Chapter 3

Deep 0Image Encoders: A Model Unfolding Example

Zhangyang Wang    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States


Despite its nonconvex nature, 0Image sparse approximation is desirable in many theoretical and application cases. We study the 0Image sparse approximation problem with the tool of deep learning, by proposing deep 0Image encoders. Two typical forms, the 0Image-regularized problem and the M-sparse problem, are investigated. Based on solid iterative algorithms, we model them as feed-forward neural networks, by introducing novel neurons and pooling functions. Enforcing such structural priors acts as an effective network regularization. The deep encoders also enjoy faster inference, larger learning capacity, and better scalability compared to conventional sparse coding solutions. Furthermore, under task-driven losses, the models can be conveniently optimized from end to end. Numerical results demonstrate the impressive performances of the proposed encoders.


Sparse approximation; Deep learning; Neuron; Pooling

3.1 Introduction

Sparse signal approximation has gained popularity over the last decade. The sparse approximation model suggests that a natural signal could be compactly approximated by only a few atoms out of a properly given dictionary, where the weights associated with the dictionary atoms are called the sparse codes. Proven to be both robust to noise and scalable to high-dimensional data, sparse codes are known as powerful features, and benefit a wide range of signal processing applications, such as source coding [1], denoising [2], source separation [3], pattern classification [4], and clustering [5].

We are particularly interested in the 0Image-based sparse approximation problem, which is the fundamental formulation of sparse coding [6]. The nonconvex 0Image problem is intractable and often instead attacked by minimizing surrogate measures, such as the 1Image-norm, which leads to more tractable computational methods. However, it has been both theoretically and practically discovered that solving 0Image sparse approximation is still preferable in many cases.

More recently, deep learning has attracted great attentions in many feature learning problems [7]. The advantages of deep learning lie in its composition of multiple nonlinear transformations to yield more abstract and descriptive embedding representations. With the aid of gradient descent, it also scales linearly in time and space with the number of train samples.

It has been noticed that sparse approximation and deep learning bear certain connections [8]. Their similar methodology has been lately exploited in [9], [10], [11], [12]. By turning sparse coding models into deep networks, one may expect faster inference, larger learning capacity, and better scalability. The network formulation also facilitates the integration of task-driven optimization.

In this chapter, we investigate two typical forms of 0Image-based sparse approximation problems, the 0Image-regularized problem, and the M-sparse problem. Based on solid iterative algorithms [13], we formulate them as feed-forward neural networks [8], called deep 0Image encoders, through introducing novel neurons and pooling functions. We study their applications in image classification and clustering; in both cases the models are optimized in a task-driven, end-to-end manner. Impressive performances are observed in numerical experiments.

3.2 Related Work

3.2.1 0Image- and 1Image-Based Sparse Approximations

Finding the sparsest, or minimum 0Image-norm, representation of a signal given a dictionary of basis atoms is an important problem in many application domains. Consider a data sample xRm×1Image that is encoded into its sparse code aRp×1Image using a learned dictionary D=[d1,d2,,dp]Image, where diRm×1,i=1,2,,pImage are the learned atoms. The sparse codes are obtained by solving the 0Image-regularized problem (λ is a constant)


Image (3.1)

Alternatively, one could explicitly impose constraints on the number of nonzero coefficients of the solution, by solving the M-sparse problem


Image (3.2)

Unfortunately, these optimization problems are often intractable because there is a combinatorial increase in the number of local minima as the number of the candidate basis vectors increases. One potential remedy is to employ a convex surrogate measure, such as the 1Image-norm, in place of the 0Image-norm that leads to a more tractable optimization problem. For example, (3.1) could be relaxed as


Image (3.3)

It creates an unimodal optimization problem that can be solved via linear programming techniques. The downside is that we have now introduced a mismatch between the ultimate goal and the objective function [14]. Under certain conditions, the minimum 1Image-norm solution equals to that of the minimum 0Image-norm [6]. But in practice, the 1Image-approximation is often used way beyond these conditions, and is thus quite heuristic. As a result, we often get a solution which is not exactly minimizing the original 0Image-norm.

