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absorption, 217–25

agile, 227–31

factors, 219–25

Going the Distance Survey, 232–35

strategic agility and, 225–27

active inertia, 4, 81–90

warning signals of, 84–85

Adobe Systems, 35

advertising, 72

aerospace industry, 7

Afterburner, 168

Age of Turbulence, The (Greenspan), 22

agility, 66, 133–49, 151–72

absorption and, 217–35

brewing industry, 173–95

building an agile organization, 173–95

culture of, 185–92

iterative loops, 143–49

life cycle and, 197–216

loop, 147, 151–72

military and, 133–39, 143–44, 225

operational, 140–42

portfolio, 140–42, 198–216

strategic, 140–42, 225–27, 230, 254n.12, 257n. 6

types of, 137–42

winning through, 135–37, 175–78

agility loop, 147, 151–72

discussions to make choices, 152, 157–61, 171–72

discussions to make it happen, 152, 162–67, 171–72

discussions to make revisions, 152, 167–72

discussions to make sense, 152, 154–57, 171–72

Airbus A380s, 35

Air Force, U.S., 133–37, 139, 168

airline industry, 4, 8, 35, 41, 85, 97, 222, 224

deregulation of, 39, 41

Akron, Ohio, 3–4, 68, 73, 83, 85, 87, 103, 249n.12

Ali, Muhammad, 217–19, 227, 230

AltaVista, 35

Alvarez, Ralph, 124

Amazon, 41, 138

AmBev, 173, 185

American Steel and Wire, 1

American Stock Exchange, 39

Anheuser-Busch, 173–74, 177, 179, 192

anomalies, 94–111, 115, 128, 146

common, 96–102

get wrong fast, 106–111

pitfalls, 102–105

Antarctica, 174, 177–78, 179

Apple, 14, 226

appliance industry, 3, 7, 99

arbitrage, 97–98

ArcelorMittal, 6

Argentina, 176

Arison, Micky, 39–41

Arison, Ted, 25–44

Ashley, Laura, 88, 197, 229

Asian economic crisis (1997), 11, 195

Ask Jeeves, 35

AT&T, 142

Atari, 84

Atkins, Robert, 20–21

Atkins diet, 20–21

Austria, 47–52

automobile industry, 3, 4, 8, 68–69, 72, 76, 81–82, 163, 219, 229, 248n. 3


backward-L view of time, 27–32

Bahamas, 29

Banco Popular, 225–26

Banco Santander, 225–26

banking industry, 4, 7, 8, 101, 114, 192, 201, 225–26

2008 crisis, 35

bankruptcy, 3, 5, 88

barley, 12

belted bias tires, 82, 89

Beta Group, 210

beverage industry, 7, 223, 230

big bets, 59, 142

Black Swan, The (Taleb), 22

blindness, 100–101

Bloomberg, Michael, 6

Blue Circle Industries, 209–210

Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne), 40–41

BMW, 72

bonds, 9

bonuses, 182, 74

Borlaug, Norman, 17–18

Boston, 85

Boston Consulting Group, 5, 202

matrix, 202

boxing, 217–19, 227, 230, 235

matrix, 236

Boyd, John, 135–37, 143, 253n. 7

OODA loop, 143–45, 147

BP, 187, 188, 215

Brahma, 174–92, 198

culture of agility, 185–90

employees, 182–85

leadership role, 190–92

organizational priorities, 180–82

turbulence and agility, 175–92

Brazil, 6, 160, 227

brewing industry, 174–92

BRIC economies, 10

economic crises, 175–76, 189–90, 193

industries and success rates, 7

turbulence, 14

brewing industry, 7, 13, 174–92

turbulence, 174–92

bricolage, 116–17, 252n.2

Bridgestone, 88

Browne, John, 215

budgeting, 152

buffering, 222, 258n.4

Buffett, Warren, 215

Busch, August IV, 173–74

Bush, George W., 70


Canada, 5

capitalism, 56

Caribbean Cruise, 8

Carnap, Rudolf, 246n.10

