Security Incidents

This chapter presents the following:

• Incident management

• Incident response planning

• Investigations

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.

—Stephane Nappo

No matter how talented your security staff may be, or how well everyone in your organization complies with your excellent security policies and procedures, or what cutting-edge technology you deploy, the sad truth is that the overwhelming odds are that your organization will experience a major compromise (if it hasn’t already). What then? Having the means to manage incidents well can be just as important as anything else you do to secure your organization. In this chapter, we will cover incident management in general and then drill down into the details of incident response planning.

Although ISC2 differentiates incident management and incident investigations, for many organizations, the latter is part of the former. This differentiation is useful to highlight the fact that some investigations involve suspects who may be our own colleagues. While many of us would enjoy the challenge of figuring out how an external threat actor managed to compromise our defenses, there is nothing fun about substantiating allegations that someone we work with did something wrong that caused losses to the organization. Still, as security professionals, we must be ready for whatever threats emerge and deal with the ensuing incidents well and rapidly.

Overview of Incident Management

There are many incident management models, but all share some basic characteristics. They all require that we identify the event, analyze it to determine the appropriate countermeasures, correct the problem(s), and, finally, take measures to keep the event from happening again. (ISC)2 has broken out these four basic actions and prescribes seven phases in the incident management process: detection, response, mitigation, reporting, recovery, remediation, and lessons learned. Your own organization will have a unique approach, but it is helpful to baseline it off the industry standard.

Although we commonly use the terms “event” and “incident” interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two. A security event is any occurrence that can be observed, verified, and documented. These events are not necessarily harmful. For example, a remote user login, changes to the Windows Registry on a host, and system reboots are all security events that could be benign or malicious depending on the context. A security incident is one or more related events that negatively affect the organization and/or impact its security posture. That remote login from our previous example could be a security incident if it was a malicious user logging in. We call reacting to these issues “incident response” (or “incident handling”) because something is negatively affecting the organization and causing a security breach.


A security event is not necessarily a security violation, whereas a security incident is.

Many types of security incidents (malware, insider attacks, terrorist attacks, and so on) exist, and sometimes an incident is just human error. Indeed, many incident response individuals have received a frantic call in the middle of the night because a system is acting “weird.” The reasons could be that a deployed patch broke something, someone misconfigured a device, or the administrator just learned a new scripting language and rolled out some code that caused mayhem and confusion.

Many organizations are at a loss as to who to call or what to do right after they have been the victim of a cybercrime. Therefore, all organizations should have an incident management policy (IMP). This document indicates the authorities and responsibilities regarding incident response for everyone in the organization. Though the IMP is frequently drafted by the CISO or someone on that person’s team, it is usually signed by whichever executive “owns” organizational policies. This could be the chief information officer (CIO), chief operations officer (COO), or chief human resources officer (CHRO). It is supported by an incident response plan that is documented and tested before an incident takes place. (More on this plan later.) The IMP should be developed with inputs from all stakeholders, not just the security department. Everyone needs to work together to make sure the policy covers all business, legal, regulatory, and security (and any other relevant) issues.

The IMP should be clear and concise. For example, it should indicate whether systems can be taken offline to try to save evidence or must continue functioning at the risk of destroying evidence. Each system and functionality should have a priority assigned to it. For instance, if a file server is infected, it should be removed from the network, but not shut down. However, if the mail server is infected, it should not be removed from the network or shut down, because of the priority the organization attributes to the mail server over the file server. Tradeoffs and decisions such as these have to be made when formulating the IMP, but it is better to think through these issues before the situation occurs, because better logic is usually possible before a crisis, when there’s less emotion and chaos.

All organizations should develop an incident response team, as mandated by the incident management policy, to respond to the large array of possible security incidents. The purpose of having an incident response (IR) team is to ensure that the organization has a designated group of people who are properly skilled, who follow a standard set of procedures, and who jump into action when a security incident takes place. The team should have proper reporting procedures established, be prompt in their reaction, work in coordination with law enforcement, and be recognized (and funded) by management as an important element of the overall security program. The team should consist of representatives from various business units, such as the legal department, HR, executive management, the communications department, physical/corporate security, IS security, and information technology.

There are three different types of incident response teams that an organization can choose to put into place. A virtual team is made up of experts who have other duties and assignments within the organization. It is called “virtual” because its members are not full-time incident responders but instead are called in as needed and may be physically remote. This type of team introduces a slower response time, and members must neglect their regular duties should an incident occur. However, a permanent team of folks who are dedicated strictly to incident response can be cost prohibitive to smaller organizations. The third type is a hybrid of the virtual and permanent models. Certain core members are permanently assigned to the team, whereas others are called in as needed.

Regardless of the type, the incident response team should have the following basic items available:

• A list of outside agencies and resources to contact or report to.

• An outline of roles and responsibilities.

• A call tree to contact these roles and outside entities.

• A list of computer or forensic experts to contact.

• A list of steps to take to secure and preserve evidence.

A list of items that should be included in a report for management and potentially the courts.

• A description of how the different systems should be treated in this type of situation. (For example, remove the systems from both the Internet and the network and power them down.)

When a suspected crime is reported, the incident response team should follow a set of predetermined steps to ensure uniformity in their approach and that no steps are skipped. First, the IR team should investigate the report and determine whether an actual crime has been committed. If the team determines that a crime has been committed, they should inform senior management immediately. If the suspect is an employee, the team should contact a human resources representative right away. The sooner the IR team begins documenting events, the better. If someone is able to document the starting time of the crime, along with the employees and resources involved, that provides a good foundation for evidence. At this point, the organization must decide if it wants to conduct its own forensic investigation or call in experts. If experts are going to be called in, the system that was attacked should be left alone in order to try and preserve as much evidence of the attack as possible. If the organization decides to conduct its own forensic investigation, it must deal with many issues and address tricky elements. (Forensics will be discussed later in this chapter.)

Computer networks and business processes face many types of threats, each requiring a specialized type of recovery. However, an incident response team should draft and enforce a basic outline of how all incidents are to be handled. This is a much better approach than the way many organizations deal with these threats, which is usually in an ad hoc, reactive, and confusing manner. A clearly defined incident-handling process is more cost-effective, enables recovery to happen more quickly, and provides a uniform approach with certain expectation of its results.

Incident handling should be closely related to disaster recovery planning (covered in Chapter 23) and should be part of the organization’s disaster recovery plan, usually as an appendix. Both are intended to react to some type of incident that requires a quick response so that the organization can return to normal operations. Incident handling is a recovery plan that responds to malicious technical threats. The primary goal of incident handling is to contain and mitigate any damage caused by an incident and to prevent any further damage. This is commonly done by detecting a problem, determining its cause, resolving the problem, and documenting the entire process.

Without an effective incident-handling program, individuals who have the best intentions can sometimes make the situation worse by damaging evidence, damaging systems, or spreading malicious code. Many times, the attacker booby-traps the compromised system to erase specific critical files if a user does something as simple as list the files in a directory. A compromised system can no longer be trusted because the internal commands listed in the path could be altered to perform unexpected activities. The system could now have a back door for the attacker to enter when he wants, or could have a logic bomb silently waiting for a user to start snooping around, only to destroy any and all evidence.

Incident handling should also be closely linked to the organization’s security training and awareness program to ensure that these types of mishaps do not take place. Past issues that the incident response team encountered can be used in future training sessions to help others learn what the organization is faced with and how to improve response processes.

Employees need to know how to report an incident. Therefore, the incident management policy should detail an escalation process so that employees understand when evidence of a crime should be reported to higher management, outside agencies, or law enforcement. The process must be centralized, easy to accomplish (or the employees won’t bother), convenient, and welcomed. Some employees feel reluctant to report incidents because they are afraid they will get pulled into something they do not want to be involved with or accused of something they did not do. There is nothing like trying to do the right thing and getting hit with a big stick. Employees should feel comfortable about the process, and not feel intimidated by reporting suspicious activities.

