Subject Index


Abduction inference, 33
cost-based approaches, 34
grounding-based approaches, 34
probabilistic approaches, 34
AbductionBALP, 62
Abductive model construction, 70
Abductive Stochastic Logic Programs (ASLPs), 80
Abstract Hidden Markov Model (AHMM), 5, 14
ACCEL system, 43, 7273
Activity modeling, 344
Activity recognition, 123, 151
activity annotation, 126
activity data, 126
activity models, 126
and intent recognition, 349
pervasive sensor-based, 152
Actuators, 347
Ad hoc agents/teammates
best-suited model, determining, 264
Capture-the-Flag domain, 254
evaluation of model, 263
foraging domain, 254
incremental value model, 261
limited role-mapping model, 260
measure of marginal utility, 252
multiagent plan recognition, 254
multiagent teamwork, 253
predictive modeling, 268
unlimited role-mapping model, 259
Advanced Scout system, 316
Adversarial plan recognition, 87
air-combat environment, 112
anomalous behavior, detecting, 99
AVNET consortium data, 108
catching a dangerous driver, 112
CAVIAR data, 101
efficient symbolic plan recognition, 95
efficient utility-based plan recognition, 96
hybrid system for, 93
suspicious behavior, detecting, 110
Air-combat environment, 112
aggressive opponent, 114115
coward opponent, 94
Ambient sensors, 123
additional sensors, 126
in smart environments, 124
American football, 314315, 317
Anomalous behavior, detecting, 99
AVNET consortium data, 108
CAVIAR data, 101
learning algorithm, 100
Anomalous plan recognition, 88
keyhole adversarial plan recognition for, 87
Anytime Cognition (ANTICO) architecture, 276
Appearance-based object recognition, 346
Artificial corpus generation, 7
domain modeling, 8
goal generation, 9
planner modification, 8
start state generation, 9
Augmented forward probabilities, 16
Automatic subgroup detection, 323
AVNET data, 99, 108
percentage of false positives in, 108
standing for long time on, 109
U-turn on, 109


Backward chaining, 3536
Basic probability assignment (bpa), 18
combining evidence, 20
complexity, 20
focal elements of, 18
prediction, 20
Bayesian Abductive Logic Programs (BALPs), 59
Bayesian logic programs (BLPs), 60
adapting, 61
logical abduction, 61
probabilistic modeling, inference, and learning, 64
Bayesian mixture modeling with Dirichlet processes, 154
Bayesian nonparametric (BNP) methods, 150
Bayesian theory of mind (BToM), 179, 181
AI and ToM, 188
alternative models, 187
formal modeling, 183
informal sketch, 181
Behavioral modeling, 206, 210
Belief–desire inference, 181, 186
Bellman equation, 279
Bigram model, 305
Binary decision diagrams (BDDs), 80


Candidate activities, 238
Candidate hypothesis, 35
Candidate occurrences, 232
Capture-the-Flag domain, 254, 292
Cascading Hidden Markov Model (CHMM), 13
algorithm overview, 15
complexity, 17
computing the forward probability in, 15
HHMMs, comparison to, 14
predictions, 17
schema recognition algorithm, 16
training, 16
Causal-link constraints, 239
CAVIAR data, 101
detecting time for, 106
image sequence in, 102
precision and recall on, 104
trajectories of, 103
Chinese restaurant process, 156157
Cognitive modeling, 177, 190
Commonsense psychology, 188
Commonsense theory of mind reasoning, 178
Conditional completeness, 241
Conditional soundness, 241
Conjunctive normal form (CNF) formula, 229
hard, 233, 239
soft, 232, 239
solving, 234, 240
Context Management Frame infrastructure, 152
Context model, 354
Contextual modeling and intent recognition, 349
dependency parsing and graph representation, 351
graph construction and complexity, 352
induced subgraphs and lexical “noise,”, 352
inference algorithm, 355
intention-based control, 356
lexical directed graphs, 350
local and global intentions, 350
using language for context, 351
Cost function, 35
Crystal Island, 291, 293–297, 300, 307
Cutting Plane Inference (CPI), 40, 299
CPI4CBA algorithm, 40


DARE (Domain model-based multiAgent REcognition), 228
algorithm, 237
MARS and, 244
properties of, 240
Data cubing algorithm, 127
Decision-theoretic planning
Bayesian belief update, 208
interactive POMDP (I-POMDP) framework, 206
Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST), 18
evidence combination, 19
Digital games
goal recognition in, 289
Dirichlet process, 156
Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) model, 154
Dynamic Bayes Network (DBN), 5, 185
Dynamic Hierarchical Group Model (DHGM), 227
Dynamic play adaptation, 325326
Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs), 90