Carnegie, Andrew, 1

Carnival Cruise Lines, 4, 8, 25, 26–44, 71, 84, 138, 190, 226

Carter, Jimmy, 39

car wash, 59

cash reserves, 219, 220, 222–23

CEOs, 10, 14, 32, 84, 88, 89, 90, 129, 139, 161, 168, 181, 199, 208, 215

books written by, 84

clones, 85

cover curse, 84

headquarters, 84

insulation of power, 104

chance, 43–44

chat rooms, 128

Chicago, 67–68, 115

China, 6, 10, 15, 99–100, 107, 133, 134, 227

industries and success rates, 7

instant noodle market, 107–110

turbulence, 14

choices, making, 157–61, 171–72

Cisco, 14, 162, 193

Citigroup, 230

Cleveland Clinic, 124, 125

climate change, 63

clinical trials, 60

coal, 6

Coca-Cola, 223, 230

Collor de Mello, Fernando Affonso, 175–76

co-location, 126–28

comedy, improvisational, 115, 116, 119

Comin, Diego, 9

commitments, 63, 65, 66, 70–80, 166, 169, 248n.8

active inertia and, 81–90

escalating, 80

frames, 76–77, 79, 83

inescapable, 70–74

processes, 76, 77–78, 79, 86

reinforcing, 75–80

relationships, 76, 77, 78, 79, 86–87

resources, 76, 77, 79, 95–96

values, 76, 77, 78–79, 80, 87–88

commodities, 11

communism, 49–56

Compaq Computer, 87

competition, 11, 13–15, 22, 72, 246n.4

agility and, 137

Five Forces model, 49, 50

internal, 188–89

complexity, 11, 12–13, 22

computer industry, 4, 7, 36, 87, 197, 224, 226

confirmation bias, 96

conjecture-refutation cycle, 54–55, 57–58, 144, 146, 151

continuous interaction, 126–28

copiers, 83

corn, 12

Corning Corporation, 98

cost consciousness, 185, 189–90

cruise industry, 8, 25–45, 71, 85–86, 138, 190, 226

number of firms entering and exiting (1966–2008), 28

timing and, 38–42

turbulence, 26–45

Cuban missile crisis, 154–56, 158

currencies, 11

crises, 11


Daewoo, 198

data, RUSH, 120–26, 130, 178–79, 191

Data General, 4, 84

deal-killers, 58, 59

decline opportunity, 203–206, 212–13

Defense Department, 148

Dell, 87, 224

Dell, Michael, 6

Deming, W. Edwards, 144, 146

Denmark, 38–39, 41

Detroit, 4, 67, 76, 85, 89, 103

developed markets, success rates of, 8

devil’s advocate, 155–56

Diageo Ireland, 157, 159

Digital, 4

discipline, 151, 164

discovering patterns, 115–19

discussions, 151–72

before you call the meeting, 153

to make choices, 152, 157–61, 171–72

to make it happen, 152, 162–67, 171–72

to make revisions, 152, 167–72

to make sense, 152, 154–57, 171–72

through the agility loop, 151–72

disease, 15

diversification, 162, 198–200, 219–22

absorption and, 219–22

discount, 199

Dogpile, 35

domains, 7–8

dot-coms, 10

boom, 22

collapse, 10

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 39

Drexel Burnham Lambert, 187

Dubai, 224, 229

dynamism, 11–12, 22


earthquakes, 15, 33

Eastern Cruise Lines, 40

eBay, 14

economy, 9

categories of work and, 255n. 13

downturns, 161–62, 189–90, 193–95

global, 10–15, 44, 179, 194

golden opportunities and, 35

mid-1970s, 2, 26, 38

transformation in a downturn, 193–95

2008 crisis, 9, 10, 35

Edmondson, Amy, 129, 130

Ehrlich, Paul, 17–18

E Ink, 59–60

Einstein, Albert, 52, 54, 61

elderly, 21

electronics, 13, 161–62, 193–95

Embraer, 222

Emerging Business Opportunity (EBO) management system, 214

