

This section is included to assist the students to perform the activities in the book. It includes detailed steps that are to be performed by the students to achieve the objectives of the activities.

Lesson 1: Getting Started

Activity 1: Find the Factors of 7 between 1 and 100 Using a while Loop

  1. Import all the required header files before the main function:

    #include <iostream>

  2. Inside the main function, create a variable i of type unsigned, and initialize its value as 1:

    unsigned i = 1;

  3. Now, use the while loop adding the logic where the value of i should be less than 100:

    while ( i < 100){ }

  4. In the scope of the while loop, use the if statement with the following logic:

    if (i%7 == 0) {

    std::cout << i << std::endl;


  5. Increase the value of the i variable to iterate through the while loop to validate the condition:


    The output of the program is as follows:







Activity 2: Define a Bi-Dimensional Array and Initialize Its Elements

  1. After creating a C++ file, include the following header file at the start of the program:

    #include <iostream>

  2. Now, in the main function, create a bi-directional array named foo of type integer, with three rows and three columns, as shown here:

    int main()


    int foo[3][3];

  3. Now, we will use the concept of a nested for loop to iterate through each index entry of the foo array:

    for (int x= 0; x < 3; x++){

    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++){



  4. In the second for loop, add the following statement:

    foo[x][y] = x + y;

  5. Finally, iterate over the array again to print its values:

    for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++){

    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++){

    std::cout << “foo[“ << x << “][“ << y << “]: “ << foo[x][y] << std::endl;



    The output is as follows:

    foo[0][0]: 0

    foo[0][1]: 1

    foo[0][2]: 2

    foo[1][0]: 1

    foo[1][1]: 2

    foo[1][2]: 3

    foo[2][0]: 2

    foo[2][1]: 3

    foo[2][2]: 4

Lesson 2: Functions

Activity 3: Calculating if a Person is Eligible to Vote or Not

  1. Include the header file in the program to print the output as shown here:

    #include <iostream>

  2. Now, create a function named byreference_age_in_5_years and the if loop with the following condition to print the message:

    void byreference_age_in_5_years(int& age) {

    if (age >= 18) {

    std::cout << “Congratulations! You are eligible to vote for your nation.” << std::endl;


  3. Add the else block to provide another condition if the age of the user is less than 18 years:

    } else{

    int reqAge = 18;

    int yearsToGo = reqAge-age;

    std::cout << “No worries, just “<< yearsToGo << “ more years to go.” << std::endl;



  4. In the main function, create a variable of type integer and pass it as a reference in the byreference_age_in_5_years function as shown:

    int main() {

    int age;

    std::cout << “Please enter your age:”;

    std::cin >> age;



Activity 4: Apply the Understanding of Passing by Reference or Value in Functions

  1. After adding all the required header files, create the first function of type integer as shown here:

    int sum(int a, int b)


    return a + b


    Take by value, return by value, since the types are small in memory and there is no reason to use references.

  2. The second function should be written as follows:

    int& getMaxOf(std::array<int, 10>& array1, std::array<int, 10>& array2, int index) {

    if (array1[index] >= array2[index]) {

    return array1[index];

    } else {

    return array2[index];



Activity 5: Organizing Functions in Namespaces

  1. Include the required header file and namespace to print the required output:

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

  2. Now, create a namespace named LamborghiniCar with the following output function:

    namespace LamborghiniCar


    int output(){

    std::cout << “Congratulations! You deserve the Lamborghini.” << std::endl;

    return NULL;



  3. Create another namespace named PorscheCar and add an output function as shown:

    namespace PorscheCar


    int output(){

    std::cout << “Congratulations! You deserve the Porsche.” << std::endl;

    return NULL;



In the main function, create a variable named magicNumber of type integer to accept the input from the user:

int main()


int magicNumber;

std::cout << “Select a magic number (1 or 2) to win your dream car: “;

std::cin >> magicNumber;

  1. Add the following conditional ifelse-ifelse statement to complete the program:

    if (magicNumber == 1){

    std::cout << LamborghiniCar::output() << std::endl;

    } else if(magicNumber == 2){

    std::cout << PorscheCar::output() << std::endl;


    std::cout << “Please type the correct magic number.” << std::endl;



Activity 6: Writing a Math Library for use in a 3D Game

  1. Add the required header files at the start of the program (mathlib.h file is provided):

    #include <mathlib.h>

    #include <array>

    #include <iostream>

  2. Create a global const variable of type float as shown here:

    const float ENEMY_VIEW_RADIUS_METERS = 5;

