
American Planning Association

CDC Emergency Preparedness Website

Dartmouth College’s Institute for Security Technology

DHS National Incident Management System Best Practices

Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000: A New Beginning

EKU’s Online Programs in Fire & Safety Science

FEMA Guide to Citizen Preparedness

FEMA Mitigation Division Homepage

FEMA Mitigation Planning How-To Guide

George Washington Univ. Institute for Disaster Management

Harvard Center for Risk Analysis

Heritage Emergency National Task Force

Library of Congress Emergency Preparedness Plan

National Council on Readiness and Preparedness

National Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)

National Safety Council’s Emergency Preparedness Website

NIST Building & Fire Research Laboratory

NIST Report on World Trade Center Collapse

Protecting Buildings from Bomb Damage

Society for Risk Analysis

Univ. of Sydney Report on WTC Collapse

Printed Resources

1. Alexander D. Principles of emergency planning and management NY: Oxford Univ. Press; 2002.

2. Armitage D. Governance and the commons in a multi-level world. International Journal of the Commons. 2008;2(1):7–32.

3. Bannister J. How to manage risk London: LLP Limited; 1997.

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7. Broder J. Risk analysis and the security survey NY: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1999.

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9. Cameron G. The likelihood of nuclear terrorism. Journal of Conflict Studies 1998; (Fall):5–28.

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11. Defense Research LLC. Terrorism preparedness Washington DC: Defense Research LLC; 2004.

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13. Erickson P. Emergency response planning for corporate and municipal managers San Diego: Academic; 1999.

14. Fahey, J., & Kahn, C. (2012, March 3). BP begins to put spill behind it with settlement. Retrieved January 2015, from <>.

15. Flynn S. The edge of disaster NY: Random; 2007.

16. Godschalk D. Mitigation strategies and integrated emergency management Chapel Hill: Univ. of NC Press, Center for Urban and Regional Studies; 1986.

17. Godschalk D, Beatley T, Berke T, Brower D, Kaiser E. Natural hazard mitigation Washington DC: Island Press; 1999.

18. Gordon J. Comprehensive emergency management for local governments NY: Rothstein Associates; 2002.

19. Haddow G, Bullock J. Introduction to emergency management Boston: Elsevier; 2003.

20. Hart BHL. Strategy, 2e, reprint NY: Frederick A. Praeger; 1967.

21. Herrmann D. A practical guide to security engineering and information assurance Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2001.

22. Hopkins L. Urban development: The logic of making plans Washington DC: Island Press; 2001.

23. Interagency Security Committee. The risk management process for federal facilities. An interagency security committee standard, 1st. Vol. 19 ISC 2013.

24. Jerolleman A, Kiefer J, eds. Natural hazard mitigation. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2012.

25. Kaplan S. The words of risk analysis. Risk Analysis. 1997;17(4):407–418.

26. Kaiser E, Godschalk D, Chapin S. Urban land use planning Champaign-Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press; 1995.

27. Kelly E, Becker B. Community planning Washington DC: Island Press; 2000.

28. Kelly R. Industrial emergency preparedness NY: Wiley; 1989.

29. Koenig DR. Governance reimagined: Organizational design, risk and value creation Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2012.

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31. Leflar J, Siegel M. Organizational resilience Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2013.

32. Leonard B. Guide to exercises in chemical emergency preparedness programs NY: Diane Pub. Co; 1988.

33. Litman T. Lessons from Katrina Victoria, BC: Victoria Transport Policy Institute; 2005.

34. Longinow A. The threat of terrorism: Can buildings be protected? Building Operating Management 1995; pages unknown.

35. Low, P. (2013, May 29). Natural Catastrophes in 2012 Dominated by U.S. Weather Extremes. Retrieved January 2015, from World Watch Institute: <>.

36. Molak V. Fundamentals of risk analysis and risk management Chelsea, MI: Lewis Publishers; 1996.

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39. Nudell M, Antokol N. The handbook for effective emergency management Lexington, MA: Lexington Books; 1988.

40. Omika Y, Fukuzawa E, Koshika N, Morikawa H, Fukuda R. Structural responses of world trade center under aircraft attacks. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2005;131(1):6–15.

41. O’Connor, T. Mitigation and Preparedness. MegaLinks in Criminal Justice 2014; Retrieved from <>.

42. Palin P. Resilience: The grand strategy. Homeland Security Affairs. 2010;6 issue 1 (January),

43. Perry R. Comprehensive emergency management Greenwich, CT: JAI Press; 1985.

44. Rodriguez H, Quarantelli E, Dynes R, eds. Handbook of disaster research. NY: Springer; 2006.

45. Quarentelli E. Studies in disaster response and planning Newark: Univ. of Delaware Disaster Research Center; 1979.

46. Schneid T, Collins L. Disaster management and preparedness Chelsea, MI: Lewis Publishers; 2000; [sample excerpt].

47. Veenema T. Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness for chemical, biological, and radiological terrorism NY: Springer; 2003.

48. Vose D. Risk analysis: A quantitative guide NY: Wiley; 2000.

49. Waugh W. Living with hazards: Dealing with disasters: An introduction to emergency management NY: M.E. Sharpe; 2000.

50. White Jonathan. Defending the homeland Belmont, CA: Wadsworth; 2004; Last updated: Jan. 19, 2014.

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