Chapter 1

Supervised Learning with the Artificial Neural Networks Algorithm for Modeling Immune Cell Differentiation

Pinyi Lu1,2; Vida Abedi1,2; Yongguo Mei1,2; Raquel Hontecillas1,2; Casandra Philipson1,2; Stefan Hoops1,2; Adria Carbo3; Josep Bassaganya-Riera1,2    1 The Center for Modeling Immunity to Enteric Pathogens, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
2 Nutritional Immunology and Molecular Medicine Laboratory, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
3 BioTherapeutics Inc., Blacksburg, VA, USA


Computational modeling of the immune system requires practical and efficient data analytical approaches. The immune system is composed of heterogeneous cell populations and hundreds of cell types. Each cell type is highly diverse and can be further differentiated into subsets with unique and overlapping functions. Computational systems biology approaches can be used to represent and study molecular mechanisms of cell differentiation. However, such systematic modeling efforts require the building of complex intracellular signaling models with a large number of equations to accurately represent intracellular pathways and biochemical reactions. It also requires the integration of complex processes that occur at different scales of spatiotemporal magnitude. Application of supervised learning methods, such as artificial neural network (ANN), can reduce the complexity of ordinary differential equation (ODE)–based models of intracellular networks by focusing on the input and output cytokines. In addition, this modeling framework can be efficiently integrated into multiscale tissue-level models of the immune system.


Supervised learning

artificial neural network (ANN)

CD4 + T cell differentiation

multiscale modeling (MSM)


This work was supported in part by NIAID Contract No. HHSN272201000056C to JBR and funds from the Nutritional Immunology and Molecular Medicine Laboratory (URL:

1 Introduction

1. A Immune cell differentiation and modeling

The process of immune cell differentiation plays a central role in orchestrating immune responses. It is based on the differentiation of naïve immune cells that, upon activation of their transcriptional machinery through a variety of signaling cascades, become phenotypically and functionally different entities capable of responding to a wide range of viruses, bacteria, parasites, or cancer cells. Functionally, immune cells have been classified into either regulatory or effector cell subsets. The cell differentiation process involves a series of sequential and complex biochemical reactions within the intracellular compartment of each cell. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is an Extensible Markup Language (XML)–based format widely used to represent as well as store models of biological processes. SBML allows the encoding of biological process including their dynamics. This information can be unambiguously converted into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Of note, ODE models are extensively used to model biological processes such as cell differentiation, immune responses toward specific pathogens, autoimmune processes, or intracellular activation of specific cellular pathways (Carbo et al., 2013, 2014a, b). Several equations are usually required to adequately represent these complex immunological processes, being either at the level of the whole organism, tissue, cells, or molecules.

Carbo et al. (2014b) published the first comprehensive ODE model of CD4 + T cell differentiation, which encompassed both effector T helper (Th1, Th2, Th17) and regulatory Treg cell phenotypes. CD4 + T cells play an important role in regulating adaptive immune functions as well as orchestrating other subsets to maintain homeostasis (Zhu and Paul, 2010). They interact with other immune cells by releasing cytokines that could further promote, suppress, or regulate immune responses. CD4 + T cells are essential in B-cell antibody class switching, in the activation and growth of CD8 + cytotoxic T cells, and in maximizing bactericidal activity of phagocytes such as macrophages. Mature T helper cells express the surface protein CD4, for which this subset is referred to as CD4 + T cells. Upon antigen presentation, naïve CD4 + T cells become activated and undergo a differentiation process controlled by the cytokine milieu in the tissue environment. The cytokine environmental composition, therefore, represents a critical factor in CD4 + T cell differentiation. As an example, a naïve CD4 + T cell in an environment rich in IFNγ or IL-12 will differentiate into Th1. In contrast, an environment rich in IL-4 will induce a Th2 phenotype. Some other phenoptypes are also balanced by each other: Th17 cells, induced by IL-6, IL-1β, and TGF-β, are closely balanced by regulatory T cells (induced by TGFβ only) (Eisenstein and Williams, 2009). Furthermore, competition for cytokines by competing clones of CD4 + T cells within an expanding cell population (proliferation), cell death, and expression of other selective activation factors such as the T cell receptor, OX40, CD28, ICOS, and PD1 are key steps that influence CD4 + T cell differentiation.

