10. Managing Customers

As a business owner, you do your best to take care of those that keep you in business, your customers. Customers are one of the most valuable assets you have and are necessary to stay in business.

This chapter focuses on managing the accounting that goes on in the back office for customer-related transactions. You learn what reports to review, how to handle sales tax, and how to work with unique customer transactions, as well as other pertinent information.

Accounts Receivable Reporting

You have already learned how to use some of the most common customer-related transactions and carry out important customer-oriented activities in your QuickBooks data file.

If your business sends invoices to customers for payment, you have offered the customer terms of payment. Those terms might be net 30 or net 60 and might include discounts if you receive early payment.

Using the A/R Aging Summary, Detail, or Open Invoices reports helps you identify customers who are late in paying. These other useful reports included in the Reports, Customers & Receivables menu assist with collections analysis:

• Customer Balance Summary

• Customer Balance Detail

• Collections Report

• Average Days to Pay Summary

• Average Days to Pay

QuickBooks provides a wide variety of reports for documenting sales, customer balances, and other useful management reporting. Chapter 14, “Reporting in QuickBooks,” has details on working with QuickBooks reports, including accessing a variety of customer-related reports from the following menus:

• From the menu bar, select Reports, Report Center; select the Customers & Receivables or Sales reports from the Standard tab.

• From the menu bar, select Company, Company Snapshot; select the Payments or Customer tab.

The next several sections in this chapter help you review and troubleshoot your own data for accuracy. Following are some of the more common reports to identify whether your accounts receivable information is correct.

Reviewing A/R Aging Summary and Detail Reports

Preparing your customer invoices and recording payments from customers is important to the accuracy of your financials. Several reports summarize the status of unpaid or unapplied customer transactions included in your Accounts Receivable balance on the Balance Sheet report. You can prepare these reports with your own data or review the report details using the sample data in Chapter 1, “Getting Started with QuickBooks.”

From the menu bar, select Reports, Customers & Receivables, and then select one of the following from the submenu:

A/R Aging Summary—Report groups open customer transactions by job into a series of aged date ranges (see Figure 10.1). Use this report for a quick view of customers who have older unpaid balances.

Figure 10.1. Use the A/R Aging Summary report to identify which customers have overdue balances.


A/R Aging Detail—The report in Figure 10.2 provides detail for all open customer transactions, grouped by aging status.

Figure 10.2. The A/R Aging Detail report groups aged customer transactions by aging status.


Use these reports to identify customers who are in need of collection efforts, and use the tools discussed in the sections, “Income Tracker” and “Enable the Collections Center” in this chapter.

Reviewing the Open Invoices Report

Different from the A/R Aging Summary report, the Open Invoices report is particularly useful because it shows individual lines for each open (unapplied) transaction grouped by customer and job. This report is a perpetual report, meaning it shows open invoices as of today’s date, not some fixed time in the past, unless you modify the reports as detailed here.

To modify the Open Invoices report so you can compare it to your Balance Sheet report for some specific date in the past, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, Customers & Receivables, Open Invoices. By default, this report includes all payments your customer made as of today’s computer system date.

2. If you are changing the date of this report to a date in the past, click the Customize Report button and then click the Advanced button on the Display tab of the Modify Report dialog box.


Changing the date on the Open Invoices report does not change the detail displayed. This Open Invoices report is perpetual. If you need to document your balances for a date in the past, use the Accounts Receivable Aging reports.

3. In the Open Balance/Aging box of the Advanced Options dialog box, select the Report Date option (see Figure 10.3). This modification to the report enables you to see each invoice balance detail as of the previous report date. If you do not modify this report, QuickBooks displays the earlier date on the report and also reduces the balances owed for payments made after the report date.

Figure 10.3. You can compare the Open Invoices report, when modified, to the totals on your Balance Sheet report for a previous date.


4. On the Open Invoices report (see Figure 10.4), you can view details of all open balances and any unapplied credits, grouped by customer and job.

Figure 10.4. Unlike the Aging Summary report, the Open Invoices report subtotals open or unapplied transactions by customer or job instead of by aging date.


Reconciling Accounts Receivable Totals

With QuickBooks, you don’t have to worry that the Balance Sheet report and Accounts Receivable Aging Summary report match because any transaction posting to the Accounts Receivable account must have a customer assigned. You want to make sure you always create your Balance Sheet with the accrual basis because you can prepare the A/R Aging Summary report only on accrual basis.


To compare your Balance Sheet report with the A/R Aging Summary report, you must create your Balance Sheet on an accrual basis. If your reporting preference default is for cash basis, you can still run most reports using accrual basis. Just click the Customize Report button at the top of the report and select Accrual as the reporting basis.

To prepare the reports needed for this comparison, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, Company & Financial, Balance Sheet Standard. The selected report displays. For the date, select the As of Date you want to compare to.

2. In the Balance Sheet report that displays, note the balance in the Accounts Receivable account (see Figure 10.5).

Figure 10.5. Use your Balance Sheet report (accrual basis) to reconcile your Accounts Receivable report.


3. From the menu bar, select Reports, Customers & Receivables, A/R Aging Summary, making sure the field shows the same date as the date selected in step 1. The image in Figure 10.6 has been collapsed to make viewing the information easier. To expand to see more detail, click the Expand button at the top of the report.

Figure 10.6. A/R Aging Summary report is collapsed here for reviewing report totals.


The balance from the Balance Sheet report should match the total on the A/R Aging Summary. If it does not, the cause might be a broken transaction link. You can detect these types of issues by selecting File, Utilities, Verify Data from the menu bar; Chapter 17, “Managing Your QuickBooks Database,” has additional details.

Viewing the Accounts Receivable Balance on a Cash Basis Balance Sheet

The nature of cash basis reporting implies that you do not see an Accounts Receivable balance on your Balance Sheet. In short, cash basis accounting doesn’t recognize revenue until you deposit the funds.

What should you do if you see an Accounts Receivable balance on a cash basis Balance Sheet? Any of the following can be the cause:

• A/R transactions with items posting to other Balance Sheet accounts

• Inventory items on an invoice or credit memo (inventory management should be reported in accrual basis reporting)

• Transfers between Balance Sheet accounts

• Unapplied Accounts Receivable customer payments

• Customer payments applied to future-dated Accounts Receivable invoices

• Preferences that contradict each other (which can happen if you select Cash Basis on your Summary Reports but Accrual Basis as your Sales Tax preference)

• Data corruption (from the menu bar, select File, Utilities, Verify Data to check for data corruption)

Preparing reports detailing accounts receivable balances is easy with the QuickBooks software. However, if you review a cash basis Balance Sheet, you might have an Accounts Receivable balance. Use the next section to learn more about discovering what makes this happen.

Now that you have reviewed your customers’ open and aged balances, you will appreciate the tools available in your QuickBooks software to help you with critical customer-related tasks.

Income Tracker

New for QuickBooks 2014 is the Income Tracker. The Income Tracker makes it easy to review and work with your unbilled sales (estimates and sales orders), unpaid sales (open and overdue invoices), and paid sales (payments and sales receipts).

The Income Tracker replaces the need for the Collections Center, although as the next section shows, you can choose to enable the Collections Center. You can choose to have both the Income Tracker and the Collections Center working in your file. This is useful for those companies that are accustomed to using the Collections Center.

The Income Tracker provides a single window for viewing and managing customer transactions. Business owners can see at a glance the progression of the estimates, sales orders, open and overdue invoices, and payments made in the last 30 days. The transaction types displayed vary depending on the version of QuickBooks you are using and whether you have enabled that feature.


The default Admin user QuickBooks creates has access to the Income Tracker. All other users created must be granted Full access to Sales and Accounts Receivable tasks.

From the Income Tracker, you can do the following:

• Filter the displayed list of customer-related transactions

• Select and work with transactions individually

• Select transactions in batch

• Print a batch of same-type transactions

• Email a batch of transactions

• Review important information about the selected transaction, including the last date an email was sent

To use the Income Tracker, from the menu bar, select Customers, Income Tracker. The Income Tracker displays summary information at the top in colored blocks and detailed transactions below. See Figure 10.9.

Figure 10.9. Use the Income Tracker to manage customer-related transactions.


With the Income Tracker displayed, click any of the colored bars at the top to filter for that specific transaction type. Figure 10.10 shows the results filtered for sales orders. Sales orders are available if you are using QuickBooks Premier or Enterprise.

Figure 10.10. Take action on the selected transaction.


Do you need to email or print a batch of invoices? Follow these instructions:

1. Click the respective color block at the top to filter the results displayed.

2. Place a checkmark next to each transaction you want to email (or print).

3. (Optionally) Right-click with your mouse cursor to access transaction-specific actions. The actions differ depending on the type of transaction displayed. For example, when you right-click an Invoice listing, you have these options:

• Print Row

• Edit Customer & Job Info

• View Transaction History

• View Transaction Journal

• Edit Highlighted Row

4. To perform tasks for multiple invoice transactions, from the Batch Actions drop-down in the lower left, select Batch Email (or Print).

