

abstract input, 24

accelerating your testing career, 141-142

through repetition, 139

through technique, 139-140

adding steps to scenarios, 68-69

after-hours tour, business district, 50

after-hours Zune bug, 50

aimlessness of software testing, relieving, 114-116

all-nighter tour, 74

entertainment district, 55

antisocial tour, seedy district, 60-61


scenario-based exploratory testing, 67

Wikipedia concept to testing, 126

test atoms, 128

test case reuse, 127

test molecules, 128

arrogant American tour, 48

The Art of Software Testing, 157

atomic input, 24

atomic test cases, 206

August 2008 blog entries

If Microsoft Is So Good at Testing, Why Does Your Software Still Suck?, 180-182

The Future of Testing (Part 1), 185

The Future of Testing (Part 2), 187

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 4), 179-180

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 5), 183

autism, facilitating communication with software, 2


back alley tour, 73

entertainment district, 53-54

Visual Studio, 104-105

supermodel tours with, 84

Back to Testing, JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 177-178

bad neighborhood tour, historical district, 51

blockaded taxicab tours, Dynamics AX client, 80-81

blog entries

August 2008

The Future of Testing (Part 1), 185-186

The Future of Testing (Part 2), 187

If Microsoft Is So Good at Testing, Why Does Your Software Still Suck?, 180-182

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 4), 179-180

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 5), 183

December 2008, Google vs. Microsoft and the Dev:Test Ratio Debate, 201-202

January 2009

Exploratory Testing Explained, 204-205

I’m Back, 207-208

Test Case Reuse, 205-206

The Zune Issue, 203-204

July 2008, 166

Back to Testing, 177-178

Hail Europe!, 174

measuring testers, 168-169

PEST, 167-168

The Poetry of Testing, 175-176

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 1), 170

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 2), 173-174

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 3), 176-177

Users and Johns, 170-172

November 2008

Keeping Testers in a Test, 201

Software Tester Wanted, 200

October 2008

Manual vs. Automated Testing Again, 198-199

Speaking of Google, 198

The Future of Testing (Part 6), 194-195

The Future of Testing (Part 7), 195-196

The Future of Testing (Part 8), 197-198

September 2008

The Future of Testing (Part 3), 189, 191

The Future of Testing (Part 4), 191-192

The Future of Testing (Part 5), 192-193

On Certification, 188-189

Software testing ten commandments, 143-149

boundary subtours, intellectual tours and, 103

breaking software tours, Visual Studio, 104

Brown, Shawn

three-hour tours, 95-96

Windows Mobile device tours, 90

rained-out tours, 92

saboteurs, 93-94

supermodel tours, 93-94

testing approach/philosophy, 91-92

WMP tours

garbage collector tours, 97-99

intellectual tours, 100, 102-103

supermodel tours, 100

“What If?” questions during manual tests, 100-101

bugs, 4-9

bug finding tours

FedEx tours, 89

rained-out tours, 87

saboteurs, 88

test case management solutions, 86

TOGOF tours, 90

detecting, 13-14

Dynamics AX client

blockaded taxicab tours, 81

multicultural tours, 82-84

taxicab tours, 82

origin of, 11

preventing, 12-13

process improvement, 156

tools for eliminating, 155-157

business district in touring metaphor, 45-46

after-hours tour, 50

FedEx tour, 49

garbage collector’s tour, 51

intellectual tour, 48-49

landmark tour, 47-48

money tour, 46-47


career in testing

ascent, 139-140

descent, 142

obtaining, 137-138

summit, 140-142

categories of software users, 158

certification, JW’s September 2008 blog entry, 188-189

checks, input checks, 28-29

Clarke, Arthur C., 1

code paths, 35

collector’s tour, 74

tourist district, 55-56

continuing education, focus on as reason for respect, 153

Copeland, Lee, 170

couch potato tour, hotel district, 59

The Craft of Software Testing, 157

Crick, Francis, 1

crime spree tour of seedy district, 61

crowdsourcing, 185


data substitution, 70-71

December 2008 blog entry, Google vs. Microsoft and the Dev:Test Ratio Debate, 201-202

