

Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.



Adjusting selections, 3132

Adjustment layers, 254, 254f

Ambient Light, 287, 294

Ambient Occlusion (AO), 244251

baking, 248251

faux, 263266

Anatomy of walk, 385

Anchors, 372

Animations, 89, 9f, 359360

curve, 371f

frames adding to length of, 379f

refining, 368

rendering, 398f

workflow, 3

Ankle skin weights, 353f

Antennae, creating, 173f

AO, see Ambient Occlusion

Append to Polygon Tool, 152, 152f

Architectural assets, 119

Architectural polygonal modeling

component level editing, 6667

foundation laying, 5557

project setting, 54

scaling and positioning walls, 6162

Architectural texturing, game level and

beyond color, 251255

Photoshop preparation, 230234

size, 235238

texture resources, 229230

walls, 229

Area, creation, 227

Area Lights, 285286, 286f, 291f

Armor, creating, 170171


animating, 396f

creating, 165167, 166f167f

mapping, 216, 216f

Assembled armor shells, 213, 213f

ATI video card, 1617

Attribute Editor, 18, 185, 186f, 228

Wall_Matin, 302

Automatic mapping, 188189, 188f, 213f

Automatic Projection, 188

Automatic tools, 337



Backface Culling, 238

Bathtub, using NURBS modeling, 102f

Bed frame, 97f, 101f

Belly, creating, 157f

Belt buckle, creating, 173, 173f

Bevel, 97101, 98f

Bezier curves, 102, 296, 296f, 372

Blending Mode, 240, 240f, 411

Boolean functions, 6466, 65f

Boot, 216

creating, 164, 164f165f

mapping, 217f

Bouncing ball animation, 361, 366f

Breast plate, creating, 159f

Bridging, 9197, 92f93f

Bump mapping, 256258

Button mouse, 17, 1920



Canvas size, setting, 407, 407f

Cast shadows, 289, 290f, 230, 411

Channel Box, 18, 3940, 40f, 378

Character lighting, 306

Cool_Fill_Light, 311314, 312f313f

group adjustments, 315316, 315f

Key Light, 307308, 308f

scene setup, 307, 307f

Warm_Fill_Light, 309, 310f312f

Character style sheet, 402f

cropping, 402, 402f

horizontal comparison

guides, 403, 403f

image separation

canvas size, 407

copying and pasting, 406, 407f

front view, selecting one half of, 406f

Move Tool, 408

Rectangular Marquee Tool, 404

side sketch, selecting, 405f

Photoshop, 401402

Character Style Sheets, 120, 131

Clone Stamp Tool, 416, 416f


creating, 159f

refining, 159, 160f

Component Editor, 348350, 350f

Components vs. objects, 3239

Cone Angle, 281282, 282f

Conservation of Volume, 365

Control Vertex Curve Tool, 102

Cool_Fill_Light, 311314, 312f313f

Copying keyframes, 367

Crazy Bump, 256, 258f

Create Polygon Tool, 127128, 127f

Crotch, 161162, 161f162f

Cut Faces Tool, 91, 91f

Cut UV Edges, 197198, 197f, 204, 204f

Cyc_Mat, 298f, 299

Cycs, 295300, 296f, 298f

Cylindrical mapping, 203f, 214f, 215216, 216f

belt and, 214

organic form UV layouts, 203204

Cylindrical projection, 183, 204, 208f



Decay Rate of Linear, 278, 278f279f

Deformation objects, 320322

Depth Map Shadows, 276277

Desaturation, grayscale results of, 415f

Directional Light, 282285, 283f285f

Display layers, 126

Dome roof, 79


adjusting vertices to, 70f

creating, 66f

Dope Sheet, 381f


compartment, 83, 84f, 87f

creating, 85, 87f

Drop Shadow Layer Style, settings for, 264f

Duplicate Tool, 63

Dynamic mirrored geometry, creating, 137147, 138f



Ears, creating, 172, 172f

Edge of polygon, 48

Elbow skin weights, 356f

End table, creating, 8387, 88f, 93f

Escaping the Madness, 5154

Examination table, modeling, 9597

Extrude Tool, 84, 84f, 127


creating, 125, 125f

expanding geometry in, 135136

