1. Here’s one way to do it:

    sub card {} # from previous exercise
    while () { ## NEW ##
      print "Enter first number: ";
      chomp($first = <STDIN>);
      last if $first eq "end"; ## NEW ##
      print "Enter second number: ";
      chomp($second = <STDIN>);
      last if $second eq "end"; ## NEW ##
      $message = &card($first) . " plus " .
        &card($second) . " equals " .
        &card($first+$second) . ".
      print "u$message";
    } ## NEW ##

    Note the addition of the while loop, and the two last operators. That’s it!

  2. Here’s one way to do it:

      print "Enter a number (999 to quit): ";
      chomp($n = <STDIN>);
      last if $n == 999;
      $sum += $n;
    print "the sum is $sum

    We’re using a naked block with a redo and a last to get things done this time. We start by printing the prompt and grabbing the number. If it’s 999, we exit the block with last and print out the sum on exit. Otherwise, we add to our running total and use redo to execute the block again.

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