default versus user-supplied input, 30-31

defining tests

methods, 116

targets, 115

time, 115-116

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 1

detecting bugs, 13-14

developers, weaknesses as testers, 12

districts in touring metaphor, 44

business district, 45-46

after-hours tour, 50

FedEx tour, 49

garbage collector’s tour, 51

intellectual tour, 48-49

landmark tour, 47-48

money tour, 46-47

entertainment district

all-nighter tour, 55

back alley tour, 53-54

supporting actor tour, 53

historical district

bad-neighborhood tour, 51

museum tour, 52

prior version tour, 52

hotel district

couch potato tour, 59

rained-out tour, 58-59

seedy district

antisocial tour, 60-61

obsessive-compulsive tour, 62

saboteur tour, 60

tourist district

collector’s tour, 55-56

lonely businessman tour, 56

Scottish pub tour, 57

supermodel tour, 57

TOGOF tour, 57

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 1

Dynamics AX client, touring, 78

blockaded taxicab tours, 80-81

landmark tours, 85

multicultural tours, 80

collected bugs, 82-84

rained-out tours, 85

supermodel tours, 84

taxicab tours, 79, 82


educational background as reason for respect, 153

eliminating buggy software, 157

through formal methods, 155

through process improvement, 156

through tools, 155

Elizondo, David Gorena, 54

bug finding tours, 86

FedEx tours, 89

rained-out tours, 87

saboteurs, 88

test case management solutions, 86

TOGOF tours, 90

entertainment district in touring metaphor

all-nighter tour, 55

back alley tour, 53-54

supporting actor tour, 53

environment, 36-37

environment substitution, 71-72

environment-carrying tests, 127

error code, testing, 149-151

error handlers, 150

exception handlers, 29

input checks, 28-29

input filters, 27-28

Excel, bugs, 5

excellence, insistence on as reason for respect, 152

exception handlers, 29, 150

exoplanets, 2

exploratory testing, 180

benefits/drawbacks, 16

combining with script-based testing, 18-19

definition of, 16

exploratory testing in the large, 18

exploratory testing in the small. See exploratory testing in the small

Exploratory Testing Explained, JW’s January 2009 blog entry, 204-205

exploratory testing in the small

code paths, 35

definition of, 17

environment, 36-37

overview, 21-23

software state, testing, 35

definition of state, 32-33

temporary versus persistent state, 34

user data, 36

user input, testing, 23

abstract input, 24

atomic input, 24-25

default versus user-supplied input, 30-31

definition of user input, 24

guiding input selection with outputs, 31-32

input sequences, 25

legal versus illegal input, 26-29

normal versus special input, 29-30

extrasolar planets, 2


failure of software, 4-9

feature testing, 43, 62

FedEx tour

business district, 49

bug finding tours, 89

feedback-based exploratory testing, 184

filters, input filters, 27-28

finding bugs, 86

FedEx tours, 89

rained-out tours, 87

saboteurs, 88

test case management solutions, 86

TOGOF tours, 90

formal methods for eliminating buggy software, 155

freestyle exploratory testing, 183

functional code, 149

future of software testing, 123-124, 132-134

THUD, 125-126

The Future of Testing (Part 1), JW’s August 2008 blog entry, 185

The Future of Testing (Part 2), JW’s August 2008 blog entry, 187

The Future of Testing (Part 3), JW’s September 2008 blog entry, 189, 191

The Future of Testing (Part 4), JW’s September 2008 blog entry, 191-192

The Future of Testing (Part 5), JW’s September 2008 blog entry, 192-193

The Future of Testing (Part 6), JW’s October 2008 blog entry, 194-195

The Future of Testing (Part 7), JW’s October 2008 blog entry, 195-196

The Future of Testing (Part 8), JW’s October 2008 blog entry, 197-198


garbage collector tours

business district, 51

Visual Studio, 105

WMP (Windows Media Player), 97-99

ghost hunting as software testing metaphor, 40

goals of exploratory software testing, 40-41

Google vs. Microsoft and the Dev:Test Ratio Debate, JW’s December 2008 blog entry, 201-202

GTO (Games Test Organization), 141


Hail Europe!, JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 174

Haugen, Nicole, 54

Dynamics AX client, touring, 78

blockaded taxicab tours, 80-81

landmark tours, 85

multicultural tours, 80-84

rained-out tours, 85

supermodel tours, 84

taxicab tours, 79, 82

Hetzel, Bill, 138

historical district in touring metaphor

bad neighborhood tour, 51

museum tour, 52

prior version tour, 52

Hopper’s moth, 11

hotel district in touring metaphor

couch potato tour, 59

rained-out tour, 58-59

How to Break Software (Whittaker), 17, 39, 138

Human Genome Project, 1

hybrid exploratory testing techniques, 65

scenario-based testing, 66

applying, 67

scenario operators, 68-72

tours, 72-75


If Microsoft Is So Good at Testing, Why Does Your Software Still Suck?, JW’s August 2008 blog entry, 180-182