  3. In the main function, create two arrays of type float and assign the following values:

    int main() {

    std::array<float, 3> enemy1_location = {2, 2 ,0};

    std::array<float, 3> enemy2_location = {2, 4 ,0};

  4. Now, create a variable named enemy_distance of type float and use the distance function to assign the value after calculating it:

    float enemy_distance = johnny::mathlib::distance(enemy1_location, enemy2_location);

    float distance_from_center = johnny::mathlib::distance(enemy1_location);

  5. Using the circumference function of mathlib.h, calculate and assign the enemy visual radius to view_circumference_for_enemy of type float:

    using johnny::mathlib::circumference;

    float view_circumference_for_enemy = circumference(ENEMY_VIEW_RADIUS_METERS);

  6. Create a variable named total_distance of type float and assign the distance difference between the two enemies as shown in the following code:

    float total_distance = johnny::mathlib::total_walking_distance({


    {2, 3, 0}, // y += 1

    {2, 3, 3}, // z += 3

    {5, 3, 3}, // x += 3

    {8, 3, 3}, // x += 3

    {8, 3, 2}, // z -= 1

    {2, 3, 2}, // x -= 6

    {2, 3, 1}, // z -= 1

    {2, 3, 0}, // z -= 1



  7. Print the output using the following print statement:

    std::cout << “The two enemies are “ << enemy_distance << “m apart and can see for a circumference of “

    << view_circumference_for_enemy << “m. To go to from one to the other they need to walk “

    << total_distance << “m.”;


Lesson 3: Classes

Activity 7: Information Hiding Through Getters and Setters

  1. Define a class named Coordinates with its members under a private access specifier:

    class Coordinates {


    float latitude;

    float longitude;


  2. Add the four operations as specified above and make them publicly accessible by preceding their declaration with the public access specifier. The setters (set_latitude and set_longitude) should take an int as a parameter and return void, while the getters do not take any parameter and return a float:

    class Coordinates {


    float latitude;

    float longitude;


    void set_latitude(float value){}

    void set_longitude(float value){}

    float get_latitude(){}

    float get_longitude(){}


  3. The four methods should now be implemented. The setters assign the given value to the corresponding members they are supposed to set; the getters return the values that are stored.

    class Coordinates {


    float latitude;

    float longitude;


    void set_latitude(float value){ latitude = value; }

    void set_longitude(float value){ longitude = value; }

    float get_latitude(){ return latitude; }

    float get_longitude(){ return longitude; }


    An example is as follows:

    #include <iostream>

    int main() {

    Coordinates washington_dc;

    std::cout << “Object named washington_dc of type Coordinates created.” << std::endl;



    std::cout << “Object’s latitude and longitude set.” << std::endl;

    std::cout << “Washington DC has a latitude of “

    << washington_dc.get_latitude()

    << “ and longitude of “ << washington_dc.get_longitude() << std::endl;


Activity 8: Representing Positions in a 2D Map

  1. The first step is to create a class named Coordinates containing the coordinates as data members. These are two floating-point values, _latitude and _longitude, which identify the coordinates on a geographic coordinate system. Additionally, these data members are initialized with a private access specifier:

    class Coordinates {


    float _latitude;

    float _longitude;


  2. Then, the class is extended with a public constructor which takes two arguments used to initialize the data members of the class:

    class Coordinates {


    Coordinates(float latitude, float longitude)

    : _latitude(latitude), _longitude(longitude) {}


    int _latitude;

    int _longitude;


  3. We can also add getters as seen previously to access the class members. An example is as follows:

    #include <iostream>

    int main() {

    Coordinates washington_dc(38.8951, -77.0364);

    std::cout << “Object named washington_dc of type Coordinates created.”

    << std::endl;

    std::cout << “Washington DC has a latitude of “

    << washington_dc.get_latitude()

    << “ and longitude of “ << washington_dc.get_longitude()

    << std::endl;


Activity 9: Storing Multiple Coordinates of Different Positions in the Map

  1. Using the RAII programming idiom, write a class that manages memory allocation and deletion of an array of int. The class has an array of integers as member data, which will be used to store the values.

    The constructor takes the size of the array as a parameter.

    The constructor also takes care of allocating memory, which is used to store the coordinates.

