Carbon-Based Nanomaterials

J.R. Siqueira, Jr.*
Osvaldo N. Oliveira, Jr.**
*    Institute of Exact Sciences, Natural and Education, Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
**    São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo (USP), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil


One of the pillars of nanotechnology is the study of materials whose nanoscale properties allow developing technologies for several fields. Carbon nanomaterials, such as fullerene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and graphene, with applications in engineering and medical fields are highlighted. This chapter provides a brief review on these nanomaterials and emphasizes their relevance to nanotechnology. The main properties and synthesis methods will be discussed, as well as the research fields that benefit from their use. Our emphasis is on the use of C60 fullerene in organic solar cells, CNTs in sensors and biosensors, and graphene in batteries and supercapacitors. Other areas of interest that are shared by the three types of materials, such as engineering and biomedical applications, are also mentioned.


carbon nanotubes
synthesis and applications

9.1. Introduction

Carbon is one of the most plentiful and versatile elements in the universe. Due to its allotropic characteristics, carbon forms compounds that have completely different properties depending on the arrangement of the adjacent carbon atoms. Diamond and graphite are two typical examples. Diamond is a material known to have the highest hardness, whereas graphite is fragile and brittle [1,2]. Carbon nanostructures are among the most promising in nanotechnology because they can be used in different fields. In electronics, the combination of a molecular-sized diameter (on the order of 1 nm) with a microscopic-scale length and optical and electrical properties enable carbon nanostructures to be used for the production of innovative devices [25]. Composites derived from these nanostructures may exhibit mechanical properties, the electrical and thermal conductivities are useful for applications, and there are desirable features for protection from corrosion in new engineering products [24]. Carbon nanomaterials may also provide new functionalities in biomedical applications, such as sensing and the controlled delivery of pharmaceuticals and drugs [5,6].
For these applications to be commercially viable, there are still major challenges to overcome. Methods for large-scale synthesis, methods for incorporating and dispersing these nanomaterials, such as matrix composites, and methods for the precise control to manipulate and make electrical connections in nanocircuits [1,2] are warranted.
Among the many carbon structures, we highlight fullerenes, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and graphene. In the following sections, we discuss each of these materials and how they have been used in nanotechnology. We hope that this chapter provides the readers a brief compendium of the properties, applications, and trends in the use of these carbon nanomaterials.

9.2. Fullerenes

Fullerene is considered to be the third allotropic form of carbon, after graphite and diamond [7,8]. Discovered in 1985 by Harold W. Kroto (University of Sussex, Brighton, England), Robert F. Curl and Richard E. Smalley (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA) [9], fullerene has an icosahedral symmetrically closed-cage structure, which is formed by 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons in which each carbon atom is bonded to 3 other carbon atoms with sp2 hybridization [79], as shown in Fig. 9.1. Because of its similarity to a building by the American architect Richard Buckminster Fuller, fullerene is called buckminsterfullerene [9]. It is a molecule with 60 carbon atoms (C60) that are arranged in the shape of a soccer ball with a 7 Å diameter. Due to its shape, fullerene is also known as buckyball. Unlike graphite or diamond crystals, which have atom arrangements, fullerene forms molecular crystals and can be considered as a zero-dimensional carbon structure [7,8]. Its discovery revolutionized research on new allotropes of carbon and nanostructured materials, and its discoverers received recognition with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996 [7,8].
Figure 9.1 Schematic representation of the C60 fullerene structure, which is also called buckminsterfullerene or buckyball.