Computational approaches allow concurrent multiparametric analysis of biological processes and computational algorithms and models have become powerful and widely used tools to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of the knowledge discovery process. Systems modeling approaches, combined with experimental immunology studies in vivo, can integrate existing knowledge and provide novel insights on rising trends and behaviors in biological processes such as CD4 + T cell differentiation and function. The CD4 + T cell differentiation model was built upon the current paradigms of molecular interactions that occur in CD4 + T cells, which consists of 60 ODEs, 53 reactions, and 94 species. The mathematical model ensures proper modulation of intracellular pathways and cell phenotypes via external cytokines representing the cytokine milieu. Two types of kinetic equations were employed to mathematically compute dynamic biological processes in the CD4 + T cell model: (i) mass action and (ii) Hill equation kinetics. Despite their simplicity, mass-action kinetics are widely accepted and extensively validated in biological systems due to their inherent ability to accurately represent elementary reactions and species degradation (Goldbeter, 1991). Mass-action rates are also extremely reliable for stochastic modeling simulations. In the CD4 + T cell model, the natural loss of model species due to messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein decay was fit using mass-action rate laws. On the other hand, sigmoidal Hill equations were used to model more complex molecular processes that behave via an on/off switch mechanism, including protein phosphorylation, cytokine-receptor binding, and transcription. Extensive studies have demonstrated the benefits of the Hill equation for studying combinatorial regulation, especially in sigmoidal Hill equations (Mangan and Alon, 2003); thus, this equation set captures complexities arising when a particular model species can be modified by more than one input. Results from modeling the pleotropic and highly dynamic regulation of CD4 + T cell differentiation has guided experimentation to elucidate underlying regulatory mechanisms, identify novel putative CD4 + T cell subsets or potential targets, and enrich our understanding of the dynamics of the process (Kidd et al., 2014; Yosef et al., 2013).

ODE-based modeling approaches require detailed knowledge of kinetic parameters, some of which can be estimated from the research literature and some from in silico experiments. However, models that are based on a large parameter set will be subject to more inaccuracies. Thus, the use of novel modeling approaches applicable to the immune system, and specifically to the CD4 + cell differentiation, has a high value for investigation.

1. B MSM and model reduction

Current biomedical research involves performing experiments and developing hypotheses that link different scales of biological systems, such as intracellular signaling or transcriptional interactions, cellular behavior, and cell population behavior, tissue, and organism-level events. Computational modeling efforts exploring such multiscale systems quantitatively have to incorporate an array of techniques due to the different time and space scales involved. In a previous study, Mei et al. (2012) presented the Enteric Immunity Simulator (ENISI), an agent-based simulator for modeling mucosa immune responses to enteric pathogens. ENISI uses a rule-based approach and can simulate cells, cytokines, cell movement, and cell-cell interactions. To be able to model fine-grained intracellular behaviors, a multiscale modeling (MSM) approach that embeds intracellular models into the intercellular tissue level models is needed. Indeed, the MSM approach includes four scales: Intracellular, Chemokine/Cytokine Diffusion (Intercellular), Cellular, and Tissue. Our current version of ENISI incorporates the Cellular, Chemokine, and Tissue Scales. The cellular scale represents how the cells interact with nearby cells and incorporates the plasticity of a cell based on stochastic and temporal rules. The chemokine scale represents the chemokine concentration and diffusion process. Finally, the tissue scale represents the spatial and compartmental information (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 Integration of four-order spatiotemporal scales. Modeling fine-grained intracellular behaviors requires a MSM approach that embeds intracellular models into the intercellular tissue level models. The MSM approach includes intracellular, chemokine/cytokine diffusion (intercellular), cellular, and tissue scales.

