System Architectures

This chapter presents the following:

• General system architectures

• Industrial control systems

• Virtualized systems

• Cloud-based systems

• Pervasive systems

• Distributed systems

Computer system analysis is like child-rearing; you can do grievous damage, but you cannot ensure success.

—Tom DeMarco

As we have seen in previous chapters, most systems leverage other systems in some way, whether by sharing data with each other or by sharing services with each other. While each system has its own set of vulnerabilities, the interdependencies between them create a new class of vulnerabilities that we must address. In this chapter, we look at ways to assess and mitigate the vulnerabilities of security architectures, designs, and solution elements. We’ll do this by looking at some of the most common system architectures. For each, we classify components based on their roles and the manner in which they interact with others. Along the way, we’ll look at potential vulnerabilities in each architecture and also at the manner in which these vulnerabilities might affect other connected components.

General System Architectures

A system is a set of things working together in order to do something. An architecture describes the designed structure of something. A system architecture, then, is a description of how specific components are deliberately put together to perform some actions. Recall from the Chapter 4 discussion of TOGAF and the Zachman Framework that there are different perspectives or levels of abstraction at which a system architecture can be presented depending on the audience. In this chapter, we present what TOGAF would call application architectures. In other words, we describe how applications running in one or more computing devices interact with each other and with users.

Client-Based Systems

Let’s start with the simplest computing system architecture, the one that ruled the early days of personal computing. Client-based systems are embodied in applications that execute entirely on one user device (such as a workstation or smartphone). The software is installed on a specific computer, and we can use it with no network connectivity. To be clear, the application may still reach out for software patches and updates or to save and retrieve files, but none of its core features require any processing on a remote device. Examples of these are the text and graphic applications that ship with almost every operating system. You could save documents on remote servers, but even with no networking the app is fully functional.

One of the main vulnerabilities of client-based systems is that they tend to have weak authentication mechanisms (if they have them at all). This means an adversary who gains access to the application would be able to also access its data on local or even remote data stores. Furthermore, this data is usually stored in plaintext (unless the underlying operating system encrypts it), which means that even without using the application, the adversary could read its data with ease.

Server-Based Systems

Unlike client-based systems, server-based systems (also called client/server systems) require that two (or more) separate applications interact with each other across a network connection in order for users to benefit from them. One application (the client) requests services over a network connection that the other application (the server) fulfills. Perhaps the most common example of a server-based application is your web browser, which is designed to connect to a web server. Sure, you could just use your browser to read local documents, but that’s not really the way it’s meant to be used. Most of us use our browsers to connect two tiers, a client and a server, which is why we call it a two-tier architecture.

Generally, server-based systems are known as n-tier architectures, where n is a numerical variable that can assume any value. The reason for this is that most of the time only the development team would know the number of tiers in the architecture (which could change over time) even if to the user it looks like just two. Consider the example of browsing the Web, which is probably a two-tier architecture if you are reading a static web page on a small web server. If, on the other hand, you are browsing a typical commercial site, you will probably be going through many more tiers. For example, your client (tier 1) could be connecting to a web server (tier 2) that provides the static HTML, CSS, and some images. The dynamic content, however, is pulled by the web server from an application server (tier 3) that in turn gets the necessary data from a back-end database (tier 4). Figure 7-1 shows what this four-tier architecture would look like.


Figure 7-1 A typical four-tier server-based system

As you can imagine by looking at Figure 7-1, there are multiple potential security issues to address in a server-based architecture. For starters, access to each tier needs to be deliberately and strictly controlled. Having users authenticate from their clients makes perfect sense, but we must not forget that each of the tiers needs to establish and maintain trust with the others. A common way to ensure this is by developing access control lists (ACLs) that determine which connections are allowed. For example, the database management system in Figure 7-1 might be listening on port 5432 (the default port for PostgreSQL, a popular open-source database server), so it makes perfect sense for the application server on tier 3 to connect to that port on the database server. However, it probably shouldn’t be allowed to connect on port 3389 and establish a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session because servers don’t normally communicate this way.

The following are some other guidelines in securing server-based systems. Keep in mind, however, that this list is by no means comprehensive; it’s just meant to give you food for thought.

• Block traffic by default between any components and allow only the specific set of connections that are absolutely necessary.

• Ensure all software is patched and updated as soon as possible.

• Maintain backups (ideally offline) of all servers.

• Use strong authentication for both clients and servers.

• Encrypt all network communications, even between the various servers.

• Encrypt all sensitive data stored anywhere in the system

• Enable logging of all relevant system events, ideally to a remote server.

Database Systems

Most interactive (as opposed to static) web content, such as that in the example four-tier architecture we just looked at, requires a web application to interact with some sort of data source. You may be looking at a catalog of products on an e-commerce site, updating customer data on a customer relationship management (CRM) system, or just reading a blog online. In any case, you need a system to manage your product, or customer, or blog data. This is where database systems come in.

A database management system (DBMS) is a software system that allows you to efficiently create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) any given set of data. Of course, you can always keep all the data in a text file, but that makes it really hard to organize, search, maintain, and share among multiple users. A DBMS makes this all easy. It is optimized for efficient storage of data, which means that, unlike flat files, it gives you ways to optimize the storage of all your information. A DBMS also provides the capability to speed up searches, for example, through the use of indexes. Another key feature of a DBMS is that it can provide mechanisms to prevent the accidental corruption of data while it is being manipulated. We typically call changes to a database transactions, which is a term to describe the sequence of actions required to change the state of the database.

A foundational principle in database transactions is referred to as their ACID properties, which stands for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. Atomicity means that either the entire transactions succeeds or the DBMS rolls it back to its previous state (in other words, clicks the “undo” button). Suppose you are transferring funds between two bank accounts. This transaction consists of two distinct operations: first, you withdraw the funds from the first account, and then you deposit the same amount of funds into the second account. What would happen if there’s a massive power outage right after the withdrawal is complete but before the deposit happens? In that case, the money could just disappear. If this was an atomic transaction, the system would detect the failure and put the funds back into the source account.

Consistency means that the transaction strictly follows all applicable rules (e.g., you can’t withdraw funds that don’t exist) on any and all data affected. Isolation means that if transactions are allowed to happen in parallel (which most of them are), then they will be isolated from each other so that the effects of one don’t corrupt another. In other words, isolated transactions have the same effect whether they happen in parallel or one after the other. Finally, durability is the property that ensures that a completed transaction is permanently stored (for instance, in nonvolatile memory) so that it cannot be wiped by a power outage or other such failure.

Securing database systems mainly requires the same steps we listed for securing server-based systems. However, databases introduce two unique security issues you need to consider: aggregation and inference. Aggregation happens when a user does not have the clearance or permission to access specific information but she does have the permission to access components of this information. She can then figure out the rest and obtain restricted information. She can learn of information from different sources and combine it to learn something she does not have the clearance to know.

The following is a silly conceptual example. Let’s say a database administrator does not want anyone in the Users group to be able to figure out a specific sentence, so he segregates the sentence into components and restricts the Users group from accessing it, as represented in Figure 7-2. However, Emily can access components A, C, and F. Because she is particularly bright, she figures out the sentence and now knows the restricted secret.


Figure 7-2 Because Emily has access to components A, C, and F, she can figure out the secret sentence through aggregation.

To prevent aggregation, the subject, and any application or process acting on the subject’s behalf, needs to be prevented from gaining access to the whole collection, including the independent components. The objects can be placed into containers, which are classified at a higher level to prevent access from subjects with lower-level permissions or clearances. A subject’s queries can also be tracked, and context-dependent access control can be enforced. This would keep a history of the objects that a subject has accessed and restrict an access attempt if there is an indication that an aggregation attack is underway.