I’m Back, JW’s January 2009 blog entry, 207-208

illegal input, testing, 26

exception handlers, 29

input checks, 28-29

input filters, 27-28

infinite loops, Zune bug, 50

injections of variation, 117-118

input (user). See user input

input checking, 28-29, 150

input filters, 27-28, 150

input sequences, 25

input type, properties, 151

inserting steps in scenarios, 68-69

insourcing, 185

intellectual tour, 73

boundary subtours and, 102-103

business district, 48-49

WMP (Windows Media Player), 100-103

intent, tours of, 108


January 2009 blog entries

Exploratory Testing Explained, 204-205

I’m Back, 207-208

Test Case Reuse, 205-206

The Zune Issue, 203-204

July 2008 blog entries, 166

Back to Testing, 177-178

Hail Europe!, 174

Ode to the Manual Tester, 171-172

PEST, 167-169

The Poetry of Testing, 175-176

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 1), 170

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 2), 173-174

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 3), 176-177

Users and Johns, 170


Keeping Testers in a Test, JW’s October 2008 blog entry, 201

Kulawiec, Rich, 21

Ladd, David, 178

landmark tour, 73

business district, 47-48

Dynamics AX client, 85

Larius, Jim, 168

legal versus illegal input, 26-29

lonely businessman tour, tourist district, 56


manual testing, 179

combining with exploratory testing, 18-19

definition of, 14-15

scripted manual testing, 15

Manual vs. Automated Testing Again, JW’s October 2008 blog entry, 198-199

Marick, Brian, 170

mastering software testing, 158-159

measuring testers, JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 168-169

memorylessness of software testing, relieving, 120-121

metaphors for scenario-based exploratory software testing, tourist metaphor, 41-43


GTO, 141

“Watson,” 129

Mills, Harlan, 168

mixed-destination tour, 54

money tour, 73

business district, 46-47

Visual Studio, 104

monotony of software testing, relieving, 119-120

morning-commute tour, 50

Muharsky, Joe Allan, 190

multicultural tours, Dynamics AX client, 80-84

museum tour, historical district, 52


Newton, Isaac, 2

normal versus special input, 29-30

November 2008 blog entry

Keeping Testers in a Test, 201

Software Tester Wanted, 200

obsessive-compulsive tour, 73, 96

seedy district, 62

Visual Studio, 104

October 2008 blog entries

The Future of Testing (Part 6), 194-195

The Future of Testing (Part 7), 195-196

The Future of Testing (Part 8), 197-198

Manual vs. Automated Testing Again, 198-199

Speaking of Google, 198

Ode to the Manual Tester, JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 171-172

On Certification, JW’s September 2008 blog entry, 188-189

opposite tour of seedy district, 61

origin of software bugs, 11

Outlook (Microsoft), bugs, 7

outputs, guiding input selection with, 31-32

outsourcing, 185


Page, Alan, 209

pain points of software testing, 113

aimlessness, relieving, 114-116

memorylessness, relieving, 120-121

monotony, relieving, 119-120

repetitiveness, relieving, 116-118

transiency, relieving, 118-119

parking lot tours, Visual Studio, 103-105

Perlis, Alan J., 11

persistent outputs, 32

persistent state, 34

PEST (Pub Exploration and Software Testing), JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 167-168

The Poetry of Testing, JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 175-176

post-release testing, 134

preventing bugs, 12-13

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 1), JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 170

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 2), JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 173-174

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 3), JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 176-177

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 4), JW’s August 2008 blog entry, 179-180

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 5), JW’s August 2008 blog entry, 183