That said, 1Image-approximation is found to work practically well for many sparse coding problems. Yet in certain applications, we intend to control the exact number of nonzero elements, such as basis selection [14], where 0Image-approximation is indispensable. Beyond that, 0Image-approximation is desirable for performance concerns in many ways. In compressive sensing literature, empirical evidence [15] suggested that using an iterative reweighted 1Image-scheme to approximate the 0Image-solution often improved the quality of signal recovery. In image enhancement, it was shown in [16] that 0Image data fidelity was more suitable for reconstructing images corrupted with impulse noise. For the purpose of image smoothing, the authors of [17] utilized 0Image gradient minimization to globally control how many nonzero gradients are used to approximate prominent structures in a structure-sparsity-management manner. Recent work [18] revealed that 0Image sparse subspace clustering can completely characterize the set of minimal union-of-subspace structure, without additional separation conditions required by its 1Image counterpart.

3.2.2 Network Implementation of 1Image-Approximation

In [8], a feed-forward neural network, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1, was proposed to efficiently approximate the 1Image-based sparse code a of the input signal x; the sparse code a is obtained by solving (3.3) for a given dictionary D in advance. The network has a finite number of stages, each of which updates the intermediate sparse code zkImage (k=1,2Image) according to


Image (3.4)

where sθImage is an element-wise shrinkage function (u is a vector and uiImage is its ith element, i=1,2,,pImage),


Image (3.5)

The parameterized encoder, named learned ISTA (LISTA), is a natural network implementation of the iterative shrinkage and thresholding algorithm (ISTA). LISTA learned all its parameters W, S and θ from training data using a back-propagation algorithm [19]. In this way, a good approximation of the underlying sparse code can be obtained after a fixed small number of stages.

Figure 3.1 A LISTA network [8] with two time-unfolded stages.

In [10], the authors leveraged a similar idea on fast trainable regressors and constructed feed-forward network approximations of the learned sparse models. Such a process-centric view was later extended in [11] to develop a principled process of learned deterministic fixed-complexity pursuits, in lieu of iterative proximal gradient descent algorithms, for structured sparse and robust low rank models. Very recently, [9] further summarized the methodology of the problem-level and model-based “deep unfolding”, and developed new architectures as inference algorithms for both Markov random fields and nonnegative matrix factorization. Our work shares the same prior ideas, yet studies the unexplored 0Image-problems and obtains further insights.

3.3 Deep 0Image Encoders

3.3.1 Deep 0Image-Regularized Encoder

To solve the optimization problem in (3.1), an iterative hard-thresholding (IHT) algorithm was derived in [13], namely


Image (3.6)

where akImage denotes the intermediate result of the kth iteration, and hθImage is an element-wise hard thresholding operator given by


Image (3.7)

Equation (3.6) could be alternatively rewritten as


Image (3.8)

and expressed as the block diagram in Fig. 3.2, which outlines a recurrent network form of solving (3.6).

Figure 3.2 The block diagram of solving (3.6).

By time-unfolding and truncating Fig. 3.2 to a fixed number of K iterations (K=2Image in this chapter by default),1 we obtain a feed-forward network structure in Fig. 3.3, where W, S and θ are shared among both stages, named deep 0Image-regularized encoder. Furthermore, W, S and θ are all to be learnt, instead of being directly constructed from any precomputed D. Although the equations in (3.8) do not directly apply any more to solving the deep 0Image-regularized encoder, they can usually serve as a high-quality initialization of the latter.

Figure 3.3 Deep 0-regularized encoder, with two time-unfolded stages.

Note that the activation thresholds θ are less straightforward to update. We rewrite (3.5) as [hθ(u)]i=θih1(ui/θi)Image. It indicates that the original neuron with trainable thresholds can be decomposed into two linear scaling layers, plus a unit-hard-threshold neuron, which is later called Hard thrEsholding Linear Unit (HELU) by us. The weights of the two scaling layers are diagonal matrices defined by θ and its element-wise reciprocal, respectively.

Discussion about HELU. While being inspired by LISTA, the differentiating point of deep 0Image-regularized encoder lies in the HELU neuron. Compared to classical neuron functions such as logistic, sigmoid, and ReLU [20], as well as the soft shrinkage and thresholding operation (3.5) in LISTA, HELU does not penalize large values, yet enforces strong (in theory infinite) penalty for small values. As such, HELU tends to produce highly sparse solutions.

The neuron form of LISTA (3.5) could be viewed as a double-sided and translated variant of ReLU, which is continuous and piecewise linear. In contrast, HELU is a discontinuous function that rarely occurs in existing deep network neurons. As pointed out by [21], HELU has countably many discontinuities and is thus (Borel) measurable, in which case the universal approximation capability of the network is not compromised. However, experiments remind us that the algorithmic learnability with such discontinuous neurons (using popular first-order methods) is in question, and the training is in general hard. For computation concerns, we replace HELU with the following continuous and piecewise linear function HELUσImage, during network training:

[HELUσ(u)]i={0if|ui|1σ,(ui1+σ)σif1σ<ui<1,(ui+1σ)σif 1<ui<σ1,uiif|ui|1.

