

Adversarial collaboration

African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP)

Aguilera, R. V.

Aguinis, H.


Alignment: cases in transactional relationships; found in integrative partnerships; philanthropic stage; relevance in collaboration; seen in transformational stage; smart practices for

Alliance Boots

Alliance for Environmental Innovation

American Airlines

American Express

American Humane Association

American Library Association (ALA)

American Medical Association (AMA)

Amnesty International

Andrioff, J.

Anglo American PLC

Anupindi, R.

ANZ Bank


Aravind Eye Hospital


Articulating social problems: antihunger cause-related marketing; case examples for; process of. See also Cause-related marketing; Corporate social responsibility; Environmental issues; Health-related nonprofits


Assessing collaboration outcomes: anticipating challenges; attributing results to programs; benefits internal to partnership; best practices for; clarity of objectives needed; evaluating external benefits of partnerships; evaluation costs; example of mapping outcomes; identifying value creation and change when; mindset required for measuring outcomes; reasons for; subjectivity of stakeholders; time required to effect change; value generated for collaboration

Association of Fundraising Professionals

Associational values: analyzing; case examples of; overview of; understanding

Austin, J.E.



Bank of America

Bakker, Peter

Barnett, M.L.

Barton, Dominic

Base of the Pyramid (BoP) movement: about; building social value with; collaborations supporting; Starbucks collaboration supporting; successes with

Bell Atlantic

Berger, G.

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

Beta San Miquel Group

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Bojer, M.

Bonding with partners


BoP movement. See Base of the Pyramid movement

Bowen, F.



Branzei, O.

Brazilian Volunteer Partners Network

Brinker, Laura

British American Tobacco

Brown, L.D.

Browne, Lord John

Brugmann, J.

Bryson, J.M.

Budinich, V.

Buffet, Warren


Burtch, Bruce

Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy Coalition

Business in the Community

Businesses: achieving industry-level transformation; assessing benefits internal to; assessing position of potential partners; beginning collaboration with others; benefits of philanthropic acts; cause-related marketing by; certification arrangements with; creating value with process pathways; CSR’s influence on; evaluating external benefits of partnerships; evolving toward integrative partnerships; expectation of responsibility by; finding resource complementarity with nonprofit; increased collaborations with nonprofits; influence of NGOs on; linking interests with nonprofits; mastering relationships with partners; mindsets of; multiple motivations in mindsets of; nature of resources used by; problem-focused projects by; promoting employee volunteer programs; question of partnering visibility; recognizing organizational capabilities of; sponsorships and licensing by; synergistic values with health-related nonprofits; taking operational measures with partners; using empiricism in evaluating performance; value generated for collaboration by. See also CEOs


C.A.F.E. (Coffee and Farmer Equity) Practices

Calvert Social Index

Cancer Society of New Zealand


Canon USA

Cape Town partnership example

Carter Center

Carter, Jimmy

Case examples: alignment within partnerships; articulating social problems; assessing risks of partnering; associational values; Cape Town multisector partnership; creating value with process pathways; detecting prepartnership champions; developing insights into partner organization; developing partnership-specific criteria; directional flows; drafting memorandum of understanding; employee volunteer programs; engagement as value driver; evaluating partnership’s performance; finding complementarity; interaction value; linked interests; mapping outcomes assessment; nature of resources for collaborative use; personal familiarization; reflecting resource complementarity; synergistic values; transferred-asset value; using outcomes measurement

Casey, Carolyn

Cause-related marketing (CRM): AMA and Sunbeam’s; antihunger; bonding between partners in; effectiveness of campaigns; expanding number of partners in; KFC contributions to Komen fund; Kraft Foods; leveraging brand value; providing in engagement in causes; public support of; TUMS launch of; Walmart’s Good Works programs

CC. See Collaboration Continuum

Center for Corporate Community Relations

Center of Effective Philanthropy

CEO Task Force on Global Corporate Citizenship

CEOs: CSR obligations of; incorporating CSR standards in practices; serving nonprofits as board members; views on collaboration; views on cross-sector partnerships; volunteer service by

Certification arrangements

Chandler, Jr., A. D.

Change: collaboration as transformation; identifying; measuring social; time required to effect

Charge Against Hunger

Charity Commission

Chiquita Brands

CI . See Conservation International

Cikaliuk, M.