prior version tour, historical district, 52

process improvement, eliminating buggy software, 156

properties of input type, 151


quality, focus on as reason for respect, 152

Quality Quest, 167

rained-out tour, 75

bug finding tours, 87

hotel district, 58-59

Dynamics AX client, 85

Windows Mobile devices, 92

regression tests, 117

relieving pain points of software testing

aimlessness, 114

test method, defining, 116

test targets, defining, 115

test time, defining, 115-116

memorylessness, 120-121

monotony, 119-120

repetitiveness, 116

injections of variation, 117-118

transiency, 118-119

removing steps from scenarios, 69

repeatability, 62

repeating steps in scenarios, 70

repetitive nature of software testing, 139

relieving, 116-118

replacing steps in scenarios, 70

respect for test community, reasons for, 152-154

restoring respect to software industry, 160-161

reusability, 186

Ridley, Matt, 178


saboteur tour, seedy district, 60

saboteurs, 74, 96

bug finding tours, 88

Windows Mobile devices, 93-94

scenario operators

data substitution, 70-71

environment substitution, 71-72

steps, inserting, 68-69

steps, removing, 69

steps, repeating, 70

steps, replacing, 70

scenario-based exploratory testing, 65-66, 183

applying, 67

scenario operators

data substitution, 70-71

environment substitution, 71-72

steps, inserting, 68-69

steps, removing, 69

steps, repeating, 70

steps, replacing, 70

tourist metaphor, 41-43, 72

all-nighter tour, 74

back alley tour, 73

collector’s tour, 74

intellectual tour, 73

landmark tour, 73

money tour, 73

obsessive-compulsive tour, 73

rained-out tour, 75

saboteur, 74

supermodel tour, 74

supporting actor tour, 75

tour-crasher tour, 75

scope, 34

Scottish pub tour, tourist district, 57

scripted manual testing, 179

combining with exploratory testing, 18-19

overview, 15

seedy district in touring metaphor

antisocial tour, 60-61

obsessive-compulsive tour, 62

saboteur tour, 60

September 2008 blog entries

On Certification, 188-189

The Future of Testing (Part 3), 189-191

The Future of Testing (Part 4), 191-192

The Future of Testing (Part 5), 192-193

Sherman, Roger, 196

Shostack, Adam, 57

skeptical customer tour, 47

software. See also software testing

at rest, difficulties in testing, 12

failure of, 4-9

importance of, 1-4

state, testing, 32-35

definition of state, 32-33

temporary versus persistent state, 34

users, categories of, 158

visualization, 130-132

software industry, restoring respect to, 160-161

Software Tester Wanted, JW’s October 2008 blog entry, 200

software testing

as discipline, 157-159

future of, 132-134

source code, visualization, 130

Speaking of Google, JW’s October 2008 blog entry, 198

special input, testing, 29-30

Staneff, Geoff, 54

test planning/managing via tours, 107

landscape, defining, 106

tour results, analyzing, 109-111

tours, running, 109

tours of intent, 108

Visual Studio tours

back alley tours, 104-105

breaking software tours, 104

garbage collector tours, 105

money tours, 104

obsessive-compulsive tours, 104

parking lot tours, 103-105

supermodel tours, 105

state, testing, 35

definition of state, 32-33

temporary versus persistent state, 34

strategy-based exploratory testing, 184


data, 70-71

environment, 71-72

supermodel tours, 74, 96

back alleymixed destination tours with, 84

Dynamics AX client, 84

supporting actor tours with, 84

tourist district, 57

Visual Studio, 105

Windows Mobile devices, 93-94

WMP (Windows Media Player), 100

supporting actor tour, 75

entertainment district, 53

supermodel tours with, 84


taxicab tours, Dynamics AX client, 79

blockaded taxicab tours, 80-81

collected bugs, 82

technique, importance of, 139-140

temporary state, 34

ten commandments of software testing, 143-149

test assets, virtualization, 129

test atoms, 128, 206

test case mangement, bug finding tours, 86

Test Case Reuse, JW’s January 2009 blog entry, 205-207

test molecules, 128, 207


error code, 149-151

planning/managing via tours

analyzing tour results, 109-110

defining landscape, 106

reporting tour results, 110-111

running tours, 109

tours of intent, 108

Windows Mobile device tours

rained-out tours, 92

saboteurs, 93-94

supermodel tours, 93-94

testing approach/philosophy, 91-92

Testipedia, 126

test atoms, 128

test case reuse, 127

test molecules, 128

testsourcing, 186

three-hour tours, 95-96

THUD (tester’s heads-up display), 125-126

TOGOF tours

bug finding tours, 90

tourist district, 57


eliminating buggy software, 155

visualization tools, 130

tour-crasher tour, 75

touring metaphor for scenario-based exploratory software testing, 41-43

back alley tours

Visual Studio, 104-105

supermodel tours with, 84