extruding around, 127128

finding shape of, 130132

tweaking and duplicating, 138, 138f


decreasing geometry in, 134f

moving vertices to match, 132, 133f

softening edge normals, 134, 135f


thickness for, 132134, 133f

three-dimensional representation of, 130



Face of polygon, 48

Facial animation, 142

Faux, AO, 263266

Final Gather, 292


creating, 168f169f

skin weights, 356, 356f

Flat color map, results of, 253f

Flattened texture, 235

Flexibility, 1011

Floor base, 234f

Foot roll rig, 338344, 391f

Forearm armor, creating, 170f

Forward kinematics (FK), 329331

Frame 12, 36, 373, 376f

Frame construction, 8387

Frame Padding setting, 397

Free Transform tool, 231

Front View Panel, 325



Game character

modeling, 120174, 176f

combining mouth and eye, 143145

display layers, 126

image planes and setting up to work, 121125, 122f124f

merge to center, 129136, 130f

vs. high-rez character, 383

Gaming card, 16

Gizmo, 272, 272f

Graph Editor, 369, 380f

anatomy of curve, 371f

anchors and handles, 371

for sphere’s jump, 369f

Gurney, 9597



Hallway floor

creating, 5759, 59f

cube snapping to edge of, 62f

Hands, 167f, 168169, 169f

Harden Edge Tool, 160f


back of, 145147, 145f147f, 151f

bottom of, 152, 152f

ridge, 171f

Hierarchy, power of, 343

High-rez 3D, 12


creating, 161f

setting rotation pose, 387f

skin weights for, 355f

Horizontal comparison guides, 403, 403f

Hotbox, 25, 25f

Hypershade, 226228

Wall_Mat from, 237, 238f



IK, see Inverse kinematics

Image planes, 121125, 122f124f

Insert Edge Loop Tool, 8890, 89f, 155

Interactive Creation, 340

Interactive Split Tool, 153173, 153f, 156f157f

Interface, 1826, 19f

wrap up, 4243

Inverse kinematics (IK), 324, 329

chain, ankle and ball, 330, 331f

Handle Tool, 330, 330f



Joints, 320

behavior, 320322

chain, alien

arms, 333334

cleaning up, 337338

foot roll rig, 338344

hand, 335337, 336f

IK vs. FK, 329331

legs, 324328

mirror, 331332

root joint, 323324, 324f

upper body, 332333

as deformation objects, 321322

orientation of, 337

tool, 321, 321f, 335f



Key Light, 307308, 308f

Keyboard shortcuts, 39

Keyframes, 360

default tangents of, 372f

moving in time, 381

overwriting, 368

setting, 366f

Kinematics, 329

Knee skin weights, 354f



Lambert Shader, 300

Lasso Tool, 30, 31f, 261

Layer Editor, 126, 126f

Layer Mask, 262, 262f, 266

Layered animation, 384

Layering textures, 238244

Layers Palette, 261, 261f

L_Clav joint, 334, 334f

Leaking texture, 238

Left footfall pose, 385f


creating, 161f, 163165, 163f164f


creating, 325, 325f

moving, 326f

rotating, 326

mapping, 216, 216f

Lighting, 910, 10f

Lighting instruments

Ambient Light, 287

Area Lights, 285286, 286f

character, 306

Cool_Fill_Light, 311314, 312f313f

group adjustments, 315316, 315f

Key Light, 307308, 308f

scene setup, 307, 307f

Warm_Fill_Light, 309, 310f312f


Light, 282285, 283f285f

gizmo, 272, 272f

Point Light, 274, 275f

Decay Rate, Linear, 278, 278f279f

Depth Map Shadows, 276277

Spot Light, 279282, 279f, 281f

Volume Light, 285286, 287f

Lips, rounding out, 155f

Low-rez 3D, 23

L_Toe joint, 327, 327f, 340341, 341f

L_Toe_Cntrl, 339340, 339f

L_Toe_Cntrl_Group, 340, 340f341f



Mandible construction, 142143


arms/legs, 216, 216f

boot, 217f

cylindrical, 203204, 203f, 214f, 215216, 216f

belt and, 214

planar, 190192, 190f

back armor using, 217, 218f

chests, backs, and, 216217

projections, hands, 217, 218f

Marking Menus, see Hotbox

Master foot handle, creating, 343344