City partnerships

City Year

Cleveland, Ohio


Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola Vizcaínas

Collaboration: advancing through stages of; bonding required for; co-creation of resources; creating value with; cross-sector and same-sector; embedding in operations; governance in; governing and organizing in; interrelated themes about; resource complementarity in; rising importance of; as transformation. See also Assessing collaboration outcomes; Collaboration Continuum (CC); CVC Framework; Value creation

Collaboration Continuum (CC): cross-sector partnering in; integrative stage; migrating along; movement along; philanthropic stage; questions for reflection; reflected in CVC Framework; stages of; transactional stage; transformational stage; value drivers for. See also Stages

Collaboration Process Value Chain: formation phase; illustrated; implementation phase; institutionalization phase; pathways contributing to; questions for reflection on; revealed in CVC Framework; selection phase in. See also specific phases

Collaboration Value Portfolio: about; mapping

Collaborative value: case examples of; defined; defining sources of; emergent; planned

Collaborative Value Creation Framework. See CVC Framework

Collaborative Value Creation Spectrum (VCS): about; associational values; CVC Framework approach to; different value types; examining sources of value; finding linked interests; illustrated; interaction value; questions addressed by; questions for reflection on; resource complementarity; resource directionality; resource nature; reviewing; sources of collaborative value; synergistic value; transferred-asset value. See also Value creation

Collaborative Value Mindset: achieving; characteristics of; dimensions of. See also Mindsets


Communications: example of synergistic value with broadcasters; needed in collaborative partnerships

Community: creating value for; developing goodwill with

Compatibility: assessing partnership; partnering visibility and; recognizing organizational

Cone Communications

Conference Board


Conroy, M.E.

Conscious capitalism

Conservation International (CI): aligning to social issues; assessing risks of partnering; complementarity with Starbucks; drafting memorandum of understanding; evaluating partnership’s performance; mapping collaboration outcomes for; mapping linked interests; partnering with Starbucks; personal familiarization for

Conservation Principles for Coffee Production

Consumers Choice Council

Corporate Environmental Responsibility Group (CERG)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR): assessing collaboration for; changing expectations of businesses; empiricism in evaluating performance; focusing on cross-sector collaboration; influence on business mindsets; multiple motivations in mindsets; serving shareholders or stakeholders; time required to effect change; value integration in mindsets

Covey, J.

Crane, A.

CRM. See cause-related marketing

Crosby, B.C.

Cross-sector partnerships: assessing risks of future; businesses perceptions of; CEO views on; criticism of misaligned; cross-sector collaboration mindsets; development phases in; evolution of; integrative stage of; leveraging special capabilities in; pathways for developing; philanthropic stage of; between Starbucks and Conservation International; transactional stage of; transformational stage of; visibility in. See also Partnership fit; Process pathways

Crutchfield, L.R.

CSR. See Corporate social responsibility


CVC Framework: assessing collaborative outcomes; Collaboration Continuum in; Collaborative Value Creation Spectrum; components of; concepts of; illustrated; past research on value creation; processes in; research presented on; themes relating to. See also specific components


Danone de Mexico

DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa)

DeBeers Group

Deiglmeier, K.


Deutsche Bank

Development Through Service program



Disaster relief

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes

Drayton, Bill

Drucker, Peter

Dual creation of resources

Dumain, Jill




Earthwatch Europe

Earthwatch Institute

Easter Seals

Eaton, Roger

Eccles, R.G.

Edmonsdon, Jeff

Edna McConnell Clark Foundation

Eggers, W. D.

Embedding collaboration in operations

Emergency teams

Emergent collaborative value

Emerson, J.

Emotional connection of partners


Employee volunteer programs: case examples of; engaging corporate employees in; value of

Energy industries

Engagement: examples of integrative stage; philanthropic stage; providing in transactional relationships; relevance in collaboration; smart practices for; used in transformational stage

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

Environmental issues: collaborative relationships in; developing recycling solutions; linking organic fiber producers and buyers; problems of overfishing; supporting fair trade coffee

Equator Principles

Ese’eja community

Executives. See CEOs

External-benefits mindsets


Fair Labor Association (FLA)

Falkenberg, L.

Farmacias Ahumada

Feeding America


Finnish Association for Nature Conservation

First Responder Institute

Five Guys

Foege, William


Forest Stewardship Council

Formation phase: about; articulating social problems; best practices for; detecting prepartnership champions; determining partner’s intentions; developing insights into partner organization; illustrated; mapping collaborative value portfolio; other terms for; overview of; question of visibility; subprocesses in

Frames. See Value frames

Friedman, Milton

Friends of the Earth

Frisk, Patrik


Fundación Las Rosas


Ganapathi, J.

Garrison, John

Gayatri, B.