blockaded taxicab tours, Dynamics AX client, 80-81

breaking software tours, Visual Studio, 104

bug finding tours

FedEx tours, 89

rained-out tours, 87

saboteurs, 88

test case management solutions, 86

TOGOF tours, 90

Dynamics AX client, 78

blockaded taxicab tours, 80-81

landmark tours, 85

multicultural tours, 80-84

rained-out tours, 85

supermodel tours, 84

taxicab tours, 79, 82

FedEx tours, bug finding tours, 89

garbage collector tours

Visual Studio, 105

WMP (Windows Media Player), 97-99

in scenarios, 72-75

intellectual tours

boundary subtours and, 103

WMP, 100-103

landmark tours, Dynamics AX client, 85

money tours, Visual Studio, 104

multicultural tours, Dynamics AX client, 80-84

obsessive-compsulsive tours, 96

Visual Studio, 104

parking lot tours, Visual Studio, 103-105

putting to use, 62

rained-out tours

bug finding tours, 87

Dynamics AX client, 85

Windows Mobile devices, 92

software “districts,” 44

business district, 45-51

entertainment district, 53-55

historical district, 51-52

hotel district, 58-59

seedy district, 60-62

tourist district, 55-57

supermodel tours, 96

back alley/mixed destination tours with, 84

Dynamics AX client, 84

supporting actor tours with, 84

Visual Studio, 105

Windows Mobile devices, 93-94

WMP, 100

supporting actor tours, supermodel tours with, 84

taxicab tours, Dynamics AX client, 79, 82

test planning/managing via, 107-109

analyzing tour results, 109-110

landscape, defining, 106

reporting tour results, 110-111

running tours, 109

tours of intent, 108

three-hour tours, 95-96

TOGOF tours, bug finding tours, 90

tours of intent, 108

Windows Mobile devices, 90

rained-out tours, 92

saboteurs, 93-94

supermodel tours, 93-94

testing approach/philosophy, 91-92

WMP, 97

garbage collector tours, 97-99

intellectual tours, 100-103

supermodel tours, 100

tourist district in touring metaphor

collector’s tour, 55-56

lonely businessman tour, 56

Scottish pub tour, 57

supermodel tour, 57

TOGOF tour, 57

transiency of software testing, 118-119


user data, 36

user input, testing, 23

abstract input, 24

atomic input, 24-25

default versus user-supplied input, 30-31

definition of user input, 24

guiding input selection with outputs, 31-32

input sequences, 25

legal versus illegal input, 26-29

exception handlers, 29

input checks, 28-29

input filters, 27-28

normal versus special input, 29-30

testing, 30-31

Users and Johns, JW’s July 2008 blog entry, 170


van de Kamp, Peter, 2

virtualization, 186-187

virtualization of test assets, 129

Visual Studio

back alley tours, 104-105

breaking software tours, 104

garbage collector tours, 105

money tours, 104

obsessive-compulsive tours, 104

parking lot tours, 103-105

supermodel tours, 105

visualization, 130-132


Watson, 129

Watson, James, 1

whack-a-mole analogy to testing, 209

“What If?” questions, WMP tests, 100-101

Whittaker, James, blog entries

August 2008

If Microsoft Is So Good at Testing, Why Does Your Software Still Suck?, 180-182

The Future of Testing (Part 1), 185

The Future of Testing (Part 2), 187

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 4), 179-180

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 5), 183

December 2008, Google vs. Microsoft and the Dev:Test Ratio Debate, 201-202

January 2009

Exploratory Testing Explained, 204-205

I’m Back, 207-208

Test Case Reuse, 205-206

The Zune Issue, 203-204

July 2008, 166

Back to Testing, 177-178

Hail Europe!, 174

testers, measuring, 168-169

Ode to the Manual Tester, 171-172

PEST, 167-168

The Poetry of Testing, 175-176

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 1), 170

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 2), 173-174

Prevention vs. Cure (Part 3), 176-177

Users and Johns, 170

November 2008

Keeping Testers in a Test, 201

Software Tester Wanted, 200

October 2008

The Future of Testing (Part 6), 194-195

The Future of Testing (Part 7), 195-196

The Future of Testing (Part 8), 197-198

Manual vs. Automated Testing Again, 198-199

Speaking of Google, 198

September 2008

The Future of Testing (Part 3), 189, 191

The Future of Testing (Part 4), 191-192

The Future of Testing (Part 5), 192-193

On Certification, 188-189

Wikipedia concept, applying to testing, 126

test atoms, 128

test case reuse, 127

test molecules, 128

Windows Mobile devices

tours in, 90

rained-out tours, 92

saboteurs, 93-94

supermodel tours, 93-94

testing approach/philosophy, 91-92

WMP (Windows Media Player), 97

garbage collector tours, 97-99

Intellectual tours, 100, 102-103

Supermodel tours, 100

“What If?” questions during manual tests, 100-101

World of Warcraft, 125

Zune bug, 50

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