5. QuickBooks opens the Send Batch Email window (see Figure 10.11).

Figure 10.11. Email a batch of transactions easily from the Income Tracker and Send Batch Email window.


6. Click Send Now. QuickBooks uses your preferred email application to send the forms attached as a PDF.

The Income Tracker also permits a user to open a specific transaction and make edits as needed. Use the Income Tracker to keep a close eye on the status of your customer activities.

Enable the Collections Center

QuickBooks 2014 replaced the Collections Center with the Income Tracker that the previous section discussed. However, many users are accustomed to using the features of the Collections Center, so I have chosen to leave these instructions. In QuickBooks 2014, you can choose to use the Income Tracker, the Collections Center, or both. As you become proficient at using the Income Tracker, you will not need to use the Collections Center.

To enable the Collections Center in QuickBooks 2014, follow these instructions:

1. Log in to the file as the Admin user.

2. From the menu bar, select Edit, Preferences, Sales & Customers.

3. Select the Company Preferences tab.

4. In the Collections Center, place a checkmark beside Enable Collections Center.

5. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

To work with the QuickBooks Collections Center, in Figure 10.12, use these instructions:

Figure 10.12. Managing collection activities using the Collections Center.


1. On the Home page, click the Customers button.

2. The Customer Center opens with the Customers & Jobs tab selected. From the top of the Customer Center, click the Collections Center icon.

3. The Collections Center opens, with the Overdue tab selected. Click any column header to sort by that column.

4. Click the Notes/Warnings icon next to any open item; QuickBooks populates the date and time, and you can add your collection notes. Click Save. These notes become part of the customer or job notes record, and you can view them from the Customer Center. After the note is saved, hover your mouse over the Notes/Warnings icon; QuickBooks displays the contents without opening the note.

5. Click the Select and Send Email link, as in Figure 10.13.

Figure 10.13. Manage email communications in batch for past-due customers.


6. Place a checkmark next to each overdue invoice you want to send a collection notice for. Select all or deselect all using the checkmark in front of the Customer Name column header.

7. To the right, modify the boilerplate text to include in the email communication. Add the From, Cc:, and Bcc: email addresses. You can set your default text for these communications on the Send Forms—Company Preferences tab of the Preferences dialog box.

8. QuickBooks uses the email provider you designated on the Send Forms—My Preferences tab of the Preferences dialog box.

9. Repeat steps 4–7 for customers with open invoices listed on the Almost Due tab.

10. Click the X in the top right to close the Collections Center.

The notes assigned to the overdue invoice can also track the day and time an email was sent.

Even with your best efforts, sometimes you are not able to collect the money owed to you. For these instances, you want to accurately write off the balance to your Bad Debt expense account. Review the “Removing an Open Balance from a Customer Invoice” section for details.

Generating the Missing Customer Invoices Report

Most companies establish some control over the process of creating customer invoices. If invoices are created manually in the field and later entered into QuickBooks, one control is to maintain a numeric invoicing pattern. Usually each invoice is one number larger than the previous invoice. This method of invoice record keeping can be an important process to have if your company is ever audited and you are required to provide a list of all invoices.

To see whether your data has any missing numbers in the invoicing sequence, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, Banking, Missing Checks.

2. In the Missing Checks dialog box, in the Specify Account drop-down list, select Accounts Receivable and click OK to generate the report (see Figure 10.14).

Figure 10.14. Create a report that lists all your customer invoices by invoice number.


3. Rename the report by choosing Customize Report, clicking the Header/Footer tab, and typing a new title for the Report Title field, such as Invoice List.


The customized Missing Invoices report filter omits credit memos. With the customized report displayed, you can add credit memos to the transactions reported. Click the Customize Report button and select the Filters tab. In the Choose Filter box, select Transaction Type. From the Transaction Type drop-down list, select Multiple Transaction Types, including invoice, credit memo, and others you want included.

4. Click OK to display the newly renamed report.

This customized report makes the process of identifying missing or duplicated invoice numbers easy (see Figure 10.15). Use this information to determine whether you need better company practices to avoid this situation.

Figure 10.15. This modified report shows a list of all missing or duplicated invoice numbers.


Sales Tax Payable Reports

When your company is required to collect sales tax from your customers, you become an agent for the state. As an agent, you have an obligation to maintain proper records of your sales and taxes collected. This section provides you with easy-to-follow instructions on properly reporting on sales tax and correcting common sales tax data entry errors.

I recommend that you review these reports each time you prepare to pay your sales and use tax to the taxing authority. Properly “reconciling” these reports to each other helps minimize any chance that your QuickBooks data will not support what you filed on your sales tax return.

Reviewing Customer Lists for Tax Code and Tax Item Assigned

Check your customers’ taxable status often. This task is quite easy to do and helps prevent the costly mistakes caused by not charging sales tax or charging the incorrect rate.

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, List, Customer Phone List.

2. On the top left of the report, click the Customize Report button.

3. In the Modify Report dialog box that opens, place a checkmark in the Columns box next to items you want to review for the list, including Sales Tax Code and Tax Item. Not shown in the image is the Resale Num field; you might want to include this on your report.

4. From the drop-down list, select Sales Tax Code.

5. To give the report a unique title, select the Header/Footer tab and type a name for the report in the Report Title field. Click OK.

From this list, which Figure 10.16 shows, double-click any line item detail to open the Edit Customer dialog box and make needed changes.

Figure 10.16. Prepare this report often to review the accuracy of the sales tax codes and items assigned to your customers.


Reviewing the Item List for Tax Code Assigned

Another review that I recommend you do periodically is to look at the list of services and products you sell and determine whether the proper tax code has been assigned (see Figure 10.17).

Figure 10.17. Prepare a report of the sales tax codes assigned to your items.


Follow these steps to customize the Item Price List report:

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, List, Item Price List.

2. At the top left of the report, click the Customize Report button.

3. In the Columns box of the Modify Report dialog box, remove checkmarks from the data fields you do not want to display on this report. Place a checkmark next to the data fields you want to review for the list, including Sales Tax Code.

4. In the drop-down list, select Sales Tax Code.

5. If desired, click the Header/Footer tab to change the report title. Click OK.


When you make a change to a customer’s assigned tax code or tax item or to the tax code assigned to a product or service you sell on your item list, QuickBooks does not correct or modify previously saved transactions. Only new transactions show the change in the sales tax status or rate.

Reconciling Total Sales to Total Income

The term reconciling (also known as proofing) refers to the act of comparing two related numbers from two different reports. The importance of this task cannot be overstated. If your company is selected to have a sales tax audit, one of the first numbers the auditor will want to determine is the total sales you reported on your tax returns for the time period being audited.

→ For more information, see “Setting Up Sales Tax,” p. xxx.

When comparing these two reports, you must know the reporting basis you have selected for your sales tax. To compare your total sales on the Sales Tax Liability report to your total income on the Profit & Loss report using the same basis as your Sales Tax Preference, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, Select Reports, Vendors & Payables, Sales Tax Liability. This report is not listed if you have not yet enabled your Sales Tax preference (see the section “Sales Tax Setup” in Chapter 9, “Setting Up Customers”).

2. Make a note of the date range and total sales on this report.

3. From the menu bar, select Reports, Company & Financial, Profit & Loss Standard.

4. Select the same date range you used for your Sales Tax Liability report in step 1.

5. Verify that this report uses the same reporting basis as the Sales Tax Liability report. If necessary, click Customize Report and then select Cash or Accrual from the Report Basis section of the Display tab.

6. Compare total income on the Profit & Loss report (see Figure 10.18) to the total sales from the Sales Tax Liability report. Note: You might have to deduct any non-sales income on your Profit & Loss Total Income amounts. Also make sure you prepare the reports using the same reporting basis.

Figure 10.18. Compare the total income on the Profit & Loss report to the total sales on the Sales Tax Liability report.


If your totals on these two reports do not match, review the instructions in the “Correcting Sales Tax Errors” section of this chapter.

Reconciling Sales Tax Liability to Balance Sheet Sales Tax Payable

Another important comparison to make is between the amount reported for Sales Tax Payable on the Balance Sheet report and the Sales Tax Payable total on the Sales Tax Liability report. Carefully check that you are using the same cash or accrual basis for each report when completing this review.

If you created your own Sales Tax Payable account, you might not be able to accurately compare the two reports. QuickBooks creates a Sales Tax Payable account automatically.

To compare the Balance Sheet Sales Tax Payable account balance with the Sales Tax Payable total on the Sales Tax Liability report, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, Company & Financial, Balance Sheet Standard (see Figure 10.19).

Figure 10.19. The Balance Sheet Sales Tax Payable amount should agree with your Sales Tax Liability report.


2. On the report, select the As of Date you are comparing to (this date must be the same ending date you use when you prepare your Sales Tax Liability report in the next step).

3. From the menu bar, select Reports, Vendors & Payables, Sales Tax Liability. See Figure 10.19. QuickBooks defaults the date range, depending on your sales tax preference setting.

Each month before you prepare your sales tax return, compare the total of these two reports. Later in this chapter, you learn about methods you can use to troubleshoot these totals when they do not match.