The incident management policy should also dictate how employees should interact with external entities, such as the media, government, and law enforcement. This, in particular, is a complicated issue influenced by jurisdiction, the status and nature of the crime, and the nature of the evidence. Jurisdiction alone, for example, depends on the country, state, or federal agency that has control. Given the sensitive nature of public disclosure, communications should be handled by communications, human resources, or other appropriately trained individuals who are authorized to publicly discuss incidents. Public disclosure of a security incident can lead to two possible outcomes. If not handled correctly, it can compound the negative impact of an incident. For example, given today’s information-driven society, denial and “no comment” may result in a backlash. On the other hand, if public disclosure is handled well, it can provide the organization with an opportunity to win back public trust. Some countries and jurisdictions either already have or are contemplating breach disclosure laws that require organizations to notify the public if a security breach involving personally identifiable information (PII) is even suspected. So, being open and forthright with third parties about security incidents often is beneficial to organizations.

A sound incident-handling program works with outside agencies and counterparts. The members of the team should be on the mailing list of the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) so they can keep up-to-date about new issues and can spot malicious events, hopefully before they get out of hand. CERT is a division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) that is responsible for monitoring and advising users and organizations about security preparation and security breaches.

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Resources for CERT can be found at

Incident response is the component of incident management that is executed when a security incident takes place. It starts with detecting the incident and eventually leads to the application of lessons learned during the response. Let’s take a closer look at each of the steps in the incident response process.


The first and most important step in responding to an incident is to realize that you have a problem in the first place. The organization’s incident response plan should have specific criteria and a process by which the security staff declares that an incident has occurred. The challenge, of course, is to separate the wheat from the chaff and zero in on the alerts or other indicators that truly represent an immediate danger to the organization.

Detection boils down to having a good sensor network implemented throughout your environment. There are three types of sensors: technical, human, and third-party. Technical sensors are, perhaps, the type most of us are used to dealing with. They are provided by the previously mentioned SIEM systems and the other types of systems introduced in Chapter 21: detection and response (EDR), network detection and response (NDR), and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR). Human sensors can be just as valuable if everyone in your organization has the security awareness to notice odd events and promptly report them to the right place. Many organizations use a special e-mail address to which anyone can send an e-mail report. Third-party sensors (technical or human) exist in other organizations. For example, maybe you have a really good relationship with your supply chain partners, and they will alert you to incidents in their environments that appear related to you. That third party could also be a government agency letting you know you’ve been hacked, which is never a good way to start your day, but is better than not knowing.

Despite this abundance of sensors, detecting incidents can be harder than it sounds, for a variety of reasons. First, sophisticated adversaries may use tools and techniques that you are unable to detect (at least at first). Even if the tools or techniques are known to you, they may very well be hiding under a mound of false positives in your SIEM system. In some (improperly tuned) systems, the ratio of false positives to true positives can be ten to one (or higher). This underscores the importance of tuning your sensors and analysis platforms to reduce the rate of false positives as much as possible.


Having detected the incident, the next step is to respond by containing the damage that has been or is about to be done to your most critical assets. The goal of containment during the response phase is to prevent or reduce any further damage from this incident so that you can begin to mitigate and recover. Done properly, mitigation buys the IR team time for a proper investigation and determination of the incident’s root cause. The response strategy should be based on the category of the attack (e.g., internal or external), the assets affected by the incident, and the criticality of those assets. So, what kind of mitigation strategy is best? Well, it depends.

When complete isolation or containment is not a viable solution, you may opt to use boundary devices to stop one system from infecting another. This involves temporarily changing firewall/filtering router rule configuration. Access control lists can be applied to minimize exposure. These response strategies indicate to the attacker that his attack has been noticed and countermeasures are being implemented. But what if, in order to perform a root cause analysis, you need to keep the affected system online and not let on that you’ve noticed the attack? In this situation, you might consider installing a honeynet or honeypot to provide an area that will contain the attacker but pose minimal risk to the organization. This decision should involve legal counsel and upper management because honeynets and honeypots can introduce liability issues, as discussed in Chapter 21. Once the incident has been contained, you need to figure out what just happened by putting the available pieces together.

This is the substage of analysis, where more data is gathered (audit logs, video captures, human accounts of activities, system activities) to try and figure out the root cause of the incident. The goals are to figure out who did this, how they did it, when they did it, and why. Management must be continually kept abreast of these activities because they will be making the big decisions on how this situation is to be handled.


Watch out for the context in which the term “response” is used. It can refer to the entire seven-phase incident management process or to the second phase of it. In the second usage, you can think of it as initial response aimed at containment.


Having “stopped the bleeding” with the initial containment response, the next step is to determine how to properly mitigate the threat. Though the instinctive reaction may be to clean up the infected workstation or add rules to your firewalls and IDS/IPS, this well-intentioned response could lead you on an endless game of whack-a-mole or, worse yet, blind you to the adversary’s real objective. What do you know about the adversary? Who is it? What are they after? Is this tool and its use consistent with what you have already seen? Part of the mitigation stage is to figure out what information you need in order to restore security.

Once you have a hypothesis about the adversary’s goals and plans, you can test it. If this particular actor is usually interested in PII on your high-net-worth clients but the incident you detected was on a (seemingly unrelated) host in the warehouse, was that an initial entry or pivot point? If so, then you may have caught the attacker before they worked their way further along the kill chain. But what if you got your attribution wrong? How could you test for that? This chain of questions, combined with quantifiable answers from your systems, forms the basis for an effective response. To quote the famous hockey player Wayne Gretzky, we should all “skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

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It really takes a fairly mature threat intelligence capability to determine who is behind an attack (attribution), what are their typical tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and what might be their ultimate objective. If you do not have this capability, you may have no choice but to respond only to what you’re detecting, without regard for what the adversary may actually be trying to do.

Once you are comfortable with your understanding of the facts of the incident, you move to eradicate the adversary from the affected systems. It is important to gather evidence before you recover systems and information. The reason is that, in many cases, you won’t know that you will need legally admissible evidence until days, weeks, or even months after an incident. It pays, then, to treat each incident as if it will eventually end up in a court of justice.

Once all relevant evidence is captured, you can begin to fix all that was broken. The mitigation phase ends when you have affected systems that, while still isolated from the production networks, are free from adversarial control. For hosts that were compromised, the best practice is to simply reinstall the system from a gold master image and then restore data from the most recent backup that occurred prior to the attack. You may also have to roll back transactions and restore databases from backup systems. Once you are done, it is as if the incident never happened. Well, almost.


An attacked or infected system should never be trusted, because you do not necessarily know all the changes that have taken place and the true extent of the damage. Some malicious code could still be hiding somewhere. Systems should be rebuilt to ensure that all of the potential bad mojo has been released by carrying out a proper exorcism.


Though we discuss reporting at this point in order to remain consistent with the incident response process that (ISC)2 identifies, incident reporting and documentation occurs at various stages in the response process. In many cases involving sophisticated attackers, the IR team first learns of the incident because someone else reports it. Whether it is an internal user, an external client or partner, or even a government entity, this initial report becomes the starting point of the entire process. In more mundane cases, we become aware that something is amiss thanks to a vigilant member of the security staff or one of the sensors deployed to detect attacks. However we learn of the incident, this first report starts what should be a continuous process of documentation.

According to NIST Special Publication 800-61, Revision 2, Computer Security Incident Handling Guide, the following information should be reported for each incident:

• Summary of the incident

• Indicators

• Related incidents

• Actions taken

• Chain of custody for all evidence (if applicable)

• Impact assessment

• Identity and comments of incident handlers

• Next steps to be taken


Once the incident is mitigated, you must turn your attention to the recovery phase, in which the aim is to restore full, trustworthy functionality to the organization. It is one thing to restore an individual affected device, which is what we do in mitigation, and another to restore the functionality of business processes, which is the goal of recovery. For example, suppose you have a web service that provides business-to-business (B2B) logistic processes for your organization and your partner organizations. The incident to which you’re responding affected the database and, after several hours of work, you mitigated that system and are ready to put it back online. In this recovery stage, you would certify the system as trustworthy and then integrate it back into the web service, thus restoring the business capability.