Fine-grained ODE models of intracellular pathways controlling immune cell differentiation are adequate for studying the mechanisms of cell differentiation. However, they can be highly complex and expensive from a computational standpoint, especially when embedded within large-scale, agent-based simulations. ENISI Visual models a large number of cells and microbes in the gastrointestinal mucosa. If each agent is represented by 60 ODEs, for example, the simulation will be hardly scalable. Therefore, to be able to develop efficient, agent-based, multiscale models, model reduction needs to be performed. In addition, multiscale models usually do not require all the internal details of intracellular scales to have predictive value. In essence, novel model reduction strategies could be used to address the multiscale scalability requirements to reduce molecular models before integrating them into large-scale, agent-based, tissue-level models.

1. C ANN algorithm and its applications

The artificial neural networks (ANN) algorithm, inspired by the biological neural systems, is powerful in modeling and data-mining tools based upon the theory of connectionism (Yegnanarayana, 2009). In biological systems, neurons are connected to each other through synapses. A neuron receives inputs from multiple neurons and outputs a value based upon the activation function. The perceptron is one of the easiest data structures for the study of neural networking. The perceptron models a neuron’s behavior in the following way: First, the perceptron receives several input values. The connection for each input has a weight in the range of 0 to 1, these values are randomly picked and have an arbitrary unit (a.u.). The threshold unit then sums the inputs, and if the sum exceeds the threshold value, a signal is sent to the output node; otherwise, no signal is sent. The perceptron can “learn” by adjusting the weights to approach the desired output (Nielsen, 2001).

Building on the algorithm of the simple perceptron, the multilayer perceptron (MLP) model not only gives a perceptron structure for representing more than two classes, it also defines a learning rule for this kind of networks. The MLP is divided into three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer, and the output layer, where each layer in this order processes inputs and deliver outputs to the next layer (Nielsen, 2001). The extra layers give the structure needed to recognize nonlinearly separable classes (Figure 1.2). The network structures and the parameters of the activation function are important factors when developing neural network models. Feedforward neural networks are frequently used structures in modeling. There are effective learning algorithms for the parameters once the structures are set in the feedforward ANNs.

Figure 1.2 The multilayer perceptron structure of ANN. The multilayer perceptron structure of artificial neural network is divided into three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer and the output layer, where each layer processes inputs and deliver outputs to next layer. The extra layers give the structure the ability to recognize nonlinearly separable classes.

Neural network algorithms are widely used for data mining tasks such as classification and pattern recognition. Neural network algorithms are especially effective in modeling nonlinear relationships, which makes them ideal candidates for differentiation processes. Importantly, this process is scalable. However, there are also some practical challenges. It is not possible to know in advance the ideal network topology; therefore, ANN-based methods require testing several network settings or topologies in order to find the best solution. This technical challenge triggers an extended training period. Our initial pilot study was the first to apply neural network algorithms to studying immune cell differentiation (Mei et al., 2013). Based on the initial success of this approach, the study was systematized and expanded. More specifically, the effect of artificial noise on the data is assessed. We use neural network algorithms to reduce the intracellular CD4 + T cell differentiation ODE model into a neural network model with four inputs, five outputs, and one hidden layer of seven nodes. The four input nodes represent the four external cytokines that regulate the cell differentiation; the five output nodes represent the five cytokines that are externalized and secreted by the T-cell subsets. After training, the model achieves high accuracy in predicting the concentrations of output cytokines. For instance, if the outputs are in the range of [0, 1], then the largest average prediction error is 0.0562 for IL17.