emerging markets, 13–14, 21, 222

competition, 13–15

success rates, 7

Emirates Air, 224, 229

empathy, 156

Enron, 10, 22, 187, 188

enterprise software, 6–7, 8

entrepreneurship, 22–23, 43, 56–60, 69, 95, 250n.5

anomalies and, 95–102

experiments, 58–60

environment, 10

epistemology, 55–56

error elimination, 54–55

ethanol, 12

Europe, 36, 101, 208

industries and success rates, 8

socialism, 49–52

tire industry, 81, 88–89

See also specific countries

excess employees, 221, 223, 228, 229

Excite, 35

execution, 162–67, 171–72, 192

experiment creep, 60

experiments, 146

entrepreneurial, 58–60

expertise, arrogance of, 102–103


failure, 43, 74, 168

falsifiability, 246n.10

famine, 17, 99

fashion industry, 7, 8, 88, 96, 97, 118–31, 154, 197, 229

improvisation, 118–31

Federal Express, 80, 142

F-86 Sabre, 133–37, 139, 144

finishing strong, 109–110

Finland, 161

Firestone, Harvey, 8, 67–90

Firestone Tire & Rubber, 8, 67–90, 103, 197–98, 207

active inertia, 81–90

after-tax profit, 89

commitments, 70–80

turbulence, 67–90

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 63

Flagship Cruises, 40, 74

fluidity, 113–31

Fogelberg, Michael, 101

Food and Drug Administration, 60

food industry, 7, 57, 107

Atkins diet, 20–21

Chinese instant noodles, 107–110

fast food, 86, 98–99

innovations, 18, 19

junk food, 100

Forbes, 35, 84

Ford, Henry, 68, 71, 74, 78

Ford Motor Company, 78, 81, 86–87, 89, 163

Foreman, George, 217–19, 227

Fortune 500, 32

forward-L view of times, 30, 31

frames, 76–77, 79, 83

France, 81, 145, 242n.13

Fujisawa, Takeo, 107, 108

Fuld, Dick, 104

fund-raising, 58


Gap, 118, 126

gaps, 91–111

anomalies, 94–111

get wrong fast, 106–111

Garantia, 175–77, 179, 183, 187

Garanti Bank, 165

Gates, Bill, 22

GDP, 242n.13, 243n. 13

Genentech, 14, 104

General Electric, 140, 166, 183, 198, 199–201, 230

General Motors, 4, 8, 82, 219, 222, 229, 230

generation gap, 214–15

Germany, 5, 51, 225, 242n.13

military, 255n.15

Gifford, Kathie Lee, 36

Gilbert, Clark, 16

Gillette, 41

global economy, 10–15, 44, 179, 194

glucosamine, 102–103

Going the Distance Survey, 232–35

golden opportunities, 32–35,226

Goldman Sachs, 101–102, 154, 192, 201

Goodrich, B. F., 69, 73, 87, 89

Goodyear, 8, 89, 198

Google, 14, 35, 122

government support, 224, 229

Great Britain, 35, 51, 118, 242n.13

motorcycles, 92, 93

Great Depression, 69

Greece, 64, 144

Greenspan, Alan, 22

Grove, Andy, 104

Gulf War (1991), 10

gum dipping, 78

guru jinx, 84


Haier, 99, 169

halo effect, 241n.8

H&M, 118

Harvard Business School, 4, 23

heads-up work, 128

health care, 63, 100–101, 102, 124, 129

high switching costs, 219, 223–24

holistic data, 125

holistic experiments, 59–60

Home Depot, 14

Honda, 92–95, 96, 107–110, 219, 250n.4

HotBot, 35

housing prices, median U.S., 30, 31

Hume, David, 65


IBM, 83, 214

Icahn, Carl, 3

Iceland, 35

IDEO, 155

improvisation, 113–31, 252n.1

continuous interaction, 126–28

discovering patterns and, 115–19

fashion industry, 118–31

make it safe, 129–31

RUSH data, 120–26, 130

teams, 119–20

InBev, 173, 185, 192

India, 10, 98, 100–101, 121