It is important to note that the recovery phase is characterized by significant testing to ensure the following:

• The affected system is really trustworthy

• The affected system is properly configured to support whatever business processes it did previously

• No compromises exist in those processes

The third characteristic of this phase is assured by close monitoring of all related systems to ensure that the compromise did not persist. Doing this during off-peak hours helps ensure that, should we discover anything else malicious, the impact to the organization is reduced.


It is not enough to put the pieces of Humpty Dumpty back together again. You also need to ensure that the attack is never again successful. In the remediation phase, which can (and should) run concurrently with the other phases, you decide which security controls (e.g., updates, configuration changes, firewall/IDS/IPS rules) need to be put in place or modified. There are two steps to this. First, you may have controls that are hastily put into effect because, even if they cause some other issues, their immediate benefit outweighs the risks. Later on, you should revisit those controls and decide which should be made permanent (i.e., through your change management process) and what others you may want to put in place.

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For best results, the remediation phase should start right after detection and be conducted in parallel with the other phases.

Another aspect of remediation is the identification of indicators of attack (IOAs) that can be used in the future to detect this attack in real time (i.e., as it is happening) as well as indicators of compromise (IOCs), which tell you when an attack has been successful and your security has been compromised. Typical indicators of both attack and compromise include the following:

• Outbound traffic to a particular IP address or domain name

• Abnormal DNS query patterns

• Unusually large HTTP requests and/or responses

• DDoS traffic

• New registry entries (in Windows systems)

At the conclusion of the remediation phase, you have a high degree of confidence that this particular attack will never again be successful against your organization. Ideally, you should incorporate your IOAs and IOCs into the following lessons learned stage and share them with the community so that no other organization can be exploited in this manner. This kind of collaboration with partners (and even competitors) makes the adversary have to work harder.


Mitigation, recovery, and remediation are conveniently arranged in alphabetical order. First you stop the threat, then you get back to business as usual, and then you ensure the threat is never again able to cause this incident.

Lessons Learned

Closure of an incident is determined by the nature or category of the incident, the desired incident response outcome (for example, business resumption or system restoration), and the team’s success in determining the incident’s source and root cause. Once you have determined that the incident is closed, it is a good idea to have a team briefing that includes all groups affected by the incident to answer the following questions:

• What happened?

• What did we learn?

• How can we do it better next time?

The team should review the incident and how it was handled and carry out a postmortem analysis. The information that comes out of this meeting should indicate what needs to go into the incident response process and documentation, with the goal of continuous improvement. Instituting a formal process for the briefing provides the team with the ability to start collecting data that can be used to track its performance metrics.

Incident Response Planning

Incident management is implemented through two documents: the incident management policy (IMP) and the incident response plan (IRP). As discussed in the previous section, the IMP establishes authorities and responsibilities across the entire organization. The IMP identifies the IR lead for the organization and describes what every staff member is required to do with regard to incidents. For example, the IMP describes how employees are to report suspected incidents, to whom the report should be directed, and how quickly it should be done.

The IRP gets into the details of what should be done when responding to suspected incidents. The key sections of the IRP cover roles and responsibilities, incident classification, notifications, and operational tasks, all of which are described in the sections that follow. Normally, the IRP does not include detailed procedures for responding to specific incidents (e.g., phishing, data leak, ransomware), but establishes the framework within which all incidents will be addressed. Specific procedures are usually documented in runbooks, which are step-by-step scripts developed to deal with incidents that are either common enough or damaging enough to require this level of detailed documentation. Runbooks are described after the IRP sections.

Roles and Responsibilities

The group of individuals who make up the incident response team must have a variety of skills. They must also have a solid understanding of the systems affected by the incident, the system and application vulnerabilities, and the network and system configurations. Although formal education is important, real-world applied experience combined with proper training is key for these folks.

Many organizations divide their IR teams into two sub-teams. The first is the core team of incident responders, who come from the IT and security departments. These individuals are technologists who handle the routine incidents like restoring a workstation whose user inadvertently clicked the wrong link and caused self-infected damage. The second, or extended, team consists of individuals in other departments who are activated for more complex incidents. The extended team includes attorneys, public relations specialists, and human resources staff (to name a few). The exact makeup of this extended team will vary based on the specifics of the incident, but the point is that these are individuals whose day-to-day duties don’t involve IT or security, and yet they are essential to a good response. Table 22-1 shows some examples of the roles and responsibilities in these two teams.


Table 22-1 IR Team Roles and Responsibilities

In addition to these two teams, most organizations rely on third parties when the requirements of the incident response exceed the organic capabilities of the organization. Unless you have an exceptionally well-resourced internal IR team, odds are that you’ll need help at some point. The best course of action is to enter into an IR services agreement with a reputable provider before any incidents happen. By taking care of the contract and nondisclosure agreement (NDA) beforehand, the IR service provider will be able to jump right into action when time is of the essence. Another time-saving measure is to coordinate a familiarization visit with your IR provider. This will allow the folks who may one day come to your aid to become familiar with your organization, infrastructure, policies, and procedures. They will also get a chance to meet your staff, so everyone learns everyone else’s capabilities and limitations.

Incident Classification

The IR team should have a way to quickly determine whether the response to an incident requires that everyone be activated 24/7 or the response can take place during regular business hours over the next couple of days. There is, obviously, a lot of middle ground between these two approaches, but the point is that incident classification criteria should be established, understood by the whole team, and periodically reviewed to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to developing an incident classification framework, but regardless of how you go about it, you should consider three incident dimensions:

Impact   If you have a risk management program in place, classifying an incident according to impact should be pretty simple since you’ve already determined the losses as part of your risk calculations. All you have to do is establish the thresholds that differentiate a bad day from a terrible one.

Urgency   The urgency dimension speaks to how quickly the incident needs to be mitigated. For example, an ongoing exfiltration of sensitive data needs to be dealt with immediately, whereas a scenario where a user caused self-infected damage with a bitcoin mining browser extension shouldn’t require IR team members to get out of bed in the middle of the night.

Type   This dimension helps the team identify the resources that need to be notified and mobilized to deal with the incident. The team that handles the data exfiltration incident mentioned earlier is probably going to be different than the one that handles the infected browser.

Not all organizations explicitly call out each of these dimensions (and some organizations have more dimensions), but it is important to at least consider them. The simplest approach to incident classification simply uses severity and assigns various levels to this parameter depending on whether certain conditions are met. Table 22-2 shows a simple classification matrix for a small to medium-sized organization.


Table 22-2 Sample Incident Classification Matrix

The main advantage of formally classifying incidents is that it allows the preauthorized commitment of resources within specific timeframes. For example, if one of your SOC tier 2 analysts declares a severity 1 (critical) incident, she could be authorized to call the external IR service provider, committing the organization to pay the corresponding fees. There would be no need to get a hold of the CISO and get permission.


Another benefit of classifying incidents is that it lets the IR team know who they need to inform and how frequently. Obviously, we don’t want to call the CISO at home whenever an employee violates a security policy. On the other hand, we really don’t want the CEO to find out the organization had an incident from reading the morning news. Keeping the right decision-makers informed at the right cadence enables everyone to do their jobs well, engenders trust, and leads to unified external messaging.

Table 22-3 shows an example notification matrix that builds on the classification shown previously in Table 22-2.


Table 22-3 Sample Incident Notification Matrix

Notifications to external parties such as customers, partners, government regulators, and the press should be handled by communications professionals and not by the cybersecurity staff. The technical members of the IR team provide the facts to these communicators, who then craft messages (in coordination with the legal and marketing teams) that do not make things worse for the organization either legally or reputationally. Properly handled, IR communications can help improve trust and loyalty to the organization. Improperly handled, however, these notifications (or the lack thereof) can ruin (and have ruined) organizations.