Aggregation is the act of combining information from separate sources. The combination of the data forms new information, which the subject does not have the necessary rights to access. The combined information has a sensitivity that is greater than that of the individual parts.

The other security issue is inference, which is the intended result of aggregation. The inference problem happens when a subject deduces the full story from the pieces he learned of through aggregation. This is seen when data at a lower security level indirectly portrays data at a higher level.


Inference is the ability to derive information not explicitly available.

For example, if a clerk were restricted from knowing the planned movements of troops based in a specific country but did have access to food shipment requirement forms and tent allocation documents, he could figure out that the troops were moving to a specific place because that is where the food and tents are being shipped. The food shipment and tent allocation documents were classified as confidential, and the troop movement was classified as top secret. Because of the varying classifications, the clerk could access and ascertain top-secret information he was not supposed to know.

The trick is to prevent the subject, or any application or process acting on behalf of that subject, from indirectly gaining access to the inferable information. This problem is usually dealt with in the development of the database by implementing content- and context-dependent access control rules. Content-dependent access control is based on the sensitivity of the data. The more sensitive the data, the smaller the subset of individuals who can gain access to the data.

Context-dependent access control means that the software “understands” what actions should be allowed based upon the state and sequence of the request. So what does that mean? It means the software must keep track of previous access attempts by the user and understand what sequences of access steps are allowed. Content-dependent access control can go like this: “Does Julio have access to File A?” The system reviews the ACL on File A and returns with a response of “Yes, Julio can access the file, but can only read it.” In a context-dependent access control situation, it would be more like this: “Does Julio have access to File A?” The system then reviews several pieces of data: What other access attempts has Julio made? Is this request out of sequence of how a safe series of requests takes place? Does this request fall within the allowed time period of system access (8 A.M. to 5 P.M.)? If the answers to all of these questions are within a set of preconfigured parameters, Julio can access the file. If not, he can’t.

If context-dependent access control is being used to protect against inference attacks, the database software would need to keep track of what the user is requesting. So Julio makes a request to see field 1, then field 5, then field 20, which the system allows, but once he asks to see field 15, the database does not allow this access attempt. The software must be preprogrammed (usually through a rule-based engine) as to what sequence and how much data Julio is allowed to view. If he is allowed to view more information, he may have enough data to infer something we don’t want him to know.

Obviously, content-dependent access control is not as complex as context-dependent access control because of the number of items that need to be processed by the system.

Some other common attempts to prevent inference attacks are cell suppression, partitioning the database, and noise and perturbation. Cell suppression is a technique used to hide specific cells that contain information that could be used in inference attacks. Partitioning the database involves dividing the database into different parts, which makes it much harder for an unauthorized individual to find connecting pieces of data that can be brought together and other information that can be deduced or uncovered. Noise and perturbation is a technique of inserting bogus information in the hopes of misdirecting an attacker or confusing the matter enough that the actual attack will not be fruitful.

Often, security is not integrated into the planning and development of a database. Security is an afterthought, and a trusted front end is developed to be used with the database instead. This approach is limited in the granularity of security and in the types of security functions that can take place.

A common theme in security is a balance between effective security and functionality. In many cases, the more you secure something, the less functionality you have. Although this could be the desired result, it is important not to excessively impede user productivity when security is being introduced.

High-Performance Computing Systems

All the architectures we’ve discussed so far in this chapter support significant amounts of computing. From high-end workstations used for high-resolution video processing to massive worldwide e-commerce sites supporting hundreds of millions of transactions per day, the power available to these systems today is very impressive indeed. As we will see shortly, the use of highly scalable cloud services can help turbo-charge these architectures, too. But what happens when even that is not enough? That’s when we have to abandon these architectures and go for something altogether different.

High-performance computing (HPC) is the aggregation of computing power in ways that exceed the capabilities of general-purpose computers for the specific purpose of solving large problems. You may have already encountered this architecture if you’ve read about supercomputers. These are devices whose performance is so optimized that, even with electrons traveling at close to the speed of light down their wires, engineers spend significant design effort to make those wires even a few inches shorter. This is partially achieved by dividing the thousands (or tens of thousands) of processors in a typical system into tightly packed clusters, each with its own high-speed storage devices. Large problems can be broken down into individual jobs and assigned to the different clusters by a central scheduler. Once these smaller jobs are completed, they are progressively put together with other jobs (which, in turn, would be a job) until the final answer is computed.

While it may seem that most of us will seldom (if ever) work with HPC, the move toward big data analytics will probably drive us there sooner rather than later. For this reason, we need to be at least aware of some of the biggest security challenges with HPC. The first one is, quite simply, the very purpose of HPC’s existence: efficiency. Large organizations spend millions of dollars building these custom systems for the purpose of crunching numbers really fast. Security tends to slow down (at least a little) just about everything, so we’re already fighting an uphill battle. Fortunately, the very fact that HPC systems are so expensive and esoteric can help us justify the first rule for securing them, which is to put them in their own isolated enclave. Complete isolation is probably infeasible in many cases because raw data must flow in and solutions must flow out at some point. The goal would be to identify exactly how those flows should happen and then force them through a few gateways that can restrict who can communicate with the HPC system and under what conditions.

Another way in which HPC systems actually help us secure them is by following some very specific patterns of behavior during normal operations: jobs come in to the schedulers, which then assign them to specific clusters, which then return results in a specific format. Apart from some housekeeping functions, that’s pretty much all that happens in an HPC system. It just happens a lot! These predictable patterns mean that anomaly detection is much easier than in a typical IT environment with thousands of users each doing their own thing.

Finally, since performance is so critical to HPC, most attacks are likely to affect it in noticeable ways. For this reason, simply monitoring the performance of the system will probably reveal nefarious activities. This noticeable impact on performance, as we will see shortly, affects other, less-esoteric systems, like those that control our factories, refineries, and electric grids.

Industrial Control Systems

Industrial control systems (ICS) consist of information technology that is specifically designed to control physical devices in industrial processes. ICS exist on factory floors to control conveyor belts and industrial robots. They exist in the power and water infrastructures to control the flows of these utilities. Because, unlike the majority of other IT systems, ICS control things that can directly cause physical harm to humans, safety must be paramount in operating and securing them. Another important consideration is that, due to the roles these systems typically fulfill in manufacturing and infrastructure, maintaining their “uptime” or availability is critical. For these two reasons (safety and availability), securing ICS requires a slightly different approach than that used to secure traditional IT systems.


Safety is the paramount concern in operating and securing industrial control systems.

The term industrial control system actually is an umbrella term covering a number of somewhat different technologies that were developed independently to solve different problems. The term encompasses programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that open or close valves, remote terminal units (RTUs) that relay readings and execute commands, and specialized databases called data historians that capture all process data for analysis. ICS, with all its technologies, protocols, and devices, can generally be divided into two solution spaces:

• Controlling physical processes that take place in a (more or less) local area. This involves what are called distributed control systems (DCS).

• Controlling processes that take place at multiple sites separated by significant distances. This is addressed through supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).

We’ll delve into both of these solution spaces shortly.

Images NOTE

A good resource for ensuring ICS safety, security, and availability is NIST Special Publication 800-82, Revision 2, Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security, discussed further later in this section.

Another umbrella term you may see is operational technology (OT), which includes both ICS and some traditional IT systems that are needed to make sure all the ICS devices can talk to each other. Figure 7-3 shows the relationship between these terms. Note that there is overlap between DCS and SCADA, in this case shown by the PLC, which supports both types of systems. Before we discuss each of the two major categories of ICS, let’s take a quick look at some of the devices, like PLCs, that are needed to make these systems work.


