334

effects returns of 141

equalization (EQ) section of 1346, 1425, 143, 144

fadersfor 119, 120, 122

frequency response of 148

impedance of 148

input noise of 1467

input section of 1302

integration of workstations with 167, 1678, 168

introduction to mixing approaches with 16870

jackfield of 142, 3845, 385

level setting for 1701

master control section of 1401

metering systems for 14954, 150, 152, 153

multitrack 1238, 1246, 128

output noise of 1478

overload margins of 148, 149

overview of typical facilities for 12842, 131

pan control of 119, 121

routing section of 1323

simple six-channel analog 11723, 118, 122, 123

stereo line input modules for 1456

technical specifications for 1469


in the box 2867

in digital signal processing 2423

MIDI 457

mixing console see mixer(s)

mixing noise 1478

mixing room for two-channel vs. surround sound 5578

MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing) 253, 260

MMA (MIDI Manufacturer’s Association) 410

MM:SS delimiter 318

M-O (magneto-optical) disc formats 275

modifiers in AES64 465

modular digital multitrack formats 271, 271

modulated ultrasound 1045

modulation index 71

MOL (maximum output level) 184, 185

monaural cues for sound source localization 38, 39

monaural transfer functions 38, 39

monitor fader 127

monitor in AES64 467

monitor mix 1234

monitor phase reverse 140

monitor selection 140

monitor-to-bus mode 137, 137

MONO 140

mono mode for MIDI 428

Moorer, James A. 5768, 577

OSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) in power amplifier 350

most significant bit (MSB) 206

motion sensing in open-reel machines 191

Moving Pictures Expert Group see MPEG

moving-coil cartridge 615

moving-coil loudspeaker 802, 81

moving-coil microphone 47, 489

moving-magnet cartridge 61415

MP3 (MPEG-1 Layer 3)

coding for 255

file format 317

mastering and preparing material for 305

MPEG AAC 25960


MPEG audio file formats 317

MPEG coding 2537, 254, 255, 255

MPEG-1 255, 255

MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)