Operational Tasks

Keeping stakeholders informed is just one of the many tasks involved in incident response. Just like any other complex endeavor, we should leverage structured approaches to ensure that all required tasks are performed, and that they are done consistently and in the right order. Now, of course, different types of incidents require different procedures. Responding to a ransomware attack requires different procedures than the procedures for responding to a malicious insider trying to steal company secrets. Still, all incidents follow a very similar pattern at a high level. We already saw this in the discussion of the seven phases in the incident management process that you need to know for the CISSP exam, which apply to all incidents.

Many organizations deal with the need for completeness and consistency in IR by spelling out operational tasks in the IRP, sometimes with a field next to each task to indicate when the task was completed. The IR team lead can then just walk down this list to ensure the right things are being done in the right order. Table 22-4 shows a sample operational tasks checklist.


Table 22-4 Sample Operational Tasks List

Table 22-4 is not meant to be all-inclusive but it does capture the most common tasks that apply to every IR in most organizations. As mentioned earlier, different types of incidents require different approaches. While the task list should be general enough to accommodate these specialized procedures, we also want to keep it specific enough to serve as an overall execution plan.


When we need specialized procedures, particularly when we expect a certain type of incident to happen more than once, we want to document those procedures to ensure we don’t keep reinventing the wheel every time a threat actor gets into our systems. A runbook is a collection of procedures that the IR team will follow for specific types of incidents. Think of a runbook as a cookbook. If you feel like having a bean casserole for dinner, you open your cookbook and look up that recipe. It’ll tell you what ingredients you need and what the step-by-step procedure is to make it. Similarly, a runbook has tabs for the most likely and/or most dangerous incidents you may encounter. Once the incident is declared by the SOC (or whoever is authorized to declare an incident has occurred), the IR team lead opens the runbook and looks up the type of incident that was declared. The runbook specifies what resources are needed (e.g., specific roles and tools) and how to apply them.

When developing runbooks, you have to be careful that the documentation doesn’t take more time and resources to develop than you would end up investing in responding to that incident type. As with any other control, the cost of a runbook cannot exceed the cost of doing nothing (and figuring things out on the fly). For that reason, most organizations focus their runbooks on incidents that require complex responses and those that are particularly sensitive. Other incidents can be (and usually are) added to the runbook, but those additions are deliberate decisions of the SOC manager based on the needs of the organization. For example, if an organization experiences high turnover rates, it might be helpful for new staff to have a more comprehensive runbook to which they can turn.

Another aspect to consider is that runbooks are only good if they are correct, complete, and up to date. Even if you do a great job when you first write runbooks, you’ll have to invest time periodically in keeping them updated. For best results, incorporate runbooks into your change management program so that, whenever an organizational change is made, the change advisory board (CAB) asks the question: does this require an update to the IR runbooks?


Whatever type of security incident we’re facing, we should treat the systems and facilities that it affects as potential crime scenes. The reason is that what may at first appear to have been a hardware failure, a software defect, or an accidental fire may have in fact been caused by a malicious actor targeting the organization. Even acts of nature like storms or earthquakes may provide opportunities for adversaries to victimize us. Because we are never (initially) quite sure whether an incident may have a criminal element, we should treat all incidents as if they do (until proven otherwise).

Since computer crimes are only increasing and will never really go away, it is important that all security professionals understand how computer investigations should be carried out. This includes understanding legal requirements for specific situations, the chain of custody for evidence, what type of evidence is admissible in court, incident response procedures, and escalation processes.

Successfully prosecuting a crime requires solid evidence. Computer forensics is the art of retrieving this evidence and preserving it in the proper ways to make it admissible in court. Without proper computer forensics, few computer crimes could ever be properly and successfully presented in court. The most common reasons evidence is deemed inadmissible in court are lack of qualified staff handling it, lack of established procedures, poorly written policy, or a broken chain of custody.

When a potential computer crime takes place, it is critical that the investigation steps are carried out properly to ensure that the evidence will be admissible to the court (if the matter goes that far) and can stand up under the cross-examination and scrutiny that will take place. As a security professional, you should understand that an investigation is not just about potential evidence on a disk drive. The context matters during an investigation, including the people, network, connected internal and external systems, applicable laws and regulations, management’s stance on how the investigation is to be carried out, and the skill set of whoever is carrying out the investigation. Messing up just one of these components could make your case inadmissible or at least damage it if it is brought to court.

Motive, Opportunity, and Means

Today’s computer criminals are similar to their traditional counterparts. To understand the “why” in crime, it is necessary to understand the motive, opportunity, and means—or MOM. This is the same strategy used to determine the suspects in a traditional, noncomputer crime.

Motive is the “who” and “why” of a crime. The motive may be induced by either internal or external conditions. A person may be driven by the excitement, challenge, and adrenaline rush of committing a crime, which would be an internal condition. Examples of external conditions might include financial trouble, a sick family member, or other dire straits. Understanding the motive for a crime is an important piece in figuring out who would engage in such an activity. For example, financially motivated attackers such as those behind ransomware want to get your money. In the case of ransomware purveyors, they realize that if they don’t decrypt a victim’s data after payment of the ransom, the word will get out and no other victims will pay the ransom. For this reason, most modern ransomware actors reliably turn over decryption keys upon payment. Some ransomware gangs even go the extra mile and set up customer service operations to help victims with payment and decryption issues.

Opportunity is the “where” and “when” of a crime. Opportunities usually arise when certain vulnerabilities or weaknesses are present. If an organization does not regularly patch systems (particularly public-facing ones), attackers have all types of opportunities within that network. If an organization does not perform access control, auditing, and supervision, employees may have many opportunities to embezzle funds and defraud the organization. Once a crime fighter finds out why a person would want to commit a crime (motive), she will look at what could allow the criminal to be successful (opportunity).

Means pertains to the abilities a criminal would need to be successful. Suppose a crime fighter was asked to investigate a case of fraud facilitated by a subtle but complex modification made to a software system within a financial institution. If the suspects were three people and two of them just had general computer knowledge, but the third one was a programmer and system analyst, the crime fighter would realize that this person is much likelier to have the means to commit this crime than the other two individuals.

Computer Criminal Behavior

Like traditional criminals, computer criminals have a specific modus operandi (MO, pronounced “em-oh”). In other words, each criminal typically uses a distinct method of operation to carry out their crime, and that method can be used to help identify them. The difference with computer crimes is that the investigator, obviously, must have knowledge of technology. For example, the MO of a particular computer criminal may include the use of specific tools or targeting specific systems or networks. The method usually involves repetitive signature behaviors, such as sending e-mail messages or programming syntax. Knowledge of the criminal’s MO and signature behaviors can be useful throughout the investigative process. Law enforcement can use the information to identify other offenses by the same criminal, for example. The MO and signature behaviors can also provide information that is useful during interviews (conducted by authorized staff members or law enforcement agencies) and potentially a trial.

Psychological crime scene analysis (profiling) can also be conducted using the criminal’s MO and signature behaviors. Profiling provides insight into the thought processes of the attacker and can be used to identify the attacker or, at the very least, the tool he used to conduct the crime.

Evidence Collection and Handling

Good evidence is the bedrock on which any sound investigation is built. When dealing with any incident that might end up in court, digital evidence must be handled in a careful fashion so that it can be admissible no matter what jurisdiction is prosecuting a defendant. Within the United States, the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) aims to ensure consistency across the forensic community. The principles developed by SWGDE for the standardized recovery of computer-based evidence are governed by the following attributes:

• Consistency with all legal systems

• Allowance for the use of a common language

• Durability

• Ability to cross international and state boundaries

• Ability to instill confidence in the integrity of evidence

• Applicability to all forensic evidence

• Applicability at every level, including that of individual, agency, and country

The international standard on digital evidence handling is ISO/IEC 27037: Guidelines for Identification, Collection, Acquisition, and Preservation of Digital Evidence. This document identifies four phases of digital evidence handling, which are identification, collection, acquisition, and preservation. Let’s take a closer look at each.