When a Check or Bill Is Used to Pay Sales Tax

A common mistake when recording payment of the sales tax payable is to use a Write Checks or Enter Bills transaction. If you use these types of transactions and the Sales Tax Payable account is assigned on the form, QuickBooks reduces the Sales Tax Payable amount on the Balance Sheet but does not make the same adjustment in the Pay Sales Tax dialog box. Instead, this type of transaction is included in the Pay Sales Tax dialog box as a negative Amt. Due.

To find the transaction(s) that might be the cause of differences between the Balance Sheet Sales Tax Payable amounts to your Sales Tax Liability report amount to be paid, follow these steps:

1. On the Home page, click the Vendors button to open the Vendor Center.

2. Select your sales tax vendor from the Vendors list.

3. From the Show drop-down list, select Checks (or Bills), making sure you are looking in the appropriate date range.

Any checks or bills that appear here could be the reason your two reports do not agree. The correct sales tax payment transaction is named TAXPMT when viewing transactions in your bank register. The following section details how to properly record the payment of the collected sales tax in your QuickBooks data.

Paying Sales Tax

Now that you have your sales tax correctly set up and you have reviewed your sales tax payable reports, you need to know how to properly pay your sales tax.

Paying Sales Tax Without an Adjustment

As mentioned earlier, when you collect sales tax, you are acting as an agent for the state. Most often, you pay the state or city taxing authority the same amount that you collected from your customers. Sometimes the state allows you to discount the sales tax due for prompt payment or charges a penalty for paying late. This section discusses each of these situations.


You can set a user-specific default account for paying the sales tax liability. From the menu bar, select Edit, Preferences, Checking and choose the My Preferences tab.

Paying Sales Tax with an Adjustment

Sales Tax Payable might not agree with the actual amount you need to pay for many reasons (the agency can’t know in advance what it expects you to pay):

• Discount offered for early payment

• Penalty or fee assessed for late payment

• Credit received for overpayment on an earlier period’s sales tax return


If you select the items to be paid first and then click the Adjust button recording the discount or increase, QuickBooks provides a warning that your previously selected checkmarks will be removed and you will need to select the line items again, including the new adjustment to include with the payment.

• State sales tax holiday or rate reduction

• Rounding errors

• Rounding to whole dollars

If any of these apply to your business, follow these steps:

1. Perform steps 1–5 in the preceding section (“Paying Sales Tax Without an Adjustment”), making sure to select the proper accounts and dates for your specific needs.

2. In the Pay Sales Tax dialog box, click Adjust to open the Sales Tax Adjustment dialog box (see Figure 10.22).

Figure 10.22. Use the Sales Tax Adjustment dialog box to increase or decrease your sales tax payment.


3. Select the appropriate Adjustment Date. This date should be on or before the Show Sales Tax Through date.

4. Enter an Entry No., or QuickBooks defaults a number if that preference is set.

5. Choose the Sales Tax Vendor for which you are decreasing or increasing your payment.

6. Select the appropriate adjustment account from your chart of accounts. Ask your accountant what is preferred—the account might be either of the following:

• Other Income, if you are recording a discount for early payment

• Expense, if you are recording a penalty or fine

7. Select the option Increase Sales Tax By or Reduce Sales Tax By, and enter the appropriate dollar amount.

8. In the Memo section, enter a description for your reports or accept the default description.

9. Click OK to record the sales tax adjustment.

10. Click OK to close the warning message when recording a sales tax adjustment.

11. QuickBooks now shows the Pay Sales Tax dialog box, with an additional line showing the adjustment. This example shows a reduction in sales tax due (see Figure 10.23).

Figure 10.23. When preparing your sales tax payment, select the sales tax lines and the adjustment line.


QuickBooks creates a general journal entry when the sales tax adjustment is recorded.

Correcting Accounts Receivable Errors

After reviewing your Accounts Receivable reports, you might have identified some data entry errors. Before you can fix these, you need to determine the best method to correct the errors. When deciding which method is best, ask yourself the following questions:

Are the errors in an accounting year that I have already filed a tax return for?—If yes, then adjusting these transactions by dating the modifying entry in the current tax year and not modifying the original transaction is best. Some methods in this section do not enable you to select a date different from the original transaction date.

Are the errors significant in the dollar amount, collectively or individually?—If yes, obtain the advice of your accountant before you make any adjustments so that changes that affect your tax status are carefully considered.

Am I going to fix detail or summary information?—In other words, are you going to fix individual invoices or correct a group of customer invoices with one adjusting transaction?

Am I modifying an invoice with sales tax recorded on the invoice?—If yes, refer to the “Correcting Sales Tax Errors” section in this chapter for a detailed discussion on adjusting invoices with sales tax. Make these corrections only with transactions dated in the current accounting month.

Removing an Open Balance from a Customer Invoice

You might have open balances on your Accounts Receivable invoices for several reasons. You can also correct overstated or understated balances through several methods, each with its own effect on your company’s financials.

If you are an accounting professional and you are using QuickBooks Accountant 2014 or QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions Accountant 14.0 software, you should review Appendix A, “Client Data Review.”

Included in the Client Data Review (CDR) are useful tools that accounting professionals can use to streamline the process of applying open customer payments and credits to open customer invoices and simplify writing off small open balances in batch.

The following sections detail methods you can use to remove open customer balances with your QuickBooks Pro, Premier, or Enterprise software.


Writing off amounts on the Receive Payments transaction affects your financials as of the date recorded on the Receive Payments transaction. Ask your accountant first about making these types of changes for years for which you have already filed your company’s income tax returns.

Writing Off a Customer Balance by Modifying the Original Customer Receive Payments Transaction

This method of modifying the original customer payment to write off a customer balance records the change as of the date of the Receive Payments transaction and permits a write-off amount equal to the underpayment amount. You can write off the amount at the time you first record the payment or at a later date.

Follow these steps to write off a balance due from a customer directly from the Receive Payments transaction:

1. On the Home page, click the Customers button to open the Customer Center.

2. From the list on the left, select the appropriate customer.

3. In the Show drop-down list, select Payments and Credits or just Received Payments and any other date criteria you want to use (see Figure 9.15 in Chapter 9).

4. Double-click the selected customer payment to open it. In the example in Figure 10.24, the customer paid $10.00 less than the amount due. Write off this amount by selecting the Write Off the Extra Amount option in the lower left of the Receive Payments dialog box.

Figure 10.24. When you select to write off an amount due, QuickBooks requires you to assign the amount to an account and optionally to a class.


5. Select Save & Close. QuickBooks prompts you for an account to assign for the write-off amount.

Recording a Discount to Remove a Customer Balance

Another way to remove an open customer balance is to record a discount. This method records the change as of the date of the Receive Payments transaction. You can record a discount initially when the customer’s short payment is recorded, or later by creating a new payment without placing any dollars in the Amount field and choosing the Discounts & Credits option. However, the discount amount cannot be more than the amount due.

If the amount due is an insignificant amount, you might not want to take the time to collect it. The easiest method of dealing with it is to write off the remaining amount on the date the payment is recorded. If you do not write off the remaining amount, QuickBooks warns you of the underpayment.

The difference between a write-off and a discount is the placement on the Profit & Loss statement. A write-off is used when the debt has gone bad and cannot be collected; it is often an expense type. In contrast, the discount is used when you decide to reduce the sale price; this account is typically an income type.

To record a discount, click the Discount & Credits button on the Receive Payments dialog box. Similar to the Write Off Amount dialog box, you are asked to identify an account to post the amount to (see Figure 10.25).

Figure 10.25. For small unpaid balances, recording a discount can be an easy method to remove the balance.

Recording a Credit Memo to Remove a Balance Due

The most accurate method for removing a balance due is to record a credit memo because it creates a good audit trail. You can date the credit in a period for which you want to reduce the appropriate income account and, if applicable, sales tax due.

→ For more detailed instructions on working with customer credit memos, see “Recording and Applying a Customer Credit Memo,” p. xxx.

Recording a Journal Entry to Remove (or Increase) a Customer Balance

Another way to remove or increase a customer balance is to record a journal entry. The company accountant often creates this type of transaction when adjusting Accounts Receivable.

If you are going to record a journal entry adjustment, you need to keep in mind the following:


If you use a customer on the first line of a journal entry, every other adjustment made—even noncustomer adjustments—displays on the Profit & Loss by Job report for that customer. The first line of any journal entry is a source line and causes a relationship with transactions below the first line.

To avoid this problem, always leave the first account line of a journal entry blank, as in Figure 10.26. Including a memo on the first line is acceptable.

Figure 10.26. Journal entries that adjust Accounts Receivable balances should then be applied against a customer’s open invoice(s).


• Only one customer is allowed per journal entry.

• If the general journal entry has other non-customer-related adjustments, the first line of the journal entry should remain blank. For more information, read the caution in this section.

• The date of the general journal entry is the date the transaction will impact your financials for accrual or cash basis.

• If you print cash basis reports, make sure the income account is not recorded on the first line of the journal entry.

• You can enter and apply one lump sum to multiple open customer invoices.

To record a journal entry adjustment to a customer balance, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Company, Make General Journal Entries.

