Chapter 6. Final Thoughts

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

We hope this journey has been as useful to you as it was fun for us to write!

The DDoS space is as interesting and challenging today as it was a few years ago when we first started to work in it. DDoS attacks have existed in some form since the beginning of the commercial web itself and the problem has gotten progressively worse. The simple yet effective nature of DDoS makes the subject more relatable to all new technologies, especially with the growth of cloud adoption and IoT. As you have read in this book, malicious users can come from all works of life using any new technology.

Fortunately for us, new and old technologies continue to combat and mitigate DDoS attacks. As more people become aware of the underlying nature of the attacks, we are able to integrate more of the mitigation technologies closer to the wire. We hope that by reading this book, you will be better able to recognize the malicious actors who might try to DDoS attack you and you can know your options better to defend against such attacks.

You are now part of the solution. Please join us in hopefully making DDoS attacks one day disappear from our vocabularies.

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