2 Related work

Modeling the CD4 + T cell differentiation is challenging because of the complexity of the immune system, plasticity between phenotypes, feedback loops involved in regulation, and combinatorial effects of cytokines. The immune system protects the human body from pathogens by recognizing, containing, and destroying nonself or foreign antigens (Boyd, 1946; O’Shea and Paul, 2010). At the highest level, the immune system can be divided into innate and adaptive branches. The innate immune system, involving cells such as macrophages, epithelial cells, neutrophils, and dendritic cells, responds quickly but nonspecifically to stimuli (Akira et al., 2006). On the contrary, the adaptive immune system involving T cells and B cells responds more specifically to antigens (Alberts, 2002). Immune cells are activated and differentiated into ever-growing numbers of cell subsets such as CD4 + T cells and macrophages (Mosmann and Sad, 1996; Groux et al., 1997, Murray and Wynn, 2011). These cells are regulated by different cytokines in their microenvironment. Using CD4 + T cells as an example, Th1 cells stably express IFNγ, whereas Th2 cells express IL-4. The discovery and investigation of two other CD4 + T cell subsets, induced regulatory T (iTreg) cells, and Th17 cells, has led to a rethinking of the notion that helper T-cell subsets represent irreversibly differentiated end points. Mounting evidence supports the tissue environment-dependent plasticity of CD4 + T-cell subsets and suggests the emergence of new phenotypes. When both transforming growth factor-b (TGFβ) and IL-6 are present in the environment, naïve CD4 + T cells differentiate into Th17 (Mangan et al., 2006, Korn et al., 2008). When TGFβ alone presents in the environment, CD4 + T cells differentiate into Treg [14]. When IFNγ and IL-12 are present, T cells differentiates into Th1 (Kohno et al., 1997).

Systems biology has become an important paradigm in immunology research, using mathematical and computational models to synthesize and mine existing knowledge, and discover new knowledge from big data (Kitano, 2002a). Biological systems and processes can be modeled using a variety of methods (Kreeger and Lauffenburger, 2010; Noble, 2002; Kitano, 2002b). In some instances, biological processes can be mapped to networks where nodes and edges represent biological agents such as cells and their interactions (Kitano et al., 2005). Furthermore, mathematical or computational dynamics can be applied to the network models so that in silico simulations can be performed (Foster and Kesselman, 2003; Carbo et al., 2014a). SBML is used to represent computational models of biological processes (Hucka et al., 2003). There are many types of models used for modeling biological processes, such as Bayesian networks, ODE, and agent-based models (Machado et al., 2011). For metabolic and signaling networks, the biochemical reactions can be represented by first-order ODEs (Gillespie, 1992).

In line with our systems and translational immunology efforts under modeling immunity to enteric pathogens ( of computational model building, calibration, refinement and validation, Carbo et al. (2013) published the first ODE model of CD4 + T cell differentiation, which comprises of 60 ODEs. The model shown in Figure 1.3 represents the intracellular pathways that are critical for CD4 + T cell differentiation. The hypotheses generated by this model were fully validated using in vivo animal models of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Computational modeling and mouse adoptive transfer studies were combined to gain a better mechanistic understanding of the modulation of CD4 + T cell differentiation and plasticity at the intestinal mucosa of mice. Sensitivity analyses highlighted the importance of PPARγ in the regulation of Th17 to iTreg plasticity. Indeed, validation experiments demonstrated that PPARγ is required for the plasticity of Th17, promoting a functional shift toward an iTreg phenotype. More specifically, PPARγ activation is associated with up-regulation of FOXP3 and suppression of IL-17A and RORγt expression in colonic lamina propria CD4 + T cells. Conversely, the loss of PPARγ in T cells results in colonic immunopathology driven by Th17 cells in adoptive transfer studies.

Figure 1.3 SBML-compliant network model of the CD4 + T-cell differentiation process. This diagram illustrates network topologies associated with the naive T-cell differentiation toward T helper (Th)1, Th2, Th17, and induced regulatory T cells. The network is built in an SBML-compliant format.