coding for 255

file format 317

mastering and preparing material for 305

MPEG-2 2556

MPEG-2 BC 256, 259


MPEG-4 2567, 317

MPEG-4 Structured Audio 409

MPEG-Audio decoder 255, 255

MPEG-Surround 257, 258

MS format 5057

MS matrixing 515

MS pairs and LR pairs 51214, 51215

MS processing used on coincident pairs 51115, 51214

MSB (most significant bit) 206

mShuttle 3035

MTC (MIDI timecode) 481, 4845

multi mode for MIDI 428

Multichannel Audio Digital Interface (MADI) 331

multichannel extension chunk 316

multichannel panning techniques 5748

Ambisonic panning laws for 576, 5768, 577

head-related panning as 578

pairwise amplitude panning as 5756

multichannel stereo see surround sound

multi-core processor 285

multi-effects processors 391, 398, 3989

multi-mic pickup 524

multimicrophone techniques for surround sound recording 5723

multipath distortion 767, 77

multiple stimulus with hidden reference and anchors (MUSHRA) approach 590, 591

multitrack DASH machines 271, 271

multitrack mixer 1238

further aspects of in-line design for 1267

in-line and split configurations of 1245, 125, 126

overview of 1234, 124

signal paths for 1234, 124

typical in-line 128, 128

multitrack recorder 1834

history of 175

MUSHRA (multiple stimulus with hidden reference and anchors) approach 590, 591

Music Instrument Digital Interface see MIDI

Music Logic mode 544

music notation software 450

Music Surround mode 544

Music XML 442

music-related synchronization 4835, 484

music-related timing data 4835, 484

mute 138, 139

mute automation 159, 159

MXF (Material Exchange Format) 320

MXF (Material Exchange Format) wrapping 552


NAB level 185

Nagra IV-S professional portable two-track recorder 183

Nagra-D recorder 270, 270

narrow-band sounds, loudness of 323

natural audio coding 256


sound quality and 5856

in spatial hearing 43

NC (noise criterion) 20

near-coincident microphone configurations 517, 51718, 518

negative numbers 206, 207

nerve fibers 2930, 30

networks 33445

AES-47 (ATM) 3445

audio-specific standards for 33940

data 3346, 3346

vs. digital audio interfaces 324, 325

extension of 335, 336

Firewire (IEEE 1394) 325, 3412

Internet protocols for 3389

layers for 336, 336

local area 335, 335

metropolitan area 335

packets in 334, 3345, 337

personal area 325, 335, 3415, 344

requirements for audio 3367, 338

storage area 340

Universal Serial Bus (USB) 325, 3424, 344

wide area 335, 336

wireless 341

Neumann KU100 dummy head 523, 523

Neumann RSM 191i microphone 51315, 514

Neumann SM69 stereo microphone 60

Neural Upmix 261

neurones 293030

Newton, Isaac 554

NHK 22.2 format 553

NHK, surround sound recording by 569, 56970

nibble 206

nm stereo 489


in fundamental frequency 7, 7

in MPEG-4 257

node objects in AES64 466

noise 45

coding 6056

equivalent input 1467

Gaussian 229

mixing 1478

pink 94, 200, 402

white 8, 229

wind 49

noise criterion (NC) 20

noise floor 184

noise gates 2012

noise level 20

noise rating (NR) 20

noise reduction 193202

for radio mic receivers 75

dbx system for 199

digital noise extraction for 202

Dolby systems for 1968, 197, 198

line-up of systems for 199200, 200

methods of 1949

need for 1934, 195

noise gates for 2012

single-ended 2012

telcom c4 system for 199

variable pre-emphasis for 1946

noise shaping in A/D conversion 233, 234

noise specifications for microphones 62, 634

noise weighting curves 600, 601

noisy coding 252, 253

non-linear editing 2878, 288, 294

non-note MIDI events 456, 4567

non-registered parameter numbers (NRPNs) 440

non-repetitive sounds, frequency spectra of 78, 8

non-volatile section of memory stores 398

Nordic peak program meter 151, 153

normaling of jackfields 3835, 384, 385

NOS pair 517, 517, 518

NOT (inverter) gate 209

note assignment in synthesizers and samplers 4335, 434, 435

note messages in MIDI 4212, 422

note off messages in MIDI 4212, 422

note off velocity in MIDI 423, 437

note on messages in MIDI 4212, 422

note on velocity in MIDI 4223

note ranges in synthesizers and samplers 4335, 434, 435

note stealing approaches 445

NR (noise rating) 20

NRPNs (non-registered parameter numbers) 440

NTFS 282

NTSC video frame rate 479

null LEDS on VCA faders 157

Nyquist criterion 213


Object Level Differences (OLD) 260

object numbers (ONos) 4601

objective metrics 592

object-oriented protocol in AES64 466

OCA (Open Control Architecture) 45961

OCA Framework (OCF) 460

Ocablock 461

OCT (Optimum Cardioid Triangle) 570

odd/even/both 133

off-axis response 597

Ohm’s law 13, 14

OLD (Object Level Differences) 260

Olive, Sean 587, 5889, 597

OMFI (Open Media Framework Interchange) 318

omni off message for MIDI 427

omni on message for MIDI 4278

omni outriggers 521, 521

omnidirectional (‘omni’) microphone 52, 523

OMS (Open Music System) 419, 487

online delivery, mastering and preparing material for 305

ONos (object numbers) 4601

Opcode Open Music System (OMS) 419, 487

Open Control Architecture (OCA) 45961

Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI) 318

Open Music System (OMS) 419, 487

Open Sound Control (OSC) 44950

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), ISO seven-layer model for 336, 336

open-reel tape 1767

operating system (OS)-based plug-in architectures 388

optical discs 2747

Optimum Cardioid Triangle (OCT) 570

opto-isolator for MIDI 41314

OR operation 209

Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) 462

ORTFpair 517, 517, 518

OS (operating system)-based plug-in architectures 388

OS X Audio Units 388

OSC (Open Sound Control) 44950

oscillator 141

oscilloscope 1415, 15

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), ISO seven-layer model for 336, 336

OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) 462

outpoint 320

outboard devices 390, 404, 4045

outer ear 28, 28

out-of-phase signals 9, 10, 43

output faders 119, 122

output filters for MIDI 4523

output impedance

of microphones 47, 62

of power amplifiers 356

output noise of mixers 1478

output section of six-channel analog mixer 11920, 122, 122

oval window 28, 28

in frequency perception 29, 29

overbias 187

overdub 140

overload indicator 393

overload margins 148, 149


in A/D conversion 231, 2313, 232

in D/A conversion 2356

overtone(s) 5, 67, 7

first 6

inharmonic 7


P48 standard 66

packages 321, 3212

packets in data networks 334, 3345, 337

PAD 131

pairwise amplitude panning 5756

PAL video frame rate 479

PAM (pulse amplitude modulation) 213, 214, 215

PAN(s) (personal area networks) 325, 335, 3415, 344

pan control 119, 121, 136, 171

in MIDI 4378, 438

panel speaker dispersion 1056

panel-type loudspeakers 823


head-related 578

intensity 607

multichannel 5748, 576, 577

pairwise amplitude 5756

panning laws

Ambisonic 576, 5768, 577

two-channel 5245

pan-pots 121, 506

parabolic microphone 58, 58

parabolic reflector technique for loudspeaker directivity 1034

parallel communication 207

parallel format, shift register for 207

parallel representation of quantized output of A/D converter 221, 224

parameter in AES64 465

parametric audio coding 257, 2578

parametric spatial audio coding 6078, 608

Parity failure 269

partials 5, 67, 7

partitions 281, 281

PAS (publically available specification) 342

passive loudspeakers 90

patch cords 383

patch in MIDI 428

patchbays see jackfields

p-blasting 49

PCI (peripheral component interface) expansion bus 283

PCI Express (PCIe) bus 283

PCM (pulse code modulation) 206, 220, 227, 264

PCM-800 271

PCM-1610 adaptor 269

PCM-1630 adaptor 269

PCM-3348 open-reel digital multitrack recorder 271

PCM-7030 professional DAT machine 270

PDU (Protocol Data Unit) 460

peak input level for radio microphone 70

peak program meter (PPM) 150, 1501, 153

peak recording level 151

peaking/shelving 134

PEAQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality) 591

perceptual audio codecs, sound quality in 6058, 607

Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ) 591

Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) 591

perceptual models for sound quality 5913, 592, 593

peripheral component interface (PCI) expansion bus 283

peripheral interfaces 280

periphonic reproduction 547

permitted maximum level (PML) 151, 153

personal area networks (PANs) 325, 335, 3415, 344

PFL (pre-fade listen) 120, 122, 170

phantom imaging

stereo 107, 495, 4959, 496, 498, 499

with surround sound 563, 564

phantom powering

of microphones 646, 67

of mixer 131

phase 812, 911

in loudspeaker set-up 106

stereo misalignment of 507

phase angle 11

phase cancellation with loudspeaker 102

phase comparator 266

phase differences 10, 1012, 11

timing differences expressed as 367

phase inverting 520

phase response of power amplifiers 3567

phase reverse (Φ) 131

phase shift keying (PSK) 71

phase-locked loop (PLL) 266

phasing/flanging effects 247

phasy quality of spatial reproduction 43

phon(s) 312

phonograph 174, 174

physical release media, mastering and preparing 3035, 304

pickup arm of record player 60911, 611, 612, 616, 61617

pickup stylus of record player 609, 609, 610, 610

pinch roller 190, 191

pinch wheel 190, 191

pink noise 94

and digital delay 402

in Dolby SR system 200

Pinky and Perky effect 250

pinna 28, 28

pitch bend wheel in MIDI 430

pitch, loudness and perceived 30

pitch shifting 247, 24950, 399401, 400

Platinum Enigma 391

PLL (phase-locked loop) 266

plug 342

plug-in(s) 387405

Aural Exciter 403

compressor/limiter 394, 3945

de-esser 403

and digital delay 4013

digital reverb 397, 3978

echo and reverb 391, 3967

examples of 391

expander 3956

frequency shifter 399

graphic equalizer 3904, 392

host-based vs. dedicated 3878

miscellaneous 4034

multi-effects processors as 391, 398, 3989

and outboard equipment 390, 404, 4045

pitch shift 399401, 400

processing software for 284, 285

proprietary architectures for 388, 3889

and sound quality 603

useful websites on 405

PML (permitted maximum level) 151, 153

point-to-point connections 342

polar diagrams of microphones 517, 52, 547

polar patterns, switchable 59, 59

polarization with aerials 734

poly mode for MIDI 428

Polyhymnia International, surround sound recording by 569

polyphonic key pressure in MIDI 4234

poor localizers 502

POP (post office protocol) 338

pop music, mixing approaches for 16970

port(s) for MIDI 41617, 417, 418

portable tape recorder, professional 183, 183

portamento controller in MIDI 439

positioning of loudspeakers 1078

post office protocol (POP) 338

post-fade auxiliary sends 172

power amplifiers 34757

classes of 348, 34950

cooling fans for 348, 350

coupling of 357

crosstalk with 354

damping factor of 356

distortion of 354, 355

domestic 3478

frequency response of 3534

heat sink area of 348

impedance of 3556

input level controls on 351

phase response of 3567

power bandwidth of 353

power output of 3523

professional facilities on 34850

resistive attenuator on 3512, 352

root-means-square (RMS) of 353

sensitivity of 3512, 352

signal-to-noise ratio of 354

specifications of 3517

useful websites on 357

power bandwidth of power amplifiers 353

power handling of loudspeaker 101

power output

vs. acoustical power 1718

of power amplifiers 3523

powering options for microphones 648, 67, 68

PPM (peak program meter) 150, 1501, 153

ppqn (pulses per musical quarter note) 410

PQ encoding 303

precalculated crossfade 291, 291

precedence effect 37

in binaural vs. stereophonic localization 494

in history of loudspeaker stereo 492

in phantom image creation 498

with spaced microphone arrays 519, 51920, 521

Precision Time Protocol (PTP) 339, 340

pre-delay in reverb devices 397

pre-emphasis for noise reduction 1946

pre-equalization in analog recording 179

pre-fade auxiliary sends 171

pre-fade listen (PFL) 120, 122, 170

preference mapping 5923

pre-mastering formats 3223

pre/post 139

presence range 49

pressure-gradient microphone 47, 489

pressure-zone microphone (PZM) 589

primitives in AES64 466

processor in AES64 467

