Installing from Source

If you want to install SELinux on a system running a Linux distribution other than one for which SELinux support is available, you may be able to do so by using the NSA’s SELinux release, available at However, the release is not a generic, cross-platform release. Instead, the current release is designed to work with Fedora Core 2.

The NSA’s SELinux release has the following components:

  • Kernel patch

  • SELinux shared library

  • SELinux utilities for managing policies and users

  • SELinux reference policy

  • Modified Linux programs, including SysVinit (modified to load SELinux policy during boot), PAM, Linux utilities (vipw, chsh, chfn, passwd), OpenSSH, vixie cron, Shadow utilities (programs that modify /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow), GNU core utilities, procps (modified to display process context information), and star (backup and recovery utility)

  • SELinux documentation

To adapt the NSA’s release to a new platform generally requires modifications to build files and may require modifications—potentially significantly difficult modifications—to userland and kernel source code. Therefore, it’s not recommended that those other than skilled programmers attempt to implement SELinux on an unsupported platform.

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