Figure 7-3 Relationship between OT terms


There are a lot of different types of devices in use in OT systems. Increasingly, the lines between these types are blurred as different features converge in newer devices. However, most OT environments will have PLCs, a human-machine interface (HMI), and a data historian, which we describe in the following sections. Please note that you don’t need to memorize what any of the following devices do in order to pass the CISSP exam. However, being familiar with them will help you understand the security implications of ICS and how OT and IT systems intertwine in the real world.

Programmable Logic Controller

When automation (the physical kind, not the computing kind to which we’re accustomed) first showed up on factory floors, it was bulky, brittle, and difficult to maintain. If, for instance, you wanted an automatic hammer to drive nails into boxes moving through a conveyor belt, you would arrange a series of electrical relays such that they would sequentially actuate the hammer, retrieve it, and then wait for the next box. Whenever you wanted to change your process or repurpose the hammer, you would have to suffer through a complex and error-prone reconfiguration process.

Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are computers designed to control electromechanical processes such as assembly lines, elevators, roller coasters, and nuclear centrifuges. The idea is that a PLC can be used in one application today and then easily reprogrammed to control something else tomorrow. PLCs normally connect to the devices they control over a standard serial interface such as RS-232, and to the devices that control them over Ethernet cables. The communications protocols themselves, however, are not always standard. The dominant protocols are Modbus and EtherNet/IP, but this is not universal. While this lack of universality in communications protocols creates additional challenges to securing PLCs, we are seeing a trend toward standardization of these serial connection protocols. This is particularly important because, while early PLCs had limited or no network connectivity, it is now rare to see a PLC that is not network-enabled.

PLCs can present some tough security challenges. Unlike the IT devices with which many of us are more familiar, these OT devices tend to have very long lifetimes. It’s not unusual for production systems to include PLCs that are ten years old or older. Depending on how the ICS was architected, it may be difficult to update or patch the PLCs. When you couple this difficulty with the risk of causing downtime to a critical industrial process, you may understand why some PLCs can go years without getting patched. To make things worse, we’ve seen plenty of PLCs using factory default passwords that are well documented. While modern PLCs come with better security features, odds are that an OT environment will have some legacy controllers hiding somewhere. The best thing to do is to ensure that all PLC network segments are strictly isolated from all nonessential devices and are monitored closely for anomalous traffic.

Human-Machine Interface

A human-machine interface (HMI) is usually a regular workstation running a proprietary supervisory system that allows operators to monitor and control an ICS. An HMI normally has a dashboard that shows a diagram or schematic of the system being controlled, the readings from whatever sensors the system has in place, and buttons with which to control your actuators. Figure 7-4 shows a simplified HMI screen for a small fuel distribution system. Each of the three tanks shows how much fuel it contains. Three valves control the flow of fuel between the tanks, and all three are closed. If the operator wanted to move fuel around, she would simply click the CLOSED button, it would change to OPEN, and the fuel would be free to move. Similarly, clicking the OFF button on the pumps would turn them on to actually move the fuel around.


Figure 7-4 A simplified HMI screen

Another feature of HMIs is alarm monitoring. Each sensor (like those monitoring tank levels in our example) can be configured to alarm if certain values are reached. This is particularly important when it comes to the pressure in a pipeline, the temperature in a tank, or the load on a power line. HMIs usually include automation features that can automatically instruct PLCs to take certain actions when alarm conditions are met, such as tripping breakers when loads are too high.

HMIs simplify the myriad of details that make the ICS work so that the operators are not overwhelmed. In the simple example in Figure 7-4, Pump 1 would typically have a safety feature that would prevent it from being open unless Valve 1 and/or Valve 2 were open and the capacity in Tank 3 was not 100 percent. These features are manually programmed by the plant staff when the system is installed and are periodically audited for safety. Keep in mind that safety is of even more importance than security in OT environments.

Technically, securing an HMI is mostly the same as securing any IT system. Keep in mind that this is normally just a regular workstation that just happens to be running this proprietary piece of software. The challenge is that, because HMIs are part of mission-critical industrial systems where safety and efficiency are paramount, there can be significant resistance from OT staff to making any changes or taking any actions that can compromise either of these imperatives. These actions, of course, could include the typical security measures such as installing endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems, scanning them for vulnerabilities, conducting penetration tests, or even mandating unique credentials for each user with strong authentication. (Imagine what could happen if the HMI is locked, there is an emergency, and the logged-in user is on a break.)

Data Historian

As the name suggests, a data historian is a data repository that keeps a history of everything seen in the ICS. This includes all sensor values, alarms, and commands issued, all of which are timestamped. A data historian can communicate directly with other ICS devices, such as PLCs and HMIs. Sometimes, a data historian is embedded with (or at least running on the same workstation as) the HMI. Most OT environments, however, have a dedicated data historian (apart from the HMI) in a different network segment. The main reason for this is that this device usually communicates with enterprise IT systems for planning and accounting purposes. For example, the data historian in our fuel system example would provide data on how much fuel was delivered out of Tank 3.

One of the key challenges in securing the data historian stems from the fact that it frequently has to talk to both PLCs (and similar devices) and enterprise IT systems (e.g., for accounting purposes). A best practice when this is required is to put the data historian in a specially hardened network segment like a demilitarized zone (DMZ) and implement restrictive ACLs to ensure unidirectional traffic from the PLCs to the historian and from the historian to the enterprise IT systems. This can be done using a traditional firewall (or even a router), but some organizations instead use specialized devices called data diodes, which are security hardened and permit traffic to flow only in one direction.

Distributed Control System

A distributed control system (DCS) is a network of control devices within fairly close proximity that are part of one or more industrial processes. DCS usage is very common in manufacturing plants, oil refineries, and power plants, and is characterized by decisions being made in a concerted manner, but by different nodes within the system.

You can think of a DCS as a hierarchy of devices. At the bottom level, you will find the physical devices that are being controlled or that provide inputs to the system. One level up, you will find the microcontrollers and PLCs that directly interact with the physical devices but also communicate with higher-level controllers. Above the PLCs are the supervisory computers that control, for example, a given production line. You can also have a higher level that deals with plant-wide controls, which would require some coordination among different production lines.

As you can see, the concept of a DCS was born from the need to control fairly localized physical processes. Because of this, the communications protocols in use are not optimized for wide-area communications or for security. Another byproduct of this localized approach is that DCS users felt for many years that all they needed to do to secure their systems was to provide physical security. If the bad guys can’t get into the plant, it was thought, then they can’t break our systems. This is because, typically, a DCS consists of devices within the same plant. However, technological advances and converging technologies are blurring the line between a DCS and a SCADA system.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

While DCS technology is well suited for local processes such as those in a manufacturing plant, it was never intended to operate across great distances. The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems were developed to control large-scale physical processes involving nodes separated by significant distances. The main conceptual differences between DCS and SCADA are size and distances. So, while the control of a power plant is perfectly suited for a traditional DCS, the distribution of the generated power across a power grid would require a SCADA system.

SCADA systems typically involve three kinds of devices: endpoints, backends, and user stations. A remote terminal unit (RTU) is an endpoint that connects directly to sensors and/or actuators. Though there are still plenty of RTUs in use, many RTUs have been replaced with PLCs. The data acquisition servers (DAS) are backends that receive all data from the endpoints through a telemetry system and perform whatever correlation or analysis may be necessary. Finally, the users in charge of controlling the system interact with it through the use of the previously introduced human-machine interface (HMI), the user station that displays the data from the endpoints and allows the users to issue commands to the actuators (e.g., to close a valve or open a switch).