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You must ensure that you have the legal authority to search for and seize digital evidence before you do so. If in doubt, consult your legal counsel.


The first phase of digital evidence handling is to identify the digital crime scene. Rarely does only one device comprise the scene of the crime. More often than not, digital evidence exists on a multitude of other devices such as routers, network appliances, cloud services infrastructure, smartphones, and even IoT devices. Whether or not you have to secure a court order to seize evidence, you want to be very deliberate about determining what you think you need to collect and where it might exist.

When you arrive at the crime scene (whether it be physical or virtual), you want to carefully document everything you see and do. If you’re dealing with a physical crime scene, photograph it from every possible angle before you touch anything. Label wires and cables and then snap a photo of the labeled system before it is disassembled. Remember that you want to instill confidence in the integrity of evidence and how it was handled from the very onset.

Identifying evidence items at a crime scene may not be straightforward. You could discover wireless networks that would allow someone to remotely tamper with the evidence. This would require you to consider ways to isolate the evidence from radio frequency (RF) signals in order to control the crime scene. There may also be evidence in devices (e.g., thumb drives) that are hidden either deliberately or unintentionally. Law enforcement agents sometimes resort to using specially trained dogs that can sniff out electronics. Thoroughness in identifying evidence is the most important consideration in this phase, and this may require you to think outside the box to ensure you don’t miss or lose a critical evidentiary item.


Once you’ve identified the evidence you need, you can begin collecting it. Evidence collection is the process of gaining physical control over items that could potentially have evidentiary value. This is where you walk into someone’s office and collect their computer, external hard drives, thumb drives, and so on. It is critical that you have the legal authority to do this and that you document what you take, where you take it from, and what its condition is at the time.

Each piece of evidence should be labeled in some way with the date, time, initials of the collector, and a case number if one has been assigned. The piece of evidence should then be placed in a container, which should be sealed (ideally with evidence tape) so that tampering can be detected. An example of the data that should be collected and displayed on each evidence container is shown in Figure 22-1.


Figure 22-1 Evidence container data

After everything is properly labeled, a chain of custody log should be made for each container and an overall log should be made capturing all events. A chain of custody documents each person that has control of the evidence at every point in time. In large investigations, one person may collect evidence, another may transport it, and a third may store it. Keeping track of all these individuals’ possession of the evidence is critical to proving in court that the evidence was not tampered with. It is not hard for a good defense attorney to get evidence dismissed from court because of improper handling. For this reason, the chain of custody should follow evidence through its entire life cycle, beginning with identification and ending with its destruction, permanent archiving, or return to owner.

Evidence collection activities can get tricky depending on what is being searched for and where. For example, American citizens are protected by the Fourth Amendment against unlawful search and seizure, so law enforcement agencies must have probable cause and request a search warrant from a judge or court before conducting such a search. The actual search can take place only in the areas outlined by the warrant. The Fourth Amendment does not apply to actions by private citizens unless they are acting as police agents. So, for example, if Kristy’s boss warned all employees that the management could remove files from their computers at any time, and her boss is not a police officer or acting as a police agent, she could not successfully claim that her Fourth Amendment rights were violated. Kristy’s boss may have violated some specific privacy laws, but he did not violate Kristy’s Fourth Amendment rights.

In some circumstances, a law enforcement agent is legally permitted to seize evidence that is not included in the search warrant, such as if the suspect tries to destroy the evidence. In other words, if there is an impending possibility that evidence might be destroyed, law enforcement may quickly seize the evidence to prevent its destruction. This is referred to as exigent circumstances, and a judge will later decide whether the seizure was proper and legal before allowing the evidence to be admitted. For example, if a police officer had a search warrant that allowed him to search a suspect’s living room but no other rooms and then he saw the suspect putting a removable drive in his pocket while standing in another room, the police officer could seize the drive even though it was outside the area covered under the search warrant.


Always treat an investigation, regardless of type, as if it would ultimately end up in a courtroom.


In most corporate investigations involving digital evidence, the sort of Crime TV collection we just described will not take place unless law enforcement is involved. Instead, the IR team will probably be able to piece together a timeline of activities from various network resources and you may have to collect only a single laptop. In many cases you can probably acquire the evidence you need remotely without seizing any devices at all. Whatever the case, you ultimately need to get a hold of the data that will confirm or deny the claim that is being investigated, and you must do it in a forensically sound manner.

Acquisition means creating a forensic image of digital data for examination. Generally, speaking, there are two types of acquisition: physical and logical. In digital acquisition, the investigator makes a bit-for-bit copy of the contents of a physical storage device, bypassing the operating system. This includes all files, of course, but also free space and previously deleted data. In logical acquisition, on the other hand, the forensic image is of the files and folders in a file system, which means we rely on the operating system. This approach is sometimes necessary when dealing with evidence that exists in cloud services, where physical acquisition is normally not possible.

Before creating a forensic image, the investigator must have a medium onto which to copy the data, and ensure this medium has been properly purged, meaning it does not contain any preexisting data. (In some cases, hard drives that were thought to be new and right out of the box contained old data not purged by the vendor.) Two copies are normally created: a primary image (a control copy that is stored in a library) and a working image (used for analysis and evidence collection). To ensure that the original image is not modified, it is important to compute the cryptographic hashes (e.g., SHA-1) for files and directories before and after the analysis to prove the integrity of the original image.

The investigator works from the duplicate image because it preserves the original evidence, prevents inadvertent alteration of original evidence during examination, and allows re-creation of the duplicate image if necessary.

Acquiring evidence on live systems and those using network storage further complicates matters because you cannot turn off the system to make a copy of the hard drive. Imagine the reaction you’d receive if you were to tell an IT manager that you need to shut down a primary database or e-mail system. It wouldn’t be favorable. So these systems and others, such as those using on-the-fly encryption, must be imaged while they are running. In fact, some evidence is very volatile and can only be collected from a live system. Examples of volatile data that could have evidentiary value include

• Registers and cache

• Process tables and ARP cache

• System memory (RAM)

• Temporary file systems

• Special disk sectors


To preserve evidence in a forensically sound manner, you must have established procedures based on legally accepted best practices, and your staff must follow those procedures to the letter. We’ve already covered two crucial steps in the chain of evidence and the use of hashes to verify that the evidence has not been altered. Another element of preserving digital evidence is ensuring that only a small group of qualified individuals have access to the evidence, and then only to perform specific functions. Again, this access needs to be part of your established procedures. In some cases, organizations implement two-person control of digital evidence to minimize the risk of tampering.

We introduced the topic of evidence storage in Chapter 10, but it bears pointing out that storage of media evidence should be dust-free and kept at room temperature without much humidity, and, of course, the media should not be stored close to any strong magnets or magnetic fields. Even if you don’t have a dedicated evidence storage area, you should ensure that whatever space you commandeer is used strictly for this purpose, at least for the life of the investigation.

What Is Admissible in Court?

There are limits to what evidence can be introduced into a legal proceeding. Though the details will be different in each jurisdiction around the world, generally, digital evidence is admissible in court if it meets three criteria:

Relevance   Evidence must be relevant to the case, meaning it must help to prove facts being alleged. If a suspect is accused of murder, then a web search history for favorite vacationing spots is probably irrelevant. Judges typically rule on relevance of evidence.

Reliability   Evidence must be acquired using a sound forensic methodology that prevents alteration and ensures the evidence remains unaltered during the forensic examination. Multiple high-profile cases in recent years have had evidence rendered inadmissible because the chain of custody was broken.