2. In the Make General Journal Entries dialog box, record a debit to increase Accounts Receivable or credit to reduce Accounts Receivable (refer to Figure 10.26). Be sure to assign the customer name to each line (except the first line—see the previous caution) so that a Profit & Loss by Job report shows the adjustment.

3. Assign the General Journal Entry to the appropriate customer invoice. From the menu bar, select Customers, Customer Center.

4. Select the correct customer from the list on the left, and in the Show drop-down list, select Invoices. Double-click the appropriate invoice with the open balance.

5. The Create Invoices dialog box opens. From the Main tab on the ribbon toolbar at the top, select Apply Credits. QuickBooks then provides a list of available credits to choose from (see Figure 10.27).

Figure 10.27. Accept the defaults for applying open credits, or manually assign them.


6. On the Apply Credits dialog box that opens, select the appropriate credits by placing a checkmark next to the credit. Click Done to assign the credit(s) to the customer invoice.

7. Click Save & Close.

Correcting Customer Payments

Applying the customer’s payments exactly as the customer intended is important. If you apply the customer’s payment to an invoice of your own choosing, communicating any discrepancies with open invoice balances can be more confusing than necessary.

However, many times your customer does not give you the correct invoice number, and you might apply his payment to an incorrect invoice. QuickBooks makes changing how you applied the payment to an invoice easy.

Fixing Unapplied Customer Payments and Credits

You might notice that your Open Invoices report includes unapplied payments (see Figure 10.28). This happens when the payment is recorded by a QuickBooks user who does not assign the payment to an open invoice.

Figure 10.28. Unapplied Receive Payments transactions show on the Open Invoices report as a credit for that customer.


To correct this, double-click the payment transaction listed on the report, and add the checkmarks to the invoice(s) being paid. This transaction change affects earlier-year financials in cash basis reporting, so be sure to notify your accounting professional of the change.

Fixing a Payment Applied to the Wrong Invoice Number

After you compare your customer’s records with yours, if you find you have applied the payment to the wrong invoice, follow these steps to unapply the payment and then reapply it to the correct invoice:

1. From the menu bar, select Customers, Customer Center.

2. On the list on the left, select the appropriate customer or job.

3. In the pane to the right of the customer list, in the Show drop-down list, select Payments and Credits.

4. Optionally, select all or just unapplied payments and credits, and/or select a specific date range from the appropriate drop-down list. QuickBooks lists all received payment transactions for this customer.

5. Double-click the payment that was misapplied.

6. The Receive Payments dialog box opens. Remove the checkmark from one invoice and place it next to the correct invoice. Ensure that the amount of the payment total does not change. Click Save & Close.

Fixing a Payment Applied to the Wrong Customer or Job

From the Customer Center, find the appropriate customer, filter for Received Payments, and locate the payment in question, as previous sections instructed.

Determine whether the payment has already been included on a deposit by clicking Transaction History on the Reports tab of the transaction ribbon. If it has been deposited and you attempt to change the customer name on the payment screen, QuickBooks warns you that you first need to delete the payment from the deposit.

If the payment has been included on a deposit, follow these steps to correct the customer or job assigned. You will temporarily remove the amount from a deposit and then add back the corrected payment.

To reassign a payment received to another customer or job, follow these steps:

1. From the Receive Payments dialog box for the payment assigned to the incorrect customer or job, on the Reports tab of the ribbon toolbar, click Transaction History (see Figure 10.29).

Figure 10.29. To reassign a recorded payment to a different customer or job, you first have to remove the payment from the deposit.


2. From the Transaction History—Payment dialog box, select the deposit and click Go To. The Make Deposits dialog box opens.


If you follow these steps carefully, you restore your deposit to the correct amount and avoid any reconciliation differences.

3. Record on paper the total deposit amount and date. You will need this information later in step 8.

4. If multiple payments are on the deposit, go to step 5. If the payment amount being corrected is the only deposit line item, go to step 9.

5. Highlight the line item to be removed, as in Figure 10.30, and press Ctrl+Delete on your keyboard. Click OK to close the Delete warning message. Then click Save & Close. This step removes the line item from the deposit. QuickBooks also warns you if the item has previously been cleared.

Figure 10.30. Use Ctrl+Delete on your keyboard to remove an entire transaction line.


6. Locate the customer payment that was in error and change the Customer or Job assigned.

7. Return to the bank register and locate the deposit. Double-click the deposit. With the deposit open, select Payments at the top and place a checkmark next to the payment with the corrected Customer or Job (see Figure 10.31). Click OK to add the payment to the deposit.

Figure 10.31. With the original deposit open, click the Payments icon to add back the corrected payment.


8. Verify that the total of the deposit agrees with the original amount you recorded on paper. When this transaction is saved with the same original amount, your bank reconciliation will not show a discrepancy. The process is now complete (see Figure 10.32).

Figure 10.32. The corrected payment has been added to the original deposit, preserving the cleared bank status of the original deposit.


9. If the payment you are correcting is the only deposit line item, from the menu bar, select Customers, Receive Payments and record the information for the correct customer or job. Then follow steps 7 and 8 to assign your newly created payment to the existing deposit. Next, delete the incorrect line item and save the deposit.

10. From the Customer Center, locate the incorrect payment and void or delete it.

When a Credit Memo Is Applied to the Wrong Customer Invoice

Often you create a credit memo and apply it to a specific invoice. Then when you communicate with the customer, you find out he or she applied it to a different invoice. When you are making those credit and collections calls, the discrepancy can end up costing you critical time in outstanding invoices paid. If in the end the total due from the customer remains the same, I find it easier to defer to the customer’s records when applying credit memos.

Without agreeing with the customer, your collections process would be delayed as both parties sort out what remains unpaid. This process temporarily has you reassign the credit memo to another customer. The following steps help you reassign the credit memo to the correct invoice, or at least the same invoice your customer assigned it to:

1. From the Customer Center, locate the customer who had the credit memo applied to the wrong invoice. If you are not sure, click the Customer Center’s Transactions tab and select Credit Memos from the list of available transaction types. You can filter for Open or All Credit Memos, as well as filter by transaction dates to narrow your search.

2. To reassign the incorrectly assigned credit memo to another invoice, open the credit memo and temporarily change the Customer or Job name to any other customer or job name.

3. Make a note of the new customer assigned to the changed credit memo. From the Main tab of the ribbon toolbar at that top, select Save.

4. Click Yes to close the message that you want to record the change.

5. Click OK to the Available Credit message, leaving the Retain as an Available Credit option selected.

6. With the open credit displayed and showing a Remaining Credit balance assigned to the temporary customer, click the Customer:Job drop-down list and choose the correct Customer or Customer:Job.

7. Click Save & Close.

8. Click Yes to close the message that you want to record the change.

9. The Available Credit message displays. Click the Apply to Invoice option.

10. The Apply Credit dialog box opens. Place a checkmark next to the appropriate credit amounts. By default, QuickBooks selects the invoice with an exact match. You can override this selection by unchecking the default and applying the credit as needed.

11. Select Done. Click Save & Close.

When Deposits Were Made Incorrectly

Many users follow these four steps to properly manage most Accounts Receivable tasks:

1. Create a quote using an estimate or sales order (optional).

2. Prepare an invoice, sales receipt, or statement charge.

3. Receive the customer payment into an Undeposited Funds account.

4. Record the deposit into your bank account.

This section details how to correct your QuickBooks data when the receive payments step was skipped in recording deposits to the bank account.

How can you know when this situation happens? You need to do a little troubleshooting first to identify the problem:

• Do you have open invoices for customers you know have paid you?

• Is your bank account balance reconciled and correct?

• Does Income on your Profit & Loss report appear to be too high?

If you answered yes to these questions, you need to determine just how the deposits in the bank account register were recorded.

Viewing Deposits in the Bank Register

To determine how deposits were made to the bank account, view the deposits in your bank register. To open a bank register, select Banking, Use Register from the menu bar and select the appropriate bank account.

The two deposits dated 12/15/17 (see Figure 10.33) were each individually recorded to the account by assigning the checking account directly on the Receive Payments transaction. This would be acceptable if the individual checks were on different deposit tickets taken to your bank and if the date of the receive payment was also the same date as the deposit. Often these are not the normal conditions, and having the payment recorded to the Undeposited Funds is the best process.

Figure 10.33. The checkbook register indicates the record type for each deposit.


In the checkbook register view, the account shown represents the account from which the transaction originated. You might see Accounts Receivable, an income account, or you might see -Split-, which indicates several lines of detail for this single transaction. To view the -Split- detail, double-click the transaction itself to open the originating QuickBooks transaction.

By contrast, look at the deposit dated 12/16/2017 for $2,000.00 in Figure 10.33. The account shown is Undeposited Funds, which is the account where the transaction originated.

To summarize, look for a “pattern” of how deposits were made to your QuickBooks data. The examples here show two types of deposits: one that was recorded to the checking account and others that first went through the Undeposited Funds account. You might have others in your data where the account shown is your income account. The next section, “Viewing the Deposit Detail Report,” discusses this type of transaction.