Image (3.9)

Obviously, HELUσImage becomes HELU when σ0Image. To approximate HELU, we tend to choose very small σ, while avoiding putting the training to be ill-posed. As a practical strategy, we start with a moderate σ (0.2 by default), and divide it by 10 after each epoch. After several epochs, HELUσImage turns very close to the ideal HELU.

In [22], the authors introduced an ideal hard thresholding function for solving sparse coding, whose formulation was close to HELU. Note that [22] approximates the ideal function with a sigmoid function, which has connections with our HELUσImage approximation. In [23], a similar truncated linear ReLU was utilized in the networks.

3.3.2 Deep M-Sparse 0Image Encoder

Both the 0Image-regularized problem in (3.1) and deep 0Image-regularized encoder have no explicit control on the sparsity level of the solution. One would therefore turn to the M-sparse problem in (3.2), and derive the following iterative algorithm [13]:


Image (3.10)

Equation (3.10) resembles (3.6), except that hMImage is now a nonlinear operator retaining the M coefficients with the top M-largest absolute values. Following the same methodology as in the previous section, the iterative form could be time-unfolded and truncated to the deep M-sparse encoder, as in Fig. 3.4. To deal with the hMImage operation, we refer to the popular concepts of pooling and unpooling [24] in deep networks, and introduce the pairs of maxM pooling and unpooling, as in Fig. 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Deep M-sparse encoder, with two time-unfolded stages.

Discussion about maxM pooling/unpooling. Pooling is popular in convolutional networks to obtain translation-invariant features [7]. It is yet less common in other forms of deep networks [25]. The unpooling operation was introduced in [24] to insert the pooled values back to the appropriate locations of feature maps for reconstruction purposes.

In our proposed deep M-sparse encoder, the pooling and unpooling operation pair is used to construct a projection from RmImage to its subset S:={sRm|||s||0M}Image. The maxM pooling and unpooling functions are intuitively defined as


Image (3.11)

For each input u, the pooled map pMImage records the top M-largest values (irrespective of sign), and the switch idxMImage records their locations. The corresponding unpooling operation takes the elements in pMImage and places them in uMImage at the locations specified by idxMImage, the remaining elements being set to zero. The resulting uMImage is of the same dimension as u, but has exactly no more than M nonzero elements. In back propagation, each position in idxMImage is propagated with the entire error signal.

3.3.3 Theoretical Properties

It is showed in [13] that the iterative algorithms in both (3.6) and (3.10) are guaranteed not to increase the cost functions. Under mild conditions, their targeted fixed points are local minima of the original problems. As the next step after the time truncation, the deep encoder models are to be solved by the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm, which converges to stationary points under a few stricter assumptions than those satisfied in this chapter [26].2 However, the entanglement of the iterative algorithms and the SGD algorithm makes the overall convergence analysis really difficult.

One must emphasize that in each step, the back propagation procedure requires only operations of order O(p) [8]. The training algorithm takes O(Cnp) time (C is the constant absorbing epochs, stage numbers, etc.). The testing process is purely feed-forward and is therefore dramatically faster than traditional inference methods by solving (3.1) or (3.2). SGD is also easy to be parallelized.

3.4 Task-Driven Optimization

It is often desirable to jointly optimize the learned sparse code features and the targeted task so that they mutually reinforce each other. The authors of [27] associated label information with each dictionary item by adding discriminable regularization terms to the objective. Recent work [28], [29] developed task-driven sparse coding via bi-level optimization models, where (1Image-based) sparse coding is formulated as the lower-level constraint while a task-oriented cost function is minimized as its upper-level objective. The above approaches in sparse coding are complicated and computationally expensive. It is much more convenient to implement end-to-end task-driven training in deep architectures, by concatenating the proposed deep encoders with certain task-driven loss functions.

In this chapter, we mainly discuss two tasks: classification and clustering, while being aware of other immediate extensions, such as semisupervised learning. Assuming K classes (or clusters), and ω=[ω1,,ωk]Image as the set of parameters of the loss function, where ωiImage corresponds to the jth class (cluster), j=1,2,,KImage. For the classification case, one natural choice is the well-known softmax loss function. For the clustering case, since the true cluster label of each x is unknown, we define the predicted confidence probability pjImage that sample x belongs to cluster j as the likelihood of softmax regression


Image (3.12)

The predicted cluster label of a is the cluster j where it achieves the largest pjImage.