Legality   The persons acquiring and presenting the evidence must have the legal authority to do so. If you have a court-issued search warrant, you must limit collection to whatever is spelled out in it. If you are conducting a workplace investigation, you must limit your collection to organization-owned assets, and only after legal counsel agrees.

The reliability of evidence is most often established by chains of custody and cryptographic hashing. But there is another element to reliability that excludes evidence deemed to be hearsay. Hearsay evidence is any statement made outside of the court proceeding that is offered into evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the statement. Suppose that David is accused of fraud and Eliza tells Frank that David told her he was stealing from the company. Eliza’s testimony in court would be admissible, but Frank normally wouldn’t be allowed to testify about what Eliza claims to have heard because, coming from him, it would be considered hearsay.

Hearsay evidence can also include many computer-generated documents such as log files. In some countries, such as the United States, when computer logs are to be used as evidence in court, they must satisfy a legal exception to the hearsay rule of the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) called the business records exception rule or business entry rule. Under this rule, a party could admit any records of a business (1) that were made in the regular course of business; (2) that the business has a regular practice to make such records; (3) that were made at or near the time of the recorded event; and (4) that contain information transmitted by a person with knowledge of the information within the document.

It is important to show that the logs, and all evidence, have not been tampered with in any way, which is the reason for the chain of custody of evidence. Several tools are available that run checksums or hashing functions on the logs, which will allow the team to be alerted if something has been modified.

When evidence is being collected, one issue that can come up is the user’s expectation of privacy. If an employee is suspected of, and charged with, a computer crime, he might claim that his files on the computer he uses are personal and not available to law enforcement and the courts. This is why it is important for organizations to conduct security awareness training, have employees sign documentation pertaining to the acceptable use of the organization’s computers and equipment, and have legal banners pop up on every employee’s computer when they log on. These are key elements in establishing that a user has no right to privacy when he is using organization equipment. The following banner is suggested by CERT Advisory:

This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system without authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject to having all of their activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel.

In the course of monitoring an individual improperly using this system, or in the course of system maintenance, the activities of authorized users may also be monitored.

Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials.

This explicit warning strengthens a legal case that can be brought against an employee or intruder, because the continued use of the system after viewing this type of warning implies that the person acknowledges the security policy and gives permission to be monitored.

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Don’t dismiss the possibility that as an information security professional you will be responsible for entering evidence into court. Most tribunals, commissions, and other quasi-legal proceedings have admissibility requirements. Because these requirements can change between jurisdictions, you should seek legal counsel to better understand the specific rules for your jurisdiction.

Digital Forensics Tools, Tactics, and Procedures

Digital forensics is a science and an art that requires specialized techniques for the recovery, authentication, and analysis of electronic data for the purposes of a digital criminal investigation. It is a fusion of computer science, IT, engineering, and law. When discussing computer forensics with others, you might hear the terms computer forensics, network forensics, electronic data discovery, cyberforensics, and forensic computing. (ISC)2 uses digital forensics as a synonym for all of these other terms, so that’s what you’ll see on the CISSP exam.

Anyone who conducts a forensic investigation must be properly skilled in this trade and know what to look for. If someone reboots the attacked system or inspects various files, this could corrupt viable evidence, change timestamps on key files, and erase footprints the criminal may have left. Most digital evidence has a short lifespan and must be collected quickly and in the order of volatility. In other words, the most volatile or fragile evidence should be collected first. In some situations, it is best to remove the system from the network, dump the contents of the memory, power down the system, and make a sound image of the attacked system and perform forensic analysis on this copy. Working on the copy instead of the original drive ensures that the evidence stays unharmed on the original system in case some steps in the investigation actually corrupt or destroy data. Dumping the memory contents to a file before doing any work on the system or powering it down is a crucial step because of the information that could be stored there. This is another method of capturing fragile information. However, this creates a sticky situation: capturing RAM or conducting live analysis can introduce changes to the crime scene because various state changes and operations take place. Whatever method the forensic investigator chooses to use to collect digital evidence, that method must be documented. This is the most important aspect of evidence handling.

Forensic Investigation Techniques

To ensure that forensic investigations are carried out in a standardized manner and the evidence collected is admissible, it is necessary for the investigative team to follow specific laid-out steps so that nothing is missed. Figure 22-2 illustrates the phases through a common investigation process and lists various techniques that fall under each phase. Each team or organization may come up with its own steps, but all should be essentially accomplishing the same things:

• Identification

• Preservation

• Collection

• Examination

• Analysis

• Presentation

• Decision


Figure 22-2 Characteristics of the different phases through an investigation process

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The principles of criminalistics are included in the forensic investigation process. They are identification of the crime scene, protection of the environment against contamination and loss of evidence, identification of evidence and potential sources of evidence, and the collection of evidence. In regard to minimizing the degree of contamination, it is important to understand that it is impossible not to change a crime scene—be it physical or digital. The key is to minimize changes and document what you did and why, and how the crime scene was affected.

During the examination and analysis process of a forensic investigation, it is critical that the investigator work from an image that contains all of the data from the original disk. It should be a bit-level copy, sector by sector, to capture deleted files, slack spaces, and unallocated clusters. These types of images can be created through the use of a specialized tool such as Forensic Toolkit (FTK), EnCase Forensic, or the dd Unix utility. A file copy tool does not recover all data areas of the device necessary for examination. Figure 22-3 illustrates a commonly used tool in the forensic world for evidence collection.


Figure 22-3 EnCase Forensic can be used to collect digital forensic data.

The next step is the analysis of the evidence. Forensic investigators use a scientific method that involves

• Determining the characteristics of the evidence, such as whether it’s admissible as primary or secondary evidence, as well as its source, reliability, and permanence

• Comparing evidence from different sources to determine a chronology of events

• Event reconstruction, including the recovery of deleted files and other activity on the system

This can take place in a controlled lab environment or, thanks to hardware write-blockers and forensic software, in the field. When investigators analyze evidence in a lab, they are dealing with “dead forensics”; that is, they are working only with static data. Live forensics, which takes place in the field, includes volatile data. If evidence is lacking, then an experienced investigator should be called in to help complete the picture.

Finally, the interpretation of the analysis should be presented to the appropriate party. This could be a judge, lawyer, CEO, or board of directors. Therefore, it is important to present the findings in a format that will be understood by a nontechnical audience. As a CISSP, you should be able to explain these findings in layperson’s terms using metaphors and analogies. Of course, the findings, which are top secret or company confidential, should be disclosed only to authorized parties. This may include the legal department or any outside counsel that assists with the investigation.

Other Investigative Techniques

Unless you work for a law enforcement agency, most of the investigations in which you will be involved are likely to focus on digital forensics investigative techniques. These techniques are applied when a device was compromised, or a malicious insider attempted to steal sensitive files, or something like that. All the evidence you need is probably in a device that you can get your hands on, so you can collect it, acquire it, analyze it, and get to the facts with just digital evidence. However, there may be other situations in which you’ll need other types of evidence either in addition to or instead of 1’s and 0’s copied from some storage device. Interviews, surveillance, and undercover investigative techniques are some of the practices for acquiring evidence that you should be familiar with.


Interviews can be effective for ascertaining facts when you have willing interviewees. Interviewing is both an art and a science, and the specific techniques you use will vary from case to case. Typically, interviews are conducted by a business unit manager with assistance from the human resources and legal departments. This doesn’t, however, completely relieve you as an information security professional from responsibility during the interviewing process. You may be asked to provide input or observe an interview in order to clarify technical information that comes up in the course of questioning.

Whether you are conducting an interview or your technical assistance is needed for an interview, keep the following best practices in mind:

Have a plan. Without a plan, the interview will be ineffective. Prepare an outline beforehand that focuses on getting the information you need from each interviewee. However, you should remain flexible and not read off a script.

Be fair and objective. If you are conducting an interview, it is to get to the facts of an incident, not necessarily to reinforce whatever conclusions you may have already reached. Keep an open mind, focus on the facts, and try to avoid any biases.