You also need to look to see which transactions have been cleared in the bank reconciliation and which deposits remain uncleared. Chapter 13, “Working with Bank and Credit Card Accounts,” discusses bank reconciliation. In fact, it is best to complete the reconciliation task before you begin fixing your deposit details. Why? If you see an uncleared deposit, it helps you identify your potential errors in the Undeposited Funds account.

Viewing the Deposit Detail Report

Use this report to review how deposits were recorded to the bank account in QuickBooks and identify deposits that followed the recommended process of being recorded first to the Undeposited Funds account.

To open the Deposit Detail report, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, Banking, Deposit Detail.

2. Click the Customize Report button at the top of the report.

3. Click the Filters tab. In the Choose Filter box, the Account filter is already selected. In the drop-down list, select your bank account or use the default of all bank accounts. Click OK to prepare the report.

In Figure 10.34, the deposit for $2,000.00 on 12/16/17 was recorded using the recommended process of automatically assigning the payment to the Undeposited Funds account. The other payments did not follow this same process; the next sections provide details for correcting these.

Figure 10.34. The Deposit Detail report also indicates the record type of each deposit.

Assigning the Make Deposits Transaction to the Open Customer Invoice

Did your research reveal Make Deposits transactions recorded directly to an income account instead of using the Receive Payments transaction? For the business owner, assigning the deposits to the customer invoice is a two-step process. If you have the time to correct individual transactions, this method retains your bank reconciliation status and identifies the payment with the customer’s open invoice. Be prepared for a bit of tedious work. You need to have a good record of which deposit was paying for which customer invoice. Remember, these steps are to correct transactions that have been recorded incorrectly.

To manually correct recorded Make Deposits and apply them to the correct open invoice, follow these steps:


I like using the Reports, Customers & Receivable, Open Invoices report because I can see both the unapplied credits and open invoices grouped by customer or job.

1. From the menu bar, select Banking, Use Register.

2. The Use Register dialog box opens. Select the bank account to which the deposit was made.

3. Locate the deposit in the checkbook register and double-click it to open the Make Deposits transaction. Change the account assigned in the From Account column from Income to Accounts Receivable. The effect of this step is to credit, or decrease, Accounts Receivable (see Figure 10.36). Click Save & Close.

Figure 10.36. Changing the From Account column on a deposit to Accounts Receivable creates a credit for the customer listed in the Received From column.


4. From the menu bar, select Reports, Customers & Receivables, Open Invoices, and double-click the unpaid invoice.

5. From the Main tab of the ribbon toolbar, click the Apply Credits icon and select the credit that pertains to this invoice.

6. Click Done to close the Apply Credits dialog box. Click Save & Close.

You have now corrected the deposit and assigned the amount to the open customer invoice, all without changing your bank reconciliation status of the item. This process works well, but it can be tedious if you have many transactions with this type of error.

Grouping Deposited Items to Agree with Bank Deposit

Unless you take every check or cash payment from your customers to the bank on a separate bank deposit ticket, your customer payments should be grouped, with the total matching your bank deposit slip.

If you group your customer payments on the same deposit transaction and match the total deposited to your bank deposit ticket, your bank reconciliation will be much easier to complete each month.

Do not attempt this correcting method if you have reconciled your bank account in QuickBooks. Also, if you are correcting years of unreconciled transactions, this method might just be too tedious.

The easiest place to see the problem is in your bank account register. From the menu bar, select Banking, Use Register, and choose the appropriate bank account.

As in Figure 10.33, assume that the deposit total per the bank records on 12/15/17 was $21,193.67 but that, in the QuickBooks checkbook register, you recorded two individual deposits.

This situation was caused by choosing Checking as the Deposit To account when receiving the customer’s payment (see Figure 10.37). The preferred method would have been to select Undeposited Funds and group them on one deposit transaction.

Figure 10.37. This customer payment won’t be grouped with other customer funds on the same bank deposit ticket.


To correct these errors (be aware that it is a time-intensive process if you have many months or years of transactions), follow these steps:

1. From the displayed Receive Payments transaction that was originally deposited directly to the bank account, select the Deposit To drop-down list and select Undeposited Funds.

2. From the menu bar, select Banking, Make Deposits. QuickBooks displays a list of all the payments received but not yet included in a deposit (included in the Undeposited Funds balance sheet account balance).

3. Click to place a checkmark next to the grouped payments, and verify that the total deposit agrees with each individual bank deposit.

4. Click OK. The Make Deposit transaction now agrees with the actual bank deposit recorded by the bank.

Eliminating the Print Queue for Customer Invoices Marked to Print

On the Main tab of the ribbon toolbar on each customer invoice is the option to select Print Later. QuickBooks remembers the setting from the last stored invoice, which can sometimes hinder your own company process.

If you find that you have many invoices selected to print and you don’t intend to print them, try this easy solution:

1. Place one or two sheets of paper in your printer. From the menu bar, select File, Print Forms, Invoices. The Select Invoices to Print dialog box displays the invoices that are marked to be printed (see Figure 10.38).

Figure 10.38. View the invoices selected to print.


2. The checkmark next to the invoice tells QuickBooks you want to print the invoice on paper. Click OK to send the forms to the printer.

3. After a couple invoices print, a message displays showing a list of the forms that did not print. Because you don’t want to print them, click OK; each transaction is marked in QuickBooks as if it were printed. You might also need to cancel the print job at your printer. Another option is to print the invoices to a PDF printer (file).

Correcting Sales Tax Errors

Sales tax errors can be a bit tricky to fix, so make sure you can answer the following questions:

• Have you made a backup of your data?

• Have taxes or financials been prepared using the current data? If yes, you need to be concerned about the dates and types of the corrections you make.

• If the QuickBooks sales tax due is incorrect, have you determined outside QuickBooks how much was or is due?

Print your sales tax reports before you begin to make corrections to your data file. Then when your corrections are complete, print the same reports to be sure you achieved the desired end result. Of course, keep good paper documentation of why you did what you did, in case you are subject to a sales tax audit.

When a Check or Bill Is Used to Pay the Sales Tax

In newer versions of QuickBooks, the error of using a check or bill to pay sales tax should happen less often. QuickBooks provides messages to users attempting to pay their sales tax vendors incorrectly.

When you pay a vendor and assign the Sales Tax Payable account (created by QuickBooks) on a check or bill, QuickBooks provides the warning in Figure 10.39.

Figure 10.39. Warning when using a check to record a sales tax payment.


When you locate a sales tax payment made by check (or bill), first determine whether the check has been included in the bank reconciliation. If it has not, void the check and re-create the check per the instructions in the section titled “Paying Sales Tax.”

If the check has already been included in the bank reconciliation, use the following method to assign the check or bill to the line items in the Pay Sales Tax dialog box:

1. From the menu bar, select Vendors, Vendor Center. Select the vendor to which sales tax payments were made using the incorrect transaction type.

2. From the Show drop-down list to the right, click All Payments Issued. Click a selected transaction to open it to view.

3. Assign the Sales Tax Payable liability account in the Account column of the Expenses tab.

4. In the Customer:Job column, select the Sales Tax Vendor from the list of vendors (make sure it is a vendor and not an Other Name list item).

5. Click Save & Close to close the check (or bill).

6. From the menu bar, select Vendors, Sales Tax, Pay Sales Tax. The corrected transaction displays in the Pay Sales Tax dialog box if it is dated on or before the Show Sales Tax Due Through date.


If you are an accounting professional working with QuickBooks Accountant 2014 software, review Appendix A, “Client Data Review.” CDR includes a tool that helps you efficiently correct sales tax payments that were recording using the incorrect payment transaction type.

7. When you are ready to pay your next period’s sales tax, place a checkmark next to each sales tax line item, including the line item with the correction to associate the check or bill payment with the sales tax due (see Figure 10.40). If the net total amount is zero, wait and select each of the items for the next period you pay your sales tax.

Figure 10.40. Include the corrected check (or bill) with your next period sales tax payment.


If the net Amt. Due is zero, place a checkmark next to each item; QuickBooks associates your check or bill payment with the related sales tax due. When you return to the Pay Sales Tax dialog box, the amount previously showing as unpaid no longer is displayed. If the Amt. Due does not agree with your records, you might need to create a sales tax adjustment before making your next sales tax payment.

When the Sales Tax Liability Report Shows Past Sales Tax Due

If your collected sales tax amount and the amount showing payable on the Sales Tax Liability report do not match, as in Figure 10.41, it is because sales taxes collected before the current report’s Show Sales Tax Through date remain unpaid. Perhaps the payments were incorrectly paid using a check or bill; if so, you should correct these errors following the instructions in the previous section.

Figure 10.41. When the tax collected and the sales tax payable do not match, previous sales taxes have not been properly recorded or remitted.


To verify the totals and make the needed corrections, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Vendors, Sales Tax, Sales Tax Liability.

2. From the Dates drop-down list, select This Month-to-Date.

3. If the Tax Collected and Sales Tax Payable totals agree for today’s date, your sales tax payment made previously was given the wrong Show Sales Tax Through date. To fix this error, you can void and reissue the payment or know that the QuickBooks report prepared for a future date should reflect the payment accurately.