Materials, 226

creating and applying, 228

graphing, 227f

wall, 235238

Mattress, roughing out, 97f

Maya, 193, 320, 350

advantages of, 5

animation tools, 361

automatic mapping, 188

history of, 1314

implementing into, 269

lighting instruments, 272273

run for, requirements to, 1517

selection system, 30

structure, incremental

saves, 5657

thinking of, 1718

Mayatomr.mll, 245

McCandless’ theory, 306

Memory, 1516

Mental Ray

engine, 245, 292294, 293f, 304

Merge to Center tool, 153, 153f

Merge Tool, 144, 148

A Method of Lighting the Stage (McCandless), 306

Middle-mouse-dragging, 334, 335f, 370

Mirror Across option, 332, 358

Mirror Geometry Tool, 174175

Mirror Joint Options window, 332, 332f

Mirror skin weights, 357358

Mirroring, 219221, 220f

Modeling, 5, 5f

torso, 156158, 157f

Modes of Maya, 4142, 42f

Monitor, 17

Mouse, three button, 17, 1920

Mouth, constructing, 139142, 139f

Move and Sew UV Edges, 206, 206f, 210, 213

Move Tool, 2728, 280, 327f, 408

center of face with, 137f

eyelid thickness, 132

walls with snapping, 61



Navigation, 1920

Neck, creating, 151152, 155f

Nomenclature, 225226

Non-cubic shaped rooms, creating, 7781

Non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) modeling

curves, 102103

import, 116117, 116f

smoothing, 108110

surfaces, 104107, 106f

for trim, 110115, 111f, 115f

Normal of polygon, 48

NURBS modeling, see Non-uniform rational B-splines modeling

NVidia video card, 16



Object Mode, 137, 148, 199


manipulator adjusting of, 5960

vs. components, 3239

Octagonal base room, creating, 77, 77f

Offsetting keys, 382f

Orient Constraint, 341342

Orthographic View Panel, 2023, 21f22f

Outliner, 4041, 41f

Overlay layers, saturation levels of, 241f



Paint Selection Tool, 34, 34f

Paint Skin Weights Tool, 351357, 351f

ankle skin weights, 353f

finger skin weights, 356, 356f

hip skin weights for, 355f

knee skin weights, 354f

L_Ball, skin weight for, 352, 353f

painting process, 352

root, skin weights for, 355f

shoulder skin weights, 357f

Painting process, 402

Panoramic image, 297, 298f

Passing poses, 385f

Pasting keyframes, 367

Pelvic Girdle, 329

Penumbra Angle, 281282, 282f

Perspective View Panel, 2023, 21f22f

Phongshader on walls, 301f

Photoshop, 230234, 401402

Planar mapping, 190192, 190f

back armor using, 217, 218f

chests, backs, and, 216217

Planar projection, 190, 192, 217f218f

Point Light, 274, 275f

Decay Rate, Linear, 278, 278f279f

Depth Map Shadows, 276277

Polycounts, 50, 120, 125

Polygons, 47, 69f, 179, 182, 190f, 207, 322

diagonal collection of, 215f

extruding, 67, 68f

hallway plane, 58f

model, 5

modeling modes, 5051

NURBS surface converting to, 107

parts of, 4849

sphere, creating, 78, 78f, 361f

Poses of walk, 385f

Processor, 15

video, 1617

Projections, 183

automatic, 188

cylindrical, 183, 204, 208f

planar, 190, 192, 217f218f

Projects, 4346

Prop polygonal modeling, 82

Cut Faces Tool, 91, 91f

end table creation, 8387, 88f, 93f

frame construction, 8387

Insert Edge Loop Tool, 8890, 89f



RAM, 1516

Range Slider, 379

Raw image, of stucco wall, 411f

Rectangular Marquee Tool, 403404

Refining animation, 368

Rendering, 910, 10f

animations, 398f

preparation for, 304305


collection, 53

3D animation, 4

Retain Component Spacing, 136137, 137f

Rigging, 78, 8f, 320

Right footfall pose, rotating, 393f

Roof, making way for, 78f

Rooms, 81f82f

building, 67

creating non-cubic shaped, 7781

duplicating, 76f

organizing, 7376