Compartmentalize information. Your interview plan should address what information you share with each interviewee, and what you don’t share. You should not tell one interviewee what another said unless it’s absolutely essential and legally permissible.

One interviewee at a time. Interviewing multiple individuals together can introduce problematic group dynamics such as peer pressure. It can also lead interviewees to distort or suppress information.

Do not record the interview. Recording devices can have a chilling effect on interviewees. Instead, have at least one notetaker in the room and, after the interview is complete, read back the notes to the interviewee to ensure their accuracy. If you must record the interview, ensure you comply with all applicable legal requirements (e.g., consent of all parties).

Keep it confidential. Do your best to keep every aspect of the investigation under wraps. Even the fact that someone is being interviewed about an incident can have a damaging reputational effect for that person.

The employee interviewer should be in a position that is senior to the employee subject. A vice president is not going to be very intimidated or willing to spill his guts to the mailroom clerk. The interview should be held in a private place, in an environment conducive to making the subject relatively comfortable and at ease. If exhibits are going to be shown to the subject, they should be shown one at a time, and otherwise kept in a folder. It is not necessary to read a person their rights before the interview unless it is performed by law enforcement officers.


Two main types of surveillance are used when it comes to identifying computer crimes: physical surveillance and computer surveillance. Physical surveillance pertains to security cameras, security guards, and closed-circuit TV (CCTV), which may capture evidence. Physical surveillance can also be used by an undercover agent to learn about the suspect’s spending activities, family and friends, and personal habits in the hope of gathering more clues for the case.

Computer surveillance pertains to passively monitoring (auditing) events by using network sniffers, keyboard monitors, wiretaps, and line monitoring. In most jurisdictions, active monitoring may require a search warrant. In most workplace environments, to legally monitor an individual, the person must be warned ahead of time that her activities may be subject to this type of monitoring.


Undercover investigative techniques are pretty rare in most corporate investigations, but can provide information and evidence that would be difficult to acquire otherwise. The goal of undercover work is to assume an identity that allows the investigator to blend into the suspect’s environment to observe, and perhaps record, the suspect’s actions.

A thin line exists between enticement and entrapment when it comes to capturing a suspect’s actions. Enticement is legal and ethical, whereas entrapment is neither legal nor ethical. In the world of computer crimes, a honeypot is a good example to explain the difference between enticement and entrapment. Organizations put systems in their screened subnets that either emulate services that attackers usually like to take advantage of or actually have the services enabled. The hope is that if an attacker breaks into the organization’s network, she will go right to the honeypot instead of the systems that are actual production machines. The attacker will be enticed to go to the honeypot system because it has many open ports and services running and exhibits vulnerabilities that the attacker would want to exploit. The organization can log the attacker’s actions and later attempt to prosecute.

The action in the preceding example is legal unless the organization crosses the line to entrapment. For example, suppose a web page has a link that indicates that if an individual clicks it, she could then download thousands of MP3 files for free. However, when she clicks that link, she is taken to the honeypot system instead, and the organization records all of her actions and attempts to prosecute. Entrapment does not prove that the suspect had the intent to commit a crime; it only proves she was successfully tricked.

Forensic Artifacts

One of the grandfathers of forensic science, Dr. Edmond Locard, famously stated that “every contact leaves a trace.” This principle, known as Locard’s exchange principle, states that criminals always leave something behind at the crime scene. This fragmentary or trace evidence is a forensic artifact. A forensic artifact is anything that has evidentiary value. On a typical computer, the following are examples of forensic artifacts:

• Deleted items (in the recycle bin or trash)

• Web browser search history

• Web browser cache files

• E-mail attachments

Skype history

• Windows event logs

• Prefetch files

Forensic artifacts can also be evidentiary items relating to network traffic. Network forensics is a subdiscipline that is focused on what happened on the network rather than on the endpoints. The tools used in network forensics are unique to that subdiscipline, and so are the artifacts for which the investigator looks. Tools used in network forensics include NDR solutions, SIEM systems, and the log files of any network device or server. They also include network sniffers that can capture full network frames. The following are some of the more useful network artifacts an investigator would be interested in:

• DNS log records

• Web proxy log records

• IDS/IPS alerts

• Packet capture (pcap) files

Finally, with the proliferation of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, we must not overlook forensic artifacts stored on them. Unlike traditional computers, mobile devices are usually carried by their users around the clock. This means mobile devices tend to document multiple aspects of a person’s life, some of which can serve as evidence of criminal activity.

Though mobile devices can be a treasure trove of information for the forensic investigator, they are not always easy to acquire and analyze. For starters, there are so many different models that no single tool can acquire all evidence from all devices. Staff expertise is similarly challenged by this diversity, because an investigator who is skilled at iPhone analysis may not be able to operate at the same level given an Android device. Just to make things more interesting, there is also the issue of encryption, which is prevalent in mobile devices these days.

Still, if forensic investigators can overcome these challenges, mobile devices are excellent sources of evidence for a variety of criminal activity. Among the most useful forensic artifacts found in them are

• Call logs

• SMS messages

• E-mail messages

• Web browser history

Reporting and Documenting

We already covered reporting in a fair amount of detail in Chapter 19. When it comes to investigations, however, there are some additional issues to consider. First and foremost, the need to document everything you do cannot be overstated. If you cannot account for or explain the why of any activities you undertook, it may render evidence inadmissible in court or even undermine the whole case. For this reason, many organizations assign investigators to work in teams of two, where one person documents while the other conducts the investigation. Most forensic analysis tools have a feature that automatically logs everything an investigator does with the tool.

Another issue that is particularly important in writing investigation reports is the need to remain completely logical and factual. Any conclusions you reach must follow logically from a sequence of facts that you spell out for the reader. For example, suppose that Carlos is one of your staff and is suspected of sending sensitive files to a competitor in hopes of landing a lucrative job with them. Even if you are sure he did it (after examining his computer), you should not just jump out and say so. Instead, you show how the forensic artifacts that you found, when arrayed on a timeline, substantiate the claim that Carlos sent sensitive files to a competitor. You’d start by establishing that he was logged into his computer, and then he logged into his personal e-mail account through a webmail interface, and then an e-mail was sent containing sensitive files x, y, and z, and then the e-mail was deleted from his sent items, and so on. It is ultimately up to the reader (presumably a senior manager or court official) to determine guilt or innocence. Your job is to establish the facts and determine whether or not they are consistent with the allegation.

Chapter Review

Incident management is a critical function for any organization. Odds are that if you are among the lucky few who haven’t had a major incident yet, you will be faced with one in the near future. In fact, the IronNet 2021 Cybersecurity Impact Report found that 86 percent of respondents had a cybersecurity incident so severe in the previous year that it required a C-level or board meeting. Even if you’ve outsourced IR to a third-party service provider, you still need to have an incident management policy and an IR plan to guide the conduct of the entire organization before, during, and after an incident. The policy establishes authorities and responsibilities, while the plan specifies the procedures to be followed.

The other major topic we discussed in this chapter is investigations. Thankfully, the need to conduct investigations is fairly rare in most organizations. But therein lies the problem: if you hardly ever need to recall knowledge or practice skills, you are certain to lose them. This is why having detailed standard procedures for investigative work is absolutely essential. For example, evidence acquisition, as we saw, is a complex process that has very little room for errors, particularly if the evidence will end up in court (and we should always assume it will).

Quick Review

• A security event is any occurrence that can be observed, verified, and documented, whereas a security incident is one or more related events that negatively affect the organization and/or impact its security posture.

A good incident response team should consist of representatives from various business units, such as the legal department, HR, executive management, the communications department, physical/corporate security, IS security, and information technology.

• Incident management encompasses seven phases according to the CISSP CBK: detection, response, mitigation, reporting, recovery, remediation, and lessons learned.

• The detection phase encompasses the search for indicators that an event has occurred and the formal declaration of the event.