turbulence, 14, 17

Indonesia, 4, 19–20, 95

industry. See specific industries

informality, 185, 188

Infoseek, 35

Infosys, 98, 103–104

ING Direct, 35

initial public offering (IPO), 39, 40

Inktomi, 35

innovation, 18, 19–21, 40–41

insight, 7

instant messaging, 128

Intel, 14, 36, 104

Internet, 10, 13, 16–17, 34, 74, 122, 126

inverse power law of opportunities, 32–38

investment management, 101–102

iPod, 226

Iraq, 53

Iraq War, 70

Ireland, 5

iron, 6, 19–20

Israel, 26

Italy, 18, 242n.13

iterative approaches, comparison of, 146–47

iterative loops, 143–49, 151

military and, 143–45, 147


Jamaica, 29

Japan, 13–14, 176, 242n.13

motorcycles, 92–93, 94

pet food, 122–23

Japan Inc., 13–14

jazz, 117, 119

Johnson & Johnson, 142, 198, 199, 230

Johnstone, Keith, 118

Journal of the American Medical Association, 20


Karmet, 5–6, 17

Kawashima, Kihachiro, 93–94

Kazakhstan, 5–6, 17

Kelley, Tom, 155

Kelvin, Lord, 96

Kennedy, Aaron, 57

Kennedy, John F., 2, 154, 155–56, 158

Khrushchev, Nikita, 155, 156, 158

Kidder, Peabody & Company, 200

Kim, W. Chan, 40

Kingsley Management, 59

Kirzner, Israel, 250n.5

Kodak, 83, 198

Korean War, 2, 133–37, 139

Kroc, Ray, 98–99

Kuhn, Thomas, 61–63


Large Hadron Collider, 62

Las Vegas, 42

latent slack, 223

layoffs, 223, 229

leadership, 151, 190–92, 210

discussions through the agility loop, 151–72

role, 190–92

leading firm, definition of, 242n.12

Lee Kun Hee, 194–95

Lehman Brothers, 9, 34, 104

Lemann, Jorge Paulo, 176

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 252n.2

life cycle, 197–216

common pathologies, 207–216

decline phase, 203–206, 212–13

four stages, 202–206

managing across the, 212–13

mature phase, 202–206, 211–13, 215

portfolio agility and, 198–216

scale phase, 203–214

start-up phase, 202, 203–206, 210–14

linear approach, 145, 148, 253n.11

logical positivism, 55

London, 96, 118

London Business School, 8, 15

Love Boat, The (TV show), 39, 40, 41

low fixed costs, 219, 220, 225, 228

LTV, 5

luck, 29, 42–45

turbulence and, 42–45

Lycos, 35


MacCormack, Alan, 253n.11

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 43–45

map paradox, 63–66, 70, 168

Mardi Gras (ship), 25–27, 37

Marine Corps, U.S., 106, 108, 114, 137, 167

Markides, Costas, 41

Marxism, 49–55, 246nn.5, 10

matrices, portfolio, 202

mature opportunity, 202–206, 211–13, 215

Mauborgne, Renée, 40

McDonald’s, 86, 98–99, 100, 105, 124

McKinsey & Company, 3, 137, 138, 255n.13

media, 9

medical devices, 60, 98

Medtronix, 14

mental maps, 49–50, 56, 63, 102, 154

agility loop and, 151–72

commitments and, 70–80

entrepreneurs and, 56–60

fluidity of, 113–31

gaps and anomalies, 91–111

map paradox, 63–66, 70

Merck, 230

mergers and acquisitions, 3, 27

Mexico, 5, 19, 176

Miami, 25, 26, 29, 41, 42, 44

Michelin, 81, 88

Microsoft, 14, 35, 224, 226, 230

middle class, 21

Middle East, 7, 15

MiG 15, 133–37, 139, 144

military, 72, 106, 108–109, 119, 154

agility and, 133–39, 143–44, 225

iterative loops and, 143–45, 147

Korean War, 133–37

Mittal, Lakshmi, 4–6, 13, 15, 17, 18–21, 23, 43, 76, 84, 121–22, 226

Mittal Steel, 4–6, 76, 84, 95, 121, 165, 226, 231