EA Sports’ Madden NFL® football game, 319
Electrocardiogram (ECG), 152
Expected cost, 91


Factored-MLN model, 306
Finitely nested I-POMDP, 207
First-order linear programming (FOPL), 40
Folk–psychological theories, 177
Foraging domain, 254
Foreground–background segmentation, 346
FrameNet, 47


Galvanic skin response (GSR), 152
Game telemetry, 290
Game-based learning environments, 290
Gaussian mixture models (GMM), 149
Geib and Goldman PHATT algorithm, 292
Generalized Partial Global Planning (GPGP) protocol, 253
Goal chain, 4
Goal parameter value generation, 9
Goal recognition, 3, 280, 289
adding parameter recognition, 17
hierarchical plan of, 4
and Markov logic networks (MLNs), 300301
n-gram models, 304
observation corpus, 293
representation of player behavior, 300
Goal schema generation, 9
Goal schemas, 12
GSP algorithm, 127


Hard constraints, 233, 239
Healthcare monitoring
pervasive sensors for, 152
Hidden Cause (HC) model, 65, 67, 292
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), 91, 149, 186187
based intent recognition, 344345, 348, 356
coupled, 91
factorial, 91
layered, 91
recognition, 349
training, 348
Hidden predicates, 301
Hidden Semi-Markov Models (HSMMs), 91
Hierarchical Dirichlet processes (HDP), 129, 150, 157
Hierarchical goal recognition, 4, 12
goal schema recognition, 13
problem formulation, 13
Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMMs), 14, 96
Hierarchical parameter recognition, 21
Hierarchical transition network (HTN), 73
Household setting, 356
Human activity discovery, stream sequence mining for, 123
activity recognition, 123
ambient sensors, 123
mining activity patterns, 133
sequence mining, 127
stream mining, 127
tilted-time window model, 131
updating, 137
Human dynamics and social interaction, 152
Human plan corpora
general challenges for, 7
goal-labeled data, 6
plan-labeled data, 7
unlabeled data, 6
Human plan recognition, modeling
AI and ToM, 188
alternative models, 187
comparison to human judgments, 190
formal modeling, 183
informal sketch, 181
using Bayesian theory of mind, 177, 181
Humanoid robot experiments, 361
Human–robot interaction (HRI), 343
activity recognition and intent recognition, 349
actuators, 347
application to intent recognition, 353
dependency parsing and graph representation, 351
experiments on physical robots, 356
graph construction and complexity, 352
hidden Markov models (HMMs)-based intent recognition, 348
induced subgraphs and lexical “noise,”, 352
inference algorithm, 355
in robotics and computer vision, 345
intention-based control, 356
lexical directed graphs, 350
local and global intentions, 350
processing camera data, 346
sensors, 346
training, 348
using language for context, 351
Hybrid adversarial plan-recognition system, 94


Incremental value model, 261
Inference algorithm, 355
Inference-based discourse processing, 33
Input-Output Hidden Markov Models (IOHMM), 293
Instantiated goal recognition, 4, 12
Integer linear programming (ILP) techniques, 33
based weighted abduction, 36
cutting plane inference, 40
handling negation, 40
Intent recognition, 344
inference algorithm, 355
in robotics and computer vision, 345
intention-based control, 356
outside of robotics, 344
Intention model, 354
Intention-based control, 356, 360
Interaction modeling, 346
Interactive partially observable Markov decision process (I-POMDP) framework, 205206, 316
Bayesian belief update, 208
computational modeling, 214
finitely nested, 207
learning and decision models, 215
level 3 recursive reasoning, 211
solution using value iteration, 209
weighted fictitious play, 216
Inverse optimal control, 189, 278
IRL. See Inverse optimal control
ISAAC, 316


J.48 classifier, 335


K-clique, 153
Key sensors, 134
Keyhole recognition, 88
Kinect, 346
K-means, 149
Knexus Research, 317
Knowledge base model construction (KBMC) procedure, 57, 70
Knowledge-lean approach, 307
Kullback-Leibler divergence, 323


Last subgoal prediction (lsp) bpa, 23
Latent activities, 149
activity recognition systems, 151
Bayesian mixture modeling with Dirichlet processes, 154
healthcare monitoring, pervasive sensors for, 152
hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), 157
human dynamics and social interaction, 152
pervasive sensor-based activity recognition, 152
reality mining data, 165
sociometric data, 160
from social signals, 149
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), 149150
Lexical directed graphs, 350
dependency parsing and graph representation, 351
graph construction and complexity, 352
induced subgraphs and lexical “noise,”, 352
using language for context, 351
Lexical noise, 352
Lexical-digraph-based system, 361
Limited role-mapping model, 260
Linux data, 73