• The response phase entails the initial actions undertaken to contain the damage caused by a security incident.

• The goal of the mitigation phase is to eradicate the threat actor from the affected systems.

• Incident reporting occurs at various phases of incident management.

• The aim of the recovery phase is to restore full, trustworthy functionality to the organization.

• In the remediation phase, the incident response team decides which security controls need to be deployed or changed to prevent the incident from recurring.

• The lessons learned phase is important to determine what needs to go into the incident response process and documentation, with the goal of continuous improvement.

• The incident management policy (IMP) establishes authorities and responsibilities across the entire organization, identifies the incident response (IR) lead for the organization, and describes what every staff member is required to do with regard to incidents.

• The incident response plan (IRP) gets into the details of what should be done when responding to suspected incidents, and includes roles and responsibilities, incident classification, notifications, and operational tasks.

• Incident classification criteria allow the organization to prioritize IR assets and usually consider the impact and type of the incident, and urgency with which the response must be started.

• A runbook is a collection of procedures that the IR team will follow for specific types of incidents.

• The four phases of evidence handling are identification, collection, acquisition, and preservation.

• Evidence collection is the process of gaining physical control over devices that could potentially have evidentiary value.

• A chain of custody documents each person that has control of the evidence at every point in time.

• Acquisition means creating a forensic image of digital data for examination.

Evidence preservation requires maintaining a chain of custody and cryptographic hashes of all digital evidence, and also controlling access to the evidence.

• To be admissible in court, evidence must be relevant, reliable, and legally obtained.

• To be admissible in court, business records such as computer logs have to be made and collected in the normal course of business, not specially generated for a case in court. Business records can easily be deemed hearsay if there is no firsthand proof of their accuracy and reliability.

• Digital forensics is a science and an art that requires specialized techniques for the recovery, authentication, and analysis of electronic data for the purposes of a digital criminal investigation.

• In addition to forensic techniques, organizations sometimes use interviews, surveillance, and undercover investigation techniques.

• When looking for suspects, it is important to consider the motive, opportunity, and means (MOM).

• A forensic artifact is anything that has evidentiary value.


Please remember that these questions are formatted and asked in a certain way for a reason. Keep in mind that the CISSP exam is asking questions at a conceptual level. Questions may not always have the perfect answer, and the candidate is advised against always looking for the perfect answer. Instead, the candidate should look for the best answer in the list.

1. What are the phases of incident management?

A. Identification, collection, acquisition, and preservation

B. Detection, response, mitigation, reporting, recovery, remediation, and lessons learned

C. Protection, containment, response, remediation, and reporting

D. Analysis, classification, incident declaration, containment, eradication, and investigation

2. During which phase of incident management does the IR team contain the damage caused by a security incident?

A. Preservation

B. Response

C. Eradication

D. Remediation

3. During which phase of incident management are security controls deployed or changed to prevent the incident from recurring?

A. Preservation

B. Response

C. Eradication

D. Remediation

4. Which document establishes authorities and responsibilities with regard to incidents across the entire organization?

A. Incident management policy

B. Incident response plan

C. Incident response runbook

D. Incident classification criteria

5. After a computer forensic investigator seizes a computer during a crime investigation, what is the next step?

A. Label and put it into a container, and then label the container

B. Dust the evidence for fingerprints

C. Make an image copy of the disks

D. Lock the evidence in the safe

6. Which of the following is a necessary characteristic of evidence for it to be admissible?

A. It must be real.

B. It must be noteworthy.

C. It must be reliable.

D. It must be important.

7. Which of the following is not considered a best practice when interviewing willing witnesses?

A. Compartmentalize information

B. Interview one interviewee at a time

C. Be fair and objective

D. Record the interview

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 8–10. You recently improved your organization’s security posture, which now includes a fully staffed security operations center (SOC), network detection and response (NDR) and endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems, centrally managed updates and data backups, and network segmentation using VLANs. It’s the end of the workday and just as you are getting ready to go home your SOC detects a ransomware infection affecting at least two workstations in your marketing department. The SOC manager declares an incident and activates the IR team.

8. What should be your IR team’s first action?

A. Determine the scope of the infection across the organization

B. Isolate the marketing VLAN from the rest of the network

C. Disconnect the infected computers from the network

D. Determine why the EDR system failed to protect the workstations

9. Using your NDR system, you determine the external hosts from which the malware was downloaded and with which the infected systems were communicating. As part of the remediation phase, which of the following is the next best action to take with this information?

A. Determine whether the external hosts you identified are related to the incident

B. Block traffic to/from the external hosts that you identified

C. Visit the remote hosts using a forensic workstation to acquire evidence

D. Share the address of the hosts with your partners as indicators of compromise (IOCs)

10. Luckily, this version of ransomware is buggy, and you find a security researcher’s blog with detailed instructions for how to decrypt infected systems. Which of the following approaches will best mitigate the incident and make the affected systems operational again?

A. Follow the directions to decrypt the systems and remove the malware

B. Reinstall from a golden master and restore the data from backups

C. Reinstall from a golden master even though you have no backups

D. Restore the systems from the last known-good system backup


1. B. Incident management encompasses seven phases according to the CISSP CBK: detection, response, mitigation, reporting, recovery, remediation, and lessons learned.

2. B. The goal of containment during the response phase is to prevent or reduce any further damage from this incident so that you can begin to mitigate and recover. Done properly, this buys the IR team time for a proper investigation and determination of the incident’s root cause.

3. D. In the remediation phase, you decide which control changes (e.g., firewall or IDS/IPS rules) are needed to preclude this incident from happening again. Another aspect of remediation is the identification of indicators of attack (IOAs) that can be used in the future to detect this attack in real time (i.e., as it is happening) as well as indicators of compromise (IOCs), which tell you when an attack has been successful and your security has been compromised.

4. A. The incident management policy (IMP) establishes authorities and responsibilities across the entire organization, identifies the incident response (IR) lead for the organization, and describes what every staff member is required to do with regard to incidents. The incident response plan (IRP) gets into the details of what should be done when responding to suspected incidents, and includes roles and responsibilities, incident classification, notifications, and operational tasks. A runbook is a collection of procedures that the IR team will follow for specific types of incidents.

5. C. Several steps need to be followed when gathering and extracting evidence from a scene. Once a computer has been confiscated, the first thing the computer forensics team should do is make an image of the hard drive. The team will work from this image instead of the original hard drive so that the original stays in a pristine state and the evidence on the drive is not accidentally corrupted or modified.

6. C. For evidence to be admissible, it must be relevant to the case, reliable, and legally obtained. For evidence to be reliable, it must be consistent with fact and must not be based on opinion or be circumstantial.

7. D. Recording devices can have a chilling effect on interviewees. Instead, have at least one notetaker in the room and, after the interview is complete, read back the notes to the interviewee to ensure their accuracy.

8. B. Having detected the incident, the next step is to respond by containing the damage that has been or is about to be done to your most critical assets. You could simply disconnect the infected systems from the network, but since there are multiple workstations and they are in the same department, it is probably better to isolate that entire VLAN until you can determine the true scope of the problem. Since this incident happened at the end of the workday, isolating the VLAN should have little or no impact on the marketing department.

9. B. In the remediation phase, you decide which security controls need to be put in place to prevent the attack from succeeding again. This includes controls that are hastily put into effect because you have high confidence that they will help in the short term. The situation in the question is a perfect example of when you bypass your change management process and quickly make changes to deal with the incident at hand. You probably want to share the IOCs with your partners (and perhaps your regional CERT), but that happens after you block the traffic.

10. B. You have a centralized backup system that was not affected, so you know you should have backups for all the workstations. The problem is that you may not know if any of the full-system backups also include the ransomware, so restoring systems from backups could bring you back to square one. It is best to reinstall the systems from golden masters and then restore only the data files. This process may take a bit longer, but it minimizes the risk of reinfection.

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