Pro-Convert 31718

professional amplifier facilities 34850

professional tape recorder 182, 1823, 183

program change message for MIDI 4289

project in AES64 467

project interchange, edit decision list (EDL) files and 31718

Protocol Data Unit (PDU) 460

Pro Tools systems 2845, 317

proximity effect 49

pseudo-binaural techniques 518, 51819

for surround sound recording 5712, 572

PSK (phase shift keying) 71

psychoacoustic low bit rate coder 254

PTP (Precision Time Protocol) 339, 340

publically available specification (PAS) 342

pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) 213, 224, 215

pulse code modulation (PCM) 206, 220, 227, 264

pulses per musical quarter note (ppqn) 410

punch-in, gapless, noiseless 1834

Pure Audio Blu-Ray 276

mastering of 3035

pushing in AES64 465

PZM (pressure-zone microphone) 589


Q: in EQ section 134, 135

of receivers 77

QPSK (quadrature phase shift keying) 712

QT (total Q of driver) 109

QTC (loudspeaker system Q) 109, 110

Quad ESL63 electrostatic loudspeaker 82, 83, 1056

quad-core processor 285

quadraphonic reproduction 52931, 531

vs. Ambisonic sound 5478

quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) 712

quality chunk 316

quantizing error 2201, 2223

and sound quality 2218, 224, 225, 227

quantizing in A/D conversion 2201, 2213, 224

quantizing resolution and sound quality 2218, 224, 225, 227

quarter-frame MTC messages 486

quaver 484


R (right) signal 505

radio frequency (RF) capacitor microphone 51

radio microphones 6878

aerial siting and connection for 767, 77

aerials for 689, 69, 735, 735

digital 713

diversity reception for 78, 78

facilities for 70

FM transmitter for 68, 69

licenses for 701

principles of 689, 69

receiver for 69, 69

transmission frequency of 69

useful websites on 78

RAI pair 517

RAID arrays (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) 274

Random Access Memory (RAM) buffering 278, 279

random errors 268, 268

random waveforms 8

rarefactions 1, 2

graphical representation of 3

and voltage 12, 12


raw data files 312

R-DAT format 265, 26970

READ in fader automation 155, 157

Real-Time Audio Suite (RTAS) 388

real-time counter 183

real-time crossfades 2901, 291

Real-Time Protocol (RTP) 339, 449

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) 339

Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) 339, 449

receiver for radio microphone 69, 69, 70

record alignment 18990

record players 60917

arm of 60911, 611, 612, 616, 61617

cartridge of 61113, 61415

connecting leads for 61516

laser pickups for 617

lateral tracking with 60911, 611

pickup mechanics of 60912, 60913

replay stylus of 609, 609, 610, 610

RIAA equalization of 61314, 614

tracking weight of 611, 612

record resolution of MIDI sequencer 453

recording head

on analog tape recorder 177, 177, 178

inspection and demagnetization of 186

Recording Industry Association of American (RIAA) equalization 61314, 614

record/overdub/mixdown 140

rectangular probability distribution function (RPDF) dither 229

redundancy 268

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID arrays) 274

Reed-Solomon encoding 268

reel rocking, simulation of 2945

re-entrant horn 88, 88

reference levels

for decibels 16

on meters 151

reflection(s) 22, 378

early 25

effects of 3940, 41

simulation of 397

registered parameter numbers (RPNs) 440

release media, preparing for and understanding 3028

release velocity in MIDI 423

remote control

MIDI for 40759

useful websites on 469

using computer networks 45968, 462, 465

removable media drives 272, 273

rendering engine and sound quality 604, 6045

repeaters 336

repetitive sounds 5

frequency spectra of 67, 7

replay alignment 1867

replay equalization in analog recording 179, 17981, 180, 180

replay head

on analog tape recorder 177, 177

inspection and demagnetization of 186

replay head effects 181

replay stylus of record player 609, 609, 610, 610

requantization 23741, 239, 240

resampling in D/A conversion 235

reservation protocol (RSVP) 339

reset message on MIDI 432

resistance 13, 14, 46

resistive attenuator on power amplifiers 3512, 352

resolution of audio signal, changing 23741, 239, 240

resonances 378

resonant frequency 46

resource fork 311

Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) 31215, 314, 315

Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) chunk 314, 314

restoration 298, 2989, 299

Retouch 298, 298

reverb devices 391, 3967

reverberant fields 201, 22, 23

reverberation (reverb), digital 246, 2467, 397, 3978

reverberation time (RT60) 22, 23, 397

reversals in binaural audio systems 402

rewind 191

Rewire 487

rewritable discs 2767

RF (radio frequency) capacitor microphone 51

rhythmic quantization for MIDI 4556

RIAA (Recording Industry Association of American) equalization 61314, 614

ribbon loudspeaker 83, 83

ribbon microphone 47, 50

Rich Music Format (RMF) 445

RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) 31215, 314, 315

RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) chunk 314, 314

rifle microphone 57, 578

right (R) signal 505

RMF (Rich Music Format) 445

RMID files 4456

RMS (root-means-square) 353

Rogers LS5/8 high-quality active studio loudspeaker 90, 90

room gain 107

room impression 41

room modes 215, 23

root-means-square (RMS) 353

rotary-head recording 264, 265

roughness 30

routers 336

routing section of mixer 1323

RPDF (rectangular probability distribution function) dither 229

RPNs (registered parameter numbers) 440

RSVP (reservation protocol) 339

RT60 (reverberation time) 22, 23, 397

RTAS (Real-Time Audio Suite) 388

RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) 339, 449

RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) 339

rumble, loudness of 34

running status of MIDI 423


‘S’ (side) signal 5057

SA (Structured Audio) 256

Sabine, W.C. 22

SACD (Super Audio CD) 236, 276

mastering of 303, 304

SADiE audio editing system 293, 2958, 296

sample clock jitter 4801

sample frequency conversion 482

sample rate conversion in digital signal processing 2489

sample slippage 325

samplers, MIDI note assignment in 4335, 434, 435

sampling, audio 21213, 213, 214, 215

sampling frequency

in digital audio signal synchronization 47880

and sound quality 21820

SANs (Storage Area Networks) 340