One of the main challenges with operating at great distances is effective communications, particularly when parts of the process occur in areas with limited, spotty, or nonexistent telecommunications infrastructures. SCADA systems commonly use dedicated cables and radio links to cover these large expanses. Many legacy SCADA implementations rely on older proprietary communications protocols and devices. For many years, this led this community to feel secure because only someone with detailed knowledge of an obscure protocol and access to specialized communications gear could compromise the system. In part, this assumption is one of the causes of the lack of effective security controls on legacy SCADA communications. While this thinking may have been arguable in the past, today’s convergence on IP-based protocols makes it clear that this is not a secure way of doing business.

ICS Security

The single greatest vulnerability in ICS is their increasing connectivity to traditional IT networks. This has two notable side effects: it accelerates convergence toward standard protocols, and it exposes once-private systems to anyone with an Internet connection. NIST SP 800-82 Rev. 2 has a variety of recommendations for ICS security, but we highlight some of the most important ones here:

• Apply a risk management process to ICS.

• Segment the network to place IDS/IPS at the subnet boundaries.

• Disable unneeded ports and services on all ICS devices.

• Implement least privilege through the ICS.

• Use encryption wherever feasible.

• Ensure there is a process for patch management.

• Monitor audit trails regularly.

Let’s look at a concrete (if seriously simplified) example in Figure 7-5. We’re only showing a handful of IT and OT devices, but the zones are representative of a real environment. Starting from the right, you see the valves and pumps that are controlled by the PLC in the OT network. The PLC is directly connected to the HMI so that the PLC can be monitored and controlled by the operator. Both the PLC and the HMI are also connected (through a firewall) to the OT data historian in the OT DMZ. This is so that everything that happens in the OT network can be logged and analyzed. The OT data historian can also communicate with the enterprise server in the IT network to pass whatever data is required for planning, accounting, auditing, and reporting. If a user, say, in the accounting department, wants any of this data, he would get it from the enterprise server and would not be able to connect directly to the OT data historian. If a customer wanted to check via the Internet how much fuel they’ve been dispensed, they would log into their portal on the public server and that device would query the enterprise server for the relevant data.


Figure 7-5 A simplified IT/OT environment

Note that each segment is protected by a firewall (or data diode) that allows only specific devices in the next zone to connect in very restrictive ways to get only specific data. No device should ever be able to connect any further than one segment to the left or right.

Network segmentation also helps mitigate one of the common risks in many OT environments: unpatched devices. It is not rare to find devices that have been operating unpatched for several years. There are many reasons for this. First, ICS devices have very long shelf lives. They can remain in use for a decade or longer and may no longer receive updates from the manufacturer. They can also be very expensive, which means organizations may be unwilling or unable to set up a separate laboratory in which to test patches to ensure they don’t cause unanticipated effects on the production systems. While this is a pretty standard practice in IT environments, it is pretty rare in the OT world. Without prior testing, patches could cause outages or safety issues and, as we know, maintaining availability and ensuring safety are the two imperatives of the OT world.

So, it is not all that strange for us to have to live with unpatched devices. The solution is to isolate them as best as we can. At a very minimum, it should be impossible for ICS devices to be reachable from the Internet. Better yet, we control access strictly from one zone to the next, as discussed previously. But for unpatched control devices, we have to be extremely paranoid and surround them with protective barriers that are monitored continuously.


The most important principle in defending OT systems is to isolate them from the public Internet, either logically or physically.

Virtualized Systems

If you have been into computers for a while, you might remember computer games that did not have the complex, lifelike graphics of today’s games. Pong and Asteroids were what we had to play with when we were younger. In those simpler times, the games were 16-bit and were written to work in a 16-bit MS-DOS environment. When our Windows operating systems moved from 16-bit to 32-bit, the 32-bit operating systems were written to be backward compatible, so someone could still load and play a 16-bit game in an environment that the game did not understand. The continuation of this little life pleasure was available to users because the OSs created virtual environments for the games to run in. Backward compatibility was also introduced with 64-bit OSs.

When a 32-bit application needs to interact with a 64-bit OS, it has been developed to make system calls and interact with the computer’s memory in a way that would only work within a 32-bit OS—not a 64-bit system. So, the virtual environment simulates a 32-bit OS, and when the application makes a request, the OS converts the 32-bit request into a 64-bit request (this is called thunking) and reacts to the request appropriately. When the system sends a reply to this request, it changes the 64-bit reply into a 32-bit reply so the application understands it.

Today, virtual environments are much more advanced. Virtualized systems are those that exist in software-simulated environments. In our previous example of Pong, the 16-bit game “thinks” it is running on a 16-bit computer when in fact this is an illusion created by a layer of virtualizing software. In this case, the virtualized system was developed to provide backward compatibility. In many other cases, virtualization allows us to run multiple services or even full computers simultaneously on the same hardware, greatly enhancing resource (e.g., memory, processor) utilization, reducing operating costs, and even providing improved security, among other benefits.

Virtual Machines

Virtual machines (VMs) are entire computer systems that reside inside a virtualized environment. This means that you could have a legitimate Windows workstation running within a Linux server, complete with automatic updates from Microsoft, licensed apps from any vendor, and performance that is virtually indistinguishable (pun intended) from a similar Windows system running on “bare metal.” This VM is commonly referred to as a guest that is executed in the host environment, which, in our example, would be the Linux server.

Virtualization allows a single host environment to execute multiple guests at once, with multiple VMs dynamically pooling resources from a common physical system. Computer resources such as RAM, processors, and storage are emulated through the host environment. The VMs do not directly access these resources; instead, they communicate with a hypervisor within the host environment, which is responsible for managing system resources. The hypervisor is the central program that controls the execution of the various guest operating systems and provides the abstraction level between the guest and host environments, as shown in Figure 7-6.


Figure 7-6 The hypervisor controls virtual machine instances.

There are two types of hypervisors. A type 1 hypervisor runs directly on hardware or “bare metal” and manages access to it by its VMs. This is the sort of setup we use in server rooms and cloud environments. Examples of type 1 hypervisors are Citrix/Xen Server and VMware ESXi. A type 2 hypervisor, on the other hand, runs as an application on an OS. This allows users, for example, to host a Windows VM in their macOS computer. Type 2 hypervisors are commonly used by developers and security researchers to test their work in a controlled environment or use applications that are not available for the host OS. Examples of type 2 hypervisors are Oracle VM VirtualBox and VMware Workstation.

Hypervisors allow you to have one computer running several different operating systems at one time. For example, you can run a system with Windows 10, Linux, and Windows 2016 on one computer. Think of a house that has different rooms. Each OS gets its own room, but each shares the same resources that the house provides—a foundation, electricity, water, roof, and so on. An OS that is “living” in a specific room does not need to know about or interact with another OS in another room to take advantage of the resources provided by the house. The same concept happens in a computer: Each OS shares the resources provided by the physical system (memory, processor, buses, and so on). The OSs “live” and work in their own “rooms,” which are the guest VMs. The physical computer itself is the host.

Why would we want to virtualize our machines? One reason is that it is cheaper than having a full physical system for each and every operating system. If they can all live on one system and share the same physical resources, your costs are reduced immensely. This is the same reason people get roommates. The rent can be split among different people, and all can share the same house and resources. Another reason to use virtualization is security. Providing to each OS its own “clean” environment to work within reduces the possibility of the various OSs negatively interacting with each other.

Furthermore, since every aspect of the virtual machine, including the contents of its disk drives and even its memory, is stored as files within the host, restoring a backup is a snap. All you have to do is drop the set of backed-up files onto a new hypervisor and you will instantly restore a VM to whatever state it was in when the backup was made. Contrast this with having to rebuild a physical computer from backups, which can take a lot longer.

On the flip side of security, any vulnerability in the hypervisor would give an attacker unparalleled and virtually undetectable (pun not intended) power to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of VMs running on it. This is not a hypothetical scenario, as both VirtualBox and VMware have reported (and patched) such vulnerabilities in recent years. The takeaway from these discoveries is that we should assume that any component of an information system could be compromised and ask ourselves the questions “how would I detect it?” and “how can I mitigate it?”