4. If the two totals do not match, verify that the tax collected for the current period is correct. You can verify this amount by reviewing the invoices you have issued for the month.

5. Verify that the tax collected for the earlier period was correct.

6. Determine to what account(s) your sales tax payments were incorrectly recorded. The previously made payments would cause these accounts to be overstated.

In the correcting entry example in Figure 10.42, your research found that a Sales Tax Expense type account was used when recording a sales tax payment in error.

Figure 10.42. Journal entries can correct sales tax payable errors.


7. From the menu bar, select Company, Make General Journal Entries to create a correcting entry.

8. Date the entry in the period you are correcting.

9. Give the entry a number, or let QuickBooks automatically number it if you’ve set that preference.

10. Leave the first line of the general journal blank.

11. On the second line in the Account column, select the Sales Tax Payable liability account.

12. Enter a debit amount if you are decreasing your sales tax payable amount. Enter a credit amount if you are increasing your sales tax payable amount.

13. On the third line, select the account that you discovered to be overstated or understated in your review (see step 6).

14. Enter the same amount from line 2 in the opposite column (debit or credit) from the previous line. Verify that your debits are equal to your credits.

15. Click Save & Close to close the general journal.

You now can select this line item with other sales tax lines for future tax payments, similar to what Figure 10.40 showed.

You might opt for this method to fix many months’ errors with one journal entry and then put in place better controls for future sales tax management.

When Total Sales Does Not Equal Total Income

One of the important comparisons to make is to compare the Sales Tax Liability total sales with the Profit & Loss Standard total income. The section “Reconciling Total Sales to Total Income” discussed both reports. Before comparing the reports, be sure to create both using the same accounting basis: accrual or cash. The default basis for the sales tax report comes from the Sales Tax Preference discussed earlier in this chapter. With the report displayed, you can click the Customize Report button to change the basis being used for that report.

What can cause your total sales on your Sales Tax Liability report not to match your total income on your Profit & Loss report? Some of the reasons might be the following:

Different accounting basis between reports—Your Sales Tax Liability report basis conflicts with your Profit & Loss reporting basis. By default, the basis of the report is printed on the top left of the report. Both reports must be either accrual basis or cash basis before comparing.

Non-sales-type transactions recorded to income accounts—Locate these transactions by double-clicking the total income amount on your Profit & Loss report. Doing so opens the Transaction Detail by Account report. At the top right of the report, select Sort By and choose Type. Within each income account group, QuickBooks sorts the transactions by transaction type. Review the report for nonsales transaction types, such as General Journal or Bill (to name a couple). If you find an expense transaction in this report, often the cause is using items on expense transactions, when the item record has only an assigned income account. Chapter 4, “Understanding QuickBooks Lists,” has more details on properly setting up items.

Using items on sales forms that are assigned to a non-income account—For example, a company that collects customer deposits might be using an item that is assigned to a current liability account. Total sales on the Sales Tax Liability report would include this amount, but the Profit & Loss would not.

Income recorded as a result of vendor discounts—If you have set up an income account for your vendor discounts in your bills preferences setting, you need to deduct this amount from your total revenue when you compare the two totals. If you are using an income account, create a separate income account for these discounts so that you can easily identify them.

You can correct the first two bullet points in the previous list by changing the reporting basis or correcting the original item record (from the menu bar, select Lists, Item List) to include both an income and an expense account.


Because you want to compare the totals, try this: From the menu bar, select Window, Tile Vertically. Both reports display side by side, as in Figure 10.43, if these reports are the only currently open windows.

Figure 10.43. When comparing two reports, select Window, Tile Vertically.


The last two points are less likely to be changed in your process. Instead, you might need to prepare specific reports to proof your totals, making sure that you are using the correct information when you file your sales tax return.

Now that you have identified the difference, what exactly does it mean? If your state requires you to report total sales as income earned on your sales tax reports, in this example, the proper amount to report would come from your Profit & Loss report. Your company’s results might differ and might be more difficult to identify.

In the following exercise, use the sample data to see how these reports can help you reconcile the differences.

Correcting Undeposited Funds Account Errors

Did you make it through the review of each of the referenced reports in the earlier sections of this chapter? You don’t want to jump into fixing transactions that affect your Accounts Receivable balances without due diligence in researching what the correct balance should be. Without the review and troubleshooting time, you might hastily delete, void, or modify a transaction, only to compound the problem.

This section details specific steps for correcting the errors you might find. It is important to first discover why the error was made and then fix it so you can avoid the same error on future transactions.

Reviewing the Balance in the Undeposited Funds Account

Before you can begin to agree or disagree with your Undeposited Funds account balance, it is best to review your QuickBooks data, concentrating on certain reports that help you simplify the review process.

This section provides instructions on creating specific reports you can use for this task.


Before you troubleshoot your Undeposited Funds Detail, reconcile your bank account. Identify what transactions have cleared your bank and which transactions have been recorded in QuickBooks but did not clear your bank in a timely manner.

→ For more information, see “Reconciling the Bank or Credit Card Account,” p. xxx.

Creating an Undeposited Funds Detail Report

The first report I create for a client is a custom report titled Undeposited Funds Detail. This is not a prebuilt report in QuickBooks, but it is easy to create.

This report is fundamental because you cannot troubleshoot a total balance for the undeposited funds you see on a balance sheet report without knowing the detail behind the numbers. If you print the register for the account, too much data displays, making it difficult to identify what is not deposited.

How do transactions get to this account? When you select the Undeposited Funds account as the deposit-to account (or you set the preference to have QuickBooks automatically do this), QuickBooks increases the balance in the Undeposited Funds account. Then when you complete a Make Deposit, QuickBooks reduces the Undeposited Funds account balance and, behind the scenes, marks the original increase and the new decrease as cleared. Table 10.1 shows the relationship of these transactions to your accounting.

Table 10.1. Transaction Effect on Undeposited Funds Account


Before we dig too deeply, let’s see if you agree with the detail of the Undeposited Funds balance in your QuickBooks data. You also might want to memorize this report for the convenience of reviewing the detail often, avoiding any data entry errors this section might help you uncover.

To create this Undeposited Funds Detail report, follow these easy steps:


The modified custom report you named Undeposited Funds Detail always shows the present state of the transaction, which means that when a payment is received and is included on a Make Deposits transaction, the report for a prior date will no longer show that item as undeposited. Behind the scenes, QuickBooks marks the transaction as cleared as of the transaction date; therefore, you cannot get a historical snapshot with this report.

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, Custom Reports, Transaction Detail. The Modify Report dialog box opens.

2. Display the date range as All.


For the date range field, type the letter a to make the date range default to All.

3. For Total By, from the bottom of the list, select Payment Method.

4. For Columns, select the ones you want to view on the report.

5. Click the Filters tab. In the Choose Filter box, select Account, and choose the account named Undeposited Funds from the drop-down list.

6. Also from the Filters tab, select Cleared and click the No button.

7. Click the Header/Footer tab. Type Undeposited Funds Detail as the report title. Click OK.

This report provides the details of the amounts that are included in the Undeposited Funds account balance. You might want to include preparing this report at the end of each month for your records. Following are other reports you might find useful when reviewing the balance in your Undeposited Funds account.

Creating a General Ledger Report of the Undeposited Funds Account

You can review a General Ledger report of the Undeposited Funds account balance that agrees with the ending balance on your Balance Sheet report, but without quite a bit of manual work, you cannot identify each individual transaction that makes up the Undeposited Funds account for a specific prior period. Why? Because each time you deposit a receive payment, QuickBooks marks the original dated line item as cleared. This is why you must first create a custom report to see if the current (today’s date) detail is correct.

If you review your balances monthly, you need to print the Undeposited Funds Detail report you created earlier in this chapter, on the last day of your accounting month. Save this report in your paper file for future reference because you cannot go back to a historical date and get the same information.

If you take credit cards as payments from your customers, I recommend that you not complete the Make Deposits task until you view a bank statement showing the funds deposited into your bank account. This does not mean waiting a month for the statement to arrive, because most financial institutions now offer online account access to your account statements.

For those clients, particularly retail businesses, where there is often a large volume of customer receipts in any day, I recommend reviewing the modified report as part of the month, quarter, or year-end process. Notice whether any old dated transactions are on the list. If you find none, you can assume that the Balance Sheet balance in Undeposited Funds as of the earlier period date is probably correct.

To generate a General Ledger report, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Reports, Accountant & Taxes, General Ledger.

2. Select Customize Report from the report screen.

3. In the Modify dialog box that opens, enter an appropriate Report Date Range.

4. From the Columns box, select the columns you want to see. (You might want to include Clr to see the cleared status of transactions.)

5. Click the Advanced button and, from the Include box, select In Use. This streamlines the data that results on the report.

6. Click the Filters tab, choose to filter for Account, and select the Undeposited Funds account from the drop-down list.

7. Click OK.

You can use this General Ledger report to see details for the Undeposited Funds account and to see if the running balance in this report agrees with your Balance Sheet report. However, you still cannot use this report to identify which Receive Payments transaction was not deposited as of the report date because QuickBooks does not capture the information with an “as of” date.