SAOC (Spatial Audio Object Coding) 260, 330

SAOL (Structured Audio Orchestra Language) 256

SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) interfaces 280

SASL (Structured Audio Score Language) 256

SATA (Serial ATA) 280

sawtooth wave, equivalent line spectra for 5

SBR (Spectral Band Replication) 258

scalable polyphonic MIDI (SPMIDI) 4445

scene memories, digital mixers with 148

Schoeps CMC-5 microphone 66

Schoeps KFM6U sphere microphone 518, 51819

for surround sound recording 5712, 572

SCMS (Serial Copy Management System) 330

scrub action 297

SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) 280, 341

SD (Secure Digital) 277

SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound) 259

SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound) cinema system 538

SDIF (Sound Description Interface Format) 3323, 333

SDK (software development toolkits) 387

SECAM video frame rate 479

Secure Digital (SD) 277

Seemix Seeport compact stereo mixer 123

segment(s) 289, 289

segment-based form, storage of automation data in 4567

self-noise, ‘A’-weighted equivalent 62, 634

semibreve 484

semi-professional tape recorder 182

semiquaver 484


of loudspeakers 949, 96, 98

of microphones 62, 63

of power amplifiers 3512, 352

of six-channel analog mixer 119

sensors in OCA 461

sequencing software (sequencers) for MIDI 4509, 451, 452, 454, 456

Serial ATA (SATA) 280

Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) interfaces 280

serial communication 2067

Serial Copy Management System (SCMS) 330

serial format, shift register for 207

serial representation of quantized output of A/D converter 221, 224

server 3367

session initiation protocol (SIP) 340

session master 169

shadowing effect of head 38, 39

sharpness of frequency tuning of receivers 77

shelving 134

shelving curves 143, 143

shift register 207, 207

short time Fourier transform (STFT) 250

Shure VP88 stereo microphone 60

side (‘S’) signal 5057

sidebands 215

side-fire configuration of stereo pair 515

sigma-delta converter 233, 234, 236

signal cancellation 77

signal strength indicator for radio microphone 70

signal synchronization 4712, 47880, 480

signal wavelength in cable 375

signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio

for microphones 634

of power amplifiers 354

of quantized signal 226, 227, 228

and sound quality 600, 6001

simple dipole aerial 73, 734, 74

simple harmonic motion 3

simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) 338

simple sounds 46, 5

simulcast mode 136, 137

sine wave

equivalent line spectra for 5

graphical representation of 3, 3

phase of 11, 11

waveform of 4

single-ended noise reduction 2012

sinusoidal sound waveform see sine wave

SIP (session initiation protocol) 340

six-channel analog mixer 11723

input channels of 119, 120, 121

miscellaneous features of 1213

output section of 11920, 122, 122

overview of 11719, 118

typical example of 123, 123

slate facility on mixer 120, 141

slew rate distortion of power amplifiers 354, 355

slots 321, 322

Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) 280, 341

Small, Richard 108

SME Series V pickup arm 616

SMFs (standard MIDI files) 442

SMPTE code 4724, 474

SMPTE peak program meter 151

SMPTE standards for carrying data-reduced audio 330

SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) 338

S/N ratio see signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio

snapshot in AES64 465

Snow, William B. 4913, 494

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers see SMPTE

software development toolkits (SDK) 387

solo functions 1389

sone(s) 34

song pointer positions (SPPs) 483, 4845

Sonnox-Fraunhofer plug-in 305

Sony DMR-4000 digital master recorder 269

Sony Dynamic Digital Sound (SDDS) 259

Sony Dynamic Digital Sound (SDDS) cinema system 538

Sony PCM-800 271

Sony PCM-1610 adaptor 269

Sony PCM-1630 adaptor 269

Sony PCM-3348 open-reel digital multitrack recorder 271

Sony PCM-7030 professional DAT machine 270

Sony/Philips digital interface (SPDIF) 329

sound(s) 126

decibel of 1517

in electrical form 12, 1214, 13

in free and reverberant fields 1921, 23

frequency spectra of non-repetitive 78, 8

frequency spectra of repetitive 67, 7

phase of 812, 911

simple and complex 46, 5

speed of 4, 10

travel in air by 34

vibrating source of 1, 2

sound absorbent material in speaker box 11213

sound cards 283

integrated 286

Sound Check 302, 306, 308

sound controllers in MIDI 439, 43941

sound data chunk 312, 313

Sound Description Interface Format (SDIF) 3323, 333

sound files 2889, 289

sound generators

MIDI control of 43341, 434, 435, 438, 439

MIDI functions of 4356

sound intensity 1718, 18

sound objects 256

sound power 1718, 18

sound pressure 1819, 20

sound pressure level (SPL) 16, 19, 20, 62

sound pressure level (SPL) meter 20

sound quality 581608

aspects of audio system performance affecting 593608

attributes of 5834, 584

in audio codecs 6058, 607

components of 5817

defined 5812

in digital signal chain 6025, 604

dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio and 600, 6001

and fidelity 585, 585

frequency response and 5937, 594, 598

harmonic distortion and 596, 5979, 598, 599

intermodulation (IM) distortion and 599, 600

levels of abstraction of 582, 583

and liking 5867

listening tests for 58791, 591

methods for evaluating 58793

and naturalness 5856

objective vs. subjective 5813, 584

perceptual models for 5913, 592, 593

quantizing resolution and 2218, 224, 225, 227

sampling frequency and 21820

vs. sound character 582

spatial attributes of 583, 584

timbral attributes of 583, 584

wow, flutter and jitter and 6012

sound scenes 2567

sound segments 289, 289

sound source localization 3543

amplitude and spectral cues in 378, 39, 40

binaural vs. stereophonic 493, 494

distance and depth perception in 423

effects of reflections on 3940, 41

interactions between hearing and other senses in 402

naturalness in 43

precedence effect in 37

resolving conflicting cues in 42

time-based cues in 357, 36

sound variation controller in MIDI 43941

sound wave(s)

amplitude of 2

characteristics of 23, 3

displaying characteristics of 1415, 25

frequency of 2, 3

longitudinal 1, 2

speed of 4

standing 215, 23

transverse 1, 2

wavelength of 23, 3

sound waveform (s)