  2. Finally, define a destructor and make sure to free the previously allocated array in its implementation.
  3. We can add print statements to visualize what is happening:

    class managed_array {


    explicit managed_array(size_t size) {

    array = new int[size];

    std::cout << “Array of size “ << size << “ created.” << std::endl;


    ~managed_array() {

    delete[] array;

    std::cout << “Array deleted.” << std::endl;



    int *array;


  4. We can use our managed_array class as follows:

    int main() {

    managed_array m(10);


    The output will be as follows:

    Array of size 10 created.

    Array deleted.

Activity 10: The AppleTree Class, which Creates an Apple Instance

  1. First, we need to create a class with a private constructor. In this way, the object cannot be constructed, because the constructor is not publicly accessible:

    class Apple



    Apple() {}

    // do nothing


  2. The AppleTree class is defined and contains a method called createFruit that is in charge of creating an Apple and returning it:

    #include <iostream>

    class AppleTree



    Apple createFruit(){

    Apple apple;

    std::cout << “apple created!” << std::endl;

    return apple;



  3. If we compile this code, we will get an error. At this point, the Apple constructor is private, so the AppleTree class cannot access it. We need to declare the AppleTree class as a friend of Apple to allow AppleTree to access the private methods of Apple:

    class Apple


    friend class AppleTree;


    Apple() {}

    // do nothing


  4. The Apple object can now be constructed using the following code:

    int main() {

    AppleTree tree;

    Apple apple = tree.createFruit();


    This prints the following:

    apple created!

Activity 11: Ordering Point Objects

  1. We need to add an overload for the < operator to the Point class that we have previously defined. This takes another object of type Point as an argument and returns a Boolean indicating whether the object is less than the one provided as the parameter, using the previous definition for how to compare the two points:

    class Point



    bool operator< (const Point &other){

    return x < other.x || (x == other.x && y < other.y);


    int x;

    int y;


  2. At this point, we are able to compare the two Point objects:

    #include <iostream>

    int main() {

    Point p_1, p_2;

    p_1.x = 1;

    p_1.y = 2;

    p_2.x = 2;

    p_2.y = 1;

    std::cout << std::boolalpha << (p_1 < p_2) << std::endl;


  3. Since in our example p_1.x is initialized to 1 and p_2.x to 2, the result of the comparison will be true, which indicates that p_1 comes earlier than p_2 in the order.

Activity 12: Implementing Functors

  1. Define a class constituted by a private data member of type int and add a constructor to initialize it:

    class AddX {


    AddX(int x) : x(x) {}


    int x;


  2. Extend it with the call operator operator() which takes an int as a parameter and returns an int. The implementation in the function body should return the addition of the previously defined x value and the parameter of the function named y:

    class AddX {


    AddX(int x) : x(x) {}

    int operator() (int y) { return x + y; }


    int x;


  3. Instantiate an object of the class just defined and invoke the call operator:

    int main() {

    AddX add_five(5);

    std::cout << add_five(4) << std::endl;


    The output will be as follows:


Lesson 04: Generic Programming and Templates

Activity 13: Read Objects from a Connection

  1. We start by including the headers of the files that provided the connection and the user account object:

    #include <iostream>

    #include <connection.h>

    #include <useraccount.h>

  2. We can then start to write the writeObjectToConnection function. Declare a template which takes two typename parameters: an Object and a Connection. Call the static method serialize() on the object to get the std::array representing the object, then call writeNext() on the connection to write the data to it:

    template<typename Object, typename Connection>

    void writeObjectToConnection(Connection& con, const Object& obj) {

    std::array<char, 100> data = Object::serialize(obj);



  3. We can then write readObjectFromConnection. Declare a template taking the same two parameters as before: an Object and a Connection. Inside, we call the connection readNext() to get the data stored inside the connection, then we call the static method on the object type deserialize() to get an instance of the object and return it:

    template<typename Object, typename Connection>

    Object readObjectFromConnection(Connection& con) {

    std::array<char, 100> data = con.readNext();

    return Object::deserialize(data);


  4. Finally, in the main function, we can call the functions we created to serialize objects. Both with TcpConnection:

    std::cout << “serialize first user account” << std::endl;

    UserAccount firstAccount;

    TcpConnection tcpConnection;

    writeObjectToConnection(tcpConnection, firstAccount);

    UserAccount transmittedFirstAccount = readObjectFromConnection<UserAccount>(tcpConnection);

  5. And with UdpConnection:

    std::cout << “serialize second user account” << std::endl;