Macro-average, 305
Madden NFL® football game, 319
Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, 154
Markov decision process (MDP), 5, 276
definition, 279
partially observable MDP, 276
representing user plan as, 278
Markov jump process, 153
Markov Logic Networks (MLNs), 58, 60, 290, 298299, 303
abductive model construction, 70
adapting, 65
goal recognition and, 300301
Hidden Cause Model, 67
Pairwise Constraint Model, 65
plan recognition using manually encoded MLNs, 71
player behavior, representation of, 300
probabilistic modeling, inference, and learning, 72
Markov network (MN), 298
Markov random field. See Markov network (MN)
MARS (MultiAgent plan Recognition System), 228
algorithm, 231
completeness of, 235
generated clauses, 243
properties of, 235
Maximum a posteriori (MAP) assignment, 60
MAX-SAT problem, 228
MaxWalkSAT, 299
Mental problem detection, 152
Mercury, 152
Micro-average, 305
Microsoft’s Kinect, 346
Minecraft, 290
Mining activity patterns, 133
Mini-TACITUS system, 50
Mixture modeling, 154
Model-selection methods, 155
Monroe dataset, 73
Monroe Plan Corpus, 10
Monte Carlo
search algorithms, 326
tree search process, 318
Multiagent Interactions Knowledgeably Explained (MIKE) system, 316
Multiagent learning algorithms, 313
Multiagent plan recognition (MAPR), 57, 227
candidate activities, 238
candidate occurrences, 232
DARE algorithm, 237
hard constraints, 233, 239
MARS algorithm, 231
problem formulation, 230, 236
soft constraints, 232, 239
solving constraints, 234, 240
with action models, 235
with plan library, 230
Multiagent STRIPS-based planning, 229
Multiagent team plan recognition, 254
Multiagent teamwork, 253
Multiclass SVM, 320
Multilevel Hidden Markov Models, 5
Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) game, 6
Mutual information (MI), 324


Naive Bayes, 149
Narrative-centered tutorial planners, 307
Natural language, understanding, 33
Natural tilted-time window, 131
Next state estimator, 331
n-gram models, 304
NoObs, 188


Norm assistance, 284
Observation bpa, 22
Observation constraints, 239
Observed predicates, 301
Offline UCT for learning football plays, 326
Online inferences, 191, 193
Online UCT for multiagent action selection, 330
method, 331
reward estimation, 336
successor state estimation, 335
UCT search, 333
Open-ended games, 290
Opponent modeling, 313
automatic subgroup detection, 323
dynamic play adaptation, 325326
offline UCT for learning football plays, 326
online UCT for multiagent action selection, 330
play recognition using support vector machines, 319, 321
reward estimation, 336
Rush football, 317
successor state estimation, 335
team coordination, 321
UCT search, 333
Overmerging, 46
argument constraints, 46
compatibility constraints, 47


Pacman Capture-the-Flag environment, 263
Pairwise Constraint (PC) model, 65
Parameter recognition, 17
adding, 17
hierarchical, 21
top-level, 17
Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP), 179, 183, 185, 195, 205
interactive, 206
modeling deep, strategic reasoning by humans using, 210
Passive infrared sensor (PIR), 123
Patrol robot, 357, 359360
Pervasive sensor
based activity recognition, 152
for healthcare monitoring, 152
PHATT algorithm, 93, 292
Physical robots, experiments on, 356
general concerns, 362
household setting, 357
intention-based control, 360
lexical-digraph-based system, 361
similar-looking activities, 359
surveillance setting, 356
Pioneer 2DX mobile robot, 356
Pioneer robot experiments, 361
Plan, activity, and intent recognition (PAIR), 180181, 189190
Plan corpora
general challenges for, 7
goal-labeled data, 6
human sources of, 6
plan-labeled data, 7
unlabeled data, 6
Plan decomposition path, 95
Plan library, 89
Plan recognition, 3, 275
abductive model construction, 70
adapting, 61, 65
applications, 284
artificial corpus generation, 7
as planning, 278
assistive planning, 283
Bayesian logic programs (BLPs), 60
cognitively aligned plan execution, 283
data for, 6
datasets, 72
emergency response, 285
goal recognition, 280
hidden cause model, 67
human sources of plan corpora, 6
Linux data, 73
logical abduction, 59, 61
Markov Logic Networks, 60
metrics for, 10
Monroe dataset, 73
norm assistance, 284
Pairwise Constraint model, 65
plan prediction, 281
predicted user plan, evaluation of, 283
proactive assistant agent, 276, 282
probabilistic modeling, inference, and learning, 64, 72
representing user plan as MDP, 278
using manually encoded MLNs, 71
using statistical–relational models, 57
Plan recognition. See also Multiagent plan recognition (MAPR)
Play recognition using support vector machines, 319, 321
Play recognizer, 331
Player behavior, representation of, 300
Player-adaptive games, 289290
Point cloud, 346347
Position overlap size, 101
Prediction score, 213
Proactive assistant agent, plan recognition for, 276, 282
Probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs), 5
Probabilistic plan recognition, for proactive assistant agents, 275
Probabilistic state-dependent grammars (PSDGs), 5
Probabilistic Horn abduction (PHA), 58
Problem-solving recognition, 30
Propositional attitudes, 179
types of, 140
PSP algorithm, 127
PsychSim, 211