9.2.1. Fullerene Properties

In the icosahedral symmetrically closed-cage structure, there are two bond lengths in the fullerenes with “double bonds” in the 6:6 ring, which are shorter than the 6:5 bonds. The C60 is not “superaromatic” because it does not contain double bonds in the pentagonal rings, resulting in low electron delocalization. Thus, C60 behaves as an electron-deficient alkene and is therefore reactive with electron-donor species. Its molecular stability is due to its geodesic-shaped structure and its electronic bonds. In principle, there may be an infinite number of fullerenes as long as its structure forms an icosahedron with hexagonal and pentagonal rings.
In addition to the C60 molecule, fullerene may have larger structures, such as C70, C76, and C78, and smaller structures, such as C28 and C36. In the 1990s, C60 and other fullerenes began to be produced in large quantities via the condensation of soot that is generated in graphite vaporization [10]. Fullerenes may also occur naturally in materials affected by high-energy events, such as lightning and meteors, and in geological samples [7,8].
One of the most widely used processes of synthesis is based on the Krätschmer–Huffman method in which an electric arc is generated on graphite electrodes in a helium atmosphere at a pressure of approximately 200 torr. To separate out the fullerene, carbon soot from evaporated graphite is dissolved in a nonpolar solvent. Subsequently, the solvent is dried, and the C60 and C70 fullerenes are separated from the residue. Under an optimum current and pressure of helium flow, yields of up to 70% of C60 and 15% of C70 are achieved. The laser vaporization method is also used to produce fullerene. In a typical system, a Nd:YAG pulsed laser operating at 532 nm and 250 mJ is used as the source, and the graphite target is maintained in an oven at 1200°C. Although the yields are low, fullerenes have also been produced via deposition of soot from flames involving, for example, the combustion of benzene and acetylene [8,11].
Fullerenes have excellent mechanical properties, resisting high pressures and returning to their original shape even after subjected to more than 3000 atm. Theoretical calculations indicate that a single C60 molecule has a bulk modulus of 668 GPa when compressed to 75% of its size. This property makes fullerenes harder than steel and diamond, whose bulk modules are 160 and 442 GPa, respectively. Fullerenes can withstand collisions of up to 15,000 mph against stainless steel and maintain its shape, demonstrating their high stability. The optical properties of the fullerenes are also renowned for the delocalized π electrons, which generate nonlinear optical responses and intensity-dependent refractive indices [11,12].

9.2.2. Applications of Fullerenes

Fullerenes can be applied in several fields and, currently, are most notable in organic solar cells [13]. The high electron affinity and the ability to carry a charge make fullerene the best electric charge acceptor for this type of device. Fullerenes have a lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) with a low energy compared with the organic charge donors that have high electron affinities [13,14]. With this LUMO energy, C60 can be reversibly reduced with up to six electrons, denoting its ability to stabilize a negative charge. Polymer blends that are combined with fullerenes exhibit ultrafast photo-induced charged transfer (at approximately 45 fs). Thus far, the greatest efficiency for a polymer solar cell is due to the polymer/fullerene heterojunction. The fullerene (most commonly C60) acts as an n-type semiconductor (electron acceptor) and is combined with a p-type polymer (electron donor), typically a polythiophene. The polymer/fullerene blend is deposited as a film to act as an active layer to create what is known as a bulk heterojunction [13,14], as shown in Fig. 9.2.
Figure 9.2 Schematic illustration of a heterojunction solar cell that is composed of an active polymer/fullerene layer. Modified from B.C. Thompson, J.M. Fréchet, Polymer-fullerene composite solar cells, Angewante Chemie 47 (2008) 58–77 [13]. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Solar cell efficiency steadily increases. Although the energy conversion efficiency of a polymer/fullerene heterojunction solar cell is still low (approximately 10%), compared to conventional silicon cells (20% efficiency), the production cost of this type of solar cell may be significantly lower. Furthermore, organic solar cells can be flexible, rolled up, and scattered over any surface [1315]. Plastic photovoltaic devices can be used to cover internal and external walls of buildings. Additionally, cells of any color and texture can be manufactured. For example, a cell phone can be painted with this material, and its battery can be charged while a person walks with it on a sunny day. Organic solar cells are also expected to be used in advertising, such as on light banners, liquid crystal displays, and food packaging [1315].
Fullerenes can be used in other organic electronic devices. In organic field effect transistors, they serve as an n-type semiconductor to increase charge mobility and stability [8,13]. Interdigitated capacitors with fullerenes were used in sensors that explore the electron acceptor properties of fullerene films [16]. In optical limiters, fullerenes induce a decrease in transmittance with an increase of incident light. This allows all of the light below an activation threshold to pass through, for example, maintaining the light transmission at a constant level below the damage threshold for the eye or an optical sensor [16]. Fullerene hydride shows promise for storing hydrogen gas in electrical vehicles that use a fuel cell. This is encouraging because the available hydrogen storage technologies, such as compressed gas or storage as metallic hydrides, are dangerous and/or have low hydrogen storage densities [16].
In the medical and pharmaceutical fields, fullerene derivatives can be used in photodynamic therapy for cancer, such as in antibacterial agents and in neuroprotective drugs [1,8]. Due to its ability to include atoms, fullerenes are suitable as drug carriers. Additionally, noble gases can be encapsulated in fullerenes for use in nuclear magnetic resonance. Fullerenes are also antioxidants and react with free radicals, thus preventing cell damage or death. For example, fullerene has an antioxidant performance that is 100 times more effective than vitamin E. In engineering, fullerenes are employed to strengthen metal alloys [1,8,12].