    UserAccount secondAccount;

    UdpConnection udpConnection;

    writeObjectToConnection(udpConnection, secondAccount);

    UserAccount transmittedSecondAccount = readObjectFromConnection<UserAccount>(udpConnection);

    The output of the program is as follows:

    serialize first user account

    the user account has been serialized

    the data has been written

    the data has been read

    the user account has been deserialized

    serialize second user account

    the user account has been serialized

    the data has been written

    the data has been read

    the user account has been deserialized

Activity 14: UserAccount to Support Multiple Currencies

  1. We start by including the file defining the currencies:

    #include <currency.h>

    #include <iostream>

  2. We then declare the template class Account. It should take a template parameter: Currency. We store the current balance of the account inside a data member of type Currency. We also provide a method in order to extract the current value of the balance:

    template<typename Currency>

    class Account {


    Account(Currency amount) : balance(amount) {}

    Currency getBalance() const {

    return balance;



    Currency balance;


  3. Next, we create the method addToBalance. It should be a template with one type parameter, the other currency. The method takes a value of OtherCurrency and converts it to the value of the currency of the current account with the to() function, specifying to which currency the value should be converted to. It then adds it to the balance:

    template<typename OtherCurrency>

    void addToBalance(OtherCurrency amount) {

    balance.d_value += to<Currency>(amount).d_value;


  4. Finally, we can try to call our class in the main function with some data:

    Account<GBP> gbpAccount(GBP(1000));

    // Add different currencies

    std::cout << “Balance: “ << gbpAccount.getBalance().d_value << “ (GBP)” << std::endl;


    std::cout << “+100 (EUR)” << std::endl;

    std::cout << “Balance: “ << gbpAccount.getBalance().d_value << “ (GBP)” << std::endl;

    The output of the program is:

    Balance: 1000 (GBP)

    +100 (EUR)

    Balance: 1089 (GBP)

Activity 15: Write a Matrix Class for Mathematical Operations in a Game

  1. We start by defining a Matrix class which takes three template parameters: one type and the two dimensions of the Matrix class. The dimensions are of type int. Internally, we create a std::array with the size of the number of rows times the number of columns, in order to have enough space for all elements of the matrix. We add a constructor to initialize the array to empty, and a constructor to provide a list of values:

    #include <array>

    template<typename T, int R, int C>

    class Matrix {

    // We store row_1, row_2, ..., row_C

    std::array<T, R*C> data;


    Matrix() : data({}) {}

    Matrix(std::array<T, R*C> initialValues) : data(initialValues) {}


  2. We add a method get() to the class to return a reference to the element T. The method needs to take the row and column we want to access.
  3. We make sure that the requested indexes are inside the bounds of the matrix, otherwise we call std::abort(). In the array, we first store all the elements of the first row, then all the elements of the second row, and so on. When we want to access the elements of the nth row, we need to skip all the elements of the previous rows, which are going to be the number of elements per row (so the number of columns) times the previous rows, resulting in the following method:

    T& get(int row, int col) {

    if (row >= R || col >= C) {



    return data[row*C + col];


  4. For convenience, we define a function to print the class as well. We print all the elements in the columns separated by spaces, with one column per line:

    template<typename T, size_t R, size_t C>

    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Matrix<T, R, C> matrix) {

    os << ‘ ’;

    for(int r=0; r < R; r++) {

    for(int c=0; c < C; c++) {

    os << matrix.get(r, c) << ‘ ‘;


    os << “ ”;


    return os;


  5. In the main function, we can now use the functions we have defined:

    Matrix<int, 3, 2> matrix({

    1, 2,

    3, 4,

    5, 6


    std::cout << “Initial matrix:” << matrix << std::endl;

    matrix.get(1, 1) = 7;

    std::cout << “Modified matrix:” << matrix << std::endl;

    The output is as follows:

    Initial matrix:

    1 2

    3 4

    5 6

    Modified matrix:

    1 2

    3 7

    5 6

Solution bonus step:

  1. We can add a new method, multiply, which takes a std::array of type T with the length of C by const reference, since we are not modifying it.

    The function returns an array of the same type, but length R.