Montagu, John, Earl of Sandwich, 19, 244n.32

Morgan, J. P., 1

mortgage crisis, of 2008, 13, 31

motorcycles, 91–95

Motorola, 8, 105

multiple independent units, 230


nanotechnology, 15

natural disasters, 15

Nazis, 26

Netflix, 97

Newton, Isaac, 52, 53, 61, 62

New York, 36, 44, 57, 126

9/11 terrorist attacks, 10, 12, 22, 27, 34, 35, 222

no-exit syndrome, 207–208

Nokia, 8, 105, 161–62, 193, 198

Noodles & Company, 57, 59

Nordstrom, 104

Norwegian Caribbean Line, 8, 26, 34–35, 38, 39, 40


oil, 12, 18, 72, 223

1973 crisis, 2

ONSET Ventures, 168–69

OODA loop, 143–45, 147, 151, 253n.7

operational agility, 140–42

opportunities, 18–21, 30, 157, 159, 174

agility and, 137, 138

changing tastes and, 20–21

common anomalies, 96–102

decline, 203–206, 212–13

discussions to make choices, 157–61

generation gap, 214–15

golden, 32–35, 226

inverse power law of, 32–38

life cycle, 198–216

mature, 202–206, 211, 212–13, 215

one size fits all, 211–14

portfolio, 202–216

scale, 203–214

start-up, 202, 203–206, 210, 211–14

too many, 211

turbulence and, 18–21

Oracle, 140, 244

organizational hydraulics, 180–82


packaging industry, 3, 80

pain, customer, 97

Pakistan, 17

Palestine, 26

P&O Princess Cruise Lines, 27, 34, 226

paradigm, 62

scientific, 61–63

partha system, 121

partial experiments, 59

partnerships, 185, 188–89, 224

passing surfaces, 108–109

patterns, discovering, 115–19

Paulson, Henry, 114

Pepsi, 223

performance, 185–86

performance management, 152

Persia, 144

pet food, 122–23

pharmaceuticals, 59, 60

Pittsburgh, 2, 3, 85

plunging into the fray, 106–107

Polaroid, 197, 229

Popper, Karl, 47–57, 61–65, 144, 146, 151, 246n.10

conjecture-refutation cycle, 54–55, 57–58, 144

Population Bomb, The (Ehrlich), 17]

Porter, Michal, 49, 50


imbalance, 207–216

matrices, 202

plotting a, 206

portfolio agility, 140–42, 198–216

life cycle, 198–216

power, insulation of, 104

powerful patron, 219, 221, 229

practice, 8, 44

Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 10

priorities, 159–60, 180–81

organizational, 180–82

probes, multiple, 108

processes, 76, 77–78, 79, 86

process management, 105

Procter & Gamble, 140, 142, 198, 199, 227

promises, 164–67

active, 165–66

explicit, 166–67

motivated, 167

public, 165

voluntary, 166

provisional knowledge, 52–53, 65

in the real world, 55–58

Prudential-Grace Lines, 40


Quicken, 97


radial tires, 81–82, 85–89

real estate, 18, 58, 59, 97

subprime mortgage crisis, 13, 31

real-time data, 121–22

recalls, consumer, 89–90

recession, 2, 161–62, 189–90

global, 44, 194–95

mid-1970s, 2, 26, 38

transformation in a, 193–95

of 2008, 9, 10, 35

reconnaissance, 107–108, 109

relationships, 76, 77, 78, 79, 86–87

resources, 76, 77, 79, 85–86

allocation, 152

restaurants, 57, 86, 98–99

revisions, making, 66, 167–72

Richards, Chet, 253n.7

risk, 15–18, 22

turbulence and, 15–18

Rome, 26

Rosenzweig, Phil, 241n.8

Rothschild, Edmond James de, 26

routine, seduction of, 104–105

Royal Bank of Canada, 165–66

Royal Caribbean, 26, 27, 34–35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 71