9.3. Carbon Nanotubes

CNTs are among the most studied nanostructures in recent decades [4]. They are a few nanometers in diameter and form one-dimensional structures because the length is orders of magnitude larger than the diameter. They have different properties from other allotropes of carbon, such as graphite and diamond, with unique mechanical and electrical characteristics. The discovery of CNTs has not been fully elucidated, but they have been known in the scientific community since 1991 because of the publication by Sumio Iijima [17]. That article presented a method to obtain cylindrical and concentric carbon structures, which were later called multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) [17]. In 1993, Iijima and Donald Bethune (an IBM researcher) published separate studies that included methods to obtain single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). After these independent findings, nanotubes became an object of study in various fields of science [18].
The importance of CNTs for nanotechnology is reflected in their numerous application possibilities. In engineering, CNTs have been studied to create new composites for the aeronautics industry [19]. They have also been used in nanodevices and electronic nanocircuits to manufacture new chips for computers [20].

9.3.1. Properties of Carbon Nanotubes

The great interest in CNTs is due to their outstanding properties, such as high mechanical strength and elasticity, chemical, thermal and structural stability, and high conductivity [1,5,19,20]. CNTs are formed only by carbon and have a cylindrical shape. The structure can be compared to a graphene sheet rolled into a tube shape in which the ratio between the length and diameter makes it almost a one-dimensional structure [17,18]. The two most important structures are SWNTs and MWNTs, as shown in Fig. 9.3. SWNTs have a simple cylinder structure, and MWNTs consist of several concentric SWNTs. The length and diameter of the MWNT structures are very different from SWNTs, which implies differences in their properties [21,22]. Their properties depend on the atomic arrangement of how the “graphene sheet is rolled up” and on the tube diameter, length, and morphology [2123].
Figure 9.3 (A) A representation of the single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) structure and (B) a multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNT). Modified from J.J. Gooding, Nanostructuring electrodes with carbon nanotubes: a review on electrochemistry and applications for sensing, Electrochim. Acta 5 (2005) 3049–3060 [23]. Copyright 2005 Elsevier.
The properties of SWNTs are determined by the structure formed by the bonds between the carbon atoms of the graphene sheet [21,22]. SWNT structures depend on the chirality of the tube, which is defined by the chiral vector (Chimage) and the chiral angle (θ), as shown in Fig. 9.4. The vector Chimage is the linear combination of the base vectors a1 and a2 of a simple hexagon via the relationship Ch=na1+ma2image, where n and m are integers and a1image and a2image are the single cell vectors of a two-dimensional matrix that is formed by the graphene sheet in which the direction of the nanotube axis is perpendicular to the chiral vector, as shown in Fig. 9.4A.
Figure 9.4 (A) Schematic diagram of how a graphene sheet is rolled up to form a carbon nanotube and (B) representation of the three types of SWNT structures obtained with the (n,m) pair from the chiral vector. Modified from E.T. Thostenson, Z.F. Ren, T.W. Chou, Advances in the science and technology of carbon nanotubes and their composites: a review, Comp. Sci. Technol. 61 (2001) 1899–1912 [21]. Copyright 2001 Elsevier.
The chiral vector pair (n,m) indicates the direction in which the graphene sheet is rolled. The values of this pair allow three types of arrangements for SWNTs: zigzag, armchair, and chiral, as shown in Fig. 9.4B. The pair (n,m) determines the nanotube chirality and therefore its optical, mechanical and, in particular, electrical properties [21,22]. If (n,m) is a multiple of 3, the nanotubes are of the armchair type with metallic behavior, that is, they have a Fermi level in a partially filled band (Fig. 9.5A). When (n,m) is not a multiple of 3, the nanotubes are the zigzag type and have semiconductor behavior (Fig. 9.5B).
Figure 9.5 Electronic structure of nanotubes.
(A) armchair (metallic) and (B) zigzag (semiconductor). Reprinted with permission from J.C. Charlier, Defects in carbon nanotubes, Acc. Chem. Res. 35 (2002) 1063–1069 [22]. Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.
The (n,m) relationships that are formed with the nanotube structure, the chiral angle, and the type of nanotube are listed in detail in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1