As virtualization matured, a new branch called containerization emerged. A container is an application that runs in its own isolated user space. Whereas virtual machines have their own complete operating systems running on top of hypervisors and share the resources provided by the bare metal, containers sit on top of OSs and share the resources provided by the host OS. Instead of abstracting the hardware for guest OSs, container software abstracts the kernel of the OS for the applications running above it. This allows for low overhead in running many applications and improved speed in deploying instances, because a whole VM doesn’t have to be started for every application. Rather, the application, services, processes, libraries, and any other dependencies can be wrapped up into one unit.

Additionally, each container operates in a sandbox, with the only means to interact being through the user interface or application programming interface (API) calls. The big names to know in this space are Docker on the commercial side and Kubernetes as the open-source alternative. Containers have enabled rapid development operations because developers can test their code more quickly, changing only the components necessary in the container and then redeploying.

Securing containers requires a different approach than we’d take with full-sized VMs. Obviously, we want to harden the host OS. But we also need to pay attention to each container and the manner in which it interacts with clients and other containers. Keep in mind that containers are frequently used in rapid development. This means that, unless you build secure development right into the development team, you will likely end up with insecure code. We’ll address the integration of development, security, and operations staff when we discuss DevSecOps in Chapters 24 and 25, but for now remember that it’s really difficult to secure containers that have been developed insecurely.

NIST offers some excellent specific guidance on securing containers in NIST SP 800-190, Application Container Security Guide. Among the most important recommendations in that publication are the following:

• Use container-specific host OSs instead of general-purpose ones to reduce attack surfaces.

• Only group containers with the same purpose, sensitivity, and threat posture on a single host OS kernel to allow for additional defense in depth.

Adopt container-specific vulnerability management tools and processes for images to prevent compromises.

• Use container-aware runtime defense tools such as intrusion prevention systems.


A common use of containers is to host microservices, which is a way of developing software where, rather than building one large enterprise application, the functionality is divided into multiple smaller components that, working together in a distributed manner, implement all the needed features. Think of it as a software development version of the old “divide and conquer” approach. Microservices are considered an architectural style rather than a standard, but there is broad consensus that they consist of small, decentralized, individually deployable services built around business capabilities. They also tend to be loosely coupled, which means there aren’t a lot of dependencies between the individual services. As a result, microservices are quick to develop, test, and deploy and can be exchanged without breaking the larger system. For many business applications, microservices are also more efficient and scalable than monolithic server-based architectures.

Images NOTE

Containers and microservices don’t have to be used together. It’s just very common to do so.

The decentralization of microservices can present a security challenge. How can you track adversarial behaviors through a system of microservices, where each service does one discrete task? The answer is log aggregation. Whereas microservices are decentralized, we want to log them in a centralized fashion so we can look for patterns that span multiple services and can point to malicious intent. Admittedly, you will need automation and perhaps data analytics or artificial intelligence to detect these malicious events, but you won’t have a chance at spotting them unless you aggregate the logs.


If we gain efficiency and scalability by breaking up a big service into a bunch of microservices, can we gain even more by breaking up the microservices further? The answer, in many cases, is yes, because hosting a service (even a micro one) means that you have to provision, manage, update, and run the thing. So, if we’re going to go further down this road of dividing and conquering, the next level of granularity is individual functions.

Hosting a service usually means setting up hardware, provisioning and managing servers, defining load management mechanisms, setting up requirements, and running the service. In a serverless architecture, the services offered to end users, such as compute, storage, or messaging, along with their required configuration and management, can be performed without a requirement from the user to set up any server infrastructure. The focus is strictly at the individual function level. These serverless models are designed primarily for massive scaling and high availability. Additionally, from a cost perspective, they are attractive, because billing occurs based on what cycles are actually used versus what is provisioned in advance.

Integrating security mechanisms into serverless models is not as simple as ensuring that the underlying technologies are hardened. Because visibility into host infrastructure operations is limited, implementing countermeasures for remote code execution or modifying access control lists isn’t as straightforward as it would be with traditional server design. In the serverless model, security analysts are usually restricted to applying controls at the application or function level and then keeping a close eye on network traffic.

As you probably know by now, serverless architectures rely on the capability to automatically and securely provision, run, and then deprovision computing resources on demand. This capability undergirds their economic promise: you only pay for exactly the computing you need to perform just the functions that are required, and not a penny more. It is also essential to meet the arbitrary scalability of serverless systems. This capability is characteristic of cloud computing.

Cloud-Based Systems

If you were asked to install a brand-new server room for your organization, you would probably have to clear your calendar for weeks (or longer) to address the many tasks that would be involved. From power and environmental controls to hardware acquisition, installation, and configuration to software builds, the list is long and full of headaches. Now, imagine that you can provision all the needed servers in minutes using a simple graphical interface or a short script and that you can get rid of them just as quickly when you no longer need them. This is one of the benefits of cloud computing.

Cloud computing is the use of shared, remote computing devices for the purpose of providing improved efficiencies, performance, reliability, scalability, and security. These devices are usually based on virtual machines running on shared infrastructure and can be outsourced to a third-party cloud service provider (CSP) on a public cloud or provided in-house on a private cloud. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing infrastructure with random strangers (though this is done securely), there is also a virtual private cloud (VPC) model in which you get your own walled garden inside an otherwise public cloud.

Generally speaking, there are three models for cloud computing services:

Software as a Service (SaaS) The user of SaaS is allowed to use a specific application that executes on the CSP’s environment. Examples of SaaS are Microsoft 365 and Google Apps, which you use via a web interface but someone else provisions and maintains everything for you.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) In this model, the user gets access to a computing platform that is typically built on a server operating system. An example of this would be spawning an instance of Windows Server 2019 to provide a web server. The CSP is normally responsible for configuring and securing the platform, however, so the user normally doesn’t get administrative privileges over the entire platform.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) If you want full, unfettered access to (and responsibility for securing) a cloud-based VM, you would want to use the IaaS model. Following up on the previous example, this would allow you to manage the patching of the Windows Server 2019 instance. The catch is that the CSP has no responsibility for security; it’s all on you.

If you are a user of IaaS, you probably won’t do things too differently than you already do to secure your systems. The only exception is that you wouldn’t have physical access to the computers if a CSP hosts them. If, on the other hand, you use SaaS or PaaS, the security of your systems will almost always rely on the policies and contracts that you put into place. The policies will dictate how your users interact with the cloud services. This would include the information classification levels that would be allowed on those services, terms of use, and other policies. The contracts will specify the quality of service and what the CSP will do with or for you in responding to security events.


It is imperative that you carefully review the terms of service when evaluating a potential contract for cloud services and consider them in the context of your organization’s security. Though the industry is getting better all the time, security provisions are oftentimes lacking in these contracts at this time.

Software as a Service

SaaS is pervasively used by most enterprises. According to some estimates, the average company uses nearly 2,000 unique cloud services for everything from writing memos to managing their sales pipeline. The whole idea is that, apart from a fairly small amount of allowed customization, you just pay for the licenses and the vendor takes care of making sure all your users have access to the software, regardless of where they are.

Given the popularity of SaaS solutions, cloud service providers such as Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, and Google often dedicate large teams to securing all aspects of their service infrastructure. Increasingly, however, most security incidents involving SaaS occur at the data-handling level, where these infrastructure companies do not have the responsibility or visibility required to take action. For example, how could the CSP be held liable when one of your employees shares a confidential file with an unauthorized third party?