frequency spectra of non-repetitive 78, 8

frequency spectra of repetitive 67, 7

graphical representation of 3, 3

sound wavefront 4913,492

SoundBlaster series 286

Soundcraft Sapphyre in-line mixer 128

SoundField microphone for surround sound recording 573, 5734, 574

SoundField Research microphone 60

SoundField ST250 microphone 60, 60

SoundFonts 446

spaced diversity 78, 78

spaced microphone configurations 519, 51922, 521, 522

spaciousness, reflections and 41

spatial ambience in surround sound recording 56671, 56871

spatial attributes of sound quality 583, 584

spatial audio coding 6078, 608

Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) 260,330

spatial equalization 505

spatial perception 3543

amplitude and spectral cues in 378, 39, 40

distance and depth perception in 423

effects of reflections on 3940, 41

interactions between hearing and other senses in 402

naturalness in 43

precedence effect in 37

resolving conflicting cues in 42

sound source localization in 35

time-based cues in 357, 36

SPDIF (Sony/Philips digital interface) 329

speaker(s) see loudspeaker(s)

Spectral Band Replication (SBR) 258

spectral cues for sound source localization 378, 39, 40

spectral envelope 250

Spectral Recording (SR) 1978, 200

SpectraPulse system 72

spectrum analyzer 1415, 15

SPG (sync pulse generator) 480

Sphere microphone 518, 51819

for surround sound recording 5712, 572

SPL (sound pressure level) 16,19, 20, 62

SPL (sound pressure level) meter 20

split configuration 1245, 125

split console 1245, 125

split voltage rails 357

split-monitoring 1245, 125

splitter boxes 3802, 381

SPMIDI (scalable polyphonic MIDI) 4445

spoked-wheel effect 21417

spot erasure 184

spot frequencies 189

spot microphones 5245

SPPs (song pointer positions) 483, 4845

spring reverb 396

square wave, equivalent line spectra for 5

SR (Spectral Recording) 1978, 200

SS:FF delimiter 318, 319

SSL Matrix mixer 167, 1678, 168

SSL Pro-Convert 31718

standard MIDI files (SMFs) 442

Standard Play tape 176

standing wave (s) 215, 23

standing wave ratio (SWR) for aerial siting 76

star-quad cable 370, 3701

static automation systems 162

stationary-head recording 264, 265

status bytes in MIDI messages 420

steep filters 21718

Steinberg, J.C. 491, 492


3-1 52931, 532

3-2 5318, 533

binaural or headphone 5002, 501

defined 489

history of 175

loudspeaker 4919

n-m 489

three-channel 493, 495, 5289, 529

transaural 503, 504; see also surround sound

two-channel stereo

stereo console recorder 182, 282

stereo line input modules for mixers 1456

stereo microphones 60, 60, 61

stereo misalignment effects 506, 507

stereo pairs

end-fire and side-fire configurations of 515

equivalence of MS and LR 51214, 51215

two channels of 505

stereo vector summation 496, 497

stereo width issues 508, 509, 516, 516

stereophonic localization 493, 494

stereophony see stereo

STFT (short time Fourier transform) 250

stiffness 46

Storage Area Networks (SANs) 340

storage requirements of digital audio 2778

straight-to-stereo techniques 1689

stream(s) 296

in DDP 3223

streaming, mastering and preparing material for 305

Streicher, Ronald D. 522, 522

Structured Audio (SA) 256

Structured Audio Orchestra Language (SAOL) 256

Structured Audio Score Language (SASL) 256

Strum Acoustics GS-1 acoustic guitar synth 391, 398, 3989

Studen A807-TC professional open-reel two-track analog tape recorder 182

studio recorder 182, 1823, 183

stylus of record player 609, 609, 610, 610

sub-bass channel 5323, 5357

subcode stream 323

subframe 3268, 327

subjective grades 592

subnets 335

subwoofers 912

in 5.1-channel surround 5323, 5357

in surround sound monitoring 5612

sum and difference format 5057

used on coincident pairs 51115, 51214

sum-and-difference stereo microphone 60, 60, 61

summing localization model of stereo reproduction 4956, 496, 497

Super Audio CD (SACD) 236, 276

mastering of 303, 304

Super Clock 47980

SuperMAC interface 3334

supply reel 190, 190, 191

surround channel 530

surround coding formats 25860

surround imaging 563, 564

surround loudspeakers 530, 531, 5345, 55961

surround mixing techniques 1689

surround sound 52779

defined 528

multichannel panning techniques in 5748, 576, 577

useful websites on 579

surround sound configurations 52839

5.1-channel (3-2 stereo) 5318, 533

7.1-channel 538, 539

10.2-channel 5389

four-channel (3-1 stereo, LCRS, quadraphonic) 52931, 531

other configurations of 5389

three-channel (3-0) stereo as 493, 495, 5289, 529

surround sound monitoring 55762

center loudspeaker in 559, 560

front loudspeakers in 558

mixing room for 5578

subwoofers in 5612

surround loudspeakers in 55961, 560

surround sound recording techniques 56274

Ambisonic or SoundField microphone principles for 573, 5734, 574

five-channel main microphone arrays in 5636, 5657, 567

multimicrophone 5723

principles of microphone technique in 5623

pseudo-binaural 5712, 572

separate treatment of front imaging and ambience in 56671, 56871

surround imaging in 563, 564

surround sound systems 53957

Ambisonic 54750, 54850

Auro-3D 5512

Circle Surround 544

digital 547

Dolby Atmos 552, 5523

Dolby EX 535, 546, 546

Dolby Stereo, Surround, and ProLogic 5402, 5413

further developments in 5517

Lexicon Logic 7 5445, 545

matrixed 5406

NHK 22.2 or Hamasaki 22.2 553

THX 542, 543

Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) 5547, 555

swept mid 143

switchable polar patterns 59, 59

Switched Ethernet 337

SWR (standing wave ratio) for aerial siting 76

sync pulse generator (SPG) 480

sync replay 183, 184

sync word 473