  2. We follow the definition of matrix-vector multiplication to compute the result:

    std::array<T, R> multiply(const std::array<T, C>& vector){

    std::array<T, R> result = {};

    for(size_t r = 0; r < R; r++) {

    for(size_t c = 0; c < C; c++) {

    result[r] += get(r, c) * vector[c];



    return result;


  3. We can now extend our main function to call the multiply function:

    std::array<int, 2> vector = {8, 9};

    std::array<int, 3> result = matrix.multiply(vector);

    std::cout << “Result of multiplication: [“ << result[0] << “, “

    << result[1] << “, “ << result[2] << “]” << std::endl;

    The output is as follows:

    Result of multiplication: [26, 87, 94]

Activity 16: Make the Matrix Class Easier to Use

  1. We start by importing <functional> in order to have access to std::multiplies:

    #include <functional>

  2. We then change the order of the template parameters in the class template, so that the size parameters come first. We also add a new template parameter, Multiply, which is the type we will use for computing the multiplication between the elements in the vector by default, and we store an instance of it in the class:

    template<int R, int C, typename T = int, typename Multiply=std::multiplies<T> >

    class Matrix {

    std::array<T, R*C> data;

    Multiply multiplier;


    Matrix() : data({}), multiplier() {}

    Matrix(std::array<T, R*C> initialValues) : data(initialValues), multiplier() {}


    The get() function remains the same as the previous activity.

  3. We now need to make sure that the Multiply method uses the Multiply type provided by the user to perform the multiplication.
  4. To do so, we need to make sure to call multiplier(operand1, operand2) instead of operand1 * operand2, so that we use the instance we stored inside the class:

    std::array<T, R> multiply(const std::array<T, C>& vector) {

    std::array<T, R> result = {};

    for(int r = 0; r < R; r++) {

    for(int c = 0; c < C; c++) {

    result[r] += multiplier(get(r, c), vector[c]);



    return result;


  5. We can now add an example of how we can use the class:

    // Create a matrix of int, with the ‘plus’ operation by default

    Matrix<3, 2, int, std::plus<int>> matrixAdd({

    1, 2,

    3, 4,

    5, 6


    std::array<int, 2> vector = {8, 9};

    // This will call std::plus when doing the multiplication

    std::array<int, 3> result = matrixAdd.multiply(vector);

    std::cout << “Result of multiplication(with +): [“ << result[0] << “, “

    << result[1] << “, “ << result[2] << “]” << std::endl;

    The output is as follows:

    Result of multiplication(with +): [20, 24, 28]

Activity 17: Ensure Users are Logged in When Performing Actions on the Account

  1. We first declare a template function which takes two type parameters: an Action and a Parameter type.
  2. The function should take the user identification, the action and the parameter. The parameter should be accepted as a forwarding reference. As a first step, it should check if the user is logged in, by calling the isLoggenIn() function. If the user is logged in, it should call the getUserCart() function, then call the action passing the cart and forwarding the parameter:

    template<typename Action, typename Parameter>

    void execute_on_user_cart(UserIdentifier user, Action action, Parameter&& parameter) {

    if(isLoggedIn(user)) {

    Cart cart = getUserCart(user);

    action(cart, std::forward<Parameter>(parameter));

    } else {

    std::cout << “The user is not logged in” << std::endl;



  3. We can test how execute_on_user_cart works by calling it in the main function:

    Item toothbrush{1023};

    Item toothpaste{1024};

    UserIdentifier loggedInUser{0};

    std::cout << “Adding items if the user is logged in” << std::endl;

    execute_on_user_cart(loggedInUser, addItems, std::vector<Item>({toothbrush, toothpaste}));

    UserIdentifier loggedOutUser{1};

    std::cout << “Removing item if the user is logged in” << std::endl;

    execute_on_user_cart(loggedOutUser, removeItem, toothbrush);

    The output is as follows:

    Adding items if the user is logged in

    Items added

    Removing item if the user is logged in

    The user is not logged in

Activity 18: Safely Perform Operations on User Cart with an Arbitrary Number of Parameters

  1. We need to expand the previous activity to accept any number of parameters with any kind of ref-ness and pass it to the action provided. To do so, we need to create a variadic template.
  2. Declare a template function that takes an action and a variadic number of parameters as template parameters. The function parameters should be the user action, the action to perform, and the expanded template parameter pack, making sure that the parameters are accepted as forwarding references.
  3. Inside the function, we perform the same checks as before, but now we expand the parameters when we forward them to the action:

    template<typename Action, typename... Parameters>

    void execute_on_user_cart(UserIdentifier user, Action action, Parameters&&... parameters) {

    if(isLoggedIn(user)) {

    Cart cart = getUserCart(user);

    action(cart, std::forward<Parameters>(parameters)...);

