The split and join Functions

Regular expressions can be used to break a string into fields. The split function does this and the join function glues the pieces back together.

The split Function

The split function takes a regular expression and a string and looks for all occurrences of the regular expression within that string. The parts of the string that don’t match the regular expression are returned in sequence as a list of values. For example, here’s something to parse semicolon-separated fields, such as the PATH environment variable:

$line = "c:\;;c:\windows\;c:\windows\system;";
@fields = split(/;/,$line); # split $line, using ; as delimiter
# now @fields is ("c:", "", "c:windows","c:windowssystem")

Note how the empty second field became an empty string. If you don’t want this to happen, match all of the semicolons in one fell swoop:

@fields = split(/;+/, $line);

This matches one or more adjacent semicolons together, so that there is no empty second field.

One common string to split is the $_ variable, and that turns out to be the default:

$_ = "some string";
@words = split(/ /); # same as @words = split(/ /, $_);

For this split, consecutive spaces in the string to be split will cause null fields (empty strings) in the result. A better pattern would be / +/, or ideally /s+/, which matches one or more whitespace characters together. In fact, this pattern is the default pattern,[55] so if you’re splitting the $_ variable on whitespace, you can use all the defaults and merely say:

@words = split; # same as @words = split(/s+/, $_);

Empty trailing fields do not normally become part of the list. This rule is not generally a concern. A solution like this:

$line = "c:/;c:/windows;c:/windows/system;";
($first, $second, $third, $fourth) =
   split(/;/,$line); # split $line, using ; as delimiter

would simply give $fourth a null ( undef) value if the line isn’t long enough, or if it contained empty values in the last field. (Extra fields are silently ignored, because list assignment works that way.)

The join Function

The join function takes a list of values and glues them together with a glue string between each list element. The function looks like this:

$bigstring = join($glue,@list);

For example, to rebuild the PATH line, try something like:

$outline = join(";", @fields);

Note that the glue string is not a regular expression—just an ordinary string of zero or more characters.

If you need to get glue ahead of every item instead of just between items, a simple cheat suffices:

$result = join("+", "", @fields);

Here, the extra "" is treated as an empty element, to be glued together with the first data element of @fields. This change results in glue ahead of every element. Similarly, you can get trailing glue with an empty element at the end of the list, like so:

$output = join ("
", @data, "");

[55] Actually, the "" string is the default pattern, and this will cause leading whitespace to be ignored, but that’s still close enough for this discussion.

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