So, visibility is one of our main concerns as security professionals when it comes to SaaS. Do you know what assets you have and how they are being used? The “McAfee 2019 Cloud Adoption and Risk Report” describes the disconnect between the number of cloud services that organizations believe are being accessed by their users and the number of cloud services that are actually being accessed. The discrepancy, according to the report, can be several orders of magnitude. As we have mentioned before, you can’t protect what you don’t know you have. This is where solutions like cloud access security brokers (CASBs) and data loss prevention (DLP) systems can come in very handy.

Images NOTE

We already covered CASBs and DLP systems in Chapter 6.

Platform as a Service

What if, instead of licensing someone else’s application, you have developed your own and need a place to host it for your users? You’d want to have a fair amount of flexibility in terms of configuring the hosting environment, but you probably could use some help in terms of provisioning and securing it. You can secure the app, for sure, but would like someone else to take care of things like hardening the host, patching the underlying OS, and maybe even monitoring access to the VM. This is where PaaS comes in.

PaaS has a similar set of functionalities as SaaS and provides many of the same benefits in that the CSP manages the foundational technologies of the stack in a manner transparent to the end user. You simply tell your provider, “I’d like a Windows Server 2019 with 64 gigabytes of RAM and eight cores,” and, voilá, there it is. You get direct access to a development or deployment environment that enables you to build and host your own solutions on a cloud-based infrastructure without having to build your own infrastructure. PaaS solutions, therefore, are optimized to provide value focused on software development. PaaS, by its very nature, is designed to provide an organization with tools that interact directly with what may be its most important asset: its source code.

At the physical infrastructure, in PaaS, service providers assume the responsibility of maintenance and protection and employ a number of methods to deter successful exploits at this level. This often means PaaS providers require trusted sources for hardware, use strong physical security for its data centers, and monitor access to the physical servers and connections to and from them. Additionally, PaaS providers often enhance their protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks using network-based technologies that require no additional configuration from the user.

While the PaaS model makes a lot of provisioning, maintenance, and security problems go away for you, it is worth noting that it does nothing to protect the software systems you host there. If you build and deploy insecure code, there is very little your CSP will be able to do to keep it protected. PaaS providers focus on the infrastructure on which the service runs, but you still have to ensure that the software is secure and the appropriate controls are in place. We’ll dive into how to build secure code in Chapters 24 and 25.

Infrastructure as a Service

Sometimes, you just have to roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and build your own servers from the ground up. Maybe the applications and services you have developed require your IT and security teams to install and configure components at the OS level that would not be accessible to you in the PaaS model. You don’t need someone to make platforms that they manage available to you; you need to build platforms from the ground up yourself. IaaS gives you just that. You upload an image to the CSP’s environment and build your own hosts however you need them.

As a method of efficiently assigning hardware through a process of constant assignment and reclamation, IaaS offers an effective and affordable way for organizations to get all of the benefits of managing their own hardware without incurring the massive overhead costs associated with acquisition, physical storage, and disposal of the hardware. In this service model, the vendor provides the hardware, network, and storage resources necessary for the user to install and maintain any operating system, dependencies, and applications they want. The vendor deals with all hardware issues for you, leaving you to focus on the virtual hosts.

In the IaaS model, the majority of the security controls (apart from physical ones) are your responsibility. Obviously, you want to have a robust security team to manage these. Still, there are some risks that are beyond your control and for which you rely on your vendor, such as any vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to exploit flaws in hard disks, RAM, CPU caches, and GPUs. One attack scenario affecting IaaS cloud providers could enable a malicious actor to implant persistent back doors for data theft into bare-metal cloud servers. A vulnerability either in the hypervisor supporting the visualization of various tenant systems or in the firmware of the hardware in use could introduce a vector for this attack. This attack would be difficult for the customer to detect because it would be possible for all services to appear unaffected at a higher level of the technology stack.

Though the likelihood of a successful exploit of this kind of vulnerability is quite low, defects and errors at this level may still incur significant costs unrelated to an actual exploit. Take, for example, the 2014 hypervisor update performed by Amazon Web Services (AWS), which essentially forced a complete restart of a major cloud offering, the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In response to the discovery of a critical security flaw in the open-source hypervisor Xen, Amazon forced EC2 instances globally to restart to ensure the patch would take correctly and that customers remained unaffected. In most cases, though, as with many other cloud services, attacks against IaaS environments are possible because of misconfiguration on the customer side.

Everything as a Service

It’s worth reviewing the basic premise of cloud service offerings: you save money by only paying for exactly the resources you actually use, while having the capacity to scale those up as much as you need to at a moment’s notice. If you think about it, this model can apply to things other than applications and computers. Everything as a Service (XaaS) captures the trend to apply the cloud model to a large range of offerings, from entertainment (e.g., television shows and feature-length movies), to cybersecurity (e.g., Security as a Service), to serverless computing environments (e.g., Function as a Service). Get ready for the inevitable barrage of <fill-in-the-blank> as a Service offerings coming your way.

Cloud Deployment Models

By now you may be a big believer in the promise of cloud computing but may be wondering, “Where, exactly, is the cloud?” The answer, as in so many questions in our field, is “It depends.” There are four common models for deploying cloud computing resources, each with its own features and limitations:

• A public cloud is the most prevalent model, in which a vendor like AWS owns all the resources and provides them as a service to all its customers. Importantly, the resources are shared among all customers, albeit in a transparent and secure manner. Public cloud vendors typically also offer a virtual private cloud (VPC) as an option, in which increased isolation between users provides added security.

• A private cloud is owned and operated by the organization that uses its services. Here, you own, operate, and maintain the servers, storage, and networking needed to provide the services, which means you don’t share resources with anyone. This approach can provide the best security, but the tradeoff might be higher costs and a cap on scalability.

• A community cloud is a private cloud that is co-owned (or at least shared) by a specific set of partner organizations. This approach is commonly implemented in large conglomerates where multiple firms report to the same higher-tier headquarters.

• A hybrid cloud combines on-premises infrastructure with a public cloud, with a significant effort placed in the management of how data and applications leverage each solution to achieve organizational goals. Organizations that use a hybrid model often derive benefits offered by both public and private models.

Pervasive Systems

Cloud computing is all about the concentration of computing power so that it may be dynamically reallocated among customers. Going in the opposite conceptual direction, pervasive computing (also called ubiquitous computing or ubicomp) is the concept that small (even tiny) amounts of computing power are spread out everywhere and computing is embedded into everyday objects that communicate with each other, often with little or no user interaction, to do very specific things for particular customers. In this model, computers are everywhere and communicate on their own with each other, bringing really cool new features but also really thorny new security challenges.

Embedded Systems

An embedded system is a self-contained computer system (that is, it has its own processor, memory, and input/output devices) designed for a very specific purpose. An embedded device is part of (or embedded into) some other mechanical or electrical device or system. Embedded systems typically are cheap, rugged, and small, and they use very little power. They are usually built around microcontrollers, which are specialized devices that consist of a CPU, memory, and peripheral control interfaces. Microcontrollers have a very basic operating system, if they have one at all. A digital thermometer is an example of a very simple embedded system; other examples of embedded systems include traffic lights and factory assembly line controllers. As you can see from these examples, embedded systems are frequently used to sense and/or act on a physical environment. For this reason, they are sometimes called cyber-physical systems.

The main challenge in securing embedded systems is that of ensuring the security of the software that drives them. Many vendors build their embedded systems around commercially available microprocessors, but they use their own proprietary code that is difficult, if not impossible, for a customer to audit. Depending on the risk tolerance of your organization, this may be acceptable as long as the embedded systems are standalone. The problem, however, is that these systems are increasingly shipping with some sort of network connectivity. For example, some organizations have discovered that some of their embedded devices have “phone home” features that are not documented. In some cases, this has resulted in potentially sensitive information being transmitted to the manufacturer. If a full audit of the embedded device security is not possible, at a very minimum, you should ensure that you see what data flows in and out of it across any network.