Removing Old Dated Payments in the Undeposited Funds Account

Did your review of the data uncover old dated payment transactions still in the Undeposited Funds account? If yes, use the following method to remove these payments without editing or modifying each transaction.

This method of correcting makes the following assumptions:

• Your bank account is reconciled before making these changes.

• You have reviewed your Accounts Receivable Aging reports and made any necessary corrections.

• You have identified which payment amounts are still showing in the Undeposited Funds account, and these are the same amounts that have already been deposited to your bank register by some other method.

• You have identified the specific chart of accounts (typically income accounts) to which the deposits were originally incorrectly recorded.


The date you assign the Make Deposits transaction is the date the impact will be recorded in your financials. You have several important considerations to take into account when selecting the appropriate date:

• Are the corrections for an earlier year?

• Has the tax return been prepared using current financial information from QuickBooks for that earlier period?

• Has another adjustment to the books been done to correct the issue?

If you answered yes to any of these, you should contact your accountant and ask advice about the date this transaction should have.

This method enables you to remove the unwanted balance in your Undeposited Funds account with just a few keystrokes. To remove old payments in the Undeposited Funds account, follow these steps:

1. If the funds that remain in your Undeposited Funds account are from more than one year ago, you first should identify the total amount that was incorrectly deposited for each year. See the sidebar “Creating a Payment Transaction List Detail Report” in this chapter. Filter the report for the specific date range.

2. Now start the process of removing these identified Undeposited Funds items by selecting Banking, Make Deposits from the menu bar. The Payments to Deposits dialog box displays. From the Sort Payments By drop-down list, select Date. See Figure 10.47.

Figure 10.47. The older payments in Undeposited Funds were posted to the checking account by some other method.


3. In the Payments to Deposit dialog box, select all the payments for deposit with dates in the date range you are correcting by placing a checkmark next to the payment items. Click OK.

The Make Deposits dialog box opens, with each of the previously selected payments included on a new Make Deposit.

4. On the next available line, enter the account to which the incorrect deposits were originally recorded. In this example, you discovered that the Construction Income account was overstated by the incorrectly recorded deposits. The effect of this new transaction is to decrease (debit) the Construction Income account and decrease (credit) the Undeposited Funds account without any effect on the checking account, as in Figure 10.48.

Figure 10.48. Enter a line with a negative amount recorded to the account that was previously overstated.


5. Make sure to mark as cleared this net -0- deposit in your next bank reconciliation.

You should now be able to review the Undeposited Funds Detail report and agree that the items listed on this report as of today’s date are those you have not yet physically taken to your bank to be deposited or that the credit card vendors have not yet credited to your bank.

Unique Customer Transactions

This chapter details ways you can review and troubleshoot your data, and provides instructions on how to fix many of the common Accounts Receivable errors. This section of the chapter shares some ways to handle unique transactions—the type of transaction you might come across but are not sure how to enter.

Recording Your Accountant’s Year-End Adjusting Journal Entry to Accounts Receivable

Adjustments at tax time often include adjustments to your Accounts Receivable account. Your accountant typically creates this transaction using a Make General Journal Entries transaction. What can make the entry more difficult for you is when no customer(s) are identified with the adjustment.

You can request a breakdown by customer of the adjustments made to the Accounts Receivable account. If that is not available and you need to enter the adjustment, you might want to consider using the following method:

1. From the Customer Center, enter a fictitious customer name—something such as Accountant YE Adj.

2. Use this customer to apply the line item to in the Make Journal Entry. Remember that this is a temporary fix, and the balance for the fictitious customer will display on your Open Invoices report.

Later, when you are able to collect from the actual customer(s) who make up the adjustment, you can enter a reversing entry for the fictitious customer and create new entries for the correct customers.


You can add new customers by selecting the Customer Center from the QuickBooks Home page.

However, QuickBooks does not let you use the same name on the customer list as the vendor list. A little trick can help with this; when naming the new fictitious customer, enter a - C after the name. This naming convention will not display on invoices, but when selecting this name from lists, it will bring to your attention that you are using the “customer” list item.

When a Customer Is Also a Vendor

Often I am asked how to handle a transaction when you are selling your company’s product or service, but instead of getting paid, you are trading it for the products or services of your customer.

To keep track of the both the revenue and costs in this bartering arrangement, follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, select Lists, Chart of Accounts to open the Chart of Accounts dialog box.

2. Click the Account button. Select New and create an account named Barter Account as a bank account type following the instructions on the screen. Click Save & Close.

3. Create a new customer record for your vendor (or a new vendor record for your customer) using instructions found in previous chapters and using the naming tip provided in the caution in this section. The following instructions assume that you are selling your product or services to your vendor in a bartering agreement.

4. From the menu bar, select Customers, Create Invoices. Select the new customer you created (your vendor that was added to the customer list). Enter the information as if you were selling your products or services to this customer. Click Save & Close.


If your default preference is set to assign the specific bank account when you receive the payment, select the Barter Account for this type of transaction.

5. From the menu bar, select Customers, Receive Payments. Select the new customer you created and record the amount of the payment, placing a checkmark next to the appropriate fictitious invoice.

6. From the menu bar, select Banking, Make Deposits to open the Payments to Deposit dialog box. Place a checkmark next to the fictitious transaction, and click OK to advance to the Make Deposits dialog box.

7. In the Make Deposits dialog box, select the Barter Account as the Deposit To account and select the date you want this transaction recorded. Click Save & Close when done. See Figure 10.49.

Figure 10.49. Deposit the fictitious payment into the Barter Account.


You have recorded the potential revenue side as well as the fictitious payment of the invoice of the barter agreement. Now you need to record the expense side of the transaction.

I recommend keeping the transactions going into and out of the barter account equal in value; if not, you will need to make an adjustment in the register. Select Banking, User Register from the menu bar. Select the Barter Account, and increase or decrease the amount to an income or expense account as determined by the amount left in the account.

To continue with the example presented previously, let’s record the fictitious payment to your vendor you are bartering with. When working with your own data, you might instead be bartering with your customer:

1. Enter your expense transaction as you normally would, as if you were going to pay your vendor for the products or services being purchased.

2. If you are using a Write Check transaction, select the Barter Account as the checking account. If you are using the Enter Bill transaction, complete the bill entry as you normally would.

3. For the check or reference number, use any number or alphanumeric characters you want.

4. For the payee, select the vendor you are bartering with. This should be the same vendor you entered the Write Check or Enter Bill transaction for in step 2.

5. Record to the normal expense account an amount as if you were purchasing the goods or services with a check.

6. Click Save & Close. If you are paying by check, the process is complete. If you recorded a vendor bill, continue with the following steps.

7. To pay the bill, select Vendors, Pay Bills from the menu bar. Optionally, filter the Pay Bills dialog box with the vendor’s name.

8. Place a checkmark next to the appropriate bill that has been paid by providing the vendor with your product or services.

9. In the Payment Method box, select the choice to assign a check number because you don’t expect to print a check to give to the vendor.

10. In the Payment Account box, select the newly created Barter Account as the payment account.

11. Click Pay Selected Bills to open the Assign Check Numbers dialog box. Assign a fictitious check number of your choosing. You can even use the term Barter for the check number. Click OK, and QuickBooks displays a payment summary. Click Done.

When this process is finished, your Barter Account should have a zero balance (see Figure 10.50), as indicated earlier in this section. You might even want to perform a bank reconciliation of the Barter Account to clear both equal sides of the transaction.

Figure 10.50. The Barter Account will have a net -0- balance when all transactions are recorded properly.


Recording a Customer’s Bounced Check

QuickBooks 2014 now automates the entry of the transactions needed to properly record the effects of a customer’s bounced check. Banks refer to this as insufficient funds, or NSF.

Typically, banks charge the QuickBooks user’s account a fee when this occurs, in addition to reducing the QuickBooks user’s bank account by the amount of the deposit.

Failure to keep the accounting correct for these transactions leads to misstated bank account balances, as well as understated customer receivables.

Before recording a payment in your QuickBooks file as NSF, the following conditions must be met:

• Only Check payment types can be reversed using the Bounced Check feature.

• The Receive Payments check transaction must already be included in a Make Deposit transaction.


Receive Payments transaction type not yet deposited (included in the Undeposited Funds balance) cannot be recorded as bounced until they have been included in a Make Deposit transaction. You can determine this quickly because the Record Bounced Check icon is grayed out.

For more information about working with the Undeposited Funds account preference, see “Payments,” p. xxx.

Follow these steps to use the new QuickBooks 2014 feature for recording bounced checks:

1. Locate the Receive Payments transaction that has been returned by your bank. You can do this in several ways, including the following:

• From the menu bar, select Customer, Customer Center; with the customer selected on the left, you can filter and browse the transactions on the right.

• From the menu bar, select Customer, Receive Payment. At the top right of the Main tab on the transaction ribbon toolbar, click the arrow to scroll through recent receive payments, or click the Find button to filter for the transaction.