In another study, Mei et al. (2012) presented ENISI Visual, an agent-based simulator for modeling enteric immunity. ENISI Visual provides high-quality visualizations for simulating gut immunity to enteric pathogens and is capable of simulating gut immunity, including pathogen invasion, proinflammatory immune responses, pathogen elimination, regulatory immune responses, and restoring homeostasis. ENISI Visual can also help immunologists test novel hypotheses and design biological experiments accordingly. Undoubtedly, a holistic model of the immune response could provide even more valuable insight; however, it needs to take into consideration complexities at the different layers: intracellular, cellular, intercellular, tissue, and whole organism. Modeling a complex system at four levels of magnitude—i.e., MSM—poses a new set of challenges. MSM requires considering different spatial and temporal scales, ranging from nanometers to meters and nanoseconds to years. Therefore, different technologies have to be integrated to provide the most accurate predictions. MSM frameworks have been recently developed and attempted to address some of these challenges (Mancuso et al., 2014; Buganza Tepole and Kuhl, 2014; Mei et al., 2014). In our recent work, we have developed ENISI MSM, a MSM platform driven by high-performance computing and designed specifically for computational immunology, which integrates agent-based modeling (ABM), ODEs, and partial differential equations (PDEs) (Mei et al., 2014). Our ENISI MSM platform is calibrated with experimental data and tested for the CD4 + T cell differentiation model, which is able to perform a variety of in silico experimentation for generating new hypotheses. However, running simulations on the MSM platform that requires COPASI (Hoops et al., 2006) to solve complex ODEs is computationally expensive and time consuming. Replacing the ODE-based steps in the MSM by machine learning methods would significantly improve its computational performance and allow researchers to perform broad and comprehensive hypotheses generating in silico experimentation that uncovers emerging properties of the immune system and results in new, nonintuitive, computational hypotheses about immune responses.

Machine learning methods—supervised learning methods in particular—are key in building predictive models from observations, therefore facilitating knowledge discovery for complex systems. The neural network algorithm is a supervised learning approach that has been widely used in data mining (Craven and Shavlik, 1997; Lu et al., 1996) as well as medical applications (Dayhoff and DeLeo, 2001; Ling et al., 2013). Snow et al. (1994) developed neural networks for prostate cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Lek and Guégan (1999) introduced using neural networks in ecological modeling. Brusic et al. (1994) used neural networks for predicting major histocompatibility complex (MHC) binding peptides. Learning is an important research topic in neural networks. White (1989) presented neural network learning algorithms from the statistical perspective. Hagan and Menhaj (1994) presented an effective learning algorithm called back-propagation for training feedforward networks. In addition to modeling and predictions, the neural network algorithm has been used for solving ordinary and partial differential equations (Lagaris et al., 1998).

Our initial work (Mei et al., 2013) presented ANN as an alternative to solving ODEs using in silico data; in that study, ANN was compared with the linear regression (LR) model, and it was shown to outperform the latter. In the present work, we compare three different learning methods: ANN, LR, and support vector machine (SVM). We optimize the parameters of the models and apply them to in silico data with and without added noise.

3 Modeling immune cell differentiation

To model cell differentiation, we first define the problem and make the following assumptions. There are m input cytokines that regulate immune cell differentiation: Ci1, Ci2, …, Cim. There are also n output cytokines secreted by immune cells: Co1, Co2, …, Con. The cytokine concentrations are positive continuous values.

The problem of modeling immune cell differentiation is to develop one model for the following functional relationship:


si1_e  (1.1)

The model is designed to predict the output cytokine concentrations given the concentrations of input cytokines.

3.1 T cell differentiation process as a use case

This study focuses on the T-cell differentiation. However, the techniques and algorithms developed herein can be applied to differentiations of other types of immune cells, such as macrophages, dendritic cells, B cells, etc. The input cytokines are internalized by the naïve T cells and regulate the T-cell differentiation process. The output cytokines are externalized and secreted.

3.2 Data for training and testing models

The data for modeling the relationship from the input and output cytokines can be derived from the T-cell differentiation ODE model (Carbo et al., 2013), which was calibrated using data from biological experiments. By changing the concentrations of the input cytokines, the steady state of the ODE model is calculated. The steady-state results provide a measure of the output cytokines that can be used in the model. Creation of data sets was achieved by using the parameter scan task of COPASI tool (Hoops et al., 2006). COPASI is a software application designed for the simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and their dynamics, which supports models in the SBML standard and can simulate their behavior using ODEs. A five-dimensional scan was performed, where five output cytokines were independently measured. All the data is normalized to the range of [0, 1]. The method used to create data sets is equal-distance sampling. For each input cytokine, five values were chosen (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1). Since there are five input cytokines, 625 data points were created by the parameter scan process. A total of 100 of the data points were selected randomly for training, and the remaining 525 data points were used for testing. Additionally, uniformly distributed noise was added to the output for a quantitative analysis. Table 1.1 shows an example of data points used in the study.