Relationship of the (n,m) Pair with the Type of SWNT and Its Chiral Angle

(n,m) Structure Chiral Angle (Degree)
n = m Armchair Θ = 0
m = 0 Zigzag Θ = 30
m ≠ n Chiral 0 ≤ Θ ≤ 30
MWNTs are described by models developed from electron microscopy images. They generally have a coaxial cylindrical shape, are formed as a coaxial polygon, or are rolled-up graphene sheets. MWNTs are formed by several graphene sheets that are rolled around each other concentrically with a distance between the sheets of 3.4–3.6 Å [21,22]. The length and diameter of MWNTs are different from the length and diameter of SWNTs, which implies different properties. Another factor that defines the type of nanotube formed (SWNT or MWNT) is related to synthesis.

9.3.2. Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes

There are many methods for synthesizing CNTs that produce different types with different properties. The three main methods are electric arc, pulsed laser, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [2,11,19].
Electric arc: An electric arc discharge is generated between two cylindrical graphite electrodes in a steel chamber with an inert gas. The cathode and anode are kept at a distance that is less than 1 nm, allowing the current to flow so that plasma is generated between the electrodes. The temperature in the plasma region is approximately 4000 K. In this environment, the anode graphite undergoes sublimation and is deposited on the cathode or the inner walls of the chamber (soot) where the CNTs are found. To obtain MWNTs via this method, it is necessary to use catalysts to form beams of these types of nanotubes. The amount and quality of the CNTs depend on the product concentration in the chamber. This was the first method used to synthesize nanotubes and is still one of the most widely used [2].
Pulsed laser: This is similar to the electric arc discharge method. The carbon is vaporized by irradiation via a laser in the presence of an inert gas. The graphite is placed inside a quartz tube and placed in a controlled-temperature tubular oven. The tube is emptied, and the temperature is increased to 1200°C, and then, the tube is filled with an inert gas (He or Ar). The laser sweeps across the graphite surface, vaporizing it and forming CNTs. During this process, it is possible to form both SWNTs and MWNTs without a catalyst [2].
CVD: This involves the decomposition of a vapor or gas that contains carbon atoms, which are usually hydrocarbons in the presence of a metal catalyst, via heat treatment. The nanotubes are nucleated and formed via the decomposition of the volatile precursors and deposited on a substrate. The important parameters in this process are the type of catalyst, the substrate temperature (between 500 and 700°C) and the type of substrate, which defines the growth region of the CNTs. This technique allows CNTs to grow in an orderly manner with nanostructures designed specifically for some applications [2].