GE Global Innovation Barometer 2011

General Electric (GE)

General Mills Foundation

Generic resources


George, Bill


Gilmartin, Raymond

Glavas, A.

Global Citizenship Report (Hewlett-Packard)

Global Climate Coalition (GCC)

Global Corporate Volunteering Research Project

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

Global Partnership Initiative

Global Witness

Goldman Sachs

Goodwill Industries

Googins, B.K.

Gourlay, Alex

Gourville, J.T.

Governance: among collaborators; areas requiring

Governance school of partnership analysis


Grant, H.M.

Gree Alliance

Greening Australia (GA)



Habitat for Humanity International

Halal, W. E.

Hartman, C.L.

Hawkins, E.

Health-related nonprofits: Cancer Society of New Zealand; effectiveness of (Product)RED campaign; finding resource nature for; linking interests with; Merck’s collaboration with; nature of resources used by; synergistic values with; transferred-asset value with


Helene Curtis, Inc.

Hermansen, Tormod

Herremans, I.

Heugens, P.P.M.A.R.

Hewlett Packard

Hills, G.

Hiscox, M.

Hitt, M.A.

Home Depot


Hoven, Patricia

Hunger Action Month

Hunter, D.E.K.

Huntly Energy Efficiency Trust (HEET)



IEG Consulting Group

IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)

ILA Trust

Implementation phase: about; adapting to new partnerships; best practices for; evaluating partnerships; experimenting; illustrated; operationalizing in; overview of; subprocesses of

Inclusionary mindsets

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance


Innovation mindset

Institutionalization phase: about; best practices for; converging from value frames; embedding collaboration in operations; governing collaboratively; overview of; processes in

Integrative mindsets

Integrative stage; alignment within; assessing evolution to; defined; developing relationships in; engagement in; leverage in; partnership between Starbucks and Conservation International

Intention: determining partner’s; leading to planned collaboration; in processes

Interaction values: about; analyzing; case examples of; overview of

Interdependence mindset

International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness

International Council on Mining and Metals

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

International Trachoma Institute

Ireland, R.D.

ISEAL Alliance


Jamaican Social Investment Fund (JSIF)

James, Gil

Jenkins, B.

Jensen, Michael

Jocz, K.E.



Kaku, Ryuzaburo

Kania, J.

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)

Key success-related resources

Khandker, S.R.

Knoepke, Diane

Koolwal, G.B.

Koschmann, M.A.

Kraft Foods

Kramer, M.

Kramer, M.R.

Krupp, Fred

Kuhn, T.R.


La Casa de Amistad

La Nación

Latin American Youth Center

Le Ber, M.J.

Leal, Guilherme Peirão

Learning: to be partners; collaboratively; maximizing values via

Leonard, H.B.

Let’s Build Their Dreams

Leverage: leveraging brand value in CRM; philanthropic stage; relevance in collaboration; smart practices for; synergy in integrative relationships; transformational stage; using in transactional relationships

Libraries Online project

Lim, T.

Linked interests: case examples for; finding fit between resource complementarity and; guiding interactions with; illustrated; mapping; with partners; with transactional relationships; value creation from

London, T.

Long-term mindsets


Mackey, John

MacMillan, P.

Madar, William

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

Magdi Soda Company

Mair, J.

Mapping: collaborative value portfolio; linked interests; multilevel

Margolis, J.D.

Marine Stewardship Council

Marks & Spencer

Márquez, P.


Martin, R.L.

Mastering relationships


McKinsey & Company

“Mean Stinks” campaign

Measurements: complications in performance; managing toward measurable outcomes; measuring social change; mindset required for measuring outcomes

Mecklenburg, Sue



Merck, Jr., George W.


Middleton Stone, M.

Miller, D.T.

Mindsets: achieving collaborative value; cross-sector collaboration in; CVC Framework approach to; dimensions of; evolving nonprofit; multiple motivations in; overview of; questions for reflection; required for measuring outcomes; serving shareholders or stakeholders; themes in business; transformation possibilities with collaborative; understanding collaborative; using empiricism in evaluating performance; value integration in


Mirvis, P.H.

Mission: finding fit with partner’s; reviewing nonprofit

MIT Sloan School of Management

Monterrey Food Bank

Moody-Stuart, Mark

Morino, Mario

Morris, Jen

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Motivational mindsets

Mulgan, Geoff


Nadolny, Mark

National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations

National Bullying Prevention Center

National Cheeseburger Day

National Science Foundation


Nature Conservancy

Negative publicity: criticism of misaligned partnerships; supporting partners affected by

Nelson, J.


