
Let's take stock of what we've accomplished in this chapter.

  • We've begun with a rock-solid markup structure provided by the HTML5 Boilerplate
  • We've leveraged Bootstrap's responsive navbar, carousel, and grid system
  • We've customized several of Bootstrap's LESS files
  • We've created our own LESS files and folded them seamlessly into the project
  • We've doubled our available icons by folding Font Awesome into our workflow
  • We've improved future maintenance of the site by implementing a thoughtful file organization scheme and leaving a trail of helpful comments—all without creating code bloat

With this experience under your belt, you're equipped to bend Bootstrap to your will—using its power to speed website development, and then customizing the design to your heart's content. In future chapters, we'll expand your experience further. First, however, let's take this design and turn it into a WordPress theme.

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