
VCA VMware Certified Associate.

VCA-DT VMware Certified Associate–Desktop. This is the associate-level category in the VMware certification path for desktop.

VCAP VMware Certified Advanced Professional is at the middle, or advanced professional category, in the VMware certification path. VCAP certification exists for the areas of data center virtualization (VCAP-DCA, VCAP-DCD), desktop (VCAP-DTA, VCAP-DTD), and cloud (VCAP-CIA, VCAP-CID, VCAP-CG).

VCAP-CIA VCAP Cloud Infrastructure Administrator. This certification demonstrates significant vCloud Director administration experience. Requirements include understanding advanced cloud concepts (including public/private/hybrid clouds, multitenancy, and cloud security); an ability to manage vSphere resources, vCloud Director resources, complex vCloud networks, security, catalogs, and vApps; and the ability to troubleshoot a vCloud Director installation. Individuals must have VCP-Cloud or VCP-Datacenter Virtualization certification first.

VCAP-CID VCAP Cloud Infrastructure Designer. This certification demonstrates the ability to devise a conceptual framework based on business requirements, organize its elements into distinct components, and design a cloud infrastructure that meets the requirements. Requirements include the ability to define goals for the architecture, analyze elements of the framework, and make design decisions that ensure the proper physical and virtual components in the design. Individuals must have VCP-Cloud or VCP-Datacenter Virtualization certification first.

VCAP-DCA VMware Certified Datacenter Administrator. This certification is for IT administrators, consultants, and technical support engineers who can demonstrate their skills in installing, operating, and managing VMware vSphere technologies for a data center.

VCAP-DCD VMware Certified Datacenter Designer. This certification is for IT architects who are capable of designing VMware solutions for large, multisite enterprise architectures.

VCAP-DTA VCAP Desktop Administrator. This certification is for IT administrators, consultants, and technical support engineers who can demonstrate their skills in installing, operating, and managing VMware View technologies for a data center.

VCAP-DTD VCAP Desktop Designer. This certification is for IT architects who are capable of designing VMware View solutions with ThinApp applications.

VCDX VMware Certified Design Expert. This is the expert-level category in the VMware certification path. VCDX certifications exist in the areas of data center virtualization (VCDX and VCDX-DV), desktop (VCDX-DT), and cloud (VCDX-Cloud).

VCDX Blueprint A description of all the skill areas expected of a VCDX-certified individual. A different blueprint exists for each VCDX certification (VCDX-DV, VCDX-DT, VCDX-Cloud).

VCDX Boot Camp A workshop designed for study sessions for individuals pursuing the VCDX certification. The boot camp specializes in the design used and the Panel Defense, to prepare a candidate for the final phase of the VCDX certification process.

VCDX Mock Defense A 75-minute simulation of a real VCDX Panel Defense. This mock defense can be done in parallel with the VCDX Boot Camp to prepare a candidate for the defense. The mock defense follows the same timeline and content of a real defense.

VCDX-Cloud VMware Certified Design Expert in Cloud. This is an expert-level certification for architects specializing in cloud solutions. Prerequisites include VCP-DV, VCP-Cloud, VCAP-CIA, VCAP-CID, and VCAP-CG.

VCDX-DT VMware Certified Design Expert in Desktop. This is an expert-level certification for architects specializing in desktop solutions. Prerequisites include VCP-DV, VCP-DT, VCAP-DTA, and VCAP-DTD.

VCDX-DV VMware Certified Design Expert in Datacenter Virtualization. This is an expert-level certification for architects specializing in data center virtualization solutions. Prerequisites include VCP-DV, VCAP-DCA, and VCAP-DCD.

VCP VMware Certified Professional. This is the professional-level category in the VMware certification path. VCP certifications exist for the areas of data center virtualization (VCP-DV), desktop (VCP-DT), and cloud (VCP-Cloud).

VCP-Cloud VMware Certified Professional in Cloud. This is the professional-level category in the VMware certification path for cloud.

VCP-DT VMware Certified Professional in Desktop. This is the professional-level category in the VMware certification path for desktop.

VCP-DV VMware Certified Professional in Datacenter Virtualization. This is the professional-level category in the VMware certification path for data center virtualization.

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