Nestlé Creating Shared Value Summary Report

New Balance

Newenham-Kahindi, A.

Newquist, S.C.

NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations; nonprofits


Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs): adapting to new partnerships; articulating problems with; assessing benefits internal to; assisting in certification arrangements; changing business practices; collaboration by SMEs; confrontations with businesses; cross-sector partnerships with; evaluating external benefits of partnerships; example of transferred-asset value with; FLA’s Workplace Code of Conduct; initiating collaborative relationships with business; rise in partnerships with; scrutinizing track record of; taking operational measures with; transactional relationships with businesses and; trust in; value generated for collaboration by

Nonprofits: assessing benefits internal to; case examples of interaction values with; CEOs on boards of; creating value with process pathways; evaluating external benefits of partnerships; evaluating resource complementarity with businesses; evolving mindsets of; evolving toward integrative partnerships; increased collaborations with businesses; linking interests with businesses; nature of resources used by health-related; recognizing organizational capabilities of; reviewing mission of; study of resources used complementarily by; taking operational measures with; trust attributed to; value generated for collaboration by. See also Nongovernmental organizations



Nordstrom, Blake


Olson, Arthur J.

ONE Campaign

Organic Exchange

Organization-specific resources

Osberg, S.

Outcomes assessment framework: about; anticipating challenges; benefits internal to partnership; clarity of objectives needed for; complications in measuring performance; CVC Framework approach to outcomes; identifying value creation and change for; mindset for measurement; questions for reflection; reviewing



Packard, Ben

Paine, Lynn

Palmisano, Samuel J.

Paper Recovery Alliance

Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER)


Partners: achieving Collaborative Value Mindset; adapting to new; advancing through collaboration stages; aligning with; assessing benefits internal to; bonding with; building trust with; choosing carefully; communications among; conflict and power management between; detecting champions for; determining value of resources; developing specific criteria for; effect of negative publicity on; effect of poor pairing with; emotional connection of; empathy between; evaluating position of potential; expanding number of; experimenting with new; finding linking interests with; governance among collaboration; intentions of; learning to be; mastering relationships; memorandum of understanding with; phases of development for; planning and decision making among; recognizing organizational capabilities of; risks with future; roles and responsibilities of; Starbucks and Conservation International as; taking operational measures with; understanding required for; visibility of future. See also Cross-sector partnerships; Partnership fit

Partnership fit: assessing benefits internal to partners; defined; evaluating performance with partners; external benefits of partnerships; finding


Patscheke, S.

Peachley, Ben

Peloza, J.

People against RTZ


Performance: assessing social and financial; complications in measuring; evaluating partnership’s; partnership fit and. See also Assessing collaboration outcomes

Pew Charitable Trusts

Pfarrer, M.D.

Pfitzer, M.

Philanthropic stage: alignment in; defined; engagement in; leverage; relationships in; transactional vs.

Phills, Jr., J.A.

Planned collaborative value

Polman, Roger

Polonsky, M.J.

Porter, M.E.

Prahalad, C.K.

Prevention of Blindness

Prickett, Glenn

Prince’s Trust

Problem-focused projects

Process pathways: creating value with; formation phase; illustrated; implementation phase; institutionalization phase; selection phase; types of. See also Subprocesses; and specific phases

Process school of partnership analysis

Processes: analyzing collaborative; collaborating on; defined; evaluating resource complementarity and fit; intention and flexibility in; managing value-creation. See also Process pathways

Procter & Gamble

(Product) RED campaign

Public schools


Quelch, J.A.

Questions: about Collaboration Process Value Chain; addressed by VCS; on Collaboration Continuum; on collaborative value creation spectrum; defining collaborative value; evaluating mindsets; maximizing collaboration; partnering visibility; reflecting on smart practices; regarding subprocesses


Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Expeditions

Ralston Purina

Random acts of kindness

Rangan, V.K.


Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Red Cross Society of Côte d’Ivoire

Red Solidaria

Reficco, E.

Relationships. See Partners; Cross-sector relationships; Stages

Reputation Institute

Resource complementarity: best practices in finding; case example of finding; evaluating with potential partners

Resources: categorizing nature of; determining value of partner’s; examining directionality of values; identifying key; illustrated; questions focusing on; value shifts in transactional relationships. See also Resource complementarity

Responsible Mining Assurance

Rio Tinto

Risks of future partnerships

Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF)

Rochlin, S.A.

Rockefeller Foundation

Ronald McDonald Houses

Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBSG)

Rupp, D.E.


Salamon, L.M.

Samad, H.A.