9.3.3. Applications of Carbon Nanotubes

The characteristics that result in CNTs that have different physicochemical properties allow their application in several fields. Sensors and biosensors are worth mentioning because there are hundreds of articles published from a multidisciplinary approach that involve physics, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, electronics, and materials science. The manufacturing of electronic nanodevices is the aim of this type of study, in addition to the integration of CNTs with biomolecules in nanosensors and nanoactuators. The latter applications can aid in diagnosing diseases, provide drug delivery control, and process biomaterials, for example. The sensing can be performed via conventional techniques: electrical, optical, or electrochemical [5,6,2330].
The integration of CNTs with biological compounds (proteins, enzymes, antibodies, DNA) in electrical devices, such as biosensors, is due to the size compatibility because electronic circuit components have dimensions that are comparable to biomolecules. Electrostatic interactions and charge transfer, which are typical in biological processes, can be detected via electronic nanocircuits, which is helpful in detecting biological species [2330]. For example, the diameter of a SWNT is comparable to the size of molecules, such as DNA (1 nm), whereas its length is greater, which provides a convenient interface for micrometric scale circuits. Additionally, the high-reactivity and effective area of CNTs provide synergy with organic molecules [2327].
In biosensors that contain CNTs, there are typically electrodes that are modified via the immobilization of a biomolecule, such as an enzyme, as the recognition element [28,29]. CNTs are suitable for facilitating charge transfer in reactions with electroactive species in solution, in addition to increasing the electroactive surface area of the electrodes. In many cases, there is also synergy in the use of CNTs with other nanomaterials or biomolecules, for example, a more efficient catalysis of redox reactions of analytes, surface functionalization, and the compatibility of interactions with other types of nanomaterials (e.g., metal nanoparticles and quantum dots). Concerning biosensors, CNTs form suitable matrices for immobilizing biomolecules without the loss of biological activity. These biosensors that contain CNTs have been used to diagnose diseases, such as some cancers and tropical diseases (e.g., Chagas and leishmaniosis), and in traditional clinical tests, such as the measurement of glucose, urea, cholesterol, and uric acid [5,2330]. Fig. 9.6 shows a representation of different types of sensors and biosensors that include CNTs.
Figure 9.6 Representation of different types of sensors that contain CNTs. Modified from A. Merkoçi, Nanobiomaterials in electroanalysis, Electroanalysis 19 (2007), 739–741[30]. Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
SWNT semiconductors have been used in field-effect transistors (FET) to detect biological species under ambient temperatures and conditions. Nanotube field-effect transistors (NTFET) are obtained with the replacement of the solid-state gate with a layer of adsorbed molecules that modulates nanotube conductance. There are two classical NTFET device designs. The first design uses a single CNT as an electron channel between the source and drain electrodes. In the second type, a set of CNTs serves as a collective channel between the source and drain. The nanotube–analyte interaction may have one of two effects. The first effect is the charge transfer from the analyte molecules to the CNTs. In the second mechanism, the adsorbed analyte in the CNT walls decreases conductance [2527]. The difference between these two types of mechanisms is obtained via measurements in a transistor. If a charge transfer occurs, the voltage threshold becomes much more positive (removing electrons) or more negative (donating electrons).
In energy storage, CNTs have been used as supercapacitors because of their high electrical conductivity, large surface area, mechanical strength, and low weight. Additionally, the possibility of modifying CNTs in chemical synthesis and their combination with other nanomaterials to improve the performance of the supercapacitors are important [3133]. Other advantages are flexibility and optical transparency, allowing the development of flexible electronic devices, such as more pliable cell phones and computers. For this type of application, supercapacitors that contain only CNTs exhibit excellent electrical conductivity and a large surface area but do not reach the expected performance because of the contact resistance between the electrode and the current collector. Therefore, metal oxides (including those in nanoparticles) are incorporated into nanotubes to reduce the contact resistance and increase the storage density of supercapacitors [3133].
In addition to the interest in devices, CNTs are useful as engineering materials because of their mechanical properties. CNTs have an elasticity of 1000 GPa, which is 5 times that of steel, a rupture tension of 63 GPa, and tensile strengths 50 (SWNTs) and 200 (MWNTs) times higher than that of steel. Adding to these characteristics is the lower density of CNTs compared with metals. With these properties, CNTs can be useful for aerospace engineering, such as in aircraft fuselages [19]. CNTs can form ultraresistant foams that work as high-compression springs. Threads made with CNTs are being studied to make fabrics in clothing that may be stronger than Kevlar, a material used currently in bulletproof vests [34].
Regarding products that are closer to industrialization, CNTs can be used as reinforcement in composites in which one of the phases has a nanometric size. One possibility is to apply CNTs in a polymer matrix to improve electronic properties and increase mechanical strength, for example, in plastic containers that require electrostatic shielding, such as in cell phones [35]. CNTs can also modify the mechanical properties of biodegradable polymeric nanocomposites that are used for tissue engineering and to manufacture artificial bones, cartilage, muscles, and nervous tissue. Another advantage of CNTs is the assistance they provide to bone cell proliferation and bone formation from functionalized surfaces [3638].

9.4. Graphene

Graphene is a nanomaterial arranged in a two-dimensional layer of carbon atoms with sp2 hybridization that are connected in a hexagonal lattice structure. Graphene was discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov from the University of Manchester, England [39]. This material has driven research in nanoscience and nanotechnology because of graphene’s exceptional electrical, mechanical, and chemical properties. Graphene can be used in sensors, batteries, supercapacitors, solar and fuel cells, and in biotechnology. The recognition of the importance of graphene resulted in its discoverers being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 [4044].
Graphene has a remarkable band structure due to its crystalline structure. The carbon atoms form a hexagonal lattice in a two-dimensional plane in which each carbon atom is approximately 1.42 Å from its three neighboring atoms via a σ bond with each other. The fourth bond is a π bond that is oriented out of the plane. The π orbital is a pair of symmetrical lobes oriented along the z axis and centered on the core. From these π bonds, the so-called π and π* bands form, which are responsible for most of the electronic properties of graphene [4044].