synchronization 47188

of audio/MIDI/video computer applications 487, 4878

digital audio 47781, 480

drop-frame timecode for 473

machine 471, 477, 477

MIDI 458, 4826, 484

music-related 4835, 484

recording timecode for 4746, 475, 476

sample frequency 472

signal 4712, 47880, 480

SMPTE/EBU timecode for 4724, 474

timecode and video, for audio workstations 4812, 482

synchronized digital video 4589

synchronous discharge limit 2930

synthesizers, MIDI note assignment in 4335, 434, 435

synthetic audio 409

system common messages in MIDI 421

system exclusive (sysex) messages in MIDI 421, 4302

system in AES64 467

system messages in MIDI 41921, 4302

system Q — loudspeakers (QTC) 109, 110

system real-time messages in MIDI 421, 483


take-up reel 190, 190, 191

talkback 1401

tape echo 396

tape mode 136, 140

tape recorder(s)

azimuth alignment of 187, 188, 189

bias adjustment of 187, 189

block diagram of 177, 178

digital see digital tape recording

head inspection and demagnetization for 186

history of 175

mechanical transport functions of 190, 1902

multitrack 1834

record alignment of 18990

replay alignment of 1867

studio 182, 1823, 183

tape-based copy editing 293, 2934, 294

Tascam Digital Interconnect Format (TDIF)-1 331, 332

Tascam HS-2 277

TC Electronic M3000 Digital Reverb and Effects Processor 397

TC Electronic System 6000 multi-effects processor 398

TC Works Master X series 2989, 300

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) 338

TDIF (Tascam Digital Interconnect Format)-1 331, 332

TDM plug-ins 388

TDM system 284

telcom c4 noise reduction system 199

temperature and digital delay 402

temporal smearing 607

test tapes 1856, 187

text stream 323

THD (total harmonic distortion) 5989

Thiele, A.N. 108, 5045, 570, 5701, 571

Thiele-Small parameters 10813

third-harmonic distortion 5989

three-channel stereo 493, 495, 5289, 529

three-element Yagi aerial 745, 75

three-way speaker systems 90

Thunderbolt 280

THX System 542, 543

Ticonal magnets in loudspeakers 95

TID (transient intermodulation distortion) of power amplifiers 354

tie-clip microphone 53

timbrai attributes of sound quality 583, 584

timbre controller in MIDI 441

time constants, replay equalization and 17981, 180

time domain impulse response of digital filter 244, 244

time stretching 24950

timebase indicator 318, 319

time-based cues in spatial perception 357, 36


for audio workstations 4812, 482

center-track 474, 475

drop-frame 473

MIDI 481, 4845

recording of 4746, 475, 476

SMPTE/EBU 4724, 474

Vertical Interval 474

timecode address 472

timecode generators 475, 475

timecode type indicator 318, 319

time-domain plot 6

time-domain signal 1415, 15

timing resolution of MIDI sequencer 453

tone control section see equalization (EQ) section

Toole, Floyd 585, 5889

toothcomb effect 403

total automation systems 161, 161

total harmonic distortion (THD) 5989

total Q of driver (QT) 109

Total Recall 161

TPDF (triangular probability distribution function) dither 229

track(s) in MIDI sequencing 451

track routing switches 132

track subgroup 127

tracking weight of record players 611, 612

track-laying phase of music recording 123

transaural stereo 503, 504

transfer (XFER) endpoints 447

transformers 3602

balancing of 3712

and impedances 3602, 361, 362

inductance in 365

limitations of 362

principles of operation of 361

transient distortion of power amplifiers 354

transient intermodulation distortion (TID) of power amplifiers 354

Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP) 338

transmission frequency of radio microphone 69

transmission line 375

transmission line system for loudspeakers 86

transmitter for radio microphone 68, 69, 69, 70

transport in AES64 467

transposition, MIDI for 4545

transverse scanning 265

transverse waves 1, 2

triangular probability distribution function (TPDF) dither 229

trim editor 293, 294

trim window 293, 294

Triple Play tape 176

triple stimulus with hidden reference approach 590, 591

True Total Reset 161

truncation of audio samples 239, 23940

truth table 209

tune request in MIDI 432

tweeter(s) 83

dome 88, 88, 89

for two-way speaker system 88, 88, 89

two-channel microphone techniques 50722

coincident pair principles in 50711, 508, 510, 511

end-fire and side-fire configurations in 515

near-coincident configurations in 517, 51718, 518

operational considerations with coincident pairs in 516, 516

pseudo-binaural 518, 51819

spaced configurations in 519, 51922, 521, 522

stereo width issues in 508, 509

using MS processing on coincident pairs in 51115, 51214

two-channel panning laws 5245

two-channel signal formats 5057

two-channel stereo 489525

binaural recording and dummy head techniques for 5224, 523

binaural vs. stereophonic localization in 493, 494

creating phantom images in 495, 4959, 496, 498, 499

defined 489

historical development of 4915, 492

level difference (Blumlein) 4968, 498

loudspeaker over headphones (and vice versa) 5025,503

microphone techniques for 50722

misalignment of signals in 506, 507

principles of binaural or headphone 5002, 501

principles of loudspeaker 4919

signal formats for 5057

spot microphones and panning in 5245 stereo vector summation in 496, 497

summing localization model of 4956, 496, 497

theoretical vs. practical aspects of 4901

transaural 503, 504

Williams curves in 499

two-element aerial 74, 74

two’s complement numbers 207

two-way speaker system 88, 8890

tympanic membrane 28, 28


UART (universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter) for storing automation data 160, 160