3.5 Experiment

3.5.1 Implementation

Two proposed deep 0Image encoders are implemented with the CUDA ConvNet package [7]. We use a constant learning rate of 0.01 with no momentum, and a batch size of 128. In practice, given that the model is well initialized, the training takes approximately 1 hour on the MNIST dataset, on a workstation with 12 Intel Xeon 2.67 GHz CPUs and 1 GTX680 GPU. It is also observed that the training efficiency of our model scales approximately linearly with the size of data.

While many neural networks train well with random initializations without pre-training, given that the training data is sufficient, it has been discovered that poorly initialized networks can hamper the effectiveness of first-order methods (e.g., SGD) [30]. For the proposed models, it is, however, much easier to initialize the model in the right regime, benefiting from the analytical relationships between sparse coding and network hyperparameters in (3.8).

3.5.2 Simulation on 0Image Sparse Approximation

We first compare the performance of different methods on 0Image sparse code approximation. The first 60,000 samples of the MNIST dataset are used for training and the last 10,000 for testing. Each patch is resized to 16×16Image and then preprocessed to remove its mean and normalize its variance. The patches with small standard deviations are discarded. A sparsity coefficient λ=0.5Image is used in (3.1), and the sparsity level M=32Image is fixed in (3.2). The sparse code dimension (dictionary size) p is to be varied.

Our prediction task resembles the setup in [8]: first learning a dictionary from training data, followed by solving sparse approximation (3.3) with respect to the dictionary, and finally training the network as a regressor from input samples to the solved sparse codes. The only major difference here lies in that unlike the 1Image-based problems, the nonconvex 0Image-based minimization could only reach a (nonunique) local minimum. To improve stability, we first solve the 1Image-problems to obtain a good initialization for 0Image-problems, and then run the iterative algorithms (3.6) or (3.10) until convergence. The obtained sparse codes are called “optimal codes” hereinafter and used in both training and testing evaluation (as “ground-truth”). One must keep in mind that we are not seeking to produce approximate sparse code for all possible input vectors, but only for input vectors drawn from the same distribution as our training samples.

We compare the proposed deep 0Image encoders with the iterative algorithms under different number of iterations. In addition, we include a baseline encoder into comparison, which is a fully-connected feed-forward network, consisting of three hidden layers of dimension p with ReLu neurons. The baseline encoder thus has the same parameter capacity as deep 0Image encoders.3 We apply dropout to the baseline encoders, with the probabilities of retaining the units being 0.9, 0.9, and 0.5. The proposed encoders do not apply dropout.

The deep 0Image encoders and the baseline encoder are first trained, and all are then evaluated on the testing set. We calculate the total prediction errors, i.e., the normalized squared errors between the optimal codes and the predicted codes, as in Tables 3.1 and 3.2. For the M-sparse case, we also compare their recovery of nonzero supports in Table 3.3, by counting the mismatched nonzero element locations between optimal and predicted codes (averaged on all samples). Immediate conclusions from the numerical results are as follows:

  • •  The proposed deep encoders have outstanding generalization performance, thanks to the effective regularization brought by their architectures, which are derived from specific problem formulations (i.e., (3.1) and (3.2)) as priors. The “general-architecture” baseline encoders, which have the same parameter complexity, appear to overfit the training set and generalize much worse.
  • •  While the deep encoders only unfold two stages, they outperform their iterative counterparts even when the latter have passed 10 iterations. Meanwhile, the former enjoy much faster inference as being feed-forward.
  • •  The deep 0Image-regularized encoder obtains a particularly low prediction error. It is interpretable that while the iterative algorithm has to work with a fixed λ, the deep 0Image-regularized encoder is capable of “fine-tuning” this hyperparameter automatically (after diag(θ)Image is initialized from λ), by exploring the training data structure.
  • •  The deep M-sparse encoder is able to find the nonzero support with high accuracy.