9.4.1. Properties and Synthesis of Graphene

Graphene has many properties that are superior to any other material. For example, it has a high electron mobility of 2.5 × 105 cm2 Vs−1 at ambient temperature, a Young’s modulus of 1.0 TPa, and a thermal conductivity above 3000 W/mK. Additionally, it absorbs a significant fraction of white light (∼2.3%), has complete impermeability to any gas, and can sustain extremely high electrical current densities (one million times higher than copper). Furthermore, graphene is easily chemically functionalized [4045].
The great advance in research on graphene has occurred because, among other reasons, it is cheap to obtain in a high quality. The synthesis methods can be divided into two groups, the bottom-up approach and the top-down approach [44]. The bottom-up approach consists of the growth of graphene sheets by combining the basic structural units. In this approach, organic synthesis methods are used, enabling graphene growth directly via molecular organic precursors. These precursors usually consist of benzene ring molecules with highly reactive functional groups, enabling controlled two-dimensional growth of the graphene sheet. Another method to grow two-dimensional graphene sheets is based on the growth in situ on catalyst substrates (e.g., Cu, Ni, Fe), such as via CVD, arc discharge, or SiC epitaxial growth. The major limitation of these techniques is that they still do not produce graphene in large amounts and uniformly, and they are expensive [44].
The top-down approach involves the breaking of the interplanar Van der Waals bonds of graphite. In this approach, chemical and mechanical exfoliation methods are used on graphite. These approaches have limitations in obtaining the two-dimensional graphene crystal. The mechanical or chemical graphite exfoliations do not allow complete control of the number of carbon layers in the graphene and the two-dimensional crystal lattice quality, limiting performance. In particular, exfoliating graphite in solution requires surface modifications to break the Van der Waals bonds and the formation of structural defects on the graphene carbon lattice. An intermediate species in this type of processing is known as graphene oxide (GO) due to its high density of oxygen functional groups. With GO, it is possible to obtain colloidal solutions that are stable for long periods of time. This characteristic is important for the formation of nanocomposites by combining graphene with other types of materials, such as polymers, biomolecules, and nanoparticles. Surface charge measurements (zeta potential) of GO have indicated that GO is negatively charged when dispersed in water [44]. Fig. 9.7 shows a simplified representation of the graphene and GO structures.
Figure 9.7 Simplified schematic representation of the graphene and graphene oxide structures. Modified from Ref. [46]. Copyright 2013 Elsevier.
GO can be converted into graphene via reduction processes, producing products with properties similar to those of graphene. However, reduced GO has significant structural differences compared to graphene [4144]. The main purpose of the chemical reduction of GO is to obtain graphene with mechanical and conductive properties that are similar to graphene produced via the scotch tape method. GO reduction allows regeneration of the graphitic structure with deoxygenation and dehydration, restoring the conductivity of the material and restructuring the sp2 bonds in the carbon matrix [4144].
The reduction of GO can be performed using several methods, including chemical methods with reducing agents, such as hydrazine, hydrogen plasma, dimethylhydrazine, hydroquinone, sodium borohydride, ascorbic acid, alcohols, and strong alkaline solutions, electrochemical methods, thermal methods, and ultraviolet radiation methods. Importantly, the conductivity of the reduced GO depends on both the methodology used to oxidize the graphite and the reduction methodology. The structural defects that appear during the oxidation of graphene also lead to the removal of carbon atoms from the aromatic structure of the carbon planes, creating nanometric zones of discontinuity that are impossible to recover via reduction [4144].

