Customizing a page template

On an average page, we may want to display the page title. The home page is a special page of course. Let's prepare a custom template for it.

In the following steps, we'll set up a custom page template that will remove the page heading and bring in a custom template for our page contents. We'll equip the custom content template with the markup structure we need for the carousel and columns:

  1. In the main themes folder, find the template-custom.php file. This is a sample page template that's easy for us to adapt.
  2. Make a copy of it and rename it page-home.php as shown in the following screenshot:
    Customizing a page template
  3. Open the new page-home.php file in your editor and edit the opening comment, changing the template name to Homepage Template:
    Template Name: Homepage Template
  4. Save the file.
  5. Now, back in your WordPress Dashboard, edit the page named Home. Change its page template to the newly created Homepage Template.
    Customizing a page template
  6. Update the page.
  7. There is no need to view the page in your browser yet as nothing will be different. Let's first make a change to the template.
  8. In your code editor, with page-home.php open, find the following line of code:
    <?php get_template_part('templates/page', 'header'), ?>
  9. This is the first of two lines of PHP. This first line pulls in the page title. (The template for this is found in the page-header.php file inside the templates folder.) Thus, we can remove the page title by simply removing the first line or commenting it out. Here I've used a single-line comment to comment out the call for the page header as follows:
    <?php // get_template_part('templates/page', 'header'), ?>
    <?php get_template_part('templates/content', 'page'), ?>
  10. Save the file. View and refresh the Home page in your browser. You should see the page title disappear as shown in the following screenshot:
    Customizing a page template

That's a start! Now to free our carousel from its bounding container element.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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