Table 3.1

Prediction error (%) comparison of all methods on solving the 0-regularized problem (3.1)

p 128 256 512
Iterative (2 iterations) 17.52 18.73 22.40
Iterative (5 iterations) 8.14 6.75 9.37
Iterative (10 iterations) 3.55 4.33 4.08
Baseline Encoder 8.94 8.76 10.17
Deep 0-Regularized Encoder 0.92 0.91 0.81


Table 3.2

Prediction error (%) comparison of all methods on solving the M-sparse problem (3.2)

p 128 256 512
Iterative (2 iterations) 17.23 19.27 19.31
Iterative (5 iterations) 10.84 12.52 12.40
Iterative (10 iterations) 5.67 5.44 5.20
Baseline Encoder 14.04 16.76 12.86
Deep M-Sparse Encoder 2.94 2.87 3.29


Table 3.3

Averaged nonzero support error comparison of all methods on solving the M-sparse problem (3.2)

p 128 256 512
Iterative (2 iterations) 10.8 13.4 13.2
Iterative (5 iterations) 6.1 8.0 8.8
Iterative (10 iterations) 4.6 5.6 5.3
Deep M-Sparse Encoder 2.2 2.7 2.7


3.5.3 Applications on Classification

Since the task-driven models are trained from end to end, no precomputation of a is needed. For classification, we evaluate our methods on the MNIST dataset, and the AVIRIS Indiana Pines hyperspectral image dataset (see [31] for details). We compare our two proposed deep encoders with two competitive sparse coding-based methods: (1) task-driven sparse coding (TDSC) in [28], with the original setting followed and all parameters carefully tuned; (2) a pre-trained LISTA followed by supervised tuning with softmax loss. Note that for the deep M-sparse encoder, M is not known in advance and has to be tuned. To our surprise, the fine-tuning of M is likely to improve the performances significantly, which is analyzed next. The overall error rates are compared in Tables 3.4 and 3.5.

Table 3.4

Classification error rate (%) comparison of all methods on the MNIST dataset

p 128 256 512
TDSC 0.71 0.55 0.53
Tuned LISTA 0.74 0.62 0.57
Deep 0-Regularized 0.72 0.58 0.52
Deep M-Sparse (M = 10) 0.72 0.57 0.53
Deep M-Sparse (M = 20) 0.69 0.54 0.51
Deep M-Sparse (M = 30) 0.73 0.57 0.52


Table 3.5

Classification error rate (%) comparison of all methods on the AVIRIS Indiana Pines dataset

p 128 256 512
TDSC 15.55 15.27 15.21
Tuned LISTA 16.12 16.05 15.97
Deep 0-Regularized 15.20 15.07 15.01
Deep M-Sparse (M = 10) 13.77 13.56 13.52
Deep M-Sparse (M = 20) 14.67 14.23 14.07
Deep M-Sparse (M = 30) 15.14 15.02 15.00


In general, the proposed deep 0Image encoders provide superior results to the deep 1Image-based method (tuned LISTA). TDSC also generates competitive results, but at the cost of the high complexity for inference, i.e., solving conventional sparse coding. It is of particular interest to us that when supplied with specific M values, the deep M-sparse encoder can generate remarkably improved results.4 Especially in Table 3.5, when M=10Image, the error rate is around 1.5% lower than that of M=30Image. Note that in the AVIRIS Indiana Pines dataset, the training data volume is much smaller than that of MNIST. In this way, we conjecture that it might not be sufficiently effective to make the training process depend fully on data; instead, crafting a stronger sparsity prior by smaller M could help learn more discriminative features.5 Such a behavior provides us with an important hint to impose suitable structural priors to deep networks.

3.5.4 Applications on Clustering

For clustering, we evaluate our methods on the COIL 20 and the CMU PIE datasets [32]. Two state-of-the-art methods to compare are the jointly optimized sparse coding and clustering method proposed in [29], as well as the graph-regularized deep clustering method in [33].6 The overall error rates are compared in Tables 3.6 and 3.7.

Table 3.6

Clustering error rate (%) comparison of all methods on the COIL 20 dataset

p 128 256 512
[29] 17.75 17.14 17.15
[33] 14.47 14.17 14.08
Deep 0-Regularized 14.52 14.27 14.06
Deep M-Sparse (M = 10) 14.59 14.25 14.03
Deep M-Sparse (M = 20) 14.84 14.33 14.15
Deep M-Sparse (M = 30) 14.77 14.37 14.12


Table 3.7

Clustering error rate (%) comparison of all methods on the CMU PIE dataset

p 128 256 512
[29] 17.50 17.26 17.20
[33] 16.14 15.58 15.09
Deep 0-Regularized 16.08 15.72 15.41
Deep M-Sparse (M = 10) 16.77 16.46 16.02
Deep M-Sparse (M = 20) 16.44 16.23 16.05
Deep M-Sparse (M = 30) 16.46 16.17 16.01


Note that the method in [33] incorporated Laplacian regularization as an additional prior while the others did not. It is thus no wonder that this method often performs better than others. Even without any graph information utilized, the proposed deep encoders are able to obtain very close performances, and outperform [33] in certain cases. On the COIL 20 dataset, the lowest error rate is reached by the deep M-sparse (M=10Image) Encoder, when p=512Image, followed by the deep 0Image-regularized encoder.