Save the Children

Scared Straight

Schatz, R.

Schonland, Marc

Schultz, Howard

Scott, Leo

Scripps Research Institute

Seeing Is Believing

Seelos, C.

Seitanidi, M.M.

Selection phase: about; assessing risks; best practices for; determining value of resources; developing partnership-specific criteria; illustrated; mapping linked interests; overview of; recognizing organizational capabilities; subprocesses in

Self Magazine

Seligmann, Peter

Senge, Peter

Shamir, R.

Share Our Strength (SOS)

Shared value

Shareholders: creating value for community, workers and; focusing on stakeholders or; mindsets of

Shore, Bill

Shriver, Bobby

SightSavers International

Sirmon, D.G.

Sisodia, Raj

Skoczlas, Amy

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

Smart practices: achieving Collaborative Value Mindset; assessing outcomes; bonding; building trust; communications; governing and organizing; learning; managing value-creation processes; questions reflecting on; recognizing stages of collaboration; seeking partners who fit; value creation

SMEs (small and medium enterprises)

Smith, Orin

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

Smyth, N.

Social Accountability (SA) International

Social Investment Index

Social problems. See Articulating social problems; and specific issues

Sole creation of resources: defined

Sponsorships and licensing

SROI (Social Return on Investment) Network

Stafford, E.R.

Stages: advancing through collaboration; CVC Framework approach to collaboration; integrative; philanthropic; suggested in Collaboration Continuum; transactional; transformational. See also specific stages

Stakeholders: focusing on shareholders or; redefining scope of; subjectivity of

Standard Charter Bank

Stanley Steamer

Starbucks: aligning to social issues; assessing risks of partnering; brand value of; complementarity with CI; creating competency in partnering; drafting memorandum of understanding; evaluating partnership’s performance; mapping collaboration outcomes for; mapping linked interests; partnering with Conservation International; personal familiarization for; (Product) RED campaign at

Stora Enso

Strive Initiative

Subprocesses: formation phase; illustrated; implementation phase; questions for reflection on; selection phase



Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

Sustainable Conservation

Swartz, Jeff

Synergistic values: about; analyzing; overview of; research reflecting

Synergy mindsets



Thust, Bob

Tiffany & Co.



Trahms, C.

Transactional relationships: cause-related marketing; certification arrangements; employee volunteer programs in; engagement in; leveraging; paths of alignment in; problem-focused projects in; shifting sources of value in; sponsorships and licensing; types of. See also Employee volunteer programs

Transactional stage: characteristics of; defined. See also Transactional relationships

Transferred-asset values: about; analyzing; case examples of; overview of

Transformational stage; alignment at; assessing evolution to; case examples for; characteristics of; defined; engagement used in; leveraging the

Trust: associated with nonprofits; best practice in building; building with partners; institutionalizing





United Nations: Environment Programme Finance Initiative; UNICEF

United States: Green Building Council; State Department

United Way



Vagelos, Roy

Value Configuration Matrix

Value creation: assessing collaboration outcomes; charting; creating value with process pathways; CVC Framework approach to collaborative; effect of flexibility in; examining potential sources for; identifying for outcomes assessment framework; identifying value sources and types; intention leading to; linking interests for; managing processes in; past research weaknesses on; phases of partnership development for; smart practices for. See also Collaborative Value Creation Spectrum; CVC Framework

Value drivers: for Collaboration Continuum; engagement as; overview of; relationship stages and

Value frames: function of; personal familiarization; values converging in

Value relationships. See Cross-sector partnerships

Value types: analyzing; associational; different; interaction; questions focusing on; reviewing; specifying key; synergistic; transferred-asset value

Values: associational; characterizing CC stages; Collaboration Continuum value drivers; engagement as driver of; interaction; leveraging employee volunteerism; leveraging transformation with; maximizing via learning; mindsets of shareholders and stakeholders on; transferred-asset. See also Resources; Value creation; Value types

VCS. See Collaborative Value Creation Spectrum

Venture Philanthropy Partners

Verde Ventures Fund

VF Corporation

Volunteer programs. See Employee volunteer programs


Waddock, S.




Walsh, J.P.

Weber, K.

Wei-Skillern, J.

Whole Foods Market

Williams, C.A.

Williams, Mary

Workplace Code of Conduct

World Bank

World Business Council for Sustainable Development

World Community Grid

World Development Movement

World Economic Forum

World Federation of Exchanges

World Food Program

World Health Organization

World Wildlife Fund


Yad Sarah

Yeatman, Perry


Yunnus, Mohammed


Zadeck, S.


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