Table 1.1

Sample Data Sets Used for Training and Testing the Models

Input DataOutput Data
Sample Data without Noise100.500.9960.9890.1220.5477.51E-06
Sample Data with Noise100.500.9740.9130.1180.5457.12E-06


3.3 ANN model

The ANN model can be used to model nonlinear relationships. We developed the ANN model for T-cell differentiation using a package in R named neuralnet (Günther and Fritsch, 2010). The learning algorithm used is back-propagation. The function neuralnet is used for training neural networks, which provides the opportunity to define the required number of hidden layers and hidden neurons. The most important arguments of the neuralnet function include formula, a symbolic description of the model to be fitted; data, a data frame containing the variables specified in formula; and a hidden vector, specifying the number of hidden layers and hidden neurons in each layer (Günther and Fritsch, 2010). To optimize the performance of the ANN model, we tested different sizes of hidden layers, including 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 hidden neurons. By comparing the average absolute difference between the model predictions and real outputs from the test data, the neural network model with seven hidden neurons was identified to perform best (Table 1.2). The number of hidden layers is a critical model parameter. If the number of layers is too small, under-learning can occur, whereas too many layers can cause overlearning or overfitting. In this study, our results demonstrated that with the network of four inputs and five outputs, seven hidden neurons were necessary to best model the complex nonlinear system of cell differentiation using back-propagation (Figure 1.4).

Table 1.2

Prediction Errors of the Neural Network Models with Different Numbers of Hidden Layers (The bolding indicates the neural network model with the best performance.)

Number of Hidden NeuronsIL17RORγtIFNγTbetFOXP3Sum of Prediction Error


Figure 1.4 ANN model of CD4 + T cell differentiation. The ANN model for T-cell differentiation was built using a package in R named neuralnet. The network of four inputs and five outputs needs seven hidden neurons to best model the complex cell differentiation system using back-propagation.

3.4 Comparative analysis with the LR model and SVM

The LR model was tested for its simplicity. R has a linear regression module lm, which was adapted and used in this study. The lm function is used to fit linear models, which can be used to carry out regression, single stratum analysis of variance, and analysis of covariance (Ihaka and Gentleman, 1996). The result of the linear regression model can be summarized as a linear transformation from the input cytokines to the output cytokines, as shown by Eq. (1.2). The transformation matrix, MTran [Eq. (1.3)], summarizes the relationship between input and output cytokine concentrations.


si2_e  (1.2)


si3_e  (1.3)

where the rows represent IFNγ, IL12, IL6, and TGFβ, respectively.

Furthermore, a model was created using the SVM algorithm, which is another widely used supervised learning algorithm for classification and regression problems. SVM contains all the main features that characterize a maximum margin algorithm (Smola and Schölkopf, 2004). The R package, e1071 (Dimitriadou et al., 2008), was applied to build the SVM models using the same training data and test data as used by our previous modeling approaches. To optimize the performance of the SVM model, we tested different widths of radial kernel, including baseline (0.25), 1, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3

Prediction Error of SVM Models with Different Widths of Radial Kernel

Width of RadialIL17RORγtIFNγTbetFOXP3Sum of Prediction Error


Note: The baseline width is the inverse of the dimension of the data (in this case, Baseline will be 0.25).

The prediction errors, average absolute difference between the model predictions, and real outputs from the test data of the different models are shown in Table 1.4. Considering that the data are normalized within [0, 1], the prediction error of linear regression model is obviously larger than that of neural network model. This corroborates that the T-cell differentiation process is highly nonlinear and linear regression will not be an appropriate method for this highly complex and nonlinear process. Additionally, the neural network model with seven hidden neurons was identified to perform best. By calculating the prediction error, it is concluded that the performance of the SVM model is better than the LR model, but worse than the ANN model (Table 1.4).