Another security issue presented by many embedded systems concerns the ability to update and patch them securely. Many embedded devices are deployed in environments where they have no Internet connectivity. Even if this is not the case and the devices can check for updates, establishing secure communications or verifying digitally signed code, both of which require processor-intensive cryptography, may not be possible on a cheap device.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the global network of connected embedded systems. What distinguishes the IoT is that each node is connected to the Internet and is uniquely addressable. By some accounts, this network is expected to reach 31 billion devices by 2025, which makes this a booming sector of the global economy. Perhaps the most visible aspect of this explosion is in the area of smart homes in which lights, furnaces, and even refrigerators collaborate to create the best environment for the residents.

With this level of connectivity and access to physical devices, the IoT poses many security challenges. Among the issues to address by anyone considering adoption of IoT devices are the following:

Authentication Embedded devices are not known for incorporating strong authentication support, which is the reason why most IoT devices have very poor (if any) authentication.

Encryption Cryptography is typically expensive in terms of processing power and memory requirements, both of which are very limited in IoT devices. The fallout of this is that data at rest and data in transit can be vulnerable in many parts of the IoT.

Updates Though IoT devices are networked, many vendors in this fast-moving sector do not provide functionality to automatically update their software and firmware when patches are available.

Perhaps the most dramatic illustration to date of what can happen when millions of insecure IoT devices are exploited by an attacker is the Mirai botnet. Mirai is a malware strain that infects IoT devices and was behind one of the largest and most effective botnets in recent history. The Mirai botnet took down major websites via massive DDoS attacks against several sites and service providers using hundreds of thousands of compromised IoT devices. In October 2016, a Mirai attack targeted the popular DNS provider Dyn, which provided name resolution to many popular websites such as Airbnb, Amazon, GitHub, HBO, Netflix, PayPal, Reddit, and Twitter. After taking down Dyn, Mirai left millions of users unable to access these sites for hours.

Distributed Systems

A distributed system is one in which multiple computers work together to do something. The earlier section “Server-Based Systems” already covered a specific example of a four-tier distributed system. It is this collaboration that more generally defines a distributed system. A server-based system is a specific kind of distributed system in which devices in one group (or tier) act as clients for devices in an adjacent group. A tier-1 client cannot work directly with the tier-4 database, as shown earlier in Figure 7-1. We could then say that a distributed system is any system in which multiple computing nodes, interconnected by a network, exchange information for the accomplishment of collective tasks.

Not all distributed systems are hierarchical like the example in Figure 7-1. Another approach to distributed computing is found in peer-to-peer systems, which are systems in which each node is considered an equal (as opposed to a client or a server) to all others. There is no overarching structure, and nodes are free to request services from any other node. The result is an extremely resilient structure that fares well even when large numbers of nodes become disconnected or otherwise unavailable. If you had a typical client/server model and you lost your server, you’d be down for the count. In a peer-to-peer system, you could lose multiple nodes and still be able to accomplish whatever task you needed to. Clearly, not every application lends itself to this model, because some tasks are inherently hierarchical or centralized. Popular examples of peer-to-peer systems are file sharing systems like BitTorrent, anonymizing networks like The Onion Router (TOR), and cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

One of the most important issues in securing distributed systems is network communications, which are essential to these systems. While the obvious approach would be to encrypt all traffic, it can be challenging to ensure all nodes are using cryptography that is robust enough to mitigate attacks. This is particularly true when the system includes IoT or OT components that may not have the same crypto capabilities as traditional computers.

Even if you encrypt all traffic (and you really should) in a distributed system, there’s still the issue of trust. How do we ensure that every user and every node is trustworthy? How could you tell if part of the system was compromised? Identity and access management is another key area to address, as is the ability to isolate users or nodes from the system should they become compromised.

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We will discuss identity and access management (IAM) in Chapter 16.

Edge Computing Systems

An interesting challenge brought about by the proliferation of IoT devices is how to service them in a responsive, scalable, and cost-effective manner. To understand the problem, let’s first consider a server-based example. Suppose you enjoy playing a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) on your web browser. The game company would probably host the backend servers in the cloud to allow massive scalability, so the processing power is not an issue. Now suppose all these servers were provisioned in the eastern United States. Gamers in New York would have no problem enjoying the game, but those in Japan would probably have noticeable network latency issues because every one of their commands would have to be sent literally around the world to be processed by the U.S. servers, and then the resulting graphics sent back around the world to the player in Japan. That player would probably lose interest in the game really quickly. Now, suppose that the company kept its main servers in the United States but provisioned regional servers, with one of them in, say, Singapore. Most of the commands are processed in the regional server, which means that the user experience of players in Japan is a lot better, while the global leaderboard is maintained centrally in the United States. This is an example of edge computing.

Edge computing is an evolution of content distribution networks (CDNs), which were designed to bring web content closer to its clients. CDNs helped with internationalization of websites but were also very good for mitigating the effects of DDoS attacks. Edge computing is a distributed system in which some computational and data storage assets are deployed close to where they are needed in order to reduce latency and network traffic. As shown in Figure 7-7, an edge computing architecture typically has three layers: end devices, edge devices, and cloud infrastructure. The end devices can be anything from smart thermometers to self-driving cars. They have a requirement for processing data in real time, which means there are fairly precise time constraints. Think of a thermal sensor in one of your data centers and how you would need to have an alarm within minutes (at most) of it detecting rising or excessive heat.


Figure 7-7 A sample edge computing architecture for facility management

To reduce the turnaround time for these computing requirements, we deploy edge devices that are closer to, and in some cases embedded within, the end devices. Returning to the thermometer example, suppose you have several of these devices in each of your two data centers. You also have a multitude of other sensors such as fire alarms and door sensors. Rather than configuring an alarm to sound whenever the data center gets too hot, you integrate all these sensors to develop an understanding of what is going in the facility. For example, maybe the temperature is rising because someone left the back door open on a hot summer day. If it keeps going up, you want to sound a door alarm, not necessarily a temperature alarm, and do it while there is still time for the cooling system to keep the ambient temperature within tolerance. The sensors (including the thermometer) would send their data to the edge device, which is located near or in the same facility. This reduces the time needed to compute solutions and also provides a degree of protection against network outages. The determination to sound the door alarm (and when) is made there, locally, at the edge device. All (or maybe some of) the data from all the sensors at both data centers is also sent to the global cloud services infrastructure. There, we can take our time and run data analytics to discover useful patterns that could tell us how to be more efficient in how we use our resources around the world.

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As increased computing power finds its way into IoT devices, these too are becoming edge devices in some cases.

Chapter Review

Central to securing our systems is understanding their components and how they interact with each other—in other words, their architectures. While it may seem that architectural terminology overlaps quite a bit, in reality each approach brings some unique challenges and some not-so-unique challenges. As security professionals, we need to understand where architectures are similar and where they differ. We can mix and match, of course, but must also do so with a clear understanding of the underlying issues. In this chapter, we’ve classified the more common system architectures and discussed what makes them unique and what specific security challenges they pose. Odds are that you will encounter devices and systems in most, if not all, of the architectures we’ve covered here.

Quick Review

• Client-based systems execute all their core functions on the user’s device and don’t require network connectivity.

• Server-based systems require that a client make requests from a server across a network connection.

• Transactions are sequences of actions required to properly change the state of a database.

• Database transactions must be atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID).

• Aggregation is the act of combining information from separate sources and is a security problem when it allows unauthorized individuals to piece together sensitive information.

• Inference is deducing a whole set of information from a subset of its aggregated components. This is a security problem when it allows unauthorized individuals to infer sensitive information.