On the CMU PIE dataset, the deep 0Image-regularized encoder leads to competitive accuracy with [33], and outperforms all deep M-sparse encoders with noticeable margins, which is different from other cases. Previous work discovered that sparse approximations over CMU PIE had significant errors [34], which is also verified by us. Therefore, hardcoding exact sparsity could even hamper the model performance.

Remark. From the experiments, we gain additional insights in designing deep architectures:

  • •  If one expects the model to explore the data structure by itself, and provided that there is sufficient training data, then the deep 0Image-regularized encoder (and its peers) might be preferred as its all parameters, including the desired sparsity, are fully learnable from the data.
  • •  If one has certain correct prior knowledge of the data structure, including but not limited to the exact sparsity level, one should choose deep M-sparse encoder, or other models of its type that are designed to maximally enforce that prior. The methodology could be especially useful when the training data is less than sufficient.

We hope the above insights could be of reference to many other deep learning models.

3.6 Conclusions and Discussions on Theoretical Properties

We propose deep 0Image encoders to solve the 0Image sparse approximation problem. Rooted in solid iterative algorithms, the deep 0Image-regularized encoder and deep M-sparse encoder are developed, each designed to solve one typical formulation, accompanied with the introduction of the novel HELU neuron and maxM pooling/unpooling. When applied to specific tasks of classification and clustering, the models are optimized in an end-to-end manner. The latest deep learning tools enable us to solve considered problems in a highly effective and efficient fashion. They not only provide us with impressive performance in numerical experiments, but also enlighten with important insights into designing deep models.

While many recent works followed the idea of constructing feed-forward networks by unfolding and truncating iterative algorithms, as fast trainable regressors to approximate the solutions of sparse coding models, progress has been slow towards understanding the efficient approximation from a theoretical perspective. [35] investigated the convergence property of our proposed Deep 0Image Encoders. The authors argued that they can use data to train a transformation of dictionary that can improve its restricted isometry property (RIP) constant, when the original dictionary is highly correlated, causing IHT to fail easily. They moreover showed it beneficial to allow the weights to decouple across layers. However, the analysis in [35] cannot be straightforwardly extended to ISTA although IHT is linearly convergent [36] under rather strong assumptions.

Beside, [37] attempted to explain the mechanism of LISTA by re-factorizing the Gram matrix of dictionary, which tries to nearly diagonalize the Gram matrix with a basis that produces a small perturbation of the 1Image ball. They the re-parameterized LISTA into a new factorized architecture that achieved similar acceleration gain to LISTA. Using an “indirect” proof, [37] was able to show that LISTA can converge faster than ISTA, but still sublinearly. In [38], a similar learning-based model inspired by another iterative algorithm solve LASSO, approximated message passing (AMP), was studied. The idea was advanced in [39] to substitute the AMP proximal operator (soft-thresholding) with a learnable Gaussian denoiser. However, their main theoretical tool, named “state evolution”, is not directly applicable to analyzing LISTA.


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 “Reprinted, with permission, from Wang, Zhangyang, Ling, Qing, and Huang, Thomas S. “Learning deep 0Image encoders”, AAAI (2016).”

1  “We test larger K values (3 or 4). In several cases they do bring performance improvements, but add complexity, too.”

2  “As a typical case, we use SGD in a setting where it is not guaranteed to converge in theory, but behaves well in practice.”

3  “Except for the “diag(θ)Image” layers in Fig. 3.3, each of which contains only p free parameters.”

4  “To get a good estimate of M, one might first try to perform (unsupervised) sparse coding on a subset of samples.”

5  “Interestingly, there are a total of 16 classes in the AVIRIS Indiana Pines dataset. When p=128Image, each class has on average 8 “atoms” for class-specific representation. Therefore M=10Image approximately coincides with the sparse representation classification (SRC) principle [31] of forcing sparse codes to be compactly focused on one class of atoms.”

6  “Both papers train their model under both soft-max and max-margin type losses. To ensure fair comparison, we adopt the former, with the same form of loss function as ours.”

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