    } else {

    std::cout << “The user is not logged in” << std::endl;



  4. Let’s test the new function in our main function:

    Item toothbrush{1023};

    Item apples{1024};

    UserIdentifier loggedInUser{0};

    std::cout << “Replace items if the user is logged in” << std::endl;

    execute_on_user_cart(loggedInUser, replaceItem, toothbrush, apples);

    UserIdentifier loggedOutUser{1};

    std::cout << “Replace item if the user is logged in” << std::endl;

    execute_on_user_cart(loggedOutUser, removeItem, toothbrush);

    The output is as follows:

    Replace items if the user is logged in

    Replacing item

    Item removed

    Items added

    Replace item if the user is logged in

    The user is not logged in

Lesson 5: Standard Library Containers and Algorithms

Activity 19: Storing User Accounts

  1. First, we include the header files for the array class and input/output operations with the required namespace:

    #include <array>

  2. An array of ten elements of type int is declared:

    array<int,10> balances;

  3. Initially, the values of the elements are undefined since it is an array of the fundamental data type int. The array is initialized using a for loop, where each element is initialized with its index. The operator size() is used to evaluate the size of the array and the subscript operator [ ] is used to access every position of the array:

    for (int i=0; i < balances.size(); ++i)


    balances[i] = 0;


  4. We now want to update the value for the first and last user. We can use front() and back() to access the accounts of these users:

    balances.front() += 100;

    balances.back() += 100;

    We would like to store the account balance of an arbitrary number of users. We then want to add 100 users to the account list, with a balance of 500.

  5. We can use vector to store an arbitrary number of users. It is defined in the <vector> header:

    #include <vector>

  6. Then, we declare a vector of type int. Optionally, we reserve enough memory to store the 100 users’ account by calling reserve(100) to avoid memory reallocation:

    std::vector<int> balances;


  7. Finally, we modify the for loop to add the balance for the users at the end of the accounts vector:

    for (int i=0; i<100; ++i)




Activity 20: Retrieving a User’s Balance from their Given Username

  1. Include the header file for the map class and the header for string:

    #include <map>

    #include <string>

  2. Create a map with the key being std::string and the value int:

    std::map<std::string, int> balances;

  3. Insert the balances of the users inside map by using insert and std::make_pair. The first argument is the key, the second one is the value:


    balances.insert(std::make_pair(“Bob”, 50));

    balances.insert(std::make_pair(“Charlie”, 50));

  4. Use the find function providing the name of the user to find the position of the account in the map. Compare it with end() to check whether a position was found:

    auto donaldAccountPos = balances.find(“Donald”);

    bool hasAccount = (donaldAccountPos != balances.end());

    std::cout << “Donald has an account: “ << hasAccount << std::endl;

  5. Now, look for the account of Alice. We know Alice has an account, so there is no need to check whether we found a valid position. We can print the value of the account using ->second:

    auto alicePosition = balances.find(“Alice”);

    std::cout << “Alice balance is: “ << alicePosition->second << std::endl;

Activity 21: Processing User Registration in Order

  1. First, we include the header file for the stack class:

    #include <stack>

  2. Create a stack providing the type to store:

    std::stack<RegistrationForm> registrationForms;

  3. We start by storing the form inside the stack when the user registers. In the body of the storeRegistrationForm function, push the element into the queue:


    std::cout << “Pushed form for user “ << form.userName << std::endl;

  4. Now, inside endOfDayRegistrationProcessing, we get all the elements inside the stack and then process them. Use the top() method to access the top element in the stack and pop() to remove the top element. We stop getting and removing the first element when no element is left:

    while(not stack.empty()) {




  5. Finally, we call our functions with some test data:

    int main(){

    std::stack<RegistrationForm> registrationForms;

    storeRegistrationForm(registrationForms, RegistrationForm{“Alice”});

    storeRegistrationForm(registrationForms, RegistrationForm{“Bob”});

    storeRegistrationForm(registrationForms, RegistrationForm{“Charlie”});



Activity 22: Airport System Management

  1. We start by creating the class for Airplane. Make sure to first include the header for variant:

    #include <variant>

  2. Then, create the class with a constructor that sets the current state of the airplane to AtGate:

    class Airplane {

    std::variant<AtGate, Taxi, Flying> state;


    Airplane(int gate) : state(AtGate{gate}) {

    std::cout << “At gate “ << gate << std::endl;