• High-performance computing (HPC) is the aggregation of computing power in ways that exceed the capabilities of general-purpose computers for the specific purpose of solving large problems.

• Industrial control systems (ICS) consist of information technology that is specifically designed to control physical devices in industrial processes.

• Any system in which computers and physical devices collaborate via the exchange of inputs and outputs to accomplish a task or objective is an embedded or cyber-physical system.

• The two main types of ICS are distributed control systems (DCS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The main difference between them is that a DCS controls local processes while SCADA is used to control things remotely.

• ICS should always be logically or physically isolated from public networks.

• Virtualized systems are those that exist in software-simulated environments.

• Virtual machines (VMs) are systems in which the computing hardware has been virtualized for the operating systems running in them.

Containers are systems in which the operating systems have been virtualized for the applications running in them.

• Microservices are software architectures in which features are divided into multiple separate components that work together in a distributed manner across a network.

• Containers and microservices don’t have to be used together but it’s very common to do so.

• In a serverless architecture, the services offered to end users can be performed without a requirement to set up any dedicated server infrastructure.

• Cloud computing is the use of shared, remote computing devices for the purpose of providing improved efficiencies, performance, reliability, scalability, and security.

• Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides users access to a specific application that executes in the service provider’s environment.

• Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides users access to a computing platform but not to the operating system or to the virtual machine on which it runs.

• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides users unfettered access to a cloud device, such as an instance of a server, which includes both the operating system and the virtual machine on which it runs.

• An embedded system is a self-contained, typically ruggedized, computer system with its own processor, memory, and input/output devices that is designed for a very specific purpose.

• The Internet of Things (IoT) is the global network of connected embedded systems.

• A distributed system is a system in which multiple computing nodes, interconnected by a network, exchange information for the accomplishment of collective tasks.

• Edge computing is a distributed system in which some computational and data storage assets are deployed close to where they are needed in order to reduce latency and network traffic.


Please remember that these questions are formatted and asked in a certain way for a reason. Keep in mind that the CISSP exam is asking questions at a conceptual level. Questions may not always have the perfect answer, and the candidate is advised against always looking for the perfect answer. Instead, the candidate should look for the best answer in the list.

1. Which of the following lists two foundational properties of database transactions?

A. Aggregation and inference

B. Scalability and durability

C. Consistency and performance

D. Atomicity and isolation

2. Which of the following is not true about containers?

A. They are embedded systems.

B. They are virtualized systems.

C. They commonly house microservices.

D. They operate in a sandbox.

3. What is the term that describes a database attack in which an unauthorized user is able to combine information from separate sources to learn sensitive information to which the user should not have access?

A. Aggregation

B. Containerization

C. Serialization

D. Collection

4. What is the main difference between a distributed control system (DCS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)?

A. SCADA is a type of industrial control system (ICS), while a DCS is a type of bus.

B. SCADA controls systems in close proximity, while a DCS controls physically distant ones.

C. A DCS controls systems in close proximity, while SCADA controls physically distant ones.

D. A DCS uses programmable logic controllers (PLCs), while SCADA uses remote terminal units (RTUs).

5. What is the main purpose of a hypervisor?

A. Virtualize hardware resources and manage virtual machines

B. Virtualize the operating system and manage containers

C. Provide visibility into virtual machines for access control and logging

D. Provide visibility into containers for access control and logging

6. Which cloud service model provides customers direct access to hardware, the network, and storage?

A. SaaS

B. PaaS

C. IaaS

D. FaaS

7. Which cloud service model do you recommend to enable access to developers to write custom code while also providing all employees access from remote offices?

A. PaaS

B. SaaS

C. FaaS

D. IaaS

8. Which of the following is not a major issue when securing embedded systems?

A. Use of proprietary code

B. Devices that “phone home”

C. Lack of microcontrollers

D. Ability to update and patch them securely

9. Which of the following is true about edge computing?

A. Uses no centralized computing resources, pushing all computation to the edge

B. Pushes computation to the edge while retaining centralized data management

C. Typically consists of two layers: end devices and cloud infrastructure

D. Is an evolution of content distribution networks

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 10–12. You were just hired as director of cybersecurity for an electric power company with facilities around your country. Carmen is the director of operations and offers to give you a tour so you can see the security measures that are in place on the operational technology (OT).

10. What system would be used to control power generation, distribution, and delivery to all your customers?

A. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

B. Distributed control system (DCS)

C. Programmable logic controller

D. Edge computing system

11. You see a new engineer being coached remotely by a more senior member of the staff in the use of the human-machine interface (HMI). Carmen tells you that senior engineers are allowed to access the HMI from their personal computers at home to facilitate this sort of impromptu training. She asks what you think of this policy. How should you respond?

A. Change the policy. They should not access the HMI with their personal computers, but they could do so using a company laptop, assuming they also use a virtual private network (VPN).

B. Change the policy. ICS devices should always be isolated from the Internet.

C. It is acceptable because the HMI is only used for administrative purposes and not operational functions.

D. It is acceptable because safety is the fundamental concern in ICS, so it is best to let the senior engineers be available to train other staff from home.

12. You notice that several ICS devices have never been patched. When you ask why, Carmen tells you that those are mission-critical devices, and her team has no way of testing the patches before patching these production systems. Fearing that patching them could cause unexpected outages or, worse, injure someone, she has authorized them to remain as they are. Carmen asks whether you agree. How could you respond?

A. Yes. As long as we document the risk and ensure the devices are as isolated and as closely monitored as possible.

B. Yes. Safety and availability trump all other concerns when it comes to ICS security.

C. No. You should stand up a testing environment so you can safely test the patches and then deploy them to all devices.

D. No. These are critical devices and should be patched as soon as possible.


1. D. The foundational properties of database transactions are atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID).

2. A. Containers are virtualized systems that commonly (though not always) house microservices and run in sandboxes. It would be highly unusual to implement a container as an embedded system.

3. A. Aggregation happens when a user does not have the clearance or permission to access specific information, but she does have the permission to access components of this information. She can then figure out the rest and obtain restricted information.

4. C. The main difference is that a DCS controls devices within fairly close proximity, while SCADA controls large-scale physical processes involving nodes separated by significant distances. They both can (and frequently use) PLCs, but RTUs are almost always seen in SCADA systems.

5. A. Hypervisors are almost always used to virtualize the hardware on which virtual machines run. They can also provide visibility and logging, but these are secondary functions. Containers are the equivalents of hypervisors, but they work at a higher level by virtualizing the operating system.

6. C. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers an effective and affordable way for organizations to get all the benefits of managing their own hardware without the massive overhead costs associated with acquisition, physical storage, and disposal of the hardware.

7. A. Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions are optimized to provide value focused on software development, offering direct access to a development environment to enable an organization to build its own solutions on the cloud infrastructure, rather than providing its own infrastructure.

8. C. Embedded systems are usually built around microcontrollers, which are specialized devices that consist of a CPU, memory, and peripheral control interfaces. All the other answers are major issues in securing embedded systems.

9. D. Edge computing is an evolution of content distribution networks, which were designed to bring web content closer to its clients. It is a distributed system in which some computational and data storage assets are deployed close to where they are needed in order to reduce latency and network traffic. Accordingly, some computing and data management is handled in each of three different layers: end devices, edge devices, and cloud infrastructure.

10. A. SCADA was designed to control large-scale physical processes involving nodes separated by significant distances, as is the case with electric power providers.

11. B. It is a best practice to completely isolate ICS devices from Internet access. Sometimes this is not possible for operational reasons, so remote access through a VPN could be allowed even though it is not ideal.

12. A. It is all too often the case that organizations can afford neither the risk of pushing untested patches to ICS devices nor the costs of standing up a testing environment. In these conditions, the best strategy is to isolate and monitor the devices as much as possible.

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