9.4.2. Graphene Applications

Similar to fullerenes and CNTs, graphene also excels in applications in different fields. Graphene is employed in renewable energy sources and as transparent electrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells. Because doping can change the position of the Fermi level, graphene can act both as an electron acceptor and donor [4144]. With the lower cost to produce graphene via liquid phase or thermal exfoliation, the increasing use of graphene can be expected in dye solar cells, especially in applications where the mechanical flexibility is crucial [4144].
Graphene has been studied for next-generation lithium-ion batteries and in cathodes with high electrical conductivity [4,42]. With its morphology similar to a sheet, graphene can act as a conductive membrane and form a core–shell or nanocomposite with a sandwich-type structure. The increase in electrical conductivity of these morphologies that contain graphene can help overcome a major limitation of lithium-ion batteries, which is low power density. Additionally, the high thermal conductivity of graphene may be helpful for high current charges that generate a significant amount of heat in a battery. As anodes, the nanosheets of graphene can be used to intercalate lithium crystals in the layers [4,42].
Supercapacitors, also called electrochemical capacitors or ultracapacitors, are hosts of energy whose mechanism is associated with the electrical double layer at the interface between the electrode and the electrolyte [31,32]. Graphene is suitable for supercapacitors because of its flexibility, transparency, high electrical conductivity, large surface area, mechanical resistance, and low weight, which can allow the development of flexible electronic devices that can be incorporated in clothing and cell phones and allow the development more pliable computers. Additionally, graphene can be combined with other nanomaterials in search of synergy, as shown in Fig. 9.8 [4752].
Figure 9.8 Schematic representation of a supercapacitor with two electrodes modified with graphene separated by a membrane. Modified from K.S. Novoselov, V.I. Faíko, L. Colombo, P.R. Gellert, M.G. Schwab, K. Kim, A roadmap for graphene, Nature 490 (2012) 192–200 [42]. Copyright 2012 Nature.
One challenge to produce graphene electrodes on a large scale is to avoid agglomeration of the plates because the agglomerations decrease the effective surface area, causing negative effects on the properties. To control this agglomeration, the plates are separated with nanoparticles, which also favors the electrochemical properties [4752]. For example, metal oxides (in bulk or nanoparticles) are incorporated into graphene to decrease the contact resistance and increase the specific capacitance and energy density of supercapacitors. The combination of graphene and oxide in nanocomposites can generate supercapacitors with high performances, but the oxide must have a low cost and toxicity [4752]. In this aspect, magnesium oxides may be preferable to ruthenium oxide because of their lower cost [50,51].
The unique electronic properties of graphene provide a glimpse of high-performance logic circuits of future decades, for example, in logic transistors, high-frequency transistors, flexible electronic devices, such as touch screens and electronic paper (e-paper), and organic light emitting diodes [42]. Graphene can also be used in photonics, photodetectors, optical modulators, optical polarization controllers, mode-locked solid state lasers, and insulators [42].
Like CNTs, graphene has been widely used in several types of sensors and biosensors (e.g., optical, chemical, and piezoelectric). For biosensors, in particular, graphene can be even more useful than CNTs, mainly because its two-dimensional structure facilitates functionalization for the incorporation of biomolecules and nanoparticles [5355]. Graphene also has a higher biocompatibility and larger surface area, which can produce higher performance than CNTs or other carbon materials in biosensors [5355].
For biomedical applications, graphene is promising due to its large surface area, chemical purity, and possibility of functionalization for drug delivery systems [42]. Its mechanical properties suggest applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Due to its single atomic layer thickness, conductivity, and mechanical resistance, graphene is suitable as a support for biomolecules to perform transmission electron microscopy [42]. Additionally, functionalized graphene can generate ultra-sensitive devices that are quick and capable of detecting biological molecules, such as glucose, cholesterol, hemoglobin, and DNA [5355]. Graphene compounds are biocompatible with different cell types (such as mammalian and bacterial cells) both in vitro and in vivo and produce antibacterial effects [46].

9.5. Conclusions and Perspectives

Fullerenes, nanotubes, and graphene are the main nanomaterials derived from carbon, and they have unique properties that make them attractive for forming materials for use in a wide range of technologies. Although they have many common fields of application, in this chapter, we highlighted the importance of the use of fullerenes in photovoltaic solar cells, CNTs in sensors and biosensors, and graphene in supercapacitors for energy storage. Despite the significant number of studies in these areas, there is still much to investigate to fully understand the possibilities. Therefore, we described the main characteristics, properties, and applications of these carbon nanostructures, which are responsible for boosting nanotechnology.


The authors thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico–CNPq) (477668/2013-5), the Minas Gerais State Research Foundation (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do estado de Minas Gerais–FAPEMIG) (APQ-01763-13 and APQ-01358-13), and the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de São Paulo–FAPESP) (2013/14262-7) for their financial support.


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