2. On the Main tab of the transaction ribbon toolbar, click the Record Bounced Check icon. The Manage Bounced Check dialog box displays (see Figure 10.51).

Figure 10.51. QuickBooks 2014 includes a new feature named Record Bounced Check.


3. In the Manage Bounced Check dialog box, enter any fee your bank charges, the date of the charge, and the expense account you want this charge recorded to.

4. Optionally, if you want to charge your customer a fee, enter the fee in the Customer Fee box.

5. Click Next. QuickBooks displays the Bounced Check Summary details (see Figure 10.52).

Figure 10.52. QuickBooks displays a summary of the transactions automatically created.


6. Click Finish. QuickBooks returns you to the original Receive Payments transaction and adds a Bounced Check stamp (see Figure 10.53).

Figure 10.53. A Bounced Check stamp identifies this original transaction as NSF.



The original invoices are marked as unpaid, and the new journal entry created for the NSF is now marked as paid by the original Receive Payments transaction.

If you selected to charge the customer a fee, QuickBooks automatically creates the following, to create a new invoice for payment by the customer:

Income Account—Titled Returned Check Charges

Other Charge Item—Titled Bounce Check Charge, assigned to the newly created Income account

For accounting professionals, Table 10.2 details the individual accounting effect of the transactions:

Table 10.2. Bounced Check Transactions


You have successfully created the transactions needed to properly record the effects of the customer’s bounced check.

Tracking Customer Deposits in QuickBooks

Do you require your customers to pay a deposit before shipping the product or providing the service? You might want to track these in one of two ways:

• As a credit to the Accounts Receivable balance for the specific customer

• As a credit to an Other Current Liability account

You might want to ask your company accountant which method is preferred. The first method is often easier and takes fewer steps. The second method of using a current liability account reports the prepayment in the proper category on the business’s balance sheet.

If you are choosing the first method, you create a receive payment when your customer pays and do not assign the payment to an invoice. In effect, this debits (increases) your Undeposited Funds account or bank account and credits (reduces) Accounts Receivable balances.

If you choose to use the second method, follow these steps:

1. If needed, start the process to create a Customer Deposits account by selecting Lists, Chart of Accounts from the menu bar.

2. Click the Account button at the bottom of the screen and select New.

3. In the Add New Account dialog box that opens, from the Other Account Types drop-down list, select the Other Current Liability type account and follow the remaining steps on the screen.

4. Create an item to be used on invoices for this prepayment. From the menu bar, select Lists, Item Lists.

5. Click the Item button on the bottom of the list and select New.

6. In the New Item type drop-down list, select Other Charge.

7. In the Item Name/Number field, type a name such as Customer Deposits. Enter an optional description and select the Customer Deposits other current liability account from the Account drop-down list.

8. Prepare your invoice to the customer for the amount of the prepayment you are requiring. When the customer pays, record the Receive Payments transaction.

9. When the project is completed and you are ready to recognize the revenue associated with the sale, create your invoice using the item(s) that were sold to the customer. On the next available line of your invoice use the Customer Deposit item—but this time, enter a negative amount. See Figure 10.54.

Figure 10.54. Proper accounting for customer deposits paid on the final invoice when you track the original payment as a liability.


QuickBooks records the revenue in the period the sale was completed, and the final invoice is reduced by the amount of the deposit previously paid.

Using the method described here does have a trade-off. If you are a cash basis taxpayer, you would not expect to see a balance in your Accounts Receivable account when the Balance Sheet report is prepared on a cash basis. However, when you use this method, you will see an Accounts Receivable balance on a cash basis Balance Sheet report. One cause of this is that QuickBooks reports an Accounts Receivable balance on a cash basis Balance Sheet report when items are used that map to other Balance Sheet accounts.

Unique Sales Tax Transactions

Over the years, I have come across some unique sales tax transaction tracking needs. This section addresses several that you might find useful if your state has similar guidelines.

As always, because you are acting as the agent for the state in collecting sales tax from your customers, you should take the time to research the sales tax regulations for each state where you do business.

The state you sell in might require you to collect and track multiple sales tax rates, depending on where the customer is located. If you have a customer with different tax rate locations, you need to create a customer for each tax location if you want QuickBooks to automatically calculate the correct tax amount, because QuickBooks tracks the sales tax rate by customer, not by job.

When Your State Imposes a Maximum Sales Tax

I have encountered having to track a state-imposed maximum sales tax a few times. If your state imposes a maximum sales tax for a certain type of sale, I recommend the following method:

1. From the menu bar, select Lists, Item List. The Item List displays.

2. If you do not have a subtotal item on your list, select the Item drop-down list in the lower left and select New.

3. From the Type drop-down list, select Subtotal. Type Subtotal for the both Item Name/Number and Description. Click OK and click the X in the top-right corner to close the Item List.

4. To create the invoice to your customer, select Customers, Create Invoices from the menu bar.

5. Enter the taxable items on the invoice, making sure the Tax column has Tax listed.

6. Enter a subtotal item—you might even want to type in the description that this amount is subject to sales tax.

7. Enter the next sale item that is normally taxed. If you have met a threshold defined by your state, select Non in the Tax column. See Figure 10.55.

Figure 10.55. Adding a subtotal and adjusting the Tax column helps when your state has a threshold for sales tax charges on a single invoice.


QuickBooks now records the total sales (in this example) of $6,000.00, but it shows only $5,000 in the Taxable Sales column of the Sales Tax Liability report (see Figure 10.56).

Figure 10.56. QuickBooks properly separates the taxable revenue amount from the nontaxable sale amount.


Multiple Sales Tax Rates on One Invoice

In particular, if your business sells retail items, liquor, and food all on one sales form, chances are good that each item type is subject to a unique sales tax rate. Follow these steps for creating the subtotal item and 0% sales tax item. Assign this newly created 0% sales tax item to your customer’s record on the Sales Tax Settings tab.

Next, create your customer’s invoice as detailed in the previous section, following these additional steps:


If you want more information on this, press the F1 key on your keyboard to open QuickBooks Help. Click the Search tab and, on the top search bar, type sales summaries; then follow the link for more information on this topic.

1. Create these items:

Subtotal Item—Follow the steps outlined in the previous section.

Sales Tax Item—Type See Above for both the name and the description. Tax Rate is 0.0%. Tax Agency should be your most common Tax Agency vendor.

Sales Tax Items—Represent the tax jurisdictions you are required to collect and report on. Name them clearly so your customer can identify them.

2. Enter the line item(s) subject to one tax rate.

3. Enter a subtotal line.

4. Enter the appropriate sales tax item.

5. Enter additional invoice lines, each with a subtotal and appropriate sales tax items.

QuickBooks calculates and reports on the correct amount of sales tax charged for the different item types being sold.

To further clarify this point, the example in Figure 10.57 does not track sales by customer, but just provides a retail summary for the day’s sales. The example also shows how to charge multiple sales tax rates on a single invoice by placing a subtotal after each group of sales and then placing the correct sales tax rate after the subtotal.

Figure 10.57. Creating a Daily Sales Summary is a perfect choice for a retail establishment that does not track individual customer activity.


Issuing Credit Memos When Sales Tax Should Not Have Been Charged

Issuing customer credit memos is necessary for correct reporting when you file your sales tax on accrual basis (sales tax payment liability accrued as of the date of the customer invoice) and is not required when you report sales tax liability on cash basis (sales tax payment liability not accrued until the date of customer’s payment). However, I still recommend having controls in place that limit the ability to modify an invoice from an earlier month.


In Chapter 16, “Sharing QuickBooks Data with Your Accountant,” I discuss setting a closing date for your data. I recommend using this same control with your file after preparing your monthly or quarterly sales tax returns for your state.

After you have filed your sales tax return with your state, you should not adjust any invoices or sales tax payments recorded on or before your file-through date. If you do, QuickBooks recalculates the taxable sales, nontaxable sales, and amount owed, and your return as filed with the state will no longer agree with your QuickBooks data.

Instead of adjusting a customer’s invoice, consider using the QuickBooks customer credit memos/refund. For example, suppose you charged sales tax to a nontaxable customer by mistake. Let’s also assume you have filed your accrual basis sales tax return for the month of that invoice, overstating taxable sales.

Follow these steps to create a credit memo that simply adjusts the sales tax payable amount:

1. From the menu bar, select Customers, Create Credit Memos/Refunds.

2. Date the credit memo in the current period so that your next sales tax payment will include the credit.

3. Enter the taxable line item(s) that the original invoice included.

4. On the following row(s), enter the same line items as negative amounts and change the Tax status to Non (see Figure 10.58). The result is that the credit memo will be for the sales tax portion only.

Figure 10.58. Create a credit memo that reduces the sales tax liability paid in a previous month.


5. Follow the same steps outlined in the section “Recording and Applying a Customer Credit Memo” in Chapter 9 to complete the process of applying this credit to the customer’s open invoice.

You want to be sure to date the credit memo in the current month for which you have not yet filed your state sales tax reports. The credit memo then reduces the sales tax you owe for the current period.

I hope after reading this chapter you feel more empowered to efficiently manage your customer related tasks in QuickBooks.

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