Table 1.4

Comparison of the Prediction Error of the ANN, LR, and SVM Models

ApproachIL17RORγtIFNγTbetFOXP3Sum of Prediction Error


3.5 Capability of ANN model to analyze data with noise

Stochasticity is an inherent component of biological processes and an important aspect in modeling such systems (Kaern et al., 2005; Munsky et al., 2012; Frank, 2013; Hebenstreit et al., 2012). Thus, we incorporated noise to the output data points. A uniformly distributed noise in the range of [− 0.5%, 0.5%] was added to all five output data points independently in order to assess whether the ANN model could model the system with the same level of accuracy. The ANN model with seven hidden neurons was used to test the data set with noise. In a similar manner, 100 data points were selected randomly as the training data set. The remaining 525 data points were used for testing. Table 1.5 shows that the ANN model still outperforms the LR model and the SVM model when noise is added to the data. However, the performance of the ANN model deteriorates slightly when compared to data without added noise.

Table 1.5

Comparison of the Prediction Error of LR Model, ANN Model with Seven-Node Hidden Layer, and SVM Model

ApproachIL17RORγtIFNγTbetFOXP3Sum of Prediction Error


4 Discussion

This study presented the ANN model of CD4 + T cell differentiation. Immune cell differentiation is an important immunological process that is not fully characterized at the systems level. Based upon our previous studies on the ODE model of CD4 + T cell differentiation and agent-based modeling for enteric mucosal immunity with ENISI, developing multiscale models requires significant reduction of the intracellular signaling and transcriptional ODE models before integrating them into the intercellular agent-based models.

Immune cell differentiation is a nonlinear process, and LR models are not capable of fitting the data well. To address this problem, a feedforward ANN model has been developed, focusing on modeling the relationship between the input external cytokines regulating the cell differentiation through interactions with receptors expressed on the surface of the cell, and the output cytokines secreted and externalized by the immune cell subsets. After training performed by using a back-propagation algorithm, this ANN model predicts the concentrations of the output cytokines with an average prediction error of 0.0379 for the five output cytokine concentrations. The ANN model significantly reduces the complexity of the ODE model by focusing on the needs of multiscale models and provides outstanding prediction accuracy. This approach is scalable and can be integrated into future MSM efforts such as ENISI MSM.

Comparative studies were performed to assess the ability of LR models for modeling T-cell differentiation. LR models provide a simplistic approach that is highly scalable and was shown to outperform ANN models in a recent comparison of the performances of an ANN model with three input variables and a regression model for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation (Liu et al., 2013). In our analysis, ANN models outperformed the LR models for the data with and without noise. This can be partly attributed to the fact that our models are competing to represent the complexity of CD4 + T cell differentiation; an immunological process that is highly nonlinear. Also, this can be partly determined by the variable (feature) selection.

A similar study was performed to evaluate SVM as an alternative to ANN, as they provide a number of advantages. The ANN algorithm is more prone to overfitting (Panchal et al., 2011) than SVM. In addition, unlike ANN, computational complexities of SVM do not depend on the dimensionality of the input space (Patil et al., 2012), and therefore, it could provide a more scalable framework. Finally, solution to SVM is global (Burges, 1998), where ANN could suffer from multiple local minima (Olson and Delen, 2008). However, in our analysis, ANN significantly outperformed SVM and therefore will be the method of choice.

Finally, analysis of noisy data is an important step toward appropriately comparing computational algorithms, since immunological systems are prone to variation and stochastic processes are present. When adding noise to the data, we observed that the performance of the ANN system deteriorates but only marginally. Therefore, the constructed modeling framework is stable and robust to slight variations.

5 Conclusion

This is the first study using ANN to model immune cell differentiation. We have shown that the proposed modeling framework is robust to noise and outperforms two other widely utilized machine learning algorithms, LR and SVM. Furthermore, ANN models represent ideal candidates for integration into the agent-based models that we have developed using ENISI MSM to study the intracellular signaling and transcriptional immunological processes comprehensively and systematically. Using machine learning as opposed to ODE-based methods will reduce the computational complexity of the system and facilitate a deeper mechanistic understanding of the complex interplay between the molecules, cells, and tissues of the immune system to advance the development of safer and more efficacious therapeutics for infectious and immune-mediated diseases.


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