rubber industry, 8, 68

tires, 67–90

Rubin, Robert, 154

RUSH data, 120–26, 130, 178–79, 191

Russia, 10, 51, 176, 227

Ruble crisis (1998), 11

Rust Belt, 4


Samsung, 8, 13, 105, 140, 142, 193, 194–95, 198, 199

S&P Index, 9

sandwich, 19, 244n.32

San Francisco, 126

Saudi Arabia, 223

Saudi Aramco, 223

Saving Private Ryan (film), 117

scale opportunity, 203–214

Schultz, Howard, 22, 99

Schwab, Charles, 41, 97

science, 52, 53, 54, 61–63, 145, 246n.10

Sears, 77, 81, 89, 95

self-storage industry, 101

sense, making, 154–57, 171–72

shared data, 124–25

Shewhart, Walter, 146

Six Sigma, 105, 251n.27

skepticism, 64–65

Skeptics, 64

Smith, Fred, 80

socialism, 49–55, 65

Social Security, 21

software programming, 145, 146, 148

Sony, 41, 230

Soros, George, 6

South Korea, 194–95

industries and success rates, 8

Southwest Airlines, 41, 140, 142, 229

Soviet Union, 2, 133, 134, 136, 145

collapse of, 5, 161

Cuban Missile crisis, 155–56, 158

Spade, Kate, 97

Spain, 35, 37, 126, 225–26

sports stadiums, named after companies, 85

stability, 66

Stack, Charles, 138

staging experiments, 60

Staples, 14

Starbucks, 14, 72, 99

start-ups, 14, 56, 95, 159, 169, 247n.16, 248n.3

entrepreneurial experiments, 58–60

opportunity, 202, 203–206, 210, 211–14

steel industry, 1–6, 76, 95, 121–22, 197, 226, 231

turbulence, 1–6, 15, 17, 18–21, 43

stocks, 9, 39

dot-com collapse, 10

1980s bull market, 39, 41

1987 crash, 39–40

turbulence, 9–10, 242nn.9, 13

Stone, Dr. Kevin, 102–103

strategic agility, 140–42, 254n.12, 257n.6

absorption and, 225–27, 230

strategic planning, 152

strong ties, 103–104

subprime mortgage crisis, 13, 31

success, 6–8, 43, 74, 159, 241n.8

agility and, 135–37

markets, industries, and success rates, compared, 7–8

unexpected, 96–97

sudden-death threats, 33, 37

Sull, Donald, 147

Sun Microsystems, 122

supplement industry, 100, 102–103

swarming gaps, 108–109

Switzerland, 62


Taiwan, 107, 108, 109

Taiwan Semiconductor

Manufacturing Company, 225

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 22

teams, improvisational, 119

technology, 2, 10, 13, 98, 161, 243n.22, 249n.11

alternative uses, 98

dot-com boom, 22

dot-com collapse, 10

mini-mill, 2–3, 20

rubber industry, 69, 78

telecommunications, 6, 8, 161–62, 191

Telles, Marcel, 175–85

terrorism, 10, 12, 15, 222, 243n.18

Texas Instruments, 41

textiles, 34

Thailand, 11

threat rigidity, 16

threats, 15–18, 22, 30, 32, 33, 159, 174

inverse power law and, 33

sudden-death, 33, 37

3M, 160, 161, 211

time, 25–38

backward-L view of, 27–32

forward-L view of, 30, 31

turbulence and, 25–38

Times of London, 52

timing, 38–42

agility and, 138–39

turbulence and, 38–42

tire industry, 8, 67–90, 103, 197–98, 249nn.11–12

active inertia, 81–90

belted bias, 82, 89

commitments, 70–80

radials, 81–82, 85–89

turbulence, 67–90

tomato, 18

too big to fail, 219, 220

Top Gun (film), 135

Topshop, 118

Toyota, 4, 8, 14, 105, 140, 142, 193, 219, 229

trade-offs, 60, 229–30

transformation, 190, 192

in a downturn, 193–95

transparency, 185, 186–88

Treasury notes, 9

Trinidad, 18–19

Triumph motorcycles, 91, 92

Tropicale (ship), 38, 39, 40

Truman, Harry, 2

turbulence, 4

active inertia, 81–90

agile absorption and, 217–35

agility and, 133–49

agility loop and, 151–72

brewing industry, 174–92

building an agile organization and, 173–95

competition and, 11, 13–15, 22

complexity and, 11, 12–13, 22

cruise industry, 26–45

dynamism and, 11–12, 22

gaps and, 91–111

improvisation and, 113–31

life cycle, 197–216

luck and, 42–45

map paradox and, 47–66

rising, 9–15

risk and, 15–18

sources of, 11–15

steel industry, 1–6, 15, 17, 18–21, 43

stock markets, 9–10, 232nn.9, 13

terminology, 10

time and, 25–38

timing and, 38–42

tire industry, 67–90

upside of, 18–21, 22, 65

Twitter, 103, 128

Tyco, 198


unfiltered data, 122–24

Uniroyal Goodrich Tire Company, 3–4

United Nations, 133, 134, 136, 139, 156

U.S. housing prices by decade, 30, 31

U.S. industries and success rates, 8

U.S. Steel, 1–4, 5, 6, 15, 17, 76, 230

U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh, 2

USX, 3


V, Dr., 100–101

value-based management, overvaluing, 209–211

values, 76, 77, 78–79, 80, 87–88

venture capital, 14–15, 57–58, 144–45, 147, 244n.24

staging investments and, 144–45, 147

Vienna, 47–52

Vietnam War, 80

Vikings, 182–85

Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation, 166–67


Wall Street Journal, 15, 30

Wal-Mart, 72, 140, 142, 176, 229

Wang, 4, 84

weak ties, 103

weapons of mass destruction, 15, 53

weather, 33

Welch, Jack, 84, 200

Wheeling-Pittsburgh, 5

Wild One, The (Film), 92, 94

World Economic Forum (2007), 15

World War I, 48, 145

World War II, 26, 225


Xerox, 83

X-rays, 96


Yahoo, 160


Zara, 118–31, 154, 178

zero-based budgeting, 190

Zonis, Meshulam, 37

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