The most important thing is that the person and the assignment fit each other.

General George C. Marshall followed Five Simple Decision Steps in making people decisions. First, Marshall carefully thought through the assignment. Job descriptions may last a long time, but job assignments change all the time. Second, Marshall always looked at several qualified people. Formal qualifications, such as those listed in a résumé, are no more than a starting point. Their absence disqualifies a candidate. However, the most important thing is that the person and the assignment fit each other. To find the best fit, you must consider at least three to five candidates. Third, Marshall studied the performance records of all three to five candidates to find what each did well. He looked for the candidate’s strengths. The things a person cannot do are of little importance; instead, you must concentrate on the things they can do and determine whether they are the right strengths for this particular assignment. Performance can only be built on strengths. Fourth, Marshall discussed the candidates with others who had worked with them. The best information often comes through informal discussions with a candidate’s former bosses and colleagues. And fifth, once the decision was made, Marshall made sure the appointee understood the assignment. Perhaps the best way to do this is to ask the new person to carefully think over what they have to do to be a success, and then, ninety days into the job, have the person commit it to writing.


ACTION POINT: Follow these five decision steps when hiring someone: Understand the job, consider three to five people, study candidates performance records to find their strengths, talk to the candidates’ colleagues about them, and once hired, explain the assignment to the new employee.

The Essential Drucker
People Decisions (Corpedia Online Program)

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