Quantal-response model, 210, 216


Radial basis function (RBF) kernel, 319
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 149
Range image, 346
Rao-Blackwellization (RB), 5
Rationality error, 213
Reality mining, 169
Reality Mining dataset, 153
Real-time strategy (RTS) games, 292
Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) task, 47
challenge results, 50
Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, 319
RESC plan-recognition algorithm, 112
Restaurant Game, 293
Reward estimator, 331
“Risk-sensitive” plan repair policies, 339340
Robocup research, 316
Robocup simulation league games, 315
Robocup soccer domain, 318
Robotic systems, 177
Role-based ad hoc teamwork. See Ad hoc agents/teammates
Rush 2008 Football Simulator, 314, 318, 338
Rush Analyzer and Test Environment (RATE) system, 314, 338
Rush football, 315, 317
Rush play, 318
Rush playbook, 318
Rush simulator, 331


Sandbox games, 290
Search-space generation, 37
Sensor map, 139
Sensors, 346
processing camera data, 346
Sequence mining, 127
SharedPlans protocol, 253
Shell for TEAMwork (STEAM) protocol, 253
Shrinkage effect, 157
Simplified-English Wikipedia, 352
Smart environments
activity data in, 126
ambient sensors in, 124
Smoothing distribution, 187
Soft constraints, 232, 239
Sony PTZ camera, 356
Soundness, of MARS, 235
SPADE, 127
SPEED algorithm, 127
Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver (STRIPS), 228
multiagent STRIPS-based planning, 229
Stanford-labeled dependency parser, 351
Statistical relational learning techniques, 292
Statistical–relational learning (SRL), 58
Stream mining, 127
Subgoals, 5
Support Vector Machines (SVMs), 48, 90, 149, 316, 320, 325
play recognition using, 319
Surveillance setting, 356
Suspicious behavior, detecting, 110
air-combat environment, 112
catching a dangerous driver, 112
leaving unattended articles, 110
Symbolic Behavior Recognition (SBR), 87
anomalous behavior recognition for, 99
AVNET, 108
Symbolic plan-recognition system, 9495
Synset, 45
Synthetic corpus, 10


Team coordination, 321
automatic subgroup detection, 323
dynamic play adaptation, 325326
Telemetry efforts, 290
Theory of mind (ToM), 177–179, 188
Theory-based Bayesian (TBB) framework, 181
3D scene, estimation of, 346
Tilted-time window model, 131
Top-level parameter recognition, 17
TrueBelief, 188


Uncertain transitions
at output level, 22
at prediction level, 22
Unification, 35
Unigram model, 305
Unlimited role-mapping model, 259
Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees (UCT) search, 323, 292, 326, 329–331, 333
Utility-based plan-recognition (UPR) system, 87, 96
decomposition transition, 96
interruption, 96
observation probabilities, 96
sequential transition, 96


Value iteration
algorithm, 279
for stochastic policy, 279
Variable matrix, 239
VirtualGold, 316


Weighted abduction
backward chaining, 35
based on integer linear programming, 33
cost function, 35
for discourse processing, 43
for plan recognition, 41
for recognizing textual entailment, 48
knowledge base, 44
NL pipeline, 44
overmerging, 46
unification, 35
Weighted fictitious play, 216
Weka J.48 classifier, 336
Wikipedia graph, 352
WordNet, 47
Wu’s weighting formula, 21


YOYO, 93
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