UDP (user datagram protocol) 338, 339

UHF frequencies 70

UHJ (Universal HJ) format 547

UHJ (Universal HJ) hierarchy for Ambisonic sound 549, 549

unbalanced lines 3627

alternative interconnection for 363, 364

cable inductance with 365

cable capacitance with 365, 3657, 366

cable resistance with 3645

defined 3623

and earth loops 363

simple interconnection for 363, 363

unidirectional microphone 55, 556, 56

Unitor 8 interface 417, 417

universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) for storing automation data 160, 160

Universal HJ (UHJ) format 547

Universal HJ (UHJ) hierarchy for Ambisonic sound 549, 549

universal non-commercial messages in MIDI 431

universal non-real-time messages in MIDI 431

universal real-time messages in MIDI 431

Universal Serial Bus (USB) interfaces 280, 325, 3424, 344

MIDI over 4468, 447, 448

Universal Synthesizer Interface (USI) 410

universal system exclusive messages in MIDI 4312

UPDATE in fader automation 156, 157, 158, 158

upward pitch shift 401

USB (Universal Serial Bus) interfaces 280, 325, 3424, 344

MIDI over 4468, 447, 448

user bits 473

user datagram protocol (UDP) 338, 339

USI (Universal Synthesizer Interface) 410


Vanderlyn, P.E. 493, 497

variable pre-emphasis for noise reduction 1946

VAS (equivalent air volume of suspension compliance) 109

VCA (voltage-controlled amplifier) automation 1548, 155, 156, 158

VCA (voltage-controlled amplifier) groups and grouping for mixer 128, 130

VCO (voltage-controlled oscillator) 266

velocity bytes in MIDI 4223

velocity data, MIDI handling of 4367

velocity information for MIDI 4223

version chunk 312

Vertical Interval Timecode (VITC) 474

vertical polarization with aerials 74

VHF frequencies 70

video field indicator 318, 319

video frame rates, audio sampling rates and 478, 479

video tape recorders (VTRs) 264

virtual reality modeling language (VRML) 257

Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plug-in architecture 389

virtual tape 293, 2934, 294

visual cues for sound source localization 402

VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode) 474

vocal tracks, compiling (‘comping’) of 288

voice coil for loudspeaker 97

voice selection in MIDI 441

Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 340

volatile section of memory stores 398

voltage 12, 12, 13, 13, 14

voltage gain 17

voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) automation 1548, 155, 156, 158

voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) groups and grouping for mixer 128, 130

voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) 266

volume unit (VU) meter 150, 1501, 153

VRML (virtual reality modeling language) 257

VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plug-in architecture 389

VTRs (video tape recorders) 264

VU (volume unit) meter 150, 1501, 153


Walder, Pierre 496, 498, 498, 499

WANs (wide area networks) 335, 336

Watkins Electronic Music (WEM) company, parabolic reflector technique of 104

Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) 493, 5547, 555

Waveform Audio File Format (WAVE, WAV) 31215, 314, 315

wavefront system 4913, 492

wavelength 23, 3

wavetable synthesis 433, 446

WCLK (word clock) signal 3245, 479

WDM (Windows Driver Model) 419

weighting filters 20

WEM (Watkins Electronic Music) company, parabolic reflector technique of 104

West, Allen Mornington 224, 230

West, Jim 576

WET function 139

WFS (Wave Field Synthesis) 493, 5547, 555

white noise 8

analog 229

wide area networks (WANs) 335, 336

Wi-Fi (wireless Ethernet) 341

Williams curves 499

in five-channel microphone arrays 565, 568

near-coincident pairs based on 517, 517

Williams, Michael 499

wind noise 49

Windows Driver Model (WDM) 419

Wired Ethernet 337

wireless Ethernet (Wi-Fi) 341

wireless guide download for radio microphone 70

wireless microphones see radio microphones

wireless networks 341

wireless personal area network (WPAN) 341

Wittig, Curt 571

woodles 181

woofer for two-way speaker system 88, 89

word clock (WCLK) signal 3245, 479

workstation, mixer integration with 167, 1678, 168

workstation sync interface 482, 482

world wide web (WWW) 338

WORM (Write-Once-Read-Many) discs 276


in external timecode 4812

and sound quality 6012

WPAN (wireless personal area network) 341

wrap of head gap 188

Wright, Matt 449

WRITE in fader automation 155, 157

Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) discs 276

WWW (world wide web) 338


‘X’ signal 505

XFER (transfer) endpoints 447

XLR connectors

for microphones 68

on mixers 11718

XLR-3 connectors 369, 370

XMF (extensible Music Format) files 4456

XML-tagged formats 318

XOR (exclusive OR) operation 209


‘Y’ signal 505

Yagi aerial 745, 75


Zacharov, N. 583, 584

zenith of head 188

zones 336

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