Root control, adjusting, 394f

Rotate Tool, 2829, 280, 326, 378f

Rough color map, 253f

Rust texture, 239, 240f



Scale, problems with, 56

Scale Tool, 2930


roughing out, 54, 55f

saving, 54, 55f

setup, 307, 307f

Sculpt Geometry Tool, 148, 149f

Shaders, 226, 300303

Shells, 182

Shoulder skin weights, 357f

Show Manipulator Tool, 39, 272273, 273f

Side View Panel, 324, 325

Sketch, 34

Skin weighting

bind, testing, 347, 348f

Component Editor, 348349, 350f

mirror skin weights, 357358

Paint Skin Weights

Tool, 351357, 351f

skin weights painting, 346

testing, 357

Skinning, 78, 8f, 320


NURBS modeling, 108110

UVs tools, 204207, 205f


dome, 79f

walls with, 6162

Snapshots, 182

UV, 196, 198199, 199f

Soft Modification Tool, 3537, 36f37f, 149152, 150f

Soft Selection Tool, 150f

Specular Color, 302

Specular map, for walls, 302f

Sphere, 361f362f

Spinal column, 332, 333f

Splines, 101, 102103

Spot Light, 279282, 279f, 281f

Squash principle, 365366

Stretch principle, 365366

Surface shader, AO, 246f

rendering results of, 247f



Tail wagging, 376

creating with string of joints, 377f

Dope Sheet, 381f

Tangent handles for anchor, 373

Tessellation, 50, 51f

Texture, 7, 7f, 225

AO for, 244251

baking, 248251

applied, 412f

final multi-layered, 269f

flattened, 235

layering, 238244

for organic forms

green skin base layer, 260f261f

Lasso Tool, 261

Layer Mask, 262, 262f

as painting basis, 266269

photography tips, 412413

resources, 229230

updating, 242244

Three button mouse, 17, 1920


definition of, 1

high-rez, 12

Time Slider, 363

Tool Box, 2632, 26f


modeling, 156158, 157f

and shirt, 158159

Traits of polygon, 49

Translate curve, within Graph Editor, 371

Transparency, 251255, 294

Triangular polygons, 50

Trim, NURBS for, 110115, 111f, 115f

Tris, 50



Unfold function, 205, 205f, 209f, 213

Unfold option, 207, 207f

Unfolded armor shells, 213, 213f

Units, changing, 56

Universal manipulator, 38, 38f

UVs, 180

architecture and level design, layout for automatic

mapping, 188189, 188f

moving and sewing UV Edges, 192195, 193f

planar mapping, 190192, 190f

wrapping up, 200201

Cut UV Edges, 197198, 197f, 204, 204f

layout, 6, 6f

maps, 183, 183f184f

and snapshots, 182183

organic form, layouts, 201223

armor pieces, 212213

belt and cylindrical mapping, 214

boot, 216

chests, backs, and planar mapping, 216217

cylindrical mapping, 203204, 203f, 214f, 215216, 216f

face region, refining, 207212

hands, 217

head, 201202, 202f

mirroring, 219221

misc. cleanup, 218

scale and organize, 221223

on polygon, 48

resizing, 189, 189f


mirrored, 222f

rotating, 195, 195f

scaled and positioned, 196, 196f

snapshots, 196, 198199, 199f, 229

Texture Editor, 180182, 181f, 190f, 208f

components of, 181

Smooth UVs tool selecting from, 205f



Vertex, 48

Video processor, 1617

View Panel, 1925, 187

adjusting new vertices in, 140f

hypershade object in, 228

View plane, 23

Volume Light, 285286, 287f



Walk cycle, 383

anatomy, 385

foot rolls, 391

layered animation, 384

upper body, 394

Wall_Mat, 236f237f

in Attribute Editor, 302

input and output connections of, 243f

Walls, 229

duplicated tile, 232f

material, 235238

roughing out, 5960

scaling and positioning, 6162

specular map for, 302f

Warm_Fill_Light, 309, 310f312f

Wave principle, 376

Whip principle, 376

Windowed walls, single shell for, 194, 194f

Work Area, 227

Workflow, animation, 3

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