  3. Now, implement the startTaxi() method. First, check the current state of the airplane with std::holds_alternative<>(), and if the airplane is not in the correct state, write an error message and return.
  4. If the airplane is in the correct state, change the state to taxi by assigning it to the variant:

    void startTaxi(int lane, int numPassengers) {

    if (not std::holds_alternative<AtGate>(state)) {

    std::cout << “Not at gate: the plane cannot start taxi to lane “ << lane << std::endl;



    std::cout << “Taxing to lane “ << lane << std::endl;

    state = Taxi{lane, numPassengers};


  5. We repeat the same process for the takeOff() method:

    void takeOff(float speed) {

    if (not std::holds_alternative<Taxi>(state)) {

    std::cout << “Not at lane: the plane cannot take off with speed “ << speed << std::endl;



    std::cout << “Taking off at speed “ << speed << std::endl;

    state = Flying{speed};


  6. We can now start looking at the currentStatus() method. Since we want to perform an operation for each of the states in the variant, we can use a visitor.
  7. Outside the Airplane class, create a class that has a method operator() for each of the types in the airplane state. Inside the method, print the information of the state. Remember to make the methods public:

    class AirplaneStateVisitor {


    void operator()(const AtGate& atGate) {

    std::cout << “AtGate: “ << atGate.gate << std::endl;


    void operator()(const Taxi& taxi) {

    std::cout << “Taxi: lane “ << taxi.lane << “ with “ << taxi.numPassengers << “ passengers” << std::endl;


    void operator()(const Flying& flying) {

    std::cout << “Flaying: speed “ << flying.speed << std::endl;



  8. Now, create the currentStatus() method and call the visitor on the state using std::visit:

    void currentStatus() {

    AirplaneStateVisitor visitor;

    std::visit(visitor, state);


  9. We can now try to call the functions of Airplane from the main function:

    int main()


    Airplane airplane(52);


    airplane.startTaxi(12, 250);


    airplane.startTaxi(13, 250);






Lesson 6: Object-Oriented Programming

Activity 23: Creating Game Characters

  1. Create a Character class that has a public method moveTo that prints Moved to position:

    class Character {


    void moveTo(Position newPosition) {

    position = newPosition;

    std::cout << “Moved to position “ << newPosition.positionIdentifier << std::endl;



    Position position;


  2. Create a struct named Position:

    struct Position {

    // Fields to describe the position go here

    std::string positionIdentifier;


  3. Create two classes Hero and Enemy that are derived from the class Character:

    // Hero inherits publicly from Character: it has

    // all the public member of the Character class.

    class Hero : public Character {


    // Enemy inherits publicly from Character, like Hero

    class Enemy : public Character {


  4. Create a class Spell with the constructor that prints the name of the person casting the spell:

    class Spell {


    Spell(std::string name) : d_name(name) {}

    std::string name() const {

    return d_name;



    std::string d_name;


  5. The class Hero should have a public method to cast a spell. Use the value from the Spell class:


    void cast(Spell spell) {

    // Cast the spell

    std::cout << “Casting spell “ << << std::endl;


  6. The class Enemy should have a public method to swing a sword which prints Swinging sword:


    void swingSword() {

    // Swing the sword

    std::cout << “Swinging sword” << std::endl;


  7. Implement the main method that calls these methods in various classes:

    int main()


    Position position{“Enemy castle”};

    Hero hero;

    Enemy enemy;

    // We call moveTo on Hero, which calls the method inherited

    // from the Character class



    // We can still use the Hero and Enemy methods




Activity 24: Calculating Employee Salaries

  1. We can create a class Employee with two virtual methods, getBaseSalary and getBonus, since we want to change those methods based on the type of employee:

    class Employee {


    virtual int getBaseSalary() const { return 100; }

    virtual int getBonus(const Deparment& dep) const {

    if (dep.hasReachedTarget()) {


    return 0;


  2. We also define a method, getTotalComp, which does not need to be virtual, but will call the two virtual methods:

    int getTotalComp(const Deparment& dep) {



  3. We then derive a Manager class from it, overriding the method for computing the bonus. We might also want to override getBaseSalary if we want to give a different base salary to managers:

    class Manager : public Employee {


    virtual int getBaseSalary() const override { return 150; }

    virtual int getBonus(const Deparment& dep) const override {

    if (dep.hasReachedTarget()) {

    int additionalDeparmentEarnings = dep.effectiveEarning() - dep.espectedEarning();

    return 0.2 * getBaseSalary() + 0.01 * additionalDeparmentEarnings;


    return 0;



  4. Create a class Department as shown:

    class Department {


    bool hasReachedTarget() const {return true;}

    int espectedEarning() const {return 1000;}

    int effectiveEarning() const {return 1100;}


  5. Now, in the main function, call the Department, Employee, and Manager classes as shown:

    int main()


    Department dep;

    Employee employee;

    Manager manager;

    std::cout << “Employee: “ << employee.getTotalComp(dep) << “. Manager: “ << manager.getTotalComp(dep) << std::endl;


Activity 25: Retrieving User Information

  1. We have to write the code that can be independent of where the data is coming from. So, we create an interface UserProfileStorage for retrieving the CustomerProfile from a UserId:

    struct UserProfile {};

    struct UserId {};

    class UserProfileStorage {


    virtual UserProfile getUserProfile(const UserId& id) const = 0;

    virtual ~UserProfileStorage() = default;


    UserProfileStorage() = default;

    UserProfileStorage(const UserProfileStorage&) = default;

    UserProfileStorage& operator=(const UserProfileStorage&) = default;


  2. Now, write the UserProfileCache class that inherits from UserProfileStorage:

    class UserProfileCache : public UserProfileStorage {


    UserProfile getUserProfile(const UserId& id) const override {

    std::cout << “Getting the user profile from the cache” << std::endl;

    return UserProfile(); }


    void exampleOfUsage(const UserProfileStorage& storage) {

    UserId user;

    std::cout << “About to retrieve the user profile from the storage” <<std::endl;

    UserProfile userProfile = storage.getUserProfile(user);


  3. In the main function, call the UserProfileCache class and exampleOfUsage function as shown:

    int main()


    UserProfileCache cache;

    exampleOfUsage (cache);


Activity 26: Creating a Factory for UserProfileStorage

  1. Write the following code that needs the UserProfileStorage class, as shown. To allow that, we provide a factory class, which has a method create that provides an instance of UserProfileStorage. Write this class making sure that the user does not have to manage the memory for the interface manually:

    #include <iostream>

    #include <memory>

    #include <userprofile_activity18.h>

    class UserProfileStorageFactory {


    std::unique_ptr<UserProfileStorage> create() const {

    return std::make_unique<UserProfileCache>();



  2. We want the UserProfileStorageFactory class to return a unique_ptr so that it manages the lifetime of the interface:

    void getUserProfile(const UserProfileStorageFactory& storageFactory) {

    std::unique_ptr<UserProfileStorage> storage = storageFactory.create();

    UserId user;


    // The storage is automatically destroyed


  3. Now, in the main function, call the UserProfileStorageFactory class as shown:

    int main()


    UserProfileStorageFactory factory;


Activity 27: Using a Database Connection for Multiple Operations

  1. First, create a DatabaseConnection class that can be used in parallel. We want to reuse it as much as possible, and we know we can use std::async to start a new parallel task:

    #include <future>

    struct DatabaseConnection {};

  2. Assuming there are two functions updateOrderList(DatabaseConnection&) and scheduleOrderProcessing(DatabaseConnection&), write a function that creates a DatabaseConnection and gives it to the two parallel tasks. (Note that we don’t know which task finishes first):

    void updateOrderList(DatabaseConnection&) {}

    void scheduleOrderProcessing(DatabaseConnection&) {}

  3. You must understand when and how to create a shared_ptr. You can also use the following code to write the shared_ptr correctly.

    /* We need to get a copy of the shared_ptr so it stays alive until this function finishes */

    void updateWithConnection(std::shared_ptr<DatabaseConnection> connection) {



    There are several users of the connection, and we do not know which one is the owner, since the connection needs to stay alive as long as anyone is using it.

  4. To model this, we use a shared_ptr. Remember that we need a copy of the shared_ptr to exist in order for the connection to remain valid:

    /* We need to get a copy of the shared_ptr so it stays alive until this function finishes. */

    void scheduleWithConnection(std::shared_ptr<DatabaseConnection> connection) {



  5. Create the main function as follows:

    int main()


    std::shared_ptr<DatabaseConnection> connection = std::make_shared<DatabaseConnection>();

    std::async(std::launch::async, updateWithConnection, connection);

    std::async(std::launch